예제 #1
  * Updates an existing file and will chmod it too if required.
  * @author Bobby Allen (ballen@bobbyallen.me)
  * @param string $path The path and file name to the file to update.
  * @param string $chmod Permissions mode to use for the new file. (eg. 0777)
  * @param string $sting The content to update the file with.
  * @return boolean 
 static function UpdateFile($path, $chmod = 0777, $string = "")
     if (!file_exists($path)) {
     $fp = @fopen($path, 'w');
     @fwrite($fp, $string);
     fs_director::SetFileSystemPermissions($path, $chmod);
     return true;
 * Calculate the bandwidth used for each user.
$checksql = $zdbh->query("SELECT COUNT(*) AS total FROM x_vhosts WHERE vh_deleted_ts IS NULL")->fetch();
echo fs_filehandler::NewLine() . "START Calculating bandwidth usage for all client accounts.." . fs_filehandler::NewLine();
if ($checksql['total'] > 0) {
    $domainssql = $zdbh->query("SELECT vh_acc_fk, vh_name_vc FROM x_vhosts WHERE vh_deleted_ts IS NULL");
    while ($domain = $domainssql->fetch()) {
        $domainowner = ctrl_users::GetUserDetail($domain['vh_acc_fk']);
        $bandwidthlog = ctrl_options::GetSystemOption('log_dir') . 'domains/' . $domainowner['username'] . '/' . $domain['vh_name_vc'] . '-bandwidth.log';
        $snapshotfile = ctrl_options::GetSystemOption('log_dir') . 'domains/' . $domainowner['username'] . '/' . $domain['vh_name_vc'] . '-snapshot.bw';
        $bandwidth = 0;
        echo "Processing domain \"" . $domain['vh_name_vc'] . "\"" . fs_filehandler::NewLine();
        if (fs_director::CheckFileExists($bandwidthlog)) {
            fs_filehandler::CopyFile($bandwidthlog, $snapshotfile);
            if (fs_director::CheckFileExists($snapshotfile)) {
                echo "Generating bandwidth.. " . fs_filehandler::NewLine();
                $bandwidth = sys_bandwidth::CalculateFromApacheLog($snapshotfile);
                if (file_exists($snapshotfile)) {
                    echo "usage: " . $bandwidth . " (" . fs_director::ShowHumanFileSize($bandwidth) . ")" . fs_filehandler::NewLine();
        if (!fs_director::CheckForEmptyValue($bandwidth)) {
            //$zdbh->query("UPDATE x_bandwidth SET bd_transamount_bi=(bd_transamount_bi+" . $bandwidth . ") WHERE bd_acc_fk = " . $domain['vh_acc_fk'] . " AND bd_month_in = " . date("Ym") . "");
            $numrows = $zdbh->prepare("UPDATE x_bandwidth SET bd_transamount_bi=(bd_transamount_bi+:bandwidth) WHERE bd_acc_fk = :vh_acc_fk AND bd_month_in = :date");
            $numrows->bindParam(':bandwidth', $bandwidth);
            $date = date("Ym");
            $numrows->bindParam(':date', $date);
            $numrows->bindParam(':vh_acc_fk', $domain['vh_acc_fk']);