function event_hook($event, &$bag, &$eventData, $addData = null) { global $serendipity; $hooks =& $bag->get('event_hooks'); if (isset($hooks[$event])) { switch ($event) { case 'frontend_saveComment': if (!is_array($eventData) || serendipity_db_bool($eventData['allow_comments'])) { $serendipity['csuccess'] = 'true'; // Check for IP listed in RBL require_once (defined('S9Y_PEAR_PATH') ? S9Y_PEAR_PATH : 'bundled-libs/') . 'Net/DNSBL.php'; $dnsbl = new Net_DNSBL(); $remoteIP = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; $dnsbl->setBlacklists(explode(',', $this->get_config('rbllist'))); if ($dnsbl->isListed($remoteIP)) { $eventData = array('allow_comments' => false); // old - but missing $dnsbl->getTxt() function in delivered old DNSBL.php //$serendipity['messagestack']['comments'][] = PLUGIN_EVENT_SPAMBLOCK_ERROR_RBL . ' ('.implode(', ', $dnsbl->getTxt($remoteIP)).')'; $serendipity['messagestack']['comments'][] = PLUGIN_EVENT_SPAMBLOCK_ERROR_RBL . ' (' . $remoteIP . ')'; return false; } // Check for IP listed in http:BL require_once 'httpbl.php'; $honeypot_apikey = $this->get_config('httpBL_key'); if (!empty($honeypot_apikey)) { $h = new http_bl($honeypot_apikey); // known spammer // DEBUG $remoteIP = ''; // A quick tip for testing: change $remoteIP = '$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; on line 89 to e.g. // $remoteIP = ''; // Comments should get rejected as this ip is on both blacklists right now. $r = $h->query($remoteIP); if ($r == 2) { $eventData = array('allow_comments' => false); $reason = PLUGIN_EVENT_SPAMBLOCK_REASON_HONEYPOT . $h->type_txt . ' [' . $h->type_num . '] with a score of ' . $h->score . ', last seen since ' . $h->days . ' days'; $serendipity['messagestack']['comments'][] = $reason; } return false; } } return true; break; default: return false; break; } } else { return false; } }
private function performChecks() { $request = JRequest::get(); // Calc check if ($this->params->get('type_calc')) { if ($this->_session->get('rot13', null, 'easycalccheck') == 1) { $spamcheckresult = base64_decode(str_rot13($this->_session->get('spamcheckresult', null, 'easycalccheck'))); } else { $spamcheckresult = base64_decode($this->_session->get('spamcheckresult', null, 'easycalccheck')); } $spamcheck = JRequest::getInt($this->_session->get('spamcheck', null, 'easycalccheck'), '', 'post'); $this->_session->clear('rot13', 'easycalccheck'); $this->_session->clear('spamcheck', 'easycalccheck'); $this->_session->clear('spamcheckresult', 'easycalccheck'); if (!is_numeric($spamcheckresult) || $spamcheckresult != $spamcheck) { return false; // Failed } } // Hidden field if ($this->params->get('type_hidden')) { $hidden_field = $this->_session->get('hidden_field', null, 'easycalccheck'); $this->_session->clear('hidden_field', 'easycalccheck'); if (JRequest::getVar($hidden_field, '', 'post')) { return false; // Hidden field was filled out - failed } } // Time lock if ($this->params->get('type_time')) { $time = $this->_session->get('time', null, 'easycalccheck'); $this->_session->clear('time', 'easycalccheck'); if (time() - $this->params->get('type_time_sec') <= $time) { return false; // Submitted too fast - failed } } // Own Question // Conversion to lower case if ($this->params->get('question')) { $answer = strtolower(JRequest::getString($this->_session->get('question', null, 'easycalccheck'), '', 'post')); $this->_session->clear('question', 'easycalccheck'); if ($answer != strtolower($this->params->get('question_a'))) { return false; // Question wasn't answered - failed } } // StopForumSpam - Check the IP Address // Further informations: if ($this->params->get('stopforumspam')) { $url = '' . $this->_session->get('ip', null, 'easycalccheck'); // Function test - Comment out to test - Important: Enter a active Spam-IP // $ip = ''; // $url = ''.$ip; $response = false; $is_spam = false; if (function_exists('curl_init')) { $ch = curl_init($url); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 0); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); $response = curl_exec($ch); curl_close($ch); } if ($response) { preg_match('#<appears>(.*)</appears>#', $response, $out); $is_spam = $out[1]; } else { $response = @fopen($url, 'r'); if ($response) { while (!feof($response)) { $line = fgets($response, 1024); if (preg_match('#<appears>(.*)</appears>#', $line, $out)) { $is_spam = $out[1]; break; } } fclose($response); } } if ($is_spam == 'yes' and $response == true) { return false; // Spam-IP - failed } } // Honeypot Project // Further informations: // BL ACCESS KEY - if ($this->params->get('honeypot')) { require_once dirname(__FILE__) . DS . 'easycalccheckplus' . DS . 'honeypot.php'; $http_blKey = $this->params->get('honeypot_key'); if ($http_blKey) { $http_bl = new http_bl($http_blKey); $result = $http_bl->query($this->_session->get('ip', null, 'easycalccheck')); // Function test - Comment out to test - Important: Enter a active Spam-IP // $ip = ''; // $result = $http_bl->query($ip); if ($result == 2) { return false; } } } // Akismet // Further informations: if ($this->params->get('akismet')) { require_once dirname(__FILE__) . DS . 'easycalccheckplus' . DS . 'akismet.php'; $akismet_key = $this->params->get('akismet_key'); if ($akismet_key) { $akismet_url = JURI::getInstance()->toString(); $name = ''; $email = ''; $url = ''; $comment = ''; if ($request['option'] == 'com_contact') { $name = $request['jform']['contact_name']; $email = $request['jform']['contact_email']; $comment = $request['jform']['contact_message']; } elseif ($request['option'] == 'com_users') { $name = $request['jform']['name']; $email = $request['jform']['email1']; if (isset($request['jform']['email'])) { $email = $request['jform']['email']; } } elseif ($request['option'] == 'com_comprofiler') { $name = $request['name']; $email = $request['email']; if (isset($request['checkusername'])) { $name = $request['checkusername']; } if (isset($request['checkemail'])) { $email = $request['checkemail']; } } elseif ($request['option'] == 'com_easybookreloaded') { $name = $request['gbname']; $email = $request['gbmail']; $comment = $request['gbtext']; if (isset($request['gbpage'])) { $url = $request['gbpage']; } } elseif ($request['option'] == 'com_phocaguestbook') { $name = $request['pgusername']; $email = $request['email']; $comment = $request['pgbcontent']; } elseif ($request['option'] == 'com_dfcontact') { $name = $request['name']; $email = $request['email']; $comment = $request['message']; } elseif ($request['option'] == 'com_flexicontact') { $name = $request['from_name']; $email = $request['from_email']; $comment = $request['area_data']; } elseif ($request['option'] == 'com_alfcontact') { $name = $request['name']; $email = $request['email']; $comment = $request['message']; } elseif ($request['option'] == 'com_community') { $name = $request['usernamepass']; $email = $request['emailpass']; } elseif ($request['option'] == 'com_virtuemart') { $name = $request['name']; $email = $request['email']; $comment = $request['comment']; } elseif ($request['option'] == 'com_jshopping') { $name = $request['f_name']; $email = $request['email']; } $akismet = new Akismet($akismet_url, $akismet_key); $akismet->setCommentAuthor($name); $akismet->setCommentAuthorEmail($email); $akismet->setCommentAuthorURL($url); $akismet->setCommentContent($comment); if ($akismet->isCommentSpam()) { return false; } } } // ReCaptcha // Further informations: if ($this->params->get('recaptcha') and $this->params->get('recaptcha_publickey') and $this->params->get('recaptcha_privatekey')) { require_once dirname(__FILE__) . DS . 'easycalccheckplus' . DS . 'recaptchalib.php'; $privatekey = $this->params->get('recaptcha_privatekey'); $resp = recaptcha_check_answer($privatekey, $this->_session->get('ip', null, 'easycalccheck'), $request['recaptcha_challenge_field'], $request['recaptcha_response_field']); if (!$resp->is_valid) { return false; } } // Botscout - Check the IP Address // Further informations: if ($this->params->get('botscout') and $this->params->get('botscout_key')) { $url = '' . $this->_session->get('ip', null, 'easycalccheck') . '&key=' . $this->params->get('botscout_key'); // Function test - Comment out to test - Important: Enter a active Spam-IP // $ip = ''; // $url = ''.$ip.'&key='.$this->params->get('botscout_key'); $response = false; $is_spam = false; if (function_exists('curl_init')) { $ch = curl_init($url); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 0); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); $response = curl_exec($ch); curl_close($ch); } if ($response) { $is_spam = substr($response, 0, 1); } else { $response = @fopen($url, 'r'); if ($response) { while (!feof($response)) { $line = fgets($response, 1024); $is_spam = substr($line, 0, 1); } fclose($response); } } if ($is_spam == 'Y' and $response == true) { // Spam-IP - failed return false; } } // Mollom // Further informations: if ($this->params->get('mollom') and $this->params->get('mollom_publickey') and $this->params->get('mollom_privatekey')) { require_once dirname(__FILE__) . DS . 'easycalccheckplus' . DS . 'mollom.php'; Mollom::setPublicKey($this->params->get('mollom_publickey')); Mollom::setPrivateKey($this->params->get('mollom_privatekey')); $servers = Mollom::getServerList(); $name = ''; $email = ''; $url = ''; $comment = ''; if ($request['option'] == 'com_contact') { $name = $request['jform']['contact_name']; $email = $request['jform']['contact_email']; $comment = $request['jform']['contact_message']; } elseif ($request['option'] == 'com_users') { $name = $request['jform']['name']; $email = $request['jform']['email1']; if (isset($request['jform']['email'])) { $email = $request['jform']['email']; } } elseif ($request['option'] == 'com_comprofiler') { $name = $request['name']; $email = $request['email']; if (isset($request['checkusername'])) { $name = $request['checkusername']; } if (isset($request['checkemail'])) { $email = $request['checkemail']; } } elseif ($request['option'] == 'com_easybookreloaded') { $name = $request['gbname']; $email = $request['gbmail']; $comment = $request['gbtext']; if (isset($request['gbpage'])) { $url = $request['gbpage']; } } elseif ($request['option'] == 'com_phocaguestbook') { $name = $request['pgusername']; $email = $request['email']; $comment = $request['pgbcontent']; } elseif ($request['option'] == 'com_dfcontact') { $name = $request['name']; $email = $request['email']; $comment = $request['message']; } elseif ($request['option'] == 'com_flexicontact') { $name = $request['from_name']; $email = $request['from_email']; $comment = $request['area_data']; } elseif ($request['option'] == 'com_alfcontact') { $name = $request['name']; $email = $request['email']; $comment = $request['message']; } elseif ($request['option'] == 'com_community') { $name = $request['usernamepass']; $email = $request['emailpass']; } elseif ($request['option'] == 'com_virtuemart') { $name = $request['name']; $email = $request['email']; $comment = $request['comment']; } elseif ($request['option'] == 'com_jshopping') { $name = $request['f_name']; $email = $request['email']; } $feedback = Mollom::checkContent(null, null, $comment, $name, $url, $email); if ($feedback['spam'] == 'spam') { return false; } } $this->_session->clear('ip', 'easycalccheck'); $this->_session->clear('saved_data', 'easycalccheck'); return true; }