
include __DIR__ . '/../../vendor/autoload.php';
include "credentials.php";
//App url
$appUrl = 'http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
$returnUrl = $appUrl;
$cancelUrl = $appUrl;
$logoUrl = '';
//Create Request Object
$request = new \easyPaypal\Request(true, $creed['username'], $creed['password'], $creed['signature'], $returnUrl, $cancelUrl, $logoUrl);
//Create Transaction Object
$transaction = new \easyPaypal\Transaction();
//Set start and end date
$startDate = new \DateTime();
$endtDate = new \DateTime();
$startDate->sub(new DateInterval('P30D'));
//Set request
//Search transactions
$transactions = $transaction->transactionSearch();
echo "Full Refund test <br/><br/>";
//Get transaction details
$details = $transaction->getTransactionDetails($transactions[0]->getTxnId());
//Full Refund transaction
$response = $transaction->refundTransaction($details->getTxnId(), 'Full');
if (isset($response['ACK']) && $response['ACK'] == "Success") {
    echo "Success on Full Refund transaction. REFUNDTRANSACTIONID: " . $response['REFUNDTRANSACTIONID'] . "<br/><br/>";

include __DIR__ . '/../../vendor/autoload.php';
include "credentials.php";
//App url
$appUrl = 'http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
$returnUrl = $appUrl;
$cancelUrl = $appUrl;
$logoUrl = '';
//Create Request Object
$request = new \easyPaypal\Request(true, $creed['username'], $creed['password'], $creed['signature'], $returnUrl, $cancelUrl, $logoUrl);
//Create Transaction Object
$transaction = new \easyPaypal\Transaction();
//Set start and end date
$startDate = new \DateTime();
$endtDate = new \DateTime();
$startDate->sub(new DateInterval('P30D'));
//Set request
//Search transaction
$response = $transaction->transactionSearch();
foreach ($response as $t) {
    echo $t->getCustomer()->getFirstName() . "<br/>";
    echo $t->getCustomer()->getLastName() . "<br/>";
    echo $t->getCustomer()->getEmail() . "<br/>";
    echo $t->getPaymentDate() . "<br/>";
    echo $t->getTxnId() . "<br/>";
    echo $t->getPaymentStatus() . "<br/>";
    echo $t->getTxnType() . "<br/>";

include __DIR__ . '/../../vendor/autoload.php';
include "credentials.php";
//App url
$appUrl = 'http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
$returnUrl = $appUrl;
$cancelUrl = $appUrl;
$logoUrl = '';
//Create Request Object
$request = new \easyPaypal\Request(true, $creed['username'], $creed['password'], $creed['signature'], $returnUrl, $cancelUrl, $logoUrl);
//Create Transaction Object
$transaction = new \easyPaypal\Transaction();
//Set start and end date
$startDate = new \DateTime();
$endtDate = new \DateTime();
$startDate->sub(new DateInterval('P30D'));
//Set request
//Search transaction
$transactions = $transaction->transactionSearch();
//Get transaction details
$details = $transaction->getTransactionDetails($transactions[0]->getTxnId());
echo $details->getCustomer()->getFirstName() . "<br/>";
echo $details->getCustomer()->getLastName() . "<br/>";
echo $details->getCustomer()->getEmail() . "<br/>";
echo $details->getPaymentDate() . "<br/>";
echo $details->getTxnId() . "<br/>";
echo $details->getTxnType() . "<br/>";