예제 #1
            $password = '';
        //check if user exists
        if ($dbh_user->check_user($username)->user_exists) {
        } else {
            $message = 'Specified username does not exist.';
        if ($message == "") {
            require 'password_crypto.php';
            $hashed_password = cobalt_password_hash('NEW', $password, $username, $new_salt, $new_iteration, $new_method);
            $data_con = new data_abstraction();
            $data_con->set_update("`password`='{$hashed_password}', `salt`='{$new_salt}', `iteration`='{$new_iteration}', `method`='{$new_method}'");
            $message = 'The password has been successfully reset.';
            $message_type = 'SYSTEM';
            $password = '';
require 'subclasses/user_html.php';
$html = new user_html();
$html->draw_header('Reset Password', $message, $message_type);
$html->fields['password']['control_type'] = 'password';
$html->fields['password']['label'] = 'Temporary Password';
$html->exception = array('person_id', 'role_id', 'skin_id');
$html->draw_controls('add', 'Password Reset Form');
예제 #2
 function check_if_unique($db, $table, $where, $errMsg)
     $error_message = '';
     $data_con = new data_abstraction();
     if ($data_con->Num_Rows > 0) {
         $error_message = $errMsg;
     return $error_message;
예제 #3
            //Get the role permissions
            require_once 'subclasses/user_role_links.php';
            $obj_role = new user_role_links();
            $arrLink = $obj_role->dump['link_id'];
            $numLinks = $obj_role->num_rows;
            //Assign permissions to user
            $dbh = new data_abstraction();
            foreach ($arrLink as $link_id) {
                $dbh->set_fields('username, link_id');
                $dbh->set_where("username='******' AND link_id='" . quote_smart($link_id) . "'");
                if ($dbh->num_rows == 0) {
                    $dbh->set_values("'" . quote_smart($Username) . "','" . quote_smart($link_id) . "'");
        $message = 'Success! User passport has been updated.';
        $message_type = 'system';
$html_writer = new html();
$html_writer->draw_header('Set User Passports', $message, $message_type);
예제 #4
    $Username = cobalt_htmlentities($Username);
    $Module = cobalt_htmlentities($Module);
    $Keyword = cobalt_htmlentities($Keyword);
    $IPAddress = cobalt_htmlentities($IPAddress);
if (!isset($start)) {
    $start = 0;
//Pagination ****************************
//->Query to get total number of records.
$data_con = new data_abstraction();
$data_con->set_fields("entry_id, ip_address, user, datetime, action, module");
$data_con->set_where("{$TimeFilter} AND {$UserFilter} AND {$ModuleFilter} AND {$KeywordFilter} AND {$IPAddressFilter}");
if ($result = $data_con->make_query()->result) {
    $total_records = $data_con->num_rows;
} else {
    die("Error getting log entries: " . $data_con->QUERY);
//-> Now instantiate the pagination class and feed it the necessary information.
require 'paged_result_class.php';
$results_per_page = 50;
$pager = new paged_result($total_records, $results_per_page);
$pager->get_page_data($result_pager, $current_page);
$current_page = $pager->current_page;
$data_con->set_limit($pager->offset, $pager->records_per_page);
$html_writer = new html();
$html_writer->draw_header('Security Monitor', $message, $message_type);
require '../javascript/submitenter.php';
예제 #5
function log_action($action, $module = '')
    if (isset($_SESSION['user'])) {
        $username = quote_smart($_SESSION['user']);
    } else {
        $username = '******';
    if ($module == '') {
        $module = $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'];
    $date = date("m-d-Y");
    $real_time = date("G:i:s");
    $new_date = explode("-", $date);
    $new_time = explode(":", $real_time);
    $timestamp = mktime($new_time[0], $new_time[1], $new_time[2], $new_date[0], $new_date[1], $new_date[2]);
    $date_time = date("l, F d, Y -- h:i:s a");
    $ip_address = get_ip();
    $action = quote_smart($action);
    $data_con = new data_abstraction();
    $data_con->set_fields('ip_address, user, datetime, action, module');
    $data_con->set_values("'{$ip_address}', '{$username}', '{$timestamp}', '{$action}', '{$module}'");
    $data_con->make_query(TRUE, FALSE);