예제 #1
 public function Info()
     $t_tag = new ca_item_tags();
     $this->view->setVar('unmoderated_tag_count', $t_tag->getUnmoderatedTagCount());
     $this->view->setVar('moderated_tag_count', $t_tag->getModeratedTagCount());
     $this->view->setVar('total_taggings_count', $t_tag->getTagCount());
     $this->view->setVar('total_tag_count', $t_tag->getItemTagsCount());
     return $this->render('widget_tags_info_html.php', true);
예제 #2
  * Adds a tag to currently loaded row. Returns null if no row is loaded. Otherwise returns true
  * if tag was successfully added, false if an error occurred in which case the errors will be available
  * via the model's standard error methods (getErrors() and friends.
  * Most of the parameters are optional with the exception of $ps_tag - the text of the tag. Note that 
  * tag text is monolingual; if you want to do multilingual tags then you must add multiple tags.
  * The parameters are:
  * @param $ps_tag [string] Text of the tag (mandatory)
  * @param $pn_user_id [integer] A valid ca_users.user_id indicating the user who added the tag; is null for tags from non-logged-in users (optional - default is null)
  * @param $pn_locale_id [integer] A valid ca_locales.locale_id indicating the language of the comment. If omitted or left null then the value in the global $g_ui_locale_id variable is used. If $g_ui_locale_id is not set and $pn_locale_id is not set then an error will occur (optional - default is to use $g_ui_locale_id)
  * @param $pn_access [integer] Determines public visibility of tag; if set to 0 then tag is not visible to public; if set to 1 tag is visible (optional - default is 0)
  * @param $pn_moderator [integer] A valid ca_users.user_id value indicating who moderated the tag; if omitted or set to null then moderation status will not be set unless app.conf setting dont_moderate_comments = 1 (optional - default is null)
  * @param array $pa_options Array of options. Supported options are:
  *				purify = if true, comment, name and email are run through HTMLPurifier before being stored in the database. Default is true. 
 public function addTag($ps_tag, $pn_user_id = null, $pn_locale_id = null, $pn_access = 0, $pn_moderator = null, $pa_options = null)
     global $g_ui_locale_id;
     if (!($vn_row_id = $this->getPrimaryKey())) {
         return null;
     if (!$pn_locale_id) {
         $pn_locale_id = $g_ui_locale_id;
     if (!$pn_locale_id) {
         $this->postError(2830, _t('No locale was set for tag'), 'BaseModel->addTag()', 'ca_item_tags');
         return false;
     if (!isset($pa_options['purify'])) {
         $pa_options['purify'] = true;
     if ($this->purify() || (bool) $pa_options['purify']) {
         $ps_tag = BaseModel::getPurifier()->purify($ps_tag);
     $t_tag = new ca_item_tags();
     $t_tag->purify($this->purify() || $pa_options['purify']);
     if (!$t_tag->load(array('tag' => $ps_tag, 'locale_id' => $pn_locale_id))) {
         // create new new
         $t_tag->set('tag', $ps_tag);
         $t_tag->set('locale_id', $pn_locale_id);
         $vn_tag_id = $t_tag->insert();
         if ($t_tag->numErrors()) {
             $this->errors = $t_tag->errors;
             return false;
     } else {
         $vn_tag_id = $t_tag->getPrimaryKey();
     $t_ixt = new ca_items_x_tags();
     $t_ixt->set('table_num', $this->tableNum());
     $t_ixt->set('row_id', $this->getPrimaryKey());
     $t_ixt->set('user_id', $pn_user_id);
     $t_ixt->set('tag_id', $vn_tag_id);
     $t_ixt->set('access', $pn_access);
     if (!is_null($pn_moderator)) {
         $t_ixt->set('moderated_by_user_id', $pn_moderator);
         $t_ixt->set('moderated_on', _t('now'));
     } elseif ($this->_CONFIG->get("dont_moderate_comments")) {
         $t_ixt->set('moderated_on', _t('now'));
     if ($t_ixt->numErrors()) {
         $this->errors = $t_ixt->errors;
         return false;
     return true;
예제 #3
 public function renderWidget($ps_widget_id, &$pa_settings)
     parent::renderWidget($ps_widget_id, $pa_settings);
     global $g_ui_locale_id;
     if ($pa_settings["display_limit"] && intval($pa_settings["display_limit"]) > 0 && intval($pa_settings["display_limit"]) < 1000) {
         $vn_limit = intval($pa_settings["display_limit"]);
     } else {
         $vn_limit = 10;
     $this->opo_view->setVar('limit', $vn_limit);
     $vn_show_type = intval($pa_settings["show_moderated_type"]);
     $vs_tag_type = "";
     switch ($vn_show_type) {
         case 1:
             $vs_mode = "moderated";
             $vs_tag_type = _t("moderated");
             # ---------------------------------------
         # ---------------------------------------
         case 0:
             $vs_mode = "unmoderated";
             $vs_tag_type = _t("unmoderated");
             # ---------------------------------------
         # ---------------------------------------
             $vs_mode = "";
             $vs_tag_type = "";
             # ---------------------------------------
     $this->opo_view->setVar('tag_type', $vs_tag_type);
     $t_tags = new ca_item_tags();
     $va_tags = $t_tags->getTags($vs_mode, $vn_limit);
     $this->opo_view->setVar('tags_list', $va_tags);
     $this->opo_view->setVar('request', $this->getRequest());
     $this->opo_view->setVar('settings', $pa_settings);
     return $this->opo_view->render('main_html.php');