include "classified_results.php";
            //$memusage =memory_checkpoint(__LINE__,__FILE__,$memusage);
        } else {
            include "classified_cat_show.php";
            //$memusage =memory_checkpoint(__LINE__,__FILE__,$memusage);
echo "        </td>\n";
echo "       </tr>\n";
echo "      </table>\n";
echo "    </td>\n";
echo "   </tr>\n";
echo " </table>\n";
echo "</td>\n";
#  The Right-Side-Section
echo "<td valign=\"top\" align=\"left\">\n";
include "classified_right.php";
//$memusage =memory_checkpoint(__LINE__,__FILE__,$memusage);
echo "</td>\n";
echo "</tr>\n";
echo "</table>\n";
#  The Foot-Section
include $FOOTER;
//$memusage =memory_checkpoint(__LINE__,__FILE__,$memusage);
$parse_time = $BenchmarkTimer->elapsed();
parse_timer_log($parse_time, __FILE__);
예제 #2
	  $db->Execute("INSERT INTO $dbtables[players] SET character_name='Unowned'");
	  // Create a random email and password
	  $UnownedPassword = createRandomPassword();
	  $db->Execute("UPDATE `$dbtables[players]` SET `player_id` = '0', `cleared_defences` = NULL, `subscribed` = NULL, email = '$UnownedPassword', password = '******' WHERE `character_name` = 'Unowned' LIMIT 1");
      echo "<BR><BR><center><B>Your admin login is: <BR>";
      echo "<BR>Username: $admin_mail";
      echo "<BR>Password: $password<BR></B></center>";
      newplayer($admin_mail, "The Federation", $password, "The Orb");
  	  $db->Execute("UPDATE $dbtables[players] SET player_id = '1', `cleared_defences` = NULL, `subscribed` = NULL WHERE `email` = '$admin_mail' LIMIT 1");
	  $db->Execute("UPDATE $dbtables[ships] SET player_id = '1' WHERE player_id=2 LIMIT 1");
      PrintFlush("<BR><BR><center><BR><B>Congratulations! Universe created successfully.<BR>");
      PrintFlush("Click <A HREF=login.php>here</A> to return to the login screen.</B></center>");

// Pre-stage, What's the password?
      echo "<form action=create_universe.php method=post>";
      echo "Password: <input type=password name=swordfish size=20 maxlength=20>&nbsp;&nbsp;";
      echo "<input type=submit value=Submit><input type=hidden name=step value=1>";
      echo "<input type=reset value=Reset>";
      echo "</form>";

// Done
PrintFlush("<br>Elapsed Time - $Elapsed");