예제 #1
function drawSubLinks($subform_id, $sub_entries, $uid, $groups, $frid, $mid, $fid, $entry, $customCaption = "", $customElements = "", $defaultblanks = 0, $showViewButtons = 1, $captionsForHeadings = 0, $overrideOwnerOfNewEntries = "", $mainFormOwner = 0, $hideaddentries = "", $subformConditions = null, $subformElementId = 0, $rowsOrForms = 'row', $addEntriesText = _formulize_ADD_ENTRIES, $subform_element_object = null)
    $nestedSubform = false;
    if (isset($GLOBALS['formulize_inlineSubformFrid'])) {
        $frid = $GLOBALS['formulize_inlineSubformFrid'];
        $nestedSubform = true;
    $member_handler = xoops_gethandler('member');
    $gperm_handler = xoops_gethandler('groupperm');
    $addEntriesText = $addEntriesText ? $addEntriesText : _formulize_ADD_ENTRIES;
    global $xoopsDB, $nosubforms;
    $GLOBALS['framework'] = $frid;
    $form_handler = xoops_getmodulehandler('forms', 'formulize');
    // limit the sub_entries array to just the entries that match the conditions, if any
    if (is_array($subformConditions) and is_array($sub_entries[$subform_id])) {
        list($conditionsFilter, $conditionsFilterOOM, $curlyBracketFormFrom) = buildConditionsFilterSQL($subformConditions, $subform_id, $entry, $mainFormOwner, $fid);
        // pass in mainFormOwner as the comparison ID for evaluating {USER} so that the included entries are consistent when an admin looks at a set of entries made by someone else.
        $subformObject = $form_handler->get($subform_id);
        $sql = "SELECT entry_id FROM " . $xoopsDB->prefix("formulize_" . $subformObject->getVar('form_handle')) . "{$curlyBracketFormFrom} WHERE entry_id IN (" . implode(", ", $sub_entries[$subform_id]) . ") {$conditionsFilter} {$conditionsFilterOOM}";
        $sub_entries[$subform_id] = array();
        if ($res = $xoopsDB->query($sql)) {
            while ($array = $xoopsDB->fetchArray($res)) {
                $sub_entries[$subform_id][] = $array['entry_id'];
    include_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . "/modules/formulize/include/extract.php";
    $target_sub_to_use = (isset($_POST['target_sub']) and $_POST['target_sub'] != 0) ? $_POST['target_sub'] : $subform_id;
    $elementq = q("SELECT fl_key1, fl_key2, fl_common_value, fl_form2_id FROM " . $xoopsDB->prefix("formulize_framework_links") . " WHERE fl_frame_id=" . intval($frid) . " AND fl_form2_id=" . intval($fid) . " AND fl_form1_id=" . intval($target_sub_to_use));
    // element_to_write is used below in writing results of "add x entries" clicks, plus it is used for defaultblanks on first drawing blank entries, so we need to get this outside of the saving routine
    if (count($elementq) > 0) {
        $element_to_write = $elementq[0]['fl_key1'];
        $value_source = $elementq[0]['fl_key2'];
        $value_source_form = $elementq[0]['fl_form2_id'];
    } else {
        $elementq = q("SELECT fl_key2, fl_key1, fl_common_value, fl_form1_id FROM " . $xoopsDB->prefix("formulize_framework_links") . " WHERE fl_frame_id=" . intval($frid) . " AND fl_form1_id=" . intval($fid) . " AND fl_form2_id=" . intval($target_sub_to_use));
        $element_to_write = $elementq[0]['fl_key2'];
        $value_source = $elementq[0]['fl_key1'];
        $value_source_form = $elementq[0]['fl_form1_id'];
    if (0 == strlen($element_to_write)) {
        error_log("Relationship {$frid} for subform {$subform_id} on form {$fid} is invalid.");
        $to_return = array("c1" => "", "c2" => "", "sigle" => "");
        global $xoopsUser;
        if (is_object($xoopsUser) and in_array(XOOPS_GROUP_ADMIN, $xoopsUser->getGroups())) {
            if (0 == $frid) {
                $to_return['single'] = "This subform cannot be shown because no relationship is active.";
            } else {
                $to_return['single'] = "This subform cannot be shown because relationship {$frid} for subform " . "{$subform_id} on form {$fid} is invalid.";
        return $to_return;
    // check for adding of a sub entry, and handle accordingly -- added September 4 2006
    static $subformInstance;
    $subformInstance = !isset($subformInstance) ? 100 : $subformInstance;
    if ($_POST['target_sub'] and $_POST['target_sub'] == $subform_id and $_POST['target_sub_instance'] == $subformElementId . $subformInstance) {
        // important we only do this on the run through for that particular sub form (hence target_sub == sfid), and also only for the specific instance of this subform on the page too, since not all entries may apply to all subform instances any longer with conditions in effect now
        // need to handle things differently depending on whether it's a common value or a linked selectbox type of link
        // uid links need to result in a "new" value in the displayElement boxes -- odd things will happen if people start adding linked values to entries that aren't theirs!
        if ($element_to_write != 0) {
            if ($elementq[0]['fl_common_value']) {
                // grab the value from the parent element -- assume that it is a textbox of some kind!
                if (isset($_POST['de_' . $value_source_form . '_' . $entry . '_' . $value_source])) {
                    $value_to_write = $_POST['de_' . $value_source_form . '_' . $entry . '_' . $value_source];
                } else {
                    // get this entry and see what the source value is
                    $data_handler = new formulizeDataHandler($value_source_form);
                    $value_to_write = $data_handler->getElementValueInEntry($entry, $value_source);
            } else {
                $value_to_write = $entry;
            $sub_entry_new = "";
            for ($i = 0; $i < $_POST['numsubents']; $i++) {
                // actually goahead and create the requested number of new sub entries...start with the key field, and then do all textboxes with defaults too...
                //$subEntWritten = writeElementValue($_POST['target_sub'], $element_to_write, "new", $value_to_write, "", "", true); // Last param is override that allows direct writing to linked selectboxes if we have prepped the value first!
                if ($overrideOwnerOfNewEntries) {
                    $creation_user_touse = $mainFormOwner;
                } else {
                    $creation_user_touse = "";
                $subEntWritten = writeElementValue($_POST['target_sub'], $element_to_write, "new", $value_to_write, $creation_user_touse, "", true);
                // Last param is override that allows direct writing to linked selectboxes if we have prepped the value first!
                $element_handler = xoops_getmodulehandler('elements', 'formulize');
                if (!isset($elementsForDefaults)) {
                    $criteria = new CriteriaCompo();
                    $criteria->add(new Criteria('ele_type', 'text'), 'OR');
                    $criteria->add(new Criteria('ele_type', 'textarea'), 'OR');
                    $criteria->add(new Criteria('ele_type', 'date'), 'OR');
                    $criteria->add(new Criteria('ele_type', 'radio'), 'OR');
                    $elementsForDefaults = $element_handler->getObjects($criteria, $_POST['target_sub']);
                    // get all the text or textarea elements in the form
                foreach ($elementsForDefaults as $thisDefaultEle) {
                    // need to write in any default values for any text boxes or text areas that are in the subform.  Perhaps other elements could be included too, but that would take too much work right now. (March 9 2009)
                    $defaultTextToWrite = "";
                    $ele_value_for_default = $thisDefaultEle->getVar('ele_value');
                    switch ($thisDefaultEle->getVar('ele_type')) {
                        case "text":
                            $defaultTextToWrite = getTextboxDefault($ele_value_for_default[2], $_POST['target_sub'], $subEntWritten);
                            // position 2 is default value for text boxes
                        case "textarea":
                            $defaultTextToWrite = getTextboxDefault($ele_value_for_default[0], $_POST['target_sub'], $subEntWritten);
                            // position 0 is default value for text boxes
                        case "date":
                            $defaultTextToWrite = getDateElementDefault($ele_value_for_default[0]);
                            if (false === $defaultTextToWrite) {
                                $defaultTextToWrite = "";
                            } else {
                                $defaultTextToWrite = date("c", $defaultTextToWrite);
                        case "radio":
                            $thisDefaultEleValue = $thisDefaultEle->getVar('ele_value');
                            $defaultTextToWrite = array_search(1, $thisDefaultEleValue);
                    if ($defaultTextToWrite) {
                        writeElementValue($_POST['target_sub'], $thisDefaultEle->getVar('ele_id'), $subEntWritten, $defaultTextToWrite);
                $sub_entry_written[] = $subEntWritten;
        } else {
            $sub_entry_new = "new";
            // this happens in uid-link situations?
            $sub_entry_written = "";
        // need to also enforce any equals conditions that are on the subform element, if any, and assign those values to the entries that were just added
        if (is_array($subformConditions)) {
            $filterValues = array();
            foreach ($subformConditions[1] as $i => $thisOp) {
                if ($thisOp == "=" and $subformConditions[3][$i] != "oom" and $subformConditions[2][$i] != "{BLANK}") {
                    $conditionElementObject = $element_handler->get($subformConditions[0][$i]);
                    $filterValues[$subformConditions[0][$i]] = prepareLiteralTextForDB($conditionElementObject, $subformConditions[2][$i]);
            if (count($filterValues) > 0) {
                foreach ($sub_entry_written as $thisSubEntry) {
                    formulize_writeEntry($filterValues, $thisSubEntry);
    // need to do a number of checks here, including looking for single status on subform, and not drawing in add another if there is an entry for a single
    $sub_single_result = getSingle($subform_id, $uid, $groups, $member_handler, $gperm_handler, $mid);
    $sub_single = $sub_single_result['flag'];
    if ($sub_single) {
        $sub_entries[$subform_id][0] = $sub_single_result['entry'];
    if (!is_array($sub_entries[$subform_id])) {
        $sub_entries[$subform_id] = array();
    if ($sub_entry_new and !$sub_single and $_POST['target_sub'] == $subform_id) {
        for ($i = 0; $i < $_POST['numsubents']; $i++) {
            array_unshift($sub_entries[$subform_id], $sub_entry_new);
    if (is_array($sub_entry_written) and !$sub_single and $_POST['target_sub'] == $subform_id) {
        foreach ($sub_entry_written as $sew) {
            array_unshift($sub_entries[$subform_id], $sew);
    if (!$customCaption) {
        // get the title of this subform
        // help text removed for F4.0 RC2, this is an experiment
        $subtitle = q("SELECT desc_form FROM " . $xoopsDB->prefix("formulize_id") . " WHERE id_form = {$subform_id}");
        $col_one = "<p id=\"subform-caption-f{$fid}-sf{$subform_id}\" class=\"subform-caption\"><b>" . trans($subtitle[0]['desc_form']) . "</b></p>";
        // <p style=\"font-weight: normal;\">" . _formulize_ADD_HELP;
    } else {
        $col_one = "<p id=\"subform-caption-f{$fid}-sf{$subform_id}\" class=\"subform-caption\"><b>" . trans($customCaption) . "</b></p>";
        // <p style=\"font-weight: normal;\">" . _formulize_ADD_HELP;
    /*if(intval($sub_entries[$subform_id][0]) != 0 OR $sub_entry_new OR is_array($sub_entry_written)) {
    		if(!$nosubforms) { $col_one .= "<br>" . _formulize_ADD_HELP2; }
    		$col_one .= "<br>" . _formulize_ADD_HELP3;
    	} */
    // list the entries, including links to them and delete checkboxes
    // get the headerlist for the subform and convert it into handles
    // note big assumption/restriction that we are only using the first header found (ie: only specify one header for a sub form!)
    // setup the array of elements to draw
    if (is_array($customElements)) {
        $headingDescriptions = array();
        $headerq = q("SELECT ele_caption, ele_colhead, ele_desc, ele_id FROM " . $xoopsDB->prefix("formulize") . " WHERE ele_id IN (" . implode(", ", $customElements) . ") ORDER BY ele_order");
        foreach ($headerq as $thisHeaderResult) {
            $elementsToDraw[] = $thisHeaderResult['ele_id'];
            $headingDescriptions[] = $thisHeaderResult['ele_desc'] ? $thisHeaderResult['ele_desc'] : "";
            if ($captionsForHeadings) {
                $headersToDraw[] = $thisHeaderResult['ele_caption'];
            } else {
                $headersToDraw[] = $thisHeaderResult['ele_colhead'] ? $thisHeaderResult['ele_colhead'] : $thisHeaderResult['ele_caption'];
    } else {
        $subHeaderList = getHeaderList($subform_id);
        $subHeaderList1 = getHeaderList($subform_id, true);
        if (isset($subHeaderList[0])) {
            $headersToDraw[] = trans($subHeaderList[0]);
        if (isset($subHeaderList[1])) {
            $headersToDraw[] = trans($subHeaderList[1]);
        if (isset($subHeaderList[2])) {
            $headersToDraw[] = trans($subHeaderList[2]);
        $elementsToDraw = array_slice($subHeaderList1, 0, 3);
    $need_delete = 0;
    $drawnHeadersOnce = false;
    if ($rowsOrForms == "row" or $rowsOrForms == '') {
        $col_two = "<table id=\"formulize-subform-table-{$subform_id}\" class=\"formulize-subform-table\">";
    } else {
        $col_two = "";
        if (!strstr($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], "formulize/printview.php")) {
            $col_two .= "<div id=\"subform-{$subformElementId}\" class=\"subform-accordion-container\" subelementid=\"{$subformElementId}\" style=\"display: none;\">";
        $col_two .= "<input type='hidden' name='subform_entry_" . $subformElementId . "_active' id='subform_entry_" . $subformElementId . "_active' value='' />";
        include_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . "/modules/formulize/class/data.php";
        $data_handler = new formulizeDataHandler($subform_id);
    $deFrid = $frid ? $frid : "";
    // need to set this up so we can pass it as part of the displayElement function, necessary to establish the framework in case this is a framework and no subform element is being used, just the default draw-in-the-one-to-many behaviour
    // if there's been no form submission, and there's no sub_entries, and there are default blanks to show, then do everything differently -- sept 8 2007
    if (!$_POST['form_submitted'] and count($sub_entries[$subform_id]) == 0 and $defaultblanks > 0 and ($rowsOrForms == "row" or $rowsOrForms == '')) {
        for ($i = 0; $i < $defaultblanks; $i++) {
            // nearly same header drawing code as in the 'else' for drawing regular entries
            if (!$drawnHeadersOnce) {
                $col_two .= "<tr><td>\n";
                $col_two .= "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"formulize_subformValueSource_{$subform_id}\" value=\"{$value_source}\">\n";
                $col_two .= "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"formulize_subformValueSourceForm_{$subform_id}\" value=\"{$value_source_form}\">\n";
                $col_two .= "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"formulize_subformValueSourceEntry_{$subform_id}\" value=\"{$entry}\">\n";
                $col_two .= "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"formulize_subformElementToWrite_{$subform_id}\" value=\"{$element_to_write}\">\n";
                $col_two .= "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"formulize_subformSourceType_{$subform_id}\" value=\"" . $elementq[0]['fl_common_value'] . "\">\n";
                $col_two .= "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"formulize_subformId_{$subform_id}\" value=\"{$subform_id}\">\n";
                // this is probably redundant now that we're tracking sfid in the names of the other elements
                $col_two .= "</td>\n";
                foreach ($headersToDraw as $x => $thishead) {
                    if ($thishead) {
                        $headerHelpLinkPart1 = $headingDescriptions[$i] ? "<a href=\"#\" onclick=\"return false;\" alt=\"" . $headingDescriptions[$x] . "\" title=\"" . $headingDescriptions[$x] . "\">" : "";
                        $headerHelpLinkPart2 = $headerHelpLinkPart1 ? "</a>" : "";
                        $col_two .= "<th><p>{$headerHelpLinkPart1}<b>{$thishead}</b>{$headerHelpLinkPart2}</p></th>\n";
                $col_two .= "</tr>\n";
                $drawnHeadersOnce = true;
            $col_two .= "<tr>\n<td>";
            $col_two .= "</td>\n";
            include_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . "/modules/formulize/include/elementdisplay.php";
            foreach ($elementsToDraw as $thisele) {
                if ($thisele) {
                    // critical that we *don't* ask for displayElement to return the element object, since this way the validation logic is passed back through the global space also (ugh).  Otherwise, no validation logic possible for subforms.
                    $renderResult = displayElement($deFrid, $thisele, "subformCreateEntry_" . $i . "_" . $subformElementId);
                    $col_two_temp = ob_get_contents();
                    if ($col_two_temp or $renderResult == "rendered") {
                        // only draw in a cell if there actually is an element rendered (some elements might be rendered as nothing (such as derived values)
                        $col_two .= "<td>{$col_two_temp}</td>\n";
                    } else {
                        $col_two .= "<td>******</td>";
            $col_two .= "</tr>\n";
    } elseif (count($sub_entries[$subform_id]) > 0) {
        // need to figure out the proper order for the sub entries based on the properties set for this form
        // for now, hard code to the word number field to suit the map site only
        // if it's the word subform, then sort the entries differently
        /*if($subform_id == 281) {
        			$sortClause = " fas_281, block_281, word_number ";
        		elseif ($subform_id == 283) {
        			$sortClause = " fas_283 ";
        		else {*/
        $sortClause = " entry_id ";
        $sformObject = $form_handler->get($subform_id);
        $subEntriesOrderSQL = "SELECT entry_id FROM " . $xoopsDB->prefix("formulize_" . $sformObject->getVar('form_handle')) . " WHERE entry_id IN (" . implode(",", $sub_entries[$subform_id]) . ") ORDER BY {$sortClause}";
        if ($subEntriesOrderRes = $xoopsDB->query($subEntriesOrderSQL)) {
            $sub_entries[$subform_id] = array();
            while ($subEntriesOrderArray = $xoopsDB->fetchArray($subEntriesOrderRes)) {
                $sub_entries[$subform_id][] = $subEntriesOrderArray['entry_id'];
        $currentSubformInstance = $subformInstance;
        foreach ($sub_entries[$subform_id] as $sub_ent) {
            if ($sub_ent != "") {
                if ($rowsOrForms == 'row' or $rowsOrForms == '') {
                    if (!$drawnHeadersOnce) {
                        $col_two .= "<tr><th></th>\n";
                        foreach ($headersToDraw as $i => $thishead) {
                            if ($thishead) {
                                $headerHelpLinkPart1 = $headingDescriptions[$i] ? "<a href=\"#\" onclick=\"return false;\" alt=\"" . $headingDescriptions[$i] . "\" title=\"" . $headingDescriptions[$i] . "\">" : "";
                                $headerHelpLinkPart2 = $headerHelpLinkPart1 ? "</a>" : "";
                                $col_two .= "<th><p>{$headerHelpLinkPart1}<b>{$thishead}</b>{$headerHelpLinkPart2}</p></th>\n";
                        $col_two .= "</tr>\n";
                        $drawnHeadersOnce = true;
                    $col_two .= "<tr>\n<td>";
                    // check to see if we draw a delete box or not
                    if ($sub_ent !== "new" and "hideaddentries" != $hideaddentries and formulizePermHandler::user_can_delete_entry($subform_id, $uid, $sub_ent) and !strstr($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], "formulize/printview.php")) {
                        // note: if the add/delete entry buttons are hidden, then these delete checkboxes are hidden as well
                        $need_delete = 1;
                        $col_two .= "<input type=checkbox name=delbox{$sub_ent} value={$sub_ent}></input>";
                    $col_two .= "</td>\n";
                    include_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . "/modules/formulize/include/elementdisplay.php";
                    foreach ($elementsToDraw as $thisele) {
                        if ($thisele) {
                            // critical that we *don't* ask for displayElement to return the element object, since this way the validation logic is passed back through the global space also (ugh).  Otherwise, no validation logic possible for subforms.
                            $renderResult = displayElement($deFrid, $thisele, $sub_ent);
                            $col_two_temp = ob_get_contents();
                            if ($col_two_temp or $renderResult == "rendered") {
                                // only draw in a cell if there actually is an element rendered (some elements might be rendered as nothing (such as derived values)
                                $col_two .= "<td>{$col_two_temp}</td>\n";
                            } else {
                                $col_two .= "<td>******</td>";
                    if (!$nosubforms and $showViewButtons and !strstr($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], "formulize/printview.php")) {
                        $col_two .= "<td><input type=button name=view" . $sub_ent . " value='" . _formulize_SUBFORM_VIEW . "' onclick=\"javascript:goSub('{$sub_ent}', '{$subform_id}');return false;\"></input></td>\n";
                    $col_two .= "</tr>\n";
                } else {
                    // display the full form
                    $headerValues = array();
                    foreach ($elementsToDraw as $thisele) {
                        $value = $data_handler->getElementValueInEntry($sub_ent, $thisele);
                        $element_object = _getElementObject($thisele);
                        $value = prepvalues($value, $element_object->getVar("ele_handle"), $sub_ent);
                        if (is_array($value)) {
                            $value = implode(" - ", $value);
                        // may be an array if the element allows multiple selections (checkboxes, multiselect list boxes, etc)
                        $headerValues[] = $value;
                    $headerToWrite = implode(" &mdash; ", $headerValues);
                    if (str_replace(" &mdash; ", "", $headerToWrite) == "") {
                        $headerToWrite = _AM_ELE_SUBFORM_NEWENTRY_LABEL;
                    // check to see if we draw a delete box or not
                    $deleteBox = "";
                    if ($sub_ent !== "new" and formulizePermHandler::user_can_delete_entry($subform_id, $uid, $sub_ent) and !strstr($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], "formulize/printview.php")) {
                        $need_delete = 1;
                        $deleteBox = "<input type=checkbox name=delbox{$sub_ent} value={$sub_ent}></input>&nbsp;&nbsp;";
                    if (!strstr($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], "formulize/printview.php")) {
                        $col_two .= "<div class=\"subform-deletebox\">{$deleteBox}</div><div class=\"subform-entry-container\" id=\"subform-" . $subform_id . "-" . "{$sub_ent}\">\r\n\t<p class=\"subform-header\"><a href=\"#\"><span class=\"accordion-name\">" . $headerToWrite . "</span></a></p>\r\n\t<div class=\"accordion-content content\">";
                    $GLOBALS['formulize_inlineSubformFrid'] = $frid;
                    if ($display_screen = get_display_screen_for_subform($subform_element_object)) {
                        $subScreen_handler = xoops_getmodulehandler('formScreen', 'formulize');
                        $subScreenObject = $subScreen_handler->get($display_screen);
                        $subScreen_handler->render($subScreenObject, $sub_ent, null, true);
                    } else {
                        // SHOULD CHANGE THIS TO USE THE DEFAULT SCREEN FOR THE FORM!!!!!!????
                        $renderResult = displayForm($subform_id, $sub_ent, "", "", "", "", "formElementsOnly");
                    if (!$nestedSubform) {
                    $col_two_temp = ob_get_contents();
                    $col_two .= $col_two_temp;
                    if (!strstr($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], "formulize/printview.php")) {
                        $col_two .= "</div>\n</div>\n";
        $subformInstance = $currentSubformInstance;
        // instance counter might have changed because the form could include other subforms
    if ($rowsOrForms == 'row' or $rowsOrForms == '') {
        // complete the table if we're drawing rows
        $col_two .= "</table>";
    } else {
        if (!strstr($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], "formulize/printview.php")) {
            $col_two .= "</div>";
            // close of the subform-accordion-container
        static $jqueryUILoaded = false;
        if (!$jqueryUILoaded) {
            $col_two .= "<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"" . XOOPS_URL . "/modules/formulize/libraries/jquery/jquery-ui-1.8.2.custom.min.js\"></script>\n";
            $col_two .= "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"" . XOOPS_URL . "/modules/formulize/libraries/jquery/css/start/jquery-ui-1.8.2.custom.css\">\n";
            $jqueryUILoaded = true;
        $col_two .= "\n\r\n<script type=\"text/javascript\">\r\n\tjQuery(document).ready(function() {\r\n\t\tjQuery(\"#subform-{$subformElementId}\").accordion({\r\n\t\t\tautoHeight: false, // no fixed height for sections\r\n\t\t\tcollapsible: true, // sections can be collapsed\r\n\t\t\tactive: ";
        if ($_POST['target_sub_instance'] == $subformElementId . $subformInstance and $_POST['target_sub'] == $subform_id) {
            $col_two .= count($sub_entries[$subform_id]) - $_POST['numsubents'];
        } elseif (is_numeric($_POST['subform_entry_' . $subformElementId . '_active'])) {
            $col_two .= $_POST['subform_entry_' . $subformElementId . '_active'];
        } else {
            $col_two .= 'false';
        $col_two .= ",\r\n\t\t\theader: \"> div > p.subform-header\"\r\n\t\t});\r\n\t\tjQuery(\"#subform-{$subformElementId}\").fadeIn();\r\n\t});\r\n</script>";
    // end of if we're closing the subform inferface where entries are supposed to be collapsable forms
    $deleteButton = "";
    if ((count($sub_entries[$subform_id]) > 0 and $sub_entries[$subform_id][0] != "" or $sub_entry_new or is_array($sub_entry_written)) and $need_delete) {
        $deleteButton = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<input type=button name=deletesubs value='" . _formulize_DELETE_CHECKED . "' onclick=\"javascript:sub_del('{$subform_id}');\">";
        static $deletesubsflagIncluded = false;
        if (!$deletesubsflagIncluded) {
            $col_one .= "\n<input type=hidden name=deletesubsflag value=''>\n";
            $deletesubsflagIncluded = true;
    // if the 'add x entries button' should be hidden or visible
    if ("hideaddentries" != $hideaddentries) {
        $allowed_to_add_entries = false;
        if ("subform" == $hideaddentries or 1 == $hideaddentries) {
            // for compatability, accept '1' which is the old value which corresponds to the new use-subform-permissions (saved as "subform")
            // user can add entries if they have permission on the sub form
            $allowed_to_add_entries = $gperm_handler->checkRight("add_own_entry", $subform_id, $groups, $mid);
        } else {
            // user can add entries if they have permission on the main form
            // the user should only be able to add subform entries if they can *edit* the main form entry, since adding a subform entry
            //  is like editing the main form entry. otherwise they could add subform entries on main form entries owned by other users
            $allowed_to_add_entries = formulizePermHandler::user_can_edit_entry($fid, $uid, $entry);
        if ($allowed_to_add_entries and !strstr($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], "formulize/printview.php")) {
            if (count($sub_entries[$subform_id]) == 1 and $sub_entries[$subform_id][0] === "" and $sub_single) {
                $col_two .= "<p><input type=button name=addsub value='" . _formulize_ADD_ONE . "' onclick=\"javascript:add_sub('{$subform_id}', 1, " . $subformElementId . $subformInstance . ");\"></p>";
            } elseif (!$sub_single) {
                $use_simple_add_one_button = isset($subform_element_object->ele_value["simple_add_one_button"]) ? 1 == $subform_element_object->ele_value["simple_add_one_button"] : false;
                $col_two .= "<p><input type=button name=addsub value='" . ($use_simple_add_one_button ? trans($subform_element_object->ele_value['simple_add_one_button_text']) : _formulize_ADD) . "' onclick=\"javascript:add_sub('{$subform_id}', window.document.formulize.addsubentries{$subform_id}{$subformElementId}{$subformInstance}.value, " . $subformElementId . $subformInstance . ");\">";
                if ($use_simple_add_one_button) {
                    $col_two .= "<input type=\"hidden\" name=addsubentries{$subform_id}{$subformElementId}{$subformInstance} id=addsubentries{$subform_id}{$subformElementId}{$subformInstance} value=\"1\">";
                } else {
                    $col_two .= "<input type=text name=addsubentries{$subform_id}{$subformElementId}{$subformInstance} id=addsubentries{$subform_id}{$subformElementId}{$subformInstance} value=1 size=2 maxlength=2>";
                    $col_two .= $addEntriesText;
                $col_two .= $deleteButton . "</p>";
    $to_return['c1'] = $col_one;
    $to_return['c2'] = $col_two;
    $to_return['single'] = $col_one . $col_two;
    if (is_object($subform_element_object)) {
        global $xoopsUser;
        $show_element_edit_link = (is_object($xoopsUser) and in_array(XOOPS_GROUP_ADMIN, $xoopsUser->getGroups()));
        $edit_link = "";
        if ($show_element_edit_link) {
            $edit_link = "<a class=\"formulize-element-edit-link\" tabindex=\"-1\" href=\"" . XOOPS_URL . "/modules/formulize/admin/ui.php?page=element&aid=0&ele_id=" . $subform_element_object->getVar("ele_id") . "\" target=\"_blank\">edit element</a>";
        $to_return['single'] = "<div class=\"formulize-subform-" . $subform_element_object->getVar("ele_handle") . "\">{$edit_link} {$col_one} {$col_two}</div>";
    return $to_return;
예제 #2
     } else {
         $selectedGroups = isset($_POST['groups']) ? $_POST['groups'] : array();
 $orderGroups = isset($_POST['order']) ? $_POST['order'] : "creation";
 foreach ($allGroups as $thisGroup) {
     $groups[$thisGroup->getVar('name')]['id'] = $thisGroup->getVar('groupid');
     $groups[$thisGroup->getVar('name')]['name'] = $thisGroup->getVar('name');
     $groups[$thisGroup->getVar('name')]['selected'] = in_array($thisGroup->getVar('groupid'), $selectedGroups) ? " selected" : "";
 if ($orderGroups == "alpha") {
 // get all the permissions for the selected groups for this form
 $gperm_handler =& xoops_gethandler('groupperm');
 $formulize_permHandler = new formulizePermHandler($fid);
 $filterSettings = $formObject->getVar('filterSettings');
 $groupperms = array();
 $groupfilters = array();
 $i = 0;
 foreach ($selectedGroups as $thisGroup) {
     // get all the permissions this group has on this form
     $criteria = new CriteriaCompo(new Criteria('gperm_groupid', $thisGroup));
     $criteria->add(new Criteria('gperm_itemid', $fid));
     $criteria->add(new Criteria('gperm_modid', getFormulizeModId()));
     $perms = $gperm_handler->getObjects($criteria, true);
     $groupObject = $member_handler->getGroup($thisGroup);
     $groupperms[$i]['name'] = $groupObject->getVar('name');
     $groupperms[$i]['id'] = $groupObject->getVar('groupid');
     foreach ($perms as $perm) {
         $groupperms[$i][$perm->getVar('gperm_name')] = " checked";
예제 #3
 private static function user_can_modify_entry($action, $form_id, $user_id, $entry_id)
     if (!in_array($action, array("update", "delete"))) {
         throw new Exception("Error: specify either update or delete when calling user_can_modify_entry();");
     $cache_key = "{$action} {$form_id} {$user_id} {$entry_id}";
     if (!isset(self::$cached_permissions[$cache_key])) {
         self::$cached_permissions[$cache_key] = false;
         if (null == self::$formulize_module_id) {
             self::$formulize_module_id = getFormulizeModId();
         $gperm_handler =& xoops_gethandler('groupperm');
         $member_handler =& xoops_gethandler('member');
         $groups = $member_handler->getGroupsByUser($user_id);
         if ("new" == $entry_id or "" == $entry_id) {
             if ("update" == $action) {
                 // user has permission to add new entries
                 self::$cached_permissions[$cache_key] = $gperm_handler->checkRight("add_own_entry", $form_id, $groups, self::$formulize_module_id);
                 if (!self::$cached_permissions[$cache_key]) {
                     self::$cached_permissions[$cache_key] = $gperm_handler->checkRight("add_proxy_entries", $form_id, $groups, self::$formulize_module_id);
             } else {
                 self::$cached_permissions[$cache_key] = false;
                 // cannot delete an entry which has not been saved
         } else {
             // first check if this an entry by current user and they can edit their own entries
             if (getEntryOwner($entry_id, $form_id) == $user_id) {
                 // user can update entry because it is their own and they have permission to update their own entries
                 self::$cached_permissions[$cache_key] = $gperm_handler->checkRight("{$action}_own_entry", $form_id, $groups, self::$formulize_module_id);
             // next, check group and other permissions, even for own entries
             if (!self::$cached_permissions[$cache_key]) {
                 // user can update entry because they have permission to update entries by others
                 self::$cached_permissions[$cache_key] = $gperm_handler->checkRight("{$action}_other_entries", $form_id, $groups, self::$formulize_module_id);
                 if (!self::$cached_permissions[$cache_key]) {
                     // check if the user belongs to a group with group-edit permission
                     if ($gperm_handler->checkRight("{$action}_group_entries", $form_id, $groups, self::$formulize_module_id)) {
                         // sometimes users can have a special group scope set, so use that if available
                         $formulize_permHandler = new formulizePermHandler($form_id);
                         $view_form_groups = $formulize_permHandler->getGroupScopeGroupIds($groups);
                         if ($view_form_groups === false) {
                             // no special group scope, so use normal view-form permissions
                             $view_form_groups = $gperm_handler->getGroupIds("view_form", $form_id, self::$formulize_module_id);
                             // need the groups the user is a member of, that have view form permission
                             $view_form_groups = array_intersect($view_form_groups, $groups);
                         // get the owner groups for the entry
                         $data_handler = new formulizeDataHandler($form_id);
                         $owner_groups = $data_handler->getEntryOwnerGroups($entry_id);
                         // check if the entry belongs to a group that is part of the scope that the user is permitted to interact with
                         self::$cached_permissions[$cache_key] = count(array_intersect($owner_groups, $view_form_groups));
         //Second update to include custom edit check code
         if ("update" == $action && $entry_id > 0) {
             $formHandler = xoops_getmodulehandler('forms', 'formulize');
             $formObject = $formHandler->get($form_id);
             self::$cached_permissions[$cache_key] = $formObject->customEditCheck($form_id, $entry_id, $user_id, self::$cached_permissions[$cache_key]);
     return self::$cached_permissions[$cache_key];
예제 #4
function displayCalendar($formframes, $mainforms = "", $viewHandles, $dateHandles, $filters, $viewPrefixes, $scopes, $hidden, $type = "month", $start = "", $multiPageData = "")
    global $xoopsDB, $xoopsUser;
    global $xoopsTpl;
    // Set some required variables
    $mid = getFormulizeModId();
    for ($i = 0; $i < count($formframes); $i++) {
        if ($mainforms[$i]) {
            list($fid, $frid) = getFormFramework($formframes[$i], $mainforms[$i]);
        } else {
            list($fid, $frid) = getFormFramework($formframes[$i]);
        $fids[] = $fid;
        $frids[] = $frid;
    $gperm_handler =& xoops_gethandler('groupperm');
    $member_handler =& xoops_gethandler('member');
    $groups = $xoopsUser ? $xoopsUser->getGroups() : array(0 => XOOPS_GROUP_ANONYMOUS);
    $uid = $xoopsUser ? $xoopsUser->getVar('uid') : 0;
    foreach ($fids as $thisFid) {
        // check that the user is allowed to see all the fids
        if (!($scheck = security_check($thisFid, "", $uid, "", $groups, $mid, $gperm_handler))) {
            print "<p>" . _NO_PERM . "</p>";
    $currentURL = getCurrentURL();
    // get the current view, ie: the month
    if ($_POST['calview']) {
        // if we're recieving a view from a form submission...
        $settings['calview'] = $_POST['calview'];
    } else {
        if (!$start) {
            // nothing passed from form, and no default value specified, so use current date
            $today = getDate();
            if ($today['mon'] < 10) {
                $today['mon'] = "0" . $today['mon'];
            $settings['calview'] = $today['year'] . "-" . $today['mon'];
        } else {
            $settings['calview'] = $start;
    $settings['calfrid'] = $_POST['calfrid'];
    $settings['calfid'] = $_POST['calfid'];
    $settings['calhidden'] = $hidden;
    // check to see if a switch to a form has been requested
    $settings['ventry'] = $_POST['ventry'];
    if ($settings['ventry']) {
        if ($_POST['ventry'] == "addnew") {
            $this_ent = "";
            $dateOverride = $_POST['adddate'];
        } elseif ($_POST['ventry'] == "proxy") {
            // support for proxies not currently written
            $this_ent = "proxy";
        } else {
            $this_ent = $_POST['ventry'];
        if ($_POST['calfrid']) {
            if (isset($multiPageData[$_POST['calfid']])) {
                if (is_numeric($multiPageData[$_POST['calfid']])) {
                    // numeric value indicates a screen id
                    $screenData = readScreenId($multiPageData[$_POST['calfid']], $_POST['calfid']);
                    if (is_array($screenData)) {
                        $multiPageData = $screenData;
                include_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . "/modules/formulize/include/formdisplaypages.php";
                displayFormPages($_POST['calfrid'], $this_ent, $_POST['calfid'], $multiPageData[$_POST['calfid']]['pages'], $multiPageData[$_POST['calfid']]['conditions'], $multiPageData[$_POST['calfid']]['introtext'], $multiPageData[$_POST['calfid']]['thankstext'], $currentURL, _formulize_CAL_RETURNFROMMULTI, $settings, $dateOverride, $multiPageData[$_POST['calfid']]['printall']);
            } else {
                displayForm($_POST['calfrid'], $this_ent, $_POST['calfid'], $currentURL, "", $settings, "", $dateOverride, 1, 1);
                // first "" is the done text, second is the onetoonetitles, last two 1s are the overrides for multi form behaviour
        } else {
            if (isset($multiPageData[$_POST['calfid']])) {
                if (is_numeric($multiPageData[$_POST['calfid']])) {
                    // numeric value indicates a screen id
                    $screenData = readScreenId($multiPageData[$_POST['calfid']], $_POST['calfid']);
                    if (is_array($screenData)) {
                        $multiPageData = $screenData;
                include_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . "/modules/formulize/include/formdisplaypages.php";
                displayFormPages($_POST['calfid'], $this_ent, "", $multiPageData[$_POST['calfid']]['pages'], $multiPageData[$_POST['calfid']]['conditions'], $multiPageData[$_POST['calfid']]['introtext'], $multiPageData[$_POST['calfid']]['thankstext'], $currentURL, _formulize_CAL_RETURNFROMMULTI, $settings, $dateOverride, $multiPageData[$_POST['calfid']]['printall']);
            } else {
                displayForm($_POST['calfid'], $this_ent, "", $currentURL, "", $settings, "", $dateOverride, 1, 1);
                // "" is the done text
    // handle deletion if requested, added sept 18 2005
    if ($_POST['delentry']) {
        deleteEntry($_POST['delentry'], $_POST['delfrid'], $_POST['delfid'], $gperm_handler, $member_handler, $mid);
    // get the data for all the fids
    // 1. convert the scopes for each one
    // 2. do the extraction (filter by calview)
    include_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . "/modules/formulize/include/extract.php";
    for ($i = 0; $i < count($fids); $i++) {
        $scope = "";
        if ($scopes[$i]) {
            list($scope, $throwAwayCurrentView) = buildScope($scopes[$i], $member_handler, $gperm_handler, $uid, $groups, $fids[$i], $mid);
        if (is_array($dateHandles[$i])) {
            $dateField = $dateHandles[$i][0];
            $dateField2 = $dateHandles[$i][1];
        } else {
            $dateField = $dateHandles[$i];
            $dateField2 = "";
        if (!$frids[$i]) {
            $filterDH = $dateField;
            $filterDH2 = $dateField2;
        } else {
            $filterDH = $dateField;
            $filterDH2 = $dateField2;
        // new, complex filter format is:
        // $filter[0][0] -- andor setting for filter 0
        // $filter[0][1] -- filter for filter 0
        $filter = array();
        $filter[0][0] = "OR";
        $filter[0][1] = $filterDH . "/**/" . $settings['calview'];
        if ($filterDH2) {
            $filter[0][1] .= "][" . $filterDH2 . "/**/" . $settings['calview'];
        if ($filters[$i]) {
            $filter[1][0] = "AND";
            $filter[1][1] = $filters[$i];
        $data[$i] = getData($frids[$i], $fids[$i], $filter, "AND", $scope);
        $data[$i] = resultSort($data[$i], $dateField);
    // need the formatting magic to go here, to whip it all into a nice calendar
    // basic display of data is below
    // demonstrates linking to a form for updating/viewing that entry
    // demonstrates altering the calview setting to change months
    // need to do something a little more complex for adding a new entry, since we have to know for which fid/frid pair the add operation is being requested.
    // probably best to leave out adding for now and leave it as a future feature.  It can always be custom added within a pageworks page if necessary for a particular calendar
    $rights = $gperm_handler->checkRight("add_own_entry", $fid, $groups, $mid);
    // information to pass to the template
    global $calendarData;
    // initialize language constants
    global $arrayMonthNames;
    global $arrayWeekNames;
    global $dateMonthStartDay;
    $arrayMonthNames = array(_formulize_CAL_MONTH_01, _formulize_CAL_MONTH_02, _formulize_CAL_MONTH_03, _formulize_CAL_MONTH_04, _formulize_CAL_MONTH_05, _formulize_CAL_MONTH_06, _formulize_CAL_MONTH_07, _formulize_CAL_MONTH_08, _formulize_CAL_MONTH_09, _formulize_CAL_MONTH_10, _formulize_CAL_MONTH_11, _formulize_CAL_MONTH_12);
    if ($type == "mini_month") {
        $arrayWeekNames = array(_formulize_CAL_WEEK_1_3ABRV, _formulize_CAL_WEEK_2_3ABRV, _formulize_CAL_WEEK_3_3ABRV, _formulize_CAL_WEEK_4_3ABRV, _formulize_CAL_WEEK_5_3ABRV, _formulize_CAL_WEEK_6_3ABRV, _formulize_CAL_WEEK_7_3ABRV);
    } else {
        $arrayWeekNames = array(_formulize_CAL_WEEK_1, _formulize_CAL_WEEK_2, _formulize_CAL_WEEK_3, _formulize_CAL_WEEK_4, _formulize_CAL_WEEK_5, _formulize_CAL_WEEK_6, _formulize_CAL_WEEK_7);
    // convert string date into parts
    $arrayDate = getdate(strtotime($settings['calview'] . "-01"));
    $dateMonth = $arrayDate["mon"];
    $dateDay = $arrayDate["mday"];
    $dateYear = $arrayDate["year"];
    // get the number of days in the month.
    $dateMonthDays = days_in_month($dateMonth, $dateYear);
    // get the month's first week start day.
    $dateMonthStartDay = $arrayDate["wday"];
    // get the number of weeks.
    $dateMonthWeeks = week_in_month($dateMonthDays) + 1;
    // intialize MONTH template information
    // each cell is an array:
    // [0] - is control information, where each entry is an array:
    //     [0] - day number
    //     [1] - send date
    // [1] - is an array containing all items, where each item is also an array:
    //     [0] - $ids[0]
    //     [1] - $frids[$i]
    //     [2] - $fids[$i]
    //     [3] - $textToDisplay
    //     [4] - true/false based on user's right to delete this item (based on either delete own, or delete others permission)
    if ($type == "month" || $type == "mini_month" || $type == "micro_month") {
        // initialize grid: convert the data set into a grid of 7 columns for
        //  days and a row for each week
        $displayDay = "";
        for ($intWeeks = 0; $intWeeks < $dateMonthWeeks; $intWeeks++) {
            $calendarData[$intWeeks] = array();
            for ($intDays = 0; $intDays < 7; $intDays++) {
                // check to see if the processing day is the start day.
                if ($intWeeks == 0 && $displayDay == "") {
                    if ($intDays == $dateMonthStartDay) {
                        $displayDay = 1;
                } else {
                    if ($displayDay != "") {
                        if ($displayDay > $dateMonthDays) {
                            $displayDay = "";
                $calendarData[$intWeeks][$intDays] = array();
                $calendarData[$intWeeks][$intDays][0][0] = $displayDay;
                $calendarData[$intWeeks][$intDays][0][1] = $dateYear . "-" . $dateMonth . "-" . ($displayDay < 10 ? "0" . $displayDay : $displayDay);
                //$calendarData[$intWeeks][$intDays][1] = array();
        // Initialize template variables
        $xoopsTpl->assign('previousMonth', $dateMonth - 1 < 1 ? $dateYear - 1 . "-12" : $dateYear . "-" . ($dateMonth - 1 < 10 ? "0" . ($dateMonth - 1) : $dateMonth - 1));
        $xoopsTpl->assign('nextMonth', $dateMonth + 1 > 12 ? $dateYear + 1 . "-01" : $dateYear . "-" . ($dateMonth + 1 < 10 ? "0" . ($dateMonth + 1) : $dateMonth + 1));
        $monthSelector = array();
        $numberOfMonths = count($arrayMonthNames);
        for ($intMonth = 0; $intMonth < $numberOfMonths; $intMonth++) {
            $monthName = $arrayMonthNames[$intMonth];
            $monthSelector[$intMonth + 1 < 10 ? "0" . ($intMonth + 1) : $intMonth + 1] = $monthName;
        $xoopsTpl->assign('monthSelector', $monthSelector);
        $yearSelector = array();
        $startYear = $dateYear - 4;
        $endYear = $dateYear + 3;
        for ($intYear = $startYear; $intYear <= $endYear; $intYear++) {
            $yearSelector[] = $intYear;
        $xoopsTpl->assign('yearSelector', $yearSelector);
    // process data set(s)
    for ($i = 0; $i < count($data); $i++) {
        foreach ($data[$i] as $id => $entry) {
            if (!$frids[$i]) {
                if (is_array($viewHandles[$i])) {
                    $formhandle = getFormHandleFromEntry($entry, $viewHandles[$i][0]);
                } else {
                    $formhandle = getFormHandleFromEntry($entry, $viewHandles[$i]);
            } else {
                $formhandle = $mainforms[$i];
            $ids = internalRecordIds($entry, $formhandle);
            if (is_array($viewHandles[$i])) {
                $needsep = 0;
                // make sure that no data is keep from previous processing
                $textToDisplay = "";
                foreach ($viewHandles[$i] as $thisVH) {
                    if ($needsep) {
                        $textToDisplay .= ", ";
                    $needsep = 1;
                    $textToDisplay .= display($entry, $thisVH);
            } else {
                $textToDisplay = display($entry, $viewHandles[$i]);
            if ($viewPrefixes[$i]) {
                $textToDisplay = $viewPrefixes[$i] . $textToDisplay;
            $calendarDataItem = array();
            $calendarDataItem[0] = $ids[0];
            $calendarDataItem[1] = $frids[$i];
            $calendarDataItem[2] = $fids[$i];
            $calendarDataItem[3] = $textToDisplay;
            $calendarDataItem[4] = ($i == 0 and formulizePermHandler::user_can_delete_entry($fids[$i], display($entry, "uid"), $ids[0]));
            if ($type == "month" || $type == "mini_month" || $type == "micro_month") {
                if (is_array($dateHandles[$i])) {
                    $startValue = display($entry, $dateHandles[$i][0]);
                    $endValue = display($entry, $dateHandles[$i][1]);
                    if ($startValue && $endValue) {
                        $startDate = strtotime($startValue);
                        $endDate = strtotime($endValue);
                        for ($x = $startDate; $x <= $endDate; $x = $x + 86400) {
                            $arrayDate = getdate($x);
                            if ($arrayDate["mon"] == $dateMonth) {
                                $calendarData = assignItem($arrayDate, $calendarDataItem, $calendarData);
                    } else {
                        if ($startValue) {
                            $startDate = strtotime($startValue);
                            $arrayDate = getdate($startDate);
                            $calendarData = assignItem($arrayDate, $calendarDataItem, $calendarData);
                        } else {
                            $endDate = strtotime($endValue);
                            $arrayDate = getdate($endDate);
                            $calendarData = assignItem($arrayDate, $calendarDataItem, $calendarData);
                } else {
                    $currentDate = display($entry, $dateHandles[$i]);
                    $arrayDate = getdate(strtotime($currentDate));
                    $calendarData = assignItem($arrayDate, $calendarDataItem, $calendarData);
    // Initialize common template variables
    $xoopsTpl->assign('cal_type', $type);
    $xoopsTpl->assign('rights', $rights);
    $xoopsTpl->assign('frids', $frids[0]);
    $xoopsTpl->assign('fids', $fids[0]);
    $xoopsTpl->assign('addItem', _formulize_CAL_ADD_ITEM);
    $xoopsTpl->assign('rowStyleEven', true);
    $xoopsTpl->assign('MonthNames', $arrayMonthNames);
    $xoopsTpl->assign('WeekNames', $arrayWeekNames);
    $xoopsTpl->assign('dateMonthZeroIndex', $dateMonth - 1);
    $xoopsTpl->assign('dateMonth', $dateMonth);
    $xoopsTpl->assign('dateYear', $dateYear);
    $xoopsTpl->assign('currentURL', $currentURL);
    $xoopsTpl->assign('hidden', $hidden);
    $xoopsTpl->assign('calview', $settings['calview']);
    $xoopsTpl->assign('calendarData', $calendarData);
    $xoopsTpl->assign('delete', _formulize_DELETE);
    $xoopsTpl->assign('delconf', _formulize_DELCONF);
    // force template to be drawn
    $xoopsTpl->display("db:calendar_" . $type . ".html");
예제 #5
function drawEntries($fid, $cols, $searches = "", $frid = "", $scope, $standalone = "", $currentURL, $gperm_handler, $uid, $mid, $groups, $settings, $member_handler, $screen, $data, $wq, $regeneratePageNumbers, $hiddenQuickSearches, $cResults)
    // , $loadview="") { // -- loadview removed from this function sept 24 2005
    // determine if the query reached a limit in the number of entries to return
    $LOE_limit = 0;
    if (!is_array($data)) {
        $LOE_limit = is_numeric($data) ? $data : 0;
        $data = array();
    global $xoopsDB;
    $useScrollBox = true;
    $useHeadings = true;
    $repeatHeaders = 5;
    $columnWidth = 0;
    $textWidth = 35;
    $useCheckboxes = 0;
    $useViewEntryLinks = 1;
    $useSearch = 1;
    $deColumns = array();
    $useSearchCalcMsgs = 1;
    $listTemplate = false;
    $inlineButtons = array();
    $hiddenColumns = array();
    $formulize_LOEPageSize = 10;
    if ($screen) {
        $useScrollBox = $screen->getVar('usescrollbox');
        $useHeadings = $screen->getVar('useheadings');
        $repeatHeaders = $screen->getVar('repeatheaders');
        $columnWidth = $screen->getVar('columnwidth');
        $textWidth = $screen->getVar('textwidth');
        if ($textWidth == 0) {
            $textWidth = 10000;
        $useCheckboxes = $screen->getVar('usecheckboxes');
        $useViewEntryLinks = $screen->getVar('useviewentrylinks');
        $useSearch = $screen->getVar('usesearch');
        $hiddenColumns = $screen->getVar('hiddencolumns');
        $deColumns = $screen->getVar('decolumns');
        $deDisplay = $screen->getVar('dedisplay');
        $useSearchCalcMsgs = $screen->getVar('usesearchcalcmsgs');
        $listTemplate = $screen->getTemplate("listtemplate");
        foreach ($screen->getVar('customactions') as $caid => $thisCustomAction) {
            if ($thisCustomAction['appearinline'] == 1) {
                list($caCode) = processCustomButton($caid, $thisCustomAction);
                if ($caCode) {
                    $inlineButtons[$caid] = $thisCustomAction;
        $formulize_LOEPageSize = $screen->getVar('entriesperpage');
    $filename = "";
    // $settings['xport'] no longer set by a page load, except if called as part of the import process to create a template for updating
    if (!$settings['xport']) {
        $settings['xport'] = $settings['hlist'] ? "calcs" : "comma";
        $xportDivText1 = "<div id=exportlink style=\"display: none;\">";
        // export button turns this link on and off now
        $xportDivText2 = "</div>";
    } else {
        $xportDivText1 = "";
        $xportDivText2 = "";
    if (@$_POST['advcalc_acid']) {
        if ($_POST['acid'] > 0) {
            $result = formulize_runAdvancedCalculation(intval($_POST['acid']));
            // result will be an array with two or three keys: 'text' and 'output', and possibly 'groupingMap'.  Text is for display on screen "raw" and Output is a variable that can be used by a dev.  The output variable will be an array if groupings are in effect.  The keys of the array will be the various grouping values in effect.  The groupingMap will be present if there's a set of groupings in effect.  It is an array that contains all the grouping choices, their text equivalents and their data values (which are the keys in the output array) -- groupingMap is still to be developed/added to the mix....will be necessary when we are integrating with Drupal or other API uses.
            print "<br/>" . $result['text'] . "<br/><br/>";
    // export of Data is moved out to a popup
    // Calculations still handled in the old way for now
    if ($settings['xport'] == "calcs") {
        $filename = prepExport($headers, $cols, $data, $settings['xport'], $settings['xport_cust'], $settings['title'], false, $fid, $groups);
        $linktext = $_POST['xport'] == "update" ? _formulize_DE_CLICKSAVE_TEMPLATE : _formulize_DE_CLICKSAVE;
        print "{$xportDivText1}<center><p><a href='{$filename}' target=\"_blank\">{$linktext}</a></p></center>";
        print "<br>{$xportDivText2}";
    $scrollBoxWasSet = false;
    if ($useScrollBox and count($data) > 0) {
        print "<div class=scrollbox id=resbox>\n";
        $scrollBoxWasSet = true;
    // perform calculations...
    // calc_cols is the columns requested (separated by / -- ele_id for each, also metadata is indicated with uid, proxyid, creation_date, mod_date)
    // calc_calcs is the calcs for each column, columns separated by / and calcs for a column separated by ,. possible calcs are sum, avg, min, max, count, per
    // calc_blanks is the blank setting for each calculation, setup the same way as the calcs, possible settings are all,  noblanks, onlyblanks
    // calc_grouping is the grouping option.  same format as calcs.  possible values are ele_ids or the uid, proxyid, creation_date and mod_date metadata terms
    // 1. extract data from four settings into arrays
    // 2. loop through the array and perform all the requested calculations
    if ($settings['calc_cols'] and !$settings['hcalc']) {
        //		print "<p><input type=button style=\"width: 140px;\" name=cancelcalcs1 value='" . _formulize_DE_CANCELCALCS . "' onclick=\"javascript:cancelCalcs();\"></input></p>\n";
        //		print "<div";
        //		if($totalcalcs>4) { print " class=scrollbox"; }
        //		print " id=calculations>
        $calc_cols = $settings['calc_cols'];
        $calc_calcs = $settings['calc_calcs'];
        $calc_blanks = $settings['calc_blanks'];
        $calc_grouping = $settings['calc_grouping'];
        print "<table class=outer>";
        if ($useHeadings) {
            $headers = getHeaders($cols, true);
            // second param indicates we're using element headers and not ids
            drawHeaders($headers, $cols, $useCheckboxes, $useViewEntryLinks, count($inlineButtons), $settings['lockedColumns']);
        if ($useSearch) {
            drawSearches($searches, $cols, $useCheckboxes, $useViewEntryLinks, count($inlineButtons), false, $hiddenQuickSearches);
        print "</table>";
        print "<table class=outer><tr><th colspan=2>" . _formulize_DE_CALCHEAD . "</th></tr>\n";
        if (!$settings['lockcontrols'] and ($useSearchCalcMsgs == 1 or $useSearchCalcMsgs == 3)) {
            // AND !$loadview) { // -- loadview removed from this function sept 24 2005
            print "<tr><td class=head colspan=2><input type=button style=\"width: 140px;\" name=mod_calculations value='" . _formulize_DE_MODCALCS . "' onclick=\"javascript:showPop('" . XOOPS_URL . "/modules/formulize/include/pickcalcs.php?fid={$fid}&frid={$frid}&calc_cols=" . urlencode($calc_cols) . "&calc_calcs=" . urlencode($calc_calcs) . "&calc_blanks=" . urlencode($calc_blanks) . "&calc_grouping=" . urlencode($calc_grouping) . "&cols=" . urlencode(implode(",", $cols)) . "');\"></input>&nbsp;&nbsp;" . "<input type=button style=\"width: 140px;\" name=cancelcalcs value='" . _formulize_DE_CANCELCALCS . "' onclick=\"javascript:cancelCalcs();\"></input>&nbsp;&nbsp" . "<input type=button style=\"width: 140px;\" name=showlist value='" . _formulize_DE_SHOWLIST . "' onclick=\"javascript:showList();\"></input></td></tr>";
        $exportFilename = $settings['xport'] == "calcs" ? $filename : "";
        //formulize_benchmark("before printing results");
        // 0 is the masterresults, 1 is the blanksettings, 2 is grouping settings -- exportFilename is the name of the file that we need to create and into which we need to dump a copy of the calcs
        printResults($cResults[0], $cResults[1], $cResults[2], $cResults[3], $cResults[4], $exportFilename, $settings['title']);
        //formulize_benchmark("after printing results");
        print "</table>\n";
    if (!$settings['hlist'] and !$listTemplate) {
        print "<div class=\"list-of-entries-container\"><table class=\"outer\">";
        $count_colspan = count($cols) + 1;
        if ($useViewEntryLinks or $useCheckboxes != 2) {
            $count_colspan_calcs = $count_colspan;
        } else {
            $count_colspan_calcs = $count_colspan - 1;
        $count_colspan_calcs = $count_colspan_calcs + count($inlineButtons);
        // add to the column count for each inline custom button
        // add one more for the hidden floating column
        if (!$screen) {
            print "<tr><th colspan={$count_colspan_calcs}>" . _formulize_DE_DATAHEADING . "</th></tr>\n";
        if ($settings['calc_cols'] and !$settings['lockcontrols'] and ($useSearchCalcMsgs == 1 or $useSearchCalcMsgs == 3)) {
            // AND !$loadview) { // -- loadview removed from this function sept 24 2005
            $calc_cols = $settings['calc_cols'];
            $calc_calcs = $settings['calc_calcs'];
            $calc_blanks = $settings['calc_blanks'];
            $calc_grouping = $settings['calc_grouping'];
            print "<tr><td class=head colspan={$count_colspan_calcs}><input type=button style=\"width: 140px;\" name=mod_calculations value='" . _formulize_DE_MODCALCS . "' onclick=\"javascript:showPop('" . XOOPS_URL . "/modules/formulize/include/pickcalcs.php?fid={$fid}&frid={$frid}&calc_cols={$calc_cols}&calc_calcs={$calc_calcs}&calc_blanks={$calc_blanks}&calc_grouping=" . urlencode($calc_grouping) . "&cols=" . urlencode(implode(",", $cols)) . "');\"></input>&nbsp;&nbsp;<input type=button style=\"width: 140px;\" name=cancelcalcs value='" . _formulize_DE_CANCELCALCS . "' onclick=\"javascript:cancelCalcs();\"></input>&nbsp;&nbsp;<input type=button style=\"width: 140px;\" name=hidelist value='" . _formulize_DE_HIDELIST . "' onclick=\"javascript:hideList();\"></input></td></tr>";
        // draw advanced search notification
        if ($settings['as_0'] and ($useSearchCalcMsgs == 1 or $useSearchCalcMsgs == 2)) {
            $writable_q = writableQuery($wq);
            $minus1colspan = $count_colspan - 1 + count($inlineButtons);
            if (!$asearch_parse_error) {
                print "<tr>";
                if ($useViewEntryLinks or $useCheckboxes != 2) {
                    // only include this column if necessary
                    print "<td class=head></td>";
                print "<td colspan={$minus1colspan} class=head>" . _formulize_DE_ADVSEARCH . ": {$writable_q}";
            } else {
                print "<tr>";
                if ($useViewEntryLinks or $useCheckboxes != 2) {
                    print "<td class=head></td>";
                print "<td colspan={$minus1colspan} class=head><span style=\"font-weight: normal;\">" . _formulize_DE_ADVSEARCH_ERROR . "</span>";
            if (!$settings['lockcontrols']) {
                // AND !$loadview) { // -- loadview removed from this function sept 24 2005
                print "<br><input type=button style=\"width: 140px;\" name=advsearch value='" . _formulize_DE_MOD_ADVSEARCH . "' onclick=\"javascript:showPop('" . XOOPS_URL . "/modules/formulize/include/advsearch.php?fid={$fid}&frid={$frid}";
                foreach ($settings as $k => $v) {
                    if (substr($k, 0, 3) == "as_") {
                        $v = str_replace("'", "&#39;", $v);
                        $v = stripslashes($v);
                        print "&{$k}=" . urlencode($v);
                print "');\"></input>&nbsp;&nbsp;<input type=button style=\"width: 140px;\" name=cancelasearch value='" . _formulize_DE_CANCELASEARCH . "' onclick=\"javascript:killSearch();\"></input>";
            print "</td></tr>\n";
        if ($useHeadings) {
            $headers = getHeaders($cols, true);
            // second param indicates we're using element headers and not ids
            drawHeaders($headers, $cols, $useCheckboxes, $useViewEntryLinks, count($inlineButtons), $settings['lockedColumns']);
        if ($useSearch) {
            drawSearches($searches, $cols, $useCheckboxes, $useViewEntryLinks, count($inlineButtons), false, $hiddenQuickSearches);
        if (count($data) == 0) {
            // kill an empty dataset so there's no rows drawn
        } else {
            // get form handles in use
            $mainFormHandle = key($data[key($data)]);
        $headcounter = 0;
        $blankentries = 0;
        $GLOBALS['formulize_displayElement_LOE_Used'] = false;
        $formulize_LOEPageStart = (isset($_POST['formulize_LOEPageStart']) and !$regeneratePageNumbers) ? intval($_POST['formulize_LOEPageStart']) : 0;
        // adjust formulize_LOEPageSize if the actual count of entries is less than the page size
        $formulize_LOEPageSize = $GLOBALS['formulize_countMasterResultsForPageNumbers'] < $formulize_LOEPageSize ? $GLOBALS['formulize_countMasterResultsForPageNumbers'] : $formulize_LOEPageSize;
        $actualPageSize = $formulize_LOEPageSize ? $formulize_LOEPageStart + $formulize_LOEPageSize : $GLOBALS['formulize_countMasterResultsForPageNumbers'];
        if (isset($data)) {
            foreach ($data as $id => $entry) {
                formulize_benchmark("starting to draw one row of results");
                // check to make sure this isn't an unset entry (ie: one that was blanked by the extraction layer just prior to sending back results
                // Since the extraction layer is unsetting entries to blank them, this condition should never be met?
                // If this condition is ever met, it may very well screw up the paging of results!
                // NOTE: this condition is met on the last page of a paged set of results, unless the last page as exactly the same number of entries on it as the limit of entries per page
                if ($entry != "") {
                    if ($headcounter == $repeatHeaders and $repeatHeaders > 0) {
                        if ($useHeadings) {
                            drawHeaders($headers, $cols, $useCheckboxes, $useViewEntryLinks, count($inlineButtons));
                        $headcounter = 0;
                    print "<tr>\n";
                    if ($class == "even") {
                        $class = "odd";
                    } else {
                        $class = "even";
                    $linkids = internalRecordIds($entry, $mainFormHandle);
                    // draw in the margin column where the links and metadata goes
                    if ($useViewEntryLinks or $useCheckboxes != 2) {
                        print "<td class=\"head formulize-controls\">\n";
                    if (!$settings['lockcontrols']) {
                        //  AND !$loadview) { // -- loadview removed from this function sept 24 2005
                        // check to see if we should draw in the delete checkbox
                        // 2 is none, 1 is all
                        if ($useCheckboxes != 2 and ($useCheckboxes == 1 or formulizePermHandler::user_can_delete_entry($fid, $uid, $linkids[0]))) {
                            print "<input type=checkbox title='" . _formulize_DE_DELBOXDESC . "' class='formulize_selection_checkbox' name='delete_" . $linkids[0] . "' id='delete_" . $linkids[0] . "' value='delete_" . $linkids[0] . "'>";
                        if ($useViewEntryLinks) {
                            print "<a href='" . $currentURL;
                            if (strstr($currentURL, "?")) {
                                // if params are already part of the URL...
                                print "&";
                            } else {
                                print "?";
                            print "ve=" . $linkids[0] . "' onclick=\"javascript:goDetails('" . $linkids[0] . "');return false;\" " . " class=\"loe-edit-entry\" alt=\"" . _formulize_DE_VIEWDETAILS . "\" title=\"" . _formulize_DE_VIEWDETAILS . "\" >";
                            print "&nbsp;</a>";
                    // end of IF NO LOCKCONTROLS
                    if ($useViewEntryLinks or $useCheckboxes != 2) {
                        print "</td>\n";
                    $column_counter = 0;
                    if ($columnWidth) {
                        $columnWidthParam = "style=\"width: {$columnWidth}" . "px\"";
                    } else {
                        $columnWidthParam = "";
                    for ($i = 0; $i < count($cols); $i++) {
                        //formulize_benchmark("drawing one column");
                        $col = $cols[$i];
                        $colhandle = $settings['columnhandles'][$i];
                        $classToUse = $class . " column column" . $i;
                        $cellRowAddress = $id + 2;
                        if ($i == 0) {
                            print "<td {$columnWidthParam} class=\"{$class} floating-column\" id='floatingcelladdress_{$cellRowAddress}'>\n";
                        print "<td {$columnWidthParam} class=\"{$classToUse}\" id=\"celladdress_" . $cellRowAddress . "_" . $i . "\">\n";
                        if ($col == "creation_uid" or $col == "mod_uid") {
                            $userObject = $member_handler->getUser(display($entry, $col));
                            if ($userObject) {
                                $nameToDisplay = $userObject->getVar('name') ? $userObject->getVar('name') : $userObject->getVar('uname');
                            } else {
                                $nameToDisplay = _FORM_ANON_USER;
                            $value = "<a href=\"" . XOOPS_URL . "/userinfo.php?uid=" . display($entry, $col) . "\" target=_blank>" . $nameToDisplay . "</a>";
                        } else {
                            $value = display($entry, $col);
                        // set in the display function, corresponds to the entry id of the record in the form where the current value was retrieved from.  If there is more than one local entry id, because of a one to many framework, then this will be an array that corresponds to the order of the values returned by display.
                        $currentColumnLocalId = $GLOBALS['formulize_mostRecentLocalId'];
                        // if we're supposed to display this column as an element... (only show it if they have permission to update this entry)
                        if (in_array($colhandle, $deColumns) and formulizePermHandler::user_can_edit_entry($fid, $uid, $entry)) {
                            include_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . "/modules/formulize/include/elementdisplay.php";
                            if ($frid) {
                                // need to work out which form this column belongs to, and use that form's entry ID.  Need to loop through the entry to find all possible internal IDs, since a subform situation would lead to multiple values appearing in a single cell, so multiple displayElement calls would be made each with their own internal ID.
                                foreach ($entry as $entryFormHandle => $entryFormData) {
                                    foreach ($entryFormData as $internalID => $entryElements) {
                                        $deThisIntId = false;
                                        foreach ($entryElements as $entryHandle => $values) {
                                            if ($entryHandle == $col) {
                                                // we found the element that we're trying to display
                                                if ($deThisIntId) {
                                                    print "\n<br />\n";
                                                // could be a subform so we'd display multiple values
                                                if ($deDisplay) {
                                                    print '<div id="deDiv_' . $colhandle . '_' . $internalID . '">';
                                                    print getHTMLForList($values, $colhandle, $internalID, $deDisplay, $textWidth, $currentColumnLocalId, $fid, $cellRowAddress, $i);
                                                    print "</div>";
                                                } else {
                                                    displayElement("", $colhandle, $internalID);
                                                $deThisIntId = true;
                            } else {
                                // display based on the mainform entry id
                                if ($deDisplay) {
                                    print '<div id="deDiv_' . $colhandle . '_' . $linkids[0] . '">';
                                    print getHTMLForList($value, $colhandle, $linkids[0], $deDisplay, $textWidth, $currentColumnLocalId, $fid, $cellRowAddress, $i);
                                    print "</div>";
                                } else {
                                    displayElement("", $colhandle, $linkids[0]);
                                    // works for mainform only!  To work on elements from a framework, we need to figure out the form the element is from, and the entry ID in that form, which is done above
                            $GLOBALS['formulize_displayElement_LOE_Used'] = true;
                        } elseif ($col != "creation_uid" and $col != "mod_uid" and $col != "entry_id") {
                            print getHTMLForList($value, $col, $linkids[0], 0, $textWidth, $currentColumnLocalId, $fid, $cellRowAddress, $i);
                        } else {
                            // no special formatting on the uid columns:
                            print $value;
                        print "</td>\n";
                    // handle inline custom buttons
                    foreach ($inlineButtons as $caid => $thisCustomAction) {
                        list($caCode) = processCustomButton($caid, $thisCustomAction, $linkids[0], $entry);
                        // only bother with the code, since we already processed any clicked button above
                        if ($caCode) {
                            print "<td {$columnWidthParam} class={$class}>\n";
                            print "<center>{$caCode}</center>\n";
                            print "</td>\n";
                    // handle hidden elements for passing back to custom buttons
                    foreach ($hiddenColumns as $thisHiddenCol) {
                        print "\n<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"hiddencolumn_" . $linkids[0] . "_{$thisHiddenCol}\" value=\"" . htmlspecialchars(display($entry, $thisHiddenCol)) . "\"></input>\n";
                    print "</tr>\n";
                } else {
                    // this is a blank entry
                // end of not "" check
            // end of foreach data as entry
        // end of if there is any data to draw
        print "</table></div>";
    } elseif ($listTemplate and !$settings['hlist']) {
        // print str_replace("\n", "<br />", $listTemplate); // debug code
        $mainFormHandle = key($data[key($data)]);
        $formulize_LOEPageStart = (isset($_POST['formulize_LOEPageStart']) and !$regeneratePageNumbers) ? intval($_POST['formulize_LOEPageStart']) : 0;
        $actualPageSize = $formulize_LOEPageSize ? $formulize_LOEPageStart + $formulize_LOEPageSize : $GLOBALS['formulize_countMasterResultsForPageNumbers'];
        if (strstr($listTemplate, "displayElement")) {
            include_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . "/modules/formulize/include/elementdisplay.php";
        if (isset($data)) {
            //for($entryCounter=$formulize_LOEPageStart;$entryCounter<$actualPageSize;$entryCounter++) {
            // setup the view name variables, with true only set for the last loaded view
            $viewNumber = 1;
            foreach ($settings['publishedviewnames'] as $id => $thisViewName) {
                $thisViewName = str_replace(" ", "_", $thisViewName);
                if ($id == $settings['lastloaded']) {
                    ${$thisViewName} = true;
                    ${'view' . $viewNumber} = true;
                } else {
                    ${$thisViewName} = false;
                    $view['view' . $viewNumber] = false;
            foreach ($data as $id => $entry) {
                //$entry = $data[$entryCounter];
                // check to make sure this isn't an unset entry (ie: one that was blanked by the extraction layer just prior to sending back results
                // Since the extraction layer is unsetting entries to blank them, this condition should never be met?
                // If this condition is ever met, it may very well screw up the paging of results!
                // NOTE: this condition is met on the last page of a paged set of results, unless the last page as exactly the same number of entries on it as the limit of entries per page
                if ($entry != "") {
                    // Set up the variables for the link to the current entry, and the checkbox that can be used to select the current entry
                    $linkids = internalRecordIds($entry, $mainFormHandle);
                    $entry_id = $linkids[0];
                    // make a nice way of referring to this for in the eval'd code
                    $form_id = $fid;
                    // make a nice way of referring to this for in the eval'd code
                    if (!$settings['lockcontrols']) {
                        //  AND !$loadview) { // -- loadview removed from this function sept 24 2005
                        $viewEntryLinkCode = "<a href='" . $currentURL;
                        if (strstr($currentURL, "?")) {
                            // if params are already part of the URL...
                            $viewEntryLinkCode .= "&";
                        } else {
                            $viewEntryLinkCode .= "?";
                        $viewEntryLinkCode .= "ve=" . $entry_id . "' onclick=\"javascript:goDetails('" . $entry_id . "');return false;\">";
                        $GLOBALS['formulize_viewEntryId'] = $entry_id;
                        // put into global scope so the function 'viewEntryLink' can pick it up if necessary
                        $GLOBALS['formulize_viewEntryLinkCode'] = $viewEntryLinkCode;
                        // check to see if we should draw in the delete checkbox
                        // 2 is none, 1 is all
                        if ($useCheckboxes != 2 and ($useCheckboxes == 1 or formulizePermHandler::user_can_delete_entry($fid, $uid, $entry_id))) {
                            $selectionCheckbox = "<input type=checkbox title='" . _formulize_DE_DELBOXDESC . "' class='formulize_selection_checkbox' name='delete_" . $entry_id . "' id='delete_" . $entry_id . "' value='delete_" . $entry_id . "'>";
                        } else {
                            $selectionCheckbox = "";
                    // end of IF NO LOCKCONTROLS
                    $ids = internalRecordIds($entry, $mainFormHandle);
                    foreach ($inlineButtons as $caid => $thisCustomAction) {
                        list($caCode) = processCustomButton($caid, $thisCustomAction, $ids[0], $entry);
                        // only bother with the code, since we already processed any clicked button above
                        if ($caCode) {
                            ${$thisCustomAction['handle']} = $caCode;
                            // assign the button code that was returned
                    // handle hidden elements for passing back to custom buttons
                    foreach ($hiddenColumns as $thisHiddenCol) {
                        print "\n<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"hiddencolumn_" . $linkids[0] . "_{$thisHiddenCol}\" value=\"" . htmlspecialchars(display($entry, $thisHiddenCol)) . "\"></input>\n";
                    include XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . "/modules/formulize/templates/screens/default/" . $screen->getVar('sid') . "/listtemplate.php";
    if ((!isset($data) or count($data) == $blankentries) and !$LOE_limit) {
        // if no data was returned, or the dataset was empty...
        print "<p><b>" . _formulize_DE_NODATAFOUND . "</b></p>\n";
    } elseif ($LOE_limit) {
        print "<p>" . _formulize_DE_LOE_LIMIT_REACHED1 . " <b>" . $LOE_limit . "</b> " . _formulize_DE_LOE_LIMIT_REACHED2 . " <a href=\"\" onclick=\"javascript:forceQ();return false;\">" . _formulize_DE_LOE_LIMIT_REACHED3 . "</a></p>\n";
    if ($scrollBoxWasSet) {
        print "</div>";
    formulize_benchmark("We're done");
예제 #6
$groupsWithViewForm = $gperm_handler->getGroupIds("view_form", $fid, $mid);
// check for groupscope and globalscope
if ($globalscope = $gperm_handler->checkRight("view_globalscope", $fid, $groups, $mid)) {
    // get all groups
    // need to make option array with values as gids and text as names of groups
    $allgroups =& $member_handler->getGroups();
    for ($i = 0; $i < count($allgroups); $i++) {
        if (in_array($allgroups[$i]->getVar('groupid'), $groupsWithViewForm)) {
            $availgroups[$allgroups[$i]->getVar('groupid')] = $allgroups[$i]->getVar('name');
} elseif ($groupscope = $gperm_handler->checkRight("view_groupscope", $fid, $groups, $mid)) {
    // get all groups the groups the user is a member of (except registered users)
    // check permission table for the existing forced groupscope selections, if any
    include_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . "/modules/formulize/class/usersGroupsPerms.php";
    $formulize_permHandler = new formulizePermHandler($fid);
    $groupScopeGroups = $formulize_permHandler->getGroupScopeGroups($groups);
    // returns false if none found, otherwise, array of id=>name, based on groups selected in permission UI for this form
    if ($groupScopeGroups !== false) {
        $availgroups = $groupScopeGroups;
    } else {
        for ($i = 0; $i < count($groups); $i++) {
            $thisgroup =& $member_handler->getGroup($groups[$i]);
            if (in_array($groups[$i], $groupsWithViewForm)) {
                $availgroups[$groups[$i]] = $thisgroup->getVar('name');
} else {
    exit("Error: no advanced scope permission detected.");
        $grouplist_query = "UPDATE " . $xoopsDB->prefix("group_lists") . " SET gl_groups = '" . $groupListGroups . "', gl_name = '" . $name . "' WHERE gl_id='" . $groupListId . "'";
    if (!($grouplist_result = $xoopsDB->query($grouplist_query))) {
        print "Error: could not add a group list " . $xoopsDB->error();
if ($_POST['removelistid']) {
    if ($removelistid = intval($_POST['removelistid'])) {
        if (!($delete_result = $xoopsDB->query("DELETE FROM " . $xoopsDB->prefix("group_lists") . " WHERE gl_id='" . $removelistid . "'"))) {
            print "Error: could not delete group list " . $xoopsDB->error();
    $_SESSION['formulize_selectedGroupList'] = 0;
include_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . "/modules/formulize/class/usersGroupsPerms.php";
$formulize_permHandler = new formulizePermHandler($form_id);
$groupsToClear = array();
$filterSettings = array();
$group_list = (isset($_POST['group_list']) and is_array($_POST['group_list'])) ? $_POST['group_list'] : array();
foreach ($group_list as $group_id) {
    if (!is_numeric($group_id)) {
    // delete existing permission records for this group to start with a blank slate
    if (!$xoopsDB->query("DELETE FROM " . $xoopsDB->prefix("group_permission") . " WHERE gperm_groupid='{$group_id}' AND gperm_itemid='{$form_id}' AND gperm_modid='{$formulize_module_id}'")) {
        print "Error: could not delete the permissions for group {$group_id}";
    // collect the list of enabled permissions submitted through the form
    $enabled_permissions = array();
    foreach (formulizePermHandler::getPermissionList() as $permission_name) {
        if ($_POST[$form_id . "_" . $group_id . "_" . $permission_name]) {
예제 #8
                    // log the notification info
                    writeOtherValues($writtenEntryId, $elementFid, $subformBlankCounter);
                    // write the other values for this entry
                    if ($creation_user == 0) {
                        // handle cookies for anonymous users
                        setcookie('entryid_' . $elementFid, $writtenEntryId, time() + 60 * 60 * 24 * 7, '/');
                        // the slash indicates the cookie is available anywhere in the domain (not just the current folder)
                        $_COOKIE['entryid_' . $elementFid] = $writtenEntryId;
                    afterSavingLogic($values, $writtenEntryId);
        } else {
            // save changes to existing elements
            // TODO: should this use $uid or a proxy user setting?
            if (formulizePermHandler::user_can_edit_entry($elementFid, $uid, $currentEntry)) {
                $writtenEntryId = formulize_writeEntry($values, $currentEntry);
                $formulize_allWrittenEntryIds[$elementFid][] = $writtenEntryId;
                // log the written id
                if (!isset($formulize_allWrittenFids[$elementFid])) {
                    $formulize_allWrittenFids[$elementFid] = $elementFid;
                $notEntriesList['update_entry'][$elementFid][] = $writtenEntryId;
                // log the notification info
                writeOtherValues($writtenEntryId, $elementFid);
                // write the other values for this entry
                afterSavingLogic($values, $writtenEntryId);
예제 #9
function displayElement($formframe = "", $ele, $entry = "new", $noSave = false, $screen = null, $prevEntry = null, $renderElement = true, $profileForm = null, $groups = "")
    static $cachedPrevEntries = array();
    static $lockedEntries = array();
    // keep track of the entries we have determined are locked
    global $entriesThatHaveBeenLockedThisPageLoad;
    if (!is_array($entriesThatHaveBeenLockedThisPageLoad)) {
        // which entries we have locked as part of this page load, so we don't waste time setting locks again on entries we've already locked, and so we can ignore locks that were set by ourselves!
        $entriesThatHaveBeenLockedThisPageLoad = array();
    $subformCreateEntry = strstr($entry, "subformCreateEntry") ? true : false;
    // check for this special flag, which is mostly like a "new" situation, except for the deh hidden flag that gets passed back, since we don't want the standard readelements logic to pickup these elements!
    if ($subformCreateEntry) {
        $subformMetaData = explode("_", $entry);
        $subformEntryIndex = $subformMetaData[1];
        $subformElementId = $subformMetaData[2];
    if ($entry == "" or $subformCreateEntry) {
        $entry = "new";
    $element = _formulize_returnElement($ele, $formframe);
    if (!is_object($element)) {
        return "invalid_element";
    $form_id = $element->getVar('id_form');
    $deprefix = $noSave ? "denosave_" : "de_";
    $deprefix = $subformCreateEntry ? "desubform" . $subformEntryIndex . "x" . $subformElementId . "_" : $deprefix;
    // need to pass in an entry index so that all fields in the same element can be collected
    if ($noSave and !is_bool($noSave)) {
        $renderedElementName = $noSave;
        // if we've passed a specific string with $noSave, then we want to use that to override the name of the element, because the developer wants to pick up that form value later after submission
        $noSave = true;
    } else {
        $renderedElementName = $deprefix . $form_id . '_' . $entry . '_' . $element->getVar('ele_id');
    global $xoopsUser;
    if (!$groups) {
        // groups might be passed in, which covers the case of the registration form and getting the groups from the registration code
        $groups = $xoopsUser ? $xoopsUser->getGroups() : array(0 => XOOPS_GROUP_ANONYMOUS);
    $user_id = $xoopsUser ? $xoopsUser->getVar('uid') : 0;
    $username = $xoopsUser ? $xoopsUser->getVar('uname') : "unknown user";
    static $cachedEntryOwners = array();
    if (!isset($cachedEntryOwners[$form_id][$entry])) {
        $cachedEntryOwners[$form_id][$entry] = getEntryOwner($entry, $form_id);
    $owner = $cachedEntryOwners[$form_id][$entry];
    $mid = getFormulizeModId();
    static $cachedViewPrivate = array();
    static $cachedUpdateOwnEntry = array();
    $gperm_handler = xoops_gethandler('groupperm');
    if (!isset($cachedViewPrivate[$form_id])) {
        $cachedViewPrivate[$form_id] = $gperm_handler->checkRight("view_private_elements", $form_id, $groups, $mid);
        $cachedUpdateOwnEntry[$form_id] = $gperm_handler->checkRight("update_own_entry", $form_id, $groups, $mid);
    $view_private_elements = $cachedViewPrivate[$form_id];
    $update_own_entry = $cachedUpdateOwnEntry[$form_id];
    // check if the user is normally able to view this element or not, by checking their groups against the display groups -- added Nov 7 2005
    // messed up.  Private should not override the display settings.  And the $entry should be checked against the security check first to determine whether the user should even see this entry in the first place.
    $display = $element->getVar('ele_display');
    $private = $element->getVar('ele_private');
    $member_handler = xoops_gethandler('member');
    $single_result = getSingle($form_id, $user_id, $groups, $member_handler, $gperm_handler, $mid);
    $groupEntryWithUpdateRights = ($single_result['flag'] == "group" and $update_own_entry and $entry == $single_result['entry']) ? true : false;
    // need to test whether the display setting should be checked first?!  Order of checks here looks wrong.  JWE Nov 25 2010
    if ($private and $user_id != $owner and !$groupEntryWithUpdateRights and $entry != "new") {
        $allowed = $view_private_elements ? 1 : 0;
    } elseif (strstr($display, ",")) {
        $display_groups = explode(",", $display);
        $allowed = array_intersect($groups, $display_groups) ? 1 : 0;
    } elseif ($display == 1) {
        $allowed = 1;
    } else {
        $allowed = 0;
    if ($prevEntry == null) {
        // preferable to pass in prevEntry!
        $prevEntry = getEntryValues($entry, "", $groups, $form_id, "", $mid, $user_id, $owner, $groupEntryWithUpdateRights);
    // record the list of elements that are allowed in principle for a form (regardless of conditional status)
    if ($allowed) {
        $GLOBALS['formulize_renderedElementsForForm'][$form_id][$entry][$renderedElementName] = $element->getVar('ele_handle');
    $elementFilterSettings = $element->getVar('ele_filtersettings');
    if ($allowed and count($elementFilterSettings[0]) > 0) {
        // cache the filterElements for this element, so we can build the right stuff with them later in javascript, to make dynamically appearing elements
        $GLOBALS['formulize_renderedElementHasConditions'][$renderedElementName] = $elementFilterSettings[0];
        // need to check if there's a condition on this element that is met or not
        static $cachedEntries = array();
        if ($entry != "new") {
            if (!isset($cachedEntries[$form_id][$entry])) {
                $cachedEntries[$form_id][$entry] = getData("", $form_id, $entry);
            $entryData = $cachedEntries[$form_id][$entry];
        $filterElements = $elementFilterSettings[0];
        $filterOps = $elementFilterSettings[1];
        $filterTerms = $elementFilterSettings[2];
        /* ALTERED - 20100316 - freeform - jeff/julian - start */
        $filterTypes = $elementFilterSettings[3];
        // find the filter indexes for 'match all' and 'match one or more'
        $filterElementsAll = array();
        $filterElementsOOM = array();
        for ($i = 0; $i < count($filterTypes); $i++) {
            if ($filterTypes[$i] == "all") {
                $filterElementsAll[] = $i;
            } else {
                $filterElementsOOM[] = $i;
        /* ALTERED - 20100316 - freeform - jeff/julian - stop */
        // setup evaluation condition as PHP and then eval it so we know if we should include this element or not
        $evaluationCondition = "\$passedCondition = false;\n";
        $evaluationCondition .= "if(";
        /* ALTERED - 20100316 - freeform - jeff/julian - start */
        $evaluationConditionAND = buildEvaluationCondition("AND", $filterElementsAll, $filterElements, $filterOps, $filterTerms, $entry, $entryData);
        $evaluationConditionOR = buildEvaluationCondition("OR", $filterElementsOOM, $filterElements, $filterOps, $filterTerms, $entry, $entryData);
        $evaluationCondition .= $evaluationConditionAND;
        if ($evaluationConditionOR) {
            if ($evaluationConditionAND) {
                $evaluationCondition .= " AND (" . $evaluationConditionOR . ")";
                //$evaluationCondition .= " OR (" . $evaluationConditionOR . ")";
            } else {
                $evaluationCondition .= $evaluationConditionOR;
        /* ALTERED - 20100316 - freeform - jeff/julian - stop */
        $evaluationCondition .= ") {\n";
        $evaluationCondition .= "  \$passedCondition = true;\n";
        $evaluationCondition .= "}\n";
        //print( $evaluationCondition );
        if (!$passedCondition) {
            $allowed = 0;
    if ($allowed) {
        if ($element->getVar('ele_type') == "subform") {
            return array("", $isDisabled);
        if (isset($GLOBALS['formulize_forceElementsDisabled']) and $GLOBALS['formulize_forceElementsDisabled'] == true) {
            $isDisabled = true;
        } else {
            $ele_disabled = $element->getVar('ele_disabled');
            $isDisabled = false;
            if ($ele_disabled == 1) {
                $isDisabled = true;
            } elseif (!is_numeric($ele_disabled)) {
                $disabled_groups = explode(",", $ele_disabled);
                if (array_intersect($groups, $disabled_groups) and !array_diff($groups, $disabled_groups)) {
                    $isDisabled = true;
        // Another check to see if this element is disabled, for the case where the user can view the form, but not edit it.
        if (!$isDisabled) {
            // note that we're using the OPPOSITE of the permission because we want to know if the element should be disabled
            $isDisabled = !formulizePermHandler::user_can_edit_entry($form_id, $user_id, $entry);
        // check whether the entry is locked, and if so, then the element is not allowed.  Set a message to say that elements were disabled due to entries being edited elsewhere (first time only).
        // groups with ignore lock permission bypass this, and therefore can save entries even when locked, and saving an entry removes the lock, so that gets you out of a jam if the lock is in place when it shouldn't be.
        // locks are only valid for the session time, so if a lock is older than that, it is ignored and cleared
        // Do this last, since locking overrides other permissions!
        $lockFileName = "entry_" . $entry . "_in_form_" . $form_id . "_is_locked_for_editing";
        // if we haven't found a lock for this entry, check if there is one...(as long as it's not an entry that we locked ourselves on this page load)
        if ($entry != "new" and !isset($lockedEntries[$form_id][$entry]) and !isset($entriesThatHaveBeenLockedThisPageLoad[$form_id][$entry]) and file_exists(XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . "/modules/formulize/temp/{$lockFileName}") and !$gperm_handler->checkRight("ignore_editing_lock", $form_id, $groups, $mid)) {
            $maxSessionLifeTime = ini_get("session.gc_maxlifetime");
            $fileCreationTime = filectime(XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . "/modules/formulize/temp/{$lockFileName}");
            if ($fileCreationTime + $maxSessionLifeTime > time()) {
                list($lockUid, $lockUsername) = explode(",", file_get_contents(XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . "/modules/formulize/temp/{$lockFileName}"));
                if ($lockUid != $user_id) {
                    // lock is still valid, hasn't expired yet.
                    if (count($lockedEntries) == 0) {
                        $label = json_encode(sprintf(_formulize_ENTRY_IS_LOCKED, $lockUsername));
                        print <<<EOF
<script type='text/javascript'>
\$(document).ready(function() {
    jQuery("<div id=\\"formulize-entry-lock-message\\"><i id=\\"formulize-entry-lock-icon\\" class=\\"icon-lock\\"></i><p>"+{$label}+"</p></div>").insertBefore("#formulize .xo-theme-form table");
                    $lockedEntries[$form_id][$entry] = true;
            } else {
                // clean up expired locks
                formulize_scandirAndClean(XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . "/modules/formulize/temp/", "_" . $entry . "_in_form_" . $form_id . "_", $maxSessionLifeTime);
        // if we've ever found a lock for this entry as part of this pageload...
        if (isset($lockedEntries[$form_id][$entry])) {
            $isDisabled = true;
        $renderer = new formulizeElementRenderer($element);
        $ele_value = $element->getVar('ele_value');
        $ele_type = $element->getVar('ele_type');
        if (($prevEntry or $profileForm === "new") and $ele_type != 'subform' and $ele_type != 'grid') {
            $data_handler = new formulizeDataHandler($form_id);
            $ele_value = loadValue($prevEntry, $element, $ele_value, $data_handler->getEntryOwnerGroups($entry), $groups, $entry, $profileForm);
            // get the value of this element for this entry as stored in the DB -- and unset any defaults if we are looking at an existing entry
        formulize_benchmark("About to render element " . $element->getVar('ele_caption') . ".");
        $form_ele =& $renderer->constructElement($renderedElementName, $ele_value, $entry, $isDisabled, $screen);
        if (strstr($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], "formulize/printview.php") and is_object($form_ele)) {
        formulize_benchmark("Done rendering element.");
        // put a lock on this entry in this form, so we know that the element is being edited.  Lock will be removed next time the entry is saved.
        if ($entry > 0 and !isset($lockedEntries[$form_id][$entry]) and !isset($entriesThatHaveBeenLockedThisPageLoad[$form_id][$entry])) {
            if (is_writable(XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . "/modules/formulize/temp/")) {
                $lockFile = fopen(XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . "/modules/formulize/temp/{$lockFileName}", "w");
                if (false !== $lockFile) {
                    fwrite($lockFile, "{$user_id},{$username}");
                    $entriesThatHaveBeenLockedThisPageLoad[$form_id][$entry] = true;
            } else {
                if (defined("ICMS_ERROR_LOG_SEVERITY") and ICMS_ERROR_LOG_SEVERITY >= E_WARNING) {
                    static $lock_file_warning_issued = false;
                    if (!$lock_file_warning_issued) {
                        // cannot write to Formulize temp folder to create lock entries
                        error_log("Notice: Formulize temp folder does not exist or is not writeable, so lock file cannot be created in " . XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . "/modules/formulize/temp/");
                        $lock_file_warning_issued = true;
        if (!$renderElement) {
            return array(0 => $form_ele, 1 => $isDisabled);
        } else {
            if ($element->getVar('ele_type') == "ib") {
                print $form_ele[0];
                return "rendered";
            } elseif (is_object($form_ele)) {
                print $form_ele->render();
                if (!empty($form_ele->customValidationCode) and !$isDisabled) {
                    $GLOBALS['formulize_renderedElementsValidationJS'][$GLOBALS['formulize_thisRendering']][$form_ele->getName()] = $form_ele->renderValidationJS();
                } elseif ($element->getVar('ele_req') and ($element->getVar('ele_type') == "text" or $element->getVar('ele_type') == "textarea") and !$isDisabled) {
                    $eltname = $form_ele->getName();
                    $eltcaption = $form_ele->getCaption();
                    $eltmsg = empty($eltcaption) ? sprintf(_FORM_ENTER, $eltname) : sprintf(_FORM_ENTER, $eltcaption);
                    $eltmsg = str_replace('"', '\\"', stripslashes($eltmsg));
                    $GLOBALS['formulize_renderedElementsValidationJS'][$GLOBALS['formulize_thisRendering']][$eltname] = "if ( myform." . $eltname . ".value == \"\" ) { window.alert(\"" . $eltmsg . "\"); myform." . $eltname . ".focus(); return false; }";
                if ($isDisabled) {
                    return "rendered-disabled";
                } else {
                    return "rendered";
        // or, even if the user is not supposed to see the element, put in a hidden element with its default value (only on new entries for elements with the forcehidden flag on)
        // So, no handling of linked values is included here.
    } elseif ($forcehidden = $element->getVar('ele_forcehidden') and $entry == "new" and !$noSave) {
        // hiddenElements keys will be the element ids
        $hiddenElements = generateHiddenElements(array($element), $entry);
        $thisHiddenElement = isset($hiddenElements[$element->getVar('ele_id')]) ? $hiddenElements[$element->getVar('ele_id')] : "";
        if (!$renderElement) {
            return array("hidden", $isDisabled, $thisHiddenElement);
            // if the element is hidden, then return an array, but with hidden as the first key, so that logic that was not expecting an element back, will still function as is.  This is a backwards compatibility thing.  For hidden elements, the element is in the third key, if in fact you need it/are looking for it in the user land code...note that in the case of checkboxes, the elements returned will be in an array
        } else {
            $cueElement = new xoopsFormHidden("decue_" . $fid . "_" . $entry . "_" . $element_id, 1);
            print $cueElement->render();
            if (is_array($thisHiddenElement)) {
                // could happen for checkboxes
                foreach ($thisHiddenElement as $thisIndividualHiddenElement) {
                    if (is_object($thisIndividualHiddenElement)) {
                        print $thisIndividualHiddenElement->render() . "\n";
            } elseif (is_object($thisHiddenElement)) {
                print $thisHiddenElement->render() . "\n";
            return "hidden";
    } else {
        return "not_allowed";
예제 #10
function sendNotifications($fid, $event, $entries, $mid = "", $groups = array())
    // don't send a notification twice, so we store what we have processed already and don't process again
    static $processedNotifications = array();
    $serializedEntries = serialize($entries);
    if (isset($processedNotifications[$fid][$event][$serializedEntries])) {
    $processedNotifications[$fid][$event][$serializedEntries] = true;
    // 1. Get all conditions attached to this fid for this event
    // 1b. determine what users have view_globalscope on the form, and what groups that the current user is a member of have view_groupscope on the form
    // 2. foreach entry, do the following
    // 4. foreach condition, do the following
    // 5. if there's actual terms attached to the condition, see if the entry matches the condition, and if not, move on to the next condition
    // 6. if there's a custom template or subject, then save that condition for later processing
    // 7. check the uid, curuser and groupid for this condition and store it
    // 8. after processing each condition
    // 9. set the intersection of the view_group/global users and the users in the conditions
    // 10. determine which users are not subscribed to this event
    // 11. subscribe the necessary users with a oncethendelete notification mode
    // 12. trigger this notification event
    // 13. foreach custom template and/or subject, do this
    // 14. determine the uid, curuser, groupid settings and gather the uids
    // 15. set the intersection of the users
    // 16. change the modinfo for this event so the custom template/subject is used
    // 17. determine the users subscribed and subscribe the necessary others with a oncethendelete mode
    // 18. trigger the notification
    global $xoopsDB, $xoopsUser, $xoopsConfig;
    $uid = $xoopsUser ? $xoopsUser->getVar('uid') : 0;
    // 1.  get all conditions for this fid and event
    $cons = q("SELECT * FROM " . $xoopsDB->prefix("formulize_notification_conditions") . " WHERE not_cons_fid=" . intval($fid) . " AND not_cons_event=\"" . formulize_db_escape($event) . "\"");
    if (count($cons) == 0) {
    if (!$mid) {
        $mid = getFormulizeModId();
    // 1b. get the complete list of all possible users to notify
    $gperm_handler =& xoops_gethandler('groupperm');
    $member_handler =& xoops_gethandler('member');
    // get uids of all users with global scope
    $groups_global = $gperm_handler->getGroupIds("view_globalscope", $fid, $mid);
    $global_uids = formulize_getUsersByGroups($groups_global, $member_handler);
    // get uids of all users with group scope who share a group membership with the owner of the entry, **and the shared membership is in a group that has access to the form**
    // start with users who have groupscope
    $groups_group = $gperm_handler->getGroupIds("view_groupscope", $fid, $mid);
    $group_user_ids = formulize_getUsersByGroups($groups_group, $member_handler);
    // get groups with view_form,
    $groups_view = $gperm_handler->getGroupIds("view_form", $fid, $mid);
    $notification_handler =& xoops_gethandler('notification');
    // start main loop
    $notificationTemplateData = array();
    foreach ($entries as $entry) {
        $notificationTemplateData[$entry] = "";
        // user list is potentially different for each entry. ignore anything that was passed in for $groups
        if (count($groups) == 0) {
            // if no groups specified as the owner of the current entry, then let's get that from the table
            $data_handler = new formulizeDataHandler($fid);
            $groups = $data_handler->getEntryOwnerGroups($entry);
        // get the uids of all the users who are members of groups that have a specified groupscope that includes a group that is an owner group of the entry
        if (!isset($formulize_permHandler)) {
            $formulize_permHandler = new formulizePermHandler($fid);
        $groups_with_specified_scope = $formulize_permHandler->getGroupsHavingSpecificScope($groups);
        // gets groups that have specific scope that does not include these groups
        $groups_with_different_specified_scope = $formulize_permHandler->getGroupsHavingDifferentSpecificScope($groups);
        $specified_group_uids = array();
        $specified_different_group_uids = array();
        if ($groups_with_specified_scope !== false) {
            // array_intersect applied to groups that have groupscope permission, and the groups that have the specified scope over the ownergroups (just in case groups were picked in the perm UI, but groupscope itself was not assigned, or turned off)
            $specified_group_uids = formulize_getUsersByGroups(array_intersect((array) $groups_with_specified_scope, (array) $groups_group), $member_handler);
        if ($groups_with_different_specified_scope !== false) {
            $specified_different_group_uids = formulize_getUsersByGroups(array_intersect((array) $groups_with_different_specified_scope, (array) $groups_group), $member_handler);
        // take the intersection of groups with view form perm and the owner's groups (ie: the owner's groups that have view_form perm)
        $owner_groups_with_view = array_intersect($groups_view, $groups);
        // get users in the owners-groups-that-have-view_form-perm
        $owner_groups_user_ids = formulize_getUsersByGroups($owner_groups_with_view, $member_handler);
        // get the intersection of users in the owners-groups-that-have-view_form-perm and groups with groupscope
        $group_uids = array_intersect($group_user_ids, $owner_groups_user_ids);
        // remove the users from groups-with-a-specified-scope that doesn't-include-the-owner-groups, from the users that are part of dynamically generated groupscope (if a user has a specified scope, then that should override any dynamically generated scope, and if the specified scope does not include this entry's groups, then they need to be pulled)
        $group_uids = array_diff((array) $group_uids, (array) $specified_different_group_uids);
        $group_uids = array_unique(array_merge((array) $specified_group_uids, (array) $group_uids));
        $uids_complete = array(0 => getEntryOwner($entry, $fid));
        if (count($group_uids) > 0 and count($global_uids) > 0) {
            $uids_complete = array_unique(array_merge((array) $group_uids, (array) $global_uids, $uids_complete));
        } elseif (count($group_uids) > 0) {
            $uids_complete = array_unique(array_merge((array) $group_uids, $uids_complete));
        } elseif (count($global_uids) > 0) {
            $uids_complete = array_unique(array_merge((array) $global_uids, $uids_complete));
        $uids_conditions = array();
        $saved_conditions = array();
        $data = "";
        foreach ($cons as $thiscon) {
            // there is a specific condition for this notification
            if ($thiscon['not_cons_con'] !== "all") {
                $thesecons = unserialize($thiscon['not_cons_con']);
                $elements = unserialize($thesecons[0]);
                $ops = unserialize($thesecons[1]);
                $terms = unserialize($thesecons[2]);
                $start = 1;
                $blankFilters = array();
                for ($i = 0; $i < count($elements); $i++) {
                    if ($ops[$i] == "NOT") {
                        $ops[$i] = "!=";
                    if ($terms[$i] == "{BLANK}") {
                        $blankFilter = $elements[$i] . "/**//**/" . $ops[$i] . "][" . $elements[$i] . "/**//**/";
                        if ($ops[$i] == "!=" or $ops[$i] == "NOT LIKE") {
                            $blankFilters['and'][] = $blankFilter . " IS NOT NULL ";
                        } else {
                            $blankFilters['or'][] = $blankFilter . " IS NULL ";
                    $terms[$i] = parseUserAndToday($terms[$i]);
                    if ($start) {
                        $filter = $entry . "][" . $elements[$i] . "/**/" . $terms[$i] . "/**/" . $ops[$i];
                        $start = 0;
                    } else {
                        $filter .= "][" . $elements[$i] . "/**/" . $terms[$i] . "/**/" . $ops[$i];
                if (isset($blankFilters['and'])) {
                    foreach ($blankFilters['and'] as $thisAndFilter) {
                        $filter .= "][" . $thisAndFilter;
                if (isset($blankFilters['or'])) {
                    $filter = array(0 => array(0 => "and", 1 => $filter), 1 => array(0 => "or", 1 => implode("][", $blankFilters['or'])));
                include_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . "/modules/formulize/include/extract.php";
                $data = getData("", $fid, $filter);
                if ($data[0] == "") {
            // condition passed the test, so check for custom template or subject
            if ($thiscon['not_cons_template'] or $thiscon['not_cons_subject']) {
                $saved_conditions[] = $thiscon;
                // proceed to the next one
            // passed the test and not custom, so save the uid, curuser, groupid info
            list($uids_conditions, $omit_user) = compileNotUsers($uids_conditions, $thiscon, $uid, $member_handler, false, $entry, $fid);
        // end of each condition
        if (isset($GLOBALS['formulize_notification_email'])) {
            $uids_complete[] = -1;
            // if we are notifying an arbitrary e-mail address, then this uid will have been added to the uids_conditions array, so let's add it to the complete array, so that our notification doesn't get ignored as being "out of scope" based on uids
        // intersect all possible uids with the ones valid for this condition, and handle subscribing necessary users
        $uids_real = compileNotUsers2($uids_conditions, $uids_complete, $notification_handler, $fid, $event, $mid);
        // cannot bug out (return) if $uids_real is empty, since there are still the custom conditions to evaluate below
        // get form object so the title can be used in notification messages
        static $formObjs = array();
        // make this static so we don't have to hit the database over again if we've already got this form object
        include_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . "/modules/formulize/class/forms.php";
        if (!isset($formObjs[$fid])) {
            $formObjs[$fid] = new formulizeForm($fid);
        $extra_tags = array();
        if ($xoopsUser) {
            $extra_tags['ENTRYUSERNAME'] = $xoopsUser->getVar('uname');
            $extra_tags['ENTRYNAME'] = $xoopsUser->getVar('name') ? $xoopsUser->getVar('name') : $xoopsUser->getVar('uname');
        } else {
            $extra_tags['ENTRYUSERNAME'] = _FORM_ANON_USER;
        $extra_tags['FORMNAME'] = trans($formObjs[$fid]->getVar('title'));
        // determine if this is the profile form and if so, construct the URL for the notification differently
        // so the user goes to the userinfo.php page instead of the form page
        $config_handler =& xoops_gethandler('config');
        $formulizeConfig =& $config_handler->getConfigsByCat(0, $mid);
        $profileFormId = $formulizeConfig['profileForm'];
        if ($profileFormId == $fid) {
            $owner = getEntryOwner($entry, $fid);
            $extra_tags['VIEWURL'] = XOOPS_URL . "/userinfo.php?uid={$owner}";
        } else {
            $extra_tags['VIEWURL'] = XOOPS_URL . "/modules/formulize/index.php?fid={$fid}&ve={$entry}";
        $extra_tags['ENTRYID'] = $entry;
        $extra_tags['SITEURL'] = XOOPS_URL;
        if (count($uids_real) > 0) {
            if (in_array(-1, $uids_real)) {
                sendNotificationToEmail($GLOBALS['formulize_notification_email'], $event, $extra_tags);
                unset($uids_real[array_search(-1, $uids_real)]);
                // now remove the special flag before triggering the event
                unset($uids_complete[array_search(-1, $uids_complete)]);
                // now remove the special flag before triggering the event
            $notification_handler->triggerEvent("form", $fid, $event, $extra_tags, $uids_real, $mid, $omit_user);
        // handle custom conditions
        foreach ($saved_conditions as $thiscon) {
            if ($thiscon['not_cons_template']) {
                $templateFileName = substr($thiscon['not_cons_template'], -4) == ".tpl" ? $thiscon['not_cons_template'] : $thiscon['not_cons_template'] . ".tpl";
                if (!file_exists(XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . "/modules/formulize/language/" . $xoopsConfig['language'] . "/mail_template/" . $templateFileName)) {
                } else {
                    $templateFileContents = file_get_contents(XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . "/modules/formulize/language/" . $xoopsConfig['language'] . "/mail_template/" . $templateFileName);
                    if (strstr($templateFileContents, "{ELEMENT")) {
                        // gather the data for this entry and make it available to the template, since it uses an element tag in the message
                        // Only do this getData call if we don't already have data from the database. $notificationTemplateData[$entry][0] == "" will probably never be true in Formulize 3.0 and higher, but will evaluate as expected, with a warning about [0] being an invalid offset or something like that
                        if ($notificationTemplateData[$entry][0] == "" or $notificationTemplateData[$entry] == "") {
                            include_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . "/modules/formulize/include/extract.php";
                            $notificationTemplateData[$entry] = getData("", $fid, $entry);
                        // get all the element IDs for the current form
                        $form_handler = xoops_getmodulehandler('forms', 'formulize');
                        $formObject = $form_handler->get($fid);
                        foreach ($formObject->getVar('elementHandles') as $elementHandle) {
                            $extra_tags['ELEMENT' . strtoupper($elementHandle)] = trans(html_entity_decode(displayTogether($notificationTemplateData[$entry][0], $elementHandle, ", "), ENT_QUOTES));
                            // for legacy compatibility, we provide both with and without _ keys in the extra tags array.
                            $extra_tags['ELEMENT_' . strtoupper($elementHandle)] = trans($extra_tags['ELEMENT' . strtoupper($elementHandle)]);
            $uids_cust_con = array();
            list($uids_cust_con, $omit_user) = compileNotUsers($uids_cust_con, $thiscon, $uid, $member_handler, true, $entry, $fid);
            if (isset($GLOBALS['formulize_notification_email'])) {
                $uids_complete[] = -1;
                // if we are notifying an arbitrary e-mail address, then this uid will have been added to the uids_conditions array, so let's add it to the complete array, so that our notification doesn't get ignored as being "out of scope" based on uids
            $uids_cust_real = compileNotUsers2($uids_cust_con, $uids_complete, $notification_handler, $fid, $event, $mid);
            // set the custom template and subject
            $module_handler =& xoops_gethandler('module');
            $module =& $module_handler->get($mid);
            $not_config =& $module->getInfo('notification');
            switch ($event) {
                case "new_entry":
                    $evid = 1;
                case "update_entry":
                    $evid = 2;
                case "delete_entry":
                    $evid = 3;
            $oldsubject = $not_config['event'][$evid]['mail_subject'];
            $oldtemp = $not_config['event'][$evid]['mail_template'];
            // rewrite the notification with the subject and template we want, then reset
            $GLOBALS['formulize_notificationTemplateOverride'] = $thiscon['not_cons_template'] == "" ? $not_config['event'][$evid]['mail_template'] : $thiscon['not_cons_template'];
            $GLOBALS['formulize_notificationSubjectOverride'] = $thiscon['not_cons_subject'] == "" ? $not_config['event'][$evid]['mail_subject'] : trans($thiscon['not_cons_subject']);
            $not_config['event'][$evid]['mail_template'] = $thiscon['not_cons_template'] == "" ? $not_config['event'][$evid]['mail_template'] : $thiscon['not_cons_template'];
            $not_config['event'][$evid]['mail_subject'] = $thiscon['not_cons_subject'] == "" ? $not_config['event'][$evid]['mail_subject'] : trans($thiscon['not_cons_subject']);
            // loop through the variables and do replacements in the subject, if any
            if (strstr($not_config['event'][$evid]['mail_subject'], "{ELEMENT")) {
                foreach ($extra_tags as $tag => $value) {
                    str_replace("{" . $tag . "}", $value, $not_config['event'][$evid]['mail_subject']);
                    str_replace("{" . $tag . "}", $value, $GLOBALS['formulize_notificationSubjectOverride']);
            // trigger the event
            if (count($uids_cust_real) > 0) {
                if (in_array(-1, $uids_cust_real)) {
                    sendNotificationToEmail($GLOBALS['formulize_notification_email'], "cust", $extra_tags, $not_config['event'][$evid]['mail_subject'], $not_config['event'][$evid]['mail_template']);
                    unset($uids_cust_real[array_search(-1, $uids_cust_real)]);
                    // now remove the special flag before triggering the event
                    unset($uids_complete[array_search(-1, $uids_complete)]);
                    // now remove the special flag before triggering the event
                $notification_handler->triggerEvent("form", $fid, $event, $extra_tags, $uids_cust_real, $mid, $omit_user);
            $not_config['event'][$evid]['mail_subject'] = $oldsubject;
            $not_config['event'][$evid]['mail_template'] = $oldtemp;
    // end of each entry
예제 #11
function displayFormPages($formframe, $entry = "", $mainform = "", $pages, $conditions = "", $introtext = "", $thankstext = "", $done_dest = "", $button_text = "", $settings = "", $overrideValue = "", $printall = 0, $screen = null, $saveAndContinueButtonText = null)
    // nmc 2007.03.24 - added 'printall'
    formulize_benchmark("Start of displayFormPages.");
    // extract the optional page titles from the $pages array for use in the jump to box
    // NOTE: pageTitles array must start with key 1, not 0.  Page 1 is the first page of the form
    $pageTitles = array();
    if (isset($pages['titles'])) {
        $pageTitles = $pages['titles'];
    if (!$saveAndContinueButtonText and isset($_POST['formulize_saveAndContinueButtonText'])) {
        $saveAndContinueButtonText = unserialize($_POST['formulize_saveAndContinueButtonText']);
    if (!$done_dest and $_POST['formulize_doneDest']) {
        $done_dest = $_POST['formulize_doneDest'];
    if (!$button_text and $_POST['formulize_buttonText']) {
        $button_text = $_POST['formulize_buttonText'];
    list($fid, $frid) = getFormFramework($formframe, $mainform);
    $thankstext = $thankstext ? $thankstext : _formulize_DMULTI_THANKS;
    $introtext = $introtext ? $introtext : "";
    global $xoopsUser;
    $mid = getFormulizeModId();
    $groups = $xoopsUser ? $xoopsUser->getGroups() : array(0 => XOOPS_GROUP_ANONYMOUS);
    $uid = $xoopsUser ? $xoopsUser->getVar('uid') : 0;
    $gperm_handler =& xoops_gethandler('groupperm');
    $member_handler =& xoops_gethandler('member');
    $single_result = getSingle($fid, $uid, $groups, $member_handler, $gperm_handler, $mid);
    // if this function was called without an entry specified, then assume the identity of the entry we're editing (unless this is a new save, in which case no entry has been made yet)
    // no handling of cookies here, so anonymous multi-page surveys will not benefit from that feature
    // this emphasizes how we need to standardize a lot of these interfaces with a real class system
    if (!$entry and $_POST['entry' . $fid]) {
        $entry = $_POST['entry' . $fid];
    } elseif (!$entry) {
        // or check getSingle to see what the real entry is
        $entry = $single_result['flag'] ? $single_result['entry'] : 0;
    // formulize_newEntryIds is set when saving data
    if (!$entry and isset($GLOBALS['formulize_newEntryIds'][$fid])) {
        $entry = $GLOBALS['formulize_newEntryIds'][$fid][0];
    $owner = getEntryOwner($entry, $fid);
    $prevPage = isset($_POST['formulize_prevPage']) ? $_POST['formulize_prevPage'] : 1;
    // last page that the user was on, not necessarily the previous page numerically
    $currentPage = isset($_POST['formulize_currentPage']) ? $_POST['formulize_currentPage'] : 1;
    $thanksPage = count($pages) + 1;
    // debug control:
    $currentPage = (isset($_GET['debugpage']) and is_numeric($_GET['debugpage'])) ? $_GET['debugpage'] : $currentPage;
    $usersCanSave = formulizePermHandler::user_can_edit_entry($fid, $uid, $entry);
    if ($pages[$prevPage][0] !== "HTML" and $pages[$prevPage][0] !== "PHP") {
        // remember prevPage is the last page the user was on, not the previous page numerically
        if (isset($_POST['form_submitted']) and $usersCanSave) {
            include_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . "/modules/formulize/include/formread.php";
            include_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . "/modules/formulize/include/functions.php";
            include_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . "/modules/formulize/class/data.php";
            //$owner_groups =& $member_handler->getGroupsByUser($owner, FALSE);
            $data_handler = new formulizeDataHandler($fid);
            $owner_groups = $data_handler->getEntryOwnerGroups($entry);
            $entries[$fid][0] = $entry;
            if ($frid) {
                $linkResults = checkForLinks($frid, array(0 => $fid), $fid, $entries, $gperm_handler, $owner_groups, $mid, $member_handler, $owner);
                $entries = $linkResults['entries'];
            $entries = $GLOBALS['formulize_allWrittenEntryIds'];
            // set in readelements.php
            // if there has been no specific entry specified yet, then assume the identity of the entry that was just saved -- assumption is it will be a new save
            // from this point forward in time, this is the only entry that should be involved, since the 'entry'.$fid condition above will put this value into $entry even if this function was called with a blank entry value
            if (!$entry) {
                $entry = $entries[$fid][0];
            synchSubformBlankDefaults($fid, $entry);
    // there are several points above where $entry is set, and now that we have a final value, store in ventry
    if ($entry > 0) {
        $settings['ventry'] = $entry;
    // check to see if there are conditions on this page, and if so are they met
    // if the conditions are not met, move on to the next page and repeat the condition check
    // conditions only checked once there is an entry!
    $pagesSkipped = false;
    if (is_array($conditions) and $entry) {
        $conditionsMet = false;
        while (!$conditionsMet) {
            if (isset($conditions[$currentPage]) and count($conditions[$currentPage][0]) > 0) {
                // conditions on the current page
                $thesecons = $conditions[$currentPage];
                $elements = $thesecons[0];
                $ops = $thesecons[1];
                $terms = $thesecons[2];
                $types = $thesecons[3];
                // indicates if the term is part of a must or may set, ie: boolean and or or
                $filter = "";
                $oomfilter = "";
                $blankORSearch = "";
                foreach ($elements as $i => $thisElement) {
                    if ($ops[$i] == "NOT") {
                        $ops[$i] = "!=";
                    if ($terms[$i] == "{BLANK}") {
                        if ($ops[$i] == "!=" or $ops[$i] == "NOT LIKE") {
                            if ($types[$i] != "oom") {
                                // add to the main filter, ie: entry id = 1 AND x=5 AND y IS NOT "" AND y IS NOT NULL
                                if (!$filter) {
                                    $filter = $entry . "][" . $elements[$i] . "/**//**/!=][" . $elements[$i] . "/**//**/IS NOT NULL";
                                } else {
                                    $filter .= "][" . $elements[$i] . "/**//**/!=][" . $elements[$i] . "/**//**/IS NOT NULL";
                            } else {
                                // Add to the OOM filter, ie: entry id = 1 AND (x=5 OR y IS NOT "" OR y IS NOT NULL)
                                if (!$oomfilter) {
                                    $oomfilter = $elements[$i] . "/**//**/=][" . $elements[$i] . "/**//**/IS NULL";
                                } else {
                                    $oomfilter .= "][" . $elements[$i] . "/**//**/=][" . $elements[$i] . "/**//**/IS NULL";
                        } else {
                            if ($types[$i] != "oom") {
                                // add to its own OR filter, since we MUST match this condition, but we don't care if it's "" OR NULL
                                // ie: entry id = 1 AND (x=5 OR y=10) AND (z = "" OR z IS NULL)
                                if (!$blankORSearch) {
                                    $blankORSearch = $elements[$i] . "/**//**/=][" . $elements[$i] . "/**//**/IS NULL";
                                } else {
                                    $blankORSearch .= "][" . $elements[$i] . "/**//**/=][" . $elements[$i] . "/**//**/IS NULL";
                            } else {
                                // it's part of the oom filters anyway, so we put it there, because we don't care if it's null or "" or neither
                                if (!$oomfilter) {
                                    $oomfilter = $elements[$i] . "/**//**/=][" . $elements[$i] . "/**//**/IS NULL";
                                } else {
                                    $oomfilter .= "][" . $elements[$i] . "/**//**/=][" . $elements[$i] . "/**//**/IS NULL";
                    } elseif ($types[$i] == "oom") {
                        if (!$oomfilter) {
                            $oomfilter = $elements[$i] . "/**/" . trans($terms[$i]) . "/**/" . $ops[$i];
                        } else {
                            $oomfilter .= "][" . $elements[$i] . "/**/" . trans($terms[$i]) . "/**/" . $ops[$i];
                    } else {
                        if (!$filter) {
                            $filter = $entry . "][" . $elements[$i] . "/**/" . trans($terms[$i]) . "/**/" . $ops[$i];
                        } else {
                            $filter .= "][" . $elements[$i] . "/**/" . trans($terms[$i]) . "/**/" . $ops[$i];
                if ($oomfilter and $filter) {
                    $finalFilter = array();
                    $finalFilter[0][0] = "AND";
                    $finalFilter[0][1] = $filter;
                    $finalFilter[1][0] = "OR";
                    $finalFilter[1][1] = $oomfilter;
                    if ($blankORSearch) {
                        $finalFilter[2][0] = "OR";
                        $finalFilter[2][1] = $blankORSearch;
                } elseif ($oomfilter) {
                    // need to add the $entry as a separate filter from the oom, so the entry and oom get an AND in between them
                    $finalFilter = array();
                    $finalFilter[0][0] = "AND";
                    $finalFilter[0][1] = $entry;
                    $finalFilter[1][0] = "OR";
                    $finalFilter[1][1] = $oomfilter;
                    if ($blankORSearch) {
                        $finalFilter[2][0] = "OR";
                        $finalFilter[2][1] = $blankORSearch;
                } else {
                    if ($blankORSearch) {
                        $finalFilter[0][0] = "AND";
                        $finalFilter[0][1] = $filter ? $filter : $entry;
                        $finalFilter[1][0] = "OR";
                        $finalFilter[1][1] = $blankORSearch;
                    } else {
                        $finalFilter = $filter;
                $masterBoolean = "AND";
                include_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . "/modules/formulize/include/extract.php";
                $data = getData($frid, $fid, $finalFilter, $masterBoolean, "", "", "", "", "", false, 0, false, "", false, true);
                if (!$data) {
                    if ($prevPage <= $currentPage) {
                    } else {
                    $pagesSkipped = true;
                } else {
                    $conditionsMet = true;
            } else {
                // no conditions on the current page
                $conditionsMet = true;
    if ($currentPage > 1) {
        $previousPage = $currentPage - 1;
        // previous page numerically
    } else {
        $previousPage = "none";
    $nextPage = $currentPage + 1;
    $done_dest = $done_dest ? $done_dest : getCurrentURL();
    $done_dest = substr($done_dest, 0, 4) == "http" ? $done_dest : "http://" . $done_dest;
    // Set up the javascript that we need for the form-submit functionality to work
    // note that validateAndSubmit calls the form validation function again, but obviously it will pass if it passed here.  The validation needs to be called prior to setting the pages, or else you can end up on the wrong page after clicking an ADD button in a subform when you've missed a required field.
    // savedPage and savedPrevPage are used to pick up the page and prevpage only when a two step validation, such as checking for uniqueness, returns and calls validateAndSubmit again
	<script type='text/javascript'>
	var savedPage;
	var savedPrevPage;
	function submitForm(page, prevpage) {
		var validate = xoopsFormValidate_formulize();
		if(validate) {
			savedPage = 0;
			savedPrevPage = 0;
			multipageSetHiddenFields(page, prevpage);
			if (formulizechanged) {
      } else {
        jQuery("#formulizeform").animate({opacity:0.4}, 200, "linear");
        // 'rewritePage' will trigger the page to change after the locks have been removed
    } else {
			savedPage = page;
			savedPrevPage = prevpage;

	function multipageSetHiddenFields(page, prevpage) {
    // neuter the ventry which is the key thing that keeps us on the form page,
    //  if in fact we just came from a list screen of some kind.
    // need to use an unusual selector, because something about selecting by id wasn't working,
    //  apparently may be related to setting actions on forms with certain versions of jQuery?
    print "\r\n\t\t\tif(page == {$thanksPage}) {\r\n\t\t\t\twindow.document.formulize.ventry.value = '';\r\n\t\t\t\tjQuery('form[name=formulize]').attr('action', '{$done_dest}');\r\n      }\r\n";
      window.document.formulize.formulize_currentPage.value = page;
      window.document.formulize.formulize_prevPage.value = prevpage;
      window.document.formulize.formulize_doneDest.value = '<?php 
    print $done_dest;
      window.document.formulize.formulize_buttonText.value = '<?php 
    print $button_text;

	function pageJump(options, prevpage) {
		for (var i=0; i < options.length; i++) {
			if (options[i].selected) {
				submitForm(options[i].value, prevpage);
				return false;
	<h1>You do not have javascript enabled in your web browser.  This form will not work with your web browser.  Please contact the webmaster for assistance.</h1>
    if ($currentPage == $thanksPage) {
        if ($screen and $screen->getVar('finishisdone')) {
            print "<script type='text/javascript'>location = '{$done_dest}';</script>";
            // if we've ended up on the thanks page via conditions (last page was not shown) then we should just bail if there is not supposed to be a thanks page
        if (is_array($thankstext)) {
            if ($thankstext[0] === "PHP") {
            } else {
                print $thankstext[1];
        } else {
            // HTML
            print html_entity_decode($thankstext);
        print "<br><hr><br><div id=\"thankYouNavigation\"><p><center>\n";
        if ($pagesSkipped) {
            print _formulize_DMULTI_SKIP . "</p><p>\n";
        $button_text = $button_text ? $button_text : _formulize_DMULTI_ALLDONE;
        if ($button_text != "{NOBUTTON}") {
            print "<a href='{$done_dest}'";
            if (is_array($settings)) {
                print " onclick=\"javascript:window.document.calreturnform.submit();return false;\"";
            print ">" . $button_text . "</a>\n";
        print "</center></p></div>";
        if (is_array($settings)) {
            print "<form name=calreturnform action=\"{$done_dest}\" method=post>\n";
            print "</form>";
    if ($currentPage == 1 and $pages[1][0] !== "HTML" and $pages[1][0] !== "PHP" and !$_POST['goto_sfid']) {
        // only show intro text on first page if there's actually a form there
        print html_entity_decode(html_entity_decode($introtext));
    // display an HTML or PHP page if that's what this page is...
    if ($currentPage != $thanksPage and ($pages[$currentPage][0] === "HTML" or $pages[$currentPage][0] === "PHP")) {
        // PHP
        if ($pages[$currentPage][0] === "PHP") {
            // HTML
        } else {
            print $pages[$currentPage][1];
        // put in the form that passes the entry, page we're going to and page we were on
        include_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . "/modules/formulize/include/functions.php";
		<form name=formulize id=formulize action=<?php 
        print getCurrentURL();
		<input type=hidden name=entry<?php 
        print $fid;
        print $fid;
        print $entry;
		<input type=hidden name=formulize_currentPage id=formulize_currentPage value="">
		<input type=hidden name=formulize_prevPage id=formulize_prevPage value="">
		<script type="text/javascript">
			function validateAndSubmit() {
    // display a form if that's what this page is...
    if ($currentPage != $thanksPage and $pages[$currentPage][0] !== "HTML" and $pages[$currentPage][0] !== "PHP") {
        $buttonArray = array(0 => "{NOBUTTON}", 1 => "{NOBUTTON}");
        foreach ($pages[$currentPage] as $element) {
            $elements_allowed[] = $element;
        $forminfo['elements'] = $elements_allowed;
        $forminfo['formframe'] = $formframe;
        $titleOverride = isset($pageTitles[$currentPage]) ? trans($pageTitles[$currentPage]) : "all";
        // we can pass in any text value as the titleOverride, and it will have the same effect as "all", but the alternate text will be used as the title for the form
        $GLOBALS['nosubforms'] = true;
        // subforms cannot have a view button on multipage forms, since moving to a sub causes total confusion of which entry and fid you are looking at
        $settings['formulize_currentPage'] = $currentPage;
        $settings['formulize_prevPage'] = $currentPage;
        // now that we're done everything else, we can send the current page as the previous page when initializing the form.  Javascript will set the true value prior to submission.
        formulize_benchmark("Before drawing nav.");
        $previousButtonText = (is_array($saveAndContinueButtonText) and isset($saveAndContinueButtonText['previousButtonText'])) ? $saveAndContinueButtonText['previousButtonText'] : _formulize_DMULTI_PREV;
        if ($usersCanSave and $nextPage == $thanksPage) {
            $nextButtonText = (is_array($saveAndContinueButtonText) and $saveAndContinueButtonText['saveButtonText']) ? $saveAndContinueButtonText['saveButtonText'] : _formulize_DMULTI_SAVE;
        } else {
            $nextButtonText = (is_array($saveAndContinueButtonText) and $saveAndContinueButtonText['nextButtonText']) ? $saveAndContinueButtonText['nextButtonText'] : _formulize_DMULTI_NEXT;
        $previousPageButton = generatePrevNextButtonMarkup("prev", $previousButtonText, $usersCanSave, $nextPage, $previousPage, $thanksPage);
        $nextPageButton = generatePrevNextButtonMarkup("next", $nextButtonText, $usersCanSave, $nextPage, $previousPage, $thanksPage);
        $savePageButton = generatePrevNextButtonMarkup("save", _formulize_SAVE, $usersCanSave, $nextPage, $previousPage, $thanksPage);
        $totalPages = count($pages);
        $skippedPageMessage = $pagesSkipped ? _formulize_DMULTI_SKIP : "";
        $pageSelectionList = pageSelectionList($currentPage, $totalPages, $pageTitles, "above");
        // calling for the 'above' drawPageNav
        // setting up the basic templateVars for all templates
        $templateVariables = array('previousPageButton' => $previousPageButton, 'nextPageButton' => $nextPageButton, 'savePageButton' => $savePageButton, 'totalPages' => $totalPages, 'currentPage' => $currentPage, 'skippedPageMessage' => $skippedPageMessage, 'pageSelectionList' => $pageSelectionList, 'pageTitles' => $pageTitles, 'entry_id' => $entry, 'form_id' => $fid, 'owner' => $owner);
        print "<form name=\"pageNavOptions_above\" id=\"pageNavOptions_above\">\n";
        if ($screen and $toptemplate = $screen->getTemplate('toptemplate')) {
            formulize_renderTemplate('toptemplate', $templateVariables, $screen->getVar('sid'));
        } else {
            drawPageNav($usersCanSave, $currentPage, $totalPages, "above", $nextPageButton, $previousPageButton, $skippedPageMessage, $pageSelectionList);
        print "</form>";
        formulize_benchmark("After drawing nav/before displayForm.");
        // need to check for the existence of an elementtemplate property in the screen, like we did with the top and bottom templates
        // if there's an eleemnt template, then do this loop, otherwise, do the displayForm call like normal
        if ($screen and $elementtemplate = $screen->getTemplate('elementtemplate')) {
            // Code added by Julian 2012-09-04 and Gordon Woodmansey 2012-09-05 to render the elementtemplate
            if (!security_check($fid, $entry)) {
            // start the form manually...
            $formObjectForRequiredJS = new formulize_themeForm('form object for required js', 'formulize', getCurrentURL(), "post", true);
            $element_handler = xoops_getmodulehandler('elements', 'formulize');
            print "<div id='formulizeform'><form id='formulize' name='formulize' action='" . getCurrentURL() . "' method='post' onsubmit='return xoopsFormValidate_formulize();' enctype='multipart/form-data'>";
            foreach ($elements_allowed as $thisElement) {
                // entry is a recordid, $thisElement is the element id
                // to get the conditional logic to be captured, we should buffer the drawing of the displayElement, and then output that later, because when displayElement does NOT return an object, then we get conditional logic -- subform rendering does it this way
                // previously set elements may linger when added to the form object, due to assignment of objects by reference or something odd like that...legacy of old code in the form class I think
                $deReturnValue = displayElement("", $thisElement, $entry, false, $screen, null, false);
                if (is_array($deReturnValue)) {
                    $form_ele = $deReturnValue[0];
                    $isDisabled = $deReturnValue[1];
                    if (isset($deReturnValue[2])) {
                        $hiddenElements = $deReturnValue[2];
                } else {
                    $form_ele = $deReturnValue;
                    $isDisabled = false;
                if ($form_ele == "not_allowed") {
                } elseif ($form_ele == "hidden") {
                    $cueEntryValue = $entry ? $entry : "new";
                    $cueElement = new xoopsFormHidden("decue_" . $fid . "_" . $cueEntryValue . "_" . $thisElement, 1);
                    print $cueElement->render();
                    if (is_array($hiddenElements)) {
                        foreach ($hiddenElements as $thisHiddenElement) {
                            if ($is_object($thisHiddenElement)) {
                                print $thisHiddenElement->render() . "\n";
                    } elseif (is_object($hiddenElements)) {
                        print $hiddenElements->render() . "\n";
                } else {
                    $thisElementObject = $element_handler->get($thisElement);
                    $req = !$isDisabled ? intval($thisElementObject->getVar('ele_req')) : 0;
                    $formObjectForRequiredJS->addElement($form_ele, $req);
                    $elementMarkup = $form_ele->render();
                    $elementCaption = displayCaption("", $thisElement);
                    $elementDescription = displayDescription("", $thisElement);
                    $templateVariables['elementObjectForRendering'] = $form_ele;
                    $templateVariables['elementCaption'] = $elementCaption;
                    // here we can assume that the $previousPageButton etc has not be changed before rendering
                    $templateVariables['elementMarkup'] = $elementMarkup;
                    $templateVariables['elementDescription'] = $elementDescription;
                    $templateVariables['element_id'] = $thisElement;
                    formulize_renderTemplate('elementtemplate', $templateVariables, $screen->getVar('sid'));
            // now we also need to add in some bits that are necessary for the form submission logic to work...borrowed from parts of formdisplay.php mostly...this should be put together into a more distinct rendering system for forms, so we can call the pieces as needed
            print "<input type=hidden name=formulize_currentPage value='" . $settings['formulize_currentPage'] . "'>";
            print "<input type=hidden name=formulize_prevPage value='" . $settings['formulize_prevPage'] . "'>";
            print "<input type=hidden name=formulize_doneDest value='" . $settings['formulize_doneDest'] . "'>";
            print "<input type=hidden name=formulize_buttonText value='" . $settings['formulize_buttonText'] . "'>";
            print "<input type=hidden name=ventry value='" . $settings['ventry'] . "'>";
            print $GLOBALS['xoopsSecurity']->getTokenHTML();
            if ($entry) {
                print "<input type=hidden name=entry" . $fid . " value=" . intval($entry) . ">";
                // need this to persist the entry that the user is
            print "</form></div>";
            print "<div id=savingmessage style=\"display: none; position: absolute; width: 100%; right: 0px; text-align: center; padding-top: 50px;\">\n";
            if (file_exists(XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . "/modules/formulize/images/saving-" . $xoopsConfig['language'] . ".gif")) {
                print "<img src=\"" . XOOPS_URL . "/modules/formulize/images/saving-" . $xoopsConfig['language'] . ".gif\">\n";
            } else {
                print "<img src=\"" . XOOPS_URL . "/modules/formulize/images/saving-english.gif\">\n";
            print "</div>\n";
            // need to create the form object, and add all the rendered elements to it, and then we'll have working required elements if we render the validation logic for the form
            print $formObjectForRequiredJS->renderValidationJS(true, true);
            // with tags, true, skip the extra js that checks for the formulize theme form divs around the elements so that conditional animation works, true
            // print "<script type=\"text/javascript\">function xoopsFormValidate_formulize(){return true;}</script>"; // shim for the validation javascript that is created by the xoopsThemeForms, and which our saving logic currently references...saving won't work without this...we should actually render the proper validation logic at some point, but not today.
        } else {
            displayForm($forminfo, $entry, $mainform, "", $buttonArray, $settings, $titleOverride, $overrideValue, "", "", 0, 0, $printall, $screen);
            // nmc 2007.03.24 - added empty params & '$printall'
        formulize_benchmark("After displayForm.");
    if ($currentPage != $thanksPage and !$_POST['goto_sfid']) {
        // have to get the new value for $pageSelection list if the user requires it on the users view.
        $pageSelectionList = pageSelectionList($currentPage, $totalPages, $pageTitles, "below");
        print "<form name=\"pageNavOptions_below\" id=\"pageNavOptions_below\">\n";
        if ($screen and $bottomtemplate = $screen->getTemplate('bottomtemplate')) {
            $templateVariables['pageSelectionList'] = $pageSelectionList;
            // assign the new pageSelectionList, since it was redone for the bottom section
            formulize_renderTemplate('bottomtemplate', $templateVariables, $screen->getVar('sid'));
        } else {
            drawPageNav($usersCanSave, $currentPage, $totalPages, "below", $nextPageButton, $previousPageButton, $skippedPageMessage, $pageSelectionList);
        print "</form>";
    formulize_benchmark("End of displayFormPages.");