<?php /** * Automatically order depot refill for products offered (active) in Zalando * * @author IT TEAM BONOFACTUM * @created Jul 19, 2013 4:54:57 PM */ global $db; require_once '../confy.php'; require_once '../functions.php'; require_once '../functions-2.php'; tep_db_connect(); use_class('depot_orders'); $class_do = new depot_orders(); $class_do->queryZalandoNeedRefill(true); echo 'Done!'; tep_db_close();
<?php /** * Show list of current Zalando out of stock products to be refilled * * @author IT TEAM BONOFACTUM * @created Jul 22, 2013 11:28:43 PM */ use_class('depot_orders'); $class_do = new depot_orders(); if (isset($_POST['me_action'])) { if ($_POST['me_action'] == 'LOADTABLE') { $show_zeroqty = $_POST['showzero'] == '1'; $articles = $class_do->queryZalandoNeedRefill(); $table = array(); $row = array(); $row['c1 w080 tac'] = 'No'; $row['c3 w080 tac'] = 'Product'; $row['c4 w080 tac'] = 'Length'; $row['c5 w080 tac'] = 'EAN'; $row['c6 w080 tac'] = 'Active Age'; $row['c7 w080 tac'] = 'Stock Available'; $row['c8 w080 tac'] = 'Current Refill'; $row['c9 w080 tac'] = 'Qty Needed'; $table[] = $row; $rowcounter = 0; $products = array(); $families = array(); $total_qty_tobe_created = 0; foreach ($articles as $a) { $rowcounter++;