예제 #1
  * Map
  * Recusrively gets all files and folders in the directory, with an optional depth limit
  * @param	string	the path to the folder
  * @param	number	how many levels to process
  * @return	array	The list of files and folders
 public static function map($path, $levels = NULL, $structured = FALSE, $files_first = FALSE)
     // trim trailing slashes
     $levels = is_null($levels) ? -1 : $levels;
     $path = preg_replace('|/+$|', '', $path);
     // filesystem objects
     $files = array();
     $folders = array();
     $objects = array_diff(scandir($path), array('.', '..'));
     // check through
     foreach ($objects as $v) {
         $dir = $path . '/' . $v;
         if (is_dir($dir)) {
             $folders[$v] = $levels != 0 ? filesystem::map($dir, $levels - 1, $structured, $files_first) : $v;
         } else {
             array_push($files, $v);
     // return
     if ($structured) {
         return array('/folders' => $folders, '/files' => $files);
     } else {
         return $files_first ? array_merge($files, $folders) : array_merge($folders, $files);