예제 #1
require_once "php/html_getargs.php";
$getargs = new html_getargs(true);
$pageInfo = ["pageTitle" => "Search for still images", "pageDescription" => "Meteor Pi", "activeTab" => "search", "teaserImg" => null, "cssextra" => null, "includes" => [], "linkRSS" => null, "options" => []];
// Paging options
$pageSize = 24;
$pageNum = 1;
if (array_key_exists("page", $_GET) && is_numeric($_GET["page"])) {
    $pageNum = $_GET["page"];
// Read which time range to cover
$t2 = time();
$t1 = $t2 - 3600 * 24 * 5;
$tmin = $getargs->readTime('year1', 'month1', 'day1', 'hour1', 'min1', null, $const->yearMin, $const->yearMax, $t1);
$tmax = $getargs->readTime('year2', 'month2', 'day2', 'hour2', 'min2', null, $const->yearMin, $const->yearMax, $t2);
// Which observatory are we searching for images from?
$obstory = $getargs->readObservatory("obstory");
// Swap times if they are the wrong way round
if ($tmax['utc'] < $tmin['utc']) {
    $tmp = $tmax;
    $tmax = $tmin;
    $tmin = $tmp;
// Read image options
$flag_bgsub = false;
$flag_lenscorr = false;
$flag_highlights = false;
if (array_key_exists("flag_bgsub", $_GET)) {
    $flag_bgsub = true;
if (array_key_exists("flag_lenscorr", $_GET)) {
    $flag_lenscorr = true;