예제 #1
  * Builds SQL statement from 'select' node
  * @return boolean
  * @throws epExceptionQueryBuilder
 protected function buildSqlSelect(epQueryNode &$node)
     // order matters!!
     // build aggregate
     $aggregate = $this->pm->quoteId($this->primary_alias . '.*');
     if ($n = $node->getChild('aggregate')) {
         $aggregate = $this->aggr_func = $this->buildSqlAggregate($n);
     // build where
     $where = 'WHERE 1=1';
     if ($n = $node->getChild('where')) {
         $where = $this->buildSqlWhere($n);
     // build limit
     $limit = '';
     if ($n = $node->getChild('limit')) {
         $limit = $this->limit = $this->buildSqlLimit($n);
     // build orderby
     $orderby = '';
     if ($n = $node->getChild('orderby')) {
         $orderby = $this->buildSqlOrderby($n);
     // get the first part select+distinct+aggregate
     $select = "SELECT DISTINCT {$aggregate} ";
     // get the second part order by + limit
     $orderby_limit = '';
     if ($orderby) {
         $orderby_limit .= ' ' . $orderby;
     if ($limit) {
         $orderby_limit .= ' ' . $limit;
     // get sql left-joins for primary/secondary roots
     $sql_parts = $this->pm->getRootSql();
     // pick out the primary root
     $p_sql_parts = $sql_parts[$this->primary_alias];
     // unset primary and get all secondary parts
     $s_sql_parts = $sql_parts;
     // arrays to hold froms and joins
     $froms = array();
     $joins = array();
     // quote id (primary alias)
     $p_alias = $this->pm->quoteId($this->primary_alias);
     // loop through tables for primary root
     foreach ($p_sql_parts as $p_table => $p_joins) {
         // quote id
         $p_table = $this->pm->quoteId($p_table);
         // collect table-as-alias for primary root
         $froms[] = array($p_table . ' AS ' . $p_alias);
         $joins[] = array($p_joins);
     // loop through tables for secondary roots
     foreach ($s_sql_parts as $s_alias => $s_sql_part) {
         // quote id
         $s_alias = $this->pm->quoteId($s_alias);
         // backup froms and joins
         $froms0 = $froms;
         $joins0 = $joins;
         // reset froms and joins
         $froms = array();
         $joins = array();
         // loop through joins for each secondary table
         foreach ($s_sql_part as $s_table => $s_joins) {
             // quote id
             $s_table = $this->pm->quoteId($s_table);
             // start with froms/joins backup
             $froms_ = $froms0;
             $joins_ = $joins0;
             // collect table-as-alias for secondary root
             foreach ($froms_ as $k => $from) {
                 $froms_[$k][] = $s_table . ' AS ' . $s_alias;
             // collect joins
             foreach ($joins_ as $k => $join) {
                 $joins_[$k][] = $s_joins;
             $froms = array_merge($froms, $froms_);
             $joins = array_merge($joins, $joins_);
     // array to hold all sql statements
     $stmts = array();
     // assemble from 'froms' and 'joins'
     for ($i = 0; $i < count($froms); $i++) {
         // make from clause
         $from = implode(', ', $froms[$i]);
         // make left join clauses
         $join = '';
         if ($joins[$i]) {
             $join = implode('', $joins[$i]);
         // assemble a sql statement
         $stmts[] = $select . 'FROM ' . $from . ' ' . $join . $where;
     // if we have only one statement
     if (1 == count($stmts)) {
         // append orderby and limit clauses
         $stmts[0] .= $orderby_limit;
         // empty limit so no post-query limit operation
         $this->limit = false;
     return $stmts;
  * Builds SQL statement from 'select' node
  * @return boolean
  * @throws epExceptionQueryBuilder
 protected function buildSqlSelect(epQueryNode &$node)
     // order matters!!
     // build aggregate
     $aggregate = $this->qid($this->root_alias . '.*');
     if ($n = $node->getChild('aggregate')) {
         $aggregate = $this->aggr_func = $this->buildSqlAggregate($n);
     // build where
     $where = array();
     $n = $node->getChild('where');
     foreach ($this->root_classes as $root_class) {
         if ($n) {
             $this->aliases[$this->root_alias] = $root_class;
             $where[] = $w = $this->buildSqlWhere($n);
         } else {
             $where[] = 'WHERE 1=1';
     // build limit
     $limit = '';
     if ($n = $node->getChild('limit')) {
         $limit = $this->limit = $this->buildSqlLimit($n);
     // build orderby
     $orderby = '';
     if ($n = $node->getChild('orderby')) {
         $orderby = $this->orderby = $this->buildSqlOrderby($n);
     // build from (must be last)
     $from = array();
     if ($n = $node->getChild('from')) {
         foreach ($this->root_classes as $root_class) {
             $this->aliases[$this->root_alias] = $root_class;
             $from[] = $this->buildSqlFrom($n);
     // get the first part select+distinct+aggregate
     $sql1 = "SELECT DISTINCT {$aggregate} ";
     // get the second part order by + limit
     $sql2 = '';
     if ($orderby) {
         $sql2 .= ' ' . $orderby;
     if ($limit) {
         $sql2 .= ' ' . $limit;
     // add the froms and wheres
     for ($i = 0; $i < count($this->root_classes); $i++) {
         $sql[] = $sql1 . $from[$i] . ' ' . $where[$i];
     // only one sql stmt, so orderby and limit won't mess up
     if (count($this->root_classes) == 1) {
         $this->limit = $this->orderby = false;
         $sql[0] .= $sql2;
     return $sql;