if (isset($_POST['counts'])) { $for->forumUpdateCounts($fid, $_POST['counts_threads']); $msg .= FORLAN_167 . ": {$fid} <br />"; } if (isset($_POST['lastpost'])) { $with_threads = isset($_POST['lastpost_nothread']) ? FALSE : TRUE; $for->forumUpdateLastpost('forum', $fid, $with_threads); $msg .= FORLAN_168 . ": {$fid} <br />"; } } if (isset($_POST['userpostcounts'])) { require_once e_HANDLER . 'user_extended_class.php'; $ue = new e107_user_extended(); $list = $for->getUserCounts(); foreach ($list as $uid => $cnt) { $ue->user_extended_setvalue($uid, 'user_plugin_forum_posts', $cnt, 'int'); } $msg .= FORLAN_169 . ' <br />'; } $forum->show_message($msg); } if (isset($_POST['create_sub'])) { $fid = (int) $sub_action; $tmp = array(); $tmp['forum_name'] = $e107->tp->toDB($_POST['subname_new']); $tmp['forum_description'] = $e107->tp->toDB($_POST['subdesc_new']); $tmp['forum_order'] = (int) $_POST['suborder_new']; if ($tmp['forum_name'] != '' && $e107->sql->db_Select('forum', '*', "forum_id = {$fid}")) { $row = $e107->sql->db_Fetch(); $tmp['forum_parent'] = $row['forum_parent']; $tmp['forum_moderators'] = $row['forum_moderators'];
function step7() { $ns = e107::getRender(); $stepCaption = 'Step 7: Calculate user post counts'; if (!isset($_POST['calculate_usercounts'])) { $text = "\n\t\tThis step will calculate post count information for all users, as well as recount all for thread and reply counts.\n\t\t<br /><br />\n\t\t<form method='post'>\n\t\t<input class='btn btn-success' data-loading-text='Please wait...' type='submit' name='calculate_usercounts' value='Proceed with post count calculation' />\n\t\t</form>\n\t\t"; $ns->tablerender($stepCaption, $text); return; } global $forum; require_once e_HANDLER . 'user_extended_class.php'; $ue = new e107_user_extended(); $counts = $forum->getUserCounts(); foreach ($counts as $uid => $count) { $ue->user_extended_setvalue($uid, 'user_plugin_forum_posts', $count, 'int'); } $forum->forumUpdateCounts('all', true); // var_dump($counts); $text = "\n\tSuccessfully recalculated forum posts for " . count($counts) . " users.\n\t<br /><br />\n\t<form method='post' action='" . e_SELF . "?step=8'>\n\t<input class='btn btn-success' type='submit' name='nextStep[8]' value='Proceed to step 8' />\n\t</form>\n\t"; $ns->tablerender($stepCaption, $text); }