public function GetFieldInput($id, &$params, $returnid)
     $mod = $this->form_ptr->module_ptr;
     $js = $this->GetOption('javascript', '');
     $check_value = $this->_check_value();
     $output = array();
     $box_label = '';
     $text_label = '';
     if (!$this->Value['box'] && $this->GetOption('is_checked', '0') == '1') {
         $this->Value['box'] = 't';
     if (strlen($this->GetOption('box_label', '')) > 0) {
         $box_label = '<label for="' . $this->GetCSSId('_0') . '">' . $this->GetOption('box_label') . '</label>';
     if (strlen($this->GetOption('text_label', '')) > 0) {
         $text_label = '<label for="' . $this->GetCSSId('_1') . '">' . $this->GetOption('text_label') . '</label>';
     $obj = new stdClass();
     $obj->name = $box_label;
     $obj->input = $mod->CreateInputCheckbox($id, 'fbrp__' . $this->Id . '[box]', 't', $this->Value['box'], $js . $this->GetCSSIdTag('_0'));
     $output[] = $obj;
     if ($this->GetOption('show_textfield')) {
         $val = '';
         if ($check_value['text']) {
             $val = $this->Value['text'];
         $obj = new stdClass();
         $obj->name = $text_label;
         $obj->input = formbuilder_utils::create_input_text($id, $this->GetCSSId() . '[text]', $val, 25, 25, $js, 'text', $this->isRequired(), 1);
         $output[] = $obj;
     return $output;
 public function GetFieldInput($id, &$params, $returnid)
     $val = '';
     $length = $this->GetOption('length') < 25 ? $this->GetOption('length') : 25;
     $js = $this->GetOption('javascript', '');
     $ro = '';
     $html5 = '';
     if ($this->GetOption('html5', '0') == '1') {
         $val = $this->Value;
         $html5 = ' placeholder="' . $this->GetOption('default') . '"';
     } else {
         $val = $this->HasValue() ? $this->Value : $this->GetOption('default');
         if ($this->GetOption('clear_default', '0') == 1) {
             $js .= ' onfocus="if(this.value==this.defaultValue) this.value=\'\';" onblur="if(this.value==\'\') this.value=this.defaultValue;"';
     if ($this->GetOption('readonly', '0') == '1') {
         $ro = ' readonly="readonly"';
     switch ($this->ValidationType) {
             return formbuilder_utils::create_input_text($id, $this->GetCSSId(), $val, $length, $this->GetOption('length'), $js . $ro . $html5, 'text', $this->IsRequired());
         case 'usphone':
             return formbuilder_utils::create_input_text($id, $this->GetCSSId(), $val, $length, $this->GetOption('length'), $js . $ro . $html5, 'tel', $this->IsRequired());
         case 'email':
             return formbuilder_utils::create_input_text($id, $this->GetCSSId(), $val, $length, $this->GetOption('length'), $js . $ro . $html5, 'email', $this->IsRequired());
 public function GetFieldInput($id, &$params, $returnid)
     $label = '';
     if (strlen($this->GetOption('label', '')) > 0) {
         $label = '&nbsp;<label for="' . $this->GetCSSId() . '">' . $this->GetOption('label') . '</label>';
     if ($this->Value === false && $this->GetOption('is_checked', '0') == '1') {
         $this->Value = 't';
     $js = $this->GetOption('javascript', '');
     return formbuilder_utils::create_input_checkbox($id, $this->GetCSSId(), 't', $this->Value, $js) . $label;
 public function GetFieldInput($id, &$params, $returnid)
     $js = $this->GetOption('javascript', '');
     $val = '';
     if ($this->Value) {
         $val = $this->Value;
     if ($this->GetOption('hide', '1') == '0') {
         return formbuilder_utils::create_input_text($id, $this->GetCSSId(), $val, $this->GetOption('length'), 255, $js, 'text', $this->isRequired());
     } else {
         return formbuilder_utils::create_input_text($id, $this->GetCSSId(), $val, $this->GetOption('length'), 255, $js, 'password', $this->isRequired());
 public function GetFieldInput($id, &$params, $returnid)
     $mod = $this->form_ptr->module_ptr;
     $js = $this->GetOption('javascript', '');
     $sibling_id = $this->GetOption('siblings', '');
     $hidebuttons = $this->GetOption('hidebuttons', '');
     if (!is_array($this->Value)) {
         $vals = 1;
     } else {
         $vals = count($this->Value);
     foreach ($params as $pKey => $pVal) {
         if (substr($pKey, 0, 9) == 'fbrp_FeX_') {
             $pts = explode('_', $pKey);
             if ($pts[2] == $this->Id || $pts[2] == $sibling_id) {
                 // add row
                 $this->Value[$vals] = '';
         } elseif (substr($pKey, 0, 9) == 'fbrp_FeD_') {
             $pts = explode('_', $pKey);
             if ($pts[2] == $this->Id || $pts[2] == $sibling_id) {
                 // delete row
                 if (isset($this->Value[$pts[3]])) {
                     array_splice($this->Value, $pts[3], 1);
     // Input fields
     $ret = array();
     for ($i = 0; $i < $vals; $i++) {
         $length = $this->GetOption('length') < 25 ? $this->GetOption('length') : 25;
         $thisRow = new stdClass();
         $thisRow->input = formbuilder_utils::create_input_text($id, $this->GetCSSId() . '[]', $this->Value[$i], $length, $this->GetOption('length'), $js, 'text', false, $i);
         if (!$hidebuttons) {
             $thisRow->op = $mod->fbCreateInputSubmit($id, 'fbrp_FeD_' . $this->Id . '_' . $i, $this->GetOption('del_button', 'X'), $this->GetCSSIdTag('_del_' . $i) . ($vals == 1 ? ' disabled="disabled"' : ''));
         array_push($ret, $thisRow);
     // Add button
     $thisRow = new stdClass();
     if (!$hidebuttons) {
         $thisRow->op = $mod->fbCreateInputSubmit($id, 'fbrp_FeX_' . $this->Id . '_' . $i, $this->GetOption('add_button', '+'), $this->GetCSSIdTag('_add_' . $i));
     array_push($ret, $thisRow);
     return $ret;
 public function GetFieldInput($id, &$params, $returnid)
     $val = '';
     $js = $this->GetOption('javascript', '');
     $html5 = '';
     if ($this->GetOption('html5', '0') == '1') {
         $val = $this->Value;
         $html5 = ' placeholder="' . $this->GetOption('default') . '"';
     } else {
         $val = $this->HasValue() ? $this->Value : $this->GetOption('default');
         if ($this->GetOption('clear_default', '0') == 1) {
             $js .= ' onfocus="if(this.value==this.defaultValue) this.value=\'\';" onblur="if(this.value==\'\') this.value=this.defaultValue;"';
     return formbuilder_utils::create_input_text($id, $this->GetCSSId(), $val, 25, 128, $js . $html5, 'text', $this->IsRequired());
 public function GetFieldInput($id, &$params, $returnid)
     $mod = $this->form_ptr->module_ptr;
     $js = $this->GetOption('javascript', '');
     $ro = '';
     $val = '';
     if ($this->GetOption('readonly', '0') == '1') {
         $ro = ' readonly="readonly"';
     if ($this->Value) {
         $val = $this->Value;
     if ($this->GetOption('hide', '1') == '0') {
         return formbuilder_utils::create_input_text($id, $this->GetCssId(), $val, $this->GetOption('length'), 255, $js . $ro, 'text', $this->isRequired());
     } else {
         return formbuilder_utils::create_input_text($id, $this->GetCssId(), $val, $this->GetOption('length'), 255, $js . $ro, 'password', $this->isRequired());
 public function GetFieldInput($id, &$params, $returnid)
     $mod = $this->form_ptr->module_ptr;
     $js = $this->GetOption('javascript', '');
     $val = '';
     $rq = '';
     $html5 = '';
     if ($this->GetOption('html5', '0') == '1') {
         $val = $this->Value[0];
         $html5 = ' placeholder="' . $this->GetOption('default') . '"';
     } else {
         $val = $this->Value[0] ? $this->Value[0] : $this->GetOption('default');
         if ($this->GetOption('clear_default', '0') == 1) {
             $js .= ' onfocus="if(this.value==this.defaultValue) this.value=\'\';" onblur="if(this.value==\'\') this.value=this.defaultValue;"';
     $input = formbuilder_utils::create_input_text($id, $this->GetCSSId(), $val, 25, 128, $js . $html5, 'email', $this->IsRequired());
     if ($this->GetOption('send_user_copy', 'n') == 'c') {
         $input .= formbuilder_utils::create_input_checkbox($id, $this->GetCSSId(), 1, 0, '', 1);
         $input .= formbuilder_utils::create_label($id, $this->GetCSSId('_1'), $this->GetOption('send_user_label', $mod->Lang('title_send_me_a_copy')));
     return $input;
 public function GetFieldInput($id, &$params, $returnid)
     $mod = $this->form_ptr->module_ptr;
     $js = $this->GetOption('javascript', '');
     // why all this? Associative arrays are not guaranteed to preserve
     // order, except in "chronological" creation order.
     $sorted = array();
     $subjects = $this->GetOptionRef('option_name');
     if (count($subjects) > 1) {
         for ($i = 0; $i < count($subjects); $i++) {
             $sorted[$subjects[$i]] = $i + 1;
         if ($this->GetOption('sort') == '1') {
     } else {
         $sorted[$subjects] = '1';
     if ($this->GetOption('select_one', '') != '') {
         $sorted = array(' ' . $this->GetOption('select_one', '') => '') + $sorted;
     return formbuilder_utils::create_input_dropdown($id, $this->GetCSSId(), $sorted, -1, $this->Value, $js, $this->isRequired());
예제 #10
 function AddEditField($id, &$aefield, $dispose_only, $returnid, $message = '')
     $mod = $this->module_ptr;
     if (!empty($message)) {
         $mod->smarty->assign('message', $mod->ShowMessage($message));
     $mod->smarty->assign('backtoform_nav', $mod->CreateLink($id, 'admin_add_edit_form', $returnid, $mod->Lang('link_back_to_form'), array('form_id' => $this->Id)));
     $mainList = array();
     $advList = array();
     $baseList = $aefield->PrePopulateBaseAdminForm($id, $dispose_only);
     if ($aefield->GetFieldType() == '') {
         // still need type
         $mod->smarty->assign('start_form', $mod->CreateFormStart($id, 'admin_add_edit_field', $returnid));
         $fieldList = array('main' => array(), 'adv' => array());
     } else {
         // we have our type
         $mod->smarty->assign('start_form', $mod->CreateFormStart($id, 'admin_add_edit_field', $returnid));
         $fieldList = $aefield->PrePopulateAdminForm($id);
     $mod->smarty->assign('end_form', $mod->CreateFormEnd());
     #### JM fixes for CMSMS 2
     if (!formbuilder_utils::is_CMS2()) {
         $mod->smarty->assign('tab_start', $mod->StartTabHeaders() . $mod->SetTabHeader('maintab', $mod->Lang('tab_main')) . $mod->SetTabHeader('advancedtab', $mod->Lang('tab_advanced')) . $mod->EndTabHeaders() . $mod->StartTabContent());
         $mod->smarty->assign('tabs_end', $mod->EndTabContent());
         $mod->smarty->assign('maintab_start', $mod->StartTab("maintab"));
         $mod->smarty->assign('advancedtab_start', $mod->StartTab("advancedtab"));
         $mod->smarty->assign('tab_end', $mod->EndTab());
     $mod->smarty->assign('notice_select_type', $mod->Lang('notice_select_type'));
     if ($aefield->GetId() != -1) {
         $mod->smarty->assign('op', $mod->CreateInputHidden($id, 'fbrp_op', $mod->Lang('updated')));
         $mod->smarty->assign('submit', $mod->CreateInputSubmit($id, 'fbrp_aef_upd', $mod->Lang('update')));
     } else {
         if ($aefield->GetFieldType() != '') {
             $mod->smarty->assign('op', $mod->CreateInputHidden($id, 'fbrp_op', $mod->Lang('added')));
             $mod->smarty->assign('submit', $mod->CreateInputSubmit($id, 'fbrp_aef_add', $mod->Lang('add')));
     $mod->smarty->assign('cancel', $mod->CreateInputSubmit($id, 'fbrp_cancel', $mod->Lang('cancel')));
     if ($aefield->HasAddOp()) {
         $mod->smarty->assign('add', $mod->CreateInputSubmit($id, 'fbrp_aef_optadd', $aefield->GetOptionAddButton()));
     } else {
         $mod->smarty->assign('add', '');
     if ($aefield->HasDeleteOp()) {
         $mod->smarty->assign('del', $mod->CreateInputSubmit($id, 'fbrp_aef_optdel', $aefield->GetOptionDeleteButton()));
     } else {
         $mod->smarty->assign('del', '');
     $mod->smarty->assign('fb_hidden', $mod->CreateInputHidden($id, 'form_id', $this->Id) . $mod->CreateInputHidden($id, 'field_id', $aefield->GetId()) . $mod->CreateInputHidden($id, 'fbrp_order_by', $aefield->GetOrder()) . $mod->CreateInputHidden($id, 'fbrp_set_from_form', '1'));
     if (!$aefield->IsNonRequirableField()) {
         $mod->smarty->assign('requirable', 1);
     } else {
         $mod->smarty->assign('requirable', 0);
     if (isset($baseList['main'])) {
         foreach ($baseList['main'] as $item) {
             $titleStr = $item[0];
             $inputStr = $item[1];
             $oneset = new stdClass();
             $oneset->title = $titleStr;
             if (is_array($inputStr)) {
                 $oneset->input = $inputStr[0];
                 $oneset->help = $inputStr[1];
             } else {
                 $oneset->input = $inputStr;
                 $oneset->help = '';
             array_push($mainList, $oneset);
     if (isset($baseList['adv'])) {
         foreach ($baseList['adv'] as $item) {
             $titleStr = $item[0];
             $inputStr = $item[1];
             $oneset = new stdClass();
             $oneset->title = $titleStr;
             if (is_array($inputStr)) {
                 $oneset->input = $inputStr[0];
                 $oneset->help = $inputStr[1];
             } else {
                 $oneset->input = $inputStr;
                 $oneset->help = '';
             array_push($advList, $oneset);
     if (isset($fieldList['main'])) {
         foreach ($fieldList['main'] as $item) {
             $titleStr = $item[0];
             $inputStr = $item[1];
             $oneset = new stdClass();
             $oneset->title = $titleStr;
             if (is_array($inputStr)) {
                 $oneset->input = $inputStr[0];
                 $oneset->help = $inputStr[1];
             } else {
                 $oneset->input = $inputStr;
                 $oneset->help = '';
             array_push($mainList, $oneset);
     if (isset($fieldList['adv'])) {
         foreach ($fieldList['adv'] as $item) {
             $titleStr = $item[0];
             $inputStr = $item[1];
             $oneset = new stdClass();
             $oneset->title = $titleStr;
             if (is_array($inputStr)) {
                 $oneset->input = $inputStr[0];
                 $oneset->help = $inputStr[1];
             } else {
                 $oneset->input = $inputStr;
                 $oneset->help = '';
             array_push($advList, $oneset);
     $aefield->PostPopulateAdminForm($mainList, $advList);
     $mod->smarty->assign('mainList', $mainList);
     $mod->smarty->assign('advList', $advList);
     # fixes for CMSMS 2 compatibility (JM)
     # we need this to get (at least) the lang method on the template {$frmbld->Lang('string')}
     $mod->smarty->assign('frmbld', $mod);
     if (formbuilder_utils::is_CMS2()) {
         return $mod->ProcessTemplate('AddEditField2.tpl');
     return $mod->ProcessTemplate('AddEditField.tpl');
예제 #11
//$this->GetPreference('show_fieldids','0')). $this->Lang('title_show_fieldids_long'));
//$this->GetPreference('show_fieldaliases','1')). $this->Lang('title_show_fieldaliases_long'));
//$smarty->assign('input_show_version',$this->CreateInputCheckbox($id, 'fbrp_show_version', 1, $this->GetPreference('show_version','1')). $this->Lang('title_show_version_long'));
$smarty->assign('title_blank_invalid', $this->Lang('title_blank_invalid'));
$smarty->assign('input_blank_invalid', $this->CreateInputCheckbox($id, 'fbrp_blank_invalid', 1, $this->GetPreference('blank_invalid', '0')) . $this->Lang('title_blank_invalid_long'));
$smarty->assign('submit', $this->CreateInputSubmit($id, 'fbrp_submit', $this->Lang('save')));
$smarty->assign('end_configform', $this->CreateFormEnd());
$smarty->assign('start_xmlform', $this->CreateFormStart($id, 'importxml', $returnid, 'post', 'multipart/form-data'));
$smarty->assign('submitxml', $this->CreateInputSubmit($id, 'fbrp_submit', $this->Lang('upload')));
$smarty->assign('end_xmlform', $this->CreateFormEnd());
$smarty->assign('input_xml_to_upload', $this->CreateInputFile($id, 'fbrp_xmlfile'));
$smarty->assign('title_xml_to_upload', $this->Lang('title_xml_to_upload'));
$smarty->assign('title_xml_upload_formname', $this->Lang('title_xml_upload_formname'));
$smarty->assign('input_xml_upload_formname', $this->CreateInputText($id, 'fbrp_import_formname', '', 25));
$smarty->assign('title_xml_upload_formalias', $this->Lang('title_xml_upload_formalias'));
$smarty->assign('input_xml_upload_formalias', $this->CreateInputText($id, 'fbrp_import_formalias', '', 25));
$smarty->assign('info_leaveempty', $this->Lang('help_leaveempty'));
$smarty->assign('legend_xml_import', $this->Lang('title_import_legend'));
$smarty->assign('forms', $formArray);
if (formbuilder_utils::is_CMS2()) {
    echo $this->ProcessTemplate('AdminMain2.tpl');
} else {
    echo $this->ProcessTemplate('AdminMain.tpl');