public function add($param = "") { global $myAdmin; global $formMaj; global $datas_lang; global $smarty; global $thisSite; $this->LANG_DATAS = $myAdmin->LANG_DATAS; parent::add(); $smarty->assign('this', $this); $smarty->assign('param', $param); $smarty->assign('language', $thisSite->LIST_LANG_COMP[$myAdmin->LANG_INTERFACE]); $toolbars = array(); $toolbars["Default"][1] = "cut copy paste pastetext | undo redo | bold italic underline strikethrough | subscript superscript | removeformat | charmap emoticons hr nonbreaking"; $toolbars["Default"][2] = "bullist numlist | outdent indent | alignleft aligncenter alignright alignjustify | image | inserttable tableprops deletetable cell row column | link unlink | anchor | template | visualblocks | code"; $toolbars["Default"][3] = "styleselect fontselect fontsizeselect | forecolor backcolor"; $toolbars["Basic"][1] = "bold italic underline strikethrough | subscript superscript | alignleft aligncenter alignright alignjustify | bullist numlist outdent indent"; $toolbars["Basic"][2] = "styleselect | link unlink | image charmap | code"; $toolbars["Simple"][1] = "bold italic underline strikethrough | alignleft aligncenter alignright alignjustify | bullist numlist | link unlink | image charmap | code"; $toolbars["Image"][1] = "image | code"; $smarty->assign('toolbar', $toolbars[$this->toolbar]); $data = $smarty->fetch($this->pathTemplate . 'inc/fields/class.editortm.tpl'); addStructure("addJsStructure", DOS_OUTILS_ADMIN . "tinymceJQ/jquery.tinymce.min.js"); addStructure("addJsStructure", DOS_OUTILS_ADMIN . "tinymceJQ/tinymce.min.js"); $this->smartAssign($this->field, $data); return $data; }
public function add($param = "") { global $formMaj; global $datas_lang; global $smarty; global $thisSite; parent::add(); $smarty->assign('this', $this); $rangeLg = array(); foreach ($this->list_lang as $clg => $extlg) { $value = $this->getValue($clg); $values = explode(",", $value); if (count($values) == 2) { $range = 1; } else { if (count($values) == 1) { $range = 0; } else { return false; } } $rangeLg[$clg] = $range; } $smarty->assign('rangeLg', $rangeLg); $data = $smarty->fetch($this->pathTemplate . 'inc/fields/class.slider.tpl'); $this->smartAssign($this->field, $data); return $data; }
public function add($param = "") { global $formMaj; global $datas_lang; global $smarty; global $thisSite; parent::add(); $smarty->assign('this', $this); $data = $smarty->fetch($this->pathTemplate . 'inc/fields/class.file.tpl'); $this->smartAssign($this->field, $data); return $data; }
public function add($param = "") { global $myAdmin; global $formMaj; global $datas_lang; global $smarty; global $thisSite; parent::add(); $smarty->assign('this', $this); $smarty->assign('param', $param); $data = $smarty->fetch($this->pathTemplate . 'inc/fields/class.editorck.tpl'); addStructure("addJsStructure", DOS_OUTILS_ADMIN . "ckeditor/ckeditor.js"); addStructure("addJsStructure", DOS_OUTILS_ADMIN . "ckeditor/adapters/jquery.js"); $this->smartAssign($this->field, $data); return $data; }
public function add($param = "") { global $formMaj; global $datas_lang; global $smarty; global $thisSite; parent::add(); $smarty->assign('this', $this); $liste = array(); for ($indice = $this->max; $indice >= 1; $indice--) { //for ($indice = 1; $indice <= $this->max; $indice++) { $liste[] = $indice; } $smarty->assign('liste', $liste); $data = $smarty->fetch($this->pathTemplate . 'inc/fields/class.rating.tpl'); $this->smartAssign($this->field, $data); return $data; }
public function add($param = "") { global $formMaj; global $datas_lang; global $smarty; global $thisSite; parent::add(); $smarty->assign('this', $this); $src_valueLg = array(); foreach ($this->list_lang as $clg => $extlg) { $value = $this->getValue($clg); $src_value = format_date($value, "."); $src_valueLg[$clg] = $src_value; } $smarty->assign('src_valueLg', $src_valueLg); $data = $smarty->fetch($this->pathTemplate . 'inc/fields/'); $this->smartAssign($this->field, $data); return $data; }
public function add($param = "") { global $myAdmin; global $formMaj; global $datas_lang; global $smarty; global $thisSite; parent::add(); if ($this->insideForm == false) { $this->fileRequired = true; $this->legendeEnabled = true; } if ($this->insideForm == true) { $prefixe_field = $this->field . "__"; $mySelect = new mySelect(__FILE__); $mySelect->tables = $thisSite->PREFIXE_TBL_GEN . "medias"; $mySelect->fields = "*"; $mySelect->orderby = "id DESC"; // pour prendre le premier élément $mySelect->where = "field_media=:field_media AND id_parent=:id_parent"; $mySelect->whereValue["field_media"] = array($this->field, PDO::PARAM_STR); //$formMaj->tables . "." . $id_parent = $formMaj->datasForm[$myAdmin->LANG_DATAS]["id"]; if ($id_parent == "") { $id_parent = $formMaj->datasForm[""]["id"]; } $mySelect->whereValue["id_parent"] = array($id_parent, PDO::PARAM_INT); $resultmySelect = $mySelect->query(); foreach ($resultmySelect as $rowS) { $lg = $rowS["lg"]; $value_fichier_media[$lg] = $rowS["fichier_media"]; $value_titre_media[$lg] = $rowS["titre_media"]; if ($lg == $myAdmin->LANG_DEF) { // pour les données monolangue $value_idMedia = $rowS["id"]; $value_fichier_media[""] = $rowS["fichier_media"]; $value_titre_media[""] = $rowS["titre_media"]; } } } else { $prefixe_field = ""; } $newfield = new file(); $newfield->field = $prefixe_field . "fichier_media"; $newfield->multiLang = $this->multiLangType; if ($this->insideForm == true) { $newfield->label = $this->label; } else { $newfield->label = $datas_lang["fichier_media"]; } $newfield->value = $value_fichier_media; $newfield->startFolder = $this->startFolder; $newfield->tooltip = $this->tooltip; $newfield->addClass = $this->addClass; $newfield->extensionsAuthorized = ""; if ($this->extensionsAuthorized != "") { $newfield->extensionsAuthorized = $this->extensionsAuthorized; } $newfield->multi = $this->multi; $newfield->upload = $this->upload; $newfield->uploadDirect = $this->uploadDirect; $newfield->widthLabel = 2; $newfield->widthField = 9; $newfield->placeholder = $this->placeholder; $result = $newfield->add(); $field_fichier_media = $result; if ($this->fileRequired == true) { $newfield->rule("required", true); } // champ Titre: légende de l'image, du fichier ou du lien if ($this->legendeEnabled == true) { $newfield = new input(); $newfield->field = $prefixe_field . "titre_media"; $newfield->multiLang = true; $newfield->value = $value_titre_media; $newfield->label = $datas_lang["legende"]; $newfield->tooltip = $datas_lang["tooltipsLegende"]; $newfield->widthLabel = 2; $newfield->widthField = 9; $result = $newfield->add(); $field_titre_media = $result; } $smarty->assign('field_fichier_media', $field_fichier_media); $smarty->assign('field_titre_media', $field_titre_media); if ($this->insideForm == true) { $newfield = new hidden(); $newfield->field = "fieldMedia__" . $this->field; $newfield->multiLang = false; $newfield->value = serialize(array("type" => $this->type, "field_media" => $this->field, "idMedia" => $value_idMedia)); $result = $newfield->add(); $smarty->assign('fieldMediaField', $result); } $smarty->assign('this', $this); $data = $smarty->fetch($this->pathTemplate . 'inc/fields/class.mediaFile.tpl'); if ($this->insideForm == true) { $this->smartAssign($this->field, $data); } else { $this->smartAssign("media", $data); } return $data; }
public function add($param = "") { if (!is_array($this->items) && $this->tags != true) { return 0; } global $myAdmin; global $formMaj; global $datas_lang; global $smarty; global $thisSite; if ($this->tags == true) { $this->multiLang = false; // multilangue géré par la table des tags } $this->LIST_LANG_EXTENSION_FIELD = $myAdmin->LIST_LANG_EXTENSION_FIELD; parent::add(); $smarty->assign('this', $this); $listDisabled = array(); if (!is_array($this->valuesDisabled)) { $valuesDisabled = explode(",", $this->valuesDisabled); $listDisabled = $valuesDisabled; } else { $listDisabled = $this->valuesDisabled; } foreach ($this->list_lang as $clg => $extlg) { $value = $this->getValue($clg); $values = explode(",", $value); if (!is_array($values)) { $values = array(); } if ($this->tags == true) { if ($listItems == "") { $listItems = array(); $mySelect2 = new mySelect(__FILE__); $mySelect2->tables = $thisSite->PREFIXE_TBL_GEN . "tags"; $mySelect2->fields = "*"; $mySelect2->where = "parent=:parent AND lg=:lg"; $mySelect2->whereValue["parent"] = array($this->field, PDO::PARAM_STR); $mySelect2->whereValue["lg"] = array("fr", PDO::PARAM_STR); $mySelect2->orderby = "titre ASC"; $result2 = $mySelect2->query(); foreach ($result2 as $row2) { $listItems[$row2['id']] = $row2['titre']; } } } else { $listItems = $this->items; } if ($this->iconeLangue() == true || $this->tags == true) { $smarty->assign('marginLeft', 50); } else { $smarty->assign('marginLeft', 0); } $indice = 0; $datasItem = array(); $count_items = count($listItems); $myGroup = ""; foreach ($listItems as $val => $text) { $val = delQuotes($val); $value = delQuotes($value); if (in_array($val, $listDisabled)) { $stateDisabled = "state-disabled"; $disabled = "disabled"; } else { $stateDisabled = ""; $disabled = ""; } if (in_array(htmlspecialchars($val, ENT_QUOTES), $values)) { $selected = "selected"; } else { $selected = ""; } if ($count_items == 1) { $str_indice = ""; } else { $str_indice = "_" . $indice; } $idField = $this->field . $extlg . $str_indice; $datasItem[$indice] = array("val" => $val, "text" => $text, "idField" => $idField, "stateDisabled" => $stateDisabled, "disabled" => $disabled, "selected" => $selected); $myGroup = $idField; $indice++; $marginLeft = 0; } //echoa($datasItem); $datasItemByLg[$clg] = $datasItem; } // lg $smarty->assign('datasItemByLg', $datasItemByLg); $allmyGroup = $smarty->getTemplateVars("myGroup"); $allmyGroup .= $this->field . $extlg . ":\"" . $myGroup . "\",\n"; $smarty->assign("myGroup", $allmyGroup); $data = $smarty->fetch($this->pathTemplate . 'inc/fields/class.selectM.tpl'); addStructure("addJsStructure", DOS_OUTILS_ADMIN . "multiple-select/"); $this->smartAssign($this->field, $data); return $data; }
public function add($param = "") { if (!is_array($this->items)) { return 0; } global $formMaj; global $datas_lang; global $smarty; global $thisSite; parent::add(); $smarty->assign('this', $this); $smarty->assign('classPlus', "inline-group"); $listDisabled = array(); if (!is_array($this->valuesDisabled)) { $valuesDisabled = explode(",", $this->valuesDisabled); $listDisabled = $valuesDisabled; } else { $listDisabled = $this->valuesDisabled; } $listItemsByLg = array(); foreach ($this->list_lang as $clg => $extlg) { $value = $this->getValue($clg); $listItems = array(); if (isset($this->noneItem)) { if ($this->noneItem === true) { $listItems["noneItem"] = $datas_lang["noneItem"]; } else { $listItems["noneItem"] = $this->noneItem; } } if (isset($this->allItems)) { if ($this->allItems === true) { $listItems["allItems"] = $datas_lang["allItems"]; } else { $listItems["allItems"] = $this->allItems; } } $listItems += $this->items; if ($this->iconeLangue() == true) { $marginLeft = 50; } else { $marginLeft = 0; } $indice = 0; $datasItem = array(); foreach ($listItems as $val => $text) { $val = delQuotes($val); $value = delQuotes($value); if (in_array($val, $listDisabled)) { $stateDisabled = "state-disabled"; $disabled = "disabled"; } else { $stateDisabled = ""; $disabled = ""; } if (htmlspecialchars($val, ENT_QUOTES) == $value) { $checked = "checked"; } else { $checked = ""; } $idField = $this->field . $extlg . "_" . $indice; $datasItem[$indice] = array("val" => $val, "text" => $text, "idField" => $idField, "stateDisabled" => $stateDisabled, "disabled" => $disabled, "checked" => $checked, "marginLeft" => $marginLeft); $indice++; $marginLeft = 0; } //echoa($datasItem); $datasItemByLg[$clg] = $datasItem; } // lg $smarty->assign('datasItemByLg', $datasItemByLg); $data = $smarty->fetch($this->pathTemplate . 'inc/fields/'); $this->smartAssign($this->field, $data); return $data; }
function action_editfield() { global $CURMAN; $level = $this->required_param('level', PARAM_ACTION); $ctxlvl = context_level_base::get_custom_context_level($level, 'block_curr_admin'); if (!$ctxlvl) { print_error('invalid_context_level', 'block_curr_admin'); } $id = $this->optional_param('id', NULL, PARAM_INT); require_once CURMAN_DIRLOCATION . '/form/customfieldform.class.php'; $tmppage = new customfieldpage(array('level' => $level, 'action' => 'editfield'), $this); $form = new customfieldform($tmppage->get_moodle_url(), $this); if ($form->is_cancelled()) { $tmppage = new customfieldpage(array('level' => $level)); redirect($tmppage->get_url(), get_string('edit_cancelled', 'block_curr_admin')); } else { if ($data = $form->get_data()) { $field = new field($data); if ($id) { $field->id = $id; $field->update(); } else { $field->add(); // assume each field only belongs to one context level (for now) $fieldcontext = new field_contextlevel(); $fieldcontext->fieldid = $field->id; $fieldcontext->contextlevel = $ctxlvl; $fieldcontext->add(); } //don't use !empty here because we might be storing a 0 or similar value if ($data->defaultdata != '') { // save the default value $defaultdata = $data->defaultdata; if ($field->multivalued) { // parse as a CSV string // until we can use str_getcsv from PHP 5.3... $temp = fopen("php://memory", "rw"); fwrite($temp, $defaultdata); rewind($temp); $defaultdata = fgetcsv($temp); fclose($temp); } field_data::set_for_context_and_field(NULL, $field, $defaultdata); } else { if ($field->multivalued) { field_data::set_for_context_and_field(NULL, $field, array()); } else { field_data::set_for_context_and_field(NULL, $field, NULL); } } $plugins = get_list_of_plugins('curriculum/plugins'); foreach ($plugins as $plugin) { if (is_readable(CURMAN_DIRLOCATION . '/plugins/' . $plugin . '/custom_fields.php')) { include_once CURMAN_DIRLOCATION . '/plugins/' . $plugin . '/custom_fields.php'; if (function_exists("{$plugin}_field_save_form_data")) { call_user_func("{$plugin}_field_save_form_data", $form, $field, $data); } } } $tmppage = new customfieldpage(array('level' => $level)); redirect($tmppage->get_url(), get_string('field_saved', 'block_curr_admin', $field)); } else { if (!empty($id)) { if ($this->optional_param('from', NULL, PARAM_CLEAN) == 'moodle' && $level == 'user') { $moodlefield = $CURMAN->db->get_record('user_info_field', 'id', $id); if (!$moodlefield) { print_error('invalidfieldid', 'block_curr_admin'); } unset($moodlefield->id); $data_array = (array) $moodlefield; $data_array['datatype'] = 'text'; $data_array['manual_field_control'] = $moodlefield->datatype; switch ($moodlefield->datatype) { case field::checkbox: $data_array['datatype'] = 'bool'; break; case field::menu: $data_array['datatype'] = 'char'; $data_array['manual_field_options'] = $moodlefield->param1; break; case field::textarea: $data_array['manual_field_columns'] = $moodlefield->param1; $data_array['manual_field_rows'] = $moodlefield->param2; break; case field::text: if ($moodlefield->param3) { $data_array['manual_field_control'] = 'password'; } $data_array['manual_field_columns'] = $moodlefield->param1; $data_array['manual_field_maxlength'] = $moodlefield->param2; break; } } else { $data = new field($id); $data_array = $data->to_array(); $defaultdata = field_data::get_for_context_and_field(NULL, $data); if (!empty($defaultdata)) { if ($data->multivalued) { $values = array(); // extract the data foreach ($defaultdata as $data) { $values[] = $data->data; } // represent as a CSV string $fh = fopen("php://memory", "rw"); fputcsv($fh, $values); rewind($fh); $defaultdata = fgets($fh); fclose($fh); } else { $defaultdata = current($defaultdata); $defaultdata = $defaultdata->data; } } $data_array['defaultdata'] = $defaultdata; $plugins = get_list_of_plugins('curriculum/plugins'); foreach ($plugins as $plugin) { if (is_readable(CURMAN_DIRLOCATION . '/plugins/' . $plugin . '/custom_fields.php')) { include_once CURMAN_DIRLOCATION . '/plugins/' . $plugin . '/custom_fields.php'; if (function_exists("{$plugin}_field_get_form_data")) { $data_array += call_user_func("{$plugin}_field_get_form_data", $form, $data); } } } } $form->set_data($data_array); } $form->display(); } } }