예제 #1
 function kml2igc($filename)
     $l = file($filename);
     for ($i = 0; $i < count($l); $i++) {
         $l[$i] = trim($l[$i]);
     $lines = implode(" ", $l);
     //echo $lines;
     if (!preg_match("/<SecondsFromTimeOfFirstPoint>(.*)<\\/SecondsFromTimeOfFirstPoint>/", $lines, $matches)) {
         return 0;
     //	echo "match<BR>";
     // echo $matches[1];
     $tm = explode(" ", trim($matches[1]));
     // echo count($tm).'<br>';
     // 	now search for this
     //	<FsInfo time_of_first_point="2007-04-05T09:51:50Z"
     //                hash="2E361EB937B9D7D6C92855F38D37B399B17292AD">
     //	if( ! preg_match("/<FsInfo *time_of_first_point=\"([^\"]+)\" *hash=\"(.*)\">/i",$lines,$matches) ) {
     //		return 0;
     //	}
     this is the new format from kml
             <FsInfo time_of_first_point="2007-04-22T13:42:06Z"
                     civl_pilot_id="4" comp_pilot_id="4"
                     instrument="GPS 72 Software Version 2.30"
     I'm a zero at the left in regular expressions, then i change a litle to 
     this one...
     if (!preg_match("/<FsInfo.*time_of_first_point=\"([^\"]+)\".*hash=\"([^\"]+)\">/i", $lines, $matches)) {
         return 0;
     //echo "match start time<BR>";
     // echo $matches[1];
     $start_time_str = trim($matches[1]);
     $hash_str = trim($matches[2]);
     // echo "$start_time_str  # $hash_str<BR>";
     // now search for this
     /* <name>Tracklog</name>
     if (!preg_match("/<name>Tracklog<\\/name> *<LineString> *<altitudeMode>absolute<\\/altitudeMode> *<coordinates>(.*)<\\/coordinates>/", $lines, $matches)) {
         return 0;
     //echo "match coordinates<BR>";
     // echo $matches[1];
     $coords = explode(" ", trim($matches[1]));
     //echo count($coords);
     // print_r($coords);
     require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/CL_gpsPoint.php';
     // now make the igc file
     for ($i = 0; $i < count($coords); $i++) {
         if ($i == 0) {
             // igc date-> ddmmyy
             //              01234567890123456789
             // kml date -> "2007-04-05T09:51:50Z"
             $dateStr = substr($start_time_str, 8, 2) . substr($start_time_str, 5, 2) . substr($start_time_str, 2, 2);
             // echo substr($start_time_str,11,2)." ".substr($start_time_str,14,2)." ".substr($start_time_str,17,2);
             $startTimeSecs = substr($start_time_str, 11, 2) * 3600 + substr($start_time_str, 14, 2) * 60 + substr($start_time_str, 17, 2);
             $igc .= "HFDTE{$dateStr}\r\n" . "HFSITSite:\r\n" . "HPGTYGliderType:\r\n" . "HPGIDGliderID:\r\n" . "HFDTM100DATUM:WGS-1984\r\n" . "HFCIDCOMPETITIONID:\r\n" . "HFCCLCOMPETITIONCLASS:\r\n" . "HFFXA100\r\n" . "HFRHWHARDWAREVERSION:1.00\r\n" . "HFFTYFRTYPE:Convert from GPSDump KML\r\n";
         // echo $coords[$i].'<BR>';
         $thisPoint = new gpsPoint();
         list($lon, $lat, $alt) = explode(",", $coords[$i]);
         $thisPoint->lat = $lat + 0;
         $thisPoint->lon = -$lon + 0;
         $thisPoint->gpsAlt = $alt + 0;
         $thisPoint->gpsTime = ($startTimeSecs + $tm[$i]) % (3600 * 24);
         $igc .= $thisPoint->to_IGC_Record() . "\r\n";
     //echo $igc;
     // write the igc to disk
     // $igcfilename=substr($filename,0,-3).'igc';
     // overwrite the original
     $igcfilename = $filename;
     if (!($handle = fopen($igcfilename, 'w'))) {
         print "Cannot open file ({$igcfilename})";
         return 0;
     // Write $somecontent to our opened file.
     if (!fwrite($handle, $igc)) {
         print "Cannot write to file ({$igcfilename})";
         return 0;
     return 1;
예제 #2
 function fromSyncArray($sArr)
     	echo "<pre>";
     	echo "</pre>";
     /* Array   (
     	[0] => Array
     		(	[XCtype] => FreeFlight3TP
     			[XCdistance] => 36.482
     			[turnpoints] => Array(
     					[0] => Array([id] => 1,[lat] => 36.761466,[lon] => -119.09663,[UTCsecs] => 70730 )
     					[1] => Array([id] =>2 ,[lat] => 36.7794333, [lon] => -119.117866,[UTCsecs] => 71966)
     global $CONF;
     $this->scores = array();
     foreach ($sArr as $i => $score) {
         $type = $this->flightTypesID[$this->syncTypesNames[$score['XCtype']]];
         foreach ($CONF['scoring']['sets'] as $mID => $mArray) {
             $thisScore = $score['XCdistance'] * $mArray['types'][$type];
             if ($thisScore >= $this->scores[$mID]['bestScore']) {
                 $this->scores[$mID]['bestScoreType'] = $type;
                 $this->scores[$mID]['bestScore'] = $thisScore;
                 $this->scores[$mID]['bestDistance'] = $score['XCdistance'];
             $this->scores[$mID][$type]['distance'] = $score['XCdistance'];
             $this->scores[$mID][$type]['score'] = $thisScore;
             $this->scores[$mID][$type]['isBest'] = 0;
             // will update later
             $tpNum = 1;
             foreach ($score['turnpoints'] as $j => $tp) {
                 $thisTP = new gpsPoint();
                 $thisTP->gpsTime = $tp['UTCsecs'];
                 $this->scores[$mID][$type]['tp'][$tpNum] = $thisTP->to_IGC_Record();
     // now iterate through $this->scores and update best values
     foreach ($this->scores as $mID => $score) {
         $bestType = $this->scores[$mID]['bestScoreType'];
         $this->scores[$mID][$bestType]['isBest'] = 1;
     $defaultMethodID = $CONF['scoring']['default_set'];
     $defaultScore = $this->scores[$defaultMethodID];
     $this->bestScoreType = $this->scores[$defaultMethodID]['bestScoreType'];
     $this->bestScore = $this->scores[$defaultMethodID]['bestScore'];
     $this->bestDistance = $this->scores[$defaultMethodID]['bestDistance'];
     //echo "<pre>";
     //echo "</pre>";
     $this->gotValues = 1;