function ajax() { if (!$this->haveAccessTo('edit') || !bff::$isAjax) { $this->ajaxResponse(Errors::ACCESSDENIED); } switch (func::GET('act')) { case 'del': $nContactID = func::POST('rec', false, true); if ($nContactID <= 0) { $this->ajaxResponse(Errors::IMPOSSIBLE); } $this->db->execute('DELETE FROM ' . TABLE_CONTACTS . ' WHERE id = ' . $nContactID); $this->ajaxResponse(Errors::SUCCESSFULL); break; case 'send': $nType = func::POST('type', false, true); switch ($nType) { case CONTACTS_TYPE_CONTACT: // break; } $this->ajaxResponse(Errors::IMPOSSIBLE); break; } $this->ajaxResponse(Errors::IMPOSSIBLE); }
/** * CRON задачи по рассылке писем */ function cron() { if (empty($_GET['c']) || $_GET['c'] != 17) { return; } set_time_limit(0); switch (func::GET('action')) { //уведомления посетителя об успешной подписке case 'enotify-subscribe': $nLimit = 10; $aNotify = $this->db->select(' SELECT, EN.user_id,,, U.password FROM ' . TABLE_ENOTIFY_SUBSCRIBE . ' as EN, ' . TABLE_USERS . ' as U WHERE EN.user_id = U.user_id ORDER BY EN.created LIMIT ' . $nLimit . ' FOR UPDATE '); if (!empty($aNotify)) { try { $aNotifyID = array(); # инициализируем класс рассылки $mailer = new CMail(); $mailer->From = config::get('mail_noreply', BFF_EMAIL_NOREPLY); //"E-Mail адрес уведомлений" из настроек сайта # подготавливаем заголовок письма $mailer->FromName = ''; $mailer->Subject = 'Заявка на участие в акции "Согрей любовью родной город"'; $sTpl = nl2br($this->getMailTemplateContent('member_subscribe')); foreach ($aNotify as $v) { # подготавливаем тело письма $mailer->AltBody = ''; $mailer->MsgHTML(strtr($sTpl, array('{name}' => $v['name'], '{email}' => $v['email'], '{password}' => $v['password']))); # отправляем письмо $mailer->AddAddress($v['email']); if ($mailer->Send()) { $aNotifyID[] = $v['id']; } $mailer->ClearAddresses(); usleep(150000); // sleep for 0.15 second } $this->db->execute('DELETE FROM ' . TABLE_ENOTIFY_SUBSCRIBE . ' WHERE id IN(' . join(',', $aNotifyID) . ')'); } catch (phpmailerException $e) { $this->errors->set($e->getMessage()); } } break; } if (!$this->errors->no()) { echo print_r($this->errors->get(), true), '\\n'; } exit; }
function settings() { if (!$this->haveAccessTo('settings')) { return $this->showAccessDenied(); } if (bff::$isAjax) { switch (func::GET('act')) { case 'update': $nServiceID = $this->input->post('id', TYPE_UINT); if (!$nServiceID) { $this->ajaxResponse(Errors::UNKNOWNRECORD); } $sDescription = $this->input->post('description', TYPE_STR); $aService = $this->db->one_array('SELECT * FROM ' . TABLE_SERVICES . ' WHERE id = ' . $nServiceID); if (empty($aService)) { $this->ajaxResponse(Errors::UNKNOWNRECORD); } $bUpdate = false; switch ($aService['keyword']) { case 'publicate': case 'up': case 'mark': case 'premium': case 'press': $p = $this->input->postm(array('price' => TYPE_UNUM)); $bUpdate = true; break; } if ($bUpdate) { $this->db->execute('UPDATE ' . TABLE_SERVICES . ' SET settings = ' . $this->db->str2sql(serialize($p)) . ', description = ' . $this->db->str2sql($sDescription) . ', modified = ' . $this->db->getNOW() . ', modified_uid = ' . $this->security->getUserID() . ' WHERE id = ' . $nServiceID); $this->ajaxResponse(Errors::SUCCESSFULL); } break; } $this->ajaxResponse(Errors::IMPOSSIBLE); } $aData = array('svc' => array()); $aServices = $this->db->select('SELECT S.*, U.login as modified_login FROM ' . TABLE_SERVICES . ' S LEFT JOIN ' . TABLE_USERS . ' U ON S.modified_uid = U.user_id'); foreach ($aServices as $v) { $v['settings'] = unserialize($v['settings']); $aData['svc'][$v['keyword']] = $v; } $this->adminCustomCenterArea(); $this->includeJS('wysiwyg'); return $this->tplFetchPHP($aData, 'admin.settings.php'); }
function ajax() { if (!bff::$isAjax) { $this->ajaxResponse(Errors::ACCESSDENIED); } $nBillID = $this->input->post('bid', TYPE_UINT); switch (func::GET('act')) { case 'user-autocomplete': $sQ = $this->input->post('q', TYPE_STR); //получаем список подходящих по логину пользователей, исключая: // - неактивированных пользователей $aResult = $this->db->select('SELECT U.user_id as id, U.login FROM ' . TABLE_USERS . ' U WHERE U.activated = 1 AND U.login LIKE (' . $this->db->str2sql("{$sQ}%") . ') ORDER BY U.login LIMIT 12'); $aUsers = array(); foreach ($aResult as $u) { $aUsers[$u['id']] = $u['login']; } unset($aResult); $this->ajaxResponse($aUsers); break; /** * Изменение статуса счета: * @param integer $nStatus ID статуса, допустимые: завершен, отменен */ /** * Изменение статуса счета: * @param integer $nStatus ID статуса, допустимые: завершен, отменен */ case 'status': if (!$this->haveAccessTo('edit')) { $this->ajaxResponse(Errors::ACCESSDENIED); } if (!$nBillID) { $this->ajaxResponse(Errors::IMPOSSIBLE); } $nStatus = $this->input->post('status', TYPE_UINT); if (!in_array($nStatus, array(self::statusCompleted, self::statusCanceled))) { $this->ajaxResponse(Errors::IMPOSSIBLE); } $aBill = $this->db->one_array('SELECT user_id, type, status, amount FROM ' . TABLE_BILLS . ' WHERE id=' . $nBillID . ' LIMIT 1'); if (!$aBill) { $this->ajaxResponse(Errors::IMPOSSIBLE); } $res = $this->changeBillStatus($nBillID, $nStatus, $aBill['status']); if ($res) { // обновляем баланс пользователя // в случае закрытия счета типа: "пополнение счета" if ($aBill['type'] == self::typeInPay && $nStatus == self::statusCompleted) { $this->updateBalance($aBill['user_id'], $aBill['amount'], '+'); } } $this->ajaxResponse(array('status' => $nStatus)); break; /** * Проверка состояния счета: * 1) webmoney - X18 интерфейс */ /** * Проверка состояния счета: * 1) webmoney - X18 интерфейс */ case 'check': if (!$this->haveAccessTo('edit')) { $this->ajaxResponse(Errors::ACCESSDENIED); } if (!$nBillID) { $this->ajaxResponse(Errors::IMPOSSIBLE); } $aBill = $this->getBill($nBillID); if (!$aBill) { $this->ajaxResponse(Errors::IMPOSSIBLE); } switch ($aBill['psystem']) { case self::psystemWMZ: case self::psystemWME: case self::psystemWMR: case self::psystemWMU: # Интерфейс запроса статуса платежа X18 $sResponse = ''; $wmid = config::get('ps_webmoney_id'); $lmi_payee_purse = $this->getWebmoneyPurse($aBill['psystem']); // кошелек-получатель, на который совершался платеж $md5 = strtoupper(md5($wmid . $lmi_payee_purse . $nBillID . $this->getWebmoneyPurseSecret($aBill['psystem']))); # т.к. используется хеш, то 2 других метода авторизации - sign и secret_key - оставляем пустыми $request = "<merchant.request> \n <wmid>{$wmid}</wmid> \n <lmi_payee_purse>{$lmi_payee_purse}</lmi_payee_purse> \n <lmi_payment_no>{$nBillID}</lmi_payment_no> \n <sign></sign><md5>{$md5}</md5><secret_key></secret_key> \n </merchant.request>"; $ch = curl_init(""); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $request); // curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CAINFO, "/path/to/verisign.cer"); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false); $result = curl_exec($ch); curl_close($ch); $xmlres = simplexml_load_string($result); // смотрим результат выполнения запроса $retval = strval($xmlres->retval); if ($retval == -8) { $sResponse = "Платеж №<b>{$nBillID}</b> не проводился"; } elseif ($retval != 0) { // если результат не равен -8 и не равен 0, то возникла ошибка при обработке запроса $sResponse = "Запрос составлен некорректно ({$retval})"; } else { // если результат равен 0, то платеж с таким номером проведен $wmtranid = strval($xmlres->operation->attributes()->wmtransid); $date = strval($xmlres->operation->operdate); $payer = strval($xmlres->operation->pursefrom); $ip = strval($xmlres->operation->IPAddress); $sResponse = "Платеж №<b>{$nBillID}</b> завершился успешно.<br /> \n Он был произведен {$date} с кошелька {$payer}.<br /> \n Плательщик использовал IP-адрес {$ip}.<br /> \n WM-транзакции присвоен идентификатор {$wmtranid}."; } $this->ajaxResponse($sResponse); break; case self::psystemRobox: if (!config::get('ps_robox_on', 0)) { $this->ajaxResponse(Errors::IMPOSSIBLE); } $robox_login = config::get('ps_robox_login'); $robox_pass2 = config::get('ps_robox_pass2'); $request = ''******'&InvoiceID=' . $nBillID . '&Signature=' . md5($robox_login . ':' . $nBillID . ':' . $robox_pass2); $ch = curl_init($request); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); //curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false); $result = curl_exec($ch); curl_close($ch); /** <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <OperationStateResponse xmlns=""> <Result> <Code>integer</Code> <Description>string</Description> </Result> <State> <Code>integer</Code> <RequestDate>datetime</RequestDate> <StateDate>datetime</StateDate> </State> <Info> <IncCurrLabel>string</IncCurrLabel> <IncSum>decimal</IncSum> <IncAccount>string</IncAccount> <PaymentMethod> <Code>string</Code> <Description>string</Description> </PaymentMethod> <OutCurrLabel>string</OutCurrLabel> <OutSum>decimal</OutSum> </Info> </OperationStateResponse> */ $xml = simplexml_load_string($result); // смотрим результат выполнения запрос $sResponse = ''; if (empty($result)) { $sResponse = 'Ошибка ответа сервера Robox'; } elseif (intval($xml->Result->Code) != 0) { $sResponse = strval($xml->Result->Description); } else { $sResponse = ''; // состояние счета $sState = '?'; switch (intval($xml->State->Code)) { case 5: $sState = 'Операция только инициализирована, деньги от покупателя не получены'; break; case 10: $sState = 'Операция отменена, деньги от покупателя не были получены'; break; case 50: $sState = 'Деньги от покупателя получены, производится зачисление денег на счет магазина'; break; case 60: $sState = 'Деньги после получения были возвращены покупателю'; break; case 80: $sState = 'Исполнение операции приостановлено'; break; case 100: $sState = 'Операция выполнена, завершена успешно'; break; } $sResponse = 'Состояние: ' . $sState . ' (' . date('d.m.Y H:i:s', strtotime(strval($xml->State->StateDate))) . ')<br/>'; //информация об операции $sResponse .= ' Способ оплаты: <b>' . strval($xml->Info->PaymentMethod->Description) . '</b>, <br/> Сумма уплаченная клиентом: <b>' . strval($xml->Info->IncSum) . ' ' . strval($xml->Info->IncCurrLabel) . '</b>, <br/> Аккаунт клиента в системе оплаты: <b>' . strval($xml->Info->IncAccount) . '</b>, <br/> Сумма отправленная ' . SITEHOST . ': <b>' . strval($xml->Info->OutSum) . ' ' . strval($xml->Info->OutCurrLabel) . '</b>'; } $this->ajaxResponse($sResponse); break; } break; case 'extra': if (!$nBillID) { $this->ajaxResponse(Errors::IMPOSSIBLE); } $aResponse = array('extra' => $this->db->one_data('SELECT details FROM ' . TABLE_BILLS . ' WHERE id=' . $nBillID . ' LIMIT 1')); $this->ajaxResponse($aResponse); break; } $this->ajaxResponse(Errors::IMPOSSIBLE); }
function listing() { if (!$this->haveAccessTo('read')) { return $this->showAccessDenied(); } $nUserID = $this->security->getUserID(); if (($nFolderID = func::GETPOST('f', false, true)) <= 0) { $nFolderID = INTERNALMAIL_FOLDER_ALL; } $aData = array('f' => $nFolderID); if (func::isPostMethod()) { switch (func::POST('act')) { case 'send': $aData['recipient'] = func::POST('recipient', false, true); if (!$aData['recipient']) { $this->errors->set('no_recipient'); } $aData['message'] = $this->cleanMessage(func::POST('message')); if (!$aData['message']) { $this->errors->set('no_message'); } if ($this->errors->no()) { $this->sendMessage($nUserID, $aData['recipient'], nl2br($aData['message']), $this->uploadAttachment(), $this->db->getNOW()); $this->adminRedirect(Errors::SUCCESSFULL, 'listing&f=' . $nFolderID); } break; } } $nLimit = 15; $aData['offset'] = func::GET('offset', false, true); if ($aData['offset'] <= 0) { $aData['offset'] = 0; } $sQuery = 'SELECT U.user_id,, U.login, U.avatar, U.admin, COUNT( AS msgs_count, SUM( (IM.recipient=' . $nUserID . ' AND !(IM.status & ' . INTERNALMAIL_STATUS_NEW . ')) ) AS newmsgs, MAX( AS lastmsg_id, MAX(IM.created) AS last FROM ' . TABLE_INTERNALMAIL . ' IM, ' . TABLE_USERS . ' U LEFT JOIN ' . TABLE_INTERNALMAIL_FOLDERS_USERS . ' IMFU ON IMFU.user_id=' . $nUserID . ' AND IMFU.interlocutor_id=U.user_id ' . (!$nFolderID ? ' AND IMFU.folder_id=' . INTERNALMAIL_FOLDER_IGNORE . ' ' : '') . ' WHERE ((' . $nUserID . ' AND !(IM.status & ' . INTERNALMAIL_STATUS_DELAUTHOR . ')) OR (IM.recipient=' . $nUserID . ' AND !(IM.status & ' . INTERNALMAIL_STATUS_DELRECIPIENT . ')) ) AND U.user_id = IF( = ' . $nUserID . ', IM.recipient, AND U.blocked = 0 ' . (!$nFolderID ? ' AND IMFU.folder_id IS NULL ' : 'AND IMFU.folder_id=' . $nFolderID) . ' GROUP BY 1 ORDER BY last DESC' . $this->db->prepareLimit($aData['offset'], $nLimit + 1); $aData['contacts'] = $this->db->select($sQuery); if (!empty($aData['contacts'])) { $aContacts = array(); $aLastMessageID = array(); foreach ($aData['contacts'] as $v) { $aContacts[$v['user_id']] = $v; $aContacts[$v['user_id']]['folders'] = array(); $aLastMessageID[] = $v['lastmsg_id']; } $aUsersFolders = $this->db->select('SELECT folder_id as f, interlocutor_id as id FROM ' . TABLE_INTERNALMAIL_FOLDERS_USERS . ' WHERE user_id = ' . $nUserID . ' AND interlocutor_id IN(' . implode(',', array_keys($aContacts)) . ') '); foreach ($aUsersFolders as $v) { $aContacts[$v['id']]['folders'][] = $v['f']; } $aLastMessageID = $this->db->select('SELECT id, author, recipient, status, created, readed, !(status & ' . INTERNALMAIL_STATUS_NEW . ') as newmsg FROM ' . TABLE_INTERNALMAIL . ' WHERE id IN (' . implode(',', $aLastMessageID) . ')'); foreach ($aLastMessageID as $m) { $aContacts[$m['author'] == $nUserID ? $m['recipient'] : $m['author']]['lastmsg'] = $m; } $aData['contacts'] = $aContacts; unset($aContacts, $aLastMessageID, $aUsersFolders); } //generate pagenation: prev, next $this->generatePagenationPrevNext(null, $aData, 'contacts', $nLimit); $aData['folders'] = $this->getFolders(); $this->adminCustomCenterArea(); $this->includeJS('autocomplete'); $this->includeCSS('im'); $this->tplAssignByRef('aData', $aData); return $this->tplFetch('admin.listing.folders.tpl'); }
function ajax() { switch (func::GET('act')) { case 'item-u-update': $this->input->postm(array('id' => TYPE_UINT, 'uid' => TYPE_UINT, 'p' => TYPE_STR), $p); $nUserID = $this->security->getUserID(); $nItemID = $p['id']; if (!$nItemID || empty($p['p']) || !$nUserID) { $this->ajaxResponse(Errors::ACCESSDENIED); } $aItem = $this->db->one_array('SELECT id, cat1_id FROM ' . TABLE_BBS_ITEMS . ' WHERE id = ' . $nItemID . ' AND status = ' . BBS_STATUS_NEW . ' AND pass = '******'p'])); if (!empty($aItem)) { $this->db->execute('UPDATE ' . TABLE_BBS_ITEMS . ' SET user_id = ' . $nUserID . ' WHERE id = ' . $nItemID); // закрепляем за пользователем $this->db->execute('UPDATE ' . TABLE_USERS . ' SET items = items+1 WHERE user_id = ' . $nUserID); // обновляем счетчик объявлений пользователя } $sUID = $this->security->getUID(false, 'post'); $bPayPublication = !$this->checkFreePublicationsLimit($aItem['cat1_id'], $nUserID, $sUID); $this->ajaxResponse(array('res' => !empty($aItem), 'pp' => $bPayPublication)); break; case 'item-edit-pass': $p = $this->input->postm(array('id' => TYPE_UINT, 'pass' => TYPE_STR)); $aResponse = array(); do { if (!$p['id']) { $this->errors->set(Errors::IMPOSSIBLE); break; } if (empty($p['pass'])) { $this->errors->set('editpass_empty'); break; } if ($this->isEditPassGranted($p['id'])) { $aResponse['result'] = true; break; } $aData = $this->db->one_array('SELECT id, user_id FROM ' . TABLE_BBS_ITEMS . ' WHERE id = ' . $p['id'] . ' AND pass = '******'pass'])); if (empty($aData)) { $this->errors->set(Errors::ACCESSDENIED); break; } else { if ($aData['user_id'] > 0) { $userID = $this->security->getUserID(); if ($userID > 0) { if ($aData['user_id'] != $userID) { $this->errors->set('editpass_not_owner'); } else { $aResponse['result'] = true; break; } } else { $this->errors->set('editpass_auth'); } } else { $this->grantEditPass($p['id']); $aResponse['result'] = true; } } } while (false); $aResponse['errno'] = $this->errors->no(); $this->ajaxResponse($aResponse); break; case 'item-claim': $p = $this->input->postm(array('id' => TYPE_UINT, 'reasons' => TYPE_ARRAY_UINT, 'comment' => TYPE_STR, 'captcha' => TYPE_STR)); $p['comment'] = func::cleanComment($p['comment']); $aResponse = array(); do { if (!$p['id']) { $this->errors->set(Errors::IMPOSSIBLE); break; } if (empty($p['reasons']) && $p['comment'] == '') { $this->errors->set('enter_claim_reason'); break; } $nUserID = $this->security->getUserID(); if (!$nUserID) { $oProtection = new CCaptchaProtection(); if (!$oProtection->valid(isset($_SESSION['c2']) ? $_SESSION['c2'] : '', $p['captcha'])) { $aResponse['captcha_wrong'] = 1; $this->errors->set('claim_wrong_captcha'); break; } } unset($_SESSION['c2']); $nReasons = array_sum($p['reasons']); $res = $this->db->execute('INSERT INTO ' . TABLE_BBS_ITEMS_CLAIMS . ' (item_id, user_id, comment, reasons, ip, created) VALUES(' . $p['id'] . ', ' . $nUserID . ', ' . $this->db->str2sql($p['comment']) . ', ' . $nReasons . ', :ip, ' . $this->db->getNOW() . ') ', array(':ip' => func::getRemoteAddress())); if ($res) { config::saveCount('bbs_items_claims', 1); bff::sendMailTemplate(array('user' => !$nUserID ? 'Аноним' : $this->security->getUserEmail(), 'claim' => $this->getItemClaimText($nReasons, nl2br($p['comment'])), 'item_url' => SITEURL . '/item/' . $p['id']), 'admin_bbs_claim', config::get('mail_admin', BFF_EMAIL_SUPPORT)); } } while (false); $aResponse['result'] = $this->errors->no(); $this->ajaxResponse($aResponse); break; case 'img-upload': $aFailResponse = array('success' => false); $nUserID = $this->security->getUserID(); $nItemID = $this->input->post('id', TYPE_UINT); if ($nItemID > 0) { $aData = $this->db->one_array('SELECT user_id, uid, img, imgcnt, status, moderated FROM ' . TABLE_BBS_ITEMS . ' WHERE id = ' . $nItemID); if (empty($aData)) { $aFailResponse['error'] = 'Редактируемое объявление не найдено'; $this->ajaxResponse($aFailResponse); } if ($aData['status'] == BBS_STATUS_BLOCKED && $aData['moderated'] == 0) { $aFailResponse['error'] = 'Объявление ожидает проверки модератора'; $this->ajaxResponse($aFailResponse); } // доступ к редактированию объявления возможен только по паролю if ($aData['user_id'] == 0) { if (!$this->isEditPassGranted($nItemID)) { $aFailResponse['error'] = 'В доступе отказано'; $this->ajaxResponse($aFailResponse); } } else { // автор объявления = загеристрированный пользователь if (!$nUserID || $nUserID > 0 && $aData['user_id'] != $nUserID) { $aFailResponse['error'] = 'Вы не является владельцем данного объявления.'; $this->ajaxResponse($aFailResponse); } } } else { // грузить новые фотографии(без привязки к объявлению) можно пока без ограничений // вернее с ограничением swfuploader'a, до перезагрузки :) } $uploadResult = Upload::swfuploadStart(true); if (!is_array($uploadResult)) { $sErrorMessage = $uploadResult; $this->ajaxResponse(array('success' => false, 'error' => $uploadResult), 1); } $sFilename = $this->initImages()->saveImageFileCustom($this->items_images_path, $nItemID, $uploadResult); if (!empty($sFilename) && $nItemID > 0) { $aData['img'] .= (!empty($aData['img']) ? ',' : '') . $sFilename; $this->db->execute('UPDATE ' . TABLE_BBS_ITEMS . ' SET imgcnt = imgcnt+1, img = ' . $this->db->str2sql($aData['img']) . ' WHERE id = ' . $nItemID); } $this->ajaxResponse(array('success' => true, 'filename' => $sFilename, 'id' => $nItemID), 1); break; case 'img-delete': $nUserID = $this->security->getUserID(); $nItemID = $this->input->id('id', 'p'); if ($nItemID > 0) { $aData = $this->db->one_array('SELECT user_id, uid, img, imgcnt, status, moderated FROM ' . TABLE_BBS_ITEMS . ' WHERE id = ' . $nItemID); if (empty($aData)) { $aFailResponse['error'] = 'Редактируемое объявление не найдено'; $this->ajaxResponse($aFailResponse); } if ($aData['status'] == BBS_STATUS_BLOCKED && $aData['moderated'] == 0) { $aFailResponse['error'] = 'Объявление ожидает проверки модератора'; $this->ajaxResponse($aFailResponse); } // доступ к редактированию объявления возможен только по паролю if ($aData['user_id'] == 0) { if (!$this->isEditPassGranted($nItemID)) { $aFailResponse['error'] = 'В доступе отказано'; $this->ajaxResponse($aFailResponse); } } else { // автор объявления = загеристрированный пользователь if (!$nUserID || $nUserID > 0 && $aData['user_id'] != $nUserID) { $aFailResponse['error'] = 'Вы не является владельцем данного объявления.'; $this->ajaxResponse($aFailResponse); } } } else { // удалять фотографии(без привязки к объявлению) можно без ограничений } if (!($sFilename = func::POST('filename'))) { $this->ajaxResponse(Errors::IMPOSSIBLE); } $this->initImages()->deleteImageFileCustom($this->items_images_path, $nItemID, $sFilename); $this->ajaxResponse(Errors::SUCCESS); break; case 'regions': $p = $this->input->postm(array('pid' => TYPE_UINT, 'form' => TYPE_STR, 'empty' => TYPE_STR)); if (!$p['pid']) { break; } $result = false; if ($p['form'] == 'options') { $result = $this->regionsOptions(0, $p['pid'], true, !empty($p['empty']) ? $p['empty'] : 'Выбрать...'); } $this->ajaxResponse($result); break; case 'sub-cats': $p = $this->input->postm(array('pid' => TYPE_UINT, 'dp' => TYPE_BOOL, 'dp_form' => TYPE_STR, 'format' => TYPE_STR, 'type' => TYPE_STR)); if (!$p['pid']) { break; } $returnTypes = 0; $returnSubTypes = 0; // Dirty. We get here category for our custom subtype if ($p['type'] == 'type') { $type = $this->db->select('SELECT T.cat_id FROM ' . TABLE_BBS_CATEGORIES_TYPES . ' T WHERE = ' . $p['pid'] . ' LIMIT 1'); $p['pid'] = $type[0]['cat_id']; } $aParentInfo = $this->db->one_array('SELECT id, numlevel, numleft, numright, prices, prices_sett, regions FROM ' . TABLE_BBS_CATEGORIES . ' WHERE id = ' . $p['pid']); $aDynprops = array(); $aCats = $this->db->select('SELECT id, title, numlevel FROM ' . TABLE_BBS_CATEGORIES . ' WHERE pid = ' . $p['pid'] . ' AND enabled = 1 ORDER BY numleft'); if ($p['type'] == 'type') { $aCats = array(); } if (empty($aCats)) { $returnTypes = 1; $tableName = TABLE_BBS_CATEGORIES_TYPES; if ($p['type'] == 'type') { $tableName = TABLE_BBS_CATEGORIES_SUBTYPES; $returnTypes = 0; $returnSubTypes = 1; } //если категории не найдены, пытаемся получить "типы" $aCats = $this->db->select('SELECT, T.title FROM ' . $tableName . ' T, ' . TABLE_BBS_CATEGORIES . ' C WHERE ((C.numleft <= ' . $aParentInfo['numleft'] . ' AND C.numright > ' . $aParentInfo['numright'] . ') OR ( = ' . $p['pid'] . ')) AND = T.cat_id AND T.enabled = 1 GROUP BY ORDER BY C.numleft, T.num'); if ($p['dp']) { $sDynpropsForm = ''; switch ($p['dp_form']) { case 'add': $sDynpropsForm = 'dynprops.form.add.php'; break; } $aDynprops = $this->initDynprops()->form($p['pid'], false, true, array(), 'dp', $sDynpropsForm, $this->module_dir_tpl); } } if ($aParentInfo['prices']) { $aParentInfo['prices_sett'] = unserialize($aParentInfo['prices_sett']); if (is_array($aParentInfo['prices_sett'])) { unset($aParentInfo['prices_sett']['ranges']); } } $this->ajaxResponse(array('cats' => $aCats, 'is_types' => $returnTypes, 'is_subtypes' => $returnSubTypes, 'dp' => $aDynprops, 'regions' => $aParentInfo['regions'], 'prices' => $aParentInfo['prices'], 'prices_sett' => $aParentInfo['prices_sett'])); break; case 'dp-child': $p = $this->input->postm(array('dp_id' => TYPE_UINT, 'dp_value' => TYPE_UINT)); if (empty($p['dp_id']) && empty($p['dp_value'])) { $this->ajaxResponse(''); } $aChildDynpropForm = $this->initDynprops()->formChildAdd($p['dp_id'], $p['dp_value'], 'dynprops.form.child.php', $this->module_dir_tpl); $this->ajaxResponse($aChildDynpropForm); break; case 'dp-child-filter': $p = $this->input->postm(array('dp_id' => TYPE_UINT, 'dp_value' => TYPE_UINT)); do { if (!$p['dp_id'] || !$p['dp_value']) { break; } $aPairs = array(array('parent_id' => $p['dp_id'], 'parent_value' => $p['dp_value'])); $dp = $this->initDynprops(); $aResult = array(); $aDynprops = $dp->getByParentIDValuePairs($aPairs, true); if (!empty($aDynprops[$p['dp_id']])) { $aDynprop = current($aDynprops[$p['dp_id']]); $aResult = $dp->formChildEdit($aDynprop, 'search.dp.child.php', $this->module_dir_tpl); } else { $aResult['form'] = ''; } $aResult['pid'] = $p['dp_id']; $aResult['vid'] = $p['dp_value']; $this->ajaxResponse(array('form' => $aResult, 'res' => true)); } while (false); $this->ajaxResponse(array('form' => array(), 'res' => false)); break; case 'item-publicate2': $bSave = $this->input->post('save', TYPE_BOOL); $nItemID = $this->input->post('item', TYPE_UINT); $nUserID = $this->security->getUserID(); if (!$nItemID) { $this->ajaxResponse(Errors::IMPOSSIBLE); } if (!$nUserID) { $this->ajaxResponse(Errors::ACCESSDENIED); } $aItem = $this->db->one_array('SELECT id, user_id, status, moderated, publicated, publicated_to, cat_id, cat1_id, cat2_id, cat_type FROM ' . TABLE_BBS_ITEMS . ' WHERE id = ' . $nItemID . ' AND status != ' . BBS_STATUS_NEW . ' AND user_id = ' . $nUserID); if (empty($aItem)) { $this->ajaxResponse(Errors::IMPOSSIBLE); } if ($aItem['status'] == BBS_STATUS_BLOCKED) { $this->errors->set('Невозможно продлить публикацию, поскольку объявление ' . ($aItem['moderated'] == 0 ? 'ожидает проверки' : 'отклонено')); $this->ajaxResponse(null); } if ($aItem['status'] == BBS_STATUS_PUBLICATED) { $this->errors->set('Невозможно продлить публикацию, поскольку объявление опубликовано'); $this->ajaxResponse(null); } if (!empty($bSave)) { $nPeriod = $this->input->post('period', TYPE_UINT); //проверяем корректность периода публикации if (!($nPeriod >= 1 && $nPeriod <= 6)) { $this->errors->set('wrong_publicated_period'); $this->ajaxResponse(null); } $publicateTo = $this->preparePublicatePeriodTo($nPeriod, $aItem['status'] == BBS_STATUS_PUBLICATED_OUT ? time() : strtotime($aItem['publicated_to'])); if ($aItem['status'] == BBS_STATUS_PUBLICATED_OUT) { $toOld = strtotime($aItem['publicated_to']); /* если разница между датой снятия с публикации и текущей датой * более 3 дней, тогда поднимаем объявление вверх. * в противном случае: оставлем дату старта публикации(pulicated) и дату порядка публикации(publicated_order) прежними */ $bUpdatePublicatedOrder = time() - $toOld > 259200; //60*60*24*3 $sqlNOW = $this->db->getNOW(); $res = $this->db->execute('UPDATE ' . TABLE_BBS_ITEMS . ' SET publicated_to = ' . $this->db->str2sql($publicateTo) . ', ' . ($bUpdatePublicatedOrder ? ' publicated = ' . $sqlNOW . ', publicated_order = ' . $sqlNOW . ',' : '') . ' status_prev = status, status = ' . BBS_STATUS_PUBLICATED . ', moderated = 0 WHERE id = ' . $nItemID . ' '); if (!empty($res)) { # накручиваем счетчики кол-ва опубликованных объявлений: # в категориях и типах: $this->itemsCounterUpdate(array($aItem['cat1_id'], $aItem['cat2_id'], $aItem['cat_id']), !empty($aItem['cat_type']) ? array($aItem['cat_type']) : array(), true, true); } } else { // продление опубликованных пока НЕ делаем // $res = $this->db->execute('UPDATE '.TABLE_BBS_ITEMS.' // SET publicated_to = '.$this->db->str2sql( $publicateTo ).' // WHERE id = '.$nItemID.' // '); } $this->ajaxResponse(array('res' => $this->errors->no())); } $aResponse['res'] = $this->errors->no(); $aResponse['popup'] = $this->tplFetchPHP($aItem, 'items.publicate2.popup.php'); $this->ajaxResponse($aResponse); break; } $this->ajaxResponse(Errors::IMPOSSIBLE); }
function ajax() { if (!bff::$isAjax || !$this->security->haveAccessToAdminPanel()) { $this->ajaxResponse(Errors::ACCESSDENIED); } switch (func::GET('act')) { case 'city-list': $sPos = func::GETPOST('pos'); $aExtra = array('expand' => true); $sEmptyTitle = func::GETPOST('empty_title'); if (!empty($sEmptyTitle)) { $aExtra['empty_title'] = $sEmptyTitle; } $this->ajaxResponse($this->geoCityOptions(0, $sPos, $aExtra)); break; case 'city-regions': $nCityID = $this->input->id('city', 'p'); if (!$nCityID) { $this->ajaxResponse(Errors::UNKNOWNRECORD); } $bGetYData = func::GET('ydata') == 1; $sEmptyTitle = func::GETPOST('empty_title'); $sEmptyTitle = !empty($sEmptyTitle) ? $sEmptyTitle : 'не указан'; $aResponse = $this->geoRegionOptions($nCityID, 0, true, $sEmptyTitle, $bGetYData); if (!$bGetYData) { unset($aResponse['regdata']); } $this->ajaxResponse($aResponse); break; case 'unsubscribe': if (($nRecordID = func::POSTGET('rec', false, true)) <= 0) { $this->ajaxResponse(Errors::IMPOSSIBLE); } $this->db->execute('DELETE FROM ' . TABLE_SUBSCRIBES . ' WHERE id = ' . $nRecordID); $this->ajaxResponse(Errors::SUCCESS); break; } $this->ajaxResponse(Errors::IMPOSSIBLE); }
function ajax() { $nUserID = $this->security->getUserID(); if (!bff::$isAjax) { $this->errors->set(Errors::IMPOSSIBLE); } $aResponse = array(); switch (func::GET('act')) { case 'init': $aData =& $aResponse; $this->input->postm(array('type' => TYPE_UINT), $aData); $aServices = $this->db->select('SELECT id, keyword, settings, description FROM ' . TABLE_SERVICES . ' ORDER BY id'); $aServicesData = array(); foreach ($aServices as $v) { $sett = unserialize($v['settings']); $sett['desc'] = $v['description']; $aServicesData[$v['keyword']] = $sett; } $aData['popup'] = $this->tplFetchPHP($aServicesData, 'items.svc.popup.php'); break; case 'activate': $this->input->postm(array('item' => TYPE_UINT, 'svc' => TYPE_UINT), $aResponse); $nItemID = $aResponse['item']; $nSvcID = $aResponse['svc']; if (!$nItemID || !$nSvcID) { $this->errors->set(Errors::IMPOSSIBLE); break; } if ($nUserID > 0) { $aUserData = $this->db->one_array('SELECT blocked, blocked_reason, balance, login as email FROM ' . TABLE_USERS . ' WHERE user_id = ' . $nUserID); if ($aUserData['blocked']) { $this->errors->set('Ваш аккаунт заблокирован по причине:<br/>' . $aUserData['blocked_reason']); break; } $balance =& $aUserData['balance']; if ($balance <= 0) { $balance = 0; } } else { $balance = 0; } /** @var Bills module */ $oBills = bff::i()->GetModule('Bills'); $svc = $this->getServiceSettings($nSvcID); if (empty($svc) || !$svc['price']) { $this->errors->set(Errors::IMPOSSIBLE); break; } $price = $svc['price']; $sDescription = $this->buildServiceBillDescription($nSvcID, $nItemID); // денег на счету не хватило(или неавторизованный пользователь), выставляем счет, формируем форму оплаты if (!$nUserID || $price > $balance) { $fAmount = round($price - $balance); $nPaymentSystem = Bills::psystemRobox; $nBillID = $oBills->createBill_InPay($nUserID, $balance, $fAmount, $fAmount, 'rur', $nPaymentSystem, Bills::typeInPay, Bills::statusWaiting, 'Пополнение счета', $nItemID, $nSvcID); $aResponse['pay'] = true; $aResponse['form'] = $oBills->buildPayForm($fAmount, $nPaymentSystem, $nBillID, $nItemID, $nSvcID); break; } // создаем счет $nBillID = $oBills->createBill_OutService($nItemID, $nSvcID, $nUserID, 0, $price, Bills::statusProcessing, $sDescription); if (!$nBillID) { $this->errors->set(Errors::IMPOSSIBLE); break; } // активируем услугу $res = $this->activateItemSvc($nItemID, $nSvcID, 0); if (!$res) { break; } // ^ ошибки выставляются тут // списываем с баланса пользователя $res = $oBills->updateBalance($nUserID, $price, '-'); if ($res) { $balance -= $price; $this->security->setBalance($balance); } $aResponse['balance'] = $balance; //актуaлизируем информацию о счете $oBills->updateBill($nBillID, $balance, false, Bills::statusCompleted); if ($nSvcID == self::typePress) { // уведомляем о скором размещении в прессе bff::sendMailTemplate(array('item_url' => SITEURL . '/item/' . $nItemID, 'email' => $aUserData['email']), 'member_bbs_press_payed', $aUserData['email']); } break; default: $this->errors->set(Errors::IMPOSSIBLE); } $aResponse['res'] = $this->errors->no(); $this->ajaxResponse($aResponse); }
function regions_ajax() { if (!$this->haveAccessTo('regions')) { return $this->showAccessDenied(); } if (bff::$isAjax) { switch (func::GET('act')) { case 'region-add': $this->input->postm(array('pid' => TYPE_UINT, 'numlevel' => TYPE_UINT, 'title' => TYPE_STR), $aData, array('title')); if ($this->errors->no()) { $nNum = (int) $this->db->one_data('SELECT MAX(num) FROM ' . TABLE_BBS_REGIONS . ' WHERE pid = ' . $aData['pid']); $res = $this->db->execute('INSERT INTO ' . TABLE_BBS_REGIONS . ' (title, pid, numlevel, num) VALUES(' . $this->db->str2sql($aData['title']) . ', ' . $aData['pid'] . ', ' . $aData['numlevel'] . ', ' . ($nNum + 1) . ')'); if ($res) { $this->ajaxResponse(Errors::SUCCESS); } } break; case 'region-delete': $nRecordID = Func::POSTGET('rec', false, true); if (!$nRecordID) { break; } $res = $this->db->execute('DELETE FROM ' . TABLE_BBS_REGIONS . ' WHERE (id = ' . $nRecordID . ' OR pid = ' . $nRecordID . ')'); if ($res) { $this->ajaxResponse(Errors::SUCCESS); } break; case 'region-toggle': $nRecordID = Func::POSTGET('rec', false, true); if (!$nRecordID) { break; } $res = $this->db->execute('UPDATE ' . TABLE_BBS_REGIONS . ' SET enabled = (1 - enabled) WHERE id=' . $nRecordID); if ($res) { $this->ajaxResponse(Errors::SUCCESS); } break; case 'region-toggle-main': $nRecordID = Func::POSTGET('rec', false, true); if (!$nRecordID) { break; } $res = $this->db->execute('UPDATE ' . TABLE_BBS_REGIONS . ' SET main=(1-main) WHERE id=' . $nRecordID . ' AND pid>0 LIMIT 1'); if ($res) { $this->ajaxResponse(Errors::SUCCESS); } break; case 'region-save': $this->input->postm(array('rec' => TYPE_UINT, 'title' => TYPE_STR), $aData, array('title')); if ($aData['rec'] && $this->errors->no()) { $this->db->execute('UPDATE ' . TABLE_BBS_REGIONS . ' SET title = ' . $this->db->str2sql($aData['title']) . ' WHERE id = ' . $aData['rec']); $this->ajaxResponse(array('title' => $aData['title'], 'id' => $aData['rec'])); } break; case 'region-rotate': $res = $this->db->rotateTablednd(TABLE_BBS_REGIONS, ' AND main = 1'); if ($res) { $this->ajaxResponse(Errors::SUCCESS); } break; case 'country-rotate': $res = $this->db->rotateTablednd(TABLE_BBS_REGIONS, ' AND pid = 0'); if ($res) { $this->ajaxResponse(Errors::SUCCESS); } break; // case 'get-cities': // autocomplete // { // $nCountryID = func::SESSION('cid'); // $arr['query'] = func::GET('query', true); // // $aData = $this->db->select('SELECT, R.title // FROM ' . TABLE_REGION . ' R // LEFT JOIN ' . TABLE_REGION . ' R ON = C.region_id // WHERE C.country_id = ' . $nCountryID . ' AND C.main = 0 AND C.title LIKE(' . $this->db->str2sql($arr['query'] . '%') . ') // ORDER BY title'); // // if($aData) // { // foreach($aData as $key => $value) // { // $arr['suggestions'][] = $value['title'] . ($value['region'] ? ' (' . $value['region'] . ')' : ''); // $arr['data'][] = $value['id']; // } // } // else // { // $arr['suggestions'] = array(); // $arr['data'] = array(); // } // // echo json_encode($arr); // exit; // }break; } } $this->ajaxResponse(Errors::IMPOSSIBLE); }
function mod_edit() { if (!$this->haveAccessTo('users-edit')) { return $this->showAccessDenied(); } if (!($nRecordID = $this->input->id())) { $this->adminRedirect(Errors::IMPOSSIBLE, 'listing'); } $sTUID = func::GET('tuid'); if (!$this->checkTUID($sTUID, $nRecordID)) { return $this->showAccessDenied(); } $aData = array('admin' => 0); #анализируем группы, в которые входит пользователь $bUserSuperadmin = 0; $aUserGroups = $this->getUserGroups($nRecordID); foreach ($aUserGroups as $v) { if ($v['group_id'] == self::GROUPID_SUPERADMIN) { $bUserSuperadmin = 1; } if ($v['adminpanel'] == 1) { $aData['admin'] = 1; } } if (bff::$isPost) { $this->input->postm(array('name' => TYPE_STR, 'email' => TYPE_STR, 'changepass' => TYPE_BOOL, 'password' => TYPE_STR, 'balance' => TYPE_NUM, 'skype' => TYPE_STR, 'email2' => TYPE_STR, 'phone' => TYPE_STR, 'group_id' => TYPE_ARRAY_INT, 'cat' => TYPE_ARRAY_UINT), $aData); if (!$aData['admin']) { //удаляем настройки предназначенные для админов unset($aData['im_noreply']); } if (empty($aData['email'])) { $this->errors->set('empty:email'); } elseif (!func::IsEmailAddress($aData['email'])) { $this->errors->set('wrong:email'); } if ($aData['changepass']) { if (empty($aData['password'])) { $this->errors->set('empty:password'); } else { $aData['password'] = $this->security->getUserPasswordMD5($aData['password']); } } else { unset($aData['password']); } // if($aData['city_id']<=0) // $this->errors->set('wrong:city'); $aGroupID = $aData['group_id']; $aData['email_hash'] = func::getEmailHash($aData['email']); if ($this->isEmailExists($aData['email_hash'], $nRecordID)) { $this->errors->set('email_exist'); } if ($this->errors->no()) { #update user data unset($aData['changepass'], $aData['group_id']); $aData['member'] = in_array(self::GROUPID_MEMBER, $aGroupID) ? 1 : 0; $aData['cat'] = join(',', $aData['cat']); $this->userUpdate($nRecordID, $aData); $avatar = new CAvatar(TABLE_USERS, USERS_AVATAR_PATH, 'avatar', 'user_id'); $avatar->update($nRecordID, true, true); #set user groups if ($bUserSuperadmin && !in_array(self::GROUPID_SUPERADMIN, $aGroupID)) { $aGroupID = array_merge($aGroupID, array(self::GROUPID_SUPERADMIN)); } $this->assignUser2Groups($nRecordID, $aGroupID); #обновляем, является ли юзер администратором $bIsAdmin = 0; if ($this->errors->no()) { if ($bUserSuperadmin || in_array(self::GROUPID_MODERATOR, $aGroupID)) { $bIsAdmin = 1; } elseif (count($aGroupID) == 1 && current($aGroupID) == self::GROUPID_MEMBER) { $bIsAdmin = 0; } else { $aUserGroups = $this->getUserGroups($nRecordID); foreach ($aUserGroups as $v) { if ($v['adminpanel'] == 1) { $bIsAdmin = 1; break; } } } if ($aData['admin'] != $bIsAdmin) { $sQuery = ', im_noreply = 0'; $this->db->execute('UPDATE ' . TABLE_USERS . ' SET admin=' . $bIsAdmin . (!$bIsAdmin ? $sQuery : '') . ' WHERE user_id=' . $nRecordID); } } #если пользователь редактирует собственные настройки if ($this->security->isCurrentUser($nRecordID)) { $this->security->expire(); } $this->adminRedirect(Errors::SUCCESSFULL, (!func::GET('members') ? 'admin_' : '') . 'listing'); } $aActiveGroupsID = $aGroupID; } else { $aActiveGroupsID = array(); for ($j = 0; $j < count($aUserGroups); $j++) { $aActiveGroupsID[] = $aUserGroups[$j]['group_id']; } } $aUserInfo = $this->db->one_array('SELECT U.*, C.title as city, R.region_id, R.title as region FROM ' . TABLE_USERS . ' U LEFT JOIN ' . TABLE_CITY . ' C ON U.city_id=C.city_id LEFT JOIN ' . TABLE_REGION . ' R ON C.region_id=R.region_id WHERE U.user_id=' . $nRecordID . ' LIMIT 1'); $aData = func::array_2_htmlspecialchars(array_merge($aUserInfo, $aData), null, true); $aData['social_link'] = ''; if ($aData['social']) { switch ($aData['social']) { case 'vk': $aData['social_link'] = '' . $aData['vk_id']; } } //assign groups $exists_options = $active_options = ''; $aGroupsExlude = array(USERS_GROUPS_MEMBER); if (!$bUserSuperadmin) { $aGroupsExlude[] = USERS_GROUPS_SUPERADMIN; } $aGroups = $this->getGroups($aGroupsExlude); for ($i = 0; $i < count($aGroups); $i++) { if (in_array($aGroups[$i]['group_id'], $aActiveGroupsID)) { $active_options .= '<option value="' . $aGroups[$i]['group_id'] . '" style="color:' . $aGroups[$i]['color'] . ';">' . $aGroups[$i]['title'] . '</option>'; } else { $exists_options .= '<option value="' . $aGroups[$i]['group_id'] . '" style="color:' . $aGroups[$i]['color'] . ';">' . $aGroups[$i]['title'] . '</option>'; } } $this->tplAssignByRef('exists_options', $exists_options); $this->tplAssignByRef('active_options', $active_options); //$aData['city_options'] = bff::i()->Sites_geoCityOptions($aData['city_id'], 'edit'); $aData['cat'] = explode(',', $aData['cat']); $this->tplAssign('aCategories', $this->getBBSCategories($aData['cat'])); $aData['superadmin'] = $bUserSuperadmin; $aData['tuid'] = $sTUID; $aData['edit'] = true; $this->tplAssignByRef('aData', $aData); return $this->tplFetch('admin.mod.form.tpl'); }
public function action() { $nOwnerID = $this->input->id('owner'); $sReturnLink = $this->act_listing . '&owner=' . $nOwnerID; switch ($this->input->get('act')) { case 'add': $aData = array('data' => array()); if (bff::$isPost) { $aData['data'] = $this->input->post('dynprop', TYPE_ARRAY); $res = $this->insert($aData['data'], $nOwnerID); if ($res) { $this->adminRedirect(Errors::SUCCESSFULL, $sReturnLink); } } $aData['owner'] = $this->db->one_array('SELECT, O.title, ' . ($this->inherit ? '' : '0') . ' as parent FROM ' . $this->ownerTable . ' O WHERE = ' . $nOwnerID); if ($aData['owner']['parent'] != 0) { $aData['owner']['parent'] = $this->db->one_array('SELECT, O.title FROM ' . $this->ownerTable . ' O WHERE = ' . $aData['owner']['parent']); } $this->includeJS(array('dynprops', 'tablednd')); $aData['edit'] = false; $aData['url_listing'] = $this->adminCreateLink($this->act_listing) . '&owner='; $aData['url_action_owner'] = $this->adminCreateLink($this->act_action) . '&owner=' . $nOwnerID . '&act='; return $this->tplFetchPHP($aData, 'manage.php'); break; case 'child': $this->input->postm(array('parent_id' => TYPE_UINT, 'parent_value' => TYPE_UINT, 'child_act' => TYPE_STR, 'id' => TYPE_UINT), $aData); extract($aData); if (!empty($aData['child_act'])) { switch ($aData['child_act']) { case 'save': $aDynpropParams = $this->input->post('dynprop', TYPE_ARRAY); if ($aData['id']) { $res = $this->update($aDynpropParams, $aData['id']); } else { $res = $this->insert($aDynpropParams, $nOwnerID, array('id' => $parent_id, 'value' => $parent_value)); } if ($res) { $this->ajaxResponse(Errors::SUCCESSFULL); } break; case 'del': $res = $this->del($aData['id'], $nOwnerID); if ($res) { $this->ajaxResponse(Errors::SUCCESSFULL); } break; } $this->ajaxResponse(Errors::IMPOSSIBLE); } else { $aData['data'] = $this->db->one_array('SELECT * FROM ' . $this->tblDynprops . ' WHERE parent_id = ' . $parent_id . ' AND parent_value=' . $parent_value); if (!empty($aData['data'])) { $aData['id'] = $aData['data']['id']; if ($this->isMulti($aData['data']['type'])) { $aData['data']['multi'] = $this->db->select('SELECT * FROM ' . $this->tblMulti . ' WHERE dynprop_id = ' . $aData['data']['id'] . ' ORDER BY num'); } } $aData['edit'] = !empty($aData['id']); } //$aData['url_action_owner'] = $this->adminCreateLink($this->act_action).'&owner='.$nOwnerID.'&act='; $this->typesAllowed = $this->typesAllowedChild; $this->ajaxResponse(array('form' => $this->tplFetchPHP($aData, 'manage.child.php'))); break; case 'inherit_list': if (!$nOwnerID || !$this->isInheritParticular()) { $this->ajaxResponse(Errors::IMPOSSIBLE); } $aData = $this->db->one_array('SELECT as owner_id, O.title as owner_title, ' . ($this->inherit ? '' : '0') . ' as parent FROM ' . $this->ownerTable . ' O WHERE = ' . $nOwnerID); if ($aData['parent'] == 0) { $this->ajaxResponse(Errors::IMPOSSIBLE); } $aOwnerParentID = $this->getOwnerParentsID($nOwnerID); if (empty($aOwnerParentID)) { $this->ajaxResponse(Errors::IMPOSSIBLE); } $aData['dynprops'] = $this->db->select('SELECT, D.title, D.' . $this->ownerColumn . ', D.type, D.enabled, D.is_search, I.data_field, I2.' . $this->ownerColumn . ' as inherited FROM ' . $this->tblDynprops . ' D, ' . $this->tblIn . ' I LEFT JOIN ' . $this->tblIn . ' I2 ON I2.dynprop_id = I.dynprop_id AND I2.' . $this->ownerColumn . ' = ' . $nOwnerID . ' WHERE ' . $this->db->prepareIN('I.' . $this->ownerColumn, $aOwnerParentID) . ' AND I.dynprop_id = AND D.parent_id = 0 GROUP BY ORDER BY I.num'); $aData['url_listing'] = $this->adminCreateLink($this->act_listing); $aData['url_action'] = $this->adminCreateLink($this->act_action); $this->ajaxResponse($this->tplFetchPHP($aData, 'inherit.php')); break; case 'inherit_do': $nDynpropID = $this->input->id('dynprop'); if (!$this->isInheritParticular() || !$nDynpropID || !$nOwnerID) { $this->ajaxResponse(Errors::IMPOSSIBLE); } $res = $this->linkIN($nOwnerID, $nDynpropID, false, false); $this->ajaxResponse($res ? Errors::SUCCESSFULL : Errors::IMPOSSIBLE); break; case 'inherit_copy': $nDynpropID = $this->input->id('dynprop'); if (!$this->isInheritParticular() || !$nDynpropID || !$nOwnerID) { $this->ajaxResponse(Errors::IMPOSSIBLE); } $res = $this->copy($nDynpropID, $nOwnerID); $this->ajaxResponse($res ? Errors::SUCCESSFULL : Errors::IMPOSSIBLE); break; case 'edit': $nOwnerIDFrom = $this->input->id('owner_from'); if ($nOwnerIDFrom) { $sReturnLink = $this->act_listing . '&owner=' . $nOwnerIDFrom; } $nDynpropID = $this->input->id('dynprop'); if (!$nDynpropID) { $this->adminRedirect(Errors::IMPOSSIBLE, $sReturnLink); } $aData = array(); if (bff::$isPost) { $aData['data'] = $this->input->post('dynprop', TYPE_ARRAY); $res = $this->update($aData['data'], $nDynpropID); if ($res) { $this->adminRedirect(Errors::SUCCESSFULL, $sReturnLink); } } else { $aData['data'] = $this->db->one_array('SELECT D.* FROM ' . $this->tblDynprops . ' D WHERE = ' . $nDynpropID . ' AND D.' . $this->ownerColumn . ' = ' . $nOwnerID); $data =& $aData['data']; if ($this->isMulti($data['type'])) { $data['multi'] = $this->db->select('SELECT value, name FROM ' . $this->tblMulti . ' WHERE dynprop_id = ' . $nDynpropID . ' ORDER BY num'); } if ($this->hasExtra($data['type']) || $data['parent'] || $data['txt']) { $extra = unserialize($data['extra']); if ($extra !== false) { $data = array_merge($data, $extra); } } } if (empty($aData['data'])) { $this->adminRedirect(Errors::IMPOSSIBLE, $sReturnLink); } $aData['owner'] = $this->db->one_array('SELECT, O.title, ' . ($this->inherit ? '' : '0') . ' as parent FROM ' . $this->ownerTable . ' O WHERE = ' . $nOwnerID); if ($aData['owner']['parent'] != 0) { $aData['owner']['parent'] = $this->db->one_array('SELECT, O.title FROM ' . $this->ownerTable . ' O WHERE = ' . $aData['owner']['parent']); } $this->includeJS(array('dynprops', 'tablednd')); $aData['owner_from'] = $nOwnerIDFrom; $aData['edit'] = true; $aData['url_listing'] = $this->adminCreateLink($this->act_listing) . '&owner='; $aData['url_action_owner'] = $this->adminCreateLink($this->act_action) . '&owner=' . $nOwnerID . '&act='; return $this->tplFetchPHP($aData, 'manage.php'); break; case 'rotate': if ($this->isInheritParticular()) { $res = $this->db->rotateTablednd($this->tblIn, ' AND ' . $this->ownerColumn . ' = ' . $nOwnerID, 'dynprop_id', 'num', true, $this->ownerColumn); } else { $res = $this->db->rotateTablednd($this->tblDynprops, ' AND ' . $this->ownerColumn . ' = ' . $nOwnerID, 'id', 'num', true, $this->ownerColumn); } $this->ajaxResponse($res ? Errors::SUCCESSFULL : Errors::IMPOSSIBLE); break; case 'del': $nDynpropID = $this->input->id('dynprop'); if (!$nDynpropID) { $this->adminRedirect(Errors::IMPOSSIBLE, $sReturnLink); } $bRemoveOnlyInheritence = func::GET('inherit') ? 1 : 0; $res = $this->del($nDynpropID, $nOwnerID, $bRemoveOnlyInheritence == 1); $this->adminRedirect($res ? Errors::SUCCESSFULL : Errors::IMPOSSIBLE, $sReturnLink); break; } }
function categories_move() { if (!$this->haveAccessTo('categories-edit')) { return $this->showAccessDenied(); } $nQuestionID = func::GETPOST('rec', false, true); if (!$nQuestionID) { $this->ajaxResponse(Errors::IMPOSSIBLE); } if (bff::$isAjax) { switch (func::GET('act')) { case 'delete': # удаляем вопрос $this->db->execute('DELETE FROM ' . TABLE_FAQ . ' WHERE id = ' . $nQuestionID); $this->ajaxResponse(Errors::SUCCESSFULL); break; } } $this->ajaxResponse(Errors::IMPOSSIBLE); }
function mm_listing() { if (!FORDEV || !$this->security->isSuperAdmin()) { return $this->showAccessDenied(); } if (bff::$isAjax) { switch (func::GET('act')) { case 'rotate': $res = $this->db->rotateTablednd(TABLE_MODULE_METHODS, '', 'id', 'number'); $this->ajaxResponse($res ? Errors::SUCCESS : Errors::IMPOSSIBLE); break; case 'delete': if (!($nRecordID = $this->input->id('rec', 'p'))) { break; } $aResult = $this->db->one_array('SELECT * FROM ' . TABLE_MODULE_METHODS . ' WHERE id = ' . $nRecordID); if (empty($aResult)) { $this->ajaxResponse(Errors::IMPOSSIBLE); } if ($aResult['module'] == $aResult['method']) { //если модуль, получаем методы $aMethodsID = $this->db->select_one_column('SELECT id FROM ' . TABLE_MODULE_METHODS . ' WHERE module=' . $this->db->str2sql($aResult['module']) . ' AND module!=method ORDER BY number, id'); //удалить методы $this->db->execute('DELETE FROM ' . TABLE_MODULE_METHODS . ' WHERE id IN (' . implode(',', $aMethodsID) . ')'); $this->db->execute('DELETE FROM ' . TABLE_USERS_GROUPS_PERMISSIONS . ' WHERE item_type = ' . $this->db->str2sql('module') . ' and item_id IN (' . implode(',', $aMethodsID) . ')'); } //удалить модули и методы $this->db->execute('DELETE FROM ' . TABLE_MODULE_METHODS . ' WHERE id = ' . $nRecordID); $this->db->execute('DELETE FROM ' . TABLE_USERS_GROUPS_PERMISSIONS . ' WHERE unit_type=' . $this->db->str2sql('group') . ' AND item_type=' . $this->db->str2sql('module') . ' AND item_id=' . $nRecordID); $this->ajaxResponse(Errors::SUCCESS); break; } $this->ajaxResponse(Errors::IMPOSSIBLE); } $aData = $this->db->select(' SELECT M.*, 1 as numlevel FROM ' . TABLE_MODULE_METHODS . ' M WHERE M.module=M.method ORDER BY M.number,'); $aSubData = $this->db->select('SELECT M.*, 2 as numlevel FROM ' . TABLE_MODULE_METHODS . ' M WHERE M.module!=M.method ORDER BY M.number,'); $aSubData = Func::array_transparent($aSubData, 'module'); for ($i = 0; $i < count($aData); $i++) { $aData[$i]['subitems'] = array(); if (isset($aSubData[$aData[$i]['module']])) { $aData[$i]['subitems'] = $aSubData[$aData[$i]['module']]; } } $this->includeJS('tablednd'); $this->tplAssign('aData', $aData); return $this->tplFetch(''); }