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'<br>'; $html .= "<b>Prénom : </b>" . $r['Val_IDENT_PrenomPatient'][$i] . '<br>'; $html .= "<b>Né{$e} le : </b>" . $r['Val_IDENT_DateNPat2'][$i] . '<br><br>'; $html .= "<b>Motif : </b>" . $r['Val_F_RADIO_Motif'][$i] . 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" côté gauche", 0, 1, L); } } } } if ($r['Val_F_RADIO_TDM'][$i] == 'Aucun Scanner à effectuer' or !$r['Val_F_RADIO_TDM'][$i]) { } else { $pdf->SetFont('times', 'BU', 12); $pdf->setx(65); $pdf->Cell(80, 10, "SCANNER", 0, 1, L); $pdf->SetFont('times', '', 12); $exp = explode('|', $r['Val_F_RADIO_TDM'][$i]); while (list($key, $val) = each($exp)) { $pdf->Cell(80, 3, "1x " . $val, 0, 1, L); } } if ($r['Val_F_RADIO_Echo'][$i] == 'Aucune Echographie à effectuer' or !$r['Val_F_RADIO_Echo'][$i]) { } else { $pdf->SetFont('times', 'BU', 12); $pdf->setx(65); $pdf->Cell(80, 10, "ECHOGRAPHIES", 0, 1, L); $pdf->SetFont('times', '', 12); $exp = explode('|', $r['Val_F_RADIO_Echo'][$i]); while (list($key, $val) = each($exp)) { $pdf->Cell(80, 3, "1x " . $val, 0, 1, L); } } if ($r['Val_F_RADIO_Autres_E'][$i] and $r['Val_F_RADIO_Autres_E'][$i] != 'Aucun.') { $pdf->SetFont('times', 'BU', 12); $pdf->setx(65); $pdf->Cell(80, 10, "AUTRES", 0, 1, L); $pdf->SetFont('times', '', 12); $exp = explode('|', $r['Val_F_RADIO_Autres_E'][$i]); while (list($key, $val) = each($exp)) { $pdf->Cell(80, 3, "1x " . $val, 0, 1, L); } } if ($r['Val_F_RADIO_Comm'][$i] and $r['Val_F_RADIO_Comm'][$i] != 'Aucun.') { $pdf->SetFont('times', 'BU', 12); $pdf->setx(65); $pdf->Cell(80, 10, "COMMENTAIRES", 0, 1, L); $pdf->SetFont('times', '', 12); $exp = explode('|', $r['Val_F_RADIO_Comm'][$i]); while (list($key, $val) = each($exp)) { $pdf->Cell(80, 3, "1x " . $val, 0, 1, L); } } $pdf->Rect(15, 235, 115, 20); $pdf->SetY(232); $pdf->SetFont('times', '', 9); $pdf->Cell(0, 0, "Cotation", 0, 1, L); // IPP $pdf->SetFont('code39h48', '', 16); $pdf->sety(82); $pdf->Cell(0, 0, "*" . $r['Val_IDENT_ILPPatient'][$i] . "*", 0, 1, R); $pdf->SetY(76); $pdf->SetFont('times', '', 11); $pdf->Cell(80, 0, "N° IPP : ", 0, 1, R); // Nsej $pdf->SetFont('code39h48', '', 16); $pdf->sety(100); $pdf->Cell(0, 0, "*" . $r['Val_IDENT_NsejPatient'][$i] . "*", 0, 1, R); $pdf->SetY(96); $pdf->SetFont('times', '', 11); $pdf->Cell(80, 0, "N° Séjour : ", 0, 1, R); // Signature du médecin. $pdf->SetY(225); $pdf->SetFont('times', '', 11); $pdf->Cell(120, 25, "Docteur : " . $r['Val_F_RADIO_Nom_P'][$i], 0, 1, R); //$pdf -> Footer ( ) ; } } } elseif ($_REQUEST['Formulaire2print'] == 'labo') { $r = $formx->getAllValuesFromFormx($_REQUEST['FormX_ext_goto_'], '', '', 'idinstance'); //print affTab ( $r ) ; $pdf = new clFPDF(); $pdf->footerOn = 1; $pdf->AliasNbPages(); $pdf->SetFont('Times', '', 12); $pdf->AddFont('code39h48', '', 'IDAutomation_Code_39.php'); for ($i = 0; isset($r['Val_IDENT_NomPatient'][$i]); $i++) { if ($r['Val_IDENT_NsejPatient'][$i] == $nsej) { if ($r['Val_IDENT_SexePat'][0] == "M" or $r['Val_IDENT_SexePat'][0] == "Masculin") { $e = ''; $titre = 'Mr '; } if ($r['Val_IDENT_SexePat'][0] == "F" or $r['Val_IDENT_SexePat'][0] == "Feminin" or $r['Val_IDENT_SexePat'][0] == "Féminin" or $r['Val_IDENT_SexePat'][0] == utf8_encode("Féminin")) { $e = 'e'; $titre = 'Mme '; } $html = "<b>Nom : </b>" . $titre . $r['Val_IDENT_NomPatient'][$i] . '<br>'; $html .= "<b>Prénom : </b>" . $r['Val_IDENT_PrenomPatient'][$i] . '<br>'; $html .= "<b>Né{$e} le : </b>" . $r['Val_IDENT_DateNPat2'][$i] . '<br><br>'; $html .= "<b>Motif : </b>" . $r['Val_F_BIO_Motif'][$i] . 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"*", 0, 1, R); $pdf->SetY(76); $pdf->SetFont('times', '', 11); $pdf->Cell(80, 0, "N° IPP : ", 0, 1, R); // Nsej $pdf->SetFont('code39h48', '', 16); $pdf->sety(100); $pdf->Cell(0, 0, "*" . $r['Val_IDENT_NsejPatient'][$i] . "*", 0, 1, R); $pdf->SetY(96); $pdf->SetFont('times', '', 11); $pdf->Cell(80, 0, "N° Séjour : ", 0, 1, R); // Signature du médecin. $pdf->SetY(225); $pdf->SetFont('times', '', 11); $pdf->Cell(120, 25, "Docteur : " . $r['Val_F_BIO_Nom_P'][$i], 0, 1, R); //$pdf -> Footer ( ) ; } } } else { $r = $formx->getAllValuesFromFormx($_REQUEST['FormX_ext_goto_'], '', '', 'idinstance'); //print affTab ( $r ) ; $pdf = new clFPDF(); $pdf->footerOn = 1; $pdf->AliasNbPages(); $pdf->SetFont('Times', '', 12); $pdf->AddFont('code39h48', '', 'IDAutomation_Code_39.php'); for ($i = 0; isset($r['Val_IDENT_NomPatient'][$i]); $i++) { if ($r['Val_IDENT_NsejPatient'][$i] == $nsej) { if ($r['Val_IDENT_SexePat'][0] == "M" or $r['Val_IDENT_SexePat'][0] == "Masculin") { $e = ''; $titre = 'Mr '; } if ($r['Val_IDENT_SexePat'][0] == "F" or $r['Val_IDENT_SexePat'][0] == "Feminin" or $r['Val_IDENT_SexePat'][0] == "Féminin" or $r['Val_IDENT_SexePat'][0] == utf8_encode("Féminin")) { $e = 'e'; $titre = 'Mme '; } $html = "<b>Nom : </b>" . $titre . $r['Val_IDENT_NomPatient'][$i] . '<br>'; $html .= "<b>Prénom : </b>" . $r['Val_IDENT_PrenomPatient'][$i] . '<br>'; $html .= "<b>Né{$e} le : </b>" . $r['Val_IDENT_DateNPat2'][$i] . '<br>'; $html .= "<b>IPP : </b>" . $r['Val_IDENT_ILPPatient'][$i] . '<br><br>'; $html .= "<b>Motif : </b>" . $r['Val_F_CS_Motif'][$i] . '<br>'; $html .= "<b>Prescripteur : </b>" . $r['Val_F_CS_Nom_P'][$i] . '<br>'; $html .= "<b>Consultation : </b>" . $r['Val_F_CS_Con'][$i] . '<br>'; // Saut de page. $pdf->AddPage(); // On remplace les balises par leurs valeurs réelles. $pdf->SetFont('times', '', 10); // Génération du contenu. $pdf->writehtml($html); $pdf->SetFont('times', 'BU', 11); // Compte rendu spécialiste $pdf->SetY(129); $pdf->SetFont('times', 'b', 13); $pdf->Cell(0, 10, "COMPTE RENDU SPECIALISTE", 0, 1, C); // IPP $pdf->SetFont('code39h48', '', 16); $pdf->sety(85); $pdf->Cell(0, 0, "*" . $r['Val_IDENT_ILPPatient'][$i] . "*", 0, 1, R); $pdf->SetY(81); $pdf->SetFont('times', '', 11); $pdf->Cell(88, 0, "N° IPP : ", 0, 1, R); // Nsej $pdf->SetFont('code39h48', '', 16); $pdf->sety(100); $pdf->Cell(0, 0, "*" . $r['Val_IDENT_NsejPatient'][$i] . "*", 0, 1, R); $pdf->SetY(96); $pdf->SetFont('times', '', 11); $pdf->Cell(88, 0, "N° Séjour : ", 0, 1, R); // Signature $pdf->SetY(216); $pdf->SetFont('times', 'b', 11); $pdf->Cell(0, 10, "Signature : ", 0, 1, L); $pdf->SetFont('times', '', 10); $pdf->SetY(229); $pdf->SetX(5); $pdf->Cell(0, 0, "Partie à remettre au service demandeur"); /* * PARTIE BASSE DU BON */ $pdf->SetY(237); $pdf->SetX(5); $pdf->Cell(0, 0, "Partie à remettre au service financier"); $pdf->Image(URLIMG . 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'<br>'; $html .= "<b>Prénom : </b>" . $r['Val_IDENT_PrenomPatient'][$i] . '<br>'; $html .= "<b>Né{$e} le : </b>" . $r['Val_IDENT_DateNPat2'][$i] . '<br><br>'; $html .= "<b>Motif : </b>" . $r['Val_F_RADIO_Motif'][$i] . 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" côté gauche", 0, 1, L); } } } } if ($r['Val_F_RADIO_TDM'][$i] == 'Aucun Scanner à effectuer' or !$r['Val_F_RADIO_TDM'][$i]) { } else { $pdf->SetFont('times', 'BU', 12); $pdf->setx(65); $pdf->Cell(80, 10, "SCANNER", 0, 1, L); $pdf->SetFont('times', '', 12); $exp = explode('|', $r['Val_F_RADIO_TDM'][$i]); while (list($key, $val) = each($exp)) { $pdf->Cell(80, 3, "1x " . $val, 0, 1, L); } } if ($r['Val_F_RADIO_Echo'][$i] == 'Aucune Echographie à effectuer' or !$r['Val_F_RADIO_Echo'][$i]) { } else { $pdf->SetFont('times', 'BU', 12); $pdf->setx(65); $pdf->Cell(80, 10, "ECHOGRAPHIES", 0, 1, L); $pdf->SetFont('times', '', 12); $exp = explode('|', $r['Val_F_RADIO_Echo'][$i]); while (list($key, $val) = each($exp)) { $pdf->Cell(80, 3, "1x " . $val, 0, 1, L); } } if ($r['Val_F_RADIO_Autres_E'][$i] and $r['Val_F_RADIO_Autres_E'][$i] != 'Aucun.') { $pdf->SetFont('times', 'BU', 12); $pdf->setx(65); $pdf->Cell(80, 10, "AUTRES", 0, 1, L); $pdf->SetFont('times', '', 12); $exp = explode('|', $r['Val_F_RADIO_Autres_E'][$i]); while (list($key, $val) = each($exp)) { $pdf->Cell(80, 3, "1x " . $val, 0, 1, L); } } if ($r['Val_F_RADIO_Comm'][$i] and $r['Val_F_RADIO_Comm'][$i] != 'Aucun.') { $pdf->SetFont('times', 'BU', 12); $pdf->setx(65); $pdf->Cell(80, 10, "COMMENTAIRES", 0, 1, L); $pdf->SetFont('times', '', 12); $exp = explode('|', $r['Val_F_RADIO_Comm'][$i]); while (list($key, $val) = each($exp)) { $pdf->Cell(80, 3, "1x " . $val, 0, 1, L); } } $pdf->Rect(15, 235, 115, 20); $pdf->SetY(232); $pdf->SetFont('times', '', 9); $pdf->Cell(0, 0, "Cotation", 0, 1, L); // Signature du médecin. $pdf->SetY(225); $pdf->SetFont('times', '', 11); $pdf->Cell(120, 25, "Docteur : " . $r['Val_F_RADIO_Nom_P'][$i], 0, 1, R); //$pdf -> Footer ( ) ; } } } elseif ($_REQUEST['Formulaire2print'] == 'labo') { $r = $formx->getAllValuesFromFormx($_REQUEST['FormX_ext_goto_'], '', '', 'idinstance'); // print affTab ( $r ) ; $pdf = new clFPDF(); $pdf->footerOn = 1; $pdf->AliasNbPages(); $pdf->SetFont('Times', '', 12); $pdf->AddFont('code39h48', '', 'IDAutomation_Code_39.php'); for ($i = 0; isset($r['Val_IDENT_NomPatient'][$i]); $i++) { if ($r['Val_IDENT_NsejPatient'][$i] == $nsej) { if ($r['Val_IDENT_SexePat'][0] == "Masculin") { $e = ''; $titre = 'Mr '; } else { $e = 'e'; $titre = 'Mme '; } $html = "<b>Nom : </b>" . $titre . $r['Val_IDENT_NomPatient'][$i] . '<br>'; $html .= "<b>Prénom : </b>" . $r['Val_IDENT_PrenomPatient'][$i] . '<br>'; $html .= "<b>Né{$e} le : </b>" . $r['Val_IDENT_DateNPat2'][$i] . '<br><br>'; $html .= "<b>Motif : </b>" . $r['Val_F_BIO_Motif'][$i] . 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"*", 0, 1, R); $pdf->SetY(81); $pdf->SetFont('times', '', 11); $pdf->Cell(88, 0, "N° IPP : ", 0, 1, R); // Signature du médecin. $pdf->SetY(225); $pdf->SetFont('times', '', 11); $pdf->Cell(120, 25, "Docteur : " . $r['Val_F_BIO_Nom_P'][$i], 0, 1, R); //$pdf -> Footer ( ) ; } } } else { $r = $formx->getAllValuesFromFormx($_REQUEST['FormX_ext_goto_'], '', '', 'idinstance'); //print affTab ( $r ) ; $pdf = new clFPDF(); $pdf->footerOn = 1; $pdf->AliasNbPages(); $pdf->SetFont('Times', '', 12); $pdf->AddFont('code39h48', '', 'IDAutomation_Code_39.php'); for ($i = 0; isset($r['Val_IDENT_NomPatient'][$i]); $i++) { if ($r['Val_IDENT_NsejPatient'][$i] == $nsej) { if ($r['Val_IDENT_SexePat'][0] == "Masculin") { $e = ''; $titre = 'Mr '; } else { $e = 'e'; $titre = 'Mme '; } $html = "<b>Nom : </b>" . $titre . $r['Val_IDENT_NomPatient'][$i] . '<br>'; $html .= "<b>Prénom : </b>" . $r['Val_IDENT_PrenomPatient'][$i] . '<br>'; $html .= "<b>Né{$e} le : </b>" . $r['Val_IDENT_DateNPat2'][$i] . '<br>'; $html .= "<b>IPP : </b>" . $r['Val_IDENT_ILPPatient'][$i] . '<br><br>'; $html .= "<b>Motif : </b>" . $r['Val_F_CS_Motif'][$i] . '<br>'; $html .= "<b>Prescripteur : </b>" . $r['Val_F_CS_Nom_P'][$i] . '<br>'; $html .= "<b>Consultation : </b>" . $r['Val_F_CS_Con'][$i] . 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