예제 #1
파일: Comment.php 프로젝트: rjha/sc
 function execute($params)
     $action = $params->action;
     $comment = $params->comment;
     if (empty($action) || empty($comment)) {
         $response = array("code" => 500, "message" => "Bad input: missing required parameters.");
         return $response;
     $commentDao = new \com\indigloo\sc\dao\Comment();
     $code = 200;
     switch ($action) {
         case UIConstants::ADD_COMMENT:
             $loginId = $params->loginId;
             $name = $params->name;
             $ownerId = $params->ownerId;
             $postId = $params->postId;
             $title = $params->title;
             $comment = $params->comment;
             $commentDao->create($loginId, $name, $ownerId, $postId, $title, $comment);
             $message = sprintf("success. your comment added to item %s ", $title);
     $response = array("code" => $code, "message" => $message);
     return $response;
예제 #2
파일: comment.php 프로젝트: rjha/sc
 $fhandler = new Form\Handler('web-form-1', $_POST);
 $fhandler->addRule('comment', 'Comment', array('required' => 1));
 $fhandler->addRule('post_id', 'post id', array('required' => 1));
 $fhandler->addRule('owner_id', 'owner id', array('required' => 1));
 $fhandler->addRule('post_title', 'post title', array('required' => 1));
 $fvalues = $fhandler->getValues();
 // UI checks
 if ($fhandler->hasErrors()) {
     throw new UIException($fhandler->getErrors());
 //trim comments to 512 chars
 $fvalues["comment"] = substr($fvalues["comment"], 0, 512);
 //use login is required for comments
 if (Login::hasSession()) {
     $gSessionLogin = \com\indigloo\sc\auth\Login::getLoginInSession();
     $commentDao = new com\indigloo\sc\dao\Comment();
     $commentDao->create($gSessionLogin->id, $gSessionLogin->name, $fvalues['owner_id'], $fvalues['post_id'], $fvalues['post_title'], $fvalues['comment']);
     // go back to comment form
     header("Location: " . $fUrl);
 } else {
     //create data object representing pending session action
     $actionObj = new \stdClass();
     $actionObj->endPoint = "/qa/form/comment.php";
     $params = new \stdClass();
     $params->ownerId = $fvalues['owner_id'];
     $params->postId = $fvalues['post_id'];
     $params->title = $fvalues['post_title'];
     $params->comment = $fvalues['comment'];
     $params->action = UIConstants::ADD_COMMENT;
     $actionObj->params = $params;
     //base64 encode to transfer as payload in URL
예제 #3
파일: delete.php 프로젝트: rjha/sc
use com\indigloo\Util;
use com\indigloo\Url;
use com\indigloo\exception\UIException;
use com\indigloo\sc\util\PseudoId;
if (isset($_POST['delete']) && $_POST['delete'] == 'Delete') {
    $gWeb = \com\indigloo\core\Web::getInstance();
    $fvalues = array();
    $fUrl = \com\indigloo\Url::tryFormUrl("fUrl");
    try {
        $fhandler = new Form\Handler('web-form-1', $_POST);
        $fhandler->addRule('comment_id', 'comment_id', array('required' => 1));
        $fhandler->addRule('qUrl', 'qUrl', array('required' => 1, 'rawData' => 1));
        $fvalues = $fhandler->getValues();
        $ferrors = $fhandler->getErrors();
        //decode qUrl to use in redirect
        $qUrl = base64_decode($fvalues['qUrl']);
        $encodedId = PseudoId::encode($fvalues['comment_id']);
        if ($fhandler->hasErrors()) {
            throw new UIException($fhandler->getErrors());
        $commentDao = new com\indigloo\sc\dao\Comment();
        header("Location: " . $qUrl);
    } catch (UIException $ex) {
        $gWeb->store(Constants::STICKY_MAP, $fvalues);
        $gWeb->store(Constants::FORM_ERRORS, $ex->getMessages());
        header("Location: " . $fUrl);
예제 #4
파일: edit.php 프로젝트: rjha/sc
include APP_WEB_DIR . '/inc/role/user.inc';
use com\indigloo\ui\form as Form;
use com\indigloo\Constants;
use com\indigloo\Util;
use com\indigloo\Url;
use com\indigloo\exception\UIException;
if (isset($_POST['save']) && $_POST['save'] == 'Save') {
    $gWeb = \com\indigloo\core\Web::getInstance();
    $fvalues = array();
    $fUrl = \com\indigloo\Url::tryFormUrl("fUrl");
    try {
        $fhandler = new Form\Handler('web-form-1', $_POST);
        $fhandler->addRule('comment', 'Comment', array('required' => 1));
        $fhandler->addRule('qUrl', 'qUrl', array('required' => 1, 'rawData' => 1));
        $fvalues = $fhandler->getValues();
        //decode to use in redirect
        $qUrl = base64_decode($fvalues['qUrl']);
        if ($fhandler->hasErrors()) {
            throw new UIException($fhandler->getErrors());
        $commentDao = new com\indigloo\sc\dao\Comment();
        $commentDao->update($fvalues['comment_id'], $fvalues['comment']);
        header("Location: " . $qUrl);
    } catch (UIException $ex) {
        $gWeb->store(Constants::STICKY_MAP, $fvalues);
        $gWeb->store(Constants::FORM_ERRORS, $ex->getMessages());
        header("Location: " . $fUrl);
예제 #5
파일: comments.php 프로젝트: rjha/sc

include 'sc-app.inc';
include APP_WEB_DIR . '/inc/header.inc';
include APP_WEB_DIR . '/inc/role/admin.inc';
use com\indigloo\Util;
use com\indigloo\Url;
use com\indigloo\Configuration as Config;
use com\indigloo\sc\auth\Login;
use com\indigloo\sc\ui\Constants as UIConstants;
$qparams = Url::getRequestQueryParams();
$commentDao = new \com\indigloo\sc\dao\Comment();
$pageSize = Config::getInstance()->get_value("user.page.items");
$paginator = new \com\indigloo\ui\Pagination($qparams, $pageSize);
$commentDBRows = $commentDao->getPaged($paginator);
$baseURI = "/monitor/comments.php";

<!DOCTYPE html>

        <title> 3mik.com - All Comments  </title>
include APP_WEB_DIR . '/inc/meta.inc';
echo \com\indigloo\sc\util\Asset::version("/css/bundle.css");
예제 #6
파일: edit.php 프로젝트: rjha/sc
include 'sc-app.inc';
include APP_WEB_DIR . '/inc/header.inc';
include APP_WEB_DIR . '/inc/role/user.inc';
use com\indigloo\Util;
use com\indigloo\Url;
use com\indigloo\ui\form\Sticky;
use com\indigloo\Constants;
use com\indigloo\ui\form\Message as FormMessage;
use com\indigloo\sc\auth\Login;
use com\indigloo\sc\util\PseudoId;
$sticky = new Sticky($gWeb->find(Constants::STICKY_MAP, true));
$encodedId = Url::getQueryParam("id");
$commentId = PseudoId::decode($encodedId);
$qUrl = Url::tryBase64QueryParam("q", "/");
$fUrl = Url::current();
$commentDao = new com\indigloo\sc\dao\Comment();
$commentDBRow = $commentDao->getOnId($commentId);
if (!(Login::isOwner($commentDBRow['login_id']) || Login::isAdmin())) {
    header("Location: /site/error/403.html");
$sticky = new Sticky($gWeb->find(Constants::STICKY_MAP, true));
$itemId = PseudoId::encode($commentDBRow['post_id']);

<!DOCTYPE html>

        <title> Edit Comment</title>
예제 #7
파일: comments.php 프로젝트: rjha/sc
include 'sc-app.inc';
include APP_WEB_DIR . '/inc/header.inc';
include APP_WEB_DIR . '/inc/role/user.inc';
use com\indigloo\Util;
use com\indigloo\Url;
use com\indigloo\Configuration as Config;
use com\indigloo\sc\auth\Login;
use com\indigloo\ui\Filter;
$qparams = Url::getRequestQueryParams();
$gSessionLogin = \com\indigloo\sc\auth\Login::getLoginInSession();
$loginId = $gSessionLogin->id;
$loginName = $gSessionLogin->name;
if (is_null($loginId)) {
    trigger_error("Error : NULL login_id on user dashboard", E_USER_ERROR);
$commentDao = new \com\indigloo\sc\dao\Comment();
//Add login_id filter
$model = new \com\indigloo\sc\model\Comment();
$filters = array();
$filter = new Filter($model);
$filter->add($model::LOGIN_ID, Filter::EQ, $loginId);
array_push($filters, $filter);
$pageSize = Config::getInstance()->get_value("user.page.items");
$paginator = new \com\indigloo\ui\Pagination($qparams, $pageSize);
$commentDBRows = $commentDao->getPaged($paginator, $filters);
$baseURI = "/user/dashboard/comments.php";

<!DOCTYPE html>