function sendMail(ezcMail $mail) { $separator = "/"; $mail->appendExcludeHeaders(array('to', 'subject')); $headers = rtrim($mail->generateHeaders()); // rtrim removes the linebreak at the end, mail doesn't want it. if (count($mail->to) + count($mail->cc) + count($mail->bcc) < 1) { throw new ezcMailTransportException('No recipient addresses found in message header.'); } $additionalParameters = ""; if (isset($mail->returnPath)) { $additionalParameters = "-f{$mail->returnPath->email}"; } $sys = eZSys::instance(); $fname = time() . '-' . rand() . '.mail'; $qdir = eZSys::siteDir() . eZSys::varDirectory() . $separator . 'mailq'; $data = $headers . ezcMailTools::lineBreak(); $data .= ezcMailTools::lineBreak(); $data .= $mail->generateBody(); $data = preg_replace('/(\\r\\n|\\r|\\n)/', "\r\n", $data); $success = eZFile::create($fname, $qdir, $data); if ($success === false) { throw new ezcMailTransportException('The email could not be sent by sendmail'); } }
function getStore() { $varDirPath = realpath(eZSys::varDirectory()); $store_path = $varDirPath . eZSys::fileSeparator() . 'openid_consumer'; if (!file_exists($store_path) && !mkdir($store_path)) { //throw error exit(0); } $store = new Auth_OpenID_FileStore($store_path); return $store; }
/** * tmp dir for mail parser * ezvardir / cjw_newsletter/tmp/ * @return string dirname */ public function getTmpDir($createDirIfNotExists = true) { $varDir = eZSys::varDirectory(); // $dir = $varDir . "/cjw_newsletter/tmp/"; $dir = eZDir::path(array($varDir, 'cjw_newsletter', 'tmp')); $fileSep = eZSys::fileSeparator(); $filePath = $dir . $fileSep; if ($createDirIfNotExists === true) { if (!file_exists($filePath)) { eZDir::mkdir($filePath, false, true); } } return $filePath; }
/** * Logs the string $logString to the logfile webservices.log * in the current log directory (usually var/log). * If logging is disabled, nothing is done. * * In dev mode, also writes to the eZP logs to ease debugging (this happens * regardless of the logging level set for the extension itself) */ static function appendLogEntry($logString, $debuglevel) { $ini = eZINI::instance('site.ini'); if ($ini->variable('DebugSettings', 'DebugOutput') == 'enabled' && $ini->variable('TemplateSettings', 'DevelopmentMode') == 'enabled') { switch ($debuglevel) { case 'info': case 'notice': eZDebug::writeNotice($logString, 'ggwebservices'); break; case 'debug': eZDebug::writeDebug($logString, 'ggwebservices'); break; case 'warning': eZDebug::writeWarning($logString, 'ggwebservices'); break; case 'error': case 'critical': eZDebug::writeError($logString, 'ggwebservices'); break; } } if (!self::isLoggingEnabled($debuglevel)) { return false; } $varDir = eZSys::varDirectory(); $logDir = 'log'; $logName = 'webservices.log'; $fileName = $varDir . '/' . $logDir . '/' . $logName; if (!file_exists($varDir . '/' . $logDir)) { //include_once( 'lib/ezfile/classes/ezdir.php' ); eZDir::mkdir($varDir . '/' . $logDir, 0775, true); } if ($logFile = fopen($fileName, 'a')) { $nowTime = date("Y-m-d H:i:s : "); $text = $nowTime . $logString; /*if ( $label ) $text .= ' [' . $label . ']';*/ fwrite($logFile, $text . "\n"); fclose($logFile); } }
/** * Constructs an empty CjwNewsletterLog instance * * This constructor is private as this class should be used as a * singleton. Use the getInstance() method instead to get an ezcLog instance. * * @param boolean $isCliMode * @return void */ protected function __construct($isCliMode = false) { if ($isCliMode === true) { $this->isCliMode = true; } $this->reset(); $log = $this; // "var/log" $ini = eZINI::instance(); $varDir = eZSys::varDirectory(); $iniLogDir = $ini->variable('FileSettings', 'LogDir'); $permissions = octdec($ini->variable('FileSettings', 'LogFilePermissions')); $logDir = eZDir::path(array($varDir, $iniLogDir)); $logNamePostfix = ''; // Debug enabled $cjwNewsletterIni = eZINI::instance('cjw_newsletter.ini'); if ($cjwNewsletterIni->variable('DebugSettings', 'Debug') == 'enabled') { $this->debug = true; } if ($isCliMode === true) { $logNamePostfix = 'cli_'; } // Create the writers $generalFilename = "cjw_newsletter_" . $logNamePostfix . "general.log"; $errorFilename = "cjw_newsletter_" . $logNamePostfix . "error.log"; $writeAll = new ezcLogUnixFileWriter($logDir, $generalFilename); $writeErrors = new ezcLogUnixFileWriter($logDir, $errorFilename); // Check file permissions foreach (array($generalFilename, $errorFilename) as $file) { $path = eZDir::path(array($logDir, $file)); if (substr(decoct(fileperms($path)), 2) !== $permissions) { @chmod($path, $permissions); } } $errorFilter = new ezcLogFilter(); $errorFilter->severity = ezcLog::ERROR; $log->getMapper()->appendRule(new ezcLogFilterRule($errorFilter, $writeErrors, true)); $log->getMapper()->appendRule(new ezcLogFilterRule(new ezcLogFilter(), $writeAll, true)); }
static function printReport($newWindow = false, $as_html = true, $returnReport = false, $allowedDebugLevels = false, $useAccumulators = true, $useTiming = true, $useIncludedFiles = false) { if (!eZDebug::isDebugEnabled()) { return null; } $debug = eZDebug::instance(); $report = $debug->printReportInternal($as_html, $returnReport & $newWindow, $allowedDebugLevels, $useAccumulators, $useTiming, $useIncludedFiles); if ($newWindow == true) { $debugFilePath = eZDir::path(array(eZSys::varDirectory(), 'cache', 'debug.html')); $debugFileURL = $debugFilePath; eZURI::transformURI($debugFileURL, true); print "\n<SCRIPT LANGUAGE='JavaScript'>\n<!-- hide this script from old browsers\n\nfunction showDebug()\n{\n var debugWindow;\n\n if (navigator.appName == \"Microsoft Internet Explorer\")\n {\n //Microsoft Internet Explorer\n debugWindow = '{$debugFileURL}', 'ezdebug', 'width=500,height=550,status,scrollbars,resizable,screenX=0,screenY=20,left=20,top=40');\n debugWindow.document.close();\n debugWindow.location.reload();\n }\n else if (navigator.appName == \"Opera\")\n {\n //Opera\n debugWindow = '', 'ezdebug', 'width=500,height=550,status,scrollbars,resizable,screenX=0,screenY=20,left=20,top=40');\n debugWindow.location.href=\"{$debugFileURL}\";\n debugWindow.navigate(\"{$debugFileURL}\");\n }\n else\n {\n //Mozilla, Firefox, etc.\n debugWindow = '', 'ezdebug', 'width=500,height=550,status,scrollbars,resizable,screenX=0,screenY=20,left=20,top=40');\n debugWindow.document.location.href=\"{$debugFileURL}\";\n };\n}\n\nshowDebug();\n\n// done hiding from old browsers -->\n</SCRIPT>\n"; $header = "<html><head><title>eZ debug</title></head><body>"; $footer = "</body></html>"; $fp = fopen($debugFilePath, "w+"); fwrite($fp, $header); fwrite($fp, $report); fwrite($fp, $footer); fclose($fp); } else { if ($returnReport) { return $report; } } return null; }
static function cacheDirectory() { $ini = eZINI::instance(); $cacheDir = $ini->variable('FileSettings', 'CacheDir'); if ($cacheDir[0] == "/") { return eZDir::path(array($cacheDir)); } else { return eZDir::path(array(eZSys::varDirectory(), $cacheDir)); } }
static function printReport($newWindow = false, $as_html = true, $returnReport = false, $allowedDebugLevels = false, $useAccumulators = true, $useTiming = true, $useIncludedFiles = false) { if (!self::isDebugEnabled()) { return null; } $debug = self::instance(); $report = $debug->printReportInternal($as_html, $returnReport & $newWindow, $allowedDebugLevels, $useAccumulators, $useTiming, $useIncludedFiles); if ($newWindow == true) { $debugFilePath = eZDir::path(array(eZSys::varDirectory(), 'cache', 'debug.html')); $debugFileURL = $debugFilePath; eZURI::transformURI($debugFileURL, true); print "\n<script type='text/javascript'>\n<!--\n\n(function()\n{\n var debugWindow;\n\n if (navigator.appName == \"Microsoft Internet Explorer\")\n {\n //Microsoft Internet Explorer\n debugWindow = '{$debugFileURL}', 'ezdebug', 'width=500,height=550,status,scrollbars,resizable,screenX=0,screenY=20,left=20,top=40');\n debugWindow.document.close();\n debugWindow.location.reload();\n }\n else if (navigator.appName == \"Opera\")\n {\n //Opera\n debugWindow = '', 'ezdebug', 'width=500,height=550,status,scrollbars,resizable,screenX=0,screenY=20,left=20,top=40');\n debugWindow.location.href=\"{$debugFileURL}\";\n debugWindow.navigate(\"{$debugFileURL}\");\n }\n else\n {\n //Mozilla, Firefox, etc.\n debugWindow = '', 'ezdebug', 'width=500,height=550,status,scrollbars,resizable,screenX=0,screenY=20,left=20,top=40');\n debugWindow.document.location.href=\"{$debugFileURL}\";\n };\n})();\n\n// -->\n</script>\n"; $header = "<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><title>eZ debug</title></head><body>"; $footer = "</body></html>"; $fullPage = ezpEvent::getInstance()->filter('response/output', $header . $report . $footer); file_put_contents($debugFilePath, $fullPage); } else { if ($returnReport) { return $report; } } return null; }
static function virtualInfoFileName() { $infoFile = eZSys::varDirectory() . '/webdav/root/info.txt'; return $infoFile; }
<?php /** * Create a graph of files-per-minute by analyzing storage.log * * @author G. Giunta * @copyright (C) G. Giunta 2008-2016 * @license Licensed under GNU General Public License v2.0. See file license.txt * * @todo add support for user-selected start and end date * @todo support coarser intervals than 60 secs * @todo */ $errormsg = ""; // nb: this dir is calculated the same way as ezlog does $logfile = eZSys::varDirectory() . '/' . $ini->variable('FileSettings', 'LogDir') . '/storage.log'; // but storage log also is in var/log (created I think before siteaccess settings are loaded) $logfile2 = 'var/log/storage.log'; if ($Params['viewmode'] == 'json') { if (!is_file($logfile) && !is_file($logfile2)) { /// @todo return a 404 error? } $data = ezLogsGrapher::asum(ezLogsGrapher::parseLog($logfile, $scale), ezLogsGrapher::parseLog($logfile2, $scale)); ksort($data); $mtime = @filemtime($logfile); $mtime2 = @filemtime($logfile2); $mdate = gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s', $mtime > $mtime2 ? $mtime : $mtime2) . ' GMT'; header('Content-Type: application/json'); header("Last-Modified: {$mdate}"); echo json_encode($data); eZExecution::cleanExit();
function createFile($message) { $sys = eZSys::instance(); $lineBreak = $sys->osType() == 'win32' ? "\r\n" : "\n"; $separator = $sys->osType() == 'win32' ? "\\" : "/"; $fname = time() . '-' . rand() . '.sms'; $qdir = eZSys::siteDir() . eZSys::varDirectory() . $separator . 'mailq'; $data = $message; $data = preg_replace('/(\\r\\n|\\r|\\n)/', "\r\n", $data); // echo 'eZFile::create('.$fname.', '.$qdir.', '.$data.');'; eZFile::create($fname, $qdir, $data); }
'use-modules' => true, 'use-extensions' => true, 'debug-output' => false, ) ); $script->startup(); $script->initialize(); $cli = eZCLI::instance(); $options = $script->getOptions('[remove]', '', array( 'remove' => 'Remove old files else copy. Use remove option in a second pass' )); $remove = isset($options['remove']) && $options['remove'] == true; $varDir = eZSys::varDirectory(); $newStaticDir = StaticData::directory(); $fileUtils = eZClusterFileHandler::instance( $path ); if( $fileUtils->requiresClusterizing() ) { $dfsBackend = new eZDFSFileHandlerDFSBackend(); $mountPoint = $dfsBackend->getMountPoint(); $varDir = eZDir::path(array($mountPoint, $varDir)); $newStaticDir = eZDir::path(array($mountPoint, $newStaticDir)); } $clusterList = ClusterTool::globCluster(); $oldStaticDir = eZDir::path(array($varDir, 'static-data')); $applicationList = array(); $rows = ApplicationObject::fetchObjectList(ApplicationObject::definition(), array('identifier'), null, null, null, false);
$exporter = new $availableExporters[$options['exporter']](); // Check formatter validity if (!isset($options['formatter'])) { $options['formatter'] = 'disquswxr'; } else { if (!isset($availableFormatters[$options['formatter']])) { throw new Exception("Invalid formatter '{$options['formatter']}'. Valid formatters are: " . implode(', ', array_keys($availableFormatters))); } } $formatter = new $availableFormatters[$options['formatter']](); // Now export $cli->notice("Now exporting with {$exporter->getName()} exporter and {$formatter->getName()} formatter..."); $processor = new ExportProcessor($exporter, $formatter); $processor->export(); // Rendering or splitting ? $exportDir = eZSys::varDirectory(); $exportBaseFilename = 'comments-export'; $exportFormat = $processor->getExportFormat(); if (isset($options['split'])) { $cli->notice('Now splitting final file.'); $splittedData = $processor->split(); $cli->notice('Total size before splitting is ' . number_format($splittedData->totalSize / 1024 / 1024, 2) . 'M'); foreach ($splittedData->stringArray as $i => $data) { $filename = "{$exportBaseFilename}.{$i}.{$exportFormat}"; $cli->notice("Now rendering {$exportDir}/{$filename}"); eZFile::create("{$filename}", $exportDir, $data, true); } } else { $cli->notice("Now rendering to {$exportDir}/{$exportBaseFilename}.{$exportFormat}"); eZFile::create("{$exportBaseFilename}.{$exportFormat}", $exportDir, $processor->render(), true); }
/** * @return the directory used for storing log files. */ private function logDirectory() { $ini = eZINI::instance(); $logDir = $ini->variable('FileSettings', 'LogDir'); if ($logDir[0] == "/") { return eZDir::path(array($logDir)); } else { return eZDir::path(array(eZSys::varDirectory(), $logDir)); } }
$visitDate = $visits[$visitAnswer]; // 2 - get xmls $hash = md5( serialize( array( 'type' => $nlType, 'frequency' => $nlFrequency, 'customer_type' => false, 'specialty' => false, 'publisher_folder' => false, ) ).$clusterIdentifier ); $dfsBackend = new eZDFSFileHandlerDFSBackend(); $mountPoint = $dfsBackend->getMountPoint(); $lastFile = false; foreach( glob( $mountPoint.eZSys::varDirectory()."/rssCache/".$hash.'.xml.2*') as $file ) { preg_match( '#\.(?P<rssYear>[0-9]{4})(?P<rssMonth>[0-9]{2})(?P<rssDay>[0-9]{2})_(?P<rssHour>[0-9]{2})(?P<rssMinutes>[0-9]{2})\.log$#', $file, $m ); $rssDate = mktime( $m['rssHour'], $m['rssMinutes'], 0, $m['rssMonth'], $m['rssDay'], $m['rssYear'] ); if ( $rssDate > $visitDate ) break; $lastFile = $file; } $cli->cli->output( "\nLast generated file before Creator Mail's visit:" ); $cli->cli->output( $lastFile ); $script->shutdown( 0 );
static function rootDirectory() { $rootDir = eZSys::varDirectory() . '/webdav/root'; if (!file_exists($rootDir)) { eZDir::mkdir($rootDir, false, true); } return $rootDir; }
// MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of version 2.0 of the GNU General // Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free // Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, // MA 02110-1301, USA. // // // ## END COPYRIGHT, LICENSE AND WARRANTY NOTICE ## // /*! \file send_newsletter.php */ set_time_limit(0); // check if another instance of this script is already running and prevent execution if so $pidfilename = eZDir::cleanPath(eZSys::varDirectory() . '/run/'); if (file_exists($pidfilename)) { $pid = file_get_contents($pidfilename); $cli->error("A newsletter cronjob is already running."); $cli->error("Please wait until the process (PID: {$pid}) is finished."); $cli->error("If the script crashed during sendout, delete the PID file {$pidfilename} and restart the script."); exit; } if (false == file_exists(dirname($pidfilename))) { eZDir::mkdir(dirname($pidfilename), false, true); } if (!is_writeable(dirname($pidfilename))) { $cli->error("PID file not writeable ( {$pidfilename} ). Please add write access for cronjob."); exit(1); } $pidfile = fopen($pidfilename, 'w');
function getImportResultFilePath($importId) { $fileSep = eZSys::fileSeparator(); $dir = eZSys::varDirectory() . $fileSep . 'cjw_newsletter' . $fileSep . 'csvimport'; $file = $importId . '-import_result.serialize'; return $dir . $fileSep . $file; }
$module = $Params['Module']; $http = eZHTTPTool::instance(); $tpl = eZTemplate::factory(); $errors = array(); $tpl->resetVariables(); if ($http->hasPostVariable('pdf_string')) { if ($http->postVariable('pdf_string') == '') { $errors[] = "Empty string"; } } if (count($errors) == 0 and $http->hasPostVariable('pdf_string')) { $pdf = 'extension/stamppdf/design/standard/images/MugoCollaborationWorkflowProductSheet.pdf'; $label = htmlspecialchars($http->postVariable('pdf_string'), ENT_QUOTES); $filename = time() . '_' . rand(1, 1000) . '.pdf'; $stamp = eZSys::varDirectory() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'cache/stamp_' . $filename; exec("convert -size 2550x3500 -bordercolor white -border 20x20 -transparent white -pointsize 64 -fill red -font Helvetica-Bold label:'{$label}' {$stamp}"); header("Content-Type: application/pdf"); header("Cache-Control: no-cache"); header("Accept-Ranges: none"); header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"MugoCollaborationWorkflowProductSheet.pdf\""); ob_start(); passthru("pdftk {$pdf} stamp {$stamp} output -"); $output = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); unlink($stamp); print $output; eZExecution::cleanExit(); } $tpl->setVariable('errors', $errors); $Result = array();
/** * Logs to var/log/webdav.log AND var/<site_name>/log/webdav.log. * * From eZ Publish. * * @param string $logString String to record * @param string $label Label to put in front of $logString */ public static function appendLogEntry($logString, $label = false) { if (!isset(self::$useLogging)) { $webdavINI = eZINI::instance(self::WEBDAV_INI_FILE); self::$useLogging = $webdavINI->variable('GeneralSettings', 'Logging') === 'enabled'; } if (self::$useLogging) { if (PHP_SAPI === 'cli') { // var_dump( $logString ); } else { $varDir = realpath(eZSys::varDirectory()); $logDir = 'log'; $logName = 'webdav.log'; $fileName = $varDir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $logDir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $logName; if (!file_exists($varDir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $logDir)) { eZDir::mkdir($varDir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $logDir, 0775, true); } $logFile = fopen($fileName, 'a'); $nowTime = date("Y-m-d H:i:s : "); $text = $nowTime . $logString; if ($label) { $text .= ' [' . $label . ']'; } fwrite($logFile, $text . "\n"); fclose($logFile); } } }
$parameters['pass'] = $mailSettings->variable($account, 'Password'); } if (testConnection($parameters)) { $serverlist[$i] = $parameters; $i++; } } if (count($serverlist) == 0) { $cli->output("No valid mailserver accounts found!"); exit(1); } $cli->output("Available accounts: " . count($serverlist)); // get mail-files $sys = eZSys::instance(); $separator = $sys->osType() == 'win32' ? "\\" : "/"; $qdir = eZSys::siteDir() . eZSys::varDirectory() . $separator . 'mailq' . $separator; $cli->output("Fetching mail source files"); $mailFiles = glob($qdir . '*.mail'); $cli->output("Sending " . count($mailFiles) . " emails"); $robinCounter = 0; $active_server = 1; $time_start = microtime_float2(); $smtp = getConnection($active_server, $serverlist); $allowPersistent = $mailSettings->variable('SMTPClusterSettings', 'PersistentConnection') == 'enabled' ? true : false; for ($i = 0; $i < count($mailFiles); $i++) { // sending message $email = file_get_contents($mailFiles[$i]); $lines = file($mailFiles[$i]); // get from and to $regex = regexEmail(); $expression = "/({$regex})/";
/** * create the dir and filename for the current mailboxItem * * @return array array( 'file_path' => $filePath, * 'file_dir' => $dir, * 'file_name' => $fileName ) */ public function getFilePathArray() { $mailboxItemId = $this->attribute('id'); $mailboxId = $this->attribute('mailbox_id'); $messageId = $this->attribute('message_id'); $messageIdentifier = $this->attribute('message_identifier'); $createTimestamp = $this->attribute('created'); $varDir = eZSys::varDirectory(); $year = date('Y', $createTimestamp); $month = date('m', $createTimestamp); $day = date('d', $createTimestamp); // $dir = $varDir . "/cjw_newsletter/mailbox/$mailboxId/$year/$month/$day/"; $dir = eZDir::path(array($varDir, 'cjw_newsletter', 'mailbox', $mailboxId, $year, $month, $day)); $fileName = "{$mailboxId}-{$year}{$month}{$day}-{$mailboxItemId}.mail"; $fileSep = eZSys::fileSeparator(); $filePath = $dir . $fileSep . $fileName; return array('file_path' => $filePath, 'file_dir' => $dir, 'file_name' => $fileName); }
/** * Display a log file * * @author G. Giunta * @copyright (C) G. Giunta 2014-2016 * @license Licensed under GNU General Public License v2.0. See file license.txt * * @todo add support for if-modified-since, etag headers */ $module = $Params['Module']; $desiredLog = str_replace(':', '/', $Params['logfile']); $logName = ''; $isDebugLog = false; $desiredLogPath = dirname($desiredLog); if ($desiredLogPath != 'var/log' && $desiredLogPath != eZSys::varDirectory() . '/' . $ini->variable('FileSettings', 'LogDir') && $desiredLogPath != 'symfony') { return $module->handleError(eZError::KERNEL_ACCESS_DENIED, 'kernel'); } if ($desiredLogPath == 'symfony') { $logfile = eZSys::siteDir() . '/../ezpublish/logs/' . basename($desiredLog); } else { $logfile = eZSys::siteDir() . '/' . $desiredLog; } if (!file_exists($logfile)) { return $module->handleError(eZError::KERNEL_NOT_FOUND, 'kernel'); } else { $mdate = gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s', filemtime($logfile)) . ' GMT'; header('Content-Type: text/plain'); header("Last-Modified: {$mdate}"); readfile($logfile); eZExecution::cleanExit();
$script = eZScript::instance(array("description" => "eZ Publish trashed images sanitizer script (#017781).", "use-session" => false, "use-modules" => false, "use-extensions" => true)); $script->startup(); $options = $script->getOptions("[n]", "", array("-q" => "Quiet mode", "n" => "Do not wait")); $script->initialize(); $cli = eZCLI::instance(); if (!isset($options['n'])) { $cli->warning("This cleanup script will remove any images from trashed objects."); $cli->warning("For more details about this cleanup, take a look at:"); $cli->warning(); $cli->warning("IT IS YOUR RESPONSABILITY TO TAKE CARE THAT NO ITEMS REMAINS IN TRASH BEFORE RUNNING THIS SCRIPT."); $cli->warning(); $cli->warning("You have 30 seconds to break the script (press Ctrl-C)."); sleep(30); } $fileHandler = eZINI::instance("file.ini")->variable("ClusteringSettings", "FileHandler"); $directory = eZSys::varDirectory() . "/storage/images"; switch (strtolower($fileHandler)) { case "ezfsfilehandler": case "ezfs2filehandler": array_map("filesystemCleanup", glob("{$directory}/*")); break; case "ezdbfilehandler": databaseCleanup($directory); break; case "ezdfsfilehandler": dfsCleanup($directory); break; default: $cli->error("Unsupported '{$fileHandler}' FileHandler."); } $script->shutdown();
if (file_exists($archivelog)) { $data = ezLogsGrapher::asum($data, ezLogsGrapher::parseLog($archivelog)); $size += filesize($archivelog); $count++; } } $logFilesList[$logname] = array('path' => $logfile, 'count' => $count, 'size' => $size, 'modified' => $modified, 'link' => 'sysinfo/logview/' . $logname); } } foreach (scandir('var/log') as $log) { $logfile = "var/log/{$log}"; if (is_file($logfile) && substr($log, -4) == '.log' && !in_array($log, array('error.log', 'warning.log', 'debug.log', 'notice.log', 'strict.log'))) { $logFilesList[$log] = array('path' => $logfile, 'count' => '[1]', 'size' => filesize($logfile), 'modified' => filemtime($logfile), 'link' => 'sysinfo/customlogview/' . str_replace(array('/', '\\'), ':', $logfile)); } } $logDir = eZSys::varDirectory() . '/' . $ini->variable('FileSettings', 'LogDir'); foreach (scandir($logDir) as $log) { $logfile = "{$logDir}/{$log}"; if (is_file($logfile) && substr($log, -4) == '.log') { $logFilesList[$log] = array('path' => $logfile, 'count' => '[1]', 'size' => filesize($logfile), 'modified' => filemtime($logfile), 'link' => 'sysinfo/customlogview/' . str_replace(array('/', '\\'), ':', $logfile)); } } // q: are we 100% sure that the eZ5 logs are always at that location? if (class_exists('Symfony\\Component\\HttpKernel\\Kernel') && is_dir($ezp5CacheDir = eZSys::siteDir() . '/../ezpublish/cache')) { $logDir = eZSys::siteDir() . '/../ezpublish/logs'; foreach (scandir($logDir) as $log) { $logfile = "{$logDir}/{$log}"; if (is_file($logfile) && substr($log, -4) == '.log') { $logFilesList[$log] = array('path' => "Symfony/{$log}", 'count' => '[1]', 'size' => filesize($logfile), 'modified' => filemtime($logfile), 'link' => 'sysinfo/customlogview/' . 'symfony:' . $log); } }