예제 #1
    if ($totcnt % MAXTABLESIZE == MAXTABLESIZE - 1) {
insert($w, block("<p>"));
$vars = "";
$printed = 0;
while ($row = $result->FetchRow()) {
    $vars = DisplayBlock($w, $row, $totcnt, "&domain=" . urlencode($domain) . "&cust=" . $cust . "&expr={$expr}&descrip=" . urlencode($descrip), "domain");
    if (!empty($vars) and !$printed) {
        insert($ck, anchor($vars, ">>"));
        $printed = 1;
insert($w, block("<p>"));
if ($cnt) {
    insert($w, anchor($_SERVER["PHP_SELF"] . "?cust={$cust}&dataid=0&action=export", my_("Export all changed DNS Zones"), $ipplanParanoid ? array("onclick" => "return confirm('" . my_("Are you sure to Export?") . "')") : FALSE));
} else {
    myError($w, $p, my_("Search found no DNS Zone entries"), FALSE);
insert($w, $f = form(array("method" => "post", "action" => "modifydnsform.php?cust={$cust}&action=add")));
insert($f, submit(array("value" => my_("Add a DNS Zone"))));
// create the export view form
$expression = $export->translateExpr($expr);
$export->setInfo(array(array("customer_ID", "customer_description", "search_criterion", "search_expression"), array($cust, $ds->getCustomerDescrip($cust), $expression, $descrip)));
$export->createExportForm($w, $template);