public function dispatchLoopShutdown()
     // Force output to be sent - we need the client to have the page before
     // we start flushing progress bar updates
     $app = AppController::getInstance();
     $req = $app->getRequest();
     $resp = $app->getResponse();
     // Do export
     if ($req->isLoggedIn()) {
         set_time_limit(3600 * 24);
         // if it takes more than 24 hours we're in trouble
         $vn_id = $req->getParameter('exporter_id', pInteger);
         $vs_search = $req->getParameter('search', pString);
         $t_exporter = new ca_data_exporters($vn_id);
         $vs_file = tempnam(caGetTempDirPath(), 'export');
         if ($vn_set_id = $req->getParameter('set_id', pInteger)) {
             ca_data_exporters::exportRecordsFromSet($t_exporter->get('exporter_code'), $vn_set_id, $vs_file, array('request' => $req, 'progressCallback' => 'caIncrementBatchMetadataExportProgress'));
         } else {
             ca_data_exporters::exportRecordsFromSearchExpression($t_exporter->get('exporter_code'), $vs_search, $vs_file, array('request' => $req, 'progressCallback' => 'caIncrementBatchMetadataExportProgress'));
     // export done, move file to application tmp dir and create download link (separate action in the export controller)
     if (filesize($vs_file)) {
         $vs_new_filename = $vn_id . "_" . md5($vs_file);
         rename($vs_file, __CA_APP_DIR__ . '/tmp/' . $vs_new_filename);
         caExportAddDownloadLink($req, $vs_new_filename);
 public function dispatchLoopShutdown()
     // Force output to be sent - we need the client to have the page before
     // we start flushing progress bar updates
     $app = AppController::getInstance();
     $req = $app->getRequest();
     $resp = $app->getResponse();
     // Do export
     if (!$req->isLoggedIn()) {
     set_time_limit(3600 * 24);
     // if it takes more than 24 hours we're in trouble
     $vn_id = $req->getParameter('exporter_id', pInteger);
     $t_exporter = new ca_data_exporters($vn_id);
     $vs_file = tempnam(__CA_APP_DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'tmp', 'dataExport');
     // we have 3 different sources for batch exports: search/browse result, sets and search expressions (deprecated)
     // they all operate on different parameters and on different static functions in ca_data_exporters
     if ($req->getParameter('caIsExportFromSearchOrBrowseResult', pInteger)) {
         // batch export from search or browse result
         $vs_find_type = $req->getParameter('find_type', pString);
         $vo_result_context = new ResultContext($req, $t_exporter->getTargetTableName(), $vs_find_type);
         $t_instance = $t_exporter->getTargetTableInstance();
         $o_result = $t_instance->makeSearchResult($t_instance->tableName(), $vo_result_context->getResultList());
         ca_data_exporters::exportRecordsFromSearchResult($t_exporter->get('exporter_code'), $o_result, $vs_file, array('request' => $req, 'progressCallback' => 'caIncrementBatchMetadataExportProgress'));
     } else {
         if ($vn_set_id = $req->getParameter('set_id', pInteger)) {
             // batch export from set
             ca_data_exporters::exportRecordsFromSet($t_exporter->get('exporter_code'), $vn_set_id, $vs_file, array('request' => $req, 'progressCallback' => 'caIncrementBatchMetadataExportProgress'));
         } else {
             // batch export from search expression (deprecated)
             $vs_search = $req->getParameter('search', pString);
             ca_data_exporters::exportRecordsFromSearchExpression($t_exporter->get('exporter_code'), $vs_search, $vs_file, array('request' => $req, 'progressCallback' => 'caIncrementBatchMetadataExportProgress'));
     // export done, record it in session for later usage in download/destination action
     if (filesize($vs_file)) {
         $o_session = $req->getSession();
         $o_session->setVar('export_file', $vs_file);
         $o_session->setVar('export_content_type', $t_exporter->getContentType());
         $o_session->setVar('exporter_id', $t_exporter->getPrimaryKey());