예제 #1
파일: api.inc.php 프로젝트: bo-blog/bw
 private function get_articles()
     if ($this->subAPI == 1) {
         //Get articles list
         $howmany = isset($this->partial['num']) ? max(1, floor($this->partial['num'])) : 5;
         $startTime = isset($this->partial['since']) ? strtotime($this->partial['since']) : false;
         $pageNum = isset($this->partial['p']) ? max(1, floor($this->partial['p'])) : 1;
         $article = new bwArticle();
         if ($startTime) {
             //Get articles later than this time
         $outputs = array();
         $i = 0;
         $totalPages = ceil($article->totalArticles / $howmany);
         if ($pageNum > $totalPages) {
             $this->throwError(404, 'Page number does not exist.');
         $extraHeader = "Link: <" . bw::$conf['siteURL'] . "/api.php/articles?num={$howmany}&p=1>; rel=\"first\", ";
         $extraHeader .= "<" . bw::$conf['siteURL'] . "/api.php/articles?num={$howmany}&p={$totalPages}>; rel=\"last\"";
         if ($pageNum + 1 <= $totalPages) {
             $extraHeader .= ",  <" . bw::$conf['siteURL'] . "/api.php/articles?num={$howmany}&p=" . ($pageNum + 1) . ">; rel=\"next\"";
         if ($pageNum > 1) {
             $extraHeader .= ",  <" . bw::$conf['siteURL'] . "/api.php/articles?num={$howmany}&p=" . ($pageNum - 1) . ">; rel=\"prev\"";
         foreach ($article->articleList as $item) {
             $outputs[$i]['ID'] = $item['aID'];
             $outputs[$i]['title'] = $item['aTitle'];
             $outputs[$i]['date'] = $item['aTime'];
             $outputs[$i]['content'] = bwView::textFormatter(str_replace('+++', '', $item['aContent']));
             $outputs[$i]['category'] = $item['aCateDispName'];
             $item['aTags'] && ($outputs[$i]['tags'] = @explode(',', $item['aTags']));
             $outputs[$i]['permal-link'] = bw::$conf['siteURL'] . '/' . bw::$conf['linkPrefixArticle'] . "/{$item['aID']}/";
             $outputs[$i]['author'] = bw::$conf['authorName'];
             $outputs[$i]['about'] = bw::$conf['authorIntro'];
             $outputs[$i]['homepage'] = bw::$conf['siteURL'];
         $this->done(200, array("articles" => $outputs), $extraHeader);
     } else {
         $article = new bwArticle();
         $item = $article->articleList[$this->subAPI];
         $outputs = array();
         $i = 0;
         $outputs[$i]['title'] = $item['aTitle'];
         $outputs[$i]['date'] = $item['aTime'];
         $outputs[$i]['content'] = bwView::textFormatter(str_replace('+++', '', $item['aContent']));
         $outputs[$i]['category'] = $item['aCateDispName'];
         $item['aTags'] && ($outputs[$i]['tags'] = @explode(',', $item['aTags']));
         $outputs[$i]['permal-link'] = bw::$conf['siteURL'] . '/' . bw::$conf['linkPrefixArticle'] . "/{$item['aID']}/";
         $outputs[$i]['author'] = bw::$conf['authorName'];
         $outputs[$i]['about'] = bw::$conf['authorIntro'];
         $outputs[$i]['homepage'] = bw::$conf['siteURL'];
         $this->done(200, array("articles" => $outputs));
예제 #2
파일: list.mod.php 프로젝트: bo-blog/bw
if (!defined('P')) {
    die('Access Denied.');
//This is a hidden mode. It is inteded to be used in Mill project.
if (!isset($_REQUEST['list'])) {
    $listMode = 'archives';
} elseif ($_REQUEST['list'] == 'archives') {
    $listMode = 'archives';
} elseif ($_REQUEST['list'] == 'tags') {
    $listMode = 'tags';
} elseif ($_REQUEST['list'] == 'category') {
    $listMode = 'category';
} else {
$article = new bwArticle();
$view = new bwView();
$groupedArticles = array();
if ($listMode == 'archives') {
    $allStatURL = array();
    foreach ($article->articleList as $oneArticle) {
        $YYYY = substr($oneArticle['aTime'], 0, 4);
        $groupedArticles[$YYYY][] = $oneArticle;
        $columnName[$YYYY] = $YYYY;
        $columnID[$YYYY] = $YYYY;
        isset($columnCount[$YYYY]) ? $columnCount[$YYYY]++ : ($columnCount[$YYYY] = 1);
        $allStatURL[$oneArticle['aID']] = "{$conf['siteURL']}/{$conf['linkPrefixArticle']}/{$oneArticle['aID']}/";
예제 #3
파일: sitemap.php 프로젝트: bo-blog/bw

* @link http://bw.bo-blog.com
* @copyright (c) 2014 bW Development Team
* @license MIT
define('P', './');
include_once P . 'inc/system.php';
$canonical = new bwCanonicalization();
$article = new bwArticle();
$outputxml = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n<urlset xmlns=\"http://www.sitemaps.org/schemas/sitemap/0.9\">\n";
$outputxml .= "<url>\n<loc>{$conf['siteURL']}/index.php</loc>\n<lastmod>" . gmdate("Y-m-d\\TH:i:s+00:00") . "</lastmod>\n<changefreq>always</changefreq>\n<priority>1.0</priority>\n</url>\n";
foreach ($article->articleList as $item) {
    $outputxml .= "<url>\n<loc>{$conf['siteURL']}/{$conf['linkPrefixArticle']}/{$item['aID']}/</loc>\n<lastmod>" . gmdate('c', strtotime($item['aTime'])) . "</lastmod>\n<changefreq>daily</changefreq>\n<priority>0.9</priority>\n</url>\n";
$outputxml .= "</urlset>";
@header("Content-Type: application/xml; charset=utf-8");
예제 #4
파일: cate.mod.php 프로젝트: bo-blog/bw

* @link http://bw.bo-blog.com
* @copyright (c) 2014 bW Development Team
* @license MIT
if (!defined('P')) {
    die('Access Denied.');
$article = new bwArticle();
$view = new bwView();
if (isset($canonical->currentArgs['cateID'])) {
    if (bw::$cateList[$canonical->currentArgs['cateID']]['aCateTheme']) {
} else {
// Pagination
// Pass Values
$view->setPassData(array('articlesummary' => $article->articleList));
if (defined('ajax')) {
예제 #5
파일: tag.mod.php 프로젝트: bo-blog/bw

* @link http://bw.bo-blog.com
* @copyright (c) 2014 bW Development Team
* @license MIT
if (!defined('P')) {
    die('Access Denied.');
$article = new bwArticle();
$view = new bwView();
if (isset($canonical->currentArgs['tValue'])) {
    $view->setPageTitle($conf['l']['page:Tags'] . ' - ' . $canonical->currentArgs['tValue']);
} else {
//Load Duoshuo
// Pagination
$view->setPassData(array('articlesummary' => $article->articleList));
if (defined('ajax')) {
    $view->setWorkFlow(array('summary', 'ajax-article-list'));
} else {
    $view->setPassData(array('navigation' => bw::$cateList, 'sociallink' => bw::getSocialLinks(), 'externallink' => bw::getExternalLinks(), 'tagClound' => bw::getTagCloud()));
예제 #6
파일: admin.mod.php 프로젝트: bo-blog/bw
     header("Location: {$conf['siteURL']}/{$conf['linkPrefixAdmin']}/dashboard/{$conf['linkConj']}CSRFCode=" . $admin->getCSRFCode('navibar') . "#UpdateSuccess");
 } else {
     $statVals = array();
     $statVals['totalArticles'] = bw::$db->countRows('SELECT aID FROM articles');
     $statVals['totalReads'] = bw::$db->getSingleRow('SELECT SUM(aReads) FROM articles');
     $statVals['totalReads'] = $statVals['totalReads']['SUM(aReads)'];
     $statVals['totalPVs'] = bw::$db->getSingleRow('SELECT SUM(sNum) FROM statistics');
     $statVals['totalPVs'] = $statVals['totalPVs']['SUM(sNum)'];
     $statVals['sinceWhen'] = bw::$db->getSingleRow('SELECT aTime FROM articles ORDER BY aTime ASC LIMIT 0, 1');
     $statVals['sinceWhen'] = $statVals['sinceWhen']['aTime'];
     $article = new bwArticle();
     $statVals['whatsHottest'] = array();
     foreach ($article->articleList as $row) {
         $statVals['whatsHottest'][] = "<a href=\"{$conf['siteURL']}/{$conf['linkPrefixArticle']}/{$row['aID']}/\">{$row['aTitle']}</a>";
     $statVals['whatsHottest'] = '<li>' . @implode('</li><li>', $statVals['whatsHottest']) . '</li>';
     $recents = bw::$db->getRows('SELECT * FROM statistics ORDER BY lastView DESC LIMIT 0, 5');
     foreach ($recents as $row) {
         $statVals['latestViews'][] = "<a href=\"{$conf['siteURL']}{$row['pageURL']}\">{$row['pageURL']}</a>";
     $statVals['latestViews'] = '<li>' . implode('</li><li>', $statVals['latestViews']) . '</li>';
     $statVals['thisVersion'] = bwVersion;
     $statVals['PHPVersion'] = PHP_VERSION;
     $statVals['serverInfo'] = $_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE'];
예제 #7
파일: article.mod.php 프로젝트: bo-blog/bw

* @link http://bw.bo-blog.com
* @copyright (c) 2014 bW Development Team
* @license MIT
if (!defined('P')) {
    die('Access Denied.');
$article = new bwArticle();
$view = new bwView();
$aCateURLName = $article->articleList[$canonical->currentArgs['aID']]['aCateURLName'];
if (bw::$cateList[$aCateURLName]['aCateTheme']) {
$view->setPassData(array('navigation' => bw::$cateList, 'sociallink' => bw::getSocialLinks(), 'externallink' => bw::getExternalLinks(), 'tagClound' => bw::getTagCloud()));
if ($conf['commentOpt'] != 0) {
    if ($conf['commentOpt'] == 1 || $conf['commentOpt'] == 2) {
        //Build-in comment
        //Discarded on 2016/6/22
        $view->setWorkFlow(array('nocommentarea', 'article', 'page'));