function __construct() { include "config.php"; $config = new config(); define("LOGIN_PATH", dirname(__FILE__) . "/" . $config->get("auth", "login-path")); session_start(); if (isset($_POST["email"]) and isset($_POST["password"])) { // load user information $users = $config->get("auth", "users"); // find current user foreach ($users as $user) { if ($user["email"] == $_POST["email"]) { break; } } // verify password and set session cookie if (password_verify($_POST["password"], $user["hash"])) { $_SESSION["user"] = array("email" => $user["email"], "name" => $user["name"]); } else { $this->login(); } } elseif (!isset($_SESSION["user"])) { $this->login(); } }
function get_code($order,$payment) { $data_order_id = $order['id']; $data_amount = $order['orderamount']; $data_return_url = pay::url(basename(__FILE__,'.php')); $data_pay_account = $payment['paypal_account']; $currency_code = $payment['paypal_currency']; $data_notify_url = pay::url(basename(__FILE__,'.php')); define('SERVER_HTTP',$_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] == '443'?'https://': 'http://'); define('SITE_URL',SERVER_HTTP.$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']); $cancel_return = SITE_URL.config::get('base_url'); $def_url = '<br /><form style="text-align:center;" action="" method="post" target="_blank">'. "<input type='hidden' name='cmd' value='_xclick'>". "<input type='hidden' name='business' value='$data_pay_account'>". "<input type='hidden' name='item_name' value='$order[order_sn]'>". "<input type='hidden' name='amount' value='$data_amount'>". "<input type='hidden' name='currency_code' value='$currency_code'>". "<input type='hidden' name='return' value='$data_return_url'>". "<input type='hidden' name='invoice' value='$data_order_id'>". "<input type='hidden' name='charset' value='utf-8'>". "<input type='hidden' name='no_shipping' value='1'>". "<input type='hidden' name='no_note' value=''>". "<input type='hidden' name='notify_url' value='$data_notify_url'>". "<input type='hidden' name='rm' value='2'>". "<input type='hidden' name='cancel_return' value='$cancel_return'>". "<input type='submit' value='".$GLOBALS['_LANG']['paypal_button'] ."'>". "</form><br />"; return $def_url; }
public function login($username = null, $pass = null, $remember = false) { if (!$username && !$pass && $this->exist()) { Session::put($this->_sessionName, $this->data()->id); } else { $user = $this->find($username); if ($user) { if ($this->_data->password === Hash::make($pass, $this->_data->salt)) { Session::put($this->_sessionName, $this->_data->id); if ($remember) { $hash = hash::unique(); $hashCheck = $this->_db->get('user_session', array('user_id', '=', $this->data()->id)); if (!$hashCheck->count()) { $this->_db->insert('user_session', array('user_id' => $this->_data->id, 'hash' => $hash)); } else { $hash = $hashCheck->first()->hash; } Cookies::put($this->_cookieName, $hash, config::get('remember/expiry')); } return true; } } } return false; }
function update014() { global $url, $smarty; //Checking if this Update already done if (CURRENT_DB_UPDATE < "014") { if (is_null(config::get('014updatestatus'))) { config::set('014updatestatus', 0); } $qry = DBFactory::getDBQuery(true); if (config::get('014updatestatus') < 1) { // Add killmail summary. time, hash, trust. $sql = 'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `kb3_mails` ( `kll_id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, `kll_timestamp` datetime NOT NULL default "0000-00-00 00:00:00", `kll_external_id` int(8) default NULL, `kll_hash` BINARY(16) NOT NULL, `kll_trust` TINYINT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, PRIMARY KEY (`kll_id`), UNIQUE KEY `external_id` (`kll_external_id`), UNIQUE KEY `time_hash` (`kll_timestamp`,`kll_hash`) ) Engine=InnoDB'; $qry->execute($sql); } killCache(); config::set("DBUpdate", "014"); $qry->execute("INSERT INTO kb3_config (cfg_site, cfg_key, cfg_value) SELECT cfg_site, 'DBUpdate', '014' FROM kb3_config GROUP BY cfg_site ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE cfg_value = '014'"); config::del("014updatestatus"); $smarty->assign('refresh', 1); $smarty->assign('content', "Update 014 completed."); $smarty->display('update.tpl'); die; } }
function init() { $user=''; $guest = front::get('guest'); if($guest=='1'&&config::get('opguestadd')) { $user = '******'; }else { if(cookie::get('login_username') &&cookie::get('login_password')) { $user=new user(); $user=$user->getrow(array('username'=>cookie::get('login_username'))); } } if(cookie::get('login_username') &&cookie::get('login_password')) { $guestuser=new user(); $guestuser=$guestuser->getrow(array('username'=>cookie::get('login_username'))); } $this->view->guestuser = $guestuser; if(!$user &&front::$act != 'login'&&front::$act != 'register') front::redirect(url::create('user/login')); $this->view->user=$user; $this->_user=new user; $this->table=front::get('manage'); if($this->table <>'archive'&&$this->table <>'orders') exit('PAGE NOT FOUND!'); $this->_table=new $this->table; $this->_table->getFields(); $this->view->form=$this->_table->get_form(); $this->_pagesize=config::get('manage_pagesize'); $this->view->manage=$this->table; $this->view->primary_key=$this->_table->primary_key; if(!front::get('page')) front::$get['page']=1; $manage='table_'.$this->table; $this->manage=new $manage; }
public static function run($uri) { self::$router = new Router($uri); self::$db = new DB(config::get(''), config::get(''), config::get('db.user'), config::get('db.password')); Lang::load(self::$router->getLanguage()); if ($_POST and (isset($_POST['username_in']) and isset($_POST['password_in'])) or isset($_POST['exit'])) { $us = new RegisterController(); if (isset($_POST['exit'])) { $us->LogOut(); } else { $us->Login($_POST); } } if (self::$router->getController() == 'admin' and !Session::getSession('root') or self::$router->getController() == 'myblog' and !Session::getSession('id')) { self::$router->setController(Config::get('default_controller')); self::$router->setAction(Config::get('default_action')); Session::setSession('message', 'Отказ в доступе'); } $controller_class = ucfirst(self::$router->getController()) . 'Controller'; $controller_method = strtolower(self::$router->getMethodPrefix() . self::$router->getAction()); $controller_object = new $controller_class(); if (method_exists($controller_object, $controller_method)) { $controller_object->{$controller_method}(); $view_object = new View($controller_object->getData()); $content = $view_object->render(); } else { throw new Exception('Method ' . $controller_method . ' of class ' . $controller_class . ' does not exist'); } $layout = self::$router->getRoute(); $layout_path = VIEWS_PATH . DS . $layout . '.html'; $layout_view_object = new View(compact('content'), $layout_path); echo $layout_view_object->render(); }
public function getBaseData() { $apis = config::get('apis.routes'); $formatApi = array(); foreach ($apis as $key => $api) { $apiGroup = $this->_genGroup($api); $apiMethod = $key; $routingKey = $api['uses']; //echo $key.':'.$routingKey."\n";continue; $apiParams = $this->_getParams($routingKey); $formatApi[$apiGroup][$apiMethod]['description'] = $apiParams['description']; $formatApi[$apiGroup][$apiMethod]['required_oauth'] = $api['oauth']; //$formatApi[$apiGroup][$apiMethod]['description'] = $this->_getDescription($routingkey); foreach ($apiParams['params'] as $paramKey => $param) { $formatApi[$apiGroup][$apiMethod]['params'][$paramKey]['name'] = $paramKey; //以后更新数据过滤,就采用这个方式获取必填项 $formatApi[$apiGroup][$apiMethod]['params'][$paramKey]['required'] = $this->_genRequired($param['valid']); $formatApi[$apiGroup][$apiMethod]['params'][$paramKey]['type'] = $param['type']; $formatApi[$apiGroup][$apiMethod]['params'][$paramKey]['example'] = $param['example']; $formatApi[$apiGroup][$apiMethod]['params'][$paramKey]['default'] = $param['default']; $formatApi[$apiGroup][$apiMethod]['params'][$paramKey]['description'] = $param['description']; } } return $formatApi; }
function remotelogin_action() { cookie::del('passinfo'); $this->view->loginfalse=cookie::get('loginfalse'.md5($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])); if (front::$args) { $user=new user(); $args = xxtea_decrypt(base64_decode(front::$args), config::get('cookie_password')); $user=$user->getrow(unserialize($args)); if (is_array($user)) { if ($user['groupid'] == '888') front::$isadmin=true; cookie::set('login_username',$user['username']); cookie::set('login_password',front::cookie_encode($user['password'])); session::set('username',$user['username']); require_once ROOT.'/celive/include/'; require_once ROOT.'/celive/include/celive.class.php'; $login=new celive(); $login->auth(); $GLOBALS['auth']->remotelogin($user['username'],$user['password']); $GLOBALS['auth']->check_login1(); front::$user=$user; }elseif (!is_array(front::$user) ||!isset(front::$isadmin)) { cookie::set('loginfalse'.md5($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']),(int) cookie::get('loginfalse'.md5($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])) +1,time() +3600); event::log('loginfalse','失败 user='******'username']); front::flash('密码错误或不存在该管理员!'); front::refresh(url('admin/login',true)); } } $this->render(); }
private function __getApiInfo(&$params, &$response) { //提取系统参数 $method = $params['method']; $timestamp = $params['timestamp']; $format = $params['format']; $v = $params['v']; $sign_type = $params['sign_type']; $sign = $params['sign']; $exception = 'LogicException'; if (!base_rpc_validate::isValidate($params)) { return $response->sendError('system.systemParams.signError', app::get('base')->_('签名错误'), $format, $exception); } if (!($format == 'json' || $format == 'xml')) { return $response->sendError('system.systemParams.formatError', app::get('base')->_('返回格式设定必须是json或者xml'), $format, $exception); } if (!is_numeric($timestamp)) { return $response->sendError('system.systemParams.timestampFormatError', app::get('base')->_('时间格式错误(包含非数字的字符)'), $format, $exception); } if (time() - intval($timestamp) > 300) { return $response->sendError('system.systemParams.timeOut', app::get('base')->_('请求已超时'), $format, $exception); } $apis = config::get('apis.routes'); if (!isset($apis[$method])) { return $response->sendError('system.systemParams.methodNotFound', app::get('base')->_('找不到请求API'), $format, $exception); } if (!in_array($v, $apis[$method]['version'])) { return $response->sendError('system.systemParams.versionNotMatch', app::get('base')->_('API版本不匹配'), $format, $exception); } return $apis[$method]; }
public static function make($string, $salt = "") { if ($salt = "") { $salt = config::get('encryption/salt'); } return hash('sha256', $string, $salt); }
public function article($uri) { $this->template->content = View::factory('blog/view')->bind('post', $post)->bind('comments', $comments)->bind('form', $form); $post = ORM::factory('blog_post', (string) $uri); // Show 404 if we don't find posts if (!$post->loaded) { Event::run('system.404'); } $comments = $post->blog_comments; $this->head->title->prepend($post->title); if (!($post->comment_status === 'open' and config::get('blog.comment_status') === 'open')) { return; } $form = Formo::factory()->plugin('csrf')->add('text', 'author', array('label' => __('Name')))->add('text', 'email', array('label' => __('Email')))->add('text', 'url', array('label' => __('Homepage')))->add('textarea', 'content', array('label' => __('Comment')))->add('submit', 'submit', array('label' => __('Submit')))->pre_filter('all', 'trim')->pre_filter('author', 'security::xss_clean')->pre_filter('content', 'security::xss_clean')->pre_filter('url', 'security::xss_clean')->pre_filter('url', 'format::url')->add_rule('author', 'required', __('You must provide your name'))->add_rule('author', 'length[2,40]', __('Your Name is too long'))->add_rule('email', 'valid::email', __('Email address is not valid'))->add_rule('content', 'required', __('You must enter a comment')); if (config::get('blog.enable_captcha') === 'yes') { $form->add('captcha', 'security', array('label' => __('Security code'))); $form->security->error_msg = __('Invalid security code'); } if ($form->validate()) { $comment = ORM::factory('blog_comment'); $comment->author = $form->author->value; $comment->email = $form->email->value; $comment->content = $form->content->value; $comment->url = $form->url->value; $comment->ip = $this->input->ip_address(); $comment->agent = Kohana::$user_agent; $comment->date = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", time()); $post->add_comment($comment); Event::run('blog.comment_added', $comment); Cache::instance()->delete('s7n_blog_feed'); Cache::instance()->delete('s7n_blog_feed_comments'); url::redirect($post->url()); } $form = View::factory('blog/form_comment', $form->get(TRUE)); }
public static function conectar() { //Si no esta conectado, se conecta, sino, no. if (self::$conexion === null) { $svr = config::get('bd.servidor', 'localhost'); $usr = config::get('bd.usuario', 'root'); $pwd = config::get('bd.clave', ''); $dbn = config::get('bd.nombre', ''); self::$depurar = config::get('bd.depurar', false); self::$conexion = new mysqli($svr, $usr, $pwd, $dbn); if (!mysqli_connect_error()) { $charset = config::get('bd.charset', ''); if (!empty($charset)) { self::$conexion->set_charset($charset); } } //if if (!mysqli_connect_error()) { if (self::$depurar) { log::mensajeLin(__METHOD__ . ' Ok'); } self::$error = false; } else { self::$error = 'Error BD(' . mysqli_connect_errno() . '): ' . mysqli_connect_error(); self::$conexion = null; log::mensajeLin(__METHOD__ . ' ' . self::$error); } //if } //if return self::$conexion !== null; }
function manage_action() { if(!config::get('sms_username') || !config::get('sms_password')){ echo '<script>alert("您需要先设置用户名和密码才能使用短信管理功能!");window.location.href="'.url('config/system/set/sms').'";</script>'; exit; } include_once("phprpc/phprpc_client.php"); $client = new PHPRPC_Client(); $client->setProxy(NULL); $client->useService(''); $client->setKeyLength(128); $client->setEncryptMode(3); $info = $client->getInfo(config::get('sms_username'),md5(config::get('sms_password'))); $info[0] = intval($info[0]); $info[1] = intval($info[1]); $this->view->info = $info; if (front::post('submit')) { if (front::post('act') == 'test') { $rs = sendMsg(front::post('mobile'),'test'); if($rs->SendSMSResult == '0'){ front::flash('发送成功'); }else{ front::flash('发送失败,请检查用户名、密码或剩余条数'); } } }else{ if($info[0] < 50) front::flash('你的剩余短信不足50条,请及时充值'); } }
static function send_to_center($app_id, $data = null, $method = 'node.reg') { $app_info = app::get($app_id)->define(); $obj_app = app::get($app_id); // 生成参数... $api_data = array('certi_app' => $method, 'certificate_id' => base_certificate::certi_id(), 'node_type' => 'ecos.' . $app_id, 'url' => kernel::base_url(true), 'version' => $app_info['version'], 'channel_ver' => $app_info['api_ver'], 'api_ver' => '1.2', 'format' => 'json', 'api_url' => kernel::base_url(1) . kernel::url_prefix() . '/api'); //更新时,多带个参数 if ($method == 'node.update') { $api_data['node_id'] = base_shopnode::node_id($app_id); } ksort($api_data); foreach ($api_data as $key => $value) { $str .= $value; } $api_data['certi_ac'] = strtoupper(md5($str . base_certificate::token())); $http = kernel::single('base_httpclient'); $http->set_timeout(6); $result = $http->post(config::get('link.license_center'), $api_data); $result = json_decode($result, true); if ($result['res'] == 'succ') { return self::set_node_id($result['info'], $app_id); } else { return false; } }
/** * Update the sign-in credentials for the specific user. * * @param UserRecord $user The user to update the credentials for * @return Boolean True on success */ public function assignCredentials(UserRecord $user) { $db = new DatabaseConnection(); // Generate a new salt and hash the password $salt = $this->generateSalt(); // What hashing algorithm to use $ha = config::get('lepton.user.hashalgorithm', 'md5'); $ps = $user->password . $salt; $hp = hash($ha, $ps); if ($user->userid == null) { $uuid = UUID::v4(); try { $id = $db->insertRow("REPLACE INTO " . LEPTON_DB_PREFIX . "users (username,salt,password,email,flags,registered,uuid) VALUES (%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,NOW(),%s)", $user->username, $salt, $hp, $user->email, $user->flags, $uuid); $user->userid = $id; } catch (Exception $e) { throw $e; // TODO: Handle exception } } else { try { $db->updateRow("UPDATE " . LEPTON_DB_PREFIX . "users SET username=%s,salt=%s,password=%s,email=%s,flags=%s WHERE id=%d", $user->username, $salt, $hp, $user->email, $user->flags, $user->userid); } catch (Exception $e) { throw $e; // TODO: Handle exception } } return true; }
private function execQuery() { $this->qry = DBFactory::getDBQuery(); $query = "SELECT * FROM kb3_navigation WHERE nav_type = '{$this->type}'"; if (Killboard::hasCampaigns() == false) { $query .= " AND url NOT LIKE '?a=campaigns'"; } if (config::get('public_losses')) { $query .= " AND url NOT LIKE '?a=losses'"; } if (!config::get('show_standings')) { $query .= " AND url NOT LIKE '?a=standings'"; } if (config::get('public_stats') == 'remove') { $query .= " AND url NOT LIKE '?a=self_detail'"; } $query .= " AND (page = '" . $this->page . "' OR page = 'ALL_PAGES') AND hidden = 0"; $query .= " AND KBSITE = '" . $this->site . "' ORDER BY posnr"; $this->qry->execute($query); // If no navigation table was found then make one. if (!$this->qry->recordCount()) { $this->check_navigationtable(); $this->qry->execute($query); } }
/** * 娴嬭瘯parse comments * * @return void */ public function testConfigWrite() { $configWrite = new base_setup_config(); $configWrite->overwrite = true; $configs = ['' => config::get(''), 'database.database' => config::get('database.database'), 'database.username' => config::get('database.username'), 'database.password' => config::get('database.password')]; $configWrite->write($configs); }
function delete_before() { $tbname = config::get('database','prefix').'archive'; $typeid = front::$get['id']; $where = "typeid = '$typeid'"; $arc=new archive(); $arc->rec_delete($tbname,$where); }
private function _setting($queue = null) { $q = array(); $config = config::get('swoolequeue.config'); $type = config::get('swoolequeue.type'); if ($queue) { $q = $type[$queue]; if ($q['worker_num']) { $config['worker_num'] = $q['worker_num']; } if ($q['task_worker_num']) { $config['task_worker_num'] = $q['task_worker_num']; } if ($q['reactor_num']) { $config['reactor_num'] = $q['reactor_num']; } } if ($config['log_file']) { $config['log_file'] = DATA_DIR . "/" . $config['log_file']; } $this->host = $q['host'] ? $q['host'] : $config['host']; $this->port = $q['port'] ? $q['port'] : $config['port']; $this->mode = $q['mode'] ? $q['mode'] : $config['mode']; $callbackClass = $q['callback_class'] ? $q['callback_class'] : $config['callback_class']; unset($config['host'], $config['port'], $config['mode']); if (!$config) { throw new \LogicException("配置项参数缺失"); } $this->config = $config; if (!$callbackClass) { throw new \LogicException("配置项参数缺失"); } $this->objCallback = new $callbackClass(); return true; }
/** * @package EDK */ function update034() { global $url, $smarty; //Checking if this Update already done if (CURRENT_DB_UPDATE < "034") { if (is_null(config::get('034updatestatus'))) { config::set('034updatestatus', 0); } $qry = DBFactory::getDBQuery(true); if (config::get('034updatestatus') < 1) { $qry->execute("SHOW COLUMNS FROM kb3_invtypes LIKE 'radius'"); if ($qry->recordCount()) { $sql = "ALTER TABLE `kb3_invtypes` DROP COLUMN `radius` "; $qry->execute($sql); } } config::set("DBUpdate", "034"); $qry->execute("INSERT INTO kb3_config (cfg_site, cfg_key, cfg_value) SELECT cfg_site, 'DBUpdate', '034' FROM kb3_config GROUP BY cfg_site ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE cfg_value = '034'"); config::del("034updatestatus"); $smarty->assign('refresh', 1); $smarty->assign('content', "Update 034 completed."); $smarty->display('update.tpl'); die; } }
public function to($location = null) { if ($location) { header('Location: ' . config::get('base_url') . $location); exit; } }
/** * Load the image, * set the image processor library * * @return void */ protected function load() { $this->basePath = public_path($this->config->get('image::dir')) . '/'; $this->baseDir = $this->config->get('image::dir') . '/'; $this->sizes = $this->config->get('image::sizes'); $this->allowGif = $this->config->get('image::allow-animated-gif'); $this->saveOriginal = $this->config->get('image::save-original'); $this->maxSize = $this->config->get('image::max-size'); $this->allowExt = explode(',', $this->config->get('image::ext-allowed')); $this->name = $this->isUrl ? md5($this->uploadFile) : $this->uploadFile->getClientOriginalName(); $this->ext = (string) strtolower($this->isUrl ? $this->file->extension($this->uploadFile) : $this->uploadFile->getClientOriginalExtension()); $this->uploadFilePath = $this->isUrl ? $this->uploadFile : $this->uploadFile->getRealPath(); if (!$this->isUrl and $this->file->size($this->uploadFilePath) > $this->maxSize) { $this->hasError = true; } //also confirm the image type if (!in_array($this->ext, $this->allowExt)) { $this->hasError = true; } /** * Load our library */ require_once 'library/gif_exg.php'; //require_once 'library/wideimage/lib/WideImage.php'; require_once 'library/PHPImageWorkshop/autoload.php'; }
public static function load(&$killlist, $type = 'kill') { if ($type == 'kill') { if (config::get('cfg_pilotid')) { $killlist->addInvolvedPilot(config::get('cfg_pilotid')); } if (config::get('cfg_corpid')) { $killlist->addInvolvedCorp(config::get('cfg_corpid')); } if (config::get('cfg_allianceid')) { $killlist->addInvolvedAlliance(config::get('cfg_allianceid')); } } elseif ($type == 'loss') { if (config::get('cfg_pilotid')) { $killlist->addVictimPilot(config::get('cfg_pilotid')); } if (config::get('cfg_corpid')) { $killlist->addVictimCorp(config::get('cfg_corpid')); } if (config::get('cfg_allianceid')) { $killlist->addVictimAlliance(config::get('cfg_allianceid')); } } elseif ($type == 'combined') { if (config::get('cfg_pilotid')) { $killlist->addCombinedPilot(config::get('cfg_pilotid')); } if (config::get('cfg_corpid')) { $killlist->addCombinedCorp(config::get('cfg_corpid')); } if (config::get('cfg_allianceid')) { $killlist->addCombinedAlliance(config::get('cfg_allianceid')); } } }
function generate() { $sql = "select DISTINCT kll.kll_id, kll_isk_loss as isk, kll_ship_id as ship, kll_victim_id as plt_id\n from kb3_kills kll\n\t INNER JOIN kb3_inv_detail ind on ( ind.ind_kll_id = kll.kll_id )"; $bottomSQL = "order by 2 desc limit " . $this->limit; // do we need to exclude ship types? $excludeShipClasses = array(); // exclude supercaps? if (config::get("mostexptoplist_supercaps") === "0") { // Supercarrier $this->excludeVictimShipClass(28); // Titan $this->excludeVictimShipClass(26); } // exclude regular caps? if (config::get("mostexptoplist_caps") === "0") { // Dreadnought $this->excludeVictimShipClass(19); // Carrier $this->excludeVictimShipClass(27); // Capital Industrial $this->excludeVictimShipClass(29); } // exclude NPC kills? if (config::get("mostexptoplist_npclosses") === "0") { $noNpcWhere = " AND ind_shp_id != 0 "; $bottomSQL = $noNpcWhere . $bottomSQL; } $this->setSQLTop($sql); // we dont want structures $this->setNoStructures(); $this->setSQLBottom($bottomSQL); // pods, shuttles, noob ships are intersting, too! $this->setPodsNoobShips(TRUE); }
public function login($email = null, $password = null, $remember = false) { if (!$email && !$password && $this->exists()) { session::put($this->_session_name, $this->_data->id); } else { $user = $this->find($email); if ($user) { if ($this->_data->password === hash::make($password, $this->_data->salt)) { session::put($this->_session_name, $this->_data->id); if ($remember) { $hash = hash::unique(); $hash_check = $this->_db->get('users_session', array('user_id', '=', $this->_data->id)); if (!$hash_check->count()) { $this->_db->insert('users_session', array('user_id' => $this->_data->id, 'hash' => $hash)); } else { $hash = $hash_check->firstResult()->hash; } cookie::put($this->_cookie_name, $hash, config::get('remember/cookie_expiry')); } return true; } } } return false; }
/** * Examine the URL, optionally looking for a specific service. If no * service selection is done, all the services that the URL publishes * will be returned. * * @param string $url The URL to explore * @param string $service The service to look for * @return array An array of the exposed services at the URL */ function discover($url, $services = null) { // Perform the query $ret = new HttpRequest($url); // Grab the data $status = $ret->status(); $content = $ret->responseText(); $headers = $ret->headers(); $results = array(); // Enumerate the explorers $explorers = config::get(Discovery::KEY_EXPLORERS, array()); foreach ($explorers as $explorer) { // Discover the service and merge the results $instance = new $explorer($url, $headers, $content); $instance->discover(); if ($services) { foreach ($instance->getAllServices() as $stype => $sdata) { // Return the service if it matches the type. if ($stype == $service) { return $sdata; } } } else { // Merge the resultset otherwise $results = array_merge($results, $instance->getAllServices()); } } // Return null if we were looking for a specific service if ($services) { return null; } return $results; }
/** * 写日志 * * @param string $s_message 日志信息 * @param string $s_type 日志类型 */ public static function write($s_message, $s_type = 'log') { // 检查日志目录是否可写 if (!is_dir(config::get("log_dir"))) { @mkdir(config::get("log_dir")); chmod(config::get("log_dir"), 0777); } if (!is_writable(config::get("log_dir"))) { throw new sfException(lang::get('LOG_PATH is not writeable !')); } $s_now_time = date('[Y-m-d H:i:s]'); $s_now_day = date('Y_m_d'); // 根据类型设置日志目标位置 $s_target = config::get("log_dir"); switch ($s_type) { case 'debug': $s_target .= '/Out_' . $s_now_day . '.log'; break; case 'error': $s_target .= '/Err_' . $s_now_day . '.log'; break; default: $s_target .= '/Log_' . $s_now_day . '.log'; break; } //检测日志文件大小, 超过配置大小则重命名 if (file_exists($s_target) && self::$max_size <= filesize($s_target)) { $s_file_name = substr(basename($s_target), 0, strrpos(basename($s_target), '.log')) . '_' . time() . '.log'; rename($s_target, dirname($s_target) . '/' . $s_file_name); } clearstatcache(); // 写日志, 返回成功与否 return error_log("{$s_now_time} {$s_message}\n", 3, $s_target); }
public function edit() { $this->contentHeaderTitle = app::get('topshop')->_('添加角色'); //面包屑 $this->runtimePath = array(['url' => url::action('topshop_ctl_index@index'), 'title' => app::get('topshop')->_('首页')], ['url' => url::action('topshop_ctl_account_roles@index'), 'title' => app::get('topshop')->_('角色管理')], ['title' => app::get('topshop')->_('添加角色')]); if (input::get('role_id')) { $params['shop_id'] = $this->shopId; $params['role_id'] = input::get('role_id'); $data = app::get('topshop')->rpcCall('', $params); if ($data) { $pagedata['role_id'] = $data['role_id']; $pagedata['role_name'] = $data['role_name']; $pagedata['workground'] = explode(',', $data['workground']); } } $permission = config::get('permission'); unset($permission['common']); foreach ($permission as $k => $row) { foreach ($row['group'] as $key => $value) { $permissionKey[$key] = $k . '.group.' . $key; } } $pagedata['permissionKey'] = $permissionKey; $pagedata['permission'] = $permission; return $this->page('topshop/account/roles/edit.html', $pagedata); }
function createSelectBackground() { $options = array(); if (config::get('style_background') == "0") { $state = 1; } else { $state = 0; } $options[] = array('value' => "0", 'descr' => "No background", 'state' => $state); $dir = "background/"; if (is_dir($dir)) { if ($dh = scandir($dir)) { foreach ($dh as $file) { $file = substr($file, 0); if (!is_dir($dir . $file)) { if (config::get('style_background') == $file) { $state = 1; } else { $state = 0; } $options[] = array('value' => $file, 'descr' => $file, 'state' => $state); } } } } return $options; }
/** * send * 必有方法,发送时调用 * config参数为getOptions取得的所有项的配置结果 * @param string $to * @param string $content * @param array $config * @access public * @return void */ public function send($to, $title, $content, $config) { if (!$to) { throw new \LogicException('短信发送失败:手机号为空!'); } if (!$content) { throw new \LogicException('短信发送失败:短信内容为空!'); } $setSmsSign = app::get('system')->getConf('setSmsSign'); if (is_array($setSmsSign)) { $setSmsSign = $setSmsSign['sign']; } //当在shopex内网开发时,配置测试内容时使用 if ($testConf = config::get('messenger.intranet')) { $setSmsSign = $testConf['sign']; $config = array_merge($config, $testConf); } if (!$setSmsSign) { throw new \LogicException('短信签名不能为空!'); } if (is_array($to)) { $to = implode(',', $to); } $setSms = $this->_checkReg($setSmsSign); $content = $content . '【' . $setSmsSign . '】'; $contents = array(0 => array('phones' => $to, 'content' => $content)); try { $result = kernel::single('system_messenger_smschg')->send($contents, $config); } catch (Exception $e) { $msg = $e->getMessage(); throw new \LogicException($msg); return false; } return true; }