예제 #1
 function reportOp(&$objSrcUser, &$objTrgUser, $op, $done = false)
     $orkTime = $GLOBALS['orkTime'];
     $tick = clsBlock::getTick();
     $cutoff = $tick - 8;
     $srcId = $objSrcUser->get_userid();
     $trgId = $objTrgUser->get_userid();
     $srcIp = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
     $op = mysql_real_escape_string($op);
     $ops = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM blocks WHERE tick > {$cutoff} AND target_id = {$trgId} AND source_id != {$srcId} AND source_ip = '{$srcIp}' ORDER BY id DESC");
     $post = "***Target***\r\nUserid: {$trgId}\r\nTribe: " . $objTrgUser->get_stat(TRIBE) . '(#' . $objTrgUser->get_stat(ALLIANCE) . ")\r\n\r\n";
     $post .= "***Offender***\r\nUserid: {$srcId}\r\nTribe: " . $objSrcUser->get_stat(TRIBE) . '(#' . $objSrcUser->get_stat(ALLIANCE) . ")\r\nIP: " . $srcIp . "\r\n";
     if ($done) {
         $post .= "Successfully Performed:";
     } else {
         $post .= "Trying to perform:";
     $post .= "{$op}\r\n At tick: {$tick}\r\n\r\n";
     $post .= "***Previous ops from the same IP below\r\n\r\n";
     while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($ops)) {
         $objTmpUser = new clsUser($row['source_id']);
         $post .= "Userid: " . $row['source_id'] . "\r\nTribe: " . $objTmpUser->get_stat(TRIBE) . '(#' . $objTmpUser->get_stat(ALLIANCE) . ")" . "\r\nPerformed: " . $row['op'] . "\r\nAt tick: " . $row['tick'] . "\r\n\r\n";
     $alliance = 2;
     if ($done) {
         $title = "Blocking system: Successful ops";
     } else {
         $title = "Blocking system: Blocked ops";
     $thread = mysql_query("SELECT post_id FROM forum WHERE poster_kd = {$alliance} AND parent_id = 0 AND title = '{$title}' AND type = 0") or die('mysql error: ' . mysql_error());
     if (mysql_num_rows($thread) == 0) {
         mysql_query("INSERT INTO forum (poster_kd,title,post,date_time,updated,poster_name,poster_tribe) VALUES ({$alliance},'{$title}','Automated report thread','{$orkTime}','{$orkTime}','Reporter','Reporter')") or die('mysql error: ' . mysql_error());
         $thread = mysql_query("SELECT post_id FROM forum WHERE poster_kd = {$alliance} AND parent_id = 0 AND title = '{$title}' AND type = 0") or die('mysql error: ' . mysql_error());
     $thread = mysql_fetch_assoc($thread);
     $thread = $thread['post_id'];
     make_post($objSrcUser->get_userid(), $thread, $alliance, 0, $post);
예제 #2
function call_tour_move_text()
    global $local_stats, $id, $confirm, $target, $tool;
    include_once 'inc/functions/resort_tools.php';
    $alli_id = '';
    if (isset($_POST['alli_id'])) {
        $alli_id = intval($_POST['alli_id']);
    echo '<h2>ORKFiA Tour!</h2>';
    $strForm = "<form method=\"post\" action=\"" . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] . "\">" . '<label>Where is our touring tribe? Alliance #</label> ' . '<input name="alli_id" size="3" value="' . $alli_id . '"/><br /><br />';
    if (isset($_POST['alli_id']) && !empty($_POST['alli_id'])) {
        $iAlliance = intval($_POST['alli_id']);
        include 'inc/functions/vote.php';
        // select everyone in this alliance
        $strSQL = "SELECT * " . "  FROM stats " . " WHERE kingdom = " . $iAlliance . " ORDER BY tribe ASC";
        $result = mysql_query($strSQL) or die("Elder Defect:" . mysql_error());
        $strForm .= "<label>Select the lucky tribe</label>: " . '<select name="id" size="1">' . render_option_list($result, TRIBE, ID, 0) . '</select><br /><br />' . '<label>Where will they apparate to? Alliance #</label>: ' . '<input name="target" size="5" /><br /><br />' . '<input type="submit" value="Move Tourer" name="confirm">';
    } else {
        $strForm .= '<input type="submit" value="Choose Alliance" name="confirm">';
    $strForm .= "</form>";
    echo $strForm;
    if (isset($_POST['confirm']) && isset($_POST['id']) && !empty($_POST['id']) && isset($_POST['target']) && !empty($_POST['target'])) {
        $id = intval($_POST['id']);
        $target = intval($_POST['target']);
        $trgTmpUser = new clsUser($id);
        $strTribeName = ucwords(stripslashes($trgTmpUser->get_stat(TRIBE)));
        if ($trgTmpUser->get_build(LAND) != 1) {
            echo '<p>"W-T-F mate?" That was not a tourer tribe.</p></div>';
        } elseif ($target < 11) {
            echo '<p>"W-T-F mate?" No apparating into staff alliances.</p></div>';
        echo "<p>Leader! The tribe of " . $strTribeName . " has now apparated to alliance #<strong>{$target}</strong>. Let us hope that neither of their citizens got splinched.</p>";
        $orkTime = date(TIMESTAMP_FORMAT);
        $search = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM stats WHERE id = {$id}");
        $search = mysql_fetch_array($search);
        //mysql_query("UPDATE stats SET kingdom = $target, type ='player', invested = 0 where id = $id");
        //mysql_query("UPDATE rankings_personal SET alli_id = $target where id = $id");
        //mysql_query("UPDATE stats SET vote = 0, invested = 0 WHERE vote = $id");
        //mysql_query("UPDATE goods SET credits = 0, market_money = 0, market_food = 0, market_soldiers = 0, market_wood = 0 WHERE id = $id");
        include_once 'inc/staff/move.inc.php';
        move_tribe($id, $target);
        mysql_query("INSERT INTO news (id, time, ip, type, duser, ouser, result, text, kingdom_text, kingdoma, kingdomb) VALUES ('', '{$orkTime}', '---', 'Tour Move', '0', '0', '1', '', '<span class=\"indicator\">{$search['tribe']} has joined our alliance. Long live Orkfia! Long live the tour!</span>', '', '{$target}')");
예제 #3
function call_tourers_text()
    require_once 'inc/functions/resort_tools.php';
    require_once 'inc/functions/mail.php';
    // first the "actually do something if asked" thing
    if (isset($_POST['id']) && isset($_POST['submit']) && isset($_POST['sure']) && $_POST['sure'] == 'yes') {
        //get the old values
        $objTrgUser = new clsUser($_POST['id']);
        $arrBuilds = $objTrgUser->get_builds();
        $arrArmys = $objTrgUser->get_armys();
        $intFame = $objTrgUser->get_stat(FAME);
        //make the new values
        $keysBuilds = array_keys($arrBuilds);
        $valsBuilds = array_fill(0, count($arrBuilds), 0);
        $arrBuilds = array_combine($keysBuilds, $valsBuilds);
        $arrBuilds[ID] = $_POST['id'];
        //DO NOT FORGET
        $arrBuilds[LAND] = 1;
        //prevent div0s
        $keysArmys = array_keys($arrArmys);
        $valsArmys = array_fill(0, count($arrArmys), 0);
        $arrArmys = array_combine($keysArmys, $valsArmys);
        $arrArmys[ID] = $_POST['id'];
        //DO NOT FORGET
        $intFame = 0;
        $arrUserInfo = array(NEXT_ATTACK => 1, PAUSE_ACCOUNT => 48);
        //set the new values
        $objTrgUser->set_stat(FAME, $intFame);
        //update the tribe too
        require_once 'inc/functions/update.php';
        require_once 'inc/functions/update_ranking.php';
        doUpdateRankings($objTrgUser, true);
        //do this afterwards, otherwise the updaterankings doesn't work too well
        //tell them about it
        send_mail($GLOBALS['objSrcUser']->get_userid(), $_POST['id'], "You have been tourified", "This is an automated message indicating that I have used the 'Tourify' tool to turn your tribe into a tourer tribe.");
        echo "User {$_POST['id']} has been tourified. ORKFiA mail has been sent to let him know.<br /><br /><br />";
    echo "'Tourifying' a tribe means setting it to 1 land, 0 fame, removing all military and suspending it. " . "Please make sure you're tourifying the right tribe, because the only way to undo this is resetting." . "<br /><br /><form method=\"post\" action=\"{$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']}\">" . "<label for=\"id\">User id of tribe to tourify </label>" . "<input type=\"text\" id=\"id\" name=\"id\" size=\"5\" maxlength=\"5\" /><br />" . "<input type=\"checkbox\" id=\"sure\" name=\"sure\" value=\"yes\" />" . "<label for=\"sure\"> I'm sure I want to tourify this tribe</label><br />" . "<input type=\"submit\" name=\"submit\" value=\"tourify\" />" . "</form>";
예제 #4
function unset_external_votes($iAlliance)
    $objAlliance = new clsAlliance($iAlliance);
    $arrUserids = $objAlliance->get_userids();

    // Unset votes for tribes that are no longer in the alliance
    foreach ($arrUserids as $iUserid)
        $objTempUser = new clsUser($iUserid);
        if (! in_array($objTempUser->get_stat(VOTE), $arrUserids))
            $objTempUser->set_stat(VOTE, 0);
예제 #5
function include_mail_text()
    global $Host, $d_stats, $tribe, $mid, $subject, $set, $type, $action, $userid, $submit, $kingdom, $userid, $message, $inputBody, $orkTime, $local_stats, $connection, $posts, $replyid;
    include_once 'inc/functions/forums.php';
    require_once 'inc/functions/mail.php';
    $objSrcUser =& $GLOBALS['objSrcUser'];
    $local_stats = $objSrcUser->get_stats();
    if (!$set) {
        $set = "view";
    if (!$kingdom) {
        $kingdom = $local_stats['kingdom'];
    $count = '0';
    $topLinks = '<div class="center">' . "| " . "<a href=\"main.php?cat=game&amp;page=mail&amp;set=compose\">" . "Compose Mail" . "</a>" . " | " . "<a href=\"main.php?cat=game&amp;page=mail&amp;set=view\">" . "View Inbox" . "</a>" . " | " . "<a href=\"main.php?cat=game&amp;page=mail&amp;set=outbox\">" . "View Outbox" . "</a>" . " | " . "<a href=\"main.php?cat=game&amp;page=message&amp;tribe=1&amp;alliance=1\">" . "Send a Report" . "</a>" . " | " . "<a href=\"main.php?cat=game&amp;page=mail&amp;set=block\">" . "Block Mail" . "</a>";
    if ($local_stats['type'] == 'elder') {
        $topLinks .= " | " . "<a href=\"main.php?cat=game&amp;page=mail&amp;set=eldermail\">" . "Alliance Mail" . "</a>";
    $topLinks .= " |</div>";
    echo $topLinks;
    if ($set == "sendmail") {
        send_mail($userid, $tribe, $subject, $message);
        //changed to use send_mail function - AI 10/12/2006
    if ($set == "eldermailsend") {
        $message = safeHTML($message);
        $subject = safeHTML($subject);
        $message = "{$message}<br /><br />Your elder: " . $local_stats['name'];
        if (!$subject) {
            $subject = "No Subject";
        $query = mysql_query("SELECT id FROM stats WHERE kingdom = {$local_stats['kingdom']}");
        while ($datas = mysql_fetch_array($query)) {
            if ($datas["id"] != $userid) {
                $create['message'] = mysql_query("INSERT INTO messages (id, for_user, from_user, date, subject, text, new, action) VALUES ('', '" . $datas['id'] . "', '" . $userid . "', '" . $orkTime . "', '" . $subject . "', '" . $message . "', 'new', 'received')");
                $update['timestamp'] = mysql_query("UPDATE preferences SET last_m ='{$orkTime}' WHERE id= {$tribe}");
        $create['message'] = mysql_query("INSERT INTO messages (id, for_user, from_user, date, subject, text, new, action) VALUES ('', '0', '" . $userid . "', '" . $orkTime . "', '" . $subject . "', '" . $message . "', 'old', 'sent')");
        $set = "eldermail";
        echo '<div class="center">' . "<h3>Message sent to all your alliance members.</h3></div>";
    if ($set == "eldermail") {
        $eldermail = '<div id="textBig">' . "<h2>Mail your alliance</h2>" . "<form action=\"main.php?cat=game&amp;page=mail&amp;set=eldermailsend\" method=\"post\">" . "<br />" . "Subject: <input type=\"text\" name=\"subject\" size=\"30\" />" . "<br />" . "<textarea name=\"message\" rows=\"10\" cols=\"70\" wrap=\"on\"></textarea>" . "<br />" . "<input type=\"submit\" value=\"Send Message\" />" . "</form>" . "</div>";
        echo $eldermail;
    if ($set == "compose") {
        $sendMailTargets = "<option value=\"spacer\">";
        if (isset($_GET['aid']) && !empty($_GET['aid'])) {
            $kingdom = intval($_GET['aid']);
        if (isset($_GET['tribe']) && !empty($_GET['tribe'])) {
            $replyid = intval($_GET['tribe']);
        $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM stats WHERE kingdom = {$kingdom} ORDER BY tribe");
        while ($kdstats = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_ASSOC)) {
            $kdstats["tribe"] = stripslashes($kdstats["tribe"]);
            if ($kdstats["id"] == $replyid) {
                $sendMailTargets .= "<option value=\"" . $kdstats['id'] . "\" selected>" . $kdstats['tribe'];
            } else {
                $sendMailTargets .= "<option value=\"" . $kdstats['id'] . "\">" . $kdstats['tribe'];
        $compose = "<br />" . "<table cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" class=\"small\">" . "<tr class=\"header\">" . "<th colspan=\"2\">" . "Compose Mail" . "</th>" . "</tr>" . "<tr class=\"subheader\">" . "<th colspan=\"2\" class=\"center\">" . "Select Target" . "</th>" . "</tr>" . "<tr class=\"data\">" . "<form action=\"main.php?cat=game&amp;page=mail&amp;set=compose\" method=\"post\">" . "<th>" . "Alliance:" . "</th>" . "<td>" . "<input maxlength=\"4\" size=\"3\" name=\"kingdom\" value=\"{$kingdom}\" />" . "<input type=\"submit\" value=\"Change\" />" . "</td>" . "</form>" . "</tr>" . "<form id=\"center\" action=\"main.php?cat=game&amp;page=mail&amp;set=sendmail\" method=\"post\">" . "<tr class=\"data\">" . "<th>" . "Tribe:" . "</th>" . "<td>" . "<select name=\"tribe\">" . $sendMailTargets . "</select>" . "</td>" . "</tr>" . "</table>" . "<br />" . '<div class="center">' . "Subject: <input type=\"text\" name=\"subject\" size=\"30\" />" . "<br />" . "<textarea name=\"message\" rows=\"10\" cols=\"70\" wrap=\"on\"></textarea>" . "<br />" . "<input type=\"submit\" value=\"Send Message\" />" . "</form>" . "</div>";
        echo $compose;
    if ($set == "view") {
        $result = mysql_query("SELECT * from messages WHERE for_user ='******' AND action = 'received' AND new != 'deleted' ORDER BY date DESC") or die(mysql_error());
        $num_mail = mysql_num_rows($result);
        if ($num_mail <= "0") {
            echo "You have no mail in your inbox.<br />";
        $update['timestamp'] = mysql_query("UPDATE preferences SET last_m_check ='{$orkTime}' WHERE id= {$userid}");
        $updated['timestamp'] = mysql_query($update['timestamp'], $connection);
        $inbox = "<form id=\"center\" name=\"mail\" method=\"post\" action=\"main.php?cat=game&amp;page=mail&amp;set=delete2\">" . "<table cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" class=\"big\">" . "<tr class=\"header\">" . "<th colspan=\"5\">" . "Inbox" . "</th>" . "</tr>" . "<tr class=\"subheader\">" . "<th>" . "Subject" . "</th>" . "<td class=\"left\">" . "From" . "</td>" . "<td class=\"left\">" . "Date" . "</td>" . "<td class=\"left\">" . "Status" . "</td>" . "<td class=\"center\">" . "Delete" . "</td>" . "</tr>";
        while ($mail = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
            if ($count == '1') {
                $class = "";
            } else {
                $class = "bsup";
            mysql_grab($mail['from_user'], 'd', 'stats');
            if (empty($mail['subject'])) {
                $mail['subject'] = 'No Subject';
            $inbox .= "<tr class=\"data\">" . "<th class=\"" . $class . "\">" . "<a href=\"main.php?cat=game&amp;page=mail&amp;set=read&amp;mid=" . $mail['id'] . "\">" . cleanHTML($mail['subject']) . "</a>" . "</th>" . "<td class=\"" . $class . " left\">" . cleanHTML($d_stats['tribe']) . "(#" . $d_stats['kingdom'] . ")</td>" . "<td class=\"" . $class . " left\">" . $mail['date'] . "</td>" . "<td class=\"" . $class . " left\">" . $mail['new'] . "</td>" . "<td class=\"" . $class . " center\">" . "<input name=\"posts[]\" type=\"checkbox\" value=\"" . $mail['id'] . "\" />" . "</td>" . "</tr>";
        $inbox .= "</table>" . '<br /><div class="center">' . "| <a href='#' onclick=\"var posts=document.getElementsByName('mail')[0]['posts[]']; for(var i=0,len=posts.length;i<len;i++) posts[i].checked=true;\">Check All</a>" . " | <a href='#' onclick=\"var posts=document.getElementsByName('mail')[0]['posts[]']; for(var i=0,len=posts.length;i<len;i++) posts[i].checked=false;\">Uncheck All</a> |" . "</div><br />" . "<input type=\"submit\" name=\"submit\" value=\"Delete\" />" . "</form>";
        echo $inbox;
    if ($set == "outbox") {
        $result = mysql_query("SELECT * from messages WHERE from_user ='******' AND action = 'sent' AND new != 'deleted' ORDER BY date DESC") or die(mysql_error());
        $num_mail = mysql_num_rows($result);
        if ($num_mail <= "0") {
            echo "<div class=\"center\">You have no mail in your outbox.</div>";
        $outbox = "<form id=\"center\" name=\"mail\" method=\"post\" action=\"main.php?cat=game&amp;page=mail&amp;set=deleteout2\">" . "<table cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" class=\"big\">" . "<tr class=\"header\">" . "<th colspan=\"5\">" . "Outbox" . "</th>" . "</tr>" . "<tr class=\"subheader\">" . "<th>" . "Subject" . "</th>" . "<td class=\"left\">" . "To" . "</td>" . "<td class=\"left\">" . "Date" . "</td>" . "<td class=\"left\">" . "Status" . "</td>" . "<td class=\"center\">" . "Delete" . "</td>" . "</tr>";
        while ($mail = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
            if ($count == '1') {
                $class = "";
            } else {
                $class = "bsup";
            if ($mail['for_user'] == "0") {
                $receiver = "Your Alliance";
            } else {
                $foruser = mysql_query("SELECT tribe, kingdom FROM stats WHERE id = {$mail['for_user']}");
                $foruser = mysql_fetch_array($foruser);
                $receiver = cleanHTML($foruser['tribe']) . "(#{$foruser['kingdom']})";
            if (empty($mail['subject'])) {
                $mail['subject'] = 'No Subject';
            $outbox .= "<tr class=\"data\">" . "<th class=\"" . $class . "\">" . "<a href=\"main.php?cat=game&amp;page=mail&amp;set=readout&amp;mid=" . $mail['id'] . "\">" . cleanHTML($mail['subject']) . "</a>" . "</th>" . "<td class=\"" . $class . " left\">" . $receiver . "</td>" . "<td class=\"" . $class . " left\">" . $mail['date'] . "</td>" . "<td class=\"" . $class . " left\">" . $mail['new'] . "</td>" . "<td class=\"" . $class . " center\">" . "<input name=\"posts[]\" type=\"checkbox\" value=\"" . $mail['id'] . "\" />" . "</td>" . "</tr>";
        $outbox .= "</table>" . "<br /><br />" . "| <a href='#' onclick=\"var posts=document.getElementsByName('mail')[0]['posts[]']; for(var i=0,len=posts.length;i<len;i++) posts[i].checked=true;\">Check All</a>" . " | <a href='#' onclick=\"var posts=document.getElementsByName('mail')[0]['posts[]']; for(var i=0,len=posts.length;i<len;i++) posts[i].checked=false;\">Uncheck All</a> |" . "<br /><br />" . "<input type=\"submit\" name=\"submit\" value=\"Delete\" />" . "</form>";
        echo $outbox;
    if ($set == "readout") {
        $result = mysql_query("SELECT * from messages WHERE from_user ='******' AND id = '{$mid}' AND action = 'sent' AND new != 'deleted'");
        $read = mysql_fetch_array($result);
        $read['subject'] = stripslashes(stripslashes($read['subject']));
        $read['text'] = stripslashes(stripslashes($read['text']));
        if ($read['for_user'] == "0") {
            $receiver = "Your Alliance";
        } else {
            $foruser = mysql_query("SELECT tribe, kingdom FROM stats WHERE id = {$read['for_user']}");
            $foruser = mysql_fetch_array($foruser);
            $receiver = "{$foruser['tribe']}(#{$foruser['kingdom']})";
        $readout = "<table cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" class=\"medium\">" . "<tr class=\"header\">" . "<th>" . "Message to: " . $receiver . "</th>" . "</tr>" . "<tr class=\"subheader\">" . "<th>" . "Subject: " . cleanHTML($read['subject']) . "</th>" . "</tr>" . "<tr class=\"message\">" . "<td>" . "<br />" . cleanHTML($read['text']) . "<br />" . "</td>" . "</tr>" . "</table>" . "<br />" . '<div class="center">' . "| <a href=main.php?cat=game&page=mail&set=deleteout&mid={$mid}>Delete</a> | " . "<a href=main.php?cat=game&page=mail&set=outbox>Return To Outbox</a> |</div>";
        echo $readout;
    if ($set == "read") {
        $result = mysql_query("SELECT * from messages WHERE for_user ='******' AND id = '{$mid}' AND action = 'received' AND new != 'deleted'");
        $read = mysql_fetch_array($result);
        mysql_grab($read['from_user'], 'd', 'stats');
        $read['subject'] = stripslashes(stripslashes($read['subject']));
        $read['text'] = stripslashes(stripslashes($read['text']));
        $readin = "<br /><table cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" class=\"medium\">" . "<tr class=\"header\">" . "<th>" . "Message from: " . stripslashes($d_stats['name']) . "</th>" . "</tr>" . "<tr class=\"subheader\">" . "<th>" . "Subject: " . cleanHTML($read['subject']) . "</th>" . "</tr>" . "<tr class=\"message\">" . "<td>" . "<br />" . cleanHTML($read['text']) . "<br />" . "</td>" . "</tr>" . "</table>" . "<br />" . '<div class="center">' . "| <a href=main.php?cat=game&page=mail&set=reply&mid={$mid}>Reply</a> | " . "<a href=main.php?cat=game&page=mail&set=delete&mid={$mid}>Delete</a> | " . "<a href=main.php?cat=game&page=mail&set=view&mid={$d_stats['id']}>Return To Inbox</a> | " . '</div>';
        echo $readin;
        $old = mysql_query("UPDATE messages SET new ='old' WHERE id ='{$mid}'");
        $mid2 = $mid + 1;
        $select = mysql_query("SELECT action FROM messages WHERE id = '{$mid2}'");
        $select = mysql_fetch_array($select);
        if ($select['action'] == 'sent') {
            $old = mysql_query("UPDATE messages SET new ='old' WHERE id ='{$mid2}'");
    if ($set == "delete") {
        $email_name = "UPDATE messages SET new = 'deleted' WHERE id ='{$mid}' AND for_user = '******' AND action = 'received'";
        $delete = mysql_query($email_name, $connection);
        echo '<div id="textMedium"><p>' . "The message has been deleted.<br /><br />";
        echo "<a href=main.php?cat=game&page=mail&set=view>Return To Inbox</a></p>" . '</div';
    if ($set == "delete2") {
        $sql = "UPDATE messages SET new = 'deleted' WHERE for_user = '******' AND action = 'received' ";
        $sql .= " AND id IN (";
        $posts = $_POST["posts"];
        $postcount = count($posts);
        for ($i = 0; $i < $postcount; $i++) {
            $sql .= "{$posts[$i]}";
            if ($i != $postcount - 1) {
                $sql .= ",";
        $sql .= ")";
        $delete = mysql_query($sql, $connection);
        echo '<div id="textMedium"><p>' . "The selected messages are deleted.<br /><br />";
        echo "<a href=main.php?cat=game&page=mail&set=view>Return To Inbox</a></p>" . '</div';
    if ($set == "deleteout") {
        $email_name = "UPDATE messages SET new = 'deleted' WHERE id ='{$mid}' AND from_user = '******' AND action = 'sent'";
        $delete = mysql_query($email_name, $connection);
        echo '<div id="textMedium"><p>' . "The message has been deleted.<br /><br />";
        echo "<a href=main.php?cat=game&page=mail&set=outbox>Return To Outbox</a></p>" . '</div';
    if ($set == "deleteout2") {
        $sql = "UPDATE messages SET new = 'deleted' WHERE from_user = '******' AND action = 'sent' ";
        $sql .= " AND id IN (";
        $posts = $_POST["posts"];
        $postcount = count($posts);
        for ($i = 0; $i < $postcount; $i++) {
            $sql .= "{$posts[$i]}";
            if ($i != $postcount - 1) {
                $sql .= ",";
        $sql .= ")";
        $delete = mysql_query($sql, $connection);
        echo '<div id="textMedium"><p>' . "The selected messages are deleted.<br /><br />";
        echo "<a href=main.php?cat=game&page=mail&set=outbox>Return To Outbox</a></p>" . '</div';
    if ($set == "reply") {
        if ($action != "post") {
            $result = mysql_query("SELECT * from messages WHERE for_user ='******' AND id = '{$mid}' AND action = 'received'");
            $reply = mysql_fetch_array($result);
            $subject = "Re: " . cleanHTML($reply['subject']) . " ";
            $replyText = "<form action=\"main.php?cat=game&amp;page=mail&amp;set=reply&amp;mid={$mid}&amp;action=post\" method=\"post\">" . "<br />" . "Subject: <input type=\"text\" name=\"subject\" size=\"30\" value=\"" . $subject . "\" />" . "<br />" . "<textarea name=\"message\" rows=\"10\" cols=\"70\" wrap=\"virtual\"></textarea>" . "<br />" . "<input type=\"submit\" name=\"submit\" value=\"Send Message\" />" . "</form>";
            echo $replyText;
        if ($action == "post") {
            $result = mysql_query("SELECT * from messages WHERE for_user ='******' AND id = '{$mid}' AND action = 'received'");
            $reply = mysql_fetch_array($result);
            send_mail($userid, $reply['from_user'], $subject, $message);
            echo "<a href=main.php?cat=game&page=mail>Return To Mailbox</a>";
    if ($set == "block") {
        if (isset($_POST['tribe']) && $_POST['tribe'] != 'spacer' && $action == "block") {
            $blocker_id = $objSrcUser->get_userid();
            $blocked_id = quote_smart($_POST['tribe']);
            $objTrgUser = new clsUser($blocked_id);
            $blocked_name = $objTrgUser->get_stat(TRIBE);
            echo '<br /><div class="center">' . "You have blocked {$blocked_name} from sending you any more mail.</div>";
            block_mail($blocker_id, $blocked_id);
        if (isset($_GET['id']) && $_GET['id'] > 0 && $action == "unblock") {
            $blocker_id = $objSrcUser->get_userid();
            $blocked_id = quote_smart($_GET['id']);
            $objTrgUser = new clsUser($blocked_id);
            $blocked_name = $objTrgUser->get_stat(TRIBE);
            echo '<br /><div class="center">' . "You have unblocked {$blocked_name}, they can send you mail again.</div>";
            unblock_mail($blocker_id, $blocked_id);
        $tribes = mysql_query("select tribe,id from stats where kingdom = {$kingdom} order by tribe");
        $blockTargets = "<option value=\"spacer\"></option";
        while ($allistats = mysql_fetch_assoc($tribes)) {
            $tribe = stripslashes($allistats['tribe']);
            $id = $allistats['id'];
            $blockTargets .= "<option value=\"{$id}\">{$tribe}</option>";
        echo "<br /><table cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" class=\"small\">" . "<tr class=\"header\"><th colspan=\"2\">Block Mail</th></tr>" . "<tr class=\"subheader\"><th colspan=\"2\" class=\"center\">Select spammer</th></tr>" . "<tr class=\"data\"><form action=\"main.php?cat=game&amp;page=mail&amp;set=block\" method=\"post\">" . "<th>Alliance:</th><td><input maxlength=\"4\" size=\"3\" name=\"kingdom\" value=\"{$kingdom}\" />" . "<input type=\"submit\" value=\"Change\" /></td></form></tr>" . "<form action=\"main.php?cat=game&amp;page=mail&amp;set=block&amp;action=block\" method=\"post\">" . "<tr class=\"data\"><th>Tribe:</th><td><select name=\"tribe\">{$blockTargets}</select>" . "<input type=\"submit\" value=\"Block\" name=\"Block\" /></td></tr></form>" . "</table><br /><br />";
        $blocked_users = get_blocks_mail($objSrcUser->get_userid());
        echo "<table cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" class=\"small\">" . "<tr class=\"header\"><th colspan=\"2\">Blocked users</th></tr>" . "<tr class=\"subheader\"><th colspan=\"2\" class=\"center\">Remove?</th></tr>";
        foreach ($blocked_users as $blocked_user) {
            echo "<tr class=\"data\"><th>{$blocked_user['tribe']}</th>" . "<td><a href=\"main.php?cat=game&amp;page=mail&amp;set=block&amp;" . "action=unblock&amp;id={$blocked_user['blocked_id']}\">Remove?</td></tr>";
        echo "</table>";
예제 #6
function include_external_affairs_text()
    $objSrcUser =& $GLOBALS['objSrcUser'];
    $objSrcAlliance = $objSrcUser->get_alliance();
    // Validate GET input
    if (empty($_GET['tribe'])) {
        $tribe = $objSrcUser->get_userid();
    } else {
        $tribe = intval($_GET['tribe']);
    if (empty($_GET['aid'])) {
        $aid = $objSrcUser->get_stat(ALLIANCE);
    } else {
        $aid = intval($_GET['aid']);
    // Start Output
    if ($aid > 10) {
        // Target user object
        include_once 'inc/classes/clsUser.php';
        if ($tribe == $objSrcUser->get_userid()) {
            $objTrgUser = $objSrcUser;
        } elseif ($tribe > 0) {
            $objTrgUser = new clsUser($tribe);
        // Target alliance object
        $objTrgAlliance = $objTrgUser->get_alliance();
        $aid = $objTrgUser->get_stat(ALLIANCE);
        // Update user
        include_once 'inc/functions/update.php';
        // Update rankings
        include_once 'inc/functions/update_ranking.php';
        // Div starts here
        <div id="columns">
            <!-- Start left column -->
            <div id="leftcolumn">
            <br />
        // Show mini-vision table
        echo get_small_tribe_table($objTrgUser);
        $arrStats = $objSrcUser->get_stats();
        $arrRankingsPersonal = $objTrgUser->get_rankings_personals();
        // Show advisor message
        echo '<div id="textSmall">' . '<p><strong>The General</strong> tells you: <br />';
        if ($tribe == $objSrcUser->get_userid()) {
            echo 'This is <em>our</em> tribe, leader =)';
        } elseif ($objTrgUser->get_stat(KILLED) == 0 && $objTrgUser->get_stat(RESET_OPTION) == 'yes') {
            echo 'This tribe has <em>reset</em>.';
        } elseif ($objTrgUser->get_user_info(HOURS) < PROTECTION_HOURS) {
            $iRemaining = PROTECTION_HOURS - $objTrgUser->get_user_info(HOURS);
            echo 'This tribe is performing the summoning ritual and their ' . 'borders will be protected for another <strong>' . $iRemaining . ' months.</strong>';
        } elseif ($objTrgUser->get_stat(KILLED) > 0 && $objTrgUser->get_stat(KILLED) != 3) {
            echo 'This tribe is <em>dead</em>.';
        } elseif ($objTrgUser->isPaused()) {
            echo 'This tribe is <em>paused</em>.';
        } elseif ($objTrgUser->get_stat(ALLIANCE) == $objSrcUser->get_stat(ALLIANCE)) {
            echo 'This is a friendly <em>allied</em> tribe.';
        } elseif ($objTrgUser->get_stat(ALLIANCE) == $objSrcAlliance->get_war(TARGET)) {
            echo 'We are in a declared <em class="negative">war</em> with this tribe!';
        } elseif ($objTrgAlliance->get_war(TARGET) > 0) {
            echo 'This tribe is in <em class="negative">war</em> with another alliance.';
        } elseif ($objTrgUser->get_stat(ALLIANCE) != $objSrcUser->get_stat(ALLIANCE)) {
            echo 'This <em>enemy</em> tribe may remain neutral towards us if we let them be. Be careful with your actions against them leader.';
        if ($objTrgUser->get_stat(ALLIANCE) == $objSrcUser->get_stat(ALLIANCE) || $objTrgUser->get_stat(KILLED) > 0 || $objTrgUser->isPaused()) {
            /* say nothing */
        } elseif ($objTrgUser->get_build(LAND) < 0.8 * $objSrcUser->get_build(LAND)) {
            echo '</p><p>Also, due to their small size we will gain less land on attacks and do less damage with our operations and spells.';
        } elseif ($objTrgUser->get_build(LAND) > 2.0 * $objSrcUser->get_build(LAND)) {
            echo '</p><p>Also, due to their large size our operations will have very high fail rates.';
        } elseif ($objTrgUser->get_build(LAND) > 1.2 * $objSrcUser->get_build(LAND)) {
            echo '</p><p>Also, due to their large size our operations and spells will do less damage and we will gain less on attacks.';
        echo '</p>' . '</div>';
            <!-- end left column -->

            <!-- start right column -->
            <div id="rightcolumn">
        echo '<div class="tableLinkSmall"><a href="main.php?cat=game&amp;page=alliance&amp;aid=' . $aid . '">Back to alliance #' . $aid . '</a>' . '</div>';
        // Show action links
        echo '<div id="textSmall" style="margin-top: 0px;">' . '<h2>Tribe Actions</h2>';
        echo '<ul>' . '<li>' . '<a href="main.php?cat=game&amp;page=mystic&amp;magekd=' . $aid . '&amp;tribe=' . $tribe . '">Prepare Mystics</a>' . '</li>' . '<li>' . '<a href="main.php?cat=game&amp;page=thievery&amp;kd=' . $aid . '&amp;tribe=' . $tribe . '">Prepare Thieves</a>' . '</li>' . '<li>' . '<a href="main.php?cat=game&amp;page=invade&amp;atkid=' . $aid . '&amp;tribe=' . $tribe . '">Prepare Invasion</a>' . '</li>' . '<li>' . '<a href="main.php?cat=game&amp;page=mail&amp;set=compose&amp;aid=' . $aid . '&amp;tribe=' . $tribe . '">Orkfia Mail</a>' . '</li>' . '</ul>';
        echo '</div>';
            <!-- End of the right column-->
        <!-- end of 2 column layout -->
    } elseif ($aid < 11) {
        echo '<div class="tableLinkMedium">' . '<a href="main.php?cat=game&amp;page=alliance&amp;aid=' . $aid . '">Alliance #' . $aid . '</a>' . '</div>';
        // Show action links
        echo '<div id="textMedium" style="margin-top: 0px;">';
        echo '<p><strong>Tribe Actions</strong></p>';
        echo '<ul>' . '<li>' . '<a href="main.php?cat=game&amp;page=message&amp;alliance=' . $aid . '&amp;tribe=' . $tribe . '">Submit a Report</a>' . '</li>' . '<li>' . '<a href="main.php?cat=game&amp;page=mail&amp;set=compose&amp;aid=' . $aid . '&amp;tribe=' . $tribe . '">Orkfia Mail</a>' . '</li>' . '</ul>';
        echo '</div>';
예제 #7
function check_to_update($user)
    //                                                     Martel, July 09, 2006
    // Use global src object if the source == the tribe triggering this update
    // (self update)
    $objSrcUser =& $GLOBALS["objSrcUser"];
    if ($user != $objSrcUser->get_userid()) {
        $objUser = new clsUser($user);
    } else {
        $objUser =& $objSrcUser;
    // Calculate updates owed
    $Last_update_hour = $objUser->get_user_info(LAST_UPDATE_HOUR);
    $Last_update_day = $objUser->get_user_info(LAST_UPDATE_DAY);
    //     $iTribeTick = $objUser->get_user_info(LAST_UPDATE_TICK);
    $day = date("d");
    $hour = date("H");
    $month = date("m");
    $year = date("y");
    $lmonth = $month - 1;
    if ($day < $Last_update_day) {
        if ($lmonth == 0) {
            $lmonth = 12;
        if ($lmonth == 1 || $lmonth == 3 || $lmonth == 5 || $lmonth == 7 || $lmonth == 8 || $lmonth == 10 || $lmonth == 12) {
            $day = $day + 31;
        } elseif ($lmonth == 2) {
            if ($year % 4 == 0) {
                $day = $day + 29;
            } else {
                $day = $day + 28;
        } elseif ($lmonth == 4 || $lmonth == 6 || $lmonth == 9 || $lmonth == 11) {
            $day = $day + 30;
    $iUpdatesOwed = ($day - $Last_update_day) * 24 + ($hour - $Last_update_hour);
    if ($iUpdatesOwed > 36) {
        $iUpdatesOwed = 36;
    $objUser->set_user_info(LAST_UPDATE_DAY, date('d'));
    $objUser->set_user_info(LAST_UPDATE_HOUR, date('H'));
    //     $objUser->set_user_info(LAST_UPDATE_TICK, $iGameTick);
    // Preparing for new method to count owed updates
    include_once 'inc/classes/clsGame.php';
    $objGame = new clsGame();
    //     $iGameTick = $objGame->get_game_time(HOUR_COUNTER);
    //     $iUpdatesOwed = floor($iGameTick - $iTribeTick);
    // FORGET UPDATES - setting updatesOwed to 0 is permanent and will be saved
    // Until the new update system is implemented this is the only feasible way.
    if ($objGame->get_game_switch(GLOBAL_PAUSE) == ON) {
        $iUpdatesOwed = 0;
    // Tribes who are either killed, waiting to be reset or paused
    $strReset = $objUser->get_stat(RESET_OPTION);
    $blnKilled = $objUser->get_stat(KILLED);
    $iPaused = $objUser->get_user_info(PAUSE_ACCOUNT);
    if ($strReset == 'yes' || $blnKilled == 1) {
        $iUpdatesOwed = 0;
    } elseif ($iPaused > 0) {
        // Counter to see how long tribe has left in "forced" protection
        // Expl: only after these updates a tribe can choose to un-pause
        $iPaused -= $iUpdatesOwed;
        if ($iPaused <= 1) {
            $iPaused = 1;
        // Save the last update info
        $objUser->set_user_info(PAUSE_ACCOUNT, $iPaused);
    // Time to hand out updates...
    if ($iUpdatesOwed > 0) {
        // 6 Week limit for Infinity ORKFiA                Martel, July 09, 2006
        $iHours = $objUser->get_user_info(HOURS);
        $objRace = $objUser->get_race();
        $intLifespan = $objRace->getLifespan();
        // M: Perform near-death updates until the tribe is dead
        if ($iHours + $iUpdatesOwed > $intLifespan) {
            include_once 'inc/functions/tribe.php';
            $blnReturn = FALSE;
            // Updates that should be used to determine chance of death
            $iMaxAfter100Owed = $iHours + $iUpdatesOwed - $intLifespan + $iUpdatesOwed;
            $iUpdatesAfter100Owed = min($iUpdatesOwed, $iMaxAfter100Owed);
            // Iterate through each update to see if it's time to die
            for ($i = 1; $i <= $iUpdatesAfter100Owed; $i++) {
                // Correct hour of news event
                $event = $iUpdatesAfter100Owed - $i;
                $event_time = date(TIMESTAMP_FORMAT, strtotime("-{$event} hours"));
                $iRand = rand(1, max(1, 24 - $iMaxAfter100Owed));
                if ($iRand == 1) {
                    // Give remaining updates to tribe
                    $iUpdatesOwedBeforeDeath = $i + ($iUpdatesOwed - $iUpdatesAfter100Owed);
                    call_update_script($iUpdatesOwedBeforeDeath, $objUser);
                    // For use in Alliance News
                    $iRulerAge = getRulerAge($objUser);
                    $strTribe = $objUser->get_stat(TRIBE);
                    // Code for death due to age
                    $objUser->set_stat(KILLED, 1);
                    // Alliance News
                    $strAlliNews = "<b class=\"negative\">The ruler of " . $strTribe . " has died at an age of " . $iRulerAge . ".</b>";
                    $iShowAlli = $objUser->get_stat(ALLIANCE);
                    // Tribe News
                    $strTribeNews = "The death of the old and tired tribe ruler comes as " . "no surprise. Most citizens have left the lands, and " . "the leaderless military rampantly plundered what " . "they could. The citizens remaining wish to " . "contribute goods they hid to support your cause." . "<br /><br />" . $strAlliNews . "<br /><br />" . "Below are the news that your previous tribe recieved:";
                    $blnReturn = TRUE;
                } else {
                    $strAlliNews = '';
                    $iShowAlli = '';
                    $strTribeNews = 'Leader, your age is becoming a problem! The citizens ' . 'are preparing for the worst and your general openly ' . 'disobey you.';
                $strSQL = 'INSERT INTO ' . "news" . ' SET ' . "time" . " = '{$event_time}', " . "type" . " = 'death', " . "duser" . " = {$user}, " . "result" . " = 1, " . "text" . " = '{$strTribeNews}', " . "kingdom_text" . " = '{$strAlliNews}', " . "kingdoma" . " = {$iShowAlli}";
                if ($blnReturn) {
        // Vacation mode 48 hours (+6 hours enter-phase = 54 hours)
        if ($iPaused > 0 && $objUser->get_stat(KILLED) == 0) {
            // (Martel: paused accs will still age - "fair ranking" fix)
            $iNewHours = $objUser->get_user_info(HOURS) + $iUpdatesOwed;
            $objUser->set_user_info(HOURS, $iNewHours);
            // Only "forget" updates while in protection, not during enter-phase
            //                                  Bug-fix February 27, 2008 Martel
            if ($iPaused <= 48) {
                $iUpdatesOwed = 0;
        // Update Tribe
        // Martel: Moving this to a separate file            - February 27, 2008
        require_once 'inc/functions/update_script.php';
        generate_updates($objUser, $iUpdatesOwed);
예제 #8
function include_alliance_text()
    // This bugs pretty badly if the alliance tables are missing
    // Same thing further down too, but for target alliance obj.
    $objSrcUser =& $GLOBALS["objSrcUser"];
    $objSrcAlli = $objSrcUser->get_alliance();
    // Martel: Validate the alliance number so we get an absolutely safe one
    $iAid = intval($objSrcUser->get_stat(ALLIANCE));
    if (isset($_POST['aid'])) {
        $iAid = intval($_POST['aid']);
        if (strlen($_POST['aid']) > 4) {
            require_once 'inc/pages/logout.inc.php';
    } elseif (isset($_GET['aid'])) {
        $iAid = intval($_GET['aid']);
        if (strlen($_GET['aid']) > 4) {
            require_once 'inc/pages/logout.inc.php';
    if ($iAid < 1) {
        $iAid = 1;
    $result = mysql_query("SELECT alli_id FROM rankings_personal WHERE alli_id < {$iAid} ORDER BY alli_id DESC LIMIT 1");
    if (mysql_num_rows($result) == '0') {
        $prevAlli['0'] = $iAid;
    } else {
        $prevAlli = mysql_fetch_row($result);
    $result = mysql_query("SELECT alli_id FROM rankings_personal WHERE alli_id > {$iAid} ORDER BY alli_id ASC LIMIT 1");
    if (mysql_num_rows($result) == '0') {
        $nextAlli['0'] = $iAid;
    } else {
        $nextAlli = mysql_fetch_row($result);
    echo $chooseAlliance = "<div class=\"tableLinkMini\">" . "<a href=\"main.php?cat=game&amp;page=alliance\">Home</a>" . "</div>" . "<form method=\"post\" action=\"main.php?cat=game&amp;page=alliance\" style=\"margin-top: 0pt;\">" . "<table cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" class=\"mini\">" . "<tr class=\"header\">" . "<th colspan=\"4\">" . "Alliance" . "</th>" . "</tr>" . "<tr class=\"data\">" . "<td>" . "<a id=\"arrowl\" href=\"main.php?cat=game&amp;page=alliance&amp;aid=" . $prevAlli[0] . "\">" . "<span class=\"alt\">" . "&#60;" . "</span>" . "</a>" . "</td>" . "<td>" . "<input type=\"text\" name=\"aid\" size=\"4\" maxlength=\"4\" value=\"" . $iAid . "\" />" . "</td>" . "<td>" . "<input type=\"submit\" name=\"submit\" value=\"View\" />" . "</td>" . "<td>" . "<a id=\"arrowr\" href=\"main.php?cat=game&amp;page=alliance&amp;aid=" . $nextAlli[0] . "\">" . "<span class=\"alt\">" . "&#62;" . "</span>" . "</a>" . "</td>" . "</tr>" . "</table>" . "</form>";
    $res = mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(id) AS cnt FROM rankings_personal WHERE alli_id = {$iAid}");
    $line = mysql_fetch_assoc($res);
    if ($line["cnt"] == '0') {
        $res = mysql_query("SELECT id FROM rankings_alliance ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1");
        $max = mysql_fetch_assoc($res);
        $res = mysql_query("SELECT id FROM rankings_alliance ORDER BY id ASC LIMIT 1");
        $min = mysql_fetch_assoc($res);
        echo "Selections range from " . $min["id"] . "-" . $max["id"];
    <div class="center">
    // Alliance Banner
    $objTrgAlli = new clsAlliance($iAid);
    $arrAlliance = $objTrgAlli->get_alliance_infos();
    $arrRankingsAlliance = $objTrgAlli->get_rankings_alliances();
    if (trim($arrAlliance[IMAGE]) != '') {
        $arrAlliance[IMAGE] = stripslashes($arrAlliance[IMAGE]);
        $arrAlliance[IMAGE] = htmlspecialchars($arrAlliance[IMAGE]);
        $arrAlliance[IMAGE] = escapeshellcmd($arrAlliance[IMAGE]);
        echo "<img src =\"" . $arrAlliance[IMAGE] . "\" width =\"" . $arrAlliance[IMAGEWIDTH] . "\" height =\"" . $arrAlliance[IMAGEHEIGHT] . "\" alt=\"\" /><br />";
    // War status display
    $arrSrcWar = $objTrgAlli->get_wars();
    if ($arrSrcWar[TARGET] != 0) {
        $targetLink = " (<a href=\"main.php?cat=game&amp;page=alliance&amp;aid=" . $arrSrcWar[TARGET] . "\">#" . $arrSrcWar[TARGET] . "</a>)";
        $objWarTrg = new clsAlliance($arrSrcWar[TARGET]);
        $strAlliName = stripslashes($objWarTrg->get_rankings_alliance('alli_name'));
        echo '<br /><strong class="negative">At war with ' . $strAlliName . $targetLink . '</strong>';
    if ($iAid < 10) {
        $iSpan = 3;
        <span style="font-size: 0.8em"><a href="main.php?cat=game&amp;page=message&amp;alliance=<?php 
        echo $iAid;
">Submit a report here</a>.</span>
        <br />
    } else {
        $iSpan = 6;
        if ($iAid == $objSrcUser->get_stat(ALLIANCE)) {
            $iSpan = 7;
        // bootcamp indication
        if ($arrAlliance[BOOTCAMP] == 'yes') {
        <br /><strong class='positive'>[ Boot Camp ]</strong><br />

        // M: Graveyard indication
        if ($iAid == 10) {
            echo '<h2>The Graveyard in #10 - Beware of the DEAD.</h2>';

    <br />
    <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="big">
        <tr class="header">
            <th colspan="<?php 
    echo $iSpan;
    $strAllianceName = stripslashes($arrRankingsAlliance[ALLI_NAME]);
    echo "{$strAllianceName} (#{$iAid})";
    if (trim($arrRankingsAlliance[ALLI_DESC]) != '') {
        $allianceDesc = stripslashes(trim($arrRankingsAlliance[ALLI_DESC]));
                <br /><span style="font-size: 0.8em;"><?php 
        echo $allianceDesc;
    if ($iAid < 10) {
        <tr class="subheader">
            <th width="17"></th>
            <td align="left" class="left" width="34%">Staff Tribe</td>
            <td align="left" class="left">Online < 48 hours ago</td>
        // Martel: Sort 1-10 on staff ranks and name instead of acres
        $res = mysql_query("SELECT rankings_personal.id, alli_id, tribe_name, hours, rankings_personal.race, land, nw, rankings_personal.fame, player_type, stats.level FROM rankings_personal, stats WHERE alli_id = {$iAid} AND stats.id = rankings_personal.id ORDER BY level DESC, tribe_name ASC");
    } else {
        // Output alliance Rankings
        include_once 'inc/functions/alli_ranking.php';
        if ($iAid != 10) {
            $arrRanking = get_rank_data($iAid);
            echo "<br />Land: " . $arrRanking[LAND] . " &nbsp;&nbsp; Strength: " . $arrRanking[STRENGTH] . " &nbsp;&nbsp; Fame: " . $arrRanking[FAME];
        <tr class="subheader">
            <th width="17"></th>
            <th>Tribe Name</th>
        if ($iAid == $objSrcUser->get_stat(ALLIANCE)) {
            echo '
            <td><em>Ruler Age</em></td>
        // Sort tribes by acreage, strength, fame
        $res = mysql_query("SELECT id FROM rankings_personal WHERE alli_id = {$iAid} ORDER BY land DESC, nw DESC, fame DESC");
    $inactivitycheck = $objSrcUser->get_rankings_personals();
    $iCount = 0;
    $inactiveCounter = 0;
    $objTmpUser = new clsUser(0);
    while ($line = mysql_fetch_assoc($res)) {
        // Clear the temporary object to assign a new user
        $iUserid = $line[ID];
        $arrTmpRanking = $objTmpUser->get_rankings_personals();
        $arrTmpRanking[TRIBE_NAME] = stripslashes($arrTmpRanking[TRIBE_NAME]);
        $strFame = (string) number_format($arrTmpRanking[FAME]);
        if ($arrTmpRanking[FAME] < 5000) {
            $strFame = '<span class="negative">' . $strFame . '</span>';
        } elseif ($arrTmpRanking[FAME] > 5000) {
            $strFame = '<span class="positive">' . $strFame . '</span>';
        <tr class="data">
        $online = $objTmpUser->get_onlines();
        $old = date(TIMESTAMP_FORMAT, strtotime('-5 minutes'));
        // Martel: New inactivity check.
        // Works with both month changes and leap years ;)
        $inactive = date(TIMESTAMP_FORMAT, strtotime('-2 days'));
        if ($online['time'] < $inactive && $inactivitycheck[PLAYER_TYPE] == "elder" && $inactivitycheck[ALLI_ID] == $iAid) {
                <img src="<?php 
            echo HOST_PICS;
tribe_inactive.gif" alt="*" height="13" width="13" />
        } elseif ($online['time'] < $old) {
                <img src="<?php 
            echo HOST_PICS;
tribe_offline.gif" alt="" height="13" width="13" />
        } else {
                <img src="<?php 
            echo HOST_PICS;
tribe_online.gif" alt="»" height="13" width="13" />
        // Begin output of <tr> for each tribe
        if ($iAid >= 10) {
            $strClass = $arrTmpRanking[PLAYER_TYPE] . "";
            if ($objTmpUser->isPaused() || $arrTmpRanking[HOURS] < PROTECTION_HOURS) {
                $strClass = "protected";
            echo '<a href="main.php?cat=game&amp;page=external_affairs&amp;tribe=' . $arrTmpRanking[ID] . "&amp;aid=" . $arrTmpRanking[ALLI_ID] . '" class="' . $strClass . '">' . $arrTmpRanking[TRIBE_NAME] . '</a></th>';
            if ($iAid == $objSrcUser->get_stat(ALLIANCE)) {
                echo "<td><em>" . $objTmpUser->get_ruler_age() . "</em></td>";
            echo "<td>" . $arrTmpRanking[RACE] . "</td>" . "<td>" . number_format($arrTmpRanking[LAND]) . "</td>" . "<td>" . number_format($arrTmpRanking[NW]) . "</td>" . "<td>" . $strFame . "</td>" . "</tr>";
        } else {
            $strClass = "staff";
            if ($objTmpUser->get_stat(LEVEL) > 5) {
                $strClass = "admin";
            } elseif ($objTmpUser->get_stat(LEVEL) == 5) {
                $strClass = "head";
            echo '<a href="main.php?cat=game&amp;page=message&amp;tribe=' . $arrTmpRanking[ID] . "&amp;alliance=" . $arrTmpRanking[ALLI_ID] . '" class="' . $strClass . '">' . $arrTmpRanking[TRIBE_NAME] . '</a></th>';
            if ($online['time'] < $inactive) {
                echo '<td class="left"><em>No</em></td>';
            } else {
                echo '<td class="left"><em class="positive">Yes</em></td>';
            echo '</tr>';

    <div class="center" style="font-size: 0.8em">
        There are <?php 
    echo $iCount;
 tribes in this alliance.

    <br />

    <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="small">
        <tr class="header">
            <th colspan="2">Legend</th>
        <tr class="subheader">
    if ($iAid >= 10) {
        <tr class="data">
            <th class="elder">Gold:</th>
        <tr class="data">
            <th class="coelder">Copper:</th>
        <tr class="data">
            <th class="protected">Light Green:</th>
            <td>In Protection</td>

    } else {
        <tr class="data">
            <th class="admin">White:</th>
            <td>Orkfian God</td>
        <tr class="data">
            <th class="head">Pink:</th>
            <td>Orkfian Lord</td>
        <tr class="data">
            <th class="staff">Blue:</th>
            <td>ORKFiA Staff</td>
        <tr class="data">
            <th><img src="<?php 
    echo HOST_PICS;
tribe_online.gif" alt="»" height="13" width="13" /></th>
    if ($inactivitycheck[PLAYER_TYPE] == "elder" && $inactivitycheck['alli_id'] == $iAid && $inactiveCounter > 0) {
        <tr class="data">
            <th><img src="<?php 
        echo HOST_PICS;
tribe_inactive.gif" alt="*" height="13" width="13" /></th>

예제 #9
function include_invade2_text()
    global $ip;
    $objSrcUser =& $GLOBALS["objSrcUser"];
    $arrSrcUser = $objSrcUser->get_user_infos();
    $arrSrcStats = $objSrcUser->get_stats();
    // Secure user input from the invasion form
    if (isset($_POST['TrgPlayer']) && !empty($_POST['TrgPlayer']) && $_POST['TrgPlayer'] != 'spacer') {
        // Selected Target
        $iTrgUserId = abs(intval($_POST['TrgPlayer']));
    } else {
        echo $strDiv = '<div id="textMedium"><p>' . "Your army walk back to their homes, you should give them a " . "target next time!" . '</p><p>' . '<a href="main.php?cat=game&page=invade">' . "Try Again ?" . "</a>" . '</p></div>';
    $arrWhite = array('1', '2', '3', '4', '5');
    $arrWhite2 = array(1 => 'standard', 'raid', 'barren', 'hitnrun', 'bc');
    // Selected Target
    if (isset($_POST['invade_type']) && in_array($_POST['invade_type'], $arrWhite)) {
        $iAttack = intval($_POST['invade_type']);
    } else {
        echo $strDiv = '<div id="textMedium"><p>' . "Your army walk back to their homes, you should give them a " . "target next time!" . '</p><p>' . '<a href="main.php?cat=game&page=invade">' . "Try Again ?" . "</a>" . '</p></div>';
    // Army Sent
    $arrUnitVars = getUnitVariables($arrSrcStats[RACE]);
    $arrUnitOffence = $arrUnitVars['offence'];
    $arrUnitVar = $arrUnitVars['variables'];
    if (isset($_POST["arrArmySent"])) {
        $arrArmySent = $_POST["arrArmySent"];
        foreach ($arrUnitOffence as $i => $iUnitOffence) {
            if ($iUnitOffence > 0) {
                $arrArmySent[$arrUnitVar[$i]] = max(0, intval($arrArmySent[$arrUnitVar[$i]]));
            } else {
                $arrArmySent[$arrUnitVar[$i]] = 0;
    // Verify attacker's status
    obj_check_protection($objSrcUser, "invade");
    $iTotalSentArmy = array_sum($arrArmySent);
    if ($iTotalSentArmy < 1) {
        echo $strDiv = '<div id="textMedium"><p>' . 'Sorry, but you did not send any units to battle.<br />' . 'This attack has been aborted.' . '</p><p>' . '<a href="main.php?cat=game&page=invade">' . "Try Again ?" . "</a>" . '</p></div>';
    if (verifyArmyAvailable($objSrcUser, $arrArmySent) == 1) {
        echo $strDiv = '<div id="textMedium"><p>' . 'Sorry, you do not have that many units to send.<br />' . 'This attack has been aborted.' . '</p><p>' . '<a href="main.php?cat=game&page=invade">' . "Try Again ?" . "</a>" . '</p></div>';
    if ($arrSrcStats[RACE] == "Oleg Hai" && verifyArmyAvailableOleg($objSrcUser, $arrArmySent) == 1) {
        $mercsTrainedThisHour = $objSrcUser->get_army_merc(MERC_T3);
        echo $strDiv = '<div id="textMedium"><p>' . "Sorry, but you did only train {$mercsTrainedThisHour} " . "mercs this update and that's the maximum you may use for an " . "attack.<br />" . "This attack has been aborted." . '</p><p>' . '<a href="main.php?cat=game&page=invade">' . "Try Again ?" . "</a>" . '</p></div>';
    if ($arrSrcUser[NEXT_ATTACK] > 0) {
        echo $strDiv = '<div id="textMedium"><p>' . 'Sorry, but you cannot attack for at least ' . $arrSrcUser[NEXT_ATTACK] . ' more updates.' . '</p><p>' . '<a href="main.php?cat=game&page=invade">' . 'Try Again ?' . '</a>' . '</p></div>';
    if ($arrSrcUser[HOURS] < PROTECTION_HOURS) {
        echo $strDiv = '<div id="textMedium"><p>' . 'You are not allowed to attack while in protection!' . '</p><p>' . '<a href="main.php?cat=game&page=invade">' . 'Try Again ?' . '</a>' . '</p></div>';
    // Verify defender's status
    include_once 'inc/functions/update.php';
    $objTrgUser = new clsUser($iTrgUserId);
    $arrTrgStats = $objTrgUser->get_stats();
    if ($arrTrgStats[ALLIANCE] == $objSrcUser->get_stat(ALLIANCE)) {
        echo $strDiv = '<div id="textMedium"><p>' . 'Sorry, honor before might. Do not attack into your own alliance.' . '</p><p>' . '<a href="main.php?cat=game&page=invade">' . 'Try Again ?' . '</a>' . '</p></div>';
    } elseif ($objTrgUser->get_stat(ALLIANCE) < 11) {
        echo $strDiv = '<div id="textMedium"><p>' . 'I hope you did not think that you would get away with ' . 'attacking into a staff alliance, did you?' . '</p><p>' . '<a href="main.php?cat=game&page=invade">' . 'Try Again ?' . '</a>' . '</p></div>';
    // Frost: Added a global protection mode
    include_once 'inc/classes/clsGame.php';
    $objGame = new clsGame();
    if ($objGame->get_game_switch(GLOBAL_PROTECTION) == 'on') {
        echo $strDiv = '<div id="textMedium"><p>' . 'Because of a global event all tribes in ORKFiA are under ' . 'protection. Please check the community forum for an announcement.' . '</p><p>' . '<a href="main.php?cat=game&page=invade">' . 'Try Again ?' . '</a>' . '</p></div>';
    $iTrgHours = $objTrgUser->get_user_info(HOURS);
    if ($iTrgHours < PROTECTION_HOURS) {
        $iTrgHoursRemaining = PROTECTION_HOURS - $iTrgHours;
        echo $strDiv = '<div id="textMedium"><p>' . 'It appears that the tribe you wish to target is still ' . 'materializing. Our general estimates that it will ' . 'take another ' . $iTrgHoursRemaining . ' updates for the area ' . 'to become a stable part of reality.' . '</p><p>' . '<a href="main.php?cat=game&page=invade">' . 'Try Again ?' . '</a>' . '</p></div>';
    if ($objTrgUser->get_stat(ALLIANCE) == 0) {
        echo $strDiv = '<div id="textMedium"><p>' . 'This player has either been deleted or suspended.' . '</p><p>' . '<a href="main.php?cat=game&page=invade">' . 'Try Again ?' . '</a>' . '</p></div>';
    // Frost: added jan -04
    // Martel: updated July 08, 2006
    if ($objTrgUser->get_stat(KILLED) == 1 || $objTrgUser->get_stat(RESET_OPTION) == 'yes') {
        echo $strDiv = '<div id="textMedium"><p>' . 'This tribe is dead.' . '</p><p>' . '<a href="main.php?cat=game&amp;page=invade">' . 'Try Again ?' . '</a>' . '</p></div>';
    // Paused account                                      Martel, July 13, 2006
    if ($objTrgUser->isPaused()) {
        echo $strDiv = '<div id="textMedium"><p>' . 'This tribe is paused.' . '</p><p>' . '<a href="main.php?cat=game&amp;page=invade">' . 'Return' . '</a>' . '</p></div>';
    // Blocking system                          - AI 11/02/2007
    if (!clsBlock::isOpAllowed($objSrcUser, $objTrgUser)) {
        echo '<div id="textMedium"><p>' . 'Someone else from the same IP has already opped this tribe during the last 8 hours.' . '</p><p>' . '<a href="main.php?cat=game&amp;page=invade">Return</a>' . '</p></div>';
        clsBlock::reportOp($objSrcUser, $objTrgUser, 'Attack: ' . $arrWhite2[$iAttack], false);
    $iTrgLand = $objTrgUser->get_build(LAND);
    $iSrcLand = $objSrcUser->get_build(LAND);
    $breakoff = round($iSrcLand * 0.7);
    // Barren attack has 70% bottom feed limit if smaller than 2000 acres
    if ($iAttack == ATTACK_BARREN && $iTrgLand <= $breakoff && $iTrgLand < 2000) {
        echo $strDiv = '<div id="textMedium"><p>' . 'Sorry but you can not bash the small ones. Barren grabs are not ' . 'allowed against smaller tribes unless they are within 70% ' . 'of your own size.' . '</p><p>' . '<a href="main.php?cat=game&page=invade">' . 'Try Again ?' . '</a>' . '</p></div>';
    if ($iAttack == ATTACK_HNR && $iTrgLand < $iSrcLand) {
        echo $strDiv = '<div id="textMedium"><p>' . 'What kind of coward are you who try to make a Hit \'n\' Run ' . 'attack against a smaller tribe?' . '</p><p>' . 'Shame on you!' . '</p><p>' . '<a href="main.php?cat=game&page=invade">' . 'Return' . '</a>' . '</p></div>';
    $quick_check = mysql_query("Select * from user where id = 1");
    $quick_check = mysql_fetch_array($quick_check);
    if ($quick_check[STOPGAMETRIGGER] == 99) {
        echo $strDiv = '<div id="textMedium"><p>' . 'The game has been paused by staff, possibly due to technical ' . 'maintenance. Please look in the announcements ' . 'forum or the admin game message for more information.' . '</p><p>' . '<a href="main.php?cat=game&page=invade">' . 'Return' . '</a>' . '</p></div>';
    } else {
        // Do Battle
        /* include the code for the attack about to be done */
        include_once "inc/attacks/" . $arrWhite2[$iAttack] . ".php";
        // Damadm00 19-03-2004, check here the result from the viking check
        // Martel: Notify thieves about attack only if not viking+25% luck
        if ($arrSrcStats[RACE] == 'Viking' && getVikingCheck() == 1) {
            $viking = 1;
        } else {
            $viking = 0;
        include_once 'inc/functions/military.php';
        $defence = getArmyDefence($objTrgUser, $iAttack);
        $defence = $defence['total_home'];
        $offence = getSentOffence($objSrcUser, $arrArmySent);
        //Attacking Templars kills mystics, not thieves - AI
        $thieves = 'thieves';
        if ($objTrgUser->get_stat(RACE) == 'Templar') {
            $thieves = 'mystics';
        // Eagle 30% auto force retreat feature
        if ($objTrgUser->get_stat(RACE) == "Eagle" && getEagleCheck() == 1) {
            doRetreat($objSrcUser, $objTrgUser, $arrArmySent, 1, 0);
        } elseif ($offence < $defence && $iAttack != ATTACK_HNR) {
            doRetreat($objSrcUser, $objTrgUser, $arrArmySent, 0, $viking);
        } elseif ($offence < $defence && $iAttack == ATTACK_HNR) {
            if ($offence > 0.5 * $defence) {
                if ($defence == 0) {
                    $defence = 1;
                $arrSrcArmyLost = getSrcLosses($objSrcUser, $arrArmySent, $offence / $defence, $arrWhite2[$iAttack]);
                $arrTrgArmyLost = getTrgLosses($objTrgUser, $objSrcUser, $offence / $defence, $arrWhite2[$iAttack]);
                $arrReport = doAttack($objSrcUser, $objTrgUser, $arrArmySent);
            } else {
                doRetreat($objSrcUser, $objTrgUser, $arrArmySent, 0, $viking);
        } else {
            if ($defence == 0) {
                $defence = 1;
            $arrSrcArmyLost = getSrcLosses($objSrcUser, $arrArmySent, $offence / $defence, $arrWhite2[$iAttack]);
            $arrTrgArmyLost = getTrgLosses($objTrgUser, $objSrcUser, $offence / $defence, $arrWhite2[$iAttack]);
            $arrReport = doAttack($objSrcUser, $objTrgUser, $arrArmySent);
        // Spread Pestilence
        $arrSpreadPest = checkPestilence($objSrcUser, $objTrgUser);
        $pestSrc = $arrSpreadPest['attacker'];
        $pestTrg = $arrSpreadPest['defender'];
        // Begin creating the invade report
        $strTribe = stripslashes($objTrgUser->get_rankings_personal(TRIBE_NAME));
        $iAlliance = $arrTrgStats[ALLIANCE];
        $strReport = '<div id="textMedium">' . '<h2>' . "Invade Report" . '</h2>' . '<p>' . 'Your invasion of <strong>' . $strTribe . ' (#' . $iAlliance . ')</strong> was successful, ' . 'below follows a report from your general.' . '</p>';
        // Report: Gains
        // Acres
        if (isset($arrReport['gained_acres']) && $arrReport['gained_acres'] != 0) {
            $strReport .= '<p>' . "Our army has gained control over " . "<strong>" . $arrReport['gained_acres'] . " acres</strong>. ";
            // Explored Acres
            if (isset($arrReport['explored_acres']) && $arrReport['explored_acres'] != 0) {
                $strReport .= "Also <strong>" . $arrReport['explored_acres'] . " acres</strong> was " . "explored and can be used to build on now.";
            $strReport .= '</p>';
        // Citizens Killed (raid or hnr)
        if (isset($arrReport['killed_citizens']) && $arrReport['killed_citizens'] != 0) {
            $strReport .= '<p>' . "Our army storm into their lands, killing <strong>" . $arrReport['killed_citizens'] . "</strong> of their citizens." . '</p>';
        // Money (raid)
        if (isset($arrReport['gained_crowns']) && $arrReport['gained_crowns'] != 0) {
            $strReport .= '<p>' . "The army report having stolen <strong class=\"indicator\">" . number_format($arrReport['gained_crowns']) . " crowns</strong>." . '</p>';
        // Buildings Razed (blasphemy crusade)
        if (isset($arrReport['damaged_total']) && $arrReport['damaged_total'] != 0) {
            $strReport .= '<p>' . "Your loyal army charges into their lands, destroying <strong>" . $arrReport['damaged_total'] . " buildings</strong> of witchcraft " . "and deception. (";
            // Academies
            if (isset($arrReport['damaged_academies']) && $arrReport['damaged_academies'] != 0) {
                $strReport .= " <strong>" . $arrReport['damaged_academies'] . " academies</strong>";
            // Guilds
            if (isset($arrReport['damaged_guilds']) && $arrReport['damaged_guilds'] != 0) {
                $strReport .= " <strong>" . $arrReport['damaged_guilds'] . " guilds</strong>";
            // Hideouts
            if (isset($arrReport['damaged_hideouts']) && $arrReport['damaged_hideouts'] != 0) {
                $strReport .= " <strong>" . $arrReport['damaged_hideouts'] . " hideouts</strong>";
            $strReport .= ').</p>';
        // Thieves Killed (blasphemy crusade)
        if (isset($arrReport['killed_thieves']) && $arrReport['killed_thieves'] != 0) {
            $strReport .= '<p>' . "Your general reports having killed <strong>" . $arrReport['killed_thieves'] . " {$thieves} of the enemy</strong>." . '</p>';
        // Fame Gained
        if (isset($arrReport['gained_fame']) && $arrReport['gained_fame'] != 0) {
            $strReport .= '<p>' . "This invasion gave our tribe <strong class=\"positive\">" . $arrReport['gained_fame'] . " fame</strong>." . '</p>';
        // Begin enemy defence estimation (report)
        if ($offence > $defence * 2) {
            $strReport .= '<p>' . "Our army is more than double the power of the " . "defending army, causing the enemy to run in fear. (Victory " . "by more than 100%)" . '</p>';
        } elseif ($offence > $defence * 1.8) {
            $strReport .= '<p>' . "Our army is almost double the power of the defending " . "army. (Victory by more than 80%)" . '</p>';
        } elseif ($offence > $defence * 1.6) {
            $strReport .= '<p>' . "Our army has easily broken the enemies defences, " . "overpowering them by more than 3 to 2. (Victory by more " . "than 60%)" . '</p>';
        } elseif ($offence > $defence * 1.4) {
            $strReport .= '<p>' . "Our army has broken the enemies defences, overpowering " . "them by around 3 to 2. (Victory by more than 40%)" . '</p>';
        } elseif ($offence > $defence * 1.2) {
            $strReport .= '<p>' . "Our army has broken through the line of defence, but it was " . "a hard battle. (Victory by more than 20%)" . '</p>';
        } elseif ($offence > $defence * 1.1) {
            $strReport .= '<p>' . "Our army has broken through the line of defence, but it was " . "a very tough battle. (Victory by more than 10%)" . '</p>';
        } elseif ($offence >= $defence) {
            $strReport .= '<p>' . "Our army fought hard, winning only after a lengthy and very " . "difficult battle. (Victory by less than 10%)" . '</p>';
        // Report: Army Losses
        $arrUnitVars = getUnitVariables($objSrcUser->get_stat(RACE));
        $arrUnitNames = $arrUnitVars['output'];
        $strPlural = 's';
        $strReport .= '<p>' . "The captains report that we have lost ";
        if ($arrSrcArmyLost[UNIT1] > 0) {
            $strReport .= $arrSrcArmyLost[UNIT1] . " " . $arrUnitNames[2] . $strPlural . ", ";
        if ($arrSrcArmyLost[UNIT2] > 0) {
            if ($arrUnitNames[3] == 'Swordmen') {
                $strPlural = '';
            } elseif ($arrUnitNames[3] == 'Pikemen') {
                $strPlural = '';
            $strReport .= $arrSrcArmyLost[UNIT2] . " " . $arrUnitNames[3] . $strPlural . ", ";
        if ($arrSrcArmyLost[UNIT3] > 0) {
            if ($arrUnitNames[4] == 'Crossbowmen') {
                $strPlural = '';
            } elseif ($arrUnitNames[4] == 'Longbowmen') {
                $strPlural = '';
            } elseif ($arrUnitNames[4] == 'Mummy') {
                $arrUnitNames[4] = 'Mummie';
            $strReport .= $arrSrcArmyLost[UNIT3] . " " . $arrUnitNames[4] . $strPlural . ", ";
        if ($arrSrcArmyLost[UNIT4] > 0) {
            if ($arrUnitNames[5] == 'Priestess') {
                $strPlural = '';
            $strReport .= $arrSrcArmyLost[UNIT4] . " " . $arrUnitNames[5] . $strPlural . ", ";
        if ($arrSrcArmyLost[UNIT5] > 0) {
            if ($arrUnitNames[6] == 'Thief') {
                $arrUnitNames[6] = 'Thieve';
            $strReport .= $arrSrcArmyLost[UNIT5] . " " . $arrUnitNames[6] . $strPlural . ", ";
        if (array_sum($arrSrcArmyLost) < 1) {
            $strReport .= " no military at all, ";
        $totalkilled = round(array_sum($arrTrgArmyLost), -2);
        if ($totalkilled > 0) {
            $strReport .= " and they estimate the enemy's losses to be {$totalkilled} units";
            if ($objSrcUser->get_stat(RACE) == "Undead") {
                $strReport .= ", who joined our cursed army as soldiers.";
        } else {
            $strReport .= " and they estimate the enemy's losses to be near zero";
        $strReport .= '.</p>';
        // Report: Army available again
        $wait = $objSrcUser->get_user_info(NEXT_ATTACK);
        $strReport .= '<p>' . "Our generals report our army will be able to attack again " . "in " . $wait . " updates. ";
        if ($wait > 4) {
            // Assuming that an attack with more than 4 hours is a BC or Hitnrun
            $wait -= 2;
            $strReport .= "However, our army will be home to defend our lands after " . $wait . " updates.";
        $strReport .= '</p>';
        // Report: Pestilence
        if ($pestSrc == "yes") {
            $strReport .= '<p>' . "<strong class=\"negative\">During your invasion your military " . "got infected with pestilence.</strong>" . '</p>';
        // frost: added suicide detection | modified for age 18. only one update
        // loss of 25% citizens
        $suicide = getSuicideCheck($objSrcUser, $arrArmySent);
        if ($arrSrcStats[RACE] != "Raven" && $suicide == 1) {
            $citz = $objSrcUser->get_pop(CITIZENS);
            $leavingCitz = floor($citz * 0.25);
            $strReport .= '<p>' . "<strong class=\"negative\">Your citizens are getting tired of " . "their tax money going to far-away military campaigns " . "instead of defending their homes. " . number_format($leavingCitz) . " citizens have left your lands.</strong>" . '</p>';
            $objSrcUser->set_pop(CITIZENS, $citz - $leavingCitz);
        // Report: Viking Stealth Attack
        if ($viking == 1) {
            $strReport .= '<p>' . "<strong class=\"positive\">You got lucky. Your location " . "doesn't end up in the news.</strong>" . '</p>';
        // Report: War effects
        require_once 'inc/functions/war.php';
        $objSrcAlliance = $objSrcUser->get_alliance();
        if (checkWarBetween($objSrcAlliance, $objTrgUser->get_stat(ALLIANCE))) {
            $objTrgAlliance = $objTrgUser->get_alliance();
            if ($arrGains = testWarVictory($objSrcAlliance, $objTrgAlliance)) {
                // Append war-win message
                require_once 'inc/pages/war_room2.inc.php';
                $strReport .= '<p><strong class="positive">Your alliance has won the war!</strong></p>' . getVictoryReport($arrGains);
        $strReport .= '<p>' . '<a href="main.php?cat=game&amp;page=tribe">Continue</a>' . '</p>' . '</div>';
        echo $strReport;
        // Defender tribe news (damage report)
        $srcDisplay = $arrSrcStats[TRIBE] . " (#" . $arrSrcStats[ALLIANCE] . ")";
        $trgDisplay = $arrTrgStats[TRIBE] . " (#" . $arrTrgStats[ALLIANCE] . ")";
        $strStrategy = $arrWhite2[$iAttack];
        switch ($strStrategy) {
            case "standard":
                if ($viking == 0) {
                    $strTrgTribe = "<span class=\"positive\">{$srcDisplay} has successfully marched into our lands and conquered " . $arrReport['gained_acres'] . " acres</span>";
                    $strTrgAlliance = "<span class=\"newsattack\">{$srcDisplay} has successfully marched into the lands of {$trgDisplay} and conquered " . $arrReport['gained_acres'] . " acres</span>";
                } else {
                    $strTrgTribe = "<span class=\"positive\">An unidentified tribe of vikings has successfully marched into our lands and conquered " . $arrReport['gained_acres'] . " acres</span>";
                    $strTrgAlliance = "<span class=\"newsattack\">An unidentified tribe of vikings has successfully marched into the lands of {$trgDisplay} and conquered " . $arrReport['gained_acres'] . " acres</span>";
            case "raid":
                if ($viking == 0) {
                    $strTrgTribe = "<span class=\"positive\">{$srcDisplay} has successfully stormed into our lands and conquered " . $arrReport['gained_acres'] . " acres, stolen " . $arrReport['gained_crowns'] . " crowns and slaughtered " . $arrReport['killed_citizens'] . " citizens</span>";
                    $strTrgAlliance = "<span class=\"newsattack\">{$srcDisplay} has successfully stormed into the lands of {$trgDisplay} and conquered " . $arrReport['gained_acres'] . " acres, stolen " . $arrReport['gained_crowns'] . " crowns and slaughtered " . $arrReport['killed_citizens'] . " citizens</span>";
                } else {
                    $strTrgTribe = "<span class=\"positive\">An unidentified tribe of vikings has successfully stormed into our lands and conquered " . $arrReport['gained_acres'] . " acres, stolen " . $arrReport['gained_crowns'] . " crowns and slaughtered " . $arrReport['killed_citizens'] . " citizens</span>";
                    $strTrgAlliance = "<span class=\"newsattack\">An unidentified tribe of vikings has Successfully stormed into the lands of {$trgDisplay} and conquered " . $arrReport['gained_acres'] . " acres, stolen " . $arrReport['gained_crowns'] . " crowns and slaughtered " . $arrReport['killed_citizens'] . " citizens</span>";
            case "barren":
                if ($viking == 0) {
                    $strTrgTribe = "<span class=\"newsattack\">{$srcDisplay} has successfully sneaked into our lands and claimed " . $arrReport['gained_acres'] . " acres</span>";
                    $strTrgAlliance = "<span class=\"newsattack\">{$srcDisplay} has successfully sneaked into the lands of {$trgDisplay} and claimed " . $arrReport['gained_acres'] . " acres</span>";
                } else {
                    $strTrgTribe = "<span class=\"newsattack\">An unidentified tribe of vikings has successfully sneaked into our lands and claimed " . $arrReport['gained_acres'] . " acres</span>";
                    $strTrgAlliance = "<span class=\"newsattack\">An unidentified tribe of vikings has successfully sneaked into the lands of {$trgDisplay} and claimed " . $arrReport['gained_acres'] . " acres</span>";
            case "bc":
                if ($viking == 0) {
                    $strTrgTribe = "<span class=\"newsbc\">{$srcDisplay} has successfully charged into our lands and destroyed " . $arrReport['damaged_total'] . " buildings and killed " . $arrReport['killed_thieves'] . " {$thieves}. Our lands will be avaliable for building again after they have been cleared</span>";
                    $strTrgAlliance = "<span class=\"newsbc\">{$srcDisplay} has successfully charged into the lands of {$trgDisplay} and destroyed " . $arrReport['damaged_total'] . " buildings and slaughtered " . $arrReport['killed_thieves'] . " {$thieves}</span>";
                } else {
                    $strTrgTribe = "<span class=\"newsbc\">An unidentified tribe of vikings has successfully charged into our lands and destroyed " . $arrReport['damaged_total'] . " buildings and killed " . $arrReport['killed_thieves'] . " {$thieves}. Our lands will be avaliable for building again after they have been cleared</span>";
                    $strTrgAlliance = "<span class=\"newsbc\">An unidentified tribe of vikings has successfully charged into the lands of {$trgDisplay} and destroyed " . $arrReport['damaged_total'] . " buildings and killed " . $arrReport['killed_thieves'] . " {$thieves}</span>";
            case "hitnrun":
                $strAdd = "";
                if ($offence >= $defence) {
                    $strAdd = " and " . $arrReport['killed_citizens'] . " citizens";
                if ($viking == 0) {
                    $strTrgTribe = "<span class=\"newsattack\">{$srcDisplay} has cowardly ambushed our lands, killing many troops" . $strAdd . "</span>";
                    $strTrgAlliance = "<span class=\"newsattack\">{$srcDisplay} has cowardly attacked and rained arrows over {$trgDisplay}, killing many troops" . $strAdd . "</span>";
                } else {
                    $strTrgTribe = "<span class=\"newsattack\">An unidentified tribe of vikings has cowardly ambushed our lands, killing many troops" . $strAdd . "</span></span>";
                    $strTrgAlliance = "<span class=\"newsattack\">An unidentified tribe of vikings has cowardly attacked and rained arrows over {$trgDisplay}, killing many troops" . $strAdd . "</span>";
        $trgId = $objTrgUser->get_userid();
        $srcId = $objSrcUser->get_userid();
        $trgKd = $objTrgUser->get_stat(ALLIANCE);
        $srcKd = $objSrcUser->get_stat(ALLIANCE);
        if ($viking == 0) {
            $result = "INSERT INTO `news` VALUES ('', NOW(), '{$ip}', '{$strStrategy}', '{$trgId}', '{$srcId}', '1', " . quote_smart($strTrgTribe) . ", " . quote_smart($strTrgAlliance) . ",'{$trgKd}','{$srcKd}',1)";
        } else {
            $result = "INSERT INTO `news` VALUES ('', NOW(), '{$ip}', '{$strStrategy}', '{$trgId}', '{$srcId}', '1', " . quote_smart($strTrgTribe) . ", " . quote_smart($strTrgAlliance) . ",'{$trgKd}',0,1)";
        $arrUnitVars = getUnitVariables($objTrgUser->get_stat(RACE));
        $arrUnitNames = $arrUnitVars['output'];
        $strPlural = 's';
        $strPlural2 = 's';
        $strPlural3 = 's';
        $strPlural4 = 's';
        $strPlural5 = 's';
        if ($arrUnitNames[3] == 'Swordmen') {
            $strPlural2 = '';
        } elseif ($arrUnitNames[3] == 'Pikemen') {
            $strPlural2 = '';
        if ($arrUnitNames[4] == 'Crossbowmen') {
            $strPlural3 = '';
        } elseif ($arrUnitNames[4] == 'Longbowmen') {
            $strPlural3 = '';
        } elseif ($arrUnitNames[4] == 'Mummy') {
            $arrUnitNames[4] = 'Mummie';
        if ($arrUnitNames[5] == 'Priestess') {
            $strPlural4 = 'es';
        if ($arrUnitNames[6] == 'Thief') {
            $arrUnitNames[6] = 'Thieve';
        $strTrgNews = "A report has been collected, our losses are listed as follows: " . "<br />" . $arrUnitNames[2] . $strPlural . " killed: " . "<span class=\"negative\">" . $arrTrgArmyLost[UNIT1] . "</span>," . "<br />" . $arrUnitNames[3] . $strPlural2 . " killed: " . "<span class=\"negative\">" . $arrTrgArmyLost[UNIT2] . "</span>," . "<br />" . $arrUnitNames[4] . $strPlural3 . " killed: " . "<span class=\"negative\">" . $arrTrgArmyLost[UNIT3] . "</span>," . "<br />" . $arrUnitNames[5] . $strPlural4 . " killed: " . "<span class=\"negative\">" . $arrTrgArmyLost[UNIT4] . "</span>.";
        //Add mystic losses for templars - AI 24/04/2007
        if ($arrTrgArmyLost[UNIT5] > 0) {
            $strTrgNews .= "<br />" . $arrUnitNames[6] . $strPlural5 . " killed: " . "<span class=\"negative\">" . $arrTrgArmyLost[UNIT5] . "</span>.";
        if ($pestTrg == "yes") {
            $strTrgNews .= "<br />" . "<strong class=\"negative\">" . "During this invasion pestilence " . "was spread into our lands for 12 updates" . "</strong>.";
        // create tribe news for attack
        mysql_query("INSERT INTO `news` (`id`, `time`, `ip`, `type`, `duser`, `ouser`, `result`, `text`, `kingdom_text`) VALUES ('', NOW(), '{$ip}', 'invade report', '{$arrTrgStats['id']}', '{$arrSrcStats['id']}', 1, '{$strTrgNews}', '')");
        $orkTime = date(TIMESTAMP_FORMAT);
        $objTrgUser->set_user_info(LAST_NEWS, $orkTime);
        // Update target rankings
        include_once 'inc/functions/update_ranking.php';
        doUpdateRankings($objTrgUser, 'yes');
        // Log the op for blocking system  - AI 11/02/2007
        clsBlock::logOp($objSrcUser, $objTrgUser, 'Attack: ' . $arrWhite2[$iAttack]);
예제 #10
function include_vote_text()
    $objSrcUser =& $GLOBALS["objSrcUser"];
    $iSrcVote = $objSrcUser->get_stat(VOTE);
    $objSrcAlli = $objSrcUser->get_alliance();
    $arrUserIds = $objSrcAlli->get_userids();
    // M: Show advisor text
    $strAdvisorText = '<div id="textMedium" style="margin-top: 0;">' . '<p>' . "Please vote for whom you think should be the elder and control your alliance." . '</p>' . '</div><br />';
    echo $strAdvisorText;
    // M: Populate arrVotes - this array contains information about all voters
    $objTmpUser = new clsUser(1);
    foreach ($arrUserIds as $iUserId) {
        $arrVotes[$iUserId]["tribename"] = $objTmpUser->get_stat(TRIBE);
        $arrVotes[$iUserId]["playertype"] = $objTmpUser->get_stat(TYPE);
        $arrVotes[$iUserId]["votes"] = 0;
        $arrVotes[$iUserId]["votefor"] = '';
    // M: Count their votes (also verify that they voted for an alliance member)
    $iValidVotes = 0;
    foreach ($arrUserIds as $iUserId) {
        $iTmpVote = $objTmpUser->get_stat(VOTE);
        if ($iTmpVote > 0 && in_array($iTmpVote, $arrUserIds)) {
            $arrVotes[$iUserId]["votefor"] = stripslashes($arrVotes[$iTmpVote]["tribename"]);
    // M: Create table rows for each tribe
    $strTableRows = '';
    foreach ($arrUserIds as $iUserId) {
        $arrTmpStats = $objTmpUser->get_stats();
        $strTmpTribe = stripslashes($arrTmpStats[TRIBE]);
        // M: Fetch information about this tribe's votes
        $strVoted = stripslashes($arrVotes[$iUserId]["votefor"]);
        $strType = $arrVotes[$iUserId]["playertype"];
        $iVotes = $arrVotes[$iUserId]["votes"];
        if ($iSrcVote == $iUserId) {
            $strChecked = " checked";
        } else {
            $strChecked = "";
        // M: Column for elder to elect co-elder
        $strCoelderTD = '';
        if ($objSrcUser->get_stat(TYPE) == 'elder') {
            if ($strType == "coelder") {
                $strChecked2 = " checked";
            } else {
                $strChecked2 = "";
            $strCoelderTD = '<td>' . '<input type="checkbox" name="voteforcoelder[]" value="' . $iUserId . '"' . $strChecked2 . " />" . "</td>";
        $strTableRows .= '<tr class="data">' . '<th>' . '<label>' . '<input type="radio" name="votefor" value="' . $iUserId . '"' . $strChecked . ' /> <span class="' . $strType . '">' . $strTmpTribe . '</span></label>' . '</th>' . '<td class="left">' . floor($iVotes / max(1, $iValidVotes) * 100) . '%' . '</td>' . '<td class="left">' . $strVoted . '</td>' . $strCoelderTD . "</tr>";
    // M: Vote for donkey (default)
    if ($iSrcVote == '' || $iSrcVote == 0) {
        $strChecked = " checked";
    } else {
        $strChecked = '';
    // M: Extra column for elder to elect co-elders
    if ($objSrcUser->get_stat(TYPE) == 'elder') {
        $iColumns = '4';
        $strThCoelder = "<th class=\"center\">" . "Co-elder" . "</td>";
    } else {
        $iColumns = '3';
        $strThCoelder = '';
    // M: "Elect your elder"-table
    $strElderTable = "<form method=\"post\" action=\"main.php?cat=game&amp;page=vote2\" id=\"center\">" . "<table cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" class=\"medium\">" . "<tr class=\"header\">" . "<th colspan=\"" . $iColumns . "\">" . "Elect Your Elder" . "</th>" . "</tr>" . "<tr class=\"subheader\">" . "<th>" . "Tribe" . "</th>" . "<th>" . "Votes" . "</th>" . "<th>" . "Voted For" . "</th>" . $strThCoelder . "</tr>" . $strTableRows . "<tr class=\"data\">" . '<th class="bsup" colspan="' . $iColumns . '">' . "<input type=\"radio\" name=\"votefor\" value=\"0\" id=\"0\"" . $strChecked . " /> " . "<label for=\"0\">" . "No Vote" . "</label>" . "</th>" . "</tr>" . "</table><br />" . "<input type=\"submit\" value=\"Vote\" />" . "</form>";
    echo $strElderTable;
예제 #11
function get_sponsor_list($strItemId = 'Blue Dragon')
    $strReturn = '';
    $objTmpUser = new clsUser(1);
    $resSQL = mysql_query("SELECT item_number as rank, quantity, option_selection1 as username, unix_timestamp, payment_gross as money FROM phpsuppo_3.paypal WHERE (item_name = 'One Week Sponsorship' OR item_name = 'Three Months Sponsorship') AND item_number = '{$strItemId}' AND payment_status = 'Completed' ORDER BY unix_timestamp DESC") or die(mysql_error());
    while ($arrPayPal = mysql_fetch_array($resSQL)) {
        if (check_valid_sponsor($arrPayPal) && $arrPayPal['username'] != 'NULL') {
            $strSafe = quote_smart($arrPayPal['username']);
            $resSQL2 = mysql_query("SELECT id FROM " . TBL_USER . " WHERE username = {$strSafe}") or die(mysql_error());
            $arrRes2 = mysql_fetch_array($resSQL2);
            if ($arrRes2[ID] > 0) {
                $strReturn .= stripslashes($objTmpUser->get_stat(NAME)) . '<br />';
            } else {
                // Missing an acc in one server, or if deleted (missing user)
                //                 $strReturn .= 'Fierce ' . $arrPayPal['rank'] . '<br />';
        } elseif (check_valid_sponsor($arrPayPal)) {
            $strReturn .= 'Anonymous ' . $arrPayPal['rank'] . '<br />';
    return $strReturn;
예제 #12
function doWarSurrender(&$objSuxAlli, &$objWinAlli)
    global $orkTime;
    $winner = $objWinAlli->get_allianceid();
    $looser = $objSuxAlli->get_allianceid();
    // Clear events
    $iEventid1 = $objWinAlli->get_war('event_id');
    $iEventid2 = $objSuxAlli->get_war('event_id');
    clearEvents($iEventid1, $iEventid2);
    // Get game hours
    require_once 'inc/classes/clsGame.php';
    $objGame = new clsGame();
    $arrGameTime = $objGame->get_game_times();
    // M: Update winner alli
    $arrWinWar = $objWinAlli->get_wars();
    $arrNewWinWar = array('target' => 0, 'last_target' => $looser, 'last_outgoing' => 'victory', 'last_end' => $arrGameTime['hour_counter'], 'victory' => $arrWinWar['victory'] + 1, 'event_id' => '');
    // M: Update looser alli
    $arrSuxWar = $objSuxAlli->get_wars();
    $arrNewSuxWar = array('target' => 0, 'last_target' => $winner, 'last_outgoing' => 'surrender', 'last_end' => $arrGameTime['hour_counter'], 'surrender' => $arrSuxWar['surrender'] + 1, 'event_id' => '');
    // M: Update winner alli fame
    $objTmpUser = new clsUser(0);
    $arrUserId = $objWinAlli->get_userids();
    foreach ($arrUserId as $iUserid) {
        $iNewFame = $objTmpUser->get_stat('fame') + WAR_SURRENDER_FAME;
        $objTmpUser->set_stat('fame', $iNewFame);
    // M: Update looser alli fame
    $arrUserId = $objSuxAlli->get_userids();
    foreach ($arrUserId as $iUserid) {
        $iNewFame = max(0, $objTmpUser->get_stat('fame') - WAR_SURRENDER_FAME);
        $objTmpUser->set_stat('fame', $iNewFame);
    // M: Transfer research
    $arrResearch = moveResearch($objSuxAlli, $objWinAlli, WAR_SURRENDER_LOSSES);
    // M: Transfer market goods (Atm this is the same % as regular victory)
    $arrMarket = moveMarketGoods($objSuxAlli, $objWinAlli, WAR_VICTORY_GOODS);
    // News for winner, looser and global
    mysql_query("INSERT INTO news (id, time, ip, type, duser, ouser, result, text, kingdom_text, kingdoma, kingdomb) VALUES ('', '{$orkTime}', '---', 'war-end', '0', '0', '1', '', '<strong class=\"positive\">We were victorious in the war with alliance #{$looser}!</strong>', '{$winner}', '')");
    mysql_query("INSERT INTO news (id, time, ip, type, duser, ouser, result, text, kingdom_text, kingdoma, kingdomb) VALUES ('', '{$orkTime}', '---', 'war-end', '0', '0', '1', '', '<strong class=\"negative\">We have surrendered in the war with #{$winner}!</strong>', '{$looser}', '')");
    mysql_query("INSERT INTO news (id, time, ip, type, duser, ouser, result, text, kingdom_text, kingdoma, kingdomb) VALUES ('', '{$orkTime}', '---', 'global', '0', '0', '1', '', '<strong class=\"positive\">Alliance #{$looser} have surrendered! #{$winner} wins!</strong>', '0', '')");
    return array($arrResearch, $arrMarket);