예제 #1
    $root_nn = $root . preg_replace('![^A-Za-z0-9_]!', '_', $_POST['newname']);
    $u = umask(0);
    if (!@is_dir($root_nn) && !@mkdir($root_nn, 0777)) {
        exit('can\'t create (' . $root_nn . ')<br>');
    $ts = $_POST['base_template_set'] == 'path_info' ? 'path_info/' : 'default/';
    fudcopy($root . $ts, $root_nn, '!.*!', true);
if (isset($_POST['thm_theme']) && !$edit) {
    $thm = new fud_theme();
    compile_all($thm->theme, $thm->lang, $thm->name);
} else {
    if (isset($_POST['edit'])) {
        $thm = new fud_theme();
        if ($edit == 1) {
            $thm->name = 'default';
        $thm->sync((int) $_POST['edit']);
        compile_all($thm->theme, $thm->lang, $thm->name);
        $edit = '';
    } else {
        if (isset($_GET['rebuild']) && ($data = db_saq('SELECT theme, lang, name FROM ' . $DBHOST_TBL_PREFIX . 'themes WHERE id=' . (int) $_GET['rebuild']))) {
            compile_all($data[0], $data[1], $data[2]);
        } else {
            if (isset($_GET['edit']) && ($c = db_arr_assoc('SELECT * FROM ' . $DBHOST_TBL_PREFIX . 'themes WHERE id=' . $edit))) {
                foreach ($c as $k => $v) {
                    ${'thm_' . $k} = $v;
                $thm_t_default = $c['theme_opt'] & 2;
예제 #2
function init_user()
    $o1 =& $GLOBALS['FUD_OPT_1'];
    $o2 =& $GLOBALS['FUD_OPT_2'];
    $phpgw =& $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['user'];
    /* delete old sessions */
    if (!(rand() % 10)) {
        q("DELETE FROM phpgw_fud_ses WHERE time_sec+" . $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['server']['sessions_timeout'] . " < " . __request_timestamp__);
    $u = db_sab("SELECT \n\t\t\ts.id AS sid, s.data, s.returnto, \n\t\t\tt.id AS theme_id, t.lang, t.name AS theme_name, t.locale, t.theme, t.pspell_lang, t.theme_opt, \n\t\t\tu.alias, u.posts_ppg, u.time_zone, u.sig, u.last_visit, u.last_read, u.cat_collapse_status, u.users_opt, u.ignore_list, u.ignore_list, u.buddy_list, u.id, u.group_leader_list, u.email, u.login \n\t\t\tFROM phpgw_fud_ses s\n\t\t\tINNER JOIN phpgw_fud_users u ON u.id=(CASE WHEN s.user_id>2000000000 THEN 1 ELSE s.user_id END) \n\t\t\tINNER JOIN phpgw_fud_themes t ON t.id=u.theme WHERE s.ses_id='" . s . "'");
    if (!$u) {
        /* registered user */
        if ($phpgw['account_lid'] != $GLOBALS['ANON_NICK']) {
            /* this means we do not have an entry for this user in the sessions table */
            $uid = q_singleval("SELECT id FROM phpgw_fud_users WHERE egw_id=" . (int) $phpgw['account_id']);
            $id = db_qid("INSERT INTO phpgw_fud_ses (user_id, ses_id, time_sec) VALUES(" . $uid . ", '" . s . "', " . __request_timestamp__ . ")");
            $u = db_sab('SELECT s.id AS sid, s.data, s.returnto, t.id AS theme_id, t.lang, t.name AS theme_name, t.locale, t.theme, t.pspell_lang, t.theme_opt, u.alias, u.posts_ppg, u.time_zone, u.sig, u.last_visit, u.last_read, u.cat_collapse_status, u.users_opt, u.ignore_list, u.ignore_list, u.buddy_list, u.id, u.group_leader_list, u.email, u.login FROM phpgw_fud_ses s INNER JOIN phpgw_fud_users u ON u.id=s.user_id INNER JOIN phpgw_fud_themes t ON t.id=u.theme WHERE s.id=' . $id);
        } else {
            /* anonymous user */
            do {
                $uid = 2000000000 + mt_rand(1, 147483647);
            } while (!($id = db_li("INSERT INTO phpgw_fud_ses (time_sec, ses_id, user_id) VALUES (" . __request_timestamp__ . ", '" . s . "', " . $uid . ")", $ef, 1)));
            $u = db_sab('SELECT s.id AS sid, s.data, s.returnto, t.id AS theme_id, t.lang, t.name AS theme_name, t.locale, t.theme, t.pspell_lang, t.theme_opt, u.alias, u.posts_ppg, u.time_zone, u.sig, u.last_visit, u.last_read, u.cat_collapse_status, u.users_opt, u.ignore_list, u.ignore_list, u.buddy_list, u.id, u.group_leader_list, u.email, u.login FROM phpgw_fud_ses s INNER JOIN phpgw_fud_users u ON u.id=1 INNER JOIN phpgw_fud_themes t ON t.id=u.theme WHERE s.id=' . $id);
    /* grant admin access */
    if (!empty($phpgw['apps']['admin'])) {
        $u->users_opt |= 1048576;
    /* this is ugly, very ugly, but there is no way around it, we need to see if the 
     * user's language had changed and we can only do it this way.
    $langl = array('bg' => 'bulgarian', 'zh' => 'chinese_big5', 'cs' => 'czech', 'nl' => 'dutch', 'fr' => 'french', 'de' => 'german', 'it' => 'italian', 'lv' => 'latvian', 'no' => 'norwegian', 'pl' => 'polish', 'pt' => 'portuguese', 'ro' => 'romanian', 'ru' => 'russian', 'sk' => 'slovak', 'es' => 'spanish', 'sv' => 'swedish', 'tr' => 'turkish', 'en' => 'english');
    $lang =& $phpgw['preferences']['common']['lang'];
    if (isset($langl[$lang]) && $langl[$lang] != $u->lang) {
        if (!($o = db_sab("SELECT * FROM phpgw_fud_themes WHERE lang='{$langl[$lang]}'"))) {
            fud_use('compiler.inc', true);
            fud_use('theme.inc', true);
            $thm = new fud_theme();
            $thm->name = $thm->lang = $langl[$lang];
            $thm->theme = 'default';
            $thm->pspell_lang = file_get_contents($GLOBALS['DATA_DIR'] . 'thm/default/i18n/' . $langl[$lang] . '/pspell_lang');
            $thm->locale = file_get_contents($GLOBALS['DATA_DIR'] . 'thm/default/i18n/' . $langl[$lang] . '/locale');
            $thm->theme_opt = 1;
            compile_all('default', $langl[$lang], $langl[$lang]);
            $o = db_sab("SELECT * FROM phpgw_fud_themes WHERE lang='{$langl[$lang]}'");
        $u->lang = $o->lang;
        $u->theme_name = $o->name;
        $u->locale = $o->locale;
        $u->theme_id = $o->id;
        $u->theme = $o->theme;
        $u->pspell_lang = $o->pspell_lang;
        $u->theme_opt = $o->theme_opt;
        q("UPDATE phpgw_fud_users SET theme=" . $u->theme_id . " WHERE id=" . $u->id);
    if ($u->data) {
        $u->data = @unserialize($u->data);
    $u->users_opt = (int) $u->users_opt;
    /* set timezone */
    @putenv('TZ=' . $u->time_zone);
    /* set locale */
    setlocale(LC_ALL, $u->locale);
    /* view format for threads & messages */
    define('d_thread_view', $u->users_opt & 256 ? 'msg' : 'tree');
    define('t_thread_view', $u->users_opt & 128 ? 'thread' : 'threadt');
    /* theme path */
    @define('fud_theme', 'theme/' . ($u->theme_name ? $u->theme_name : 'default') . '/');
    /* define _uid, which, will tell us if this is a 'real' user or not */
    define('__fud_real_user__', $u->id != 1 ? $u->id : 0);
    define('_uid', __fud_real_user__);
    if (__fud_real_user__) {
        q('UPDATE phpgw_fud_users SET last_visit=' . __request_timestamp__ . ' WHERE id=' . $u->id);
    return $u;