function getXMLString($name = false, $data, $ret = false, $debug = false) { // given string $data, will return the text string content of the $name attribute content of a given valid xml document. if ($debug) { ezDebug::writeNotice($name, 'getXMLString:name'); } // get information out of eZXML $xml = new eZXML(); $xmlDoc = $data; if ($debug) { ezDebug::writeNotice($data, 'getXMLString:data'); } // continue only with content if ($xmlDoc != null and $name != null) { $dom = $xml->domTree($xmlDoc); $element = $dom->elementsByName("{$name}"); if (is_object($element[0])) { $string = $element[0]->textContent(); $ret = $string; } else { eZDebug::writeNotice('Key "' . $name . '" does not exist.', 'wrap_operator'); } } if ($debug) { ezDebug::writeNotice($ret, 'getXMLString:ret'); } return $ret; }
function processEditActions(&$validation, $params) { $http = eZHTTPTool::instance(); if ($http->hasPostVariable('SurveyQuestion_' . $this->ID . '_Text') && $http->postVariable('SurveyQuestion_' . $this->ID . '_Text') != $this->Text) { $inputXML = $http->postVariable('SurveyQuestion_' . $this->ID . '_Text'); $xmlData = "<section xmlns:image='' xmlns:xhtml='' xmlns:custom='' >"; $xmlData .= "<paragraph>"; $xmlData .= $inputXML; $xmlData .= "</paragraph>"; $xmlData .= "</section>"; $xmlObject = new eZXMLText($inputXML, null); $inputHandler = $xmlObject->attribute('input'); $data =& $inputHandler->convertInput($xmlData); $domString =& eZXMLTextType::domString($data[0]); $domString = preg_replace("#<paragraph> </paragraph>#", "<paragraph> </paragraph>", $domString); $domString = str_replace("<paragraph />", "", $domString); $domString = str_replace("<line />", "", $domString); $domString = str_replace("<paragraph></paragraph>", "", $domString); $domString = preg_replace("#<paragraph> </paragraph>#", "<paragraph />", $domString); $domString = preg_replace("#<paragraph></paragraph>#", "", $domString); $domString = preg_replace("#[\n]+#", "", $domString); $domString = preg_replace("#</line>#", "\n", $domString); $domString = preg_replace("#<paragraph>#", "\n\n", $domString); $xml = new eZXML(); $tmpDom = $xml->domTree($domString, array('CharsetConversion' => false)); $domString = eZXMLTextType::domString($tmpDom); $this->setAttribute('text', $domString); } if ($http->hasPostVariable('SurveyQuestion_' . $this->ID . '_Text2') && $http->postVariable('SurveyQuestion_' . $this->ID . '_Text2') != $this->Text2) { $this->setAttribute('text2', $http->postVariable('SurveyQuestion_' . $this->ID . '_Text2')); } if ($http->hasPostVariable('SurveyQuestion_' . $this->ID . '_Text3') && $http->postVariable('SurveyQuestion_' . $this->ID . '_Text3') != $this->Text3) { $this->setAttribute('text3', $http->postVariable('SurveyQuestion_' . $this->ID . '_Text3')); } if ($http->hasPostVariable('SurveyQuestion_' . $this->ID . '_Num') && $http->postVariable('SurveyQuestion_' . $this->ID . '_Num') != $this->Num) { $this->setAttribute('num', $http->postVariable('SurveyQuestion_' . $this->ID . '_Num')); } if ($http->hasPostVariable('SurveyQuestion_' . $this->ID . '_Num2') && $http->postVariable('SurveyQuestion_' . $this->ID . '_Num2') != $this->Num2) { $this->setAttribute('num2', $http->postVariable('SurveyQuestion_' . $this->ID . '_Num2')); } if ($http->hasPostVariable('SurveyQuestion_' . $this->ID . '_Mandatory_Hidden')) { if ($http->hasPostVariable('SurveyQuestion_' . $this->ID . '_Mandatory')) { $newMandatory = 1; } else { $newMandatory = 0; } if ($newMandatory != $this->Mandatory) { $this->setAttribute('mandatory', $newMandatory); } } if ($http->hasPostVariable('SurveyQuestion_' . $this->ID . '_Default') && $http->postVariable('SurveyQuestion_' . $this->ID . '_Default') != $this->Default) { $this->setAttribute('default_value', $http->postVariable('SurveyQuestion_' . $this->ID . '_Default')); } }