/** * Retrieves an array of values for an array of keys. * * Using this function comes with potential performance implications. * Not all cache stores will support get_many/set_many operations and in order to replicate this functionality will call * the equivalent singular method for each item provided. * This should not deter you from using this function as there is a performance benefit in situations where the cache store * does support it, but you should be aware of this fact. * * @param array $keys The keys of the data being requested. * Each key can be any structure although using a scalar string or int is recommended in the interests of performance. * In advanced cases an array may be useful such as in situations requiring the multi-key functionality. * @param int $strictness One of IGNORE_MISSING or MUST_EXIST. * @return array An array of key value pairs for the items that could be retrieved from the cache. * If MUST_EXIST was used and not all keys existed within the cache then an exception will be thrown. * Otherwise any key that did not exist will have a data value of false within the results. * @throws coding_exception */ public function get_many(array $keys, $strictness = IGNORE_MISSING) { $keysparsed = array(); $parsedkeys = array(); $resultpersist = array(); $resultstore = array(); $keystofind = array(); // First up check the persist cache for each key. $isusingpersist = $this->is_using_persist_cache(); foreach ($keys as $key) { $pkey = $this->parse_key($key); $keysparsed[$key] = $pkey; $parsedkeys[$pkey] = $key; $keystofind[$pkey] = $key; if ($isusingpersist) { $value = $this->get_from_persist_cache($pkey); if ($value !== false) { $resultpersist[$pkey] = $value; unset($keystofind[$pkey]); } } } // Next assuming we didn't find all of the keys in the persist cache try loading them from the store. if (count($keystofind)) { $resultstore = $this->store->get_many(array_keys($keystofind)); // Process each item in the result to "unwrap" it. foreach ($resultstore as $key => $value) { if ($value instanceof cache_ttl_wrapper) { if ($value->has_expired()) { $value = false; } else { $value = $value->data; } } if ($value instanceof cache_cached_object) { $value = $value->restore_object(); } if ($value !== false && $this->is_using_persist_cache()) { $this->set_in_persist_cache($key, $value); } $resultstore[$key] = $value; } } // Merge the result from the persis cache with the results from the store load. $result = $resultpersist + $resultstore; unset($resultpersist); unset($resultstore); // Next we need to find any missing values and load them from the loader/datasource next in the chain. $usingloader = $this->loader !== false; $usingsource = !$usingloader && $this->datasource !== false; if ($usingloader || $usingsource) { $missingkeys = array(); foreach ($result as $key => $value) { if ($value === false) { $missingkeys[] = $parsedkeys[$key]; } } if (!empty($missingkeys)) { if ($usingloader) { $resultmissing = $this->loader->get_many($missingkeys); } else { $resultmissing = $this->datasource->load_many_for_cache($missingkeys); } foreach ($resultmissing as $key => $value) { $result[$keysparsed[$key]] = $value; if ($value !== false) { $this->set($key, $value); } } unset($resultmissing); } unset($missingkeys); } // Create an array with the original keys and the found values. This will be what we return. $fullresult = array(); foreach ($result as $key => $value) { $fullresult[$parsedkeys[$key]] = $value; } unset($result); // Final step is to check strictness. if ($strictness === MUST_EXIST) { foreach ($keys as $key) { if (!array_key_exists($key, $fullresult)) { throw new coding_exception('Not all the requested keys existed within the cache stores.'); } } } if ($this->perfdebug) { $hits = 0; $misses = 0; foreach ($fullresult as $value) { if ($value === false) { $misses++; } else { $hits++; } } cache_helper::record_cache_hit($this->storetype, $this->definition->get_id(), $hits); cache_helper::record_cache_miss($this->storetype, $this->definition->get_id(), $misses); } // Return the result. Phew! return $fullresult; }
/** * Test the store for basic functionality. */ public function run_tests(cache_store $instance) { // Test set. $this->assertTrue($instance->set('test1', 'test1')); $this->assertTrue($instance->set('test2', 'test2')); // Test get. $this->assertEquals('test1', $instance->get('test1')); $this->assertEquals('test2', $instance->get('test2')); // Test delete. $this->assertTrue($instance->delete('test1')); $this->assertFalse($instance->delete('test3')); $this->assertFalse($instance->get('test1')); $this->assertEquals('test2', $instance->get('test2')); $this->assertTrue($instance->set('test1', 'test1')); // Test purge. $this->assertTrue($instance->purge()); $this->assertFalse($instance->get('test1')); $this->assertFalse($instance->get('test2')); // Test set_many. $outcome = $instance->set_many(array(array('key' => 'many1', 'value' => 'many1'), array('key' => 'many2', 'value' => 'many2'), array('key' => 'many3', 'value' => 'many3'), array('key' => 'many4', 'value' => 'many4'), array('key' => 'many5', 'value' => 'many5'))); $this->assertEquals(5, $outcome); $this->assertEquals('many1', $instance->get('many1')); $this->assertEquals('many5', $instance->get('many5')); $this->assertFalse($instance->get('many6')); // Test get_many. $result = $instance->get_many(array('many1', 'many3', 'many5', 'many6')); $this->assertInternalType('array', $result); $this->assertCount(4, $result); $this->assertEquals(array('many1' => 'many1', 'many3' => 'many3', 'many5' => 'many5', 'many6' => false), $result); // Test delete_many. $this->assertEquals(3, $instance->delete_many(array('many2', 'many3', 'many4'))); $this->assertEquals(2, $instance->delete_many(array('many1', 'many5', 'many6'))); }
/** * Test the store for basic functionality. */ public function run_tests(cache_store $instance) { $object = new stdClass(); $object->data = 1; // Test set with a string. $this->assertTrue($instance->set('test1', 'test1')); $this->assertTrue($instance->set('test2', 'test2')); $this->assertTrue($instance->set('test3', '3')); // Test get with a string. $this->assertSame('test1', $instance->get('test1')); $this->assertSame('test2', $instance->get('test2')); $this->assertSame('3', $instance->get('test3')); // Test set with an int. $this->assertTrue($instance->set('test1', 1)); $this->assertTrue($instance->set('test2', 2)); // Test get with an int. $this->assertSame(1, $instance->get('test1')); $this->assertInternalType('int', $instance->get('test1')); $this->assertSame(2, $instance->get('test2')); $this->assertInternalType('int', $instance->get('test2')); // Test set with a bool. $this->assertTrue($instance->set('test1', true)); // Test get with an bool. $this->assertSame(true, $instance->get('test1')); $this->assertInternalType('boolean', $instance->get('test1')); // Test with an object. $this->assertTrue($instance->set('obj', $object)); if ($instance::get_supported_features() & cache_store::DEREFERENCES_OBJECTS) { $this->assertNotSame($object, $instance->get('obj'), 'Objects must be dereferenced when returned.'); } $this->assertEquals($object, $instance->get('obj')); // Test delete. $this->assertTrue($instance->delete('test1')); $this->assertTrue($instance->delete('test3')); $this->assertFalse($instance->delete('test3')); $this->assertFalse($instance->get('test1')); $this->assertSame(2, $instance->get('test2')); $this->assertTrue($instance->set('test1', 'test1')); // Test purge. $this->assertTrue($instance->purge()); $this->assertFalse($instance->get('test1')); $this->assertFalse($instance->get('test2')); // Test set_many. $outcome = $instance->set_many(array(array('key' => 'many1', 'value' => 'many1'), array('key' => 'many2', 'value' => 'many2'), array('key' => 'many3', 'value' => 'many3'), array('key' => 'many4', 'value' => 'many4'), array('key' => 'many5', 'value' => 'many5'))); $this->assertSame(5, $outcome); $this->assertSame('many1', $instance->get('many1')); $this->assertSame('many5', $instance->get('many5')); $this->assertFalse($instance->get('many6')); // Test get_many. $result = $instance->get_many(array('many1', 'many3', 'many5', 'many6')); $this->assertInternalType('array', $result); $this->assertCount(4, $result); $this->assertSame(array('many1' => 'many1', 'many3' => 'many3', 'many5' => 'many5', 'many6' => false), $result); // Test delete_many. $this->assertSame(3, $instance->delete_many(array('many2', 'many3', 'many4'))); $this->assertSame(2, $instance->delete_many(array('many1', 'many5', 'many6'))); }
/** * Test the store for basic functionality. */ public function run_tests(cache_store $instance) { // Test set with a string. $this->assertTrue($instance->set('test1', 'test1')); $this->assertTrue($instance->set('test2', 'test2')); $this->assertTrue($instance->set('test3', '3')); // Test get with a string. $this->assertSame('test1', $instance->get('test1')); $this->assertSame('test2', $instance->get('test2')); $this->assertSame('3', $instance->get('test3')); // Test set with an int. $this->assertTrue($instance->set('test1', 1)); $this->assertTrue($instance->set('test2', 2)); // Test get with an int. $this->assertSame(1, $instance->get('test1')); $this->assertInternalType('int', $instance->get('test1')); $this->assertSame(2, $instance->get('test2')); $this->assertInternalType('int', $instance->get('test2')); // Test set with a bool. $this->assertTrue($instance->set('test1', true)); // Test get with an bool. $this->assertSame(true, $instance->get('test1')); $this->assertInternalType('boolean', $instance->get('test1')); // Test delete. $this->assertTrue($instance->delete('test1')); $this->assertTrue($instance->delete('test3')); $this->assertFalse($instance->delete('test3')); $this->assertFalse($instance->get('test1')); $this->assertSame(2, $instance->get('test2')); $this->assertTrue($instance->set('test1', 'test1')); // Test purge. $this->assertTrue($instance->purge()); $this->assertFalse($instance->get('test1')); $this->assertFalse($instance->get('test2')); // Test set_many. $outcome = $instance->set_many(array(array('key' => 'many1', 'value' => 'many1'), array('key' => 'many2', 'value' => 'many2'), array('key' => 'many3', 'value' => 'many3'), array('key' => 'many4', 'value' => 'many4'), array('key' => 'many5', 'value' => 'many5'))); $this->assertSame(5, $outcome); $this->assertSame('many1', $instance->get('many1')); $this->assertSame('many5', $instance->get('many5')); $this->assertFalse($instance->get('many6')); // Test get_many. $result = $instance->get_many(array('many1', 'many3', 'many5', 'many6')); $this->assertInternalType('array', $result); $this->assertCount(4, $result); $this->assertSame(array('many1' => 'many1', 'many3' => 'many3', 'many5' => 'many5', 'many6' => false), $result); // Test delete_many. $this->assertSame(3, $instance->delete_many(array('many2', 'many3', 'many4'))); $this->assertSame(2, $instance->delete_many(array('many1', 'many5', 'many6'))); }
/** * Test the store for basic functionality. */ public function run_tests(cache_store $instance) { $object = new stdClass(); $object->data = 1; // Test set with a string. $this->assertTrue($instance->set('test1', 'test1')); $this->assertTrue($instance->set('test2', 'test2')); $this->assertTrue($instance->set('test3', '3')); $this->assertTrue($instance->set('other3', '3')); // Test get with a string. $this->assertSame('test1', $instance->get('test1')); $this->assertSame('test2', $instance->get('test2')); $this->assertSame('3', $instance->get('test3')); // Test find and find with prefix if this class implements the searchable interface. if ($instance->is_searchable()) { // Extra settings here ignore the return order of the array. $this->assertEquals(['test3', 'test1', 'test2', 'other3'], $instance->find_all(), '', 0, 1, true); // Extra settings here ignore the return order of the array. $this->assertEquals(['test2', 'test1', 'test3'], $instance->find_by_prefix('test'), '', 0, 1, true); $this->assertEquals(['test2'], $instance->find_by_prefix('test2')); $this->assertEquals(['other3'], $instance->find_by_prefix('other')); $this->assertEquals([], $instance->find_by_prefix('nothere')); } // Test set with an int. $this->assertTrue($instance->set('test1', 1)); $this->assertTrue($instance->set('test2', 2)); // Test get with an int. $this->assertSame(1, $instance->get('test1')); $this->assertInternalType('int', $instance->get('test1')); $this->assertSame(2, $instance->get('test2')); $this->assertInternalType('int', $instance->get('test2')); // Test set with a bool. $this->assertTrue($instance->set('test1', true)); // Test get with an bool. $this->assertSame(true, $instance->get('test1')); $this->assertInternalType('boolean', $instance->get('test1')); // Test with an object. $this->assertTrue($instance->set('obj', $object)); if ($instance::get_supported_features() & cache_store::DEREFERENCES_OBJECTS) { $this->assertNotSame($object, $instance->get('obj'), 'Objects must be dereferenced when returned.'); } $this->assertEquals($object, $instance->get('obj')); // Test delete. $this->assertTrue($instance->delete('test1')); $this->assertTrue($instance->delete('test3')); $this->assertFalse($instance->delete('test3')); $this->assertFalse($instance->get('test1')); $this->assertSame(2, $instance->get('test2')); $this->assertTrue($instance->set('test1', 'test1')); // Test purge. $this->assertTrue($instance->purge()); $this->assertFalse($instance->get('test1')); $this->assertFalse($instance->get('test2')); // Test set_many. $outcome = $instance->set_many(array(array('key' => 'many1', 'value' => 'many1'), array('key' => 'many2', 'value' => 'many2'), array('key' => 'many3', 'value' => 'many3'), array('key' => 'many4', 'value' => 'many4'), array('key' => 'many5', 'value' => 'many5'))); $this->assertSame(5, $outcome); $this->assertSame('many1', $instance->get('many1')); $this->assertSame('many5', $instance->get('many5')); $this->assertFalse($instance->get('many6')); // Test get_many. $result = $instance->get_many(array('many1', 'many3', 'many5', 'many6')); $this->assertInternalType('array', $result); $this->assertCount(4, $result); $this->assertSame(array('many1' => 'many1', 'many3' => 'many3', 'many5' => 'many5', 'many6' => false), $result); // Test delete_many. $this->assertSame(3, $instance->delete_many(array('many2', 'many3', 'many4'))); $this->assertSame(2, $instance->delete_many(array('many1', 'many5', 'many6'))); }