public function render() { $res = parent::render(); if (!function_exists('to_array')) { function to_array(&$obj) { if ($obj instanceof data) { $obj = $obj->to_array(); } if (is_array($obj)) { foreach ($obj as &$el) { to_array($el); } } } } if (@$this->markitup) { $opt = clone $this->markitup->opt; to_array($opt); $this->view->messify->append('css', '/' . DIR_KERNEL . '/ctl/markitup/skins/' . $this->markitup->skin . '/style.css')->append('css', $this->markitup->set_style)->append('js', '/' . DIR_KERNEL . '/ctl/markitup/jquery.markitup.js')->append_inline('js', '$("textarea[name=\'' . $this->name . '\']").markItUp(' . Zend\Json\Json::encode($opt, false, array('enableJsonExprFinder' => true)) . ');'); if ($this->markitup->class) { $res = '<div class="' . $this->markitup->class . '">' . $res . '</div>'; } } if (@$this->ckeditor) { $opt = clone $this->ckeditor->opt; to_array($opt); $this->view->messify->append('js', '/' . DIR_KERNEL . '/ctl/ckeditor/ckeditor.js')->append('js', '/' . DIR_KERNEL . '/ctl/ckfinder/ckfinder.js')->append_inline('js', 'var editor_' . $this->name . ' = CKEDITOR.replace("' . $this->name . '", ' . Zend\Json\Json::encode($opt, false, array('enableJsonExprFinder' => true)) . ');CKFinder.setupCKEditor(editor_' . $this->name . ', "/' . DIR_KERNEL . '/ctl/ckfinder/");'); if ($this->ckeditor->class) { $res = '<div class="' . $this->ckeditor->class . '">' . $res . '</div>'; } } return $res; }
function render_attributes() { if (!isset($this->attributes['path']) || !$this->attributes['path']) { $action_path = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; if (isset($_REQUEST['node_id'])) { $action_path .= '?node_id=' . $_REQUEST['node_id']; } } else { $action_path = $this->attributes['path']; } if (strpos($action_path, '?') === false) { $action_path .= '?'; } else { $action_path .= '&'; } $parent_id = $this->parent->get_server_id(); if (isset($this->attributes['action'])) { $action_path .= 'action=' . $this->attributes['action']; } if (isset($this->attributes['reload_parent']) && $this->attributes['reload_parent']) { $action_path .= '&reload_parent=1'; unset($this->attributes['reload_parent']); } $this->attributes['onclick'] .= "submit_form('grid_form_{$parent_id}', '{$action_path}')"; unset($this->attributes['path']); unset($this->attributes['action']); parent::render_attributes(); }
function render_attributes() { if (!isset($this->attributes['path']) || !$this->attributes['path']) { $action_path = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; $request = request::instance(); if ($node_id = $request->get_attribute('node_id')) { $action_path .= '?node_id=' . $node_id; } } else { $action_path = $this->attributes['path']; } if (strpos($action_path, '?') === false) { $action_path .= '?'; } else { $action_path .= '&'; } if (isset($this->attributes['action'])) { $action_path .= 'action=' . $this->attributes['action']; } if (isset($this->attributes['reload_parent']) && $this->attributes['reload_parent']) { $action_path .= '&reload_parent=1'; unset($this->attributes['reload_parent']); } if (!isset($this->attributes['onclick'])) { $this->attributes['onclick'] = ''; } $this->attributes['onclick'] .= "submit_form(this.form, '{$action_path}')"; unset($this->attributes['path']); unset($this->attributes['action']); parent::render_attributes(); }
function render_attributes() { $this->_process_attributes(); if (!$this->path) { $action_path = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; $request = request::instance(); if ($node_id = $request->get_attribute('node_id')) { $action_path .= '?node_id=' . $node_id; } } else { $action_path = $this->path; } if (strpos($action_path, '?') === false) { $action_path .= '?'; } else { $action_path .= '&'; } if ($this->action) { $action_path .= 'action=' . $this->action; } if ((bool) $this->reload_parent) { $action_path .= '&reload_parent=1'; } $this->attributes['onclick'] = $this->onclick; $this->attributes['onclick'] .= "submit_form(this.form, '{$action_path}')"; parent::render_attributes(); unset($this->attributes['onclick']); }
public function edit($job_site_attachment_id = null, $job_site_id = null) { require_capability('building:writejobsites'); $job_site_attachment_data = new stdClass(); if (!empty($job_site_attachment_id)) { require_capability('building:editjobsites'); $job_site_attachment_data = $this->job_site_attachment_model->get($job_site_attachment_id); $job_site_id = $job_site_attachment_data->job_site_id; $job_site_attachment_data->url = base_url() . 'application/modules/building/files/job_site_drawings/' . $job_site_id . '/' . $job_site_attachment_data->hash; form_element::$default_data = (array) $job_site_attachment_data; if (!empty(form_element::$default_data['attachment'])) { form_element::$default_data['attachment'] = $job_site_attachment_data->filename_original; } // Set up title bar $title = "Edit Job site drawing"; $help = "Use this form to edit the job site's drawing."; } else { // adding a new job_site $title = "Create a new job site drawing"; $help = 'Use this form to create a new job site drawing.'; } $this->config->set_item('replacer', array('building' => null, 'job_site_attachments' => array('/building/job_site_attachments/index|Job site drawings'), 'edit' => $title, 'add' => $title)); $title_options = array('title' => $title, 'help' => $help, 'expand' => 'page', 'icons' => array()); $pageDetails = array('title' => $title, 'title_options' => $title_options, 'content_view' => 'job_site_attachments/edit', 'attachment' => $job_site_attachment_data, 'job_site_attachment_id' => $job_site_attachment_id, 'job_site_id' => $job_site_id, 'feature_type' => 'Custom feature', 'csstoload' => array()); $this->load->view('template/default', $pageDetails); }
/** * Overrides then calls with the parent render_attributes() method. Makes * sure there is always a value attribute, even if it's empty. * Called from within a compiled template render function. * * @return void * @access protected */ function render_attributes() { $value = $this->get_value(); if (!is_null($value)) { $this->attributes['value'] = $value; } parent::render_attributes(); }
/** * Overrides then calls with the parent render_attributes() method dealing * with the special case of the checked attribute * * @return void * @access protected */ function render_attributes() { $value = $this->get_value(); if ($value) { $this->attributes['checked'] = 1; } else { unset($this->attributes['checked']); } parent::render_attributes(); }
public function edit($assignment_id) { $assignment = $this->assignment_model->get($assignment_id); $unit_data = $this->unit_model->get_values($assignment->unit_id); form_element::$default_data = (array) $unit_data; $title = "Edit unit"; $help = 'Use this form to edit this unit'; $this->config->set_item('replacer', array('orders' => array('/orders/order/index|Jobs'), 'edit' => $title)); $title_options = array('title' => $title, 'help' => $help, 'expand' => 'page', 'icons' => array()); $pageDetails = array('title' => $title, 'title_options' => $title_options, 'content_view' => 'orders/unit/edit', 'order_id' => $unit_data['order_id'], 'assignment_id' => $assignment_id, 'unit_data' => $unit_data, 'dropdowns' => $this->get_dropdowns(), 'feature_type' => 'Custom Feature', 'jstoloadinfooter' => array('application/orders/unit_edit'), 'csstoload' => array()); $this->load->view('template/default', $pageDetails); }
function edit($role_id) { $role_id = (int) $role_id; require_capability('users:editroles'); $role = $this->role_model->get($role_id); form_element::$default_data = (array) $role; // Set up title bar $title = "Edit {$role->name} Role"; $this->config->set_item('replacer', array('users' => array('/users/role/browse|Roles'), 'edit' => $title)); $title_options = array('title' => $title, 'help' => 'Use this page to change the name and description of the ' . $role->name . ' role', 'expand' => 'page', 'icons' => array()); $pageDetails = array('title' => $title, 'title_options' => $title_options, 'parent_ids' => $this->role_model->get_potential_parent_ids($role_id), 'content_view' => 'users/role/edit', 'feature_type' => 'Streamliner Core', 'role_id' => $role_id); $this->load->view('template/default', $pageDetails); }
function edit($capability_id = null) { if (empty($capability_id)) { require_capability('users:writecapabilities'); $title = "Add a capability"; $title_options = array('title' => $title, 'help' => 'Use this page to add a new capability', 'expand' => 'page', 'icons' => array()); } else { require_capability('users:editcapabilities'); $capability = $this->capability_model->get($capability_id); form_element::$default_data = (array) $capability; $this->db->where_not_in('id', array($capability_id)); $title = "Edit {$capability->name} capability"; $title_options = array('title' => $title, 'help' => 'Use this page to change the name and description of the ' . $capability->name . ' capability', 'expand' => 'page', 'icons' => array()); } $this->config->set_item('replacer', array('users' => array('/users/capability/browse|capabilities'), 'edit' => $title)); $pageDetails = array('title' => $title, 'title_options' => $title_options, 'content_view' => 'users/capability/edit', 'parent_caps' => $this->capability_model->get_dropdown('name', false, false, false, null, null, 'name'), 'capability_id' => $capability_id, 'feature_type' => 'Streamliner Core'); $this->load->view('template/default', $pageDetails); }
public function render() { if ($this->chosen) { $opt = array('no_results_text' => $this->view->translate('form_element_select_no_results_text'), 'placeholder_text' => $this->view->translate('form_element_select_placeholder_text'), 'placeholder_text_multiple' => $this->view->translate('form_element_select_placeholder_text_multiple')); $this->view->messify->append('js', '/' . DIR_KERNEL . '/ctl/chosen/chosen.jquery.js')->append_inline('js', '$("select[name=\'' . $this->name . ($this->multiple ? '\\[\\]' : '') . '\']").chosen(' . Zend\Json\Json::encode($opt, false, array('enableJsonExprFinder' => true)) . ');'); if ($this->chosen->css) { $this->view->messify->append('css', '/' . DIR_KERNEL . '/ctl/chosen/chosen.css'); } } if ($this->uniform) { $opt = array(); $this->view->messify->append('js', '/' . DIR_KERNEL . '/ctl/uniform/jquery.uniform.js')->append_inline('js', '$("select[name=\'' . $this->name . '\']").uniform(' . Zend\Json\Json::encode($opt, false, array('enableJsonExprFinder' => true)) . ');'); if ($this->chosen->css) { $this->view->messify->append('css', '/' . DIR_KERNEL . '/ctl/uniform/themes/default/css/uniform.default.css'); } } return parent::render(); }
public function edit($brand_id = null) { require_capability('site:writebrands'); if (!empty($brand_id)) { require_capability('site:editbrands'); $brand_data = (array) $this->brand_model->get($brand_id); form_element::$default_data = $brand_data; // Set up title bar $title = "Edit {$brand_data['name']} brand"; $help = "Use this form to edit the {$brand_data['name']} brand."; } else { // adding a new brand $title = "Create a new brand"; $help = 'Use this form to create a new brand.'; } $this->config->set_item('replacer', array('miniant' => array('/home|Administration'), 'brands' => array('/miniant/brands/index|Brands'), 'edit' => $title, 'add' => $title)); $title_options = array('title' => $title, 'help' => $help, 'expand' => 'page', 'icons' => array()); $pageDetails = array('title' => $title, 'title_options' => $title_options, 'content_view' => 'brand/edit', 'brand_id' => $brand_id, 'feature_type' => 'Custom feature', 'unit_types' => $this->unit_model->get_types_dropdown('--Select an equipment type--'), 'csstoload' => array()); $this->load->view('template/default', $pageDetails); }
public function edit($job_site_id = null) { require_capability('building:writejobsites'); if (!empty($job_site_id)) { require_capability('building:editjobsites'); $job_site_data = (array) $this->job_site_model->get($job_site_id); form_element::$default_data = $job_site_data; // Set up title bar $title = "Edit Job site"; $help = "Use this form to edit the job site."; } else { // adding a new job_site $title = "Create a new job site"; $help = 'Use this form to create a new job site.'; } $this->config->set_item('replacer', array('building' => null, 'job_sites' => array('/building/job_sites/index|Job sites'), 'edit' => $title, 'add' => $title)); $title_options = array('title' => $title, 'help' => $help, 'expand' => 'page', 'icons' => array()); $pageDetails = array('title' => $title, 'title_options' => $title_options, 'content_view' => 'job_site/edit', 'job_site_id' => $job_site_id, 'feature_type' => 'Custom feature', 'csstoload' => array()); $this->load->view('template/default', $pageDetails); }
public function edit($id = null) { require_capability('site:writetypes'); if (!empty($id)) { require_capability('site:edittypes'); $type_data = $this->type_model->get($id); form_element::$default_data = (array) $type_data; // Set up title bar $title = "Edit type"; $help = "Use this form to edit the type"; } else { // adding a new type $title = "Create a new type"; $help = 'Use this form to create a new type'; } $this->config->set_item('replacer', array('types' => array('/types/index|Types'), 'edit' => $title, 'add' => $title)); $title_options = array('title' => $title, 'help' => $help, 'expand' => 'page', 'icons' => array()); $pageDetails = array('title' => $title, 'title_options' => $title_options, 'content_view' => 'types/edit', 'id' => $id, 'feature_type' => 'Streamliner Core'); $this->load->view('template/default', $pageDetails); }
public function edit($tradesman_id = null) { require_capability('building:writetradesmen'); if (!empty($tradesman_id)) { require_capability('building:edittradesmen'); $tradesman_data = (array) $this->tradesman_model->get($tradesman_id); form_element::$default_data = $tradesman_data; // Set up title bar $title = "Edit Tradie"; $help = "Use this form to edit the tradie."; } else { // adding a new tradesman $title = "Create a new tradie"; $help = 'Use this form to create a new tradie.'; } $this->config->set_item('replacer', array('building' => null, 'tradesmen' => array('/building/tradesmen/index|Tradies'), 'edit' => $title, 'add' => $title)); $title_options = array('title' => $title, 'help' => $help, 'expand' => 'page', 'icons' => array()); $pageDetails = array('title' => $title, 'title_options' => $title_options, 'content_view' => 'tradesmen/edit', 'tradesman_id' => $tradesman_id, 'types' => $this->tradesman_model->get_types_dropdown(), 'feature_type' => 'Custom feature', 'csstoload' => array()); $this->load->view('template/default', $pageDetails); }
function edit($contact_id = null) { if (empty($contact_id)) { require_capability('users:writecontacts'); $title_options = array('title' => "Adding a new contact", 'help' => 'Use this page to add a new contact', 'icons' => array()); } else { require_capability('users:editcontacts'); $contact = $this->contact_model->get($contact_id); form_element::$default_data = (array) $contact; // Set up title bars $title_options = array('title' => "Editing contact " . $this->contact_model->get_name($contact), 'help' => 'Use this page to edit this contact\'s personal details, contact details, and account information', 'icons' => array()); } $this->config->set_item('replacer', array('edit' => $title_options['title'], 'users' => array('/users/contact|Contacts'))); $format_account_callback = function ($account) { $ci = get_instance(); $formatted_account = $account->name; return $formatted_account; }; $pageDetails = array('title' => $title_options['title'], 'title_options' => $title_options, 'accounts' => $this->account_model->get_dropdown('name', true, $format_account_callback), 'csstoload' => array(), 'contact_id' => $contact_id, 'type' => 'contact', 'types' => $this->contact_model->get_types_dropdown(), 'form_action' => base_url() . 'users/contact/process_edit', 'feature_type' => 'Streamliner Core', 'content_view' => 'users/contact/edit'); $this->load->view('template/default', $pageDetails); }
public function edit($account_id = null) { $account_data = array(); if (!empty($account_id)) { require_capability('site:viewaccounts'); $account_data = (array) $this->account_model->get_values($account_id); form_element::$default_data = $account_data; // Set up title bar $title = "Edit {$account_data['name']} billing account"; $help = "Use this form to edit the {$account_data['name']} billing account."; } else { // adding a new account require_capability('site:writeaccounts'); $title = "Create a new billing account"; $help = 'Use this form to create a new billing account.'; } $this->config->set_item('replacer', array('accounts' => array('/accounts/index|accounts'), 'edit' => $title, 'add' => $title)); $title_options = array('title' => $title, 'help' => $help, 'expand' => 'page', 'icons' => array()); $pageDetails = array('title' => $title, 'title_options' => $title_options, 'content_view' => 'account/edit', 'account_id' => $account_id, 'dropdowns' => array('street_types' => $this->street_type_model->get_dropdown('name')), 'account_data' => $account_data, 'csstoload' => array('jquery.autocomplete'), 'feature_type' => 'Streamliner Core'); $this->load->view('template/default', $pageDetails); }
public function edit($refrigerant_type_id = null) { $refrigerant_type_data = array(); if (!empty($refrigerant_type_id)) { require_capability('site:viewrefrigerant_types'); $refrigerant_type_data = (array) $this->refrigerant_type_model->get($refrigerant_type_id); form_element::$default_data = $refrigerant_type_data; // Set up title bar $title = "Edit {$refrigerant_type_data['name']} refrigerant_type"; $help = "Use this form to edit the {$refrigerant_type_data['name']} refrigerant_type."; } else { // adding a new refrigerant_type require_capability('site:writerefrigerant_types'); $title = "Create a new refrigerant_type"; $help = 'Use this form to create a new refrigerant_type.'; } $this->config->set_item('replacer', array('miniant' => array('/home|Administration'), 'refrigerant_types' => array('/miniant/refrigerant_types/index|Refrigerant types'), 'edit' => $title, 'add' => $title)); $title_options = array('title' => $title, 'help' => $help, 'expand' => 'page', 'icons' => array()); $pageDetails = array('title' => $title, 'title_options' => $title_options, 'content_view' => 'refrigerant_type/edit', 'refrigerant_type_id' => $refrigerant_type_id, 'dropdowns' => array('street_types' => $this->street_type_model->get_dropdown('name')), 'refrigerant_type_data' => $refrigerant_type_data, 'feature_type' => 'Custom feature', 'csstoload' => array()); $this->load->view('template/default', $pageDetails); }
public function edit($setting_id = null) { require_capability('site:writesettings'); $setting = null; if (!empty($setting_id)) { require_capability('site:editsettings'); $setting_data = (array) $this->setting_model->get($setting_id); form_element::$default_data = $setting_data; // Set up title bar $title = "Edit {$setting_data['name']} setting"; $help = "Use this form to edit the {$setting_data['name']} setting."; $setting = $this->setting_model->get($setting_id); } else { // adding a new setting $title = "Create a new setting"; $help = 'Use this form to create a new setting.'; } $this->config->set_item('replacer', array('settings' => array('/settings/index|settings'), 'edit' => $title, 'add' => $title)); $title_options = array('title' => $title, 'help' => $help, 'expand' => 'page', 'icons' => array()); $pageDetails = array('title' => $title, 'top_title_options' => $title_options, 'content_view' => 'setting/edit', 'setting_id' => $setting_id, 'setting' => $setting, 'feature_type' => 'Streamliner Core'); $this->load->view('template/default', $pageDetails); }
public function edit($maintenance_contract_id = null) { $maintenance_contract_data = $this->maintenance_contract_model->get_values($maintenance_contract_id); $locked = false; if (!empty($maintenance_contract_id)) { require_capability('maintenance_contracts:editcontracts'); $maintenance_contract_data['creation_date'] = unix_to_human($maintenance_contract_data['creation_date'], '%d/%m/%Y %h:%i'); $maintenance_contract_data['next_maintenance_date'] = unix_to_human($maintenance_contract_data['next_maintenance_date'], '%d/%m/%Y %h:%i'); form_element::$default_data = (array) $maintenance_contract_data; // Set up title bar $title = "Edit maintenance contract #{$maintenance_contract_id}"; $help = "Use this form to edit the maintenance contract"; } else { // adding a new maintenance_contract $title = "Create a new maintenance contract"; $help = 'Use this form to create a new maintenance contract'; } $post_vars = $this->input->post(); if (!empty($post_vars)) { foreach ($post_vars as $var => $val) { form_element::$default_data[$var] = $val; } } $this->config->set_item('replacer', array('miniant' => array('/miniant/maintenance_contracts/index|Maintenance contracts'))); $title_options = array('title' => $title, 'help' => $help, 'expand' => 'page', 'icons' => array()); $jstoload = array('signaturepad/json2', 'maintenance_contracts/edit', 'application/messages'); if (!empty($maintenance_contract_id)) { $jstoload[] = 'maintenance_contracts/units'; } $dropdowns = $this->get_dropdowns(); if (!empty($maintenance_contract_id)) { $this->db->where('account_id', $maintenance_contract_data['account_id']); $dropdowns['tenancies'] = $this->tenancy_model->get_dropdown('name', '-- Select a Tenancy/Owner --'); } else { $dropdowns['tenancies'] = array(); } $pageDetails = array('title' => $title, 'title_options' => $title_options, 'content_view' => 'maintenance_contract/edit', 'maintenance_contract_id' => $maintenance_contract_id, 'maintenance_contract_data' => $maintenance_contract_data, 'dropdowns' => $dropdowns, 'jstoloadinfooter' => $jstoload, 'module' => 'miniant', 'csstoload' => array('jquery.signaturepad'), 'feature_type' => 'Custom Feature'); $this->load->view('template/default', $pageDetails); }
public function edit($event_id = null, $system) { $this->load->helper('inflector'); $event_data = $this->event_model->get_values($event_id); if (!empty($event_id)) { require_capability($system . ':editevents'); form_element::$default_data = (array) $event_data; // Set up title bar $title = "Edit Event {$event_data['event_name']}"; $help = "Use this form to edit the event"; } else { // adding a new event $title = "Create a new event"; $help = 'Use this form to create a new event'; } $this->config->set_item('replacer', array('edit' => array("/events/browse/html/{$system}|{$system} events"), 'add' => array("/events/browse/html/{$system}|{$system} events"), $system => $title)); $this->config->set_item('exclude', array('index', 'html', 'browse', 'events', 'edit')); $this->config->set_item('exclude_segment', array(2)); $this->config->set_item('exclude', array('index', 'html', 'browse', 'events')); $title_options = array('title' => $title, 'help' => $help, 'expand' => 'page', 'icons' => array()); $pageDetails = array('title' => $title, 'title_options' => $title_options, 'content_view' => 'events/edit', 'event_id' => $event_id, 'event_data' => $event_data, 'system' => $system, 'dropdowns' => $this->get_dropdowns(), 'feature_type' => 'Streamliner Core', 'jstoloadinfooter' => array('application/event_edit')); $this->load->view('template/default', $pageDetails); }
public function edit($assignment_id) { require_capability('assignments:edit'); $assignment_data = $this->assignment_model->get_values($assignment_id); if (empty($assignment_data)) { redirect(base_url() . 'miniant/orders/schedule'); } $assignment_data->appointment_date = unix_to_human($assignment_data->appointment_date, '%d/%m/%Y %h:%i'); $order = (object) $this->order_model->get_values($assignment_data->order_id); $order_type = $this->order_model->get_type_string($order->order_type_id); $statuses = $this->assignment_model->get_statuses($assignment_id, false); $current_statuses = array(); if (!empty($statuses)) { foreach ($statuses as $status) { $current_statuses[] = $status->status_id; } } $allstatuses_array = $this->status_model->get_for_document_type('assignment'); $allstatuses = array(); foreach ($allstatuses_array as $status) { $allstatuses[$status->id] = $status->name; } $assigned_technicians = $this->assignment_model->get_assigned_technicians($order->id, $assignment_data->unit_id); $this->user_model->filter_by_role($this->role_model->get(array('name' => 'Technician'), true)->id); $technicians = $this->user_model->get_dropdown('first_name', false); form_element::$default_data = (array) $assignment_data; form_element::$default_data['technician_id'] = $assigned_technicians; form_element::$default_data['senior_technician_id'] = $order->senior_technician_id; // Set up title bar $title = "Edit {$assignment_data->reference_id} assignment"; $help = "Use this form to edit the assignment"; $this->config->set_item('replacer', array('miniant' => null, 'orders' => array('/miniant/orders/order|Jobs'), 'assignments' => array('/miniant/orders/schedule|Schedule'), 'edit' => $title, 'add' => $title)); $title_options = array('title' => $title, 'help' => $help, 'expand' => 'page', 'icons' => array()); $pageDetails = array('title' => $title, 'title_options' => $title_options, 'content_view' => 'assignments/edit', 'order_id' => $order->id, 'assignment_id' => $assignment_id, 'assignment_data' => $assignment_data, 'technicians' => $technicians, 'senior_technician_id' => $order->senior_technician_id, 'statuses' => $current_statuses, 'allstatuses' => $allstatuses, 'module' => 'miniant', 'feature_type' => 'Custom Feature', 'module' => 'miniant', 'assigned_technicians' => $assigned_technicians, 'priority_levels' => $this->priority_level_model->get_dropdown('name'), 'jstoloadinfooter' => array('orders/assignment_edit'), 'csstoload' => array()); $this->load->view('template/default', $pageDetails); }
public function __construct($label, $params, $required = false, $info_text = null) { parent::__construct($params['name'], $label, $required, $info_text); if ($this->default_value) { $params['checked'] = true; } $params['class'] = ' form-control'; $this->html = form_radio($params); }
function render_attributes() { $this->_process_attributes(); if (!$this->path) { $action_path = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; $request = request :: instance(); if($node_id = $request->get_attribute('node_id')) $action_path .= '?node_id=' . $node_id; } else $action_path = $this->path; if (strpos($action_path, '?') === false) $action_path .= '?'; else $action_path .= '&'; if($this->action) $action_path .= 'action=' . $this->action; if ((bool)$this->reload_parent) { $action_path .= '&reload_parent=1'; } $window_name = ''; if($this->target) $window_name = ", '{$this->target}'"; $this->attributes['onclick'] = $this->onbeforeclick; $this->attributes['onclick'] .= $this->onclick; $this->attributes['onclick'] .= "submit_form(this.form, '{$action_path}'{$window_name});"; $this->attributes['onclick'] .= $this->onafterclick; parent :: render_attributes(); unset($this->attributes['onclick']); }
/** * @param string $name * @param string $label * @param string $value * @param string $info_text * @param bool $checked * @param bool $required * @param string $class CSS rule class */ public function __construct($params) { extract($params); parent::__construct($params); if ($this->default_value == $params['value']) { $params['checked'] = true; } if (!empty($params['class'])) { $this->classes[] = $params['class']; } $this->classes[] = 'radio'; $params['class'] = $this->get_classes_string(); if (!empty($params['required'])) { $params['data-required'] = true; } unset($params['required']); if (!empty($this->extra_html)) { foreach ($this->extra_html as $html_param => $value) { $params[$html_param] = $value; } unset($params['extra_html']); } $this->html = form_radio($params); }
function edit($user_id) { $this->config->set_item('replacer', array('users' => array('/users/user|Staff'))); if ($this->session->userdata('user_id') == $user_id) { require_capability('users:editownaccount', true, 'Your current permissions do not allow you to edit your own account details.'); } else { require_capability('users:editusers'); } $this->load->helper('dropdowns'); $this->load->helper('secure_hash'); $user = $this->user_model->get($user_id); form_element::$default_data = array('user_id' => $user_id, 'action' => 'edit_user', 'first_name' => $user->first_name, 'last_name' => $user->last_name, 'username' => $user->username); // Set up title bars $top_title_options = array('title' => "Editing Staff " . $this->user_model->get_name($user), 'help' => 'Use this page to edit this Staff\'s personal details, and contact details', 'icons' => array()); $details_title_options = array('title' => "Personal Details", 'help' => null, 'level' => 2, 'icons' => array()); $contacts_title_options = array('title' => "Contacts", 'help' => 'Use this section to add, edit or delete contact details.', 'level' => 2, 'icons' => array()); $this->config->set_item('replacer', array('edit' => $top_title_options['title'], 'users' => array('/users/user|Staff'))); $pageDetails = array('title' => $top_title_options['title'], 'top_title_options' => $top_title_options, 'details_title_options' => $details_title_options, 'contacts_title_options' => $contacts_title_options, 'feature_type' => 'Streamliner Core', 'csstoload' => array(), 'type' => 'staff', 'user_id' => $user_id, 'form_action' => base_url() . 'users/user/process_edit', 'jstoload' => array('jquery/jquery.domec', 'jquery/jquery.form', 'jquery/jquery.json', 'jquery/pause', 'jquery/jquery.selectboxes', 'application/users/user_edit'), 'content_view' => 'users/user/edit'); $this->load->view('template/default', $pageDetails); }
public function record_client_response($servicequote_id, $review_only = false) { require_capability('servicequotes:editsqs'); $this->config->set_item('replacer', array('miniant' => null, 'servicequote' => array('/miniant/servicequotes/servicequote/browse|Service Quotes'), $servicequote_id => "SQ#{$servicequote_id} record client response", __FUNCTION__ => null)); $servicequote = $this->servicequote_model->get($servicequote_id); $title = "Record client response for SQ #{$servicequote_id}"; $help = "Record the client's response to the service quotation. If accepted, preview then send the purchase order(s) to the supplier(s)."; $attachment = $this->servicequote_attachment_model->get(array('servicequote_id' => $servicequote_id), true); if (!empty($attachment->filename_original)) { $attachment->url = base_url() . "miniant/files/{$attachment->directory}/{$attachment->servicequote_id}/{$attachment->hash}"; } form_element::$default_data = array('client_response' => $servicequote->client_response, 'client_response_notes' => $servicequote->client_response_notes); $title_options = array('title' => $title, 'help' => $help, 'expand' => 'page', 'icons' => array()); $pageDetails = array('title' => $title, 'title_options' => $title_options, 'content_view' => 'servicequotes/template', 'content_stage' => 'record_client_response', 'attachment' => $attachment, 'review_only' => $review_only, 'module' => 'miniant', 'jstoload' => array('servicequotes/record_client_response'), 'csstoload' => array()); foreach ($this->get_common_variables($servicequote_id, $review_only) as $var => $val) { $pageDetails[$var] = $val; } $this->load->view('template/default', $pageDetails); }
public function __construct($name, $param = array()) { parent::__construct($name, $param); $this->type = isset($param['type']) ? $param['type'] : 'text'; }
public function edit($order_id = null) { $this->load->model('miniant/installation_template_model'); $this->load->model('miniant/tenancy_model'); if (empty($order_id)) { require_capability('orders:writeorders'); } else { require_capability('orders:editorders'); } $order_data = $this->order_model->get_values($order_id); $locked = false; if (!empty($order_id)) { require_capability('orders:editorders'); $order_data['call_date'] = unix_to_human($order_data['call_date'], '%d/%m/%Y %h:%i'); $order_data['maintenance_preferred_start_date'] = unix_to_human($order_data['preferred_start_date'], '%d/%m/%Y'); $order_data['preferred_start_date'] = unix_to_human($order_data['preferred_start_date'], '%d/%m/%Y %h:%i'); form_element::$default_data = (array) $order_data; if (!empty(form_element::$default_data['attachment'])) { form_element::$default_data['attachment'] = $order_data['attachment']->filename_original; } if ($this->order_model->has_statuses($order_id, array('AWAITING REVIEW'))) { trigger_event('lock_for_review', 'orders', $order_id, false, 'miniant'); } if (has_capability('orders:allocateorders') && $this->order_model->has_statuses($order_id, array('LOCKED FOR AMENDMENT'))) { add_message('This job is currently being amended by the technician, and is not editable', 'warning'); $locked = true; } // Set up title bar $title = "Edit Job J{$order_id}"; // TODO add invoice number $help = "Use this form to edit the job"; } else { // adding a new job $title = "Create a new job"; $help = 'Use this form to create a new job'; } $post_vars = $this->input->post(); if (!empty($post_vars)) { foreach ($post_vars as $var => $val) { form_element::$default_data[$var] = $val; } } $this->config->set_item('replacer', array('miniant' => null, 'order' => array('/miniant/orders/order/index|Jobs'), 'edit' => $title, 'add' => $title)); $title_options = array('title' => $title, 'help' => $help, 'expand' => 'page', 'icons' => array()); $jstoload = array('jquery.signaturepad', 'signaturepad/flashcanvas', 'signaturepad/json2', 'orders/order_edit', 'application/messages'); $is_service = $order_data['order_type_id'] == $this->order_model->get_type_id('Service'); $is_repair = $order_data['order_type_id'] == $this->order_model->get_type_id('Repair'); $is_maintenance = $order_data['order_type_id'] == $this->order_model->get_type_id('Maintenance'); $is_installation = $order_data['order_type_id'] == $this->order_model->get_type_id('Installation'); if (!empty($order_id)) { if ($is_maintenance || $is_service) { $jstoload[] = 'orders/order_units_maintenance'; } else { if ($is_installation) { $jstoload[] = 'orders/order_units_installation'; } else { if ($is_repair) { $jstoload[] = 'orders/order_units_repair'; } else { $jstoload[] = 'orders/order_units'; } } } } $dropdowns = $this->get_dropdowns(); // Remove any unit type that doesn't have a task template in the DB if ($is_installation) { foreach ($dropdowns['unit_types'] as $unit_type_id => $unit_type_name) { if ($unit_type_id < 1) { continue; } if (!$this->installation_template_model->get(array('unit_type_id' => $unit_type_id))) { unset($dropdowns['unit_types'][$unit_type_id]); } } } if (!empty($order_id)) { $this->db->where('account_id', $order_data['account_id']); $dropdowns['tenancies'] = $this->tenancy_model->get_dropdown('name', '-- Select a Tenancy/Owner --'); } else { unset($dropdowns['order_types'][$this->order_model->get_type_id('Repair')]); $dropdowns['tenancies'] = array(); } $pageDetails = array('title' => $title, 'title_options' => $title_options, 'content_view' => 'orders/order/edit', 'order_id' => $order_id, 'order_data' => $order_data, 'locked' => $locked, 'submit_buttons' => $this->get_submit_buttons($order_id), 'dropdowns' => $dropdowns, 'jstoloadinfooter' => $jstoload, 'csstoload' => array('jquery.signaturepad'), 'is_maintenance' => $is_maintenance, 'is_service' => $is_service, 'is_repair' => $is_repair, 'feature_type' => 'Custom Feature', 'is_installation' => $is_installation, 'module' => 'miniant', 'csstoload' => array()); $this->load->view('template/default', $pageDetails); }