예제 #1
 public function checkUc($member_id)
     $ucid = 0;
     $checkBind = new check_Bind();
     $ucid = $checkBind->check_uc($member_id);
     if (!$ucid) {
         $ucid = $checkBind->check_uc($member_id, 'uc');
     return $ucid;
예제 #2
파일: member.php 프로젝트: h3len/Project
 public function detail()
     $this->verify_content_prms(array('_action' => 'show'));
     $member_id = trim($this->input['id']);
     if (!$member_id) {
     $member = $this->mMember->detail($member_id);
     if (empty($member)) {
     $member_medal = $this->Members->get_member_medal(array($member_id));
     $member['medal_id'] = @array_keys($member_medal[$member_id]);
     $member['medal_id'] = $member['medal_id'] ? $member['medal_id'] : array();
     if (empty($member['graname'])) {
         $grade_info = $this->Members->updategrade($member_id);
         if ($grade_info && is_array($grade_info)) {
             foreach ($grade_info as $key => $val) {
                 $member[$key] = $val;
     if (empty($member['groupname'])) {
         $group_info = $this->Members->updategroup($member_id, 0);
         if ($group_info && is_array($group_info)) {
             foreach ($group_info as $key => $val) {
                 $member[$key] = $val;
     if (!empty($member) && $member_id) {
         unset($member['password'], $member['salt']);
         // 积分信息
         $credits = $this->Members->membercredit($member_id, $is_on = 1);
         // 黑名单信息
         $blacklist = $this->Members->blacklist($member_id);
         $bind = $this->mMember->get_bind_info(" AND mb.member_id = " . $member_id);
         $invite_user = $this->get_invite_user($member_id);
         $member_info = $this->mMemberInfo->show(" AND member_id = " . $member_id);
     if (intval($this->input['app_id'])) {
         $extension = $this->mMemberInfo->extendDataProcessByApp($member_info, 1, $this->input['app_id']);
     } else {
         $extension = $this->mMemberInfo->extendDataProcess($member_info);
     $return = $member;
     if ($bind && is_array($bind)) {
         $is_flag = true;
         foreach ($bind as $bin) {
             if ($is_flag) {
                 $return['nick_name'] = $bin['nick_name'];
                 $return['nick_name'] && ($is_flag = false);
     if (!$return['nick_name']) {
         $return['nick_name'] = $return['member_name'];
     $check_bind = new check_Bind();
     $inuc = $check_bind->check_uc($member['member_id'], $member['type']);
     $tmp_return = $this->mMember->getIdentifierName(array($return));
     if ($this->input['need_group_count']) {
         $groupCount = $this->im->getGroupCountBymemberId($member_id);
     if ($this->input['need_friend_count']) {
         $condition = " AND (member_id=" . $member_id . " AND relation_type=3) or (friend_id=" . $member_id . " AND relation_type=3)";
         $friend_num = $this->friend->count($condition);
         $condition = " AND (member_id=" . $member_id . " AND relation_type<>1) or (friend_id=" . $member_id . " AND relation_type<>2)";
         $fans_num = $this->friend->count($condition);
     $return = $tmp_return[0];
     $return['inuc'] = $inuc;
     $return['isNameUpdate'] = $this->mMember->isMemberNameUpdate($member['member_id'], 1);
     $return['inviteuser'] = $invite_user ? $invite_user : array();
     $return['credit'] = $credits[$member['member_id']];
     $return['blacklist'] = $blacklist[$member['member_id']];
     $return['bind'] = $bind;
     $return['extension'] = $extension;
     $return['groupCount'] = $groupCount['total'] ? $groupCount['total'] : 0;
     $return['friendCount'] = $friend_num['total'] ? $friend_num['total'] : 0;
     $return['fansCount'] = $fans_num['total'] ? $fans_num['total'] : 0;
예제 #3
파일: login.php 프로젝트: h3len/Project
  * 验证会员
  * $member_name 会员名
  * $password 密码
  * $type 登陆类型
  * $appid
  * $appkey
 public function verify_member()
     try {
         $encrypt = $this->input['encrypt'] ? intval($this->input['encrypt']) : 0;
         $platform_id = trim($this->input['platform_id']);
         $password = $encrypt ? passport_decrypt(trim($this->input['password']), CUSTOM_APPKEY) : trim($this->input['password']);
         $type = trim($this->input['type']);
         $_type = trim($this->input['_type']);
         $identifierUserSystem = new identifierUserSystem();
         $identifier = $identifierUserSystem->setIdentifier((int) $this->input['identifier'])->checkIdentifier();
         $ip = hg_getip();
         $need_password_type = array('shouji', 'm2o', 'email');
         $appid = intval($this->input['appid']);
         $appkey = trim($this->input['appkey']);
         if (!$platform_id) {
         if (!$password && in_array($type, $need_password_type)) {
         $condition = " AND mb.platform_id = '" . $platform_id . "' AND mb.type = '" . $type . "' AND mb.identifier = '" . $identifier . '\'';
         $_bind = $this->mMember->get_bind_info($condition);
         $bind = array();
         if (is_array($_bind) && count($_bind) > 1) {
             foreach ($_bind as $v) {
                 if ($v['inuc'] > 0) {
                     $bind = $v;
         } elseif (is_array($_bind)) {
             $bind = $_bind[0];
         $member_id = intval($bind['member_id']);
         $platform_id = $bind['platform_id'];
         $condition = " AND m.member_id = " . $member_id;
         $fileds_array = array('member_id', 'member_name', 'password', 'salt', 'avatar', 'type', 'type_name', 'gid', 'gradeid', 'guid', 'signature', 'mobile', 'email', 'isVerify', 'identifier', 'last_login_device');
         $fields = implode(',', $fileds_array);
         $member_info = $this->mMember->get_member_info($condition, $fields);
         $member_info = $member_info[0];
         if (empty($member_info)) {
         $isComplete = isUserComplete($member_info['type']);
         if (in_array($type, $need_password_type) && $_type != 'uc') {
             $encrypt_num = intval($this->input['encrypt_num']);
             if ($encrypt_num == 1) {
                 $md5_password = md5($password . $member_info['salt']);
             } else {
                 $md5_password = md5(md5($password) . $member_info['salt']);
             if ($md5_password != $member_info['password']) {
         } else {
             //验证新浪微博、腾讯微博、QQ、人人、豆瓣 等 用户信息
         $credit_rules = $this->Members->credits_rule('members_login_login', $member_info['member_id'], $coef = 1, $update = 1, APP_UNIQUEID);
         $copywriting_credit = copywriting_credit(array($credit_rules));
         $check_Bind = new check_Bind();
         $inuc = $check_Bind->check_uc($member_id, $type);
         if (!$inuc && ($_type == 'm2o' || $type == 'm2o') && $member_info['email']) {
             if ($inuc = $this->mMember->syncUcRegister($member_id, $member_info['member_name'], $password, $member_info['email'])) {
                 $platform_id = $inuc;
         $return = array('user_id' => $member_info['member_id'], 'platform_id' => (string) $platform_id, 'inuc' => $inuc, 'user_name' => $member_info['member_name'], 'nick_name' => $bind['nick_name'], 'type' => $member_info['type'], 'avatar' => $member_info['avatar'], 'copywriting' => '登录成功', 'copywriting_credit' => $copywriting_credit, 'isVerify' => $member_info['isVerify'], 'identifier' => $member_info['identifier'], 'isComplete' => $isComplete);
         $return = array_merge($return, $member_info);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         $this->errorOutput($e->getMessage(), $e->getCode());
예제 #4
파일: bind.php 프로젝트: h3len/Project
 *  member_id 会员id
 		platform_id 第三方平台会员id char
 		nick_name 昵称
 		type 会员类型
 		type_name 会员类型名称
 		avatar_url 头像地址
 		bind_time 绑定时间
 		bind_ip 绑定ip
 * Enter description here ...
 public function bind()
     $memberUpdataField = array();
     $member_id = intval($this->user['user_id']);
     if (!$member_id) {
     $platform_id = trim($this->input['platform_id']);
     $password = $this->input['password'] ? trim($this->input['password']) : '';
     $type = trim($this->input['type']);
     $platformInfo = $this->Members->get_platform_name($type);
     $identifierUserSystem = new identifierUserSystem();
     $identifier = $identifierUserSystem->setIdentifier((int) $this->input['identifier'])->checkIdentifier();
     if (in_array($type, array('m2o', 'uc')) || empty($platformInfo)) {
     } else {
         if (!$platformInfo['status']) {
     $type_name = $platformInfo['name'];
     $device_token = $this->Members->check_device_token(trim($this->input['device_token']));
     $udid = $this->Members->check_udid(trim($this->input['uuid']));
     if ($device_token === 0) {
     if ($udid === 0) {
     $avatar_url = trim($this->input['avatar_url']);
     $ip = hg_getip();
     $condition = " AND m.member_id=" . $member_id;
     $left_join = 'LEFT JOIN ' . DB_PREFIX . 'member_bind as mb ON m.member_id=mb.member_id AND m.type=mb.type';
     $ret_member = $this->mMember->get_member_info($condition, 'm.*,mb.nick_name', $left_join, 0);
     $ret_member = $ret_member[0];
     if (empty($ret_member)) {
     $callback_sql = '';
     if (!empty($ret_member['nick_name'])) {
         $nick_name = $ret_member['nick_name'];
     } else {
         $nick_name = $platform_id;
     if (empty($avatar_url)) {
         $avatar = array('host' => '', 'dir' => '', 'filepath' => '', 'filename' => '');
         if (is_serialized_string($ret_member['avatar'])) {
             $avatar = unserialize($ret_member['avatar']);
         $avatar_url = $avatar['host'] . $avatar['dir'] . $avatar['filepath'] . $avatar['filename'];
     } else {
         $avatar_url = trim($this->input['avatar_url']);
     if (hg_check_email_format($platform_id)) {
         $sql = 'SELECT platform_id FROM ' . DB_PREFIX . 'member_bind WHERE platform_id="' . $platform_id . '" AND identifier=' . $identifier;
         $result = $this->db->query_first($sql);
         if ($result) {
         if (defined(BIND_EMAIL_NEED_VERIFYCODE)) {
             $email_verifycode = trim($this->input['email_verifycode']);
             if (!$email_verifycode) {
             if ($this->memberverifycode->get_verifycode_info($platform_id, $email_verifycode, 1, $action = 1)) {
                 $this->memberverifycode->verifycode_delete($platform_id, $email_verifycode, 1, $action = 1);
             } else {
         $type = 'email';
         $type_name = '邮箱';
     } elseif (hg_verify_mobile($platform_id)) {
         $type = 'shouji';
         $type_name = '手机';
     $need_password_type = array('shouji', 'm2o', 'email');
     if (in_array($type, $need_password_type) && $password) {
         $salt = hg_generate_salt();
         $md5_password = md5(md5($password) . $salt);
         $memberUpdataField['password'] = $md5_password;
         $memberUpdataField['salt'] = $salt;
     } elseif (in_array($type, $need_password_type) && empty($ret_member['password'])) {
     if (!$member_id) {
     if (!$platform_id) {
     if (!$nick_name) {
     if (!$type) {
     if ($type == 'shouji') {
         $mobile_verifycode = trim($this->input['mobile_verifycode']);
         if (!$mobile_verifycode) {
         $mobile = $platform_id;
         if (!hg_verify_mobile($mobile)) {
         $verifycode = $this->mSmsServer->get_verifycode_info($mobile, $mobile_verifycode);
         if (empty($verifycode)) {
         $this->mSmsServer->mobile_verifycode_delete($mobile, $mobile_verifycode);
         if (TIMENOW > $verifycode['create_time'] + VERIFYCODE_EXPIRED_TIME) {
     $condition = " AND mb.platform_id = '" . $platform_id . "' AND mb.type = '" . $type . "' AND mb.identifier=" . $identifier;
     $_bind = $this->mMember->get_bind_info($condition);
     if ($_bind[0] && $member_id != $_bind[0]['member_id']) {
     $condition = " AND mb.member_id = '" . $member_id . "' AND mb.type = '" . $type . "' AND mb.identifier=" . $identifier;
     $bind = $this->mMember->get_bind_info($condition);
     $bind = $bind[0];
     if ($bind) {
     $avatar_array = $this->mMember->update_avatar($avatar_url, $bind, $member_id);
     if ($avatar_array && is_array($avatar_array)) {
         $sql = 'UPDATE ' . DB_PREFIX . 'member SET avatar =\'' . daddslashes(serialize($avatar_array)) . '\' WHERE member_id=' . intval($member_id);
     $bind_data = array('member_id' => $member_id, 'platform_id' => $platform_id, 'nick_name' => $nick_name, 'type' => $type, 'type_name' => $type_name, 'avatar_url' => $avatar_url, 'identifier' => $identifier, 'reg_device_token' => $device_token, 'reg_udid' => $udid);
     if (empty($bind)) {
         $checkBind = new check_Bind();
         $isUc = 0;
         $isUc = $checkBind->check_Bind($member_id, 'uc');
         if (empty($isUc)) {
             $isUc = $checkBind->check_uc($member_id);
             if ($isUc) {
                 $bind_data['inuc'] = $isUc;
         $bind_data['bind_time'] = TIMENOW;
         $bind_data['bind_ip'] = $ip;
         $ret_bind = $this->mMember->bind_create($bind_data);
         if (empty($ret_bind)) {
     } else {
         $ret_bind = $this->mMember->bind_update($bind_data);
         if (empty($ret_bind)) {
     if ($type == 'shouji') {
         $memberUpdataField['mobile'] = $platform_id;
     } elseif ($type == 'email') {
         $memberUpdataField['email'] = $platform_id;
     if ($ret_member['type'] == 'email' || $ret_member['type'] == 'shouji') {
         $memberUpdataField['member_name'] = $platform_id;
     $return = array('member_id' => $member_id, 'member_name' => in_array($ret_member['member_name'], array('m2o', 'uc')) ? $ret_member['member_name'] : $platform_id, 'type' => $type, 'nick_name' => $nick_name, 'is_exist_password' => $ret_member['password'] ? 1 : 0);
     if ($memberUpdataField && $this->mMember->update($memberUpdataField, array('member_id' => $member_id))) {
         if ($this->settings['ucenter']['open']) {
             if ($ret_member['type'] == 'm2o' && $type == 'email') {
                 $this->mMember->uc_user_edit($ret_member['member_name'], '', $password, $platform_id, 1);
예제 #5
 public function checkUc()
     try {
         $identifierUserSystem = new identifierUserSystem();
         $identifier = $identifierUserSystem->setIdentifier((int) $this->input['identifier'])->checkIdentifier();
         $check_Bind = new check_Bind();
         if ($this->input['platform_id']) {
             $platform_id = $this->input['platform_id'];
             $type = $this->input['type'];
         } elseif ($this->input['member_name']) {
             $user_name = trim($this->input['member_name']);
             $member_id = $check_Bind->bind_to_memberid($user_name, 'uc', false, $identifier);
             $type = 'uc';
             if (empty($member_id)) {
                 $member_id = $check_Bind->bind_to_memberid($user_name, 'm2o', false, $identifier);
                 $type = 'm2o';
             if (empty($member_id)) {
                 $member_id = $check_Bind->bind_to_memberid($user_name, 'shouji', false, $identifier);
                 $type = 'shouji';
             if (empty($member_id)) {
                 $platform_id = $this->input['member_name'];
                 $type = $this->input['type'];
         $is_bind = 0;
         if (empty($member_id)) {
             $member_id = $check_Bind->bind_to_memberid($platform_id, $type, true, $identifier);
         $is_bind = $check_Bind->check_uc($member_id, $type);
         $this->addItem_withkey('is_bind', $is_bind);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         $this->errorOutput($e->getMessage(), $e->getCode());