public function API_goto() { $appid = (int) $_GET['appid']; $iid = (int) $_GET['iid']; $_GET = iS::escapeStr($_GET); iPHP::import(iPHP_APP_CORE . '/iAPP.class.php'); $url = app::get_url($appid, $iid); iPHP::gotourl($url); }
function do_login() { if ($this->uid) { $user = iDB::row("SELECT * FROM `#iCMS@__user` WHERE `uid`='{$this->uid}' LIMIT 1;", ARRAY_A); iPHP::app('user.class', 'static'); user::set_cookie($user['username'], $user['password'], $user); $url = iPHP::router(array('/{uid}/', $this->uid), iPHP_ROUTER_REWRITE); iPHP::gotourl($url); } }
public function category($id, $tpl = 'index') { $category = iCache::get('iCMS/category/' . $id); if (empty($category) && $tpl) { iPHP::throw404('运行出错!找不到该栏目<b>cid:' . $id . '</b> 请更新栏目缓存或者确认栏目是否存在', 20001); } if ($category['status'] == 0) { return false; } $iurl = iURL::get('category', $category); if ($tpl) { if (iPHP::$iTPL_MODE == "html" && (strstr($category['contentRule'], '{PHP}') || $category['outurl'] || empty($category['mode']))) { return false; } $category['url'] && iPHP::gotourl($category['url']); $category['mode'] == '1' && iCMS::gotohtml($iurl->path, $iurl->href); } $category['iurl'] = (array) $iurl; $category['subid'] = iCache::get('iCMS/category/rootid', $id); $category['subids'] = implode(',', (array) $category['subid']); $category = array_merge($category, $this->get_lite($category)); // if($category['password']){ // $category_auth = iPHP::get_cookie('category_auth_'.$id); // list($ca_cid,$ca_psw) = explode('#=iCMS!=#',authcode($category_auth,'DECODE')); // if($ca_psw!=md5($category['password'])){ // iPHP::assign('forward',__REF__); // iPHP::view('{iTPL}/category.password.htm','category.password'); // exit; // } // } if ($category['hasbody']) { $category['body'] = iCache::get('iCMS/category/' . $category['cid'] . '.body'); $category['body'] && ($category['body'] = stripslashes($category['body'])); } $category['appid'] = iCMS_APP_CATEGORY; $category['param'] = array("appid" => $category['appid'], "iid" => $category['cid'], "cid" => $category['rootid'], "suid" => $category['userid'], "title" => $category['name'], "url" => $category['url']); if ($tpl) { $category['mode'] && iCMS::set_html_url($iurl); iCMS::hooks('enable_comment', true); iPHP::assign('category', $category); if (strpos($tpl, '.htm') !== false) { return iPHP::view($tpl, 'category'); } $GLOBALS['page'] > 1 && ($tpl = 'list'); $html = iPHP::view($category[$tpl . 'TPL'], 'category.' . $tpl); if (iPHP::$iTPL_MODE == "html") { return array($html, $category); } } else { return $category; } }
public function category($id, $tpl = 'index') { $category = iCache::get('iCMS/category/' . $id); if (empty($category) && $tpl) { iPHP::throw404('运行出错!找不到该栏目<b>cid:' . $id . '</b> 请更新栏目缓存或者确认栏目是否存在', 20001); } if ($category['status'] == 0) { return false; } $iurl = iURL::get('category', $category); if ($tpl) { if (iPHP::$iTPL_MODE == "html" && (strstr($category['contentRule'], '{PHP}') || $category['outurl'] || empty($category['mode']))) { return false; } $category['url'] && iPHP::gotourl($category['url']); $category['mode'] == '1' && iCMS::gotohtml($iurl->path, $iurl->href); } $category['iurl'] = (array) $iurl; $category['subid'] = iCache::get('iCMS/category/rootid', $id); $category['subids'] = implode(',', (array) $category['subid']); $category = array_merge($category, $this->get_lite($category)); if ($category['hasbody']) { $category['body'] = iCache::get('iCMS/category/' . $category['cid'] . '.body'); $category['body'] && ($category['body'] = stripslashes($category['body'])); } $category['appid'] = iCMS_APP_CATEGORY; $category['param'] = array("appid" => $category['appid'], "iid" => $category['cid'], "cid" => $category['rootid'], "suid" => $category['userid'], "title" => $category['name'], "url" => $category['url']); if ($tpl) { $category['mode'] && iCMS::set_html_url($iurl); iCMS::hooks('enable_comment', true); iPHP::assign('category', $category); if (isset($_GET['tpl'])) { $tpl = iS::escapeStr($_GET['tpl']); if (strpos($tpl, '..') !== false) { exit('what the f**k!!'); } else { $tpl = $tpl . '.htm'; } } if (strpos($tpl, '.htm') !== false) { return iPHP::view($tpl, 'category'); } $GLOBALS['page'] > 1 && ($tpl = 'list'); $html = iPHP::view($category[$tpl . 'TPL'], 'category.' . $tpl); if (iPHP::$iTPL_MODE == "html") { return array($html, $category); } } else { return $category; } }
public function article($id, $page = 1, $tpl = true) { $article = iDB::row("SELECT * FROM `#iCMS@__article` WHERE id='" . (int) $id . "' AND `status` ='1' LIMIT 1;", ARRAY_A); $article or iPHP::throw404('运行出错!找不到文章: <b>ID:' . $id . '</b>', 10001); if ($article['url']) { if (iPHP::$iTPL_MODE == "html") { return false; } else { $this->API_hits($id); iPHP::gotourl($article['url']); } } if (iCMS_ARTICLE_DATA === "TEXT") { iPHP::app('article.table'); $article_data = articleTable::get_text($id); } else { if ($article['chapter']) { $all = iDB::all("SELECT id,subtitle FROM `#iCMS@__article_data` WHERE aid='" . (int) $id . "';", ARRAY_A); foreach ($all as $akey => $value) { $article_data[] = $value; } unset($all); ksort($article_data); } else { $article_data = iDB::row("SELECT body,subtitle FROM `#iCMS@__article_data` WHERE aid='" . (int) $id . "' LIMIT 1;", ARRAY_A); } } $vars = array('tags' => true, 'user' => true, 'meta' => true, 'prev_next' => true, 'category_lite' => false); $article = $this->value($article, $article_data, $vars, $page, $tpl); unset($article_data); if ($article === false) { return false; } if ($tpl) { iCMS::hooks('enable_comment', true); $article_tpl = empty($article['tpl']) ? $article['category']['contentTPL'] : $article['tpl']; strstr($tpl, '.htm') && ($article_tpl = $tpl); iPHP::assign('category', $article['category']); unset($article['category']); iPHP::assign('article', $article); $html = iPHP::view($article_tpl, 'article'); if (iPHP::$iTPL_MODE == "html") { return array($html, $article); } } else { return $article; } }
public static function gotohtml($fp, $url = '') { if (iPHP::$iTPL_MODE == 'html' || empty($url) || stristr($url, '.php?') || iPHP_DEVICE != 'desktop') { return; } @is_file($fp) && iPHP::gotourl($url); }
public function openid() { if (!isset($_GET['sign'])) { return; } $sign = $_GET['sign']; $code = $_GET['code']; $state = $_GET['state']; $platform_map = array('WX' => 1, 'QQ' => 2, 'WB' => 3, 'TB' => 4); $class_name = strtoupper($sign); $platform = $platform_map[$class_name]; $bind = $sign; if ($platform) { iPHP::app('' . $class_name . '.class', 'static'); $api = new $class_name(); $api->appid = iCMS::$config['open'][$class_name]['appid']; $api->appkey = iCMS::$config['open'][$class_name]['appkey']; $redirect_uri = rtrim(iCMS::$config['open'][$class_name]['redirect'], '/'); $api->url = user::login_uri($redirect_uri) . 'sign=' . $sign; if (isset($_GET['bind']) && $_GET['bind'] == $sign) { $api->get_openid(); } else { $api->callback(); } $userid = user::openid($api->openid, $platform); if ($userid) { $user = user::get($userid, false); user::set_cookie($user->username, $user->password, array('uid' => $userid, 'username' => $user->username, 'nickname' => $user->nickname, 'status' => $user->status)); $api->cleancookie(); iPHP::gotourl($this->forward); } else { if (isset($_GET['bind'])) { $user = array(); $user['openid'] = $api->openid; $user['platform'] = $platform; $api->cleancookie(); iPHP::assign('user', $user); iPHP::view('iCMS://user/login.htm'); } else { $user = $api->get_user_info(); $user['openid'] = $api->openid; $user['platform'] = $platform; iDB::value("SELECT `uid` FROM `#iCMS@__user` where `nickname`='" . $user['nickname'] . "' LIMIT 1") && ($user['nickname'] = $sign . '_' . $user['nickname']); iPHP::assign('user', $user); iPHP::assign('query', compact(array('sign', 'code', 'state', 'bind'))); iPHP::view('iCMS://user/register.htm'); } exit; } } }
public static function status($url = null, $st = null) { $status = false; $auth = self::get_cookie(true); if ($auth) { $user = self::get($auth['userid'], false); if ($auth['username'] == $user->username && $auth['password'] == $user->password) { $status = true; } unset($user->password); } unset($auth); if ($status) { if ($url && $st == "login") { if (self::$format == 'json') { return iPHP::code(1, 0, $url, 'json'); } iPHP::gotourl($url); } return $user; } else { if ($url && $st == "nologin") { if (self::$format == 'json') { return iPHP::code(0, 0, $url, 'json'); } iPHP::gotourl($url); } return false; } }