예제 #1
} else {
    if (count($bmlist) < 1) {
        message("No Bookmark to edit.");
    } else {
        if ($post_title == "" || $post_url == "" || $post_icon) {
            $query = sprintf("SELECT title, url, description, childof, id, favicon, public\n\t\t\t\tFROM bookmark\n\t\t\t\tWHERE id='%d'\n\t\t\t\tAND user='******'\n\t\t\t\tAND deleted != '1'", $mysql->escape($bmlist[0]), $mysql->escape($username));
            if ($mysql->query($query)) {
                if (mysql_num_rows($mysql->result) != 1) {
                    message("No Bookmark to edit");
                } else {
                    $row = mysql_fetch_object($mysql->result);
                    require_once ABSOLUTE_PATH . "folders.php";
                    $tree = new folder();
                    $query_string = "?expand=" . implode(",", $tree->get_path_to_root($row->childof)) . "&amp;folderid=" . $row->childof;
                    $path = $tree->print_path($row->childof);
                    if ($post_icon && $settings['show_bookmark_icon']) {
                        if (isset($row->favicon)) {
                        require_once ABSOLUTE_PATH . "favicon.php";
                        $favicon = new favicon($post_url);
                        if (isset($favicon->favicon)) {
                            $icon = '<img src="' . $favicon->favicon . '" width="16" height="16" alt="">';
                            $query = sprintf("UPDATE bookmark SET favicon='%s' WHERE user='******' AND id='%d'", $mysql->escape($favicon->favicon), $mysql->escape($username), $mysql->escape($bmlist[0]));
                            if (!$mysql->query($query)) {
                        } else {
                            $icon = $bookmark_image;
예제 #2
function list_bookmarks($bookmarks, $show_checkbox, $show_folder, $show_icon, $show_link, $show_desc, $show_date, $show_edit, $show_move, $show_delete, $show_share, $show_header, $user = false)
    global $folderid, $expand, $settings, $column_width_folder, $bookmark_image, $edit_image, $move_image, $delete_image, $folder_opened, $folder_opened_public, $date_formats, $order;
    # print the bookmark header if enabled.
    # Yes, it's ugly PHP code, but beautiful HTML code.
    if ($show_header) {
        if ($order[0] == 'titleasc') {
            $sort_t = 'titledesc';
            $img_t = '<img src="./images/ascending.gif" alt="">';
        } else {
            if ($order[0] == 'titledesc') {
                $sort_t = 'titleasc';
                $img_t = '<img src="./images/descending.gif" alt="">';
            } else {
                $sort_t = 'titleasc';
                $img_t = '<img src="./images/descending.gif" alt="" class="invisible">';
        if ($order[0] == 'dateasc') {
            $sort_d = 'datedesc';
            $img_d = '<img src="./images/ascending.gif" alt="">';
        } else {
            if ($order[0] == 'datedesc') {
                $sort_d = 'dateasc';
                $img_d = '<img src="./images/descending.gif" alt="">';
            } else {
                $sort_d = 'dateasc';
                $img_d = '<img src="./images/descending.gif" alt="" class="invisible">';
        echo '<div class="bookmarkcaption">' . "\n";
        if ($show_folder) {
            echo "\t" . '<div style="width:' . $column_width_folder . '; float: left;">&nbsp;</div>' . "\n";
        if ($show_checkbox) {
            echo "\t\t" . '<div class="bmleft">' . "\n";
            echo "\t\t\t" . '<input type="checkbox" name="CheckAll" onClick="selectthem(\'checkall\', this.checked)">' . "\n";
            echo "\t\t" . '</div>' . "\n";
        if ($show_date) {
            $query_data = array('folderid' => $folderid, 'expand' => implode(",", $expand), 'order' => $sort_d);
            if ($user) {
                $query_data['user'] = $user;
            $query_string = assemble_query_string($query_data);
            echo "\t\t" . '<div class="bmright">' . "\n";
            echo "\t\t\t" . '<span class="date">' . "\n";
            echo "\t\t\t\t" . '<a href="' . $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'] . '?' . $query_string . '" class="f">Date ' . $img_d . '</a>' . "\n";
            echo "\t\t\t" . '</span>' . "\n";
            if ($show_edit) {
                echo "\t\t\t" . '<img src="./images/edit.gif"   alt="" class="invisible">' . "\n";
            if ($show_move) {
                echo "\t\t\t" . '<img src="./images/move.gif"   alt="" class="invisible">' . "\n";
            if ($show_delete) {
                echo "\t\t\t" . '<img src="./images/delete.gif" alt="" class="invisible">' . "\n";
            echo "\t\t" . '</div>' . "\n";
        echo "\t\t" . '<div class="link">' . "\n";
        if ($show_icon) {
            echo "\t\t\t" . '<img src="./images/bookmark_image.gif" alt="" class="invisible">' . "\n";
        $query_data['order'] = $sort_t;
        $query_string = assemble_query_string($query_data);
        echo "\t\t\t" . '<a href="' . $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'] . '?' . $query_string . '" class="f">Title ' . $img_t . '</a>' . "\n";
        echo "\t\t" . '</div>' . "\n";
        echo "\t" . '</div>' . "\n\n";
    if ($show_folder) {
        require_once ABSOLUTE_PATH . "folders.php";
        $tree = new folder();
    echo '<form name="bookmarks" action="" class="nav">' . "\n";
    foreach ($bookmarks as $value) {
        echo '<div class="bookmark">' . "\n";
        # the folders, only needed when searching for bookmarks
        if ($show_folder) {
            if ($value['fid'] == null) {
                $value['name'] = $settings['root_folder_name'];
                $value['fid'] = 0;
            if ($value['fpublic']) {
                $folder_image = $folder_opened_public;
            } else {
                $folder_image = $folder_opened;
            $expand = $tree->get_path_to_root($value['fid']);
            echo "\t" . '<div style="width:' . $column_width_folder . '; float: left;">';
            echo '<a class="f" href="./index.php?expand=' . implode(",", $expand) . '&folderid=' . $value['fid'] . '#' . $value['fid'] . '">';
            echo $folder_image . " " . $value['name'] . "</a>";
            echo "</div>\n";
        # the checkbox and favicon section
        echo "\t" . '<div class="bmleft">' . "\n";
        # the checkbox
        if ($show_checkbox) {
            echo "\t\t" . '<input type="checkbox" name="' . $value['id'] . '">' . "\n";
        echo "\n\t</div>\n";
        # the share, date and edit/move/delete icon section
        echo "\t" . '<div class="bmright">' . "\n";
        if ($show_share) {
            $share = $value['public'] ? 'public' : 'private';
            echo "\t\t" . '<span class="' . $share . '">' . $share . "</span>\n";
        if ($show_date) {
            echo "\t\t" . '<span class="date">';
            echo date($date_formats[$settings['date_format']], $value['timestamp']);
            echo "\t</span>\n";
        # the edit column
        if ($show_edit) {
            echo "\t\t" . '<a href="javascript:bookmarkedit(\'' . $value['id'] . '\')">';
            echo sprintf($edit_image, "Edit");
            echo "</a>\n";
        # the move column
        if ($show_move) {
            echo "\t\t" . '<a href="javascript:bookmarkmove(\'' . $value['id'] . '\', \'' . 'expand=' . implode(",", $expand) . '&amp;folderid=' . $folderid . '\')">';
            echo sprintf($move_image, "Move");
            echo "</a>\n";
        # the delete column
        if ($show_delete) {
            echo "\t\t" . '<a href="javascript:bookmarkdelete(\'' . $value['id'] . '\')">';
            echo sprintf($delete_image, "Delete");
            echo "</a>\n";
        echo "\t</div>\n";
        # the favicon
        echo "\t" . '<div class="link">' . "\n";
        echo "\t\t";
        if ($show_icon) {
            if ($value['favicon'] && is_file($value['favicon'])) {
                echo '<img src="' . $value['favicon'] . '" width="16" height="16" alt="">' . "\n";
            } else {
                echo $bookmark_image . "\n";
        # the link
        if ($settings['open_new_window']) {
            $target = ' target="_blank"';
        } else {
            $target = null;
        if ($show_link) {
            $link = '<a href="' . $value['url'] . '" title="' . $value['url'] . '"' . $target . '>' . $value['title'] . "</a>";
        } else {
            $link = $value['title'];
        echo "\t\t{$link}\n";
        echo "\t</div>\n";
        # the description and if not empty
        if ($show_desc && $value['description'] != "") {
            if ($show_folder) {
                $css_extension = ' style="margin-left: ' . $column_width_folder . ';"';
            } else {
                $css_extension = "";
            echo "\t" . '<div class="description"' . $css_extension . '>' . $value['description'] . "</div>\n";
        echo "</div>\n\n";
    echo "</form>\n";
예제 #3

require_once "./header.php";
$noconfirm = set_get_noconfirm();
# the root folder cannot be deleted
if ($folderid == "" || $folderid == 0) {
    message("No Folder selected");
} else {
    if (!$settings['confirm_delete'] || $noconfirm) {
        # lets do the deletion if the confirm variable is set to FALSE or after confirmation
        require_once ABSOLUTE_PATH . "folders.php";
        $tree = new folder();
        # we need $parent_folders for javascript code below.
        $parent_folders = $tree->get_path_to_root($folderid);
        if (count($parent_folders) > 1) {
            $parent_folder = $parent_folders[1];
        } else {
            $parent_folder = 0;
        array_push($tree->get_children, $folderid);
        $folders = implode(",", $tree->get_children);
        # first delete all subfolders
        $query = sprintf("DELETE FROM folder WHERE childof IN (%s) AND user='******'", $mysql->escape($folders), $mysql->escape($username));
        if (!$mysql->query($query)) {
        # of course, we want to delete all bookmarks as well
        $query = sprintf("DELETE FROM bookmark WHERE childof IN (%s) AND user='******'", $mysql->escape($folders), $mysql->escape($username));
        if (!$mysql->query($query)) {