예제 #1
  * Import a single album.
 static function import_album(&$queue)
     $messages = array();
     // The queue is a set of nested associative arrays where the key is the album id and the
     // value is an array of similar arrays.  We'll do a breadth first tree traversal using the
     // queue to keep our state.  Doing it breadth first means that the parent will be created by
     // the time we get to the child.
     // Dequeue the current album and enqueue its children
     list($album, $tree) = each($queue);
     g1_import::debug(t('Dequeued album %album.', array('album' => $album)));
     foreach ($tree as $key => $value) {
         $queue[$album . '/' . $key] = $value;
         g1_import::debug(t('Enqueued album %album.', array('album' => $album . '/' . $key)));
     // Special handling for the root album
     if ($album == '') {
         if (!self::map('', '', 'album')) {
             $album = item::root();
             self::set_map($album->id, '', '', 'album');
         return $messages;
     // Album names come in as /Folder1/Folder2/FolderX
     $pos = strrpos($album, '/');
     if ($pos === false) {
         return $messages;
     // Get FolderX into g1_album
     $parent = substr($album, 0, $pos);
     $g1_album = substr($album, $pos + 1);
     // Reduce parent to Folder2
     $pos = strrpos($parent, '/');
     if ($pos !== false) {
         $parent = substr($parent, $pos + 1);
     // Skip already-existing albums
     if (self::map($g1_album, '', 'album')) {
         $messages[] = t('Skipping already existing album %album.', array('album' => $parent . '/' . $g1_album));
         return $messages;
     $album_id = self::map($parent, '', 'album');
     if (!$album_id) {
         $messages[] = t('Album %name not found', array('name' => $parent));
         return $messages;
     g1_import::debug(t('Now importing album %album.', array('album' => $parent . '/' . $g1_album)));
     $albumDir = self::$album_dir;
     if (substr($albumDir, -1) != DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) {
         $albumDir .= DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;
     $importDir = $albumDir . $g1_album . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;
     $parent = ORM::factory('item', $album_id);
     $album = ORM::factory('item');
     $album->type = 'album';
     $album->parent_id = $album_id;
     g1_import::set_album_values($album, $g1_album);
     try {
     } catch (ORM_Validation_Exception $e) {
         throw new G1_Import_Exception(t('Failed to validate Gallery 1 album with name %name.', array('name' => $g1_album)), $e);
     try {
         self::set_map($album->id, $g1_album, '', 'album');
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         throw new G1_Import_Exception(t('Failed to import Gallery 1 album with name %name.', array('name' => $g1_album)), $e);
     try {
         require_once 'Gallery1DataParser.php';
         list($result, $items) = Gallery1DataParser::getPhotos($importDir);
         if ($result == null) {
             foreach ($items as $object) {
                 if (isset($object->highlight) && $object->highlight == 1 && isset($object->highlightImage) && is_a($object->highlightImage, 'G1Img')) {
                     $g1_path = $importDir . $object->highlightImage->name . '.' . $object->highlightImage->type;
                     if (is_file($g1_path) && @copy($g1_path, $album->thumb_path())) {
                         $album->thumb_height = $object->highlightImage->height;
                         $album->thumb_width = $object->highlightImage->width;
                         $album->thumb_dirty = false;
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         throw new G1_Import_Exception(t('Failed to copy thumb for album %name.', array('name' => $g1_album)), $e);
     try {
         if (isset(self::$albums_hidden[$g1_album])) {
             access::deny(identity::everybody(), 'view', $album);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         throw new G1_Import_Exception(t('Failed to set access permission for hidden album %name.', array('name' => $g1_album)), $e);
     return $messages;