예제 #1
     $IDS = new eveApiCharacterID($Db);
     $input = preg_split('/$\\R?^/m', $_POST['characters']);
     $_SESSION['redFlagIds'] = $IDS->IDs;
     $_SESSION['redFlagText'] = $_POST['characters'];
 case "character":
     $id = $_POST['cID'];
     $uID = $_POST['uID'];
     $vCode = $_POST['vCode'];
     $char = new eveApiSkills($Db);
     if (!$char->fetch($id, $uID, $vCode)) {
         return $id . "<321>ERROR";
     $info['id'] = $id;
     $info['balance'] = number_format($char->balance, 2);
     $info['sptotal'] = number_format($char->SPTotal, 0);
     $info['dob'] = date("Y-m-d", $char->charDOB);
 case "removeKey":
     $id = $_POST['keyID'];
     $result = remove_api_key($Db, $id);
     if ($result !== false) {
         $info['id'] = $id;
     } else {
         $info['result'] = "failure";
    public function GetOutput($Db)
        global $SkillsApi;
        $full_url = FULL_URL;
        // TODO
        $small = isset($_GET['small']);
        $SkillsApi = new eveApiSkills($Db);
        $time_start = microtime_float();
        if (!$SkillsApi->fetch(CHAR_ID, USER_ID, API_KEY)) {
            $this->Output = $SkillsApi->Error;
            return false;
        if (isset($_GET['fitcheck']) || isset($_GET['fittingid'])) {
            $time_end = microtime_float();
            $time_api = $time_end - $time_start;
            $this->Title = "Jackknife Fitting Checker";
            if (isset($_POST['fitting']) || isset($_GET['fittingid'])) {
                $warnings = "";
                $ship = "";
                $fit_name = "";
                if (isset($_POST['fitting'])) {
                    $fit = trim($_POST['fitting']);
                    $fitting = parse_eft_fit($Db, $fit, $warnings, $ship, $fit_name);
                } else {
                    $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM " . DB_PREFIX . FITTINGS_TABLE . " WHERE keyv=\"" . mysql_real_escape_string($_GET['fittingid']) . "\"", $Db->link);
                    if ($result != false && mysql_num_rows($result) > 0) {
                        // yay! got a cached value
                        $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result);
                        $ship = $row["ship"];
                        $fit_name = $row["name"];
                        $fitting = unserialize($row["fit"]);
                        $this->stored = true;
                        $this->key = $_GET['fittingid'];
                    } else {
                        $this->Output .= "<br><b>Fit Key unknown.</b> You muppet.<br>";
                        $this->Output .= "<br><a href=\"" . FULL_URL . "&view=skills&fitcheck=1\">[try another fit]</a> <a href=\"" . FULL_URL . "&view=skills\">[back to skills]</a><br>";
                        return true;
                if (strlen($warnings) > 0) {
                    $this->Output .= "<br>\n<b>Fit parsing warnings:</b><br> {$warnings}\n<h4 style=\"color: red\">Your fit will not be saved until these warnings are resolved.</h4>";
                if (count($fitting) == 0) {
                    $this->Output .= "<br><b>FIT WAS UNABLE TO BE PARSED!</b> You muppet.<br>";
                    $this->Output .= "<br><a href=\"" . FULL_URL . "&view=skills&fitcheck=1\">[try another fit]</a> <a href=\"" . FULL_URL . "&view=skills\">[back to skills]</a><br>";
                    return true;
                } else {
                    $canuse = true;
                    $low = "";
                    $med = "";
                    $high = "";
                    $rigs = "";
                    $drones = "";
                    $subsy = "";
                    $skillsneeded = "";
                    $this->key = md5(serialize($fitting));
                    if (!$this->stored && strlen($warnings) == 0) {
                        $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM " . DB_PREFIX . FITTINGS_TABLE . " WHERE keyv=\"{$this->key}\"");
                        $this->redirect = true;
                        $this->stored = true;
                        if ($result == false || mysql_num_rows($result) == 0) {
                            $sql = "INSERT INTO " . DB_PREFIX . FITTINGS_TABLE . " (keyv, name, ship, fit) VALUES('{$this->key}', '" . mysql_real_escape_string($fit_name) . "', '" . mysql_real_escape_string($ship) . "', '" . mysql_real_escape_string(serialize($fitting)) . "')";
                            mysql_query($sql, $Db->link);
                    foreach ($fitting as $typeID => $qty) {
                        $name = $Db->getNameFromTypeId($typeID);
                        $slot = $Db->getSlotFromTypeId($typeID);
                        if ($slot == SLOT_DRONE) {
                            $drones .= "{$name} x{$qty}<br>";
                        } else {
                            for ($i = 0; $i < $qty; $i++) {
                                switch ($slot) {
                                    case SLOT_LOW:
                                        $low .= $name . "<br>\n";
                                    case SLOT_HIGH:
                                        $high .= $name . "<br>\n";
                                    case SLOT_MED:
                                        $med .= $name . "<br>\n";
                                    case SLOT_RIG:
                                        $rigs .= $name . "<br>\n";
                                    case SLOT_SUBSYSTEM:
                                        $subsy .= $name . "<br>\n";
                        $arr = $SkillsApi->canCharUseTypeIDAdvanced($typeID);
                        if (count($arr) != 0) {
                            $canuse = false;
                            $skillsneeded .= "<b><span style=\"color:darkred;\">{$name}: Missing skills!</span></b>&nbsp;&nbsp;<br><span style=\"font-size: 80%\">\n";
                            foreach ($arr as $typeIDSkill => $missing) {
                                $skillsneeded .= $Db->getNameFromTypeId($typeIDSkill) . ": {$missing}<br>\n";
                            $skillsneeded .= "</span><br>";
                    if ($canuse) {
                        $this->Output .= "<h3 style=\"color:green;\">You can use this fit!</h3>\n";
                    } else {
                        $this->Output .= "<h3 style=\"color:red;\">You are missing skills to use this fit.</b></h3>\n";
                    $this->Output .= "<table class=\"fittingskills\"><tr>";
                    if ($skillsneeded != "") {
                        $this->Output .= "<th>missing skills</th>";
                    $this->Output .= "<th>fitting</th>";
                    $this->Output .= "</tr><tr>";
                    $this->Output .= "<td valign=\"top\">{$skillsneeded}</td>";
                    $this->Output .= "<td valign=\"top\">[{$ship}, {$fit_name}]<br>{$low}<br>{$med}<br>{$high}<br>";
                    if ($rigs != "") {
                        $this->Output .= "{$rigs}<br>";
                    if ($subsy != "") {
                        $this->Output .= "{$subsy}<br>";
                    if ($drones != "") {
                        $this->Output .= "<br>{$drones}";
                    $this->Output .= "</td></tr></table><br>";
                if (strlen($warnings) == 0) {
                    $this->Output .= "<h4 style=\"display:inline;\" >Fitting Test URL</h4> - Give this link to friends so they can test their skills against this fit!<br><input type=\"text\" value=\"" . SELF_URL . "fittingid={$this->key}\"  onclick=\"this.select()\" size=85 readonly>";
                $this->Output .= "<h4><a href=\"" . FULL_URL . "&view=skills&fitcheck=1\">[try another fitting]</a>&nbsp;";
                if (strlen($warnings) == 0) {
                    $this->Output .= "<a href=\"" . SELF_URL . "newapi&fittingid={$this->key}\">[try another account]</a>&nbsp;";
                $this->Output .= "<a href=\"" . FULL_URL . "&view=skills\">[back to skills]</a><br></h4>";
            } else {
                $this->Output = "<H4>Paste an EFT-style fit here!</h4><form method=\"post\" action=\"" . FULL_URL . "&view=skills&fitcheck=1\"><textarea name=\"fitting\" cols=\"50\" rows=\"20\"></textarea><br><input type=\"submit\" value=\"Test Ship Fitting\"></form>";
                $this->Output .= "<br><a href=\"" . FULL_URL . "&view=skills\">[back to skills]</a><br>";
        } else {
            // skills view
            $skillInf = new eveApiTraining($Db);
            $skillTraining = $skillInf->fetch(CHAR_ID, USER_ID, API_KEY);
            $time_end = microtime_float();
            $time_api = $time_end - $time_start;
            $itemTypesUsed = array(3336, 3327, 3332, 3328, 3339, 3335, 3331, 3337, 3333, 3329, 3338, 3334, 3330, 16591, 12095, 3413, 3392, 3318, 3300, 28609, 3435, 3426, 3449, 22761, 12093, 3432, 3431, 12096, 3428, 23950, 12099, 3354, 3348, 28656, 11579, 21611, 3456, 3455, 3402, 28667, 3424, 11207, 19719, 3380, 12092, 3453, 12098, 12097, 11569, 20494, 3352, 20495, 3351, 3350, 11572, 3349, 13209, 3411, 21889, 21888, 21890, 22442, 20405, 22474, 20069, 22468, 20070, 22446, 20124, 20533, 20342, 29029, 24563, 3421, 24562, 3412, 27906, 22043, 28585, 24625, 3387, 3347, 3345, 3344, 3346, 20527, 3340, 20524, 3343, 20528, 3341, 20526, 3342, 24313, 3442, 3436, 24311, 24314, 24312, 20531, 20525, 20532, 20530, 20327, 3309, 3306, 3303, 21666, 3307, 3304, 3301, 21667, 3308, 3305, 3302, 32435, 3319, 3326, 3324, 3321, 21668, 3325, 24572, 3423, 24571, 3422, 27936, 27902, 24568, 16069, 3393, 21803, 3394, 21802, 3419, 3416, 28352, 28374, 17940, 3410, 3386, 28606, 29637, 22552, 22536, 17476, 22544, 22551, 3320, 25719, 23069, 639, 2961, 12203, 3311, 12202, 12201, 1306, 24688, 3090, 12207, 12206, 11082, 2281, 3420, 3841, 3425, 642, 3065, 12205, 12204, 11083, 641, 638, 19739, 20212, 2929, 12209, 3312, 12208, 11084, 11359, 644, 2446, 3441, 12486, 2420, 20213, 643, 3057, 12215, 12214, 12213, 3186, 12212, 12211, 12210, 645, 640, 2567, 3427, 13320, 12023, 1999, 3082, 12003, 3025, 12015, 2969, 12011, 1978, 3317, 16229, 24696, 24702, 16227, 24698, 2410, 20211, 10858, 3540, 2444, 22456, 22782, 11446, 3829, 22460, 22452, 22464, 19724, 20701, 20448, 23563, 23594, 23606, 20280, 19720, 20446, 19722, 20703, 20454, 32444, 19726, 24569, 3616, 23911, 12219, 23757, 24483, 23915, 21096, 21603, 12084, 3454, 3450, 11269, 2048, 11325, 1952, 1541, 1355, 519, 11578, 3244, 527);
            // speed things up - cache ahead of time
            $Db->cacheGroupTypes(array(257, 272, 269, 273, 255, 268, 256, 270, 275, 266, 258, 271, 274, 278));
            $this->Updated = APITime($SkillsApi);
            $this->Title = "Skills for " . CHAR_NAME;
            $this->Header = <<<EOD
<table style="font-size:95%; border-spacing: 10px;">
<td VALIGN="top">
<img src="http://image.eveonline.com/Character/
            $this->Header .= CHAR_ID . "_256.jpg\" height=118 width=118></td><td><span style=\"font-size:";
            $this->Header .= strlen($SkillsApi->charName) > 18 ? "300" : "400";
            $this->Header .= "%\">" . $SkillsApi->charName . "</span><br>";
            $this->Header .= $SkillsApi->corpName;
            $this->Header .= "<br><span style=\"font-size:75%\">";
            $this->Header .= number_format($SkillsApi->SPTotal, 0) . " SP in " . $SkillsApi->SkillCount . " skills<br>";
            $this->Header .= number_format($SkillsApi->balance, 2) . " ISK<br>";
            $this->Header .= "Born " . date("Y-m-d", $SkillsApi->charDOB) . "</span></td></tr>";
            $this->Header .= "<tr><td colspan=\"2\">";
            $this->Header .= "<span style=\"font-size:75%;\"><a href=\"" . FULL_URL . "&view=skills&fitcheck\">check " . CHAR_NAME . "'s skills against a ship fit</a><br><a target=\"_blank\" href=\"http://eve-search.com/search/author/";
            $this->Header .= str_replace(" ", "%20", $SkillsApi->charName);
            $this->Header .= "/forum/734105\">search character sale forums for character</a></span><br></td></tr>";
            $this->Header .= <<<EOD
<td valign=top align="right">
<table class="skills_legends">
<tr><th colspan="2">Legend</th></tr>
<tr><td>level "U"</td><td>Skill is trainable but not owned</td></tr>
<tr><td>"can fly a"</td><td>can use ship and the mods needed (t2 weaps)</td></tr>
<tr><td>guided m</td><td>guided missiles; eg. standard, heavy, cruise</td></tr>
<tr><td>unguided</td><td>unguided missiles; rockets, heavy ass., torp</td></tr>
<tr><td>poorly vs well</td><td>can use both of associated carrier's remote reps</td></tr>
<tr><td>snipe</td><td>long range t2 weapons and associated modules</td></tr>
<tr><td>RR</td><td>remote rep; short range t2 weapons and armour tank</td></tr>
</table></td></tr><tr><td colspan=2>
            if (!ob_start()) {
                die("fatal error - OB opening failed.");
            $this->Output = "<table class=\"skills_table\"><tr VALIGN=\"top\">";
            if ($small) {
                echo "<td VALIGN=\"top\" width=\"250\" rowspan=\"2\">\n";
                include "skills.tab.php";
                echo "</td>\n<td VALIGN=\"top\">\n";
                include "racial.tab.php";
                echo "</td>\n<td VALIGN=\"top\">\n";
                include "caps.tab.php";
                echo "<td VALIGN=\"top\">\n";
                include "weaps.tab.php";
                echo "</td>\n<td VALIGN=\"top\">\n";
                include "fleet.tab.php";
                echo "</td></tr>\n<tr>";
                echo "<td VALIGN=\"top\">\n";
                include "skillst2.tab.php";
                echo "</td>\n<td VALIGN=\"top\">\n";
                include "ldrskil.tab.php";
                echo "</td>\n<td VALIGN=\"top\">\n";
                include "t2mods.tab.php";
                echo "</td>\n<td VALIGN=\"top\">\n";
                include "misc.tab.php";
            } else {
                echo "<td VALIGN=\"top\" width=\"250\">\n";
                include "skills.tab.php";
                echo "</td>\n<td VALIGN=\"top\">\n";
                include "racial.tab.php";
                echo "</td>\n<td VALIGN=\"top\">\n";
                include "skillst2.tab.php";
                echo "</td>\n<td VALIGN=\"top\">\n";
                include "ldrskil.tab.php";
                echo "</td>\n<td VALIGN=\"top\">\n";
                include "caps.tab.php";
                echo "</td>\n<td VALIGN=\"top\">\n";
                include "weaps.tab.php";
                echo "</td>\n<td VALIGN=\"top\">\n";
                include "fleet.tab.php";
                echo "</td>\n<td VALIGN=\"top\">\n";
                include "t2mods.tab.php";
                echo "</td>\n<td VALIGN=\"top\">\n";
                include "misc.tab.php";
            $this->Output .= ob_get_contents();
            $this->Output .= "</td>";
            if ($small) {
                $this->Output .= "<td></td>";
            $this->Output .= "</tr>\n</table></td></tr></table>";
            $this->Output .= "<span style=\"font-size:80%;\">";
            $this->Output .= "best viewed in " . ($small ? "1024x768" : "1440x900") . "<br>";
            if (!$small) {
                $this->Output .= "<a href=\"{$full_url}&small\">compact view</a><br>";
            $this->Output .= "</span>";
        $this->Times = getPageTimes($Db, $time_api, microtime_float() - $time_start);
        return true;