function writeTimedString($string, $label = '') { if ($this->file) { $time = $this->getTime(); if (is_object($string) || is_array($string)) { $string = eZDebug::dumpVariable($string); } if ($label == '') { fputs($this->file, $time . ' ' . $string . "\n"); } else { fputs($this->file, $time . ' ' . $label . ': ' . $string . "\n"); } } }
static function writeDebug($string, $label = "", $backgroundClass = "") { $alwaysLog = eZDebug::alwaysLogMessage(self::LEVEL_DEBUG); $enabled = eZDebug::isDebugEnabled(); if (!$alwaysLog and !$enabled) { return; } $show = eZDebug::showMessage(self::SHOW_DEBUG); if (!$alwaysLog and !$show) { return; } if (is_object($string) || is_array($string)) { $string = eZDebug::dumpVariable($string); } $GLOBALS['eZDebugDebug'] = true; if (!isset($GLOBALS['eZDebugDebugCount'])) { $GLOBALS['eZDebugDebugCount'] = 0; } ++$GLOBALS['eZDebugDebugCount']; $debug = eZDebug::instance(); if ($debug->HandleType == self::HANDLE_TO_PHP) { // If we get here only because of $alwaysLog we should not trigger a PHP error if ($enabled and $show) { if ($label) { $string = "{$label}: {$string}"; } trigger_error($string, E_USER_NOTICE); } } else { $debug->write($string, self::LEVEL_DEBUG, $label, $backgroundClass, $alwaysLog); } }
private function debug( $string, $label, $level = eZDebug::LEVEL_DEBUG ) { if ( empty( $this->cli ) ) { $debug = eZDebug::instance(); $debug->write( $string, $level, $label ); } else { $label = date( DATE_ATOM ) . ' -- ' . $label; $this->cli->output( $label . " :" ); if ( is_object( $string ) || is_array( $string ) ) { $string = eZDebug::dumpVariable( $string ); } $this->cli->output( $string ); } }