예제 #1
  * Short description of method removePropertyValueByLg
  * @access public
  * @author Joel Bout, <*****@*****.**>
  * @param  Resource resource
  * @param  Property property
  * @param  string lg
  * @param  array options
  * @return boolean
 public function removePropertyValueByLg(\core_kernel_classes_Resource $resource, \core_kernel_classes_Property $property, $lg, $options = array())
     $returnValue = (bool) false;
     $dbWrapper = \core_kernel_classes_DbWrapper::singleton();
     // Optional params
     $pattern = isset($options['pattern']) && !is_null($options['pattern']) ? $options['pattern'] : null;
     $like = isset($options['like']) && $options['like'] == true ? true : false;
     // Get the table name
     $tableName = ResourceReferencer::singleton()->resourceLocation($resource);
     if ($property->isLgDependent()) {
         $resourceId = HardapiUtils::getResourceIdByTable($resource, $tableName);
         if ($resourceId) {
             $propsTableName = $tableName . 'props';
             $query = 'DELETE FROM "' . $propsTableName . '"
                                     WHERE "property_uri" = \'' . $property->getUri() . '\' 
                                     AND "instance_id" = \'' . $resourceId . '\'
                                     AND "l_language" = \'' . $lg . '\' ';
             //build additionnal conditions:
             $additionalConditions = array();
             if (!is_null($pattern)) {
                 if (is_string($pattern)) {
                     $searchPattern = \core_kernel_persistence_smoothsql_Utils::buildSearchPattern($pattern, $like);
                     $additionalConditions[] = ' ("property_value" ' . $searchPattern . ' OR "property_foreign_uri" ' . $searchPattern . ') ';
                 } else {
                     if (is_array($pattern)) {
                         if (count($pattern) > 0) {
                             $multiCondition = "(";
                             foreach ($pattern as $i => $patternToken) {
                                 $searchPattern = \core_kernel_persistence_smoothsql_Utils::buildSearchPattern($patternToken, $like);
                                 if ($i > 0) {
                                     $multiCondition .= " OR ";
                                 $multiCondition .= ' ("property_value" ' . $searchPattern . ' OR "property_foreign_uri" ' . $searchPattern . ') ';
                             $additionalConditions[] = "{$multiCondition}) ";
             foreach ($additionalConditions as $i => $additionalCondition) {
                 $query .= " AND ( {$additionalCondition} ) ";
             try {
                 $result = $dbWrapper->exec($query);
                 $returnValue = true;
             } catch (\PDOException $e) {
                 throw new Exception("Unable to delete property values (multiple) for the instance {$resource->getUri()} : " . $e->getMessage());
     return (bool) $returnValue;
예제 #2
  * Short description of method removePropertyValues
  * @access public
  * @author Joel Bout, <*****@*****.**>
  * @param  Resource resource
  * @param  Property property
  * @param  array options
  * @return boolean
 public function removePropertyValues(core_kernel_classes_Resource $resource, core_kernel_classes_Property $property, $options = array())
     $returnValue = (bool) false;
     // Optional params
     $pattern = isset($options['pattern']) && !is_null($options['pattern']) ? $options['pattern'] : null;
     $like = isset($options['like']) && $options['like'] == true ? true : false;
     //build query:
     $query = 'DELETE FROM statements WHERE subject = ? AND predicate = ?';
     $objectType = $this->getPersistence()->getPlatForm()->getObjectTypeCondition();
     $conditions = array();
     if (is_string($pattern)) {
         if (!is_null($pattern)) {
             $searchPattern = core_kernel_persistence_smoothsql_Utils::buildSearchPattern($this->getPersistence(), $pattern, $like);
             $conditions[] = '( ' . $objectType . ' ' . $searchPattern . ' )';
     } else {
         if (is_array($pattern)) {
             if (count($pattern) > 0) {
                 $multiCondition = "( ";
                 foreach ($pattern as $i => $patternToken) {
                     $searchPattern = core_kernel_persistence_smoothsql_Utils::buildSearchPattern($this->getPersistence(), $patternToken, $like);
                     if ($i > 0) {
                         $multiCondition .= " OR ";
                     $multiCondition .= '(' . $objectType . ' ' . $searchPattern . ' )';
                 $conditions[] = "{$multiCondition} ) ";
     foreach ($conditions as $i => $additionalCondition) {
         $query .= " AND ( {$additionalCondition} ) ";
     //be sure the property we try to remove is included in an updatable model
     $query .= ' AND ' . $this->getModelWriteSqlCondition();
     if ($property->isLgDependent()) {
         $query .= ' AND (' . $this->getPersistence()->getPlatForm()->isNullCondition('l_language') . ' OR l_language = ?) ';
         $returnValue = $this->getPersistence()->exec($query, array($resource->getUri(), $property->getUri(), \common_session_SessionManager::getSession()->getDataLanguage()));
     } else {
         $returnValue = $this->getPersistence()->exec($query, array($resource->getUri(), $property->getUri()));
     if (!$returnValue) {
         $returnValue = false;
     return (bool) $returnValue;
예제 #3
  * (non-PHPdoc)
  * @see core_kernel_persistence_ClassInterface::searchInstances()
 public function searchInstances(\core_kernel_classes_Class $resource, $propertyFilters = array(), $options = array())
     $returnValue = array();
     $dbWrapper = \core_kernel_classes_DbWrapper::singleton();
     // 'like' option.
     $like = true;
     if (isset($options['like'])) {
         $like = $options['like'] == true;
     // 'chaining' option.
     $chaining = 'and';
     if (!empty($options['chaining'])) {
         $chainingValue = strtolower($options['chaining']);
         if ($chainingValue == 'and' || $chainingValue == 'or') {
             $chaining = $chainingValue;
     // 'recursive' option.
     $recursive = 0;
     if (isset($options['recursive'])) {
         $recursive = intval($options['recursive']);
     // 'limit' option. If not provided, we wet it to null as well.
     $limit = null;
     if (isset($options['limit'])) {
         $limit = intval($options['limit']);
     // 'offset' option. If not provided, we set it to 0.
     $offset = 0;
     if (isset($options['offset'])) {
         $offset = intval($options['offset']);
         if (empty($limit)) {
             // offset requires a limit
             $limit = 1000000;
     // 'order' and 'orderdir' options.
     $order = null;
     $orderdir = 'ASC';
     if (!empty($options['order'])) {
         $order = $options['order'];
         if (!empty($options['orderdir'])) {
             $orderdirValue = strtolower($options['orderdir']);
             if ($orderdirValue == 'asc' || $orderdirValue == 'desc') {
                 $orderdir = $orderdirValue;
     // 'lang' option.
     $lang = '';
     if (!empty($options['lang'])) {
         $lang = $options['lang'];
     // 'additionalClasses' option.
     $classes = array($resource);
     if (!empty($options['additionalClasses'])) {
         $classes = array_merge($classes, $options['additionalClasses']);
     $queries = array();
     foreach ($classes as $class) {
         $query = '';
         // Get information about where and how to query the database.
         $baseTableName = '';
         $referencer = ResourceReferencer::singleton();
         $classLocations = $referencer->classLocations($class);
         if (isset($classLocations[0])) {
             // table to query located.
             $baseTableName = $classLocations[0]['table'];
             $propsTableName = $baseTableName . 'props';
             $baseConditions = array();
             // Conditions to apply on base table.
             $propsConditions = array();
             // Conditions to apply on properties table.
             foreach ($propertyFilters as $propUri => $pattern) {
                 $property = new \core_kernel_classes_Property($propUri);
                 $propertyLocations = $referencer->propertyLocation($property);
                 $patterns = !is_array($pattern) ? array($pattern) : $pattern;
                 if (in_array($baseTableName, $propertyLocations)) {
                     // The property to search is stored in the base table.
                     $propShortName = HardapiUtils::getShortName($property);
                     $subConditions = array();
                     foreach ($patterns as $pattern) {
                         $searchPattern = \core_kernel_persistence_smoothsql_Utils::buildSearchPattern($pattern, $like);
                         $subConditions[] = '"b"."' . $propShortName . '" ' . $searchPattern;
                     $baseConditions[] = '(' . implode(' OR ', $subConditions) . ')';
                 } else {
                     // The property to search is stored in the properties table
                     // or might be simply unknown.
                     $pUri = $dbWrapper->quote($propUri);
                     $condition = '("p"."property_uri" = ' . $pUri . ' AND (';
                     $subConditions = array();
                     foreach ($patterns as $pattern) {
                         $searchPattern = \core_kernel_persistence_smoothsql_Utils::buildSearchPattern($pattern, $like);
                         $subCondition = 'COALESCE("p"."property_value", "p"."property_foreign_uri") ' . $searchPattern;
                         // Deal with the language.
                         if (preg_match('/^[a-zA-Z]{2,4}$/', $lang)) {
                             $quotedLang = $dbWrapper->quote($lang);
                             $langToken = ' AND ("p"."l_language" = \'\' OR "p"."l_language" = ' . $quotedLang . ')';
                             $subCondition .= $langToken;
                         $subConditions[] = $subCondition;
                     $condition .= implode(' OR ', $subConditions) . '))';
                     $propsConditions[] = $condition;
                 // else do nothing, the property is not referenced anywhere.
             $quotedTblName = $dbWrapper->quote($baseTableName);
             $query .= 'SELECT "b"."id", "b"."uri", ' . $quotedTblName . ' AS "tblname" FROM "' . $baseTableName . '" "b" ';
             if (empty($propsConditions) && !empty($baseConditions)) {
                 // Scenario with only scalar values.
                 $query .= 'WHERE ';
                 $finalCondition = array();
                 foreach ($baseConditions as $bC) {
                     $finalCondition[] = '(' . $bC . ')';
                 $query .= implode(' ' . strtoupper($chaining) . ' ', $finalCondition);
             } else {
                 if (!empty($propsConditions)) {
                     // Mixed approach scenario.
                     if ($chaining == 'and') {
                         for ($i = 0; $i < count($propsConditions); $i++) {
                             $joinName = 'bp' . $i;
                             $query .= 'INNER JOIN(';
                             $query .= 'SELECT "b"."id", "b"."uri" FROM "' . $baseTableName . '" "b" ';
                             $query .= 'INNER JOIN "' . $propsTableName . '" "p" ON ("b"."id" = "p"."instance_id" AND (';
                             $query .= $propsConditions[$i];
                             $query .= '))';
                             $query .= ') AS "' . $joinName . '" ON ("b"."id" = "' . $joinName . '"."id")';
                         if (!empty($baseConditions)) {
                             $query .= ' WHERE ';
                             $query .= implode(' AND ', $baseConditions);
                     } else {
                         $query .= 'INNER JOIN(';
                         $query .= 'SELECT "b"."id", "b"."uri" FROM "' . $baseTableName . '" "b" ';
                         $query .= 'INNER JOIN "' . $propsTableName . '" "p" ON ("b"."id" = "p"."instance_id" AND(';
                         $query .= implode(' OR ', array_merge($propsConditions, $baseConditions));
                         $query .= '))';
                         $query .= ') AS "bp" ON ("b"."id" = "bp"."id")';
             $queries[] = $query;
     if (!empty($queries)) {
         $finalQuery = implode(' UNION ', $queries);
         //TODO this work with mysql pgsql but not with MSSQL, I remove it and see no issue
         //$finalQuery .= ' GROUP BY "b"."id", "b"."uri", "tblname"';
         $finalQuery .= ' GROUP BY "b"."id", "b"."uri"';
         if (!empty($limit) || !empty($offset)) {
             $finalQuery = $dbWrapper->limitStatement($finalQuery, $limit, $offset);
         try {
             $result = $dbWrapper->query($finalQuery);
             $idUris = array();
             while ($row = $result->fetch()) {
                 if (empty($idUris[$row['tblname']])) {
                     $idUris[$row['tblname']] = array();
                 $idUris[$row['tblname']][$row['id']] = $row['uri'];
             // Order if needed.
             if (!empty($order) && !empty($idUris)) {
                 $queries = array();
                 foreach ($idUris as $tblname => $value) {
                     $ids = array_keys($value);
                     $ids = implode(', ', $ids);
                     $orderProp = new \core_kernel_classes_Property($order);
                     $propertyLocation = $referencer->propertyLocation($orderProp);
                     $orderPropShortName = HardapiUtils::getShortName($orderProp);
                     $propstblname = $tblname . 'props';
                     $sqlQuery = 'SELECT "id", "uri", "property_value" FROM (';
                     $sqlQuery .= 'SELECT "b"."id", "b"."uri", "p"."property_uri" AS "property_uri", COALESCE("p"."property_value", "p"."property_foreign_uri") AS "property_value" FROM "' . $tblname . '" "b" ';
                     $sqlQuery .= 'INNER JOIN "' . $propstblname . '" "p" ';
                     // Deal with the language.
                     $langToken = '';
                     if (preg_match('/^[a-zA-Z]{2,4}$/', $lang)) {
                         $quotedLang = $dbWrapper->quote($lang);
                         $langToken = ' AND ("p".l_language" = \'\' OR "p".l_language" = ' . $quotedLang . ')';
                     $sqlQuery .= 'ON ("b"."id" IN(' . $ids . ') AND "b"."id" = "p"."instance_id"' . $langToken . ') ';
                     if (in_array($baseTableName, $propertyLocation)) {
                         $sqlQuery .= 'UNION ';
                         $sqlQuery .= 'SELECT "b"."id", "b"."uri", \'' . $order . '\' AS "property_uri", "b"."' . $orderPropShortName . '" AS "property_value" ';
                         $sqlQuery .= 'FROM "' . $tblname . '" "b" ';
                         $sqlQuery .= 'JOIN "' . $propstblname . '" "p" ';
                         $sqlQuery .= 'ON ("b"."id" IN(' . $ids . ') AND "b"."id" = "p"."instance_id") ';
                     $sqlQuery .= ') AS "s"';
                     $queries[] = $sqlQuery;
                 $finalQuery = implode(' UNION ', $queries);
                 $finalQuery = 'SELECT "uri", "property_value" FROM (' . $finalQuery;
                 $finalQuery .= ') AS "search" GROUP BY "uri", "property_value" ORDER by "property_value"';
                 $idUris = array();
                 $sqlResult = $dbWrapper->query($finalQuery);
                 while ($row = $sqlResult->fetch()) {
                     $instance = new \core_kernel_classes_Resource($row['uri']);
                     $returnValue[$instance->getUri()] = $instance;
             } else {
                 foreach ($idUris as $tblname => $value) {
                     foreach ($value as $uri) {
                         $instance = new \core_kernel_classes_Resource($uri);
                         $returnValue[$instance->getUri()] = $instance;
         } catch (\PDOException $e) {
             throw new Exception("Unable to search instances for the resource {$resource->getUri()} : " . $e->getMessage());
     return (array) $returnValue;