예제 #1
function getModules($userID, $mysqlidb)
    $modules = array();
    $session = date_utils::get_current_academic_year();
    $result = $mysqlidb->prepare("SELECT idmod FROM modules_student WHERE calendar_year = ? AND userID = ?");
    $result->bind_param('si', $session, $userID);
    while ($result->fetch()) {
        $modules[] = module_utils::get_moduleid_from_id($moduleid, $mysqlidb);
    return $modules;
예제 #2
파일: list.php 프로젝트: vinod-co/centa
if ($tmp_sortby == 'q_type' and isset($_GET['type'])) {
    $tmp_sortby = 'leadin';
//SL 05-02-2015 changed to look at leadin column instead of leadin_plain column
if ($_GET['module'] == '0') {
    $sql = "SELECT DISTINCT NULL AS extra_field, NULL AS p, NULL AS d, questions.q_id, theme, leadin AS leadin, q_type, last_edited, DATE_FORMAT(last_edited, '{$configObject->get('cfg_long_date')}') AS modified, locked, status, bloom FROM (users, questions) LEFT JOIN questions_modules ON questions.q_id = questions_modules.q_id WHERE users.id = questions.ownerID AND ownerID = " . $userObject->get_user_ID() . " AND idMod IS NULL GROUP BY q_id";
} elseif ($_GET['type'] == 'performance') {
    $sql = "SELECT DISTINCT NULL AS extra_field, p, d, questions.q_id, theme, leadin AS leadin, q_type, last_edited, DATE_FORMAT(last_edited, '{$configObject->get('cfg_long_date')}') AS modified, locked, status, bloom FROM (questions, performance_main, performance_details, questions_modules) WHERE questions.q_id = performance_main.q_id AND performance_main.id = performance_details.perform_id AND questions.q_id = questions_modules.q_id AND idMod = {$module}";
} elseif ($_GET['type'] == 'keyword') {
    $sql = "SELECT DISTINCT keyword AS extra_field, keywordID AS p, NULL AS d, questions.q_id, theme, leadin AS leadin, q_type, last_edited, DATE_FORMAT(last_edited, '{$configObject->get('cfg_long_date')}') AS modified, locked, status, bloom FROM (questions, questions_modules, keywords_question, keywords_user) WHERE questions.q_id = keywords_question.q_id AND keywords_question.keywordID = keywords_user.id AND questions.q_id = questions_modules.q_id AND idMod = {$module} AND deleted IS NULL AND status NOT IN ({$retired_in})";
} elseif ($_GET['type'] == 'bloom') {
    $sql = "SELECT DISTINCT bloom AS extra_field, NULL AS p, NULL AS d, questions.q_id, theme, leadin AS leadin, q_type, last_edited, DATE_FORMAT(last_edited, '{$configObject->get('cfg_long_date')}') AS modified, locked, status, bloom FROM (questions, questions_modules) WHERE questions.q_id = questions_modules.q_id {$module_sql} {$staff_modules_sql} {$statusSQL} AND deleted IS NULL AND status NOT IN ({$retired_in})";
} elseif ($_GET['type'] == 'objective') {
    $vle_api_cache = array();
    $vle_api_data = MappingUtils::get_vle_api($module, date_utils::get_current_academic_year(), $vle_api_cache, $mysqli);
    $sql = "SELECT DISTINCT GROUP_CONCAT(obj_id SEPARATOR ' ') AS extra_field, NULL AS p, NULL AS d, questions.q_id, theme, leadin AS leadin, q_type, last_edited, DATE_FORMAT(last_edited, '{$configObject->get('cfg_long_date')}') AS modified, locked, status, bloom FROM (questions, questions_modules, relationships) WHERE questions.q_id = questions_modules.q_id AND questions.q_id = relationships.question_id AND relationships.vle_api = '{$vle_api_data['api']}' AND relationships.map_level = '{$vle_api_data['level']}' {$module_sql} {$staff_modules_sql} {$statusSQL} AND deleted IS NULL AND status NOT IN ({$retired_in}) GROUP BY question_id";
} else {
    $sql = "SELECT DISTINCT NULL AS extra_field, NULL AS p, NULL AS d, questions.q_id, theme, leadin AS leadin, q_type, last_edited, DATE_FORMAT(last_edited, '{$configObject->get('cfg_long_date')}') AS modified, locked, status, bloom FROM (questions, questions_modules) WHERE questions.q_id = questions_modules.q_id {$module_sql} {$staff_modules_sql} {$statusSQL} {$keyword} AND deleted IS NULL";
    if ($_GET['type'] != 'status') {
        $sql .= " AND status NOT IN ({$retired_in})";
$search_results = $mysqli->prepare($sql);
$search_results->bind_result($extra_field, $p, $d, $q_id, $theme, $leadin, $q_type, $last_edited, $modified, $locked, $status, $bloom);
if ($type == 'keyword') {
    $table_order = array($string['question'] => 800, $string['type'] => 100, 'Keyword' => 100, $string['modified'] => 70, $string['status'] => 70);
} elseif ($type == 'bloom') {
    $table_order = array($string['question'] => 800, $string['type'] => 100, 'Bloom\'s Taxonomy' => 100, $string['modified'] => 70, $string['status'] => 70);
예제 #3
 if ($_POST['paper_type'] == 'summative' or $_POST['paper_type'] == 'osce' or $_POST['paper_type'] == 'offline') {
     $next_flag = 1;
     $year_options = array();
     $calendar_year = date_utils::get_current_academic_year();
     $next_session = substr($calendar_year, 0, 4) + 1 . '/' . (substr($calendar_year, -2) + 1);
     $year_options[] = $next_session;
     // Add next year's session
     $module_details = $mysqli->prepare("SELECT DISTINCT calendar_year FROM modules_student ORDER BY calendar_year DESC");
     while ($module_details->fetch()) {
         $year_options[] = $calendar_year;
     if (count($year_options) == 1) {
         $year_options[] = date_utils::get_current_academic_year();
         // Add current year
     echo "<tr><td style=\"width:140px; text-align:right; vertical-align:top\">" . $string['academicsession'] . "</td><td>";
     echo "<select name=\"session\">\n";
     foreach ($year_options as $calendar_year) {
         $sel = $_POST['default_academic_year'] == $calendar_year ? ' selected="selected"' : '';
         echo "<option value=\"{$calendar_year}\"{$sel}>{$calendar_year}</option>\n";
     echo "</select></td>\n";
 } else {
     echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"session\" value=\"\" />\n";
 if (!$configObject->get('cfg_summative_mgmt') or $_POST['paper_type'] != 'summative') {
     echo "</tr><tr><td align=\"right\" valign=\"top\">" . $string['from'] . "&nbsp;</td><td>";
     $date_array = getdate();
예제 #4
파일: index.php 프로젝트: vinod-co/centa
foreach ($bank_types as $type_name => $url) {
    echo "<div class=\"f2\"><div class=\"f_icon\"><a href=\"{$url}\"><img src=\"../artwork/yellow_folder.png\" alt=\"Folder\" /></a></div><div class=\"f_details\"><a href=\"{$url}\">" . $type_name . "</a></div></div>\n";
echo "<br clear=\"left\">\n";
echo "<div class=\"f2\"><div class=\"f_icon\"><a href=\"../question/search.php?module={$module}\"><img src=\"../artwork/search_48.png\" alt=\"Folder\" /></a></div><div class=\"f_details\"><a href=\"../question/search.php?module={$module}\">" . $string['search'] . "</a><br /><span class=\"grey\">" . $string['forquestions'] . "</span></div></div>\n";
if ($module != 0) {
    // Don't want new questions created from the Unassigned folder.
    echo "<div class=\"f2\"><div class=\"f_icon\"><a href=\"#\" onclick=\"newQuestion({$module}); return false;\"><img src=\"../artwork/new_question.png\" alt=\"" . $string['newquestion'] . "\" /></a></div><div class=\"f_details\"><a href=\"\" onclick=\"newQuestion({$module}); return false;\">" . $string['newquestion'] . "</a></div></div>\n";
// User section
echo "<br clear=\"left\">\n";
echo "<div class=\"subsect_table\" style=\"clear:both\"><div class=\"subsect_title\">" . $string['users'] . "</div><div class=\"subsect_hr\"><hr noshade=\"noshade\" /></div></div>\n";
echo "<div class=\"f2\"><div class=\"f_icon\"><a href=\"../users/search.php?module={$module}\"><img src=\"../artwork/search_48.png\" alt=\"Folder\" /></a></div><div class=\"f_details\"><a href=\"../users/search.php?module={$module}\">" . $string['search'] . "</a><br /><span class=\"grey\">" . $string['forusers'] . "</span></div></div>\n";
if ($_GET['module'] != '0') {
    $current_year = date_utils::get_current_academic_year($module_details['academic_year_start']);
    $student_cohort = module_utils::get_student_members($current_year, $module, $mysqli);
    $url = '../users/search.php?submit=Search&module=' . $module . '&calendar_year=' . $current_year . '&students=on&search_username=&student_id=';
    $student_no = count($student_cohort);
    if ($student_no == 0) {
        $student_class = 'red';
    } else {
        $student_class = 'grey';
    echo "<div class=\"f2\"><div class=\"f_icon\"><a href=\"{$url}\"><img src=\"../artwork/user_accounts_icon.png\" alt=\"Folder\" /></a></div><div class=\"f_details\"><a href=\"{$url}\">" . sprintf($string['studentlist'], $current_year) . "</a><br /><span class=\"{$student_class}\">" . number_format($student_no) . " " . $string['students'] . "</span></div></div>\n";
    $url = '../users/import_users_metadata.php?module=' . $module;
    echo "<div class=\"f2\"><div class=\"f_icon\"><a href=\"{$url}\"><img src=\"../artwork/user_metadata_48.png\" alt=\"Folder\" /></a></div><div class=\"f_details\"><a href=\"{$url}\">" . $string['addmetadata'] . "</a><br /><span class=\"grey\">" . sprintf($string['extradataaboutstudents'], $module_details['moduleid']) . "</span></div></div>\n";
예제 #5
파일: index.php 프로젝트: vinod-co/centa
        $lti->add_lti_resource($retlookup, 'paper');
$returned = $lti->lookup_lti_resource();
if (!$lti->isInstructor()) {
    if ($returned === false) {
        // no data selected for this
        UserNotices::display_notice($string['warning'], $string['ltinotconfigured'], '../artwork/access_denied.png', $title_color = '#C00000');
        echo "\n</body>\n</html>\n";
    } else {
        //valid data
        list($c_internal_id, $upd) = $lti->lookup_lti_context();
        $session = date_utils::get_current_academic_year();
        if (is_null($c_internal_id)) {
            //   $lti_i::invalid_module_code($c_internal_id, $data, 'no returned data');
        $data = $lti_i::module_code_translate($c_internal_id);
        foreach ($data as $v) {
            $returned_check = module_utils::get_full_details_by_name($v[1], $mysqli);
            if (!UserUtils::is_user_on_module_by_name($userObject->get_user_ID(), $v[1], $session, $mysqli) and $returned_check !== false and $lti_i::allow_module_self_reg($v)) {
                if ($returned_check['active'] == 1 and $returned_check['selfenroll'] == 1 and !UserUtils::is_user_on_module_by_name($userObject->get_user_ID(), $v[1], $session, $mysqli)) {
                    // Insert new module enrollment
                    UserUtils::add_student_to_module_by_name($userObject->get_user_ID(), $v[1], 1, $session, $mysqli);
        $_SESSION['lti']['paperlink'] = $returned[0];
        header("location: ../paper/user_index.php?id=" . $returned[0]);
예제 #6
 function update_module_enrolement($module, $idMod, $sms_api, $mysqli = 'NOTSET', $session = 'NOTSET', $demomode = false)
     // run module enrolement for select code
     if ($mysqli == 'NOTSET') {
         global $mysqli;
     if ($session == 'NOTSET') {
         $session = date_utils::get_current_academic_year();
     $session_parts = explode('/', $session);
     $enrolements = 0;
     $deletions = 0;
     $enrolement_details = '';
     $deletion_details = '';
     // UoN code to strip off prefix codes.
     $replaced_module = str_replace('_UNMC', '', $module);
     $replaced_module = str_replace('_UNNC', '', $replaced_module);
     // Get the currently enrolled students in Rogo for the module.
     $current_users = array();
     $student_data = $mysqli->prepare("SELECT modules_student.id, users.id, username, grade, title, surname, first_names, initials, roles, yearofstudy, auto_update, sid.student_id FROM (modules_student, users) LEFT JOIN sid ON users.id = sid.userID WHERE modules_student.userID = users.id AND calendar_year = ? AND idMod = ?");
     $student_data->bind_param('si', $session, $idMod);
     $student_data->bind_result($sm_id, $uid, $username, $grade, $title, $surname, $first_names, $initials, $roles, $year, $auto_update, $student_id);
     while ($student_data->fetch()) {
         $current_users[$username]['delete'] = $auto_update;
         // Set users to be deleted if added via SATURN, set otherwise lower down after checking with SMS
         $current_users[$username]['smID'] = $sm_id;
         $current_users[$username]['userID'] = $uid;
         $current_users[$username]['grade'] = $grade;
         $current_users[$username]['title'] = $title;
         $current_users[$username]['surname'] = $surname;
         $current_users[$username]['first_names'] = $first_names;
         $current_users[$username]['initials'] = $initials;
         $current_users[$username]['roles'] = $roles;
         $current_users[$username]['year'] = $year;
         $current_users[$username]['auto_update'] = $auto_update;
         $current_users[$username]['student_id'] = $student_id;
     $c_u = $current_users;
     // Look up SMS
     $returned_data = @file_get_contents($sms_api . "&code={$replaced_module}&year=" . $session_parts[0]);
     $xml = false;
     if ($returned_data !== false) {
         $xml = new SimpleXMLElement($returned_data);
     if (is_object($xml) and !isset($xml->ErrorMessage) and !isset($xml->Module->ModuleError)) {
         foreach ($xml->Module->Membership->Student as $sms) {
             $sms->Title = trim($sms->Title);
             $sms->Surname = trim($sms->Surname);
             $sms->Forename = trim($sms->Forename);
             $sms->CourseCode = trim($sms->CourseCode);
             $sms->Username = trim($sms->Username);
             $sms->Email = trim($sms->Email);
             $sms->Gender = trim($sms->Gender);
             $sms->YearofStudy = trim($sms->YearofStudy);
             $sms->StudentID = trim($sms->StudentID);
             $lookup_username = trim($sms->Username);
             // Make sure we have a proper username - it can sometimes be blank in SATURN data
             if ($sms->Email != '') {
                 // Try to extract from email address
                 $un_parts = explode('@', $sms->Email);
                 $lookup_username = $un_parts[0];
             if ($lookup_username != '') {
                 if (isset($current_users[$lookup_username]['delete'])) {
                     $current_users[$lookup_username]['delete'] = 0;
                     // Mark as being legitimate
                 } else {
                     // Student missing from Rogo module
                     $student_data = $mysqli->prepare("SELECT id, yearofstudy, initials, grade, title, surname, first_names, roles, email, COALESCE(sid.student_id,'SID_ERROR') FROM users LEFT JOIN sid ON users.id = sid.userID WHERE username = ? LIMIT 1");
                     // Do they have a Rogo user record?
                     $student_data->bind_param('s', $lookup_username);
                     $student_data->bind_result($tmp_userID, $tmp_yearofstudy, $tmp_initials, $tmp_grade, $tmp_title, $tmp_surname, $tmp_first_names, $tmp_roles, $tmp_email, $tmp_student_id);
                     if ($student_data->num_rows == 0) {
                         // Going to have to create a whole new account for the user
                         $names = explode(' ', $sms->Forename);
                         $initials = '';
                         foreach ($names as $tmp_name) {
                             $initials .= $tmp_name[0];
                         if (!$demomode) {
                             $tmp_userID = UserUtils::create_user($lookup_username, '', $sms->Title, $sms->Forename, $sms->Surname, $sms->Email, $sms->CourseCode, $sms->Gender, $sms->YearofStudy, 'Student', $sms->StudentID, $mysqli);
                             if ($tmp_userID == false) {
                                 echo 'ERROR: unable to establish surname for ' . $lookup_username . '<br />';
                         $current_users[$lookup_username]['userID'] = $tmp_userID;
                         $current_users[$lookup_username]['grade'] = $sms->CourseCode;
                         $current_users[$lookup_username]['title'] = $sms->Title;
                         $current_users[$lookup_username]['surname'] = $sms->Surname;
                         $current_users[$lookup_username]['first_names'] = $tmp_first_names;
                         $current_users[$lookup_username]['initials'] = $initials;
                         $current_users[$lookup_username]['roles'] = 'Student';
                         $current_users[$lookup_username]['email'] = $sms->Email;
                         $current_users[$lookup_username]['year'] = $sms->YearofStudy;
                         $current_users[$lookup_username]['student_id'] = $sms->StudentID;
                         $current_users[$lookup_username]['delete'] = 0;
                     } else {
                         $current_users[$lookup_username]['userID'] = $tmp_userID;
                         $current_users[$lookup_username]['grade'] = $tmp_grade;
                         $current_users[$lookup_username]['title'] = $tmp_title;
                         $current_users[$lookup_username]['surname'] = $tmp_surname;
                         $current_users[$lookup_username]['first_names'] = $tmp_first_names;
                         $current_users[$lookup_username]['initials'] = $tmp_initials;
                         $current_users[$lookup_username]['roles'] = $tmp_roles;
                         $current_users[$lookup_username]['email'] = $tmp_email;
                         $current_users[$lookup_username]['year'] = $tmp_yearofstudy;
                         $current_users[$lookup_username]['student_id'] = $tmp_student_id;
                         $current_users[$lookup_username]['delete'] = 0;
                     // Add student onto the module
                     $auto_update = 1;
                     //set auto_update to student module association
                     if (!$demomode) {
                         $success = UserUtils::add_student_to_module($tmp_userID, $idMod, 1, $session, $mysqli, $auto_update);
                     if ($success) {
                         if ($enrolement_details == '') {
                             $enrolement_details = $lookup_username;
                         } else {
                             $enrolement_details .= ',' . $lookup_username;
                 // Check to see if any details of the user account need updating.
                 if (strtoupper(substr($sms->ReasonForLeaving, 0, 3)) == 'W/D') {
                     $new_roles = 'left';
                 } elseif (stripos($sms->ReasonForLeaving, 'not permitted to progress') !== false) {
                     $new_roles = 'left';
                 } elseif ($sms->ReasonForLeaving == 'Successfully completed course') {
                     $new_roles = 'graduate';
                 } else {
                     $new_roles = $current_users[$lookup_username]['roles'];
                     // Keep the roles same as they were.
                     if ($new_roles != 'left' and $new_roles != 'graduate' and strpos($new_roles, 'Student') === false) {
                         $new_roles .= ',Student';
                         // Add in 'student' role if missing.
                 $names = explode(' ', $sms->Forename);
                 $tmp_initials = '';
                 foreach ($names as $tmp_name) {
                     if (isset($tmp_name[0])) {
                         $tmp_initials .= $tmp_name[0];
                 if ($current_users[$lookup_username]['year'] != $sms->YearofStudy or $tmp_initials != $current_users[$lookup_username]['initials'] or $current_users[$lookup_username]['grade'] != $sms->CourseCode or $current_users[$lookup_username]['title'] != $sms->Title or $current_users[$lookup_username]['surname'] != $sms->Surname or $current_users[$lookup_username]['first_names'] != $sms->Forename or $current_users[$lookup_username]['roles'] != $new_roles or isset($current_users[$lookup_username]['email']) and $current_users[$lookup_username]['email'] != $sms->Email) {
                     $result = $mysqli->prepare("UPDATE users SET yearofstudy = ?, roles = ?, grade = ?, title = ?, surname = ?, first_names = ?, initials = ?, email = ? WHERE username = ?");
                     $result->bind_param('issssssss', $sms->YearofStudy, $new_roles, $sms->CourseCode, $sms->Title, $sms->Surname, $sms->Forename, $tmp_initials, $sms->Email, $lookup_username);
                     if (!$demomode) {
                 // Check if SID needs updating - rare but could happen
                 if ($current_users[$lookup_username]['student_id'] != $sms->StudentID) {
                     if ($current_users[$lookup_username]['student_id'] == 'SID_ERROR') {
                         $result = $mysqli->prepare("INSERT INTO sid VALUES (?, ?)");
                         $result->bind_param('si', $sms->StudentID, $current_users[$lookup_username]['userID']);
                     } else {
                         $result = $mysqli->prepare("UPDATE sid SET student_id = ? WHERE userID = ?");
                         $result->bind_param('si', $sms->StudentID, $current_users[$lookup_username]['userID']);
             } else {
                 echo 'ERROR: unable to establish username for ' . $sms->Title . ' ' . $sms->Surname . ', ' . $sms->Forename . ' (' . $sms->StudentID . ')<br />';
         // Check for any extra students in Rogo but not in SATURN for module
         foreach ($current_users as $username => $individual_user) {
             if ($individual_user['delete'] == 1 and $individual_user['auto_update'] == 1) {
                 $result = $mysqli->prepare("DELETE FROM modules_student WHERE id = ?");
                 // Delete using primary key of 'modules_student'
                 $result->bind_param('i', $individual_user['smID']);
                 if (!$demomode) {
                 if ($deletion_details == '') {
                     $deletion_details = $username;
                 } else {
                     $deletion_details .= ',' . $username;
     $import_type = '';
     if ($enrolements > 0 or $deletions > 0) {
         if ($sms_api == 'http://saturn-exports.nottingham.ac.uk/touchstone.ashx?campus=malaysia') {
             $import_type = 'SATURN Malaysia';
         } elseif ($sms_api == 'http://saturn-exports.nottingham.ac.uk/touchstone.ashx?campus=china') {
             $import_type = 'SATURN China';
         } else {
             $import_type = 'SATURN UK';
         $result = $mysqli->prepare("INSERT INTO sms_imports VALUES (NULL, NOW(), ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)");
         $result->bind_param('sisisss', $idMod, $enrolements, $enrolement_details, $deletions, $deletion_details, $import_type, $session);
     $this->set_enrolement_no($enrolements, $module);
     $this->set_deletion_no($deletions, $module);
     $expdata = array();
     if ($demomode) {
         // Write out to temp
         $dir = sys_get_temp_dir();
         $expdata['status'] = $this->errorinfo;
         $expdata['students'] = $c_u;
         $expdata['moduledata'] = $xml;
         $expdata['studentsa'] = $current_users;
         file_put_contents($dir . '/' . 'uon-' . $module . '.txt', var_export($expdata, true));
         file_put_contents($dir . '/' . 'sum-uon-' . $module . '.txt', "{$enrolements}, {$deletions}\r\n{$import_type}\r\n{$enrolement_details}\r\n{$deletion_details}\r\n");
예제 #7
echo $configObject->get('cfg_client_lookup');
echo $string['interactivequestions'];
echo $configObject->get('cfg_interactive_qs');
echo $string['Session'];
echo date_utils::get_current_academic_year();
echo $string['ErrorLogSettings'];
echo $ErrorLogSettings;

<tr><td colspan="2">&nbsp;</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" class="sechead"><?php 
echo $string['rogoplugins'];
예제 #8
    echo $string['objectivesfile'];
</td><td><input type="file" size="50" name="txtfile" />
<input type="hidden" name="module" value="<?php 
    echo $modID;
" /></td>

    echo "<td style=\"text-align:right\">" . $string['session'] . "</td><td><select name=\"session\">\n";
    $startyear = date('Y') - 1;
    for ($i = 0; $i < 2; $i++) {
        $tmp_session = $startyear + $i . '/' . substr($startyear + $i + 1, 2);
        $sel = $tmp_session == date_utils::get_current_academic_year() ? ' selected="selected"' : '';
        echo "<option value=\"{$tmp_session}\"{$sel}>{$tmp_session}</option>\n";
    echo "</select></td>\n";
<tr><td colspan="2" style="text-align:center"><input type="submit" class="ok" value="<?php 
    echo $string['import'];
" name="submit" /><input class="cancel" type="button" value="<?php 
    echo $string['cancel'];
" name="cancel" onclick="history.go(-1)" /></td></tr>
예제 #9
파일: details.php 프로젝트: vinod-co/centa
        $current_year = true;
if ($current_year == false) {
    echo "<tr><td colspan=\"4\"><table border=\"0\" style=\"padding-bottom:5px; width:100%; color:#1E3287\"><tr><td><nobr>" . date_utils::get_current_academic_year();
    if ($userObject->has_role(array('Admin', 'SysAdmin'))) {
        echo "&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href=\"#\" onclick=\"editModules('" . date_utils::get_current_academic_year() . "','" . $user_details['grade'] . "'); return false;\"><img src=\"../artwork/pencil_16.png\" width=\"16\" height=\"16\" alt=\"" . $string['editmodules'] . "\" /></a>";
    echo "</nobr></td><td style=\"width:98%\"><hr noshade=\"noshade\" style=\"border:0px; height:1px; color:#E5E5E5; background-color:#E5E5E5; width:100%\" /></td></tr></table></td></tr>\n";
for ($i = 0; $i < $row_no; $i++) {
    if ($user_modules[$i]['calendar_year'] != $old_year) {
        echo "<tr><td colspan=\"4\"><table border=\"0\" style=\"padding-bottom:5px; width:100%; color:#1E3287\"><tr><td><nobr>" . $user_modules[$i]['calendar_year'];
        if (($user_modules[$i]['calendar_year'] == $most_recent_year or $user_modules[$i]['calendar_year'] == date_utils::get_current_academic_year()) and $userObject->has_role(array('Admin', 'SysAdmin'))) {
            echo "&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href=\"#\" onclick=\"editModules('" . $user_modules[$i]['calendar_year'] . "','" . $user_details['grade'] . "'); return false;\"><img src=\"../artwork/pencil_16.png\" width=\"16\" height=\"16\" alt=\"" . $string['editmodules'] . "\" /></a>";
        echo "</nobr></td><td style=\"width:98%\"><hr noshade=\"noshade\" style=\"border:0; height:1px; color:#E5E5E5; background-color:#E5E5E5; width:100%\" /></td></tr></table></td></tr>\n";
    echo "<tr><td>";
    if ($user_modules[$i]['attempt'] != 1) {
        echo '<img src="../artwork/resit.png" width="16" height="16" alt="Resit" title="' . $string['resitcandidate'] . '" />';
    echo "</td><td><a href=\"../module/index.php?module={$user_modules[$i]['idMod']}\">{$user_modules[$i]['moduleid']}</a></td><td>&nbsp;<a href=\"../module/index.php?module={$user_modules[$i]['idMod']}\">{$user_modules[$i]['fullname']}</a></td><td>{$user_modules[$i]['calendar_year']}</td></tr>\n";
    $old_year = $user_modules[$i]['calendar_year'];

예제 #10
if ($configObject->get('cfg_sms_api') == '') {
    log_error(0, 'CRON JOB', 'Application Error', "'cfg_sms_api' setting in config.inc.php is set to blank.", 'users_from_SMS.php', 0, '', null, null, null);
$sms_connection = SmsUtils::GetSmsUtils();
$mysqli = DBUtils::get_mysqli_link($configObject->get('cfg_db_host'), $configObject->get('cfg_db_sysadmin_user'), $configObject->get('cfg_db_sysadmin_passwd'), $configObject->get('cfg_db_database'), $configObject->get('cfg_db_charset'), $notice, $configObject->get('dbclass'));
$useObject = new UserObject($configObject, $mysqli);
// Do not include deleted modules or non-active modules.
$module_data = $mysqli->prepare("SELECT modules.id, moduleid, sms, academic_year_start FROM modules WHERE sms != '' AND mod_deleted IS NULL AND active = 1 ORDER BY moduleid");
$module_data->bind_result($idMod, $module, $sms, $academic_year_start);
while ($module_data->fetch()) {
    $session = date_utils::get_current_academic_year($academic_year_start);
    $sms_connection->update_module_enrolement($module, $idMod, $sms, $mysqli, $session);
$errorinfo = $sms_connection->geterrors();
if (count($errorinfo['usernamematch']) > 0) {
    log_error(0, 'CRON JOB', 'Application Warning', implode('\\r\\n', $errorinfo['usernamematch']), 'users_from_SMS.php', 0, '', null, $errorinfo['usernamematchdata'], null);
if (count($errorinfo['unabletodetermineusername']) > 0) {
    log_error(0, 'CRON JOB', 'Application Warning', implode('\\r\\n', $errorinfo['unabletodetermineusername']), 'users_from_SMS.php', 0, '', null, $errorinfo['unabletodetermineusernamedata'], null);
$errorstr = '';
if (count($errorinfo['moduleerrorstate']) > 0) {
    foreach ($errorinfo['moduleerrorstate'] as $key => $value) {
        $cnt = count($value);
        $errorstr .= 'Error state: ' . $key . " <br />\r\n{$cnt} module(s):: ";
예제 #11
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2014 The University of Nottingham
* @package
require '../include/sysadmin_auth.inc';
require_once '../classes/dateutils.class.php';
require_once '../classes/userutils.class.php';
require_once '../classes/smsutils.class.php';
if ($configObject->get('cfg_sms_api') == '') {
    log_error(0, 'CRON JOB', 'Application Error', "'cfg_sms_api' setting in config.inc.php is set to blank.", 'users_from_SMS.php', 0, '', null, null, null);
$sms_connection = SmsUtils::GetSmsUtils();
// Calculate what the current academic session is.
$session = (isset($_GET['session']) and $_GET['session'] != '') ? $_GET['session'] : date_utils::get_current_academic_year();
$session_parts = explode('/', $session);
<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>Rog&#333; <?php 
echo $configObject->get('cfg_install_type');

    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../css/body.css" />
    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../css/header.css" />
    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../css/submenu.css" />
    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../css/list.css" />
예제 #12
 public function get_outcomes($ac_year = 'all', $vle_api_data = null)
     $outcomes = array();
     $vle_api_cache = array();
     // Get the VLE API we're using currently
     if (is_null($vle_api_data)) {
         $vle_api_data = MappingUtils::get_vle_api($this->idMod, date_utils::get_current_academic_year(), $vle_api_cache, $this->db);
     // Get years for which there are mappings for the current mapping source
     if ($ac_year == 'all') {
         $all_years = getYearsForModules($vle_api_data['api'], array($this->idMod => $this->module_id), $this->db);
     } else {
         $all_years = array($ac_year);
     foreach ($all_years as $ac_year) {
         $obs = getObjectives(array($this->idMod => $this->module_id), $ac_year, '', '', $this->db);
         if (is_array($obs) and isset($obs[$this->module_id])) {
             foreach ($obs[$this->module_id] as $session) {
                 if (isset($session['objectives'])) {
                     foreach ($session['objectives'] as $objective) {
                         if (isset($objective['guid'])) {
                             $uid = $objective['guid'];
                         } elseif (isset($objective['id'])) {
                             $uid = $objective['id'];
                         } else {
                             $uid = '';
                         if ($uid != '') {
                             // Build list of IDs but use the latest text
                             $ids = isset($outcomes[$uid]) ? $outcomes[$uid]['ids'] : array();
                             $ids[] = $objective['id'];
                             $outcomes[$uid] = array('ids' => $ids, 'label' => $objective['content']);
     if (count($outcomes) > 0) {
         uasort($outcomes, function ($a, $b) {
             if ($a['label'] == $b['label']) {
                 return 0;
             return $a['label'] < $b['label'] ? -1 : 1;
     // Filter local mappings to remove duplicates
     $last_id = -1;
     $last_text = '';
     if ($vle_api_data['api'] == '') {
         foreach ($outcomes as $id => $outcome) {
             if ($last_id != -1) {
                 if ($outcome['label'] == $last_text) {
                     $outcomes[$last_id]['ids'][] = $id;
                 } else {
                     $last_id = $id;
                     $last_text = $outcome['label'];
             } else {
                 $last_id = $id;
     return $outcomes;