$info = array('source_host' => $command->getSourceHost(), 'source_db' => $command->getSourceDB(), 'source_username' => $command->getSourceUsrName(), 'source_password' => $command->getSourcePWD(), 'source_port' => $command->getSourcePort(), 'target_host' => $command->getTargetHost(), 'target_db' => $command->getTargetDB(), 'target_username' => $command->getTargetUsrName(), 'target_password' => $command->getTargetPWD(), 'target_port' => $command->getTargetPort(), 'color' => $command->getColor(), 'report_level' => $command->getReportLevel(), 'sql_fix' => $command->getSQLFix()); // Load the help manual on the console if ($command->getHelp()) { echo file_get_contents('../app/help.txt'); functions::calMaxErrorLevel(_FILE_NOT_EXIST, TRUE, $command->getFailLevel()); } // output the header on the screeen if verbosity was set if ($command->getVerbose() == TRUE) { echo functions::parseOutoutHeader($info); } // Making sure all parameters have been defined if ($command->getSourcePort() == '' || $command->getSourceDB() == '' || $command->getSourceUsrName() == '' || $command->getSourcePWD() == '' || $command->getTargetPort() == '' || $command->getTargetDB() == '' || $command->getTargetUsrName() == '' || $command->getTargetPWD() == '') { echo 'Please define all necessarily parameters or use the script with --help to see the details...' . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL; functions::calMaxErrorLevel(_DEFINE_PARAM, TRUE, $command->getFailLevel()); } // If specific test been defined in the command line here it will get loaded $test = $command->getTests(); // if tests were not defined in the command line then read the tests from RuleConfig file if ($test['test-flag'] === FALSE) { $test = App_Config_RulesConfig::getTestConfig($command->getTargetDB()); } // Start running the schema checker $chk = new App_Exphandler_General($info, $test); $result = $chk->schemaChecker(); // If verbose requested print the report if ($command->getVerbose()) { echo $result; } // exist status functions::exitMe($command->getFailLevel());
private function checkArgument($temp, $msg_source) { if (count($temp) == 1) { echo functions::getSysMsgSource($msg_source); functions::calMaxErrorLevel(_FATAL); functions::exitMe(); } else { if (trim($temp[1]) == '') { echo functions::getSysMsgSource($msg_source, 'error'); functions::calMaxErrorLevel(_FATAL); functions::exitMe(); } else { switch ($msg_source) { case 'test': $this->setTests($temp[1]); break; case 'source-database': $this->setSourceDB(trim($temp[1])); break; case 'source-host': $this->setSourceHost(trim($temp[1])); break; case 'source-port': $this->setSourcePORT(trim($temp[1])); break; case 'source-username': $this->setSourceUsrName(trim($temp[1])); break; case 'source-password': $this->setSourcePWD(trim($temp[1])); break; case 'target-database': $this->setTargetDB(trim($temp[1])); break; case 'target-host': $this->setTargetHost(trim($temp[1])); break; case 'target-port': $this->setTargetPORT(trim($temp[1])); break; case 'target-username': $this->setTargetUsrName(trim($temp[1])); break; case 'target-password': $this->setTargetPWD(trim($temp[1])); break; case 'error-level': $this->setReportLevel(trim($temp[1])); break; case 'fail-level': $this->setFailLevel(trim($temp[1])); break; } } } }