예제 #1
 public function exitEditor()
     switch ($this->params['exitType']) {
         case 'saveAsCopy':
             $oldimage = new expFile($this->params['fid']);
             $copyname = expFile::resolveDuplicateFilename($oldimage->path);
             copy(BASE . $this->cacheDir . "/" . $this->params['cpi'], $oldimage->directory . $copyname);
             //copy the edited file over to the files dir
             $newFile = new expFile(array("filename" => $copyname));
             //construct a new expFile
             $newFile->directory = $oldimage->directory;
             $newFile->title = $oldimage->title;
             $newFile->shared = $oldimage->shared;
             $newFile->mimetype = $oldimage->mimetype;
             $newFile->posted = time();
             $newFile->filesize = filesize(BASE . $this->cacheDir . "/" . $this->params['cpi']);
             $resized = getimagesize(BASE . $this->cacheDir . "/" . $this->params['cpi']);
             $newFile->image_width = $resized[0];
             $newFile->image_height = $resized[1];
             $newFile->alt = $oldimage->alt;
             $newFile->is_image = $oldimage->is_image;
             //Save it to the database
         case 'saveAsIs':
             $oldimage = new expFile($this->params['fid']);
             $resized = getimagesize(BASE . $this->cacheDir . "/" . $this->params['cpi']);
             $oldimage->image_width = $resized[0];
             $oldimage->image_height = $resized[1];
             copy(BASE . $this->cacheDir . "/" . $this->params['cpi'], $oldimage->directory . $oldimage->filename);
             //copy the edited file over to the files dir
             # code...
     // proper file types to look for
     $types = array(".jpg", ".gif", ".png");
     //Pixidou images directory, the editor's cache
     $cachedir = BASE . $this->cacheDir;
     if (is_dir($cachedir) && is_readable($cachedir)) {
         $dh = opendir($cachedir);
         while (($tmpfile = readdir($dh)) !== false) {
             if (in_array(substr($tmpfile, -4, 4), $types)) {
                 $filename = $cachedir . $tmpfile;
     redirect_to(array("controller" => 'file', "action" => 'picker', "ajax_action" => 1, "update" => $this->params['update'], "fck" => $this->params['fck']));
예제 #2
  * File UPLOAD that also inserts File info into database.
  * File UPLOAD is a straight forward uploader and processor. It can accept
  * filename and destination directory overrides as well. It has an additional
  * pair of flags that allow for an upload NOT to be inserted into the database
  * (default to INSERT) and if it previous file, with the same name, should be
  * overwritten (default to NO overwrite)
  * @static
  * @access public
  * @uses class|method|global|variable description
  * @requires class_name
  * @PHPUnit Not Defined|Implement|Completed
  * @param string $_postName  The name of the _FILE upload array
  * @param bool|string $_force Force the uploaded to overwrite existing file of same name
  * @param bool|string $_save Save file info to database, defaults to TRUE
  * @param string $_destFile  Override the uploaded file name
  * @param string $_destDir   Override the default FILE UPLOAD location
  * @return object $_objFile expFile Object
  * @return object $errMsg   Error message if something failed@throws void
  * @TODO Have file upload overwrite make sure not to duplicate its record in the DB
 public static function fileUpload($_postName = null, $_force = false, $_save = true, $_destFile = null, $_destDir = null)
     // Make sure something was sent first off...
     if (!isset($_SERVER['CONTENT_TYPE']) || strpos($_SERVER['CONTENT_TYPE'], 'multipart/form-data') !== 0) {
         return 'bad upload form';
     //check for errors
     switch ($_FILES[$_postName]['error']) {
         case UPLOAD_ERR_OK:
             // Everything looks good.  Continue with the update.
         case UPLOAD_ERR_INI_SIZE:
             //			case images:
             // This is a tricky one to catch.  If the file is too large for
             // POST, then the script won't even run.
             // But if its between post_max_size and upload_max_filesize,
             // we will get here.
             return 'file_too_large';
         case UPLOAD_ERR_FORM_SIZE:
             return 'file_exceeds_form_MAX_FILE_SIZ';
         case UPLOAD_ERR_PARTIAL:
             return 'partial_file';
         case UPLOAD_ERR_NO_FILE:
             return 'no_file_uploaded';
         case UPLOAD_ERR_NO_TMP_DIR:
             return 'missing_tmp_folder';
         case UPLOAD_ERR_CANT_WRITE:
             return 'failed_write_to_disk';
             return 'upload_stopped_by_extension';
             return 'unknown';
     // If $_destDir is not defined, use the default Files directory
     //        $_destDir = ( $_destDir == null ) ? UPLOAD_DIRECTORY : $_destDir;
     $_destDir = $_destDir == null ? UPLOAD_DIRECTORY_RELATIVE : $_destDir;
     // If $_destFile is defined, use that name as an override for the
     // uploaded file name
     $_destFile = $_destFile == null ? self::fixFileName($_FILES[$_postName]['name']) : $_destFile;
     // Fix the filename, so that we don't have funky characters screwing
     // with our attempt to create the destination file.
     // $_destFile = self::fixFileName( $_FILES[$_postName]['name']);
     // eDebug($_destFile,1);
     // Build destination fille path for future use
     $_destFullPath = BASE . $_destDir . $_destFile;
     //if the file exists and we don't want to overwrite it, create a new one
     if (file_exists($_destFullPath) && $_force == false) {
         $_destFile = self::resolveDuplicateFilename($_destFullPath);
         $_destFullPath = $_destDir . $_destFile;
     //Check to see if the directory exists.  If not, create the directory structure.
     // if (!file_exists(BASE . $_destDir)) {
     //  self::makeDirectory(BASE . $_destDir);
     // }
     // Move the temporary uploaded file into the destination directory,
     // and change the name.
     move_uploaded_file($_FILES[$_postName]['tmp_name'], $_destFullPath);
     if (file_exists($_destFullPath)) {
         $__oldumask = umask(0);
         chmod($_destFullPath, FILE_DEFAULT_MODE);
         // Checking
         if ($__oldumask != umask()) {
             flash('error', gt('An error occurred while setting file permissions') . ': ' . $_destFullPath);
     } else {
         return 'could not move';
     // At this point, we are good to go.
     // Create a new expFile Object for further processing
     $_fileParams = array('filename' => $_destFile, 'directory' => $_destDir);
     $_objFile = new expFile($_fileParams);
     // Insert new File Record
     if ($_save === true) {
     return $_objFile;
예제 #3
 public function editShare()
     global $user;
     $file = new expFile($this->params['id']);
     if (!isset($this->params['newValue'])) {
         $this->params['newValue'] = 0;
     if ($user->id == $file->poster || $user->is_acting_admin == 1) {
         $file->shared = $this->params['newValue'];
         $ar = new expAjaxReply(200, gt('This file is now shared.'), $file);
     } else {
         $ar = new expAjaxReply(300, gt("You didn't create this file, so it's not yours to share."));
     echo json_encode($file);