예제 #1
function convert_serialized($serializedData)
    $arrayData = unserialize($serializedData);
    return e107::serialize($arrayData, FALSE);
예제 #2
     * Get all Glyphs
    function getGlyphs($type = 'fa4', $prefix = '')
        $icons = array();
        if ($type == 'bs2') {
            $matches = array('glass', 'music', 'search', 'envelope', 'heart', 'star', 'star-empty', 'user', 'film', 'th-large', 'th', 'th-list', 'ok', 'remove', 'zoom-in', 'zoom-out', 'off', 'signal', 'cog', 'trash', 'home', 'file', 'time', 'road', 'download-alt', 'download', 'upload', 'inbox', 'play-circle', 'repeat', 'refresh', 'list-alt', 'lock', 'flag', 'headphones', 'volume-off', 'volume-down', 'volume-up', 'qrcode', 'barcode', 'tag', 'tags', 'book', 'bookmark', 'print', 'camera', 'font', 'bold', 'italic', 'text-height', 'text-width', 'align-left', 'align-center', 'align-right', 'align-justify', 'list', 'indent-left', 'indent-right', 'facetime-video', 'picture', 'pencil', 'map-marker', 'adjust', 'tint', 'edit', 'share', 'check', 'move', 'step-backward', 'fast-backward', 'backward', 'play', 'pause', 'stop', 'forward', 'fast-forward', 'step-forward', 'eject', 'chevron-left', 'chevron-right', 'plus-sign', 'minus-sign', 'remove-sign', 'ok-sign', 'question-sign', 'info-sign', 'screenshot', 'remove-circle', 'ok-circle', 'ban-circle', 'arrow-left', 'arrow-right', 'arrow-up', 'arrow-down', 'share-alt', 'resize-full', 'resize-small', 'plus', 'minus', 'asterisk', 'exclamation-sign', 'gift', 'leaf', 'fire', 'eye-open', 'eye-close', 'warning-sign', 'plane', 'calendar', 'random', 'comment', 'magnet', 'chevron-up', 'chevron-down', 'retweet', 'shopping-cart', 'folder-close', 'folder-open', 'resize-vertical', 'resize-horizontal', 'hdd', 'bullhorn', 'bell', 'certificate', 'thumbs-up', 'thumbs-down', 'hand-right', 'hand-left', 'hand-up', 'hand-down', 'circle-arrow-right', 'circle-arrow-left', 'circle-arrow-up', 'circle-arrow-down', 'globe', 'wrench', 'tasks', 'filter', 'briefcase', 'fullscreen');
            foreach ($matches as $match) {
                $icons[] = $prefix . $match;
            return $icons;
        if ($type == 'bs3') {
            $matches = array('adjust', 'align-center', 'align-justify', 'align-left', 'align-right', 'arrow-down', 'arrow-left', 'arrow-right', 'arrow-up', 'asterisk', 'backward', 'ban-circle', 'barcode', 'bell', 'bold', 'book
			', 'bookmark', 'briefcase', 'bullhorn', 'calendar', 'camera', 'certificate', 'check', 'chevron-down', 'chevron-left', 'chevron-right', 'chevron-up', 'circle-arrow-down', 'circle-arrow-left', 'circle-arrow-right
			', 'circle-arrow-up', 'cloud', 'cloud-download', 'cloud-upload', 'cog', 'collapse-down', 'collapse-up', 'comment', 'compressed', 'copyright-mark', 'credit-card', 'cutlery', 'dashboard', 'download', 'download-alt
			', 'earphone', 'edit', 'eject', 'envelope', 'euro', 'exclamation-sign', 'expand', 'export', 'eye-close', 'eye-open', 'facetime-video', 'fast-backward', 'fast-forward', 'file', 'film', 'filter', 'fire', 'flag
			', 'flash', 'floppy-disk', 'floppy-open', 'floppy-remove', 'floppy-save', 'floppy-saved', 'folder-close', 'folder-open', 'font', 'forward', 'fullscreen', 'gbp', 'gift
			', 'glass', 'globe', 'hand-down', 'hand-left', 'hand-right', 'hand-up', 'hd-video', 'hdd', 'header', 'headphones', 'heart', 'heart-empty', 'home', 'import', 'inbox', 'indent-left', 'indent-right', 'info-sign', 'italic', 'leaf', 'link', 'list
			', 'list-alt', 'lock', 'log-in', 'log-out', 'magnet', 'map-marker', 'minus', 'minus-sign', 'move', 'music', 'new-window', 'off', 'ok', 'ok-circle', 'ok-sign', 'open', 'paperclip', 'pause', 'pencil', 'phone', 'phone-alt', 'picture
			', 'plane', 'play', 'play-circle', 'plus', 'plus-sign', 'print', 'pushpin', 'qrcode', 'question-sign', 'random', 'record', 'refresh', 'registration-mark', 'remove', 'remove-circle', 'remove-sign', 'repeat', 'resize-full', 'resize-horizontal
			', 'resize-small', 'resize-vertical', 'retweet', 'road', 'save', 'saved', 'screenshot', 'sd-video', 'search', 'send', 'share', 'share-alt', 'shopping-cart', 'signal', 'sort', 'sort-by-alphabet', 'sort-by-alphabet-alt
			', 'sort-by-attributes', 'sort-by-attributes-alt', 'sort-by-order', 'sort-by-order-alt', 'sound-5-1', 'sound-6-1', 'sound-7-1', 'sound-dolby', 'sound-stereo', 'star', 'stats', 'step-backward', 'step-forward', 'stop
			', 'subtitles', 'tag', 'tags', 'tasks', 'text-height', 'text-width', 'th', 'th-large', 'th-list', 'thumbs-down', 'thumbs-up', 'time', 'tint', 'tower', 'transfer', 'trash', 'tree-conifer', 'tree-deciduous', 'unchecked', 'upload
			', 'usd', 'user', 'volume-down', 'volume-off', 'volume-up', 'warning-sign', 'wrench', 'zoom-in', 'zoom-out');
            foreach ($matches as $match) {
                $icons[] = $prefix . $match;
            return $icons;
        $cache = e107::getCache();
        $cache->setMD5('_' . $prefix . $type);
        if ($data = $cache->retrieve($type, 360, true)) {
            return e107::unserialize($data);
        if ($type == 'fa4') {
            $pattern = '/\\.(fa-(?:\\w+(?:-)?)+):before/';
            $subject = e107::getFile()->getRemoteContent('http://netdna.bootstrapcdn.com/font-awesome/4.5.0/css/font-awesome.css');
            //	print_a($subject);
        } elseif ($type == 'fa3') {
            $pattern = '/\\.(icon-(?:\\w+(?:-)?)+):before/';
            $subject = file_get_contents(e_WEB_JS . 'font-awesome/css/font-awesome.css');
        preg_match_all($pattern, $subject, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER);
        foreach ($matches as $match) {
            $icons[] = $prefix . substr($match[1], 3);
        $data = e107::serialize($icons);
        $cache->set($type, $data, true);
        return $icons;
예제 #3
 function insert_default_prefs($id)
     global $sql, $aa, $plugintable;
     $plugintable = "pcontent";
     $plugindir = e_PLUGIN . "content/";
     unset($content_pref, $tmp);
     if (!is_object($aa)) {
         require_once $plugindir . "handlers/content_class.php";
         $aa = new content();
     $content_pref = $aa->ContentDefaultPrefs($id);
     $tmp = e107::serialize($content_pref, true);
     //$tmp = $eArrayStorage->WritexxxArray($content_pref);
     $sql->db_Update($plugintable, "content_pref='{$tmp}' WHERE content_id='{$id}' ");
예제 #4
 function dbAssignAdmins($mode, $id, $value)
     global $plugintable, $qs, $sql;
     if ($mode == "admin") {
         $id = intval($id);
         $sql->db_Select($plugintable, "content_pref", "content_id = '" . intval($id) . "' ");
         $row = $sql->db_Fetch();
         //get current preferences
         $content_pref = e107::unserialize($row['content_pref']);
         //$content_pref = $eArrayStorage->ReadxxxArray($row['content_pref']);
         //assign new preferences
         if ($value == "clear") {
             $content_pref["content_manager_allowed"] = "";
         } else {
             $content_pref["content_manager_allowed"] = $value;
         //create new array of preferences
         $tmp = e107::serialize($content_pref, true);
         //$tmp = $eArrayStorage->WritexxxArray($content_pref);
         $sql->db_Update($plugintable, "content_pref = '{$tmp}' WHERE content_id = '" . intval($id) . "' ");
         $message = CONTENT_ADMIN_CAT_LAN_34;
         return $message;
     } else {
         return FALSE;
예제 #5
  * Set Parms for a specific menu.
  * @param string $plugin ie. plugin folder name.
  * @param string $menu menu name. including the _menu but not the .php
  * @param array $parms
  * @param string|int $location default 'all' or  a menu area number..
  * @return int|boolean number of records updated or false.
 public function setParms($plugin, $menu, $parms = array(), $location = 'all')
     $qry = 'menu_parms="' . e107::serialize($parms) . '" WHERE menu_parms="" AND menu_path="' . $plugin . '/" AND menu_name="' . $menu . '" ';
     $qry .= $location != 'all' ? 'menu_location=' . intval($location) : '';
     return e107::getDb()->update('menus', $qry);
예제 #6
 * Attachments 
function step10_ajax()
    $sql = e107::getDb();
    global $f;
    $lastPost = vartrue($_SESSION['forumupdate']['attachment_last'], 0);
    	$qry = "
    	SELECT post_id, post_thread, post_entry, post_user FROM `#forum_post`
    	WHERE post_entry REGEXP '_[[:digit:]]'
    	AND post_id > {$lastPost} ORDER BY post_id LIMIT 50
    $qry = "\n\tSELECT post_id, post_thread, post_entry, post_user FROM `#forum_post`\n\tWHERE post_id > {$lastPost} AND post_entry LIKE '%public/%'\n\t ORDER BY post_id LIMIT 50\n\t";
    // file_put_contents(e_LOG."forum_update_step10.log",$qry."\n",FILE_APPEND);
    if ($sql->gen($qry)) {
        while ($row = $sql->fetch(MYSQL_ASSOC)) {
            $postList[] = $row;
        $i = 0;
        $pcount = 0;
        $f->log("Found " . count($postList) . " posts with attachments");
        foreach ($postList as $post) {
            //			echo htmlentities($post['post_entry'])."<br />";
            $_SESSION['forumupdate']['attachment_last'] = $post['post_id'];
            //			if($pcount++ > 10) { die('here 10'); }
            $attachments = array();
            $foundFiles = array();
            //			echo $post['post_entry']."<br /><br />";
            //Check for images with thumbnails linking to full size
            //	if (preg_match_all('#\[link=(.*?)\]\[img.*?\]({e_FILE}.*?)\[/img\]\[/link\]#ms', $post['post_entry'], $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER))
            if (preg_match_all('#\\[link=([^\\]]*?)\\]\\s*?\\[img.*?\\](({e_FILE}|e107_files|\\.\\./\\.\\./e107_files)[^\\]]*)\\[/img\\]\\s*?\\[/link\\]#ms', $post['post_entry'], $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER)) {
                foreach ($matches as $match) {
                    $att = array();
                    $att['thread_id'] = $post['post_thread'];
                    $att['type'] = 'img';
                    $att['html'] = $match[0];
                    $att['name'] = str_replace(array("\r\n", "\n", "\r"), '', $match[1]);
                    $att['thumb'] = $match[2];
                    $attachments[] = $att;
                    $foundFiles[] = $match[1];
                    $foundFiles[] = $match[2];
                    logAttachment($att['thread_id'], 'link', $att['name']);
            if (preg_match_all('#\\[lightbox=([^\\]]*?)\\]\\s*?\\[img.*?\\](({e_FILE}|e107_files|\\.\\./\\.\\./e107_files)[^\\]]*)\\[/img\\]\\s*?\\[/lightbox\\]#ms', $post['post_entry'], $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER)) {
                foreach ($matches as $match) {
                    $att = array();
                    $att['thread_id'] = $post['post_thread'];
                    $att['type'] = 'img';
                    $att['html'] = $match[0];
                    $att['name'] = str_replace(array("\r\n", "\n", "\r"), '', $match[1]);
                    $att['thumb'] = $match[2];
                    $attachments[] = $att;
                    $foundFiles[] = $match[1];
                    $foundFiles[] = $match[2];
                    logAttachment($att['thread_id'], 'lightbox', $att['name']);
            if (preg_match_all('#\[link=(.*?)\]\[img.*?\](\.\./\.\./e107_files/public/.*?)\[/img\]\[/link\]#ms', $post['post_entry'], $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER))
            	foreach ($matches as $match)
            		$att = array();
            		$att['thread_id'] = $post['post_thread'];
            		$att['type'] = 'img';
            		$att['html'] = $match[0];
            		$att['name'] = $match[1];
            		$att['thumb'] = $match[2];
            		$attachments[] = $att;
            		$foundFiles[] = $match[1];
            		$foundFiles[] = $match[2];
            		logAttachment($att['thread_id'],'link2', $att['name']);
            // class=&#039;spacer&#039;>[img:width=604&height=453]{e_FILE}public/1229562306_1_FT0_julia.jpg[/img]</div>
            //Check for attached full-size images
            //	if (preg_match_all('#\[img.*?\]({e_FILE}.*?_FT\d+_.*?)\[/img\]#ms', $post['post_entry'], $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER))
            if (preg_match_all('#\\[img[^\\]]*?\\]\\s*?(({e_FILE}|e107_files|\\.\\./\\.\\./e107_files)[^\\[]*)\\s*?\\[/img\\]#ms', $post['post_entry'], $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER)) {
                foreach ($matches as $match) {
                    //Ensure it hasn't already been handled above
                    if (!in_array($match[1], $foundFiles)) {
                        $att = array();
                        $att['thread_id'] = $post['post_thread'];
                        $att['type'] = 'img';
                        $att['html'] = $match[0];
                        $att['name'] = str_replace(array("\r\n", "\n", "\r"), '', $match[1]);
                        $att['thumb'] = '';
                        $attachments[] = $att;
                        logAttachment($att['thread_id'], 'img', $att['name']);
            if (preg_match_all('#\[img.*?\](\.\./\.\./e107_files/public/.*?_FT\d+_.*?)\[/img\]#ms', $post['post_entry'], $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER))
            	foreach ($matches as $match)
            		//Ensure it hasn't already been handled above
            		if (!in_array($match[1], $foundFiles))
            			$att = array();
            			$att['thread_id'] = $post['post_thread'];
            			$att['type'] = 'img';
            			$att['html'] = $match[0];
            			$att['name'] = $match[1];
            			$att['thumb'] = '';
            			$attachments[] = $att;
            //Check for attached file (non-images)
            //	if (preg_match_all('#\[file=({e_FILE}.*?)\](.*?)\[/file\]#ms', $post['post_entry'], $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER))
            if (preg_match_all('#\\[file=(({e_FILE}|e107_files|\\.\\./\\.\\./e107_files)[^\\]]*)#ms', $post['post_entry'], $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER)) {
                foreach ($matches as $match) {
                    $att = array();
                    $att['thread_id'] = $post['post_thread'];
                    $att['type'] = 'file';
                    $att['html'] = $match[0];
                    $att['name'] = $match[1];
                    $att['thumb'] = '';
                    $attachments[] = $att;
                    logAttachment($att['thread_id'], 'file', $att['name']);
            if (preg_match_all('#\[file=(\.\./\.\./e107_files/public/.*?)\](.*?)\[/file\]#ms', $post['post_entry'], $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER))
            	foreach ($matches as $match)
            		$att = array();
            		$att['thread_id'] = $post['post_thread'];
            		$att['type'] = 'file';
            		$att['html'] = $match[0];
            		$att['name'] = $match[1];
            		$att['thumb'] = '';
            		$attachments[] = $att;
            if (count($attachments)) {
                $f->log("found " . count($attachments) . " attachments");
                $newValues = array();
                $info = array();
                $info['post_entry'] = $post['post_entry'];
                foreach ($attachments as $attachment) {
                    $error = '';
                    if ($f->moveAttachment($attachment, $post, $error)) {
                        $type = $attachment['type'];
                        $newValues[$type][] = basename($attachment['name']);
                        $info['post_entry'] = str_replace($attachment['html'], '', $info['post_entry']);
                    } else {
                        $errorText .= "Failure processing post {$post['post_id']} - file {$attachment['name']} - {$error}<br />";
                        $f->log("Failure processing post {$post['post_id']} - file {$attachment['name']} - {$error}");
                //				echo $errorText."<br />";
                // Did we make any changes at all?
                if (count($newValues)) {
                    $info['WHERE'] = 'post_id = ' . $post['post_id'];
                    $info['post_attachments'] = e107::serialize($newValues);
                    //	$sql->update('forum_post', $info); // XXX FIXME TODO screwed up due to _FIELD_DEFS
                    $sql->update('forum_post', "post_entry = \"" . $info['post_entry'] . "\", post_attachments=\"" . $info['post_attachments'] . "\" WHERE post_id = " . $post['post_id'] . "");
        $totalOutput = round($_SESSION['forumupdate']['attachment_count'] / $_SESSION['forumupdate']['attachment_total'] * 100, 1);
        echo $totalOutput;
        $debugRound = "
        forumupdate_attachment_count = ".$_SESSION['forumupdate']['attachment_count']."
        forumupdate_attachment_total = ".$_SESSION['forumupdate']['attachment_total']."
        calculated = ".$totalOutput."
    } else {
        echo 100;
예제 #7
  * Insert a new thread or a reply/quoted reply.
 function insertPost()
     $postInfo = array();
     $threadInfo = array();
     $threadOptions = array();
     $fp = new floodprotect();
     if (isset($_POST['newthread']) && trim($_POST['subject']) == '' || trim($_POST['post']) == '') {
         message_handler('ALERT', 5);
     } else {
         if ($fp->flood('forum_thread', 'thread_datestamp') == false && !ADMIN) {
             echo "<script type='text/javascript'>document.location.href='" . e_BASE . "index.php'</script>\n";
         $hasPoll = $this->action == 'nt' && varset($_POST['poll_title']) && $_POST['poll_option'][0] != '' && $_POST['poll_option'][1] != '';
         if (USER) {
             $postInfo['post_user'] = USERID;
             $threadInfo['thread_lastuser'] = USERID;
             $threadInfo['thread_user'] = USERID;
             $threadInfo['thread_lastuser_anon'] = '';
         } else {
             $postInfo['post_user_anon'] = $_POST['anonname'];
             $threadInfo['thread_lastuser_anon'] = $_POST['anonname'];
             $threadInfo['thread_user_anon'] = $_POST['anonname'];
         $time = time();
         $postInfo['post_entry'] = $_POST['post'];
         $postInfo['post_forum'] = $this->data['forum_id'];
         $postInfo['post_datestamp'] = $time;
         $postInfo['post_ip'] = e107::getIPHandler()->getIP(FALSE);
         $threadInfo['thread_lastpost'] = $time;
         if (isset($_POST['no_emote'])) {
             $postInfo['post_options'] = serialize(array('no_emote' => 1));
         //If we've successfully uploaded something, we'll have to edit the post_entry and post_attachments
         $newValues = array();
         if ($uploadResult = $this->processAttachments()) {
             foreach ($uploadResult as $ur) {
                 //$postInfo['post_entry'] .= $ur['txt'];
                 //	$_tmp = $ur['type'].'*'.$ur['file'];
                 //	if($ur['thumb']) { $_tmp .= '*'.$ur['thumb']; }
                 //	if($ur['fname']) { $_tmp .= '*'.$ur['fname']; }
                 $type = $ur['type'];
                 $newValues[$type][] = $ur['file'];
                 // $attachments[] = $_tmp;
             //	$postInfo['_FIELD_TYPES']['post_attachments'] = 'array';
             $postInfo['post_attachments'] = e107::serialize($newValues);
             //FIXME XXX - broken encoding when saved to DB.
         //		var_dump($uploadResult);
         switch ($this->action) {
             // Reply only.  Add the post, update thread record with latest post info.
             // Update forum with latest post info
             case 'rp':
                 $postInfo['post_thread'] = $this->id;
                 $newPostId = $this->forumObj->postAdd($postInfo);
                 // New thread started.  Add the thread info (with lastest post info), add the post.
                 // Update forum with latest post info
             // New thread started.  Add the thread info (with lastest post info), add the post.
             // Update forum with latest post info
             case 'nt':
                 $threadInfo['thread_sticky'] = MODERATOR ? (int) $_POST['threadtype'] : 0;
                 $threadInfo['thread_name'] = $_POST['subject'];
                 $threadInfo['thread_forum_id'] = $this->id;
                 $threadInfo['thread_active'] = 1;
                 $threadInfo['thread_datestamp'] = $time;
                 if ($hasPoll) {
                     $threadOptions['poll'] = '1';
                 if (is_array($threadOptions) && count($threadOptions)) {
                     $threadInfo['thread_options'] = serialize($threadOptions);
                 } else {
                     $threadInfo['thread_options'] = '';
                 if ($postResult = $this->forumObj->threadAdd($threadInfo, $postInfo)) {
                     $newPostId = $postResult['postid'];
                     $newThreadId = $postResult['threadid'];
                     $this->data['thread_id'] = $newThreadId;
                     //	$this->data['thread_sef'] = $postResult['threadsef'];
                     $this->data['thread_sef'] = eHelper::title2sef($threadInfo['thread_name'], 'dashl');
                     if ($_POST['email_notify']) {
                         $this->forumObj->track('add', USERID, $newThreadId);
         e107::getMessage()->addDebug(print_a($postInfo, true));
         //	e107::getMessage()->addDebug(print_a($this,true));
         if ($postResult === -1 || $newPostId === -1) {
             require_once HEADERF;
             $message = LAN_FORUM_3006 . "<br ><a class='btn btn-default' href='" . $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] . "'>Return</a>";
             $text = e107::getMessage()->addError($message)->render();
             e107::getRender()->tablerender(LAN_PLUGIN_FORUM_NAME, $text);
             // change to forum-title pref.
             require_once FOOTERF;
         $threadId = $this->action == 'nt' ? $newThreadId : $this->id;
         //If a poll was submitted, let's add it to the poll db
         if ($this->action == 'nt' && varset($_POST['poll_title']) && $_POST['poll_option'][0] != '' && $_POST['poll_option'][1] != '') {
             require_once e_PLUGIN . 'poll/poll_class.php';
             $_POST['iid'] = $threadId;
             $poll = new poll();
         //	$postInfo = $this->forumObj->postGet($newPostId, 'post');
         //	$forumInfo = $this->forumObj->forumGet($postInfo['post_forum']);
         //	$threadLink = e107::getUrl()->create('forum/thread/last', $postInfo);
         // 	$forumLink = e107::getUrl()->create('forum/forum/view', $forumInfo);
         $threadLink = e107::url('forum', 'topic', $this->data, 'full') . "&amp;last=1";
         $forumLink = e107::url('forum', 'forum', $this->data);
         if ($this->forumObj->prefs->get('redirect')) {
             //	header('location:'.e107::getUrl()->create('forum/thread/last', $postInfo, array('encode' => false, 'full' => true)));
         } else {
             require_once HEADERF;
             $template = $this->getTemplate('posted');
             $SHORTCODES = array('THREADLINK' => $threadLink, 'FORUMLINK' => $forumLink);
             $txt = isset($_POST['newthread']) ? $template['thread'] : $template['reply'];
             $txt = e107::getParser()->parseTemplate($txt, true, $SHORTCODES);
             e107::getRender()->tablerender('Forums', e107::getMessage()->render() . $txt);
             require_once FOOTERF;
예제 #8
  *	Ensure the tree of userclass data is stored in our object ($this->class_tree).
  *	Only read if its either not present, or the $force flag is set.
  *	Data is cached if enabled
  *	@param boolean $force - set to TRUE to force a re-read of the info regardless.
  *	@return none
 public function readTree($force = FALSE)
     if (isset($this->class_tree) && count($this->class_tree) && !$force) {
     $e107 = e107::getInstance();
     $this->class_tree = array();
     $this->class_parents = array();
     if ($temp = $e107->ecache->retrieve_sys(UC_CACHE_TAG)) {
         $this->class_tree = e107::getArrayStorage()->read($temp);
     } else {
         $this->sql_r->db_Select('userclass_classes', '*', 'ORDER BY userclass_parent', 'nowhere');
         // The order statement should give a consistent return
         while ($row = $this->sql_r->db_Fetch(MYSQL_ASSOC)) {
             $this->class_tree[$row['userclass_id']] = $row;
             $this->class_tree[$row['userclass_id']]['class_children'] = array();
             // Create the child array in case needed
         // Add in any fixed classes that aren't already defined (they historically didn't have a DB entry, although now its facilitated (and necessary for tree structure)
         foreach ($this->fixed_classes as $c => $d) {
             if (!isset($this->class_tree[$c])) {
                 switch ($c) {
                     case e_UC_ADMIN:
                     case e_UC_MAINADMIN:
                         $this->class_tree[$c]['userclass_parent'] = e_UC_NOBODY;
                     case e_UC_NEWUSER:
                         $this->class_tree[$c]['userclass_parent'] = e_UC_MEMBER;
                         $this->class_tree[$c]['userclass_parent'] = e_UC_PUBLIC;
                 $this->class_tree[$c]['userclass_id'] = $c;
                 $this->class_tree[$c]['userclass_name'] = $d;
                 $this->class_tree[$c]['userclass_description'] = 'Fixed class';
                 $this->class_tree[$c]['userclass_visibility'] = e_UC_PUBLIC;
                 $this->class_tree[$c]['userclass_editclass'] = e_UC_MAINADMIN;
                 $this->class_tree[$c]['userclass_accum'] = $c;
                 $this->class_tree[$c]['userclass_type'] = UC_TYPE_STD;
         $userCache = e107::serialize($this->class_tree, FALSE);
         $e107->ecache->set_sys(UC_CACHE_TAG, $userCache);
     // Now build the tree.
     // There are just two top-level classes - 'Everybody' and 'Nobody'
     $this->class_parents[e_UC_PUBLIC] = e_UC_PUBLIC;
     $this->class_parents[e_UC_NOBODY] = e_UC_NOBODY;
     foreach ($this->class_tree as $uc) {
         if ($uc['userclass_id'] != e_UC_PUBLIC && $uc['userclass_id'] != e_UC_NOBODY) {
             if (!isset($this->class_tree[$uc['userclass_parent']])) {
                 echo "Orphaned class record: ID=" . $uc['userclass_id'] . " Name=" . $uc['userclass_name'] . "  Parent=" . $uc['userclass_parent'] . "<br />";
             } else {
                 // Add to array
                 $this->class_tree[$uc['userclass_parent']]['class_children'][] = $uc['userclass_id'];
예제 #9
 function convertAttachment($row)
     if ($row['post_attachment'] != 1) {
     $id = $row['post_id'];
     if (isset($this->forum_attachments[$id])) {
         $attach = array();
         $forum = $this->helperClass;
         // e107_plugins/forum/forum_class.php
         if ($folder = $forum->getAttachmentPath($row['poster_id'], true)) {
             e107::getMessage()->addDebug("Created Attachment Folder: " . $folder);
         } else {
             e107::getMessage()->addError("Couldn't find/create attachment folder for user-id: " . $row['poster_id']);
         foreach ($this->forum_attachments[$id] as $file => $name) {
             if (preg_match('#.JPG|.jpg|.gif|.png|.PNG|.GIF|.jpeg|.JPEG$#', $name)) {
                 $attach['img'][] = $file;
             } else {
                 $attach['file'][] = $file;
             if ($this->forum_attachment_path) {
                 $oldpath = e_BASE . $this->forum_attachment_path . "/" . $file;
                 $newpath = $folder . $file;
                 if (rename($oldpath, $newpath)) {
                     e107::getMessage()->addDebug("Renamed file from <b>{$oldpath}</b> to <b>{$newpath}</b>");
                 } else {
                     e107::getMessage()->addError("Couldn't rename file from <b>{$oldpath}</b> to <b>{$newpath}</b>");
     return e107::serialize($attach);
     // set attachments
예제 #10
파일: forum_class.php 프로젝트: armpit/e107
 private function loadPermList()
     if ($tmp = e107::getCache()->setMD5(e_LANGUAGE . USERCLASS_LIST)->retrieve('forum_perms')) {
         e107::getMessage()->addDebug("Using Permlist cache: True");
         $this->permList = e107::unserialize($tmp);
         //	print_a($this->permList);
     } else {
         e107::getMessage()->addDebug("Using Permlist cache: False");
         $tmp = e107::serialize($this->permList, false);
         e107::getCache()->setMD5(e_LANGUAGE . USERCLASS_LIST)->set('forum_perms', $tmp);
예제 #11
 function UpdateContentPref($id)
     global $qs, $plugintable, $sql, $tp;
     if (!is_object($sql)) {
         $sql = new db();
     //insert default preferences into core
     if ($id == "0") {
         $num_rows = $sql->db_Select("core", "*", "e107_name='{$plugintable}' ");
         if ($num_rows == 0) {
             $sql->db_Insert("core", "'{$plugintable}', '' ");
         } else {
             $row = $sql->db_Fetch();
         //prepare custom tags: use the posted value
         $cp = $_POST['content_custom_preset_key'];
         //insert category preferences into plugintable
     } else {
         //first get the existing prefs and parent
         $sql->db_Select($plugintable, "content_pref, content_parent", "content_id='" . intval($id) . "' ");
         $row = $sql->db_Fetch();
         $current = e107::unserialize($row['content_pref']);
         //$current = $eArrayStorage->ReadxxxArray($row['content_pref']);
         $currentparent = $row['content_parent'];
         //if we are updating options
         if (isset($qs[0]) && $qs[0] == 'options') {
             //only use the manager prefs from the existing set
             foreach ($current as $k => $v) {
                 if (strpos($k, "content_manager_") === 0 || strpos($k, "content_restrict_") === 0) {
                     $content_pref[$k] = $tp->toDB($v);
             //prepare custom tags: use the posted values
             $cp = $_POST['content_custom_preset_key'];
             //if we are updating manager
         } elseif (isset($qs[0]) && ($qs[0] == 'manager' || $qs[0] == 'restrict')) {
             //if this is a top level category we need to keep all existing options
             if ($currentparent == '0') {
                 $content_pref = $current;
             //prepare custom tags: use the existing content_pref values
             $cp = $content_pref['content_custom_preset_key'];
     //parse custom tags and covert them in $_POST values ($cp is derived above)
     $string = array();
     foreach ($cp as $ck => $cv) {
         if (!empty($cv)) {
             $string[] = $cv;
     if (is_array($string) && !empty($string[0])) {
         $_POST['content_custom_preset_key'] = $string;
     //convert all $_POST to $content_pref for storage, and renew the existing stored prefs
     foreach ($_POST as $k => $v) {
         if (strpos($k, "content_") === 0) {
             $content_pref[$k] = $tp->toDB($v);
     //create new array of preferences
     $tmp = e107::serialize($content_pref, true);
     //$tmp = $eArrayStorage->WritexxxArray($content_pref);
     //update core table
     if ($id == "0") {
         $sql->db_Update("core", "e107_value = '{$tmp}' WHERE e107_name = '{$plugintable}' ");
         //update plugin table
     } else {
         $sql->db_Update($plugintable, "content_pref='{$tmp}' WHERE content_id='" . intval($id) . "' ");
     return $content_pref;
예제 #12
  * Generate an array of mail recipient data which can be passed directly to the DB routines.
  * Only valid DB fields are copied
  * Combining/splitting of fields is done as necessary
  * (This is essentially the translation between internal storage format and db storage format. If
  * the DB format changes, only this routine and its counterpart should need changing)
  * @param $data - array of email target-related data in internal format
  * @param $addMissing - if TRUE, undefined fields are added
  * @return void
 public function targetToDb(&$data, $addMissing = FALSE)
     // Direct correspondence at present (apart from needing to convert potential array $data['mail_target_info']) - but could change
     $res = array();
     foreach ($this->dbTypes['mail_recipients'] as $f => $v) {
         if (isset($data[$f])) {
             $res[$f] = $data[$f];
         } elseif ($addMissing) {
             $res[$f] = '';
     if (isset($data['mail_target_info']) && is_array($data['mail_target_info'])) {
         $tmp = e107::serialize($data['mail_target_info'], TRUE);
         $res['mail_target_info'] = $tmp;
     return $res;
예제 #13
 function readFeedList($force = FALSE)
     $sql = e107::getDb();
     if ($this->validFeedList && !$force) {
         // Already got list
     if ($this->useCache) {
         $eArrayStorage = e107::getArrayStorage();
         global $e107;
         if (!$force && ($temp = $e107->ecache->retrieve(NEWSFEED_LIST_CACHE_TAG))) {
             $this->feedList = e107::unserialize($temp);
     $fieldList = '*';
     if ($this->useCache) {
         // Get all fields except the actual news
         $fieldList = 'newsfeed_id, newsfeed_name, newsfeed_url, newsfeed_timestamp, newsfeed_description, newsfeed_image, newsfeed_active, newsfeed_updateint';
     if ($sql->select("newsfeed", $fieldList, '`newsfeed_active` > 0')) {
         while ($row = $sql->fetch(MYSQL_ASSOC)) {
             $nfID = $row['newsfeed_id'];
             if (isset($row['newsfeed_data'])) {
                 $this->newsList[$nfID]['newsfeed_data'] = $row['newsfeed_data'];
                 // Pull out the actual news - might as well since we're here
                 $this->newsList[$nfID]['newsfeed_timestamp'] = $row['newsfeed_timestamp'];
                 // Don't keep this in memory twice!
             $this->feedList[$nfID] = $row;
             // Put the rest into the feed data
         $this->validFeedList = TRUE;
     if ($this->useCache) {
         // Cache enabled - we need to save some updated info
         $temp = e107::serialize($this->feedList, FALSE);
         e107::getCache()->set(NEWSFEED_LIST_CACHE_TAG, $temp);
예제 #14
 function menuSaveParameters()
     $sql = e107::getDb();
     $id = intval($_POST['menu_id']);
     if (isset($_POST['menu_parms'])) {
         $parms = $sql->escape(strip_tags($_POST['menu_parms']));
     } else {
         unset($_POST['menu_id'], $_POST['mode'], $_POST['menuActivate'], $_POST['menuSetCustomPages']);
         $parms = $sql->escape(e107::serialize($_POST));
         if (e_DEBUG == true) {
             //	return array('msg'=>print_r($_POST,true),'error'=>true);
     $check = $sql->update("menus", "menu_parms='" . $parms . "' WHERE menu_id=" . $id . "");
     if ($check) {
         return array('msg' => 'All Okay', 'error' => false);
         // FIXME - menu log
         //	$this->menuAddMessage(LAN_SAVED,E_MESSAGE_SUCCESS);
     } elseif (false === $check) {
         return array('msg' => LAN_UPDATED_FAILED, 'error' => true);
     } else {
         return array('msg' => 'No Changes Made', 'error' => false);
         // $this->menuAddMessage(LAN_NOCHANGE_NOTSAVED,E_MESSAGE_INFO);
예제 #15
function convert_serialized($serializedData, $type = '')
    $arrayData = unserialize($serializedData);
    $data = e107::serialize($arrayData, FALSE);
    return $data;
예제 #16
//update the inheritance of options
if (isset($_POST['updateinherit'])) {
    foreach ($_POST['id'] as $k => $v) {
        //get current
        $sql->db_Select($plugintable, "content_pref", "content_id='" . intval($k) . "' ");
        $row = $sql->db_Fetch();
        $content_pref = e107::unserialize($row['content_pref']);
        //$content_pref = $eArrayStorage->ReadxxxArray($row['content_pref']);
        //assign or remove inherit option
        if (isset($_POST['content_inherit']) && isset($_POST['content_inherit'][$k])) {
            $content_pref['content_inherit'] = "1";
        } else {
        $tmp = e107::serialize($content_pref, true);
        //$tmp = $eArrayStorage->WritexxxArray($content_pref);
        $sql2->db_Update($plugintable, "content_pref='{$tmp}' WHERE content_id='" . intval($k) . "' ");
    $message = CONTENT_ADMIN_CAT_LAN_22 . "<br /><br />";
//update manager classes into preferences
if (isset($_POST['update_manager'])) {
    $content_pref = $aa->UpdateContentPref($_POST['options_type']);
    $message = CONTENT_ADMIN_CAT_LAN_22 . "<br /><br />";
//update page restriction classes into preferences
if (isset($_POST['update_restrict'])) {
    $content_pref = $aa->UpdateContentPref($_POST['options_type']);