예제 #1
    $logdate = $logdate2 = 0;
    if (file_exists($logfile)) {
        $logdate = filemtime($logfile);
    if (file_exists($logfile2)) {
        $logdate2 = filemtime($logfile2);
    $cachedate = $clusterfile->mtime();
    if ($cachedate >= $logdate && $cachedate >= $logdate2) {
        $cachefound = true;
if (!$cachefound) {
    $scale = 60;
    $scalenames = array(60 => 'minute', 60 * 60 => 'hour', 60 * 60 * 24 => 'day');
    // *** Parse storage.log files ***
    $data = ezLogsGrapher::asum(ezLogsGrapher::parseLog($logfile, $scale), ezLogsGrapher::parseLog($logfile2, $scale));
    // *** build graph and store it ***
    $graphname = sysInfoTools::ezpI18ntr('SysInfo', 'files per ' . $scalenames[$scale]);
    $graph = ezLogsGrapher::graph($data, $graphname, $scale);
    if ($graph != false) {
        $clusterfile->fileStoreContents($cachefile, $graph);
    } else {
        $errormsg = ezLogsGrapher::lastError();
// *** output ***
$tpl->setVariable('graphsource', $cachefile);
$tpl->setVariable('errormsg', $errormsg);
예제 #2
  * create graph via ezc/gd2
  * @todo verify availability of gd2?
  * @todo improve layout: col. width, x axis labels, etc...
  * @todo if zetacomponent graph is not there, create an error image using gd
 static function graph($data, $dataname, $scale = 60)
     $content = false;
     self::$lastError = '';
     $times = array_keys($data);
     $min = $times[0];
     $max = end($times);
     if (!class_exists('ezcGraphBarChart')) {
         $errormsg = "Error while rendering graph: missing Zetacomponents Graph library";
         self::$lastError = $errormsg;
         return false;
     $graph = new ezcGraphBarChart();
     $locale = eZLocale::instance();
     $graph->title = "From " . $locale->formatShortDateTime($min) . " to " . $locale->formatShortDateTime($max);
     //$graph->xAxis->label = "From " . $locale->formatShortDateTime( $min ) . " to " . $locale->formatShortDateTime( $max );
     $graph->options->font->maxFontSize = 10;
     $graph->palette = new ezcGraphPaletteEzBlue();
     $graph->yAxis->label = $dataname;
     $graph->yAxis->min = 0;
     $graph->legend = false;
     // width of bar charts is not calculated correctly by DateAxis
     //$graph->xAxis = new ezcGraphChartElementDateAxis();
     //$graph->xAxis->interval = $scale;
     $graph->xAxis = new ezcGraphChartElementNumericAxis();
     $graph->xAxis->min = $min - $scale / 2;
     $graph->xAxis->max = $max + $scale / 2;
     $graph->xAxis->labelCallback = 'calcChurnLabel';
     $graph->data[$dataname] = new ezcGraphArrayDataSet($data);
     $graph->driver = new ezcGraphGdDriver2();
     $graph->driver->options->imageFormat = IMG_JPEG;
     // pick a font that is delivered along with ezp
     $graph->options->font = 'design/standard/fonts/arial.ttf';
     try {
         $ok = ob_start();
         $graph->render(600, 400, 'php://stdout');
         $content = ob_get_clean();
         //$clusterfile->fileStoreContents( $cachefile, $content );
     } catch (exception $e) {
         $errormsg = "Error while rendering graph: " . $e->getMessage();
         self::$lastError = $errormsg;
     return $content;
예제 #3
                $mdate = gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s', filemtime($logfile)) . ' GMT';
            // *** parse rotated log files, if found ***
            for ($i = eZdebug::maxLogrotateFiles(); $i > 0; $i--) {
                $archivelog = $logfile . ".{$i}";
                if (file_exists($archivelog)) {
                    $data = array_merge($data, ezLogsGrapher::splitLog($archivelog));
                    //var_dump( $archivelog );
            // *** Parse log file ***
            $data = array_reverse(array_merge($data, ezLogsGrapher::splitLog($logfile)));
            $mdate = gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s', filemtime($logfile)) . ' GMT';
            header("Last-Modified: {$mdate}");
if ($Params['viewmode'] == 'raw') {
    // if we're here it's because desired file was not found
    // @todo return a 404 error?
    //       It can be either a valid filename but no log yet, or bad filename...
// *** output ***
$tpl->setVariable('log', $data);
$tpl->setVariable('logfile', $Params['logfile']);
$tpl->setVariable('errormsg', $errormsg);
예제 #4
// nb: this dir is calculated the same way as ezlog does
$debug = eZDebug::instance();
$logFiles = $debug->logFiles();
foreach ($logFiles as $level => $file) {
    $logfile = $file[0] . $file[1];
    $logname = str_replace('.log', '', $file[1]);
    if (file_exists($logfile)) {
        $count = 1;
        $size = filesize($logfile);
        $modified = filemtime($logfile);
        // *** parse rotated log files, if found ***
        $data = array();
        for ($i = eZdebug::maxLogrotateFiles(); $i > 0; $i--) {
            $archivelog = $logfile . ".{$i}";
            if (file_exists($archivelog)) {
                $data = ezLogsGrapher::asum($data, ezLogsGrapher::parseLog($archivelog));
                $size += filesize($archivelog);
        $logFilesList[$logname] = array('path' => $logfile, 'count' => $count, 'size' => $size, 'modified' => $modified, 'link' => 'sysinfo/logview/' . $logname);
foreach (scandir('var/log') as $log) {
    $logfile = "var/log/{$log}";
    if (is_file($logfile) && substr($log, -4) == '.log' && !in_array($log, array('error.log', 'warning.log', 'debug.log', 'notice.log', 'strict.log'))) {
        $logFilesList[$log] = array('path' => $logfile, 'count' => '[1]', 'size' => filesize($logfile), 'modified' => filemtime($logfile), 'link' => 'sysinfo/customlogview/' . str_replace(array('/', '\\'), ':', $logfile));
$logDir = eZSys::varDirectory() . '/' . $ini->variable('FileSettings', 'LogDir');
foreach (scandir($logDir) as $log) {