function ShowCategory() { $this->showing_category = $this->catindex; $catname = $this->categories[$this->catindex]; //paginate $per_page = SimpleBlogCommon::$data['per_page']; $page = 0; if (isset($_GET['page']) && is_numeric($_GET['page'])) { $page = (int) $_GET['page']; } $start = $page * $per_page; $include_drafts = common::LoggedIn(); $show_posts = $this->WhichCatPosts($start, $per_page, $include_drafts); $this->ShowPosts($show_posts); //pagination links echo '<p class="blog_nav_links">'; if ($page > 0) { $html = SimpleBlogCommon::CategoryLink($this->catindex, $catname, '%s', 'page=' . ($page - 1), 'class="blog_newer"'); echo gpOutput::GetAddonText('Newer Entries', $html); echo ' '; } if (($page + 1) * $per_page < $this->total_posts) { $html = SimpleBlogCommon::CategoryLink($this->catindex, $catname, '%s', 'page=' . ($page + 1), 'class="blog_older"'); echo gpOutput::GetAddonText('Older Entries', $html); } echo '</p>'; }
public static function getStuff() { $config = self::getConfig(); if (common::LoggedIn()) { if ($config['wysiwygEnabled']) { global $addonPathCode, $page; require_once $addonPathCode . "/Renderer.php"; $renderer = new Renderer($config, $addonPathCode . "/lib/parsedown"); print $renderer->render($_REQUEST['content']); //haha, very secure. NOT! $nonce_str = 'EasyMark4Life!'; //TODO: sanitize $config stuff //"stuff" is defined in edit.js print "<script>"; print "var nonceStr = '" . $nonce_str . "';"; print "var postNonce = '" . common::new_nonce('post', true) . "';"; print "setTimeout(stuff, " . htmlspecialchars($config['wysiwygDelay']) . "*1000);"; print "</script>"; // cleanup old page object unset($page); } } else { print "Have to be logged in to use this feature"; } }
function __construct() { global $page, $langmessage, $config, $contact_message_sent, $message_send_attempt; $this->sent = $contact_message_sent; if (empty($config['toemail'])) { if (common::LoggedIn()) { $url = common::GetUrl('Admin_Configuration'); msg($langmessage['enable_contact'], $url); } echo $langmessage['not_enabled']; return; } $cmd = common::GetCommand(); switch ($cmd) { case 'gp_send_message': if (!$message_send_attempt) { $message_send_attempt = true; if (!$this->sent && $this->SendMessage()) { $this->sent = $contact_message_sent = true; break; } } default: break; } $this->ShowForm(); }
function GenerateContent_Admin() { global $addonFolderName, $page; static $done = false; if ($done || !common::LoggedIn()) { return; } $done = true; }
function SimpleSearch() { global $page, $langmessage, $addonPathData; $this->config_file = $addonPathData . '/search_config.php'; $this->GetConfig(); if (common::LoggedIn()) { $page->admin_links[] = array('Special_Search', 'Configuration', 'cmd=config'); $cmd = common::GetCommand(); switch ($cmd) { case 'save_config': if ($this->SaveConfig()) { break; } return; case 'config': $this->Config($this->search_config); return; } } $query =& $_GET['q']; echo '<div class="search_results">'; echo '<form action="' . common::GetUrl('Special_Search') . '" method="get">'; echo '<h2>'; echo gpOutput::GetAddonText('Search'); echo ' '; echo '<input name="q" type="text" class="text" value="' . htmlspecialchars($query) . '"/>'; echo '<input type="hidden" name="src" value="gadget" /> '; $html = '<input type="submit" name="" class="submit" value="%s" />'; echo gpOutput::GetAddonText('Search', $html); echo '</h2>'; echo '</form>'; if (!empty($query)) { $query = strtolower($query); preg_match_all("/\\S+/", $query, $words); $words = array_unique($words[0]); $pattern = '#('; $bar = ''; foreach ($words as $word) { $pattern .= $bar . preg_quote($word, '#'); $bar = '|'; } $pattern .= ')#Si'; $this->SearchPages($pattern); $this->SearchBlog($pattern); } if (count($this->files) > 0) { foreach ($this->files as $result) { echo $result; } } else { echo '<p>'; echo gpOutput::GetAddonText('Sorry, there weren\'t any results for your search. '); echo '</p>'; } echo '</div>'; }
function RunScript() { global $gp_index, $langmessage, $page; $scriptinfo = special_display::GetScriptInfo($this->requested); if ($scriptinfo === false) { switch ($this->requested) { case 'Special_ExtraJS': $this->ExtraJS(); //dies } $this->Error_404($this->title); return; } $this->gp_index = $gp_index[$this->requested]; $this->label = common::GetLabel($this->requested); $this->TitleInfo = $scriptinfo; $menu_permissions = false; if (common::LoggedIn()) { $menu_permissions = admin_tools::HasPermission('Admin_Menu'); if ($menu_permissions) { $page->admin_links[] = common::Link($this->title, $langmessage['rename/details'], 'cmd=renameform', ' name="gpajax" '); $page->admin_links[] = common::Link('Admin_Menu', $langmessage['current_layout'], 'cmd=layout&from=page&index=' . urlencode($this->gp_index), ' title="' . $langmessage['current_layout'] . '" name="gpabox"'); } if (admin_tools::HasPermission('Admin_User')) { $page->admin_links[] = common::Link('Admin_Users', $langmessage['permissions'], 'cmd=file_permissions&index=' . urlencode($this->gp_index), ' title="' . $langmessage['permissions'] . '" name="gpabox" '); } } //allow addons to affect page actions and how a page is displayed $cmd = common::GetCommand(); $cmd_after = gpPlugin::Filter('PageRunScript', array($cmd)); if ($cmd !== $cmd_after) { $cmd = $cmd_after; if ($cmd === 'return') { return; } } if ($menu_permissions) { switch ($cmd) { // rename & details case 'renameform': $this->RenameForm(); return; case 'renameit': if ($this->RenameFile()) { return; } break; } } $this->contentBuffer = special_display::ExecInfo($scriptinfo); }
function RunScript() { global $gp_index, $langmessage, $page; $scriptinfo = special_display::GetScriptInfo($this->title); if ($scriptinfo === false) { switch ($this->title) { case 'Special_ExtraJS': $this->ExtraJS(); //dies } $this->Error_404($this->title); return; } $this->gp_index = $gp_index[$this->title]; $this->TitleInfo = $scriptinfo; if (!$this->CheckVisibility()) { return false; } //allow addons to affect page actions and how a page is displayed $cmd = common::GetCommand(); $cmd_after = gpPlugin::Filter('PageRunScript', array($cmd)); if ($cmd !== $cmd_after) { $cmd = $cmd_after; if ($cmd === 'return') { return; } } if (common::LoggedIn()) { $menu_permissions = admin_tools::HasPermission('Admin_Menu'); if ($menu_permissions) { switch ($cmd) { // rename & details case 'renameform': $this->RenameForm(); return; case 'renameit': if ($this->RenameFile()) { return; } break; case 'ToggleVisibility': $this->ToggleVisibility(); break; } } $this->AdminLinks(); } $this->contentBuffer = special_display::ExecInfo($scriptinfo); }
function special_galleries() { $this->galleries = special_galleries::GetData(); if (common::LoggedIn()) { $cmd = common::GetCommand(); switch ($cmd) { case 'edit': $this->EditGalleries(); return; case 'newdrag': $this->NewDrag(); return; } } $this->GenerateOutput(); }
function GetGpxContent() { if (!empty($this->show_admin_content)) { echo '<div id="gpx_content">'; echo '<div id="admincontent">'; admin_tools::AdminContentPanel(); if (common::LoggedIn()) { echo '<div id="admincontent_inner">'; echo $this->contentBuffer; echo '</div>'; } else { echo $this->contentBuffer; } echo '</div>'; echo '</div>'; } }
/** * Handle the processing of multiple less files into css * * @return mixed Compiled css string or false * */ static function ParseLess(&$less_files, $files_hash = false) { global $dataDir; if (!$files_hash) { $files_hash = common::ArrayHash($less_files); } $compiled = false; // don't use less if the memory limit is less than 64M $limit = @ini_get('memory_limit'); if ($limit) { $limit = common::getByteValue($limit); //if less than 64M, disable less compiler if we can't increase if ($limit < 67108864 && @ini_set('memory_limit', '96M') === false) { if (common::LoggedIn()) { msg('LESS compilation disabled. Please increase php\'s memory_limit'); } return false; //if less than 96M, try to increase } elseif ($limit < 100663296) { @ini_set('memory_limit', '96M'); } } //compiler options $options = array(); //$options['compress'] = true; /* $source_map_file = '/data/_cache/'.$files_hash.'.map'; $options['sourceMap'] = true; $options['sourceMapBasepath'] = $dataDir; $options['sourceMapWriteTo'] = $dataDir.$source_map_file; $options['sourceMapURL'] = common::GetDir($source_map_file); */ //prepare the compiler includeFile('thirdparty/less.php/Less.php'); $parser = new Less_Parser($options); $import_dirs[$dataDir] = common::GetDir('/'); $parser->SetImportDirs($import_dirs); $parser->cache_method = 'php'; $parser->SetCacheDir($dataDir . '/data/_cache'); // combine files try { foreach ($less_files as $less) { //treat as less markup if there are newline characters if (strpos($less, "\n") !== false) { $parser->Parse($less); continue; } // handle relative and absolute paths if (strpos($less, $dataDir) === false) { $relative = $less; $less = $dataDir . '/' . ltrim($less, '/'); } else { $relative = substr($less, strlen($dataDir)); } $parser->ParseFile($less, common::GetDir(dirname($relative))); } $compiled = $parser->getCss(); } catch (Exception $e) { if (common::LoggedIn()) { msg('LESS Compile Failed: ' . $e->getMessage()); } return false; } // significant difference in used memory 15,000,000 -> 6,000,000. Max still @ 15,000,000 if (function_exists('gc_collect_cycles')) { gc_collect_cycles(); } $less_files = $parser->allParsedFiles(); return $compiled; }
function SearchPage($title, $index) { global $gp_menu, $gp_titles; //search hidden? if (!$this->search_hidden && !isset($gp_menu[$index])) { return; } //private pages if (!common::LoggedIn()) { if (isset($gp_titles[$index]['vis'])) { return; } } $full_path = gpFiles::PageFile($title); $file_sections = gpFiles::Get($full_path, 'file_sections'); if (!$file_sections) { return; } $content = section_content::Render($file_sections, $title, gpFiles::$last_stats); $label = common::GetLabel($title); $this->FindString($content, $label, $title); }
static function ErrorBuffer($check_user = true, $jquery = true) { global $wbErrorBuffer, $config, $dataDir, $rootDir; if (count($wbErrorBuffer) == 0) { return; } if (isset($config['Report_Errors']) && !$config['Report_Errors']) { return; } if ($check_user && !common::LoggedIn()) { return; } $dataDir_len = strlen($dataDir); $rootDir_len = strlen($rootDir); $img_path = common::IdUrl('er'); $i = 0; foreach ($wbErrorBuffer as $error) { //remove $dataDir or $rootDir from the filename $file_name = common::WinPath($error['ef' . $i]); if ($dataDir_len > 1 && strpos($file_name, $dataDir) === 0) { $file_name = substr($file_name, $dataDir_len); } elseif ($rootDir_len > 1 && strpos($file_name, $rootDir) === 0) { $file_name = substr($file_name, $rootDir_len); } $error['ef' . $i] = substr($file_name, -100); $new_path = $img_path . '&' . http_build_query($error, '', '&'); //maximum length of 2000 characters if (strlen($new_path) > 2000) { break; } $img_path = $new_path; $i++; } return common::IdReq($img_path, $jquery); }
/** * Include the content of a page or gadget as specified in $data * @param array $data * @param string The included content */ static function IncludeContent($data) { global $langmessage, $gp_index; if (isset($data['index'])) { $requested = common::IndexToTitle($data['index']); } else { $requested = $data['content']; } if (empty($requested)) { return '<p>' . $langmessage['File Include'] . '</p>'; } if (self::$title == $requested) { if (common::LoggedIn()) { msg('Infinite loop detected: ' . htmlspecialchars($requested)); } return; } if (isset($data['include_type'])) { $type = $data['include_type']; } else { $type = common::SpecialOrAdmin($requested); } switch ($type) { case 'gadget': return self::IncludeGadget($requested); case 'special': return self::IncludeSpecial($requested); default: return self::IncludePage($requested); } }
/** * Get a list of existing titles similar to the requested page * @return array * */ function SimilarTitleArray($title) { global $gp_index, $gp_titles; $similar = array(); $percent_similar = array(); $lower = str_replace(' ', '_', strtolower($title)); $admin = common::LoggedIn(); foreach ($gp_index as $title => $index) { //skip private pages if (!$admin) { $visibility = display::OrConfig($index, 'vis'); if ($visibility) { continue; } } similar_text($lower, strtolower($title), $percent); $similar[$title] = $percent; } arsort($similar); return $similar; }
<?php define('is_running', true); //define('gpdebug',true); require_once '../common.php'; common::EntryPoint(2, 'update.php'); /* check permissions */ if (!common::LoggedIn()) { die('You must be logged in to access this area.'); } if (!isset($gpAdmin['granted']) || $gpAdmin['granted'] !== 'all') { die('Sorry, you do not have sufficient privileges to access this area.'); } includeFile('tool/update.php'); common::GetLangFile(); $page = new update_class(); gpOutput::HeadContent(); includeFile('install/template.php');
/** * Display the links at the bottom of a post * */ public function PostLinks() { $post_key = SimpleBlogCommon::AStrKey('str_index', $this->post_id); echo '<p class="blog_nav_links">'; //blog home $html = common::Link('Special_Blog', '%s', '', 'class="blog_home"'); echo gpOutput::GetAddonText('Blog Home', $html); echo ' '; // check for newer posts and if post is draft $isDraft = false; if ($post_key > 0) { $i = 0; do { $i++; $next_index = SimpleBlogCommon::AStrGet('str_index', $post_key - $i); if (!common::loggedIn()) { $isDraft = SimpleBlogCommon::AStrGet('drafts', $next_index); } } while ($isDraft); if (!$isDraft) { $html = SimpleBlogCommon::PostLink($next_index, '%s', '', 'class="blog_newer"'); echo gpOutput::GetAddonText('Newer Entry', $html); echo ' '; } } //check for older posts and if older post is draft $i = 0; $isDraft = false; do { $i++; $prev_index = SimpleBlogCommon::AStrGet('str_index', $post_key + $i); if ($prev_index === false) { break; } if (!common::loggedIn()) { $isDraft = SimpleBlogCommon::AStrGet('drafts', $prev_index); } if (!$isDraft) { $html = SimpleBlogCommon::PostLink($prev_index, '%s', '', 'class="blog_older"'); echo gpOutput::GetAddonText('Older Entry', $html); } } while ($isDraft); if (common::LoggedIn()) { echo ' '; echo common::Link('Admin_Blog', 'New Post', 'cmd=new_form', 'class="blog_post_new"'); } echo '</p>'; }
/** * Display the html for a single blog post * */ public function ShowPostContent($post_index) { if (!common::LoggedIn() && SimpleBlogCommon::AStrGet('drafts', $post_index)) { return false; } $post = SimpleBlogCommon::GetPostContent($post_index); $class = $id = ''; if (common::LoggedIn()) { SimpleBlog::EditLinks($post_index, $class, $id); } echo '<div class="blog_post post_list_item' . $class . '" ' . $id . '>'; $header = '<h2 id="blog_post_' . $post_index . '">'; if (SimpleBlogCommon::AStrGet('drafts', $post_index)) { $header .= '<span style="opacity:0.3;">'; $header .= gpOutput::SelectText('Draft'); $header .= '</span> '; } elseif ($post['time'] > time()) { $header .= '<span style="opacity:0.3;">'; $header .= gpOutput::SelectText('Pending'); $header .= '</span> '; } $label = SimpleBlogCommon::Underscores($post['title']); $header .= SimpleBlogCommon::PostLink($post_index, $label); $header .= '</h2>'; SimpleBlogCommon::BlogHead($header, $post_index, $post); echo '<div class="twysiwygr">'; if (!empty(SimpleBlogCommon::$data['post_abbrev']) && SimpleBlogCommon::$data['abbrev_image']) { $this->GetImageFromPost($post['content']); } echo $this->AbbrevContent($post['content'], $post_index, SimpleBlogCommon::$data['post_abbrev']); echo '</div>'; echo '</div>'; if (SimpleBlogCommon::$data['abbrev_cat'] && isset($post['categories']) && count($post['categories'])) { $temp = array(); foreach ($post['categories'] as $catindex) { $title = SimpleBlogCommon::AStrGet('categories', $catindex); if (!$title) { continue; } if (SimpleBlogCommon::AStrGet('categories_hidden', $catindex)) { continue; } $temp[] = SimpleBlogCommon::CategoryLink($catindex, $title, $title); } if (count($temp)) { echo '<div class="category_container">'; echo gpOutput::GetAddonText('Categories') . ' '; echo implode(', ', $temp); echo '</div>'; } } echo '<div class="clear"></div>'; }
function Admin() { global $page; if (!common::LoggedIn()) { return false; } $page->admin_links[] = array('special_gpsearch', 'Configuration', 'cmd=config', 'data-cmd="gpabox"'); $cmd = common::GetCommand(); switch ($cmd) { case 'save_config': if ($this->SaveConfig()) { break; } return true; case 'config': $this->Config($this->search_config); return true; } return false; }
/** * Check the page's visibility * */ function CheckVisibility() { $this->visibility = display::OrConfig($this->gp_index, 'vis'); if (!common::LoggedIn() && $this->visibility) { $this->Error_404($this->title); return false; } return true; }
/** * Prompt the administrator if they really want to remove the comment * */ function CommentRm($cmd) { global $page, $langmessage; if (!common::LoggedIn()) { return; } if ($this->ajax_delete) { $page->ajaxReplace = array(); } if (!isset($_REQUEST['i']) || !isset($this->comment_data[$_REQUEST['i']])) { message($langmessage['OOPS'] . ' (Invalid Request)'); return false; } $comment_key = $_REQUEST['i']; $nonce_str = 'easy_comment_rm:' . count($this->comment_data) . ':' . $comment_key; //prompt for confirmation first if (!isset($_POST['confirmed'])) { $this->CommentRm_Prompt($cmd); return true; } if (!common::verify_nonce($nonce_str, $_POST['nonce'])) { message($langmessage['OOPS'] . ' (Invalid Nonce)'); return false; } //remove from this page's comment data unset($this->comment_data[$comment_key]); if (!$this->SaveCommentData()) { message($langmessage['OOPS'] . ' (Not Saved)'); return false; } //update the index file $this->UpdateIndex($comment_key); if ($this->ajax_delete) { $class = '.easy_comment_' . $this->current_index . '_' . $comment_key; $page->ajaxReplace[] = array('eval', '', '$("' . $class . '").detach();'); } return true; }
* Flow Control */ if (!empty($GLOBALS['config']['updating_message'])) { die($GLOBALS['config']['updating_message']); } $title = common::WhichPage(); $type = common::SpecialOrAdmin($title); switch ($type) { case 'special': includeFile('special.php'); $page = new special_display($title, $type); break; case 'admin': if (common::LoggedIn()) { includeFile('admin/admin_display.php'); $page = new admin_display($title, $type); } else { includeFile('admin/admin_login.php'); $page = new admin_login($title, $type); } break; default: if (common::LoggedIn()) { includeFile('tool/editing_page.php'); $page = new editing_page($title, $type); } else { $page = new display($title, $type); } break; } gpOutput::RunOut();
/** * Outputs the sitemap link, admin login/logout link, powered by link, admin html and messages * @static */ function GetAdminLink() { global $config, $langmessage, $page; if (!isset($config['showsitemap']) || $config['showsitemap']) { echo ' <span class="sitemap_link">'; echo common::Link('Special_Site_Map', $langmessage['site_map']); echo '</span>'; } if (!isset($config['showlogin']) || $config['showlogin']) { echo ' <span class="login_link">'; if (common::LoggedIn()) { echo common::Link($page->title, $langmessage['logout'], 'cmd=logout', ' name="creq" rel="nofollow" '); } else { echo common::Link('Admin_Main', $langmessage['login'], 'file=' . $page->title, ' rel="nofollow" name="login"'); } echo '</span>'; } if (!isset($config['showgplink']) || $config['showgplink']) { echo ' <span id="powered_by_link">'; echo 'Powered by <a href="" title="A Free and Easy CMS in PHP">gp|Easy CMS</a>'; echo '</span>'; } GetMessages(); }
function Get404() { global $langmessage, $page; gpOutput::AddHeader('Not Found', true, 404); $page->head .= '<meta name="robots" content="noindex,nofollow" />'; //this isn't getting to the template because $page isn't available yet //message for admins if (common::LoggedIn()) { if ($this->requested && !common::SpecialOrAdmin($this->requested)) { $with_spaces = htmlspecialchars($this->requested); $link = common::GetUrl('Admin_Menu', 'cmd=add_hidden&redir=redir&title=' . rawurlencode($this->requested)) . '" title="' . $langmessage['create_new_file'] . '" name="gpajax'; $message = sprintf($langmessage['DOESNT_EXIST'], $with_spaces, $link); message($message); } } //Contents of 404 page $wrap = gpOutput::ShowEditLink('Admin_Missing'); if ($wrap) { echo gpOutput::EditAreaLink($edit_index, 'Admin_Missing', $langmessage['edit'], 'cmd=edit404', ' title="' . $langmessage['404_Page'] . '" '); echo '<div class="editable_area" id="ExtraEditArea' . $edit_index . '">'; // class="edit_area" added by javascript } echo special_missing::Get404Output(); if ($wrap) { echo '</div>'; } }
function AdminContentPanel() { global $page, $config, $langmessage, $gp_menu; //the login form does not need the panel if (!common::LoggedIn()) { return; } echo '<div id="admincontent_panel" class="toolbar">'; echo '<div class="right">'; echo '<span class="admin_arrow_out"></span>'; echo '<a class="docklink" name="gp_docklink"></a>'; echo '</div>'; reset($gp_menu); $homepath = common::IndexToTitle(key($gp_menu)); echo common::Link_Page($homepath); echo ' » '; echo common::Link('Admin_Main', $langmessage['administration']); if (!empty($page->title) && !empty($page->label) && $page->title != 'Admin_Main') { echo ' » '; echo common::Link($page->title, $page->label); } echo '</div>'; }
/** * Check the page's visibility * */ function CheckVisibility() { global $gp_titles; if (isset($gp_titles[$this->gp_index]['vis'])) { $this->visibility = $gp_titles[$this->gp_index]['vis']; } if (!common::LoggedIn() && $this->visibility) { $this->Error_404($this->title); return false; } return true; }
/** * Output the html for a blog post's comments * */ function GetCommentHtml($data, $post_index) { global $langmessage; if (!is_array($data)) { continue; } foreach ($data as $key => $comment) { echo '<div class="comment_area">'; echo '<p class="name">'; if (SimpleBlogCommon::$data['commenter_website'] == 'nofollow' && !empty($comment['website'])) { echo '<b><a href="' . $comment['website'] . '" rel="nofollow">' . $comment['name'] . '</a></b>'; } elseif (SimpleBlogCommon::$data['commenter_website'] == 'link' && !empty($comment['website'])) { echo '<b><a href="' . $comment['website'] . '">' . $comment['name'] . '</a></b>'; } else { echo '<b>' . $comment['name'] . '</b>'; } echo ' '; echo '<span>'; echo strftime(SimpleBlogCommon::$data['strftime_format'], $comment['time']); echo '</span>'; if (common::LoggedIn()) { echo ' '; $attr = 'class="delete gpconfirm" title="' . $langmessage['delete_confirm'] . '" name="postlink" data-nonce= "' . common::new_nonce('post', true) . '"'; echo SimpleBlogCommon::PostLink($post_index, $langmessage['delete'], 'cmd=delete_comment&comment_index=' . $key, $attr); } echo '</p>'; echo '<p class="comment">'; echo $comment['comment']; echo '</p>'; echo '</div>'; } }
private function renderContent() { if (common::LoggedIn()) { if ($this->settings['wysiwygEnabled']) { global $addonPathCode, $page; require_once $addonPathCode . "/Renderer.php"; $renderer = new Renderer($this->settings, $addonPathCode . "/lib/parsedown"); print $renderer->render($_REQUEST['content']); //haha, very secure. NOT! $nonce_str = 'EasyMark4Life!'; //TODO: sanitize $config stuff //"getPostResponseEasyMark" is defined in edit.js print "<script>"; print "var postNonce = '" . common::new_nonce('post', true) . "';"; print "setTimeout(gp_editor.getPostResponseEasyMark, " . htmlspecialchars($this->settings['wysiwygDelay']) . "*1000);"; print "</script>"; // cleanup old page object unset($page); } } else { print "Have to be logged in to use this feature"; } }
/** * Send content of all files in the $scripts array to the client * */ static function SendScripts($scripts) { global $dataDir, $dirPrefix; self::Header(); Header('Vary: Accept,Accept-Encoding'); // for proxies $scripts = array_unique($scripts); //send all scripts foreach ($scripts as $script) { //absolute paths don't need $dataDir $full_path = $script; if (strpos($script, $dataDir) !== 0) { //fix addon paths that use $addonRelativeCode if (!empty($dirPrefix) && strpos($script, $dirPrefix) === 0) { $script = substr($script, strlen($dirPrefix)); } $full_path = $dataDir . $script; } if (!file_exists($full_path)) { if (common::LoggedIn()) { $msg = 'Admin Notice: The following file could not be found: \\n\\n' . $full_path; echo 'if(isadmin){alert(' . json_encode($msg) . ');}'; } continue; } echo ';'; //echo "\n/**\n* $script\n*\n*/\n"; readfile($full_path); } }