예제 #1
// Add the element to the form
/* EMAIL */
$email = new iPhorm_Element('email');
$email->addValidators(array('required', 'email'));
/* PHONE */
$phone = new iPhorm_Element('phone');
$message = new iPhorm_Element('message');
/* -----------------
  ------------------- */
$captcha = new iPhorm_Element('type_the_word');
// Create the type_the_word (captcha) element - type_the_word must be the same as the name attribute of your form element in the HTML
// Add the Trim filter to the element
// Add the Required validator to the element
$captcha->addValidator('identical', array('token' => 'light'));
// Add Identical validator value must match the word light
// Success handlers should not render the element
// Add the element to the form