예제 #1
 public function sc($atts)
     $get = new fileaway_definitions();
     extract($this->correctatts(wp_parse_args($atts, $this->stataway), $this->shortcodes['stataway'], 'stataway'));
     if ($devices == 'mobile' && !$get->is_mobile) {
     } elseif ($devices == 'desktop' && $get->is_mobile) {
     if ($type == 'table' && !$showto && !$hidefrom && !current_user_can('administrator')) {
     if (!fileaway_utility::visibility($hidefrom, $showto)) {
     if ($this->op['javascript'] == 'footer') {
         $GLOBALS['fileaway_add_scripts'] = true;
     if ($this->op['stylesheet'] == 'footer') {
         $GLOBALS['fileaway_add_styles'] = true;
     include fileaway_dir . '/lib/inc/inc.stataway-declarations.php';
     include fileaway_dir . '/lib/inc/inc.declarations.php';
     include fileaway_dir . '/lib/inc/inc.styles.php';
     $fadeit = $fadein ? $fadein == 'opacity' ? 'opacity:0;' : 'display:none;' : null;
     if ($fadein) {
         $fadescript = $fadein == 'opacity' ? '.animate({opacity:"1"}, ' . $fadetime . ');' : '.fadeIn(' . $fadetime . ');';
         $thefiles .= '<script> jQuery(document).ready(function($){ setTimeout(function(){ $("div#' . $name . '")' . $fadescript . ' }, 1000); }); </script>';
     $mobileclass = $get->is_mobile ? 'ssfa-mobile' : null;
     $thefiles .= "{$clearfix}<div id='{$name}' class='ssfa-meta-container {$mobileclass} {$class}' data-uid='{$uid}' style='margin: 10px 0 20px; {$fadeit} {$howshouldiputit}'>";
     include fileaway_dir . '/lib/inc/inc.stats-redirects.php';
     if ($type == 'table') {
         include fileaway_dir . '/lib/inc/inc.stataway-range.php';
     include fileaway_dir . '/lib/inc/inc.precontent.php';
     if ($type != 'table') {
         include fileaway_dir . '/lib/inc/inc.stataway-lists.php';
     } else {
         include fileaway_dir . '/lib/inc/inc.stataway-tables.php';
     $thefiles .= "</div></div>{$clearfix}";
     if ($flightbox && $fb) {
         $thefiles .= '<script>FlightBoxes[' . $uid . '] = ' . $fb . '; ';
         if (count($boximages) > 0) {
             $thefiles .= implode(' ', $boximages);
         $thefiles .= '</script>';
     return $thefiles;
예제 #2
 public function sc($atts)
     extract($this->correct(wp_parse_args($atts, $this->fileaframe), $this->shortcodes['fileaframe']));
     if ($devices) {
         $get = new fileaway_definitions();
         if ($devices == 'mobile' && !$get->is_mobile) {
         } elseif ($devices == 'desktop' && $get->is_mobile) {
     if (!fileaway_utility::visibility($hidefrom, $showto)) {
     if (!$name) {
         return sprintf(__('Please assign your fileaframe shortcode a unique name, using %s, and assign the same name to its corresponding %s shortcode, using %s', 'file-away'), '[fileaframe name="myuniquename"]', '[fileaway]', '[fileaway name="myuniquename"]');
     } elseif (!$source) {
         return _x('Please specify a source page.', 'File-a-Frame No Source Error Message', 'file-away');
     } else {
         return "<div id='{$name}' class='ssfa-meta-container' style='width:100%; height:100%;'>" . "<iframe name='{$name}' id='{$name}' src='{$source}' width={$width} height={$height} " . "scrolling={$scroll} frameborder='0' marginwidth={$mwidth} marginheight={$mheight} seamless>" . "</iframe>" . "</div>";
예제 #3
 public function sc($atts)
     $uid = rand(0, 9999);
     $get = new fileaway_definitions();
     if (isset($atts['style'])) {
         $atts['theme'] = $atts['style'];
     // legacy
     if (isset($atts['uploader']) && $atts['uploader'] === 'true') {
         $atts['uploader'] = 'name';
     // legacy
     extract($this->correct(wp_parse_args($atts, $this->fileup), $this->shortcodes['fileup']));
     if ($devices == 'mobile' && !$get->is_mobile) {
     } elseif ($devices == 'desktop' && $get->is_mobile) {
     if (!fileaway_utility::visibility($hidefrom, $showto)) {
     if ($this->op['javascript'] == 'footer') {
         $GLOBALS['fileaway_add_scripts'] = true;
     if ($this->op['stylesheet'] == 'footer') {
         $GLOBALS['fileaway_add_styles'] = true;
     // Build Initial Directory
     $base = $base == 's2member-files' ? fileaway_utility::replacefirst(WP_PLUGIN_DIR . '/s2member-files', $chosenpath, '') : $this->op['base' . $base];
     $base = trim($base, '/');
     $base = trim($base, '/');
     $sub = $sub ? trim($sub, '/') : false;
     $dir = $sub ? $base . '/' . $sub : $base;
     $dir = str_replace('//', '/', "{$dir}");
     $debugpath = $chosenpath . $dir;
     $dir = $problemchild ? $install . $dir : $dir;
     if (!is_dir("{$dir}") && $makedir && (!$private_content || $private_content && $logged_in && stripos($dir, 'fa-nullmeta') === false)) {
         if (mkdir($rootpath . $dir, 0775, true)) {
             fileaway_utility::indexmulti($rootpath . $dir, $chosenpath);
     if ($private_content && !is_dir("{$dir}")) {
     $start = "{$dir}";
     if ($matchdrawer) {
         $fixedlocation = true;
         $drawerid = $matchdrawer && $matchdrawer !== 'true' ? $matchdrawer : null;
         include fileaway_dir . '/lib/inc/inc.open-drawer.php';
         $start = "{$dir}";
     $pathparts = explode('/', $start);
     $basename = end($pathparts);
     $fixed = $start;
     $fixed = $fixedlocation ? $problemchild ? fileaway_utility::replacefirst($fixed, $install, '') : $fixed : null;
     $path = '<input type="hidden" id="ssfa-upload-actionpath-' . $uid . '" value="' . $fixed . '" data-basename="' . $basename . '" data-start="' . $start . '" />';
     // File Type Permissions
     $types = array();
     if ($filetypes) {
         $filetypes = preg_split('/(, |,)/', $filetypes, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
         if (is_array($filetypes)) {
             foreach ($filetypes as $type) {
                 $types[] = strtolower(str_replace(array('.', ' '), '', $type));
     if ($filegroups) {
         $groups = preg_split('/(, |,)/', strtolower(str_replace(' ', '', $filegroups)), -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
         foreach ($get->filegroups as $group => $discard) {
             if (in_array($group, $groups)) {
                 $types = array_merge($types, $get->filegroups[$group][2]);
     if (count($types) > 0) {
         $types = array_unique($types);
         $filetypes = '["' . implode('", "', $types) . '"]';
     } else {
         $filetypes = false;
     $permitted = ($filetypes || $filegroups) && $action == 'permit' ? $filetypes : 'false';
     $prohibited = ($filetypes || $filegroups) && $action == 'prohibit' ? $filetypes : 'false';
     // Configure Settings
     $name = $name ? $name : "ssfa-meta-container-{$uid}";
     $width = is_numeric(preg_replace('[\\D]', '', $width)) ? preg_replace('[\\D]', '', $width) : '100';
     $width = "width:{$width}{$perpx};";
     if ($width == '100' && $perpx == '%') {
         $align = 'none';
     $clearfix = $align == 'none' ? '<div class="ssfa-clearfix"></div>' : null;
     $float = ' float:' . $align . ';';
     $margin = $width !== 'width:100%;' ? $align === 'right' ? ' margin-left:15px;' : ' margin-right:15px;' : null;
     $inlinestyle = $width . $float . $margin;
     $multiple = $single ? '' : ' multiple=multiple';
     $addfiles = $single ? __('+ Add File', 'file-away') : __('+ Add Files', 'file-away');
     $overwrite = $overwrite == 'true' ? 'true' : 'false';
     $uploadlabel = $uploadlabel ? $uploadlabel : __('File Up &#10138;', 'file-away');
     $pathcheck = $problemchild ? fileaway_utility::replacefirst($start, $install, '') : $start;
     $uploadedby = $uploader ? get_current_user_id() : 0;
     $uploadtype = $uploader ? $uploader : 'false';
     // Configure Max File Size Setting
     $max_file_size = trim(preg_replace('[\\D]', '', $maxsize));
     $max_size_type = trim(strtolower($maxsizetype));
     $max_file_size = is_numeric($max_file_size) ? $max_file_size : 10;
     $max_size_type = in_array($max_size_type, array('k', 'm', 'g')) ? $max_size_type : 'm';
     $ms = $max_file_size . $max_size_type;
     $ms = fileaway_utility::ini(false, true, false, $ms);
     $pms = fileaway_utility::ini('post_max_size');
     $ums = fileaway_utility::ini('upload_max_filesize');
     $maxsize = $pms < $ms ? $pms : $ms;
     $maxsize = $ums < $maxsize ? $ums : $maxsize;
     // Initialize Settings
     $fixedsetting = $fixedlocation ? '"' . $fixed . '"' : 'false';
     $initialize = '<script> ' . 'FileUpConfig[' . $uid . '] = { ' . 'form_id: "ssfa_fileup_form_' . $uid . '", ' . 'uid: ' . $uid . ', ' . 'nonce: "' . wp_create_nonce('fileaway-fileup-nonce') . '", ' . 'container: "' . $name . '", ' . 'table: "' . $theme . '", ' . 'iconcolor: "' . $iconcolor . '", ' . 'maxsize: ' . $maxsize . ', ' . 'permitted: ' . $permitted . ', ' . 'prohibited: ' . $prohibited . ', ' . 'fixed: ' . $fixedsetting . ', ' . 'pathcheck: "' . $pathcheck . '", ' . 'uploader: ' . $uploadedby . ', ' . 'identby: "' . $uploadtype . '", ' . 'overwrite: "' . $overwrite . '", ' . 'loading: "' . fileaway_url . '/lib/img/ajax.gif" ' . '}; ' . '</script>';
     $fadeit = $fadein ? $fadein == 'opacity' ? 'opacity:0;' : 'display:none;' : null;
     if ($fadein) {
         $fadescript = $fadein == 'opacity' ? '.animate({opacity:"1"}, ' . $fadetime . ');' : '.fadeIn(' . $fadetime . ');';
         $initialize .= '<script> jQuery(document).ready(function($){ setTimeout(function(){ $("div#ssfa_fileup_container_' . $uid . '")' . $fadescript . ' }, 1000); }); </script>';
     // Form Output
     if (!is_dir($debugpath)) {
         return current_user_can('administrator') ? __('File Up Admin Notice: The initial directory specified does not exist:', 'file-away') . '<br>' . $debugpath : null;
     $dropdown = $fixedlocation ? null : '<div id="ssfa-fileup-path-container-' . $uid . '" style="display:inline-block; float:left;">' . '<div id="ssfa-fileup-directories-select-container-' . $uid . '">' . '<label for="ssfa-fileup-directories-select-' . $uid . '" ' . 'style="display:block!important; margin-bottom:5px!important; text-align:left;">' . __('Destination Directory', 'file-away') . '</label>' . '<select name="ssfa-fileup-directories-select-' . $uid . '" id="ssfa-fileup-directories-select-' . $uid . '" ' . 'class="chozed-select ssfa-fileup-directories-select" data-placeholder="&nbsp;">' . '<option></option>' . '<option value="' . $start . '">' . $basename . '</option>' . '</select>' . '<br>' . '<div id="ssfa-fileup-action-path-' . $uid . '" style="margin-top:5px; min-height:25px;">' . '<img id="ssfa-fileup-action-ajax-loading-' . $uid . '" src="' . fileaway_url . '/lib/img/ajax.gif" ' . 'style="width:15px; margin:0 0 0 5px!important; box-shadow:none!important; display:none;">' . '</div>' . '</div>' . '</div>';
     $form = $clearfix . '<div id="ssfa_fileup_container_' . $uid . '" class="ssfa_fileup_container ' . $class . '" data-uid="' . $uid . '" data-mn="' . wp_create_nonce('fileaway-manager-nonce') . '" style="' . $inlinestyle . ' ' . $fadeit . '">' . '<form name="ssfa_fileup_form_' . $uid . '" id="ssfa_fileup_form_' . $uid . '" action="javascript:void(0);" enctype="multipart/form-data">' . $path . $dropdown . '<div class="ssfa_fileup_buttons_container" style="text-align:right;">' . '<span class="ssfa_fileup_wrapper" style="text-align:left;">' . '<input type="file" name="ssfa_fileup_files_' . $uid . '[]" id="ssfa_fileup_files_' . $uid . '" ' . 'class="ssfa_hidden_browse"' . $multiple . ' data-uid="' . $uid . '" />' . '<span class="ssfa_add_files">' . $addfiles . '</span>' . '<span id="ssfa_submit_upload_' . $uid . '" data-uid="' . $uid . '">' . $uploadlabel . '</span>' . '</span>' . '</div>' . '</form>' . '<div id="ssfa_fileup_files_container_' . $uid . '" class="ssfa_fileup_files_container"></div>' . '<span id="ssfa_rf_' . $uid . '" style="display:none;"></span>' . '</div>' . $clearfix;
     return $initialize . $form;
예제 #4
 public function sc($atts)
     if (isset($atts['style'])) {
         $atts['theme'] = $atts['style'];
     $get = new fileaway_definitions();
     extract($this->correctatts(wp_parse_args($atts, $this->fileaway), $this->shortcodes['fileaway'], 'fileaway'));
     if ($devices == 'mobile' && !$get->is_mobile) {
     } elseif ($devices == 'desktop' && $get->is_mobile) {
     if (!fileaway_utility::visibility($hidefrom, $showto)) {
     if ($this->op['javascript'] == 'footer') {
         $GLOBALS['fileaway_add_scripts'] = true;
     if ($this->op['stylesheet'] == 'footer') {
         $GLOBALS['fileaway_add_styles'] = true;
     include fileaway_dir . '/lib/inc/inc.declarations.php';
     include fileaway_dir . '/lib/inc/inc.base.php';
     extract(fileaway_utility::dynamicpaths($dir, $playbackpath));
     if ($debug == 'on' && $logged_in) {
         return $this->debug($rootpath . $dir);
     if (isset($atts['tutorials'])) {
         $dir = fileaway_dir . '/lib/tts';
     if (!is_dir("{$dir}") && $makedir && (!$private_content || $private_content && $logged_in && stripos($dir, 'fa-nullmeta') === false)) {
         if (mkdir($rootpath . $dir, 0775, true)) {
             fileaway_utility::indexmulti($rootpath . $dir, $chosenpath);
     if (!is_dir("{$dir}")) {
     $start = "{$dir}";
     $uid = rand(0, 9999);
     $name = $name ? $name : "ssfa-meta-container-{$uid}";
     $manager = $playback ? false : $manager;
     if ($manager) {
         include fileaway_dir . '/lib/inc/inc.manager-access.php';
     if ($manager) {
         $encryption = false;
     if ($metadata) {
         global $wpdb;
     if ($type != 'table') {
         $bulkdownload = false;
     $limit = $manager ? false : $limit;
     $bulkclass = $bulkdownload ? 'bd-table' : ($manager ? 'mngr-table' : null);
     include fileaway_dir . '/lib/inc/inc.styles.php';
     $fadeit = $fadein ? $fadein == 'opacity' ? 'opacity:0;' : 'display:none;' : null;
     if ($fadein) {
         $fadescript = $fadein == 'opacity' ? '.animate({opacity:"1"}, ' . $fadetime . ');' : '.fadeIn(' . $fadetime . ');';
         $thefiles .= '<script> jQuery(document).ready(function($){ setTimeout(function(){ $("div#' . $name . '")' . $fadescript . ' }, 1000); }); </script>';
     $mobileclass = $get->is_mobile ? 'ssfa-mobile' : null;
     $flightbox_nonce = !empty($flightbox) ? 'data-fbn="' . wp_create_nonce('fileaway-flightbox-nonce') . '"' : '';
     $flightbox_class = !empty($flightbox) ? 'flightbox-parent' : '';
     $thefiles .= "{$clearfix}<div id='{$name}' class='ssfa-meta-container {$flightbox_class} {$mobileclass} {$class}' data-uid='{$uid}' {$flightbox_nonce} style='margin: 10px 0 20px; {$fadeit} {$howshouldiputit}'>";
     if ($directories) {
         $recursive = false;
         include fileaway_dir . '/lib/inc/inc.open-drawer.php';
     if ($showrss) {
         include fileaway_dir . '/lib/inc/inc.rss-link.php';
     if ($directories) {
         include fileaway_dir . '/lib/inc/inc.directories-nav.php';
     include fileaway_dir . '/lib/inc/inc.stats-redirects.php';
     include fileaway_dir . '/lib/inc/inc.precontent.php';
     include fileaway_dir . '/lib/inc/inc.thead.php';
     include fileaway_dir . '/lib/inc/inc.directories.php';
     $files = $recursive ? fileaway_utility::recursefiles($dir, $onlydirs, $excludedirs) : scandir($dir);
     $count = 0;
     include fileaway_dir . '/lib/inc/inc.file-array.php';
     include fileaway_dir . '/lib/inc/inc.dynamic-links.php';
     $fcount = count($rawnames);
     if ($fcount < 1 && !$directories) {
     if ($playback) {
         $GLOBALS['fileaway_playback_script'] = true;
         if ($playback == 'compact') {
             $playaway = new playaway();
         $sources = $get->filegroups['audio'][2];
         $used = array();
     include fileaway_dir . '/lib/inc/inc.thumbnails-setup.php';
     if (is_array($rawnames)) {
         include fileaway_dir . '/lib/inc/inc.sort.php';
         if ($type == 'table' && !$manager && $bannerize) {
             include fileaway_dir . '/lib/inc/inc.bannerize.php';
         foreach ($rawnames as $k => $rawname) {
             if ($playback && in_array($rawname, $used) && in_array($exts[$k], $sources)) {
             $link = $links[$k];
             $loc = $locs[$k];
             $ext = $exts[$k];
             $oext = $ext;
             $extension = strtolower($ext);
             $full = $fulls[$k];
             $dir = $dirs[$k];
             $thetime = $times[$k];
             $file = $full;
             $dynamiclink = $dynamics[$k];
             $bannerad = isset($bannerads[$k]) ? $bannerads[$k] : false;
             if ($s2mem) {
                 list($trash, $s2dir) = explode('s2member-files', $dir);
                 $s2dir = trim($s2dir, '/');
                 $s2dir = $s2dir == '' ? $s2dir : $s2dir . '/';
             if ($onlydirs && is_array($onlydirs)) {
                 foreach ($onlydirs as $only) {
                     $keeper = 0;
                     if (strpos("{$dir}", "{$only}") !== false) {
                         $keeper = 1;
                 if (!$keeper) {
             if ($excludedirs && is_array($excludedirs)) {
                 foreach ($excludedirs as $ex) {
                     if (strpos("{$dir}", "{$ex}") !== false) {
                         continue 2;
             include fileaway_dir . '/lib/inc/inc.prettify.php';
             if (!$dynamiclink && (is_dir($dir . '/' . $file) || $thename == '')) {
             $link = $encryption && !$dynamiclink && !$bannerad ? $encrypt->url($rootpath . $dir . '/' . $file) : $link;
             include fileaway_dir . '/lib/inc/inc.thumbnails.php';
             include fileaway_dir . '/lib/inc/inc.colors.php';
             $datemodified = $type != 'table' && $mod == 'yes' ? "<div class='ssfa-datemodified'>" . sprintf(_x('Last modified %s at %s', 'For List Types: *Date* at *Time*', 'file-away'), $date, $time) . "</div>" : null;
             $listfilesize = $type != 'table' && $size != 'no' ? $theme == 'ssfa-minimal-list' ? "<span class='ssfa-listfilesize'>({$fsize})</span>" : "<span class='ssfa-listfilesize'>{$fsize}</span>" : null;
             $link = $s2mem && !$manager ? $url . '/?s2member_file_download=' . $s2dir . $file . $s2skip : $link;
             $fulllink = 'href="' . $link . '"';
             $redirect = $dynamiclink || $bannerad ? false : $redirect;
             $statstatus = $stats && !$dynamiclink && !$bannerad ? 'true' : 'false';
             $fulllink = $redirect ? 'href="' . $this->op['redirect'] . '"' : $fulllink;
             include fileaway_dir . '/lib/inc/inc.icons.php';
             $linktype = $s2mem || $encryption ? '' : $linktype;
             $linktype = $dynamiclink || $redirect ? 'target="_blank"' : $linktype;
             if ($flightbox && !$bannerad && !fileaway_utility::startswith($file, '_thumb_')) {
                 include fileaway_dir . '/lib/inc/inc.flightbox.php';
             $audiocorrect = null;
             if ($playback) {
                 include fileaway_dir . '/lib/inc/inc.playback.php';
             } else {
                 $player = null;
                 $players = null;
             $thename = $prettify ? $thename : fileaway_utility::strtotitle($thename);
             $thename = "<span class='ssfa-filename' {$audiocorrect}>" . $thename . "</span>";
             $count += 1;
             if ($nolinks && !$dynamiclink) {
                 $nolinkslist = "<a id='ssfa-{$uid}-{$count}' href='javascript:' class='{$display}{$noicons}{$colors}' style='cursor:default'>";
                 $nolinkstable = "<a id='ssfa-{$uid}-{$count}' href='javascript:' class='{$colors}' style='cursor:default'>";
                 $players = null;
             } else {
                 $nolinkslist = "<a id='ssfa-{$uid}-{$count}' class='{$display}{$noicons}{$colors}' {$fulllink} {$linktype} data-stat='{$statstatus}'>";
                 $nolinkstable = "<a id='ssfa-{$uid}-{$count}' class='{$colors}' {$fulllink} {$linktype} data-stat='{$statstatus}'>";
             if (!$type || $type != 'table') {
                 $thefiles .= "{$nolinkslist}" . "<div class='ssfa-listitem {$ellipsis}'>" . "<span class='ssfa-topline'>{$icon} {$thename} {$listfilesize}</span> " . "{$datemodified}" . "</div>" . "</a>";
             } elseif ($type == 'table' && $bannerad) {
                 $src = str_replace($rootpath . $dir, rtrim($url, '/') . '/' . $dir, $rootpath . $dir . '/' . $file);
                 $thefiles .= "<tr id='ssfa-banner-{$uid}-{$count}' class='fileaway-dynamic fileaway-banner'>" . "<td id='filetype-ssfa-file-{$uid}-{$count}' colspan='100' class='ssfa-banner {$theme}-first-column'>" . "<a href=\"{$link}\" rel='nofollow' target='_blank'><img src=\"{$src}\" style='width:100%; border:0;'></a>" . "</td>" . "</tr>";
             } elseif ($type == 'table') {
                 $oext = $manager || $bulkdownload ? 'data-ext="' . $oext . '"' : null;
                 $filepath = $manager || $bulkdownload ? 'data-path="' . $dir . '"' : null;
                 $oldname = $manager || $bulkdownload ? 'data-name="' . $rawname . '"' : null;
                 $salvaged_filename = $manager ? trim($salvaged_filename) : $salvaged_filename;
                 if ($manager && $customdata) {
                     $fileinput = '<input id="rawname-ssfa-file-' . $uid . '-' . $count . '" type="text" value="' . $salvaged_filename . '" ' . 'style="width:80%; height:26px; font-size:12px; text-align:center; display:none">';
                 } elseif ($manager && !$customdata) {
                     $fileinput = '<input id="rawname-ssfa-file-' . $uid . '-' . $count . '" type="text" value="' . $rawname . '" ' . 'style="width:80%; height:26px; font-size:12px; text-align:center; display:none">';
                 } else {
                     $fileinput = null;
                 if ($playback && in_array($rawname, $used)) {
                     if ($has_sample && $playback === 'compact') {
                         $iconarea = $player;
                         $thefinalname = $thename;
                     } elseif ($has_sample && $playback === 'extended') {
                         $iconarea = "<br>{$nolinkstable}{$icon}</a>";
                         $thefinalname = $thename . $players . $player;
                         $players = null;
                     } elseif (!$has_sample && $has_multiple) {
                         $thefinalname = $thename;
                         $iconarea = "<br>{$nolinkstable}{$icon}</a>";
                     } elseif (!$has_sample && !$has_multiple) {
                         $iconarea = "{$nolinkstable}{$icon} {$ext}</a>";
                         $thefinalname = "{$nolinkstable}{$thename}</a>";
                         $players = null;
                 } else {
                     $iconarea = "{$nolinkstable}{$icon} {$ext}</a>";
                     $thefinalname = "{$nolinkstable}{$thename}</a>";
                     $players = null;
                 if ($getthumb) {
                     $iconarea = "{$nolinkstable}{$icon}</a>";
                 $dynamicclass = $dynamiclink ? 'fileaway-dynamic' : '';
                 $thefiles .= "<tr id='ssfa-file-{$uid}-{$count}' class='{$dynamicclass}'>" . "<td id='filetype-ssfa-file-{$uid}-{$count}' class='ssfa-sorttype {$theme}-first-column' {$oext}>{$iconarea}</td>" . "<td id='filename-ssfa-file-{$uid}-{$count}' class='ssfa-sortname' {$filepath} {$oldname}>{$thefinalname}{$players} {$fileinput}</td>";
                 if ($customdata && is_array($customarray)) {
                     if ($metadata) {
                         $customdataclassname = 'fileaway-metadata';
                         $mdata_value = $wpdb->get_row($wpdb->prepare("SELECT metadata FROM " . $wpdb->prefix . "fileaway_metadata WHERE file = %s", $dir . '/' . $file));
                         if ($mdata_value) {
                             $customvalues = unserialize($mdata_value->metadata);
                         } else {
                             $customvalues = explode(',', $customvalue);
                     } else {
                         $customvalues = explode(',', $customvalue);
                         $customdataclassname = 'fileaway-customdata';
                     foreach ($customarray as $z => $customdatum) {
                         if ($customdatum !== ' ') {
                             $value = !isset($customvalues[$z]) ? '' : ($prettify ? $customvalues[$z] : fileaway_utility::strtotitle(trim($customvalues[$z])));
                             $custominput[$z] = $manager ? '<input class="' . $customdataclassname . '" id="customdata-' . $z . '-ssfa-file-' . $uid . '-' . $count . '" type="text" value="' . $value . '" ' . 'style="width:80%; height:26px; font-size:12px; text-align:center; display:none">' : null;
                             $thefiles .= "<td id='customadata-cell-{$z}-ssfa-file-{$uid}-{$count}' class='ssfa-sortcustomdata'>" . "<span id='customadata-{$z}-ssfa-file-{$uid}-{$count}'>" . "{$value}" . "</span>" . trim($custominput[$z]) . "</td>";
                 $thefiles .= $mod !== 'no' ? "<td id='mod-ssfa-file-{$uid}-{$count}' class='ssfa-sortdate' data-value='{$sortdatekey}'>{$sortdate}</td>" : null;
                 $thefiles .= $size !== 'no' ? "<td id='size-ssfa-file-{$uid}-{$count}' class='ssfa-sortsize' data-value='{$bytes}'>{$fsize}</td>" : null;
                 if ($manager) {
                     $thefiles .= "<td id='manager-ssfa-file-{$uid}-{$count}' class='ssfa-sortmanager'>";
                     if (!$dynamiclink) {
                         $thefiles .= "<a href='' id='rename-ssfa-file-{$uid}-{$count}'>" . __('Rename', 'file-away') . "</a><br>" . "<a href='' id='delete-ssfa-file-{$uid}-{$count}'>" . __('Delete', 'file-away') . "</a>";
                     $thefiles .= "</td>";
                 $thefiles .= '</tr>';
     $thefiles .= $type == 'table' ? '</tbody></table>' : null;
     if ($manager) {
         include fileaway_dir . '/lib/inc/inc.bulk-action-content.php';
     } elseif ($bulkdownload) {
         include fileaway_dir . '/lib/inc/inc.bulk-download-content.php';
     $thefiles .= "</div></div>{$clearfix}";
     if ($flightbox && $fb) {
         $thefiles .= '<script>FlightBoxes[' . $uid . '] = ' . $fb . '; ';
         if (count($boximages) > 0) {
             $thefiles .= implode(' ', $boximages);
         $thefiles .= '</script>';
     if ($private_content && $logged_in && $count > 0) {
         return $thefiles;
     } elseif (!$private_content && $count > 0) {
         return $thefiles;
     } elseif ($directories && (!$private_content || $logged_in && $private_content)) {
         return $thefiles;
     } else {
 public function sc($atts)
     if (isset($atts['style'])) {
         $atts['theme'] = $atts['style'];
     $get = new fileaway_definitions();
     extract($this->correct(wp_parse_args($atts, $this->fileaway_values), $this->shortcodes['fileaway_values']));
     if ($devices == 'mobile' && !$get->is_mobile) {
     } elseif ($devices == 'desktop' && $get->is_mobile) {
     if (!fileaway_utility::visibility($hidefrom, $showto)) {
     if ($this->op['javascript'] == 'footer') {
         $GLOBALS['fileaway_add_scripts'] = true;
     if ($this->op['stylesheet'] == 'footer') {
         $GLOBALS['fileaway_add_styles'] = true;
     include fileaway_dir . '/lib/inc/inc.values-declarations.php';
     global $is_IE, $is_safari;
     $uid = rand(0, 9999);
     $name = "ssfa-meta-container-{$uid}";
     $randcolor = array("red", "green", "blue", "brown", "black", "orange", "silver", "purple", "pink");
     $paginated = $paginate ? " data-page-navigation='.ssfa-pagination'" : null;
     $pagearea = $paginate ? "<div class='ssfa-pagination ssfa-pagination-centered hide-if-no-paging'></div>" : null;
     $pagesized = $paginate ? " data-page-size='{$pagesize}'" : null;
     $page = $paginate ? $paginated . $pagesized : "{$paginated} data-page-size='100000'";
     $theme = "ssfa-{$theme}";
     $textalign = $textalign ? ' ssfa-' . $textalign : null;
     $width = preg_replace('[\\D]', '', $width);
     $width = $width ? "width:{$width}{$perpx};" : null;
     $float = " float:{$align};";
     $margin = $width !== 'width:100%;' ? $align === 'right' ? ' margin-left:15px;' : ' margin-right:15px;' : null;
     $howshouldiputit = $width . $float . $margin;
     if ($width == '100' && $perpx == '%') {
         $align = 'none';
     $clearfix = $align == 'none' ? "<div class='ssfa-clearfix'></div>" : null;
     include fileaway_dir . '/lib/inc/inc.base.php';
     extract(fileaway_utility::dynamicpaths($dir, $playbackpath));
     $makedir = $makecsv ? true : $makedir;
     $dir = rtrim($dir, '/');
     if (!is_dir("{$dir}") && $makedir && (!$private_content || $private_content && $logged_in)) {
         if (mkdir($rootpath . $dir, 0775, true)) {
             fileaway_utility::indexmulti($rootpath . $dir, $chosenpath);
     if (!is_dir("{$dir}")) {
     $nonce = wp_create_nonce('fileaway-values-nonce');
     $start = "{$dir}";
     if ($filename) {
         if (!fileaway_utility::endswith(strtolower($filename), '.csv')) {
             $filename = $filename . '.csv';
         $filename = str_replace('fa-userid', $fa_userid, $filename);
         $filename = str_replace('fa-userrole', $fa_userrole, $filename);
         $filename = str_replace('fa-firstlast', $fa_firstlast, $filename);
         $filename = str_replace('fa-username', $fa_username, $filename);
         if (stripos($filename, 'fa-usermeta(') !== false) {
             $umetas = array();
             $countmetas = preg_match_all('/\\((.*)\\)/U', $filename, $umetas);
             if (is_array($umetas[1])) {
                 foreach ($umetas[1] as $umeta) {
                     $metavalue = get_user_meta($fa_userid, $umeta, true);
                     if (!$metavalue || $metavalue == '') {
                         $makecsv = false;
                     $filename = str_ireplace('fa-usermeta(' . $umeta . ')', $metavalue, $filename);
         $showoptions = false;
         if (!is_file($rootpath . $dir . '/' . $filename) && $makecsv) {
             $csv = new fileaway_csv();
             $csv->encoding($read, $write);
             $rows = array();
             $cols = array();
             $csv->titles = preg_split('/(, |,)/', $makecsv, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
             foreach ($csv->titles as $header) {
                 $cols[$header] = '';
             $rows[0] = $cols;
             $csv->data = $rows;
             $csv->save($rootpath . $dir . '/' . $filename);
     } else {
         if ($recursive) {
             $globaldirexes = array();
             $localdirexes = array();
             if ($excludedirs) {
                 $localdirexes = preg_split('/(, |,)/', $excludedirs, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
             if ($this->op['direxclusions']) {
                 $globaldirexes = preg_split('/(, |,)/', $this->op['direxclusions'], -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
             if (!is_array($globaldirexes)) {
                 $globaldirexes = array();
             if (!is_array($localdirexes)) {
                 $localdirexes = array();
             $direxes = array_unique(array_merge($localdirexes, $globaldirexes));
             $excludedirs = count($direxes) > 0 ? $direxes : false;
             if ($onlydirs) {
                 $onlydirs = $dir . ',' . rtrim($onlydirs);
             $justthesedirs = $onlydirs ? preg_split('/(, |,)/', $onlydirs, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY) : 0;
             $onlydirs = is_array($justthesedirs) && count($justthesedirs) > 0 ? $justthesedirs : 0;
         $selected = false;
         $showoptions = false;
         if (isset($_REQUEST['fa_csv']) && isset($_REQUEST['fa_index'])) {
             $selected = $_GET['fa_csv'];
             $filename = base64_decode($selected);
             $file_index = $_GET['fa_index'];
             $selected = fileaway_utility::querystring(get_permalink(), $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'], array('fa_csv' => $selected, 'fa_index' => $file_index));
         $dir = rtrim($dir, '/');
         $files = $recursive ? fileaway_utility::recursefiles($dir, $onlydirs, $excludedirs, '[cC][sS][vV]') : glob("{$dir}/*.[cC][sS][vV]");
         if (!$editor && !is_array($files)) {
         $count = count($files);
         if ($count !== 1) {
             $showoptions = true;
         } elseif ($count === 1) {
             $showoptions = false;
             $filename = fileaway_utility::basename($files[0]);
             $file_index = 0;
             $dir = $recursive ? str_replace($filename, '', $files[0]) : $dir;
             $dir = rtrim($dir, '/');
         if ($showoptions) {
             $options = array();
             $original_url = fileaway_utility::querystring(get_permalink(), $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'], array('fa_csv', 'fa_index'), true);
             if (is_array($files)) {
                 foreach ($files as $key => $file) {
                     if (isset($file_index) && $file_index == $key) {
                         $dir = $recursive ? str_replace(fileaway_utility::basename($file), '', $file) : $dir;
                         $dir = rtrim($dir, '/');
                     $is_selected = $file === $dir . '/' . $filename ? 'selected' : null;
                     $link = fileaway_utility::querystring(get_permalink(), $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'], array('fa_csv' => base64_encode(fileaway_utility::basename($file)), 'fa_index' => $key));
                     $option_display = $recursive ? $install ? fileaway_utility::replacefirst($file, $install, '') : $file : preg_replace('/.csv$/i', '', fileaway_utility::basename($file));
                     $option_display = $recursive ? str_replace('/', ' &gt; ', $option_display) : $option_display;
                     $options[] = '<option value="' . $link . '" ' . $is_selected . '>' . trim($option_display, '/') . '</option>';
             $download_link = $filename && isset($file_index) && array_key_exists($file_index, $files) ? '<a href="' . fileaway_utility::urlesc($url . '/' . $dir . '/' . $filename) . '" ' . 'style="text-decoration:none!important; position:relative; top:4px; left:10px;" ' . 'class="ssfa-csv-download" download="' . $filename . '">' . '<span class="ssfa-icon-arrow-down-2" style="font-size:18px; color: #AAA;"></span>' . '</a>' : null;
             $is_recursive = $recursive ? 'true' : 'false';
             $deletecsv = $editor && isset($file_index) && array_key_exists($file_index, $files) ? '<span id="ssfa-delete-csv-' . $uid . '" style="font-size:18px; position:relative; top:4px; left:20px; color:#AAA; cursor:pointer;" ' . 'class="ssfa-icon-remove" aria-hidden="true" data-uid="' . $uid . '"></span>' : null;
             $newcsvspace = $deletecsv == null ? 10 : 30;
             $newcsv = $editor ? '<span id="ssfa-new-csv-' . $uid . '" style="font-size:18px; position:relative; top:4px; left:' . $newcsvspace . 'px; color:#AAA; cursor:pointer;" ' . 'class="ssfa-icon-file-4" aria-hidden="true" data-uid="' . $uid . '" data-pg="' . $GLOBALS['post']->ID . '" data-path="' . base64_encode($dir) . '" ' . 'data-recurse="' . $is_recursive . '" data-read="' . $read . '" data-write="' . $write . '"></span>' : null;
             $select = "<div class='ssfa-clearfix' style='float:left; margin-bottom:15px;'>" . "<div id='ssfa-fileaway-values-{$uid}' style='text-align:left;'>" . "<div style='text-align:left; margin-top:5px;'>" . "<select class='chozed-select ssfa-fileaway-values-select' id='ssfa-fileaway-values-select-{$uid}' " . "data-placeholder=\"{$placeholder}\">" . "<option></option>" . implode(' ', $options) . "</select>" . $download_link . $deletecsv . $newcsv . "</div>" . "</div>" . "</div>";
             $selectscript = "<script>" . "jQuery(document).ready(function(\$){ " . "var select = \$('select#ssfa-fileaway-values-select-{$uid}'); " . "\$(select).chozed({ " . "allow_single_deselect:true, " . "width: '300px', " . "inherit_select_classes:true, " . "no_results_text: fileaway_mgmt.no_results, " . "search_contains: true " . "}); " . "\$(select).on('change', function(){ " . "var shadow = \$('<div id=\"ssfa-values-shadow\" style=\"display:none;\" />'); " . "\$('body').append(shadow); " . "shadow.fadeIn(1000); " . "\$('body').css('cursor', 'progress'); " . "if(\$(this).val() == '') window.location.href = \"" . $original_url . "\"; " . "else window.location.href = \$(this).val(); " . "}); " . "}); " . "</script>";
     if (!$filename && !$showoptions) {
         return 'No file found.';
     $edit = $editor ? 'true' : 'false';
     $mobileclass = $get->is_mobile ? 'ssfa-mobile' : null;
     $thefiles .= $clearfix . "<div id='{$name}' class='ssfa-meta-container ssfa-fileaway-values {$mobileclass}' data-editor='{$edit}' data-uid='{$uid}' data-fvn=\"" . $nonce . "\" style='opacity:0; margin: 10px 0 20px; {$howshouldiputit}'>";
     if ($filename && is_file($rootpath . $dir . '/' . $filename)) {
         $disablesort = $sorting ? false : "data-sort='false'";
         $heading = $showoptions ? $select : '<a href="' . fileaway_utility::urlesc($url . '/' . $dir . '/' . $filename) . '" download="' . $filename . '" ' . 'style="text-decoration:none; color:inherit!important;">' . $filename . '</a>';
         include fileaway_dir . '/lib/inc/inc.precontent.php';
         $thefiles .= "<script type='text/javascript'>jQuery(function(){ jQuery('.footable').footable();});</script>" . "<table id='ssfa-table-{$uid}' class='ssfa-values-table footable ssfa-sortable {$theme} {$textalign}' data-filter='#filter-{$uid}' data-uid='{$uid}' " . "data-theme=\"{$theme}\" data-src=\"" . base64_encode($dir . '/' . $filename) . "\" data-filename=\"" . fileaway_utility::basename($filename) . "\" " . "data-read=\"{$read}\" data-write=\"{$write}\" {$disablesort} {$page}>" . "<thead><tr>";
         ini_set('auto_detect_line_endings', TRUE);
         $filename = $rootpath . $dir . '/' . $filename;
         if (file_exists($filename) && is_readable($filename)) {
             $csv = new fileaway_csv();
             $csv->encoding($read, $write);
             $rows = $csv->data;
             $headers = $csv->titles;
             $editorcursor = $editor ? 'style="cursor:cell"' : null;
             $editorcontext = $editor ? 'class="ssfa-values-context"' : null;
             foreach ($headers as $key => $header) {
                 $sortinitial = $key < 1 ? " data-sort-initial='true'" : null;
                 $initialclass = $key < 1 ? 'class="' . $theme . '-first-column"' : null;
                 $thefiles .= "<th id='ssfa-values-header-{$uid}-{$key}' {$initialclass} data-colnum=\"{$key}\" data-col=\"{$header}\" {$sortinitial}>" . $header . "</th>";
             $thefiles .= "</tr></thead><tfoot><tr><td colspan='100'>{$pagearea}</td></tr></tfoot><tbody>";
             foreach ($rows as $k => $row) {
                 $thefiles .= "<tr id='ssfa-values-{$uid}-{$k}' {$editorcontext}  data-row='{$k}'>";
                 foreach ($headers as $key => $header) {
                     $col1class = $key < 1 ? "class='{$theme}-first-column'" : null;
                     $input = $editor ? '<input type="text" id="input-ssfa-values-' . $uid . '-' . $k . '-' . $key . '" data-row="' . $k . '" data-col="' . $header . '" data-colnum="' . $key . '" ' . 'value="' . $row[$header] . '" style="display:none; width:90%">' : null;
                     $thefiles .= '<td id="cell-ssfa-values-' . $uid . '-' . $k . '-' . $key . '" ' . $col1class . ' ' . $editorcursor . '>' . '<span id="value-ssfa-values-' . $uid . '-' . $k . '-' . $key . '" data-row="' . $k . '" data-col="' . $header . '" data-colnum="' . $key . '">' . $row[$header] . '</span>&nbsp;' . $input . '</td>';
                 $thefiles .= "</tr>";
             $thefiles .= "</tbody></table></div>";
     } elseif ($showoptions) {
         $thefiles .= $select;
     $thefiles .= $showoptions ? $selectscript : null;
     $thefiles .= "<script> jQuery(document).ready(function(\$){ setTimeout(function(){ \$('div#" . $name . "').animate({opacity:'1'},1000); }, 1000 ); }); </script>";
     $thefiles .= "</div>{$clearfix}";
     return $thefiles;
예제 #6
 public function sc($atts)
     if (isset($atts['style'])) {
         $atts['theme'] = $atts['style'];
     $get = new fileaway_definitions();
     extract($this->correctatts(wp_parse_args($atts, $this->attachaway), $this->shortcodes['attachaway'], 'attachaway'));
     if ($devices == 'mobile' && !$get->is_mobile) {
     } elseif ($devices == 'desktop' && $get->is_mobile) {
     if (!fileaway_utility::visibility($hidefrom, $showto)) {
     if ($this->op['javascript'] == 'footer') {
         $GLOBALS['fileaway_add_scripts'] = true;
     if ($this->op['stylesheet'] == 'footer') {
         $GLOBALS['fileaway_add_styles'] = true;
     $attachaway = true;
     $statstatus = 'false';
     $iss2 = false;
     $rsslink = null;
     $crumbies = null;
     $clearfix = $align == 'none' ? "<div class='ssfa-clearfix'></div>" : null;
     $boximages = array();
     $flightbox = $get->is_mobile ? false : $flightbox;
     $randcolor = array("red", "green", "blue", "brown", "black", "orange", "silver", "purple", "pink");
     $fb = 0;
     $count = 0;
     $thefiles = '';
     $uid = rand(0, 9999);
     global $post, $is_IE, $is_safari;
     $ascdesc = $desc ? 'DESC' : 'ASC';
     $id = $postid ? $postid : $post->ID;
     $attachments = get_posts(array('orderby' => $orderby, 'order' => $ascdesc, 'post_type' => 'attachment', 'posts_per_page' => -1, 'post_parent' => $id));
     if ($debug === 'on' && is_user_logged_in()) {
         return $this->debug($id, $attachments);
     include fileaway_dir . '/lib/inc/inc.styles.php';
     $fadeit = $fadein ? $fadein == 'opacity' ? 'opacity:0;' : 'display:none;' : null;
     if ($fadein) {
         $fadescript = $fadein == 'opacity' ? '.animate({opacity:"1"}, ' . $fadetime . ');' : '.fadeIn(' . $fadetime . ');';
         $thefiles .= '<script> jQuery(document).ready(function($){ setTimeout(function(){ $("div#ssfa-meta-container-' . $uid . '")' . $fadescript . ' }, 1000); }); </script>';
     $mobileclass = $get->is_mobile ? 'ssfa-mobile' : null;
     $flightbox_nonce = !empty($flightbox) ? 'data-fbn="' . wp_create_nonce('fileaway-flightbox-nonce') . '"' : '';
     $flightbox_class = !empty($flightbox) ? 'flightbox-parent' : '';
     $thefiles .= "{$clearfix}<div id='ssfa-meta-container-{$uid}' data-uid='{$uid}' " . "{$flightbox_nonce} class='ssfa-meta-container {$mobileclass} {$class} {$flightbox_class}' style='margin: 10px 0 20px; {$fadeit} {$howshouldiputit}'>";
     include fileaway_dir . '/lib/inc/inc.precontent.php';
     if ($type === 'table') {
         $typesort = null;
         $filenamesort = null;
         $capsort = null;
         $dessort = null;
         $sizesort = null;
         if ($sortfirst === 'type') {
             $typesort = " data-sort-initial='true'";
         } elseif ($sortfirst === 'type-desc') {
             $typesort = " data-sort-initial='descending'";
         } elseif ($sortfirst === 'filename') {
             $filenamesort = " data-sort-initial='true'";
         } elseif ($sortfirst === 'filename-desc') {
             $filenamesort = " data-sort-initial='descending'";
         } elseif ($sortfirst === 'caption') {
             $capsort = " data-sort-initial='true'";
         } elseif ($sortfirst === 'caption-desc') {
             $capsort = " data-sort-initial='descending'";
         } elseif ($sortfirst === 'description') {
             $dessort = " data-sort-initial='true'";
         } elseif ($sortfirst === 'description-desc') {
             $dessort = " data-sort-initial='descending'";
         } elseif ($sortfirst === 'size') {
             $sizesort = " data-sort-initial='true'";
         } elseif ($sortfirst === 'size-desc') {
             $sizesort = " data-sort-initial='descending'";
         } else {
             $filenamesort = " data-sort-initial='true' ";
         $disablesort = $sortfirst == 'disabled' ? "data-sort='false'" : false;
         $filenamesort = $disablesort ? null : $filenamesort;
         $filenamelabel = $filenamelabel ? $filenamelabel : _x('File&nbsp;Name', 'File Name Column', 'file-away');
         $thefiles .= "<script type='text/javascript'>jQuery(function(){jQuery('.footable').footable();});</script>" . "<table id='ssfa-table' data-filter='#filter-{$uid}' {$disablesort} {$page} class='footable ssfa-sortable {$theme}{$textalign}'><thead><tr>" . "<th class='ssfa-sorttype {$theme}-first-column' title=\"" . _x('Click to Sort', 'Column Sort Message', 'file-away') . "\"" . $typesort . ">" . _x('Type', 'File Type Column', 'file-away') . "</th>" . "<th class='ssfa-sortname' title=\"" . _x('Click to Sort', 'Column Sort Message', 'file-away') . "\"" . $filenamesort . ">" . $filenamelabel . "</th>";
         $thefiles .= $capcolumn ? "<th class='ssfa-sortcapcolumn' title=\"" . _x('Click to Sort', 'Column Sort Message', 'file-away') . "\"" . $capsort . ">" . $capcolumn . "</th>" : null;
         $thefiles .= $descolumn ? "<th class='ssfa-sortdescolumn' title=\"" . _x('Click to Sort', 'Column Sort Message', 'file-away') . "\"" . $dessort . ">" . $descolumn . "</th>" : null;
         $thefiles .= $size !== 'no' ? "<th class='ssfa-sortsize' data-type='numeric' title=\"" . _x('Click to Sort', 'Column Sort Message', 'file-away') . "\"" . $sizesort . ">" . _x('Size', 'File Size Column', 'file-away') . "</th>" : null;
         $thefiles .= "</tr></thead><tfoot><tr><td colspan='100'>{$pagearea}</td></tr></tfoot><tbody>";
     if (is_array($attachments)) {
         foreach ($attachments as $attachment) {
             $filetype = wp_check_filetype($filelink);
             $ext = $filetype['ext'];
             $extension = $ext;
             $oext = $ext;
             $basename = fileaway_utility::basename($filelink);
             $rawname = str_replace('.' . $ext, '', $basename);
             $filename = str_replace(array('~', '-', '--', '_', '.', '*'), ' ', $rawname);
             $title = $title ? $title : $filename;
             if ($caption === strtoupper($caption) || $caption === strtolower($caption)) {
                 $caption = fileaway_utility::sentencecase($caption);
             if ($description === strtoupper($description) || $description === strtolower($description)) {
             $title = "<span class='ssfa-filename'>" . fileaway_utility::strtotitle(strtolower($title)) . "</span>";
             $ext = !$ext ? '?' : $ext;
             $ext = strtolower($ext);
             $ext = substr($ext, 0, 4) . '';
             $bytes = filesize(get_attached_file($attachment->ID));
             if ($size !== 'no') {
                 $fsize = fileaway_utility::formatBytes($bytes, 1);
                 $fsize = !preg_match('/[a-z]/i', $fsize) ? '1k' : ($fsize === 'NAN' ? '0' : $fsize);
             include fileaway_dir . '/lib/inc/inc.colors.php';
             $listfilesize = $type !== 'table' && $size !== 'no' ? $theme === "ssfa-minimal-list" ? "<span class='ssfa-listfilesize'> ({$fsize})</span>" : "<span class='ssfa-listfilesize'>{$fsize}</span>" : null;
             $file = $basename;
             $manager = false;
             $onlyaudio = false;
             include fileaway_dir . '/lib/inc/inc.filters.php';
             if ($excluded) {
             $getthumb = false;
             $thumbnails = false;
             include fileaway_dir . '/lib/inc/inc.icons.php';
             $count += 1;
             $link = $filelink;
             $fulllink = 'href="' . $link . '"';
             if ($flightbox) {
                 include fileaway_dir . '/lib/inc/inc.flightbox.php';
             if ($type !== 'table') {
                 $thefiles .= "<a id='ssfa' class='{$display}{$noicons}{$colors}' {$fulllink} {$linktype}>" . "<div class='ssfa-listitem {$ellipsis}'><span class='ssfa-topline'>{$icon} {$title} {$listfilesize}</span></div>" . "</a>";
             } else {
                 $thefiles .= "<tr><td id='filetype-ssfa-file-{$uid}-{$count}' class='ssfa-sorttype {$theme}-first-column'><a {$fulllink} {$linktype}>{$icon} {$ext}</a></td>" . "<td id='filename-ssfa-file-{$uid}-{$count}' class='ssfa-sortname'><a {$fulllink} class='{$colors}' {$linktype}>{$title}</a></td>";
                 $thefiles .= $capcolumn ? "<td class='ssfa-sortcapcolumn'>{$caption}</td>" : null;
                 $thefiles .= $descolumn ? "<td class='ssfa-sortdescolumn'>{$description}</td>" : null;
                 $thefiles .= $size !== 'no' ? "<td class='ssfa-sortsize' data-value='{$bytes}'>{$fsize}</td>" : null;
                 $thefiles .= '</tr>';
         $thefiles .= $type === 'table' ? '</tbody></table></div>' : '</div>';
         $thefiles .= "</div>{$clearfix}";
     if ($flightbox && $fb) {
         $thefiles .= '<script>FlightBoxes[' . $uid . '] = ' . $fb . '; ';
         if (count($boximages) > 0) {
             $thefiles .= implode(' ', $boximages);
         $thefiles .= '</script>';
     return $count > 0 ? $thefiles : null;