while (($row = $db->dbResultFetch()) !== false) { echo "<tr><td>{$row['id']}</td><td>{$row['name']}</td></tr>"; } echo '</table>'; die; } } require_once './lib/common.inc.php'; // ob_start(); echo '<b>start</b><br>'; $db = new dataBase(); $db->simpleQuery("drop table if exists transaction_test;"); $db->simpleQuery("\n create table transaction_test (\n id int(10) not null auto_increment,\n name varchar(50) not null,\n PRIMARY KEY (id)\n ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;"); $db2 = new dataBase(); // test transaction isolation $db2->beginTransaction(); $db2->simpleQuery("insert into transaction_test (name) values('Asia')"); $db2->simpleQuery("insert into transaction_test (name) values('Kasia')"); $db2->simpleQuery("insert into transaction_test (name) values('Natalia')"); check_database_count($db, 0, __LINE__); // test commit $db2->commit(); check_database_count($db, 3, __LINE__); // test no-transaction $db2->simpleQuery("insert into transaction_test (name) values('Basia')"); check_database_count($db, 4, __LINE__); // test rollback $db2->beginTransaction(); $db2->simpleQuery("delete from transaction_test where name = 'Kasia'"); if ($db2->rowCount() !== 1) { echo "Expected 1 row to be deleted!<br>";
tpl_set_var('acceptList', ""); tpl_set_var('cacheList', ""); // wybor wlasciciela - mozna zmieniac tylko swoje skrzynki... chyba, ze jest sie czlonkiem oc team if (isset($_GET['cacheid']) && (isUserOwner($usr['userid'], $_GET['cacheid']) && !isset($_GET['abort']) && !isset($_GET['accept']))) { tpl_set_var('cachename', getCacheName($_GET['cacheid'])); tpl_set_var('cacheid', $_GET['cacheid']); $tplname = "chowner_chooseuser"; } else { if (isset($_GET['accept']) && $_GET['accept'] == 1) { $sql = "SELECT count(id) FROM chowner WHERE cache_id = :1 AND user_id = :2"; $potwierdzenie = $db->multiVariableQueryValue($sql, 0, $_GET['cacheid'], $usr['userid']); if ($potwierdzenie > 0) { // zmiana wlasciciela tpl_set_var("error_msg", tr('adopt_30')); tpl_set_var("info_msg", ""); $db->beginTransaction(); require_once $rootpath . 'lib/cache_owners.inc.php'; $pco = new OrgCacheOwners($db); $pco->populateForCache($_GET['cacheid']); $oldOwnerId = getCacheOwner($_GET['cacheid']); $isCachePublished = isCachePublished($_GET['cacheid']); $sql = "DELETE FROM chowner WHERE cache_id = :1 AND user_id = :2"; $db->multiVariableQuery($sql, $_GET['cacheid'], $usr['userid']); if ($isCachePublished) { $sql = "UPDATE caches SET user_id = :2, org_user_id = IF(org_user_id IS NULL, :3, org_user_id) WHERE cache_id= :1"; $db->multiVariableQuery($sql, $_GET['cacheid'], $usr['userid'], $oldOwnerId); } else { $sql = "UPDATE caches SET user_id = :2 WHERE cache_id= :1"; $db->multiVariableQuery($sql, $_GET['cacheid'], $usr['userid']); } $sql = "UPDATE pictures SET user_id = :2 WHERE object_id = :1";