예제 #1
 * @package wCMS
 * @version $Revision: 1.9 $
/* $Id: login.php,v 1.9 2005/09/06 12:33:06 streaky Exp $ */
require_once "boot.php";
if ($settings['secure_login'] == true && (!isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) || $_SERVER['HTTPS'] != "on")) {
    $path = "https://{$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']}{$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']}{$QUERY}";
    header("Location: {$path}");
$response = "";
$content_output = "";
// require form page and create $form object
require_once path::file("classes") . "form_handling_class.php";
$form_options = array('action' => "login.php", 'method' => "post", 'title' => "User Login", 'description' => "Cookies must be enabled to log in", 'response' => $response, 'smarty' => &$smarty);
$form = new form_handling($form_options);
$form_item = array('label' => "User Name", 'max_length' => 40, 'name' => "login[username]", 'id' => "login-username", 'size' => 30, 'description' => "", 'value' => "", 'required' => true);
$form_item = array('label' => "User Password", 'max_length' => 40, 'name' => "login[userpass]", 'id' => "login-userpass", 'size' => 30, 'description' => "", 'value' => "", 'required' => true, 'type' => 'password');
/*$form_item = array (
	'label'       => "Remember Me",
	'checked'     => false,
	'name'        => "login[remember]",
	'id'          => "login-remember",
	'description' => "Store my user credentials and log me in automatically",
$form->build_fieldset("User Credentials");
$form_item = array('title' => "Submit", 'id' => "submit_form", 'type' => "submit");
예제 #2
        // header("Location: {$page}");
    $query = "SELECT cont_id, cont_ident, cont_title FROM {$db_prefix}content ORDER BY cont_ident";
    $result = $db->query($query);
    $rows = $result->fetchAll(MDB2_FETCHMODE_ASSOC);
    foreach ($rows as $tag_item) {
        $pages[] = array('value' => $tag_item['cont_id'], 'title' => $tag_item['cont_ident']);
        if ($tag_item['cont_ident'] == "home_page") {
            $home_id = $tag_item['cont_id'];
    $path = path::http();
    $smarty->assign("breadcrumb", "/ <a href='{$path}'>Home</a> / Editing: {$tag} /");
    $query = "SELECT * FROM {$db_prefix}content WHERE cont_ident = " . $db->quote($item, 'text');
    $result = $db->query($query);
    $rows = $result->fetchAll(MDB2_FETCHMODE_ASSOC);
    $row = $rows[0];
    // require form page and create $form object
    require_once path::file("classes") . "form_handling_class.php";
    $form_options = array('action' => path::http() . "edit.php" . ($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] ? "?{$_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']}" : ""), 'method' => "post", 'title' => "Editing: " . ($row['content_title'] != "" ? $row['contenttitle'] : $item), 'description' => "", 'response' => $diff_out ? "<h3>Changes Saved:</h3> (New revision: {$new_rev}){$diff_out}<hr />" : "", 'smarty' => &$smarty);
    $form = new form_handling($form_options);
    include path::file("classes") . "forms/edit_content_form.php";
    $content_output .= $form->return_form();
    $smarty->assign("breadcrumb", $page['breadcrumb']);
    $smarty->assign("page_content", $content_output);