function initializeGui(&$dbHandler, &$argsObj, &$cfgObj, &$tplanMgr, &$tcaseMgr) { $buildMgr = new build_mgr($dbHandler); $platformMgr = new tlPlatform($dbHandler, $argsObj->tproject_id); $gui = new stdClass(); $gui->tplan_id = $argsObj->tplan_id; $gui->tproject_id = $argsObj->tproject_id; $gui->build_id = $argsObj->build_id; $gui->platform_id = $argsObj->platform_id; $gui->execStatusValues = null; $gui->can_use_bulk_op = 0; $gui->exec_notes_editors = null; $gui->bulk_exec_notes_editor = null; $gui->req_details = null; $gui->attachmentInfos = null; $gui->bugs = null; $gui->other_exec_cfields = null; $gui->ownerDisplayName = null; $gui->editorType = $cfgObj->editorCfg['type']; $gui->filter_assigned_to = $argsObj->filter_assigned_to; $gui->tester_id = $argsObj->user_id; $gui->include_unassigned = $argsObj->include_unassigned; $gui->tpn_view_status = $argsObj->tpn_view_status; $gui->bn_view_status = $argsObj->bn_view_status; $gui->bc_view_status = $argsObj->bc_view_status; $gui->platform_notes_view_status = $argsObj->platform_notes_view_status; $gui->refreshTree = $argsObj->refreshTree; if (!$argsObj->status || $argsObj->status == $cfgObj->tc_status['not_run']) { $gui->refreshTree = 0; } $gui->map_last_exec_any_build = null; $gui->map_last_exec = null; // 20081122 - franciscom // Just for the record: // doing this here, we avoid to do on processTestSuite() and processTestCase(), // but absolutely this will not improve in ANY WAY perfomance, because we do not loop // over these two functions. $tprojectMgr = new testproject($dbHandler); $gui->tcasePrefix = $tprojectMgr->getTestCasePrefix($argsObj->tproject_id); $build_info = $buildMgr->get_by_id($argsObj->build_id); $gui->build_notes = $build_info['notes']; $gui->build_is_open = $build_info['is_open'] == 1 ? 1 : 0; $gui->execution_types = $tcaseMgr->get_execution_types(); if ($argsObj->filter_assigned_to) { $userSet = tlUser::getByIds($dbHandler, array_values($argsObj->filter_assigned_to)); if ($userSet) { foreach ($userSet as $key => $userObj) { $gui->ownerDisplayName[$key] = $userObj->getDisplayName(); } } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ $the_builds = $tplanMgr->get_builds_for_html_options($argsObj->tplan_id); $gui->build_name = isset($the_builds[$argsObj->build_id]) ? $the_builds[$argsObj->build_id] : ''; // 20090419 - franciscom $gui->grants = initializeRights($dbHandler, $argsObj->user, $argsObj->tproject_id, $argsObj->tplan_id); $gui->exec_mode = initializeExecMode($dbHandler, $cfgObj->exec_cfg, $argsObj->user, $argsObj->tproject_id, $argsObj->tplan_id); $rs = $tplanMgr->get_by_id($argsObj->tplan_id); $gui->testplan_notes = $rs['notes']; // Important note: // custom fields for test plan can be edited ONLY on design, that's reason why we are using // scope = 'design' instead of 'execution' $gui->testplan_cfields = $tplanMgr->html_table_of_custom_field_values($argsObj->tplan_id, 'design', array('show_on_execution' => 1)); $gui->history_on = manage_history_on($_REQUEST, $_SESSION, $cfgObj->exec_cfg, 'btn_history_on', 'btn_history_off', 'history_on'); $gui->history_status_btn_name = $gui->history_on ? 'btn_history_off' : 'btn_history_on'; $dummy = $platformMgr->getLinkedToTestplan($argsObj->tplan_id); $gui->has_platforms = !is_null($dummy) ? 1 : 0; $gui->platform_info['id'] = 0; $gui->platform_info['name'] = ''; if (!is_null($argsObj->platform_id) && $argsObj->platform_id > 0) { $gui->platform_info = $platformMgr->getByID($argsObj->platform_id); } $gui->node_id = $argsObj->id; return $gui; }
function saveImportedResultData(&$db, $resultData, $context) { if (!$resultData) { return; } $debugMsg = ' FUNCTION: ' . __FUNCTION__; $tables = tlObjectWithDB::getDBTables(array('executions', 'execution_bugs')); $l18n = array('import_results_tc_not_found' => '', 'import_results_invalid_result' => '', 'tproject_id_not_found' => '', 'import_results_ok' => ''); foreach ($l18n as $key => $value) { $l18n[$key] = lang_get($key); } // Get Column definitions to get size dinamically instead of create constants $columnDef = array(); $adodbObj = $db->get_dbmgr_object(); $columnDef['execution_bugs'] = $adodbObj->MetaColumns($tables['execution_bugs']); $keySet = array_keys($columnDef['execution_bugs']); foreach ($keySet as $keyName) { if (($keylow = strtolower($keyName)) != $keyName) { $columnDef['execution_bugs'][$keylow] = $columnDef['execution_bugs'][$keyName]; unset($columnDef['execution_bugs'][$keyName]); } } $user = new tlUser($context->userID); $user->readFromDB($db); $tcase_mgr = new testcase($db); $resulstCfg = config_get('results'); $tcaseCfg = config_get('testcase_cfg'); $resultMap = array(); $tplan_mgr = null; $tc_qty = sizeof($resultData); if ($tc_qty) { $tplan_mgr = new testplan($db); $tproject_mgr = new testproject($db); $build_mgr = new build_mgr($db); } // Need to do checks on common settings // // test project exists // // test plan id: // belongs to target test project // is active // build id: // belongs to target test plan // is open // // platform id: // is linked to target test plan // // execution type if not present -> set to MANUAL // if presente is valid i.e. inside the TL domain // $checks = array(); $checks['status_ok'] = true; $checks['msg'] = null; $dummy = null; if (!is_null($context->tprojectID) && intval($context->tprojectID) > 0) { $dummy = array($tproject_mgr->get_by_id($context->tprojectID, array('output' => 'existsByID'))); } else { if (!is_null($context->tprojectName)) { $dummy = $tproject_mgr->get_by_name($context->tprojectName, null, array('output' => 'existsByName')); } } $checks['status_ok'] = !is_null($dummy); if (!$checks['status_ok']) { $checks['msg'][] = sprintf($l18n['tproject_id_not_found'], $context->tprojectID); } if (!$checks['status_ok']) { foreach ($checks['msg'] as $warning) { $resultMap[] = array($warning); } } if ($doIt = $checks['status_ok']) { $context->tprojectID = $dummy[0]['id']; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------- $dummy = null; if (!is_null($context->tplanID) && intval($context->tplanID) > 0) { $dummy = $tplan_mgr->get_by_id($context->tplanID, array('output' => 'minimun')); if (!is_null($dummy)) { $dummy['id'] = $context->tplanID; } } else { if (!is_null($context->tplanName)) { $dummy = $tplan_mgr->get_by_name($context->tplanName, $context->tprojectID, array('output' => 'minimun')); if (!is_null($dummy)) { $dummy = $dummy[0]; } } } if (!is_null($dummy)) { $context->tplanID = $dummy['id']; } if (intval($context->tprojectID) <= 0 && intval($context->tplanID) > 0) { $dummy = $tplan_mgr->tree_manager->get_node_hierarchy_info($context->tplanID); $context->tprojectID = $dummy['parent_id']; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------- // -------------------------------------------------------------------- $dummy = null; $tplan_mgr->platform_mgr->setTestProjectID($context->tprojectID); if (!is_null($context->platformID) && intval($context->platformID) > 0) { $dummy = array($tplan_mgr->platform_mgr->getByID($context->platformID)); } else { if (property_exists($context, 'platformName') && !is_null($context->platformName)) { if (!is_null($xx = $tplan_mgr->platform_mgr->getID($context->platformName))) { $dummy = array(0 => array('id' => $xx)); } } } if (!is_null($dummy)) { $context->platformID = $dummy[0]['id']; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------- // -------------------------------------------------------------------- $optGB = array('tplan_id' => $context->tplanID, 'output' => 'minimun'); $dummy = null; if (!is_null($context->buildID) && intval($context->buildID) > 0) { $dummy = array($build_mgr->get_by_id($context->buildID, $optGB)); } else { if (!is_null($context->buildName)) { $dummy = $build_mgr->get_by_name($context->buildName, $optGB); } } if (!is_null($dummy)) { $context->buildID = $dummy[0]['id']; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------- // -------------------------------------------------------------------- for ($idx = 0; $doIt && $idx < $tc_qty; $idx++) { $tester_id = 0; $tester_name = ''; $using_external_id = false; $message = null; $status_ok = true; $tcase_exec = $resultData[$idx]; // New attribute "execution type" makes old XML import files incompatible // Important NOTICE: // tcase_exec is passed BY REFERENCE to allow check_exec_values()change execution type if needed // $checks = check_exec_values($db, $tcase_mgr, $user_mgr, $tcaseCfg, $tcase_exec, $columnDef['execution_bugs']); $status_ok = $checks['status_ok']; if ($status_ok) { $tcase_id = $checks['tcase_id']; $tcase_external_id = trim($tcase_exec['tcase_external_id']); $tester_id = $checks['tester_id']; // external_id has precedence over internal id $using_external_id = $tcase_external_id != ""; } else { foreach ($checks['msg'] as $warning) { $resultMap[] = array($warning); } } if ($status_ok) { $tcase_identity = $using_external_id ? $tcase_external_id : $tcase_id; $result_code = strtolower($tcase_exec['result']); $result_is_acceptable = isset($resulstCfg['code_status'][$result_code]) ? true : false; $notes = $tcase_exec['notes']; $message = null; $info_on_case = $tplan_mgr->getLinkInfo($context->tplanID, $tcase_id, $context->platformID); if (is_null($info_on_case)) { $message = sprintf($l18n['import_results_tc_not_found'], $tcase_identity); } else { if (!$result_is_acceptable) { $message = sprintf($l18n['import_results_invalid_result'], $tcase_identity, $tcase_exec['result']); } else { $info_on_case = current($info_on_case); $tcversion_id = $info_on_case['tcversion_id']; $version = $info_on_case['version']; $notes = $db->prepare_string(trim($notes)); // N.B.: db_now() returns an string ready to be used in an SQL insert // example '2008-09-04', while $tcase_exec["timestamp"] => 2008-09-04 // $execution_ts = $tcase_exec['timestamp'] != '' ? "'" . $tcase_exec["timestamp"] . "'" : $db->db_now(); if ($tester_id != 0) { $tester_name = $tcase_exec['tester']; } else { $tester_name = $user->login; $tester_id = $context->userID; } $addExecDuration = strlen($tcase_exec['execution_duration']) > 0 && is_numeric($tcase_exec['execution_duration']); $sql = " /* {$debugMsg} */ " . " INSERT INTO {$tables['executions']} (build_id,tester_id,status,testplan_id," . " tcversion_id,execution_ts,notes,tcversion_number,platform_id,execution_type" . ($addExecDuration ? ',execution_duration' : '') . ")" . " VALUES ({$context->buildID}, {$tester_id},'{$result_code}',{$context->tplanID}, " . " {$tcversion_id},{$execution_ts},'{$notes}', {$version}, " . " {$context->platformID}, {$tcase_exec['execution_type']}" . ($addExecDuration ? ",{$tcase_exec['execution_duration']}" : '') . ")"; $db->exec_query($sql); if (isset($tcase_exec['bug_id']) && !is_null($tcase_exec['bug_id']) && is_array($tcase_exec['bug_id'])) { $execution_id = $db->insert_id($tables['executions']); foreach ($tcase_exec['bug_id'] as $bug_id) { $bug_id = trim($bug_id); $sql = " /* {$debugMsg} */ " . " SELECT execution_id AS check_qty FROM {$tables['execution_bugs']} " . " WHERE bug_id = '{$bug_id}' AND execution_id={$execution_id} "; $rs = $db->get_recordset($sql); if (is_null($rs)) { $sql = " /* {$debugMsg} */ " . " INSERT INTO {$tables['execution_bugs']} (bug_id,execution_id)" . " VALUES ('" . $db->prepare_string($bug_id) . "', {$execution_id} )"; $db->exec_query($sql); } } } $message = sprintf($l18n['import_results_ok'], $tcase_identity, $version, $tester_name, $resulstCfg['code_status'][$result_code], $execution_ts); } } } if (!is_null($message)) { $resultMap[] = array($message); } } return $resultMap; }
function initializeGui(&$dbHandler, &$argsObj, &$cfgObj, &$tplanMgr) { $buildMgr = new build_mgr($dbHandler); $platformMgr = new tlPlatform($dbHandler, $argsObj->tproject_id); $gui = new stdClass(); $gui->form_token = $argsObj->form_token; $gui->remoteExecFeedback = $gui->user_feedback = ''; $gui->tplan_id = $argsObj->tplan_id; $gui->tproject_id = $argsObj->tproject_id; $gui->build_id = $argsObj->build_id; $gui->platform_id = $argsObj->platform_id; $gui->attachmentInfos = null; $gui->refreshTree = 0; // Just for the records: // doing this here, we avoid to do on processTestSuite() and processTestCase(), // but absolutely this will not improve in ANY WAY perfomance, because we do not loop // over these two functions. $tprojectMgr = new testproject($dbHandler); $gui->tcasePrefix = $tprojectMgr->getTestCasePrefix($argsObj->tproject_id); $build_info = $buildMgr->get_by_id($argsObj->build_id); $gui->build_notes = $build_info['notes']; $gui->build_is_open = $build_info['is_open'] == 1 ? 1 : 0; $dummy = $tplanMgr->get_builds_for_html_options($argsObj->tplan_id); $gui->build_name = isset($dummy[$argsObj->build_id]) ? $dummy[$argsObj->build_id] : ''; $rs = $tplanMgr->get_by_id($argsObj->tplan_id); $gui->testplan_notes = $rs['notes']; $gui->testplan_name = $rs['name']; // Important note: // custom fields for test plan can be edited ONLY on design, that's reason why we are using // scope = 'design' instead of 'execution' $gui->testplan_cfields = $tplanMgr->html_table_of_custom_field_values($argsObj->tplan_id, 'design', array('show_on_execution' => 1)); $gui->build_cfields = $buildMgr->html_table_of_custom_field_values($argsObj->build_id, $argsObj->tproject_id, 'design', array('show_on_execution' => 1)); $dummy = $platformMgr->getLinkedToTestplan($argsObj->tplan_id); $gui->has_platforms = !is_null($dummy) ? 1 : 0; $gui->platform_info['id'] = 0; $gui->platform_info['name'] = ''; if (!is_null($argsObj->platform_id) && $argsObj->platform_id > 0) { $gui->platform_info = $platformMgr->getByID($argsObj->platform_id); } $gui->pageTitlePrefix = lang_get('execution_context') . ':'; return $gui; }
/** * * */ function contextAsXML(&$dbHandler, $contextSet, &$tplanMgr) { $info = array(); $tprojectMgr = new testproject($dbHandler); $info['tproject'] = $tprojectMgr->get_by_id($contextSet->tproject_id); unset($tprojectMgr); $info['tplan'] = $tplanMgr->get_by_id($contextSet->tplan_id); $buildMgr = new build_mgr($dbHandler); $info['build'] = $buildMgr->get_by_id($contextSet->build_id); unset($buildMgr); $info['platform'] = null; $platform_template = ''; if ($contextSet->platform_id > 0) { $platformMgr = new tlPlatform($dbHandler, $contextSet->tproject_id); $info['platform'] = $platformMgr->getByID($contextSet->platform_id); unset($platformMgr); $platform_template = "\n\t" . "<platform>" . "\t\t" . "<name><![CDATA[||PLATFORMNAME||]]></name>" . "\t\t" . "<internal_id><![CDATA[||PLATFORMID||]]></internal_id>" . "\n\t" . "</platform>"; } $key2loop = array_keys($info); foreach ($key2loop as $item_key) { if (!is_null($info[$item_key])) { $contextInfo[$item_key . '_id'] = $info[$item_key]['id']; $contextInfo[$item_key . '_name'] = $info[$item_key]['name']; } } $contextInfo['prefix'] = $info['tproject']['prefix']; $xml_root = "<context>{{XMLCODE}}\n</context>"; $xml_template = "\n\t" . "<testproject>" . "\t\t" . "<name><![CDATA[||TPROJECTNAME||]]></name>" . "\t\t" . "<internal_id><![CDATA[||TPROJECTID||]]></internal_id>" . "\t\t" . "<prefix><![CDATA[||TPROJECTPREFIX||]]></prefix>" . "\n\t" . "</testproject>" . "\n\t" . "<testplan>" . "\t\t" . "<name><![CDATA[||TPLANNAME||]]></name>" . "\t\t" . "<internal_id><![CDATA[||TPLANID||]]></internal_id>" . "\n\t" . "</testplan>" . $platform_template . "\n\t" . "<build>" . "\t\t" . "<name><![CDATA[||BUILDNAME||]]></name>" . "\t\t" . "<internal_id><![CDATA[||BUILDID||]]></internal_id>" . "\n\t" . "</build>"; $xml_mapping = null; $xml_mapping = array("||TPROJECTNAME||" => "tproject_name", "||TPROJECTID||" => 'tproject_id', "||TPROJECTPREFIX||" => "prefix", "||TPLANNAME||" => "tplan_name", "||TPLANID||" => 'tplan_id', "||BUILDNAME||" => "build_name", "||BUILDID||" => 'build_id', "||PLATFORMNAME||" => "platform_name", "||PLATFORMID||" => 'platform_id'); $mm = array($contextInfo); $contextXML = exportDataToXML($mm, $xml_root, $xml_template, $xml_mapping, 'noXMLHeader' == 'noXMLHeader'); // echo '<pre><xmp>'; // echo $contextXML; // echo '</xmp></pre>'; return $contextXML; }
$tcLink = $args->format == FORMAT_MAIL_HTML ? $mail_link : $image_link; //$tcLink = '<a href="lib/testcases/archiveData.php?edit=testcase&id=' . // $testcase['tc_id'] . '">' . htmlspecialchars($tcaseName) . '</a>'; if (!isset($pathCache[$testcase['tc_id']])) { $dummy = $tcase_mgr->getPathLayered(array($testcase['tc_id'])); $pathCache[$testcase['tc_id']] = $dummy[$testcase['testsuite_id']]['value']; $levelCache[$testcase['tc_id']] = $dummy[$testcase['testsuite_id']]['level']; $ky = current(array_keys($dummy)); $topCache[$testcase['tc_id']] = $ky; } $verbosePath = $pathCache[$testcase['tc_id']]; $level = $levelCache[$testcase['tc_id']]; if ($args->type == $statusCode['not_run']) { $build_mgr = new build_mgr($db); if (isset($testcase['assigned_build_id'])) { $build_info = $build_mgr->get_by_id($testcase['assigned_build_id']); $testcase['assigned_build_name'] = $build_info['name']; } else { $testcase['assigned_build_name'] = lang_get('unassigned'); } // When not run, test case version, is the version currently linked to test plan $topLevelSuites[$topCache[$testcase['tc_id']]]['items'][$level][] = array('suiteName' => $verbosePath, 'level' => $level, 'testTitle' => $tcLink, 'testVersion' => $testcase['version'], 'platformName' => htmlspecialchars($testcase['platform_name']), 'buildName' => htmlspecialchars($testcase['assigned_build_name']), 'testerName' => htmlspecialchars($testerName), 'notes' => strip_tags($testcase['summary']), 'platformID' => $testcase['platform_id']); } else { // BUGID 3492 // BUGID 3356 // When test case has been runned, version must be get from executions.tcversion_number if ($gui->bugInterfaceOn) { $bugs = get_bugs_for_exec($db, $bugInterface, $testcase['exec_id']); //count all test cases that have no bug linked if (count($bugs) == 0) { $gui->without_bugs_counter += 1;
*/ require_once dirname(__FILE__) . "/../../"; require_once "common.php"; testlinkInitPage($db); $assignment_mgr = new assignment_mgr($db); $testplan_mgr = new testplan($db); $build_mgr = new build_mgr($db); $templateCfg = templateConfiguration(); $args = init_args($testplan_mgr->tree_manager); checkRights($db, $_SESSION['currentUser'], $args); $gui = init_gui($db, $args); $assignment_count = 0; $build_name = ""; if ($args->build_id) { $assignment_count = $assignment_mgr->get_count_of_assignments_for_build_id($args->build_id); $build_info = $build_mgr->get_by_id($args->build_id); $build_name = $build_info['name']; } if ($assignment_count > 0) { if ($args->confirmed) { // their deletion has been confirmed, so delete them $assignment_mgr->delete_by_build_id($args->build_id); $gui->message = sprintf(lang_get('unassigned_all_tcs_msg'), $build_name); $gui->refreshTree = $args->refreshTree ? true : false; } else { // there are assignments, but their deletion has still to be confirmed $gui->draw_tc_unassign_button = true; $gui->popup_title = lang_get('unassign_all_tcs_msgbox_title'); $gui->popup_message = sprintf(lang_get('unassign_all_tcs_warning_msg'), $build_name); $gui->message = sprintf(lang_get('number_of_assignments_per_build'), $assignment_count, $build_name); }
/** * render Test Case content for generated documents * * @param $integer db DB connection identifier * @return string generated html code * * @internal revisions */ function renderTestCaseForPrinting(&$db, &$node, &$options, $env, $context, $indentLevel) { static $req_mgr; static $tc_mgr; static $build_mgr; static $tplan_mgr; static $tplan_urgency; static $labels; static $tcase_prefix; static $userMap = array(); static $cfg; static $tables = null; static $force = null; static $bugInterfaceOn = false; static $its; static $buildCfields; static $statusL10N; static $docRepo; static $st; $code = null; $tcInfo = null; $tcResultInfo = null; $tcase_pieces = null; $id = $node['id']; $level = $indentLevel; $prefix = isset($context['prefix']) ? $context['prefix'] : null; $tplan_id = isset($context['tplan_id']) ? $context['tplan_id'] : 0; $tprojectID = isset($context['tproject_id']) ? $context['tproject_id'] : 0; $platform_id = isset($context['platform_id']) ? $context['platform_id'] : 0; $build_id = isset($context['build_id']) ? $context['build_id'] : 0; // init static elements if (!$tables) { $st = new stdClass(); $tables = tlDBObject::getDBTables(array('executions', 'builds', 'execution_tcsteps')); $tc_mgr = new testcase($db); $tplan_urgency = new testPlanUrgency($db); $build_mgr = new build_mgr($db); $tplan_mgr = new testplan($db); $req_mgr = new requirement_mgr($db); list($cfg, $labels) = initRenderTestCaseCfg($tc_mgr, $options); if (!is_null($prefix)) { $tcase_prefix = $prefix; } else { list($tcase_prefix, $dummy) = $tc_mgr->getPrefix($id); } $tcase_prefix .= $cfg['testcase']->glue_character; $force['displayVersion'] = isset($options['displayVersion']) ? $options['displayVersion'] : false; $force['displayLastEdit'] = isset($options['displayLastEdit']) ? $options['displayLastEdit'] : false; $its = null; $tproject_mgr = new testproject($db); $info = $tproject_mgr->get_by_id($tprojectID); $bugInterfaceOn = $info['issue_tracker_enabled']; if ($info['issue_tracker_enabled']) { $it_mgr = new tlIssueTracker($db); $its = $it_mgr->getInterfaceObject($tprojectID); unset($it_mgr); } $statusL10N = null; foreach ($cfg['results']['code_status'] as $vc => $vstat) { if (isset($cfg['results']['status_label_for_exec_ui'][$vstat])) { $statusL10N[$vc] = lang_get($cfg['results']['status_label_for_exec_ui'][$vstat]); } } $docRepo = tlAttachmentRepository::create($db); $st->locationFilters = $tc_mgr->buildCFLocationMap(); // change table style in case of single TC printing to not be indented $st->table_style = ""; if (isset($options['docType']) && $options['docType'] == SINGLE_TESTCASE) { $st->table_style = 'style="margin-left: 0;"'; } $st->cfieldFormatting = array('label_css_style' => '', 'add_table' => false, 'value_css_style' => ' colspan = "' . ($cfg['tableColspan'] - 1) . '" '); $info = null; } /** * @TODO THIS IS NOT THE WAY TO DO THIS IS ABSOLUTELY WRONG AND MUST BE REFACTORED, * using existent methods - franciscom - 20090329 * Need to get CF with execution scope */ $exec_info = null; $getByID['filters'] = null; $opt = array(); $opt['step_exec_notes'] = isset($options['step_exec_notes']) && $options['step_exec_notes']; $opt['step_exec_status'] = isset($options['step_exec_status']) && $options['step_exec_status']; switch ($options["docType"]) { case DOC_TEST_SPEC: $getByID['tcversion_id'] = testcase::LATEST_VERSION; $getExecutions = false; break; case SINGLE_TESTCASE: $getByID['tcversion_id'] = $node['tcversion_id']; $getExecutions = $options['passfail'] || $options['notes'] || $opt['step_exec_notes'] || $opt['step_exec_status']; break; default: $getByID['tcversion_id'] = $node['tcversion_id']; $getExecutions = $options['cfields'] || $options['passfail'] || $options['notes'] || $opt['step_exec_notes'] || $opt['step_exec_status']; break; } if ($getExecutions) { // Thanks to Evelyn from Cortado, have found a very old issue never reported. // 1. create TC-1A VERSION 1 // 2. add to test plan and execute FAILED ON BUILD 1 // 3. Request Test Report (Test Plan EXECUTION REPORT). // You will get spec for VERSION 1 and result for VERSION 1 - OK cool! // 4. create VERSION 2 // 5. update linked Test Case Versions // 6. do nothing more than repeat step 3 // without this fix you will get // You will get spec for VERSION 2 and result for VERSION 1 - Hmmm // and in addition is not clear that execution was on VERSION 1 . No GOOD!! // // HOW has been fixed ? // Getting info about THE CURRENT LINKED test case version and looking for // exec info for this. // // ATTENTION: THIS IS OK ONLY WHEN BUILD ID is not provided // // // Get Linked test case version $linkedItem = $tplan_mgr->getLinkInfo($tplan_id, $id, $platform_id); $sql = " SELECT AS execution_id, E.status, E.execution_ts, E.tester_id," . " E.notes, E.build_id, E.tcversion_id,E.tcversion_number,E.testplan_id," . " E.execution_type, E.execution_duration, " . " AS build_name " . " FROM {$tables['executions']} E " . " JOIN {$tables['builds']} B ON = E.build_id " . " WHERE 1 = 1 "; if (isset($context['exec_id'])) { $sql .= " AND" . intval($context['exec_id']); } else { $sql .= " AND E.testplan_id = " . intval($tplan_id) . " AND E.platform_id = " . intval($platform_id) . " AND E.tcversion_id = " . intval($linkedItem[0]['tcversion_id']); if ($build_id > 0) { $sql .= " AND E.build_id = " . intval($build_id); } else { // We are looking for LATEST EXECUTION of CURRENT LINKED test case version $sql .= " AND E.tcversion_number=" . intval($linkedItem[0]['version']); } $sql .= " ORDER BY execution_id DESC"; } $exec_info = $db->get_recordset($sql, null, 1); $getByID['tcversion_id'] = $linkedItem[0]['tcversion_id']; $getByID['filters'] = null; $linkedItem = null; if (!is_null($exec_info)) { $getByID['tcversion_id'] = null; $getByID['filters'] = array('version_number' => $exec_info[0]['tcversion_number']); if (isset($options['build_cfields']) && $options['build_cfields']) { if (!isset($buildCfields[$exec_info[0]['build_id']])) { $buildCfields[$exec_info[0]['build_id']] = $build_mgr->html_table_of_custom_field_values($exec_info[0]['build_id'], $tprojectID); } } } } $tcInfo = $tc_mgr->get_by_id($id, $getByID['tcversion_id'], $getByID['filters'], array('renderGhost' => true, 'renderImageInline' => true)); if ($tcInfo) { $tcInfo = $tcInfo[0]; } $external_id = $tcase_prefix . $tcInfo['tc_external_id']; $name = htmlspecialchars($node['name']); $cfields = array('specScope' => null, 'execScope' => null); if ($options['cfields']) { // Get custom fields that has specification scope // Custom Field values at Test Case VERSION Level foreach ($st->locationFilters as $fkey => $fvalue) { $cfields['specScope'][$fkey] = $tc_mgr->html_table_of_custom_field_values($id, 'design', $fvalue, null, $tplan_id, $tprojectID, $st->cfieldFormatting, $tcInfo['id']); } if (!is_null($exec_info)) { $cfields['execScope'] = $tc_mgr->html_table_of_custom_field_values($tcInfo['id'], 'execution', null, $exec_info[0]['execution_id'], $tplan_id, $tprojectID, $st->cfieldFormatting); } } if ($options['toc']) { // EXTERNAL ID added $options['tocCode'] .= '<p style="padding-left: ' . 15 * $level . 'px;"><a href="#' . prefixToHTMLID('tc' . $id) . '">' . htmlspecialchars($external_id) . ": " . $name . '</a></p>'; $code .= '<a name="' . prefixToHTMLID('tc' . $id) . '"></a>'; } $code .= '<p> </p><div> <table class="tc" width="90%" ' . $st->table_style . '>'; $code .= '<tr><th colspan="' . $cfg['tableColspan'] . '">' . $labels['test_case'] . " " . htmlspecialchars($external_id) . ": " . $name; // add test case version switch ($env->reportType) { case DOC_TEST_PLAN_DESIGN: $version_number = isset($node['version']) ? $node['version'] : $tcInfo['version']; break; case DOC_TEST_PLAN_EXECUTION: case DOC_TEST_PLAN_EXECUTION_ON_BUILD: $version_number = $tcInfo['version']; break; default: $version_number = $tcInfo['version']; break; } if ($cfg['doc']->tc_version_enabled || $force['displayVersion']) { $code .= ' <span style="font-size: 80%;">' . $cfg['gui']->role_separator_open . $labels['version'] . $cfg['gui']->title_separator_1 . $version_number . $cfg['gui']->role_separator_close . '</span>'; } $code .= "</th></tr>\n"; if ($options['author']) { $code .= '<tr><td width="' . $cfg['firstColWidth'] . '" valign="top">' . '<span class="label">' . $labels['author'] . ':</span></td>' . '<td colspan="' . ($cfg['tableColspan'] - 1) . '">' . gendocGetUserName($db, $tcInfo['author_id']); if (isset($options['displayDates']) && $options['displayDates']) { $dummy = null; $code .= ' - ' . localize_dateOrTimeStamp(null, $dummy, 'timestamp_format', $tcInfo['creation_ts']); } $code .= "</td></tr>\n"; if ($tcInfo['updater_id'] > 0) { // add updater if available and differs from author OR forced if ($force['displayLastEdit'] > 0 || $tcInfo['updater_id'] != $tcInfo['author_id']) { $code .= '<tr><td width="' . $cfg['firstColWidth'] . '" valign="top">' . '<span class="label">' . $labels['last_edit'] . ':</span></td>' . '<td colspan="' . ($cfg['tableColspan'] - 1) . '">' . gendocGetUserName($db, $tcInfo['updater_id']); if (isset($options['displayDates']) && $options['displayDates']) { $dummy = null; $code .= ' - ' . localize_dateOrTimeStamp(null, $dummy, 'timestamp_format', $tcInfo['modification_ts']); } $code .= "</td></tr>\n"; } } } if ($options['body'] || $options['summary']) { $tcase_pieces = array('summary'); } if ($options['body']) { $tcase_pieces[] = 'preconditions'; } if ($options['body'] || $options['step_exec_notes'] || $options['step_exec_status']) { $tcase_pieces[] = 'steps'; } if (!is_null($tcase_pieces)) { // Check user rights in order to understand if can delete attachments here // function hasRight(&$db,$roleQuestion,$tprojectID = null,$tplanID = null,$getAccess=false) // $tplan_id = isset($context['tplan_id']) ? $context['tplan_id'] : 0; // $tprojectID = isset($context['tproject_id']) ? $context['tproject_id'] : 0; $canManageAttachments = false; if (isset($context['user']) && !is_null($context['user'])) { $canManageAttachments = $context['user']->hasRight($db, 'testplan_execute', $tprojectID, $tplan_id); } // Multiple Test Case Steps Feature foreach ($tcase_pieces as $key) { if ($key == 'steps') { if (isset($cfields['specScope']['before_steps_results'])) { $code .= $cfields['specScope']['before_steps_results']; } if (!is_null($tcInfo[$key]) && $tcInfo[$key] != '') { $td_colspan = 3; $code .= '<tr>' . '<td><span class="label">' . $labels['step_number'] . ':</span></td>' . '<td><span class="label">' . $labels['step_actions'] . ':</span></td>' . '<td><span class="label">' . $labels['expected_results'] . ':</span></td>'; $sxni = null; if ($opt['step_exec_notes'] || $opt['step_exec_status']) { $sxni = $tc_mgr->getStepsExecInfo($exec_info[0]['execution_id']); if ($opt['step_exec_notes']) { $td_colspan++; $code .= '<td><span class="label">' . $labels['step_exec_notes'] . ':</span></td>'; } if ($opt['step_exec_status']) { $td_colspan++; $code .= '<td><span class="label">' . $labels['step_exec_status'] . ':</span></td>'; } } $code .= '</tr>'; $loop2do = count($tcInfo[$key]); for ($ydx = 0; $ydx < $loop2do; $ydx++) { $code .= '<tr>' . '<td width="5">' . $tcInfo[$key][$ydx]['step_number'] . '</td>' . '<td>' . $tcInfo[$key][$ydx]['actions'] . '</td>' . '<td>' . $tcInfo[$key][$ydx]['expected_results'] . '</td>'; $nike = !is_null($sxni) && isset($sxni[$tcInfo[$key][$ydx]['id']]) && !is_null($sxni[$tcInfo[$key][$ydx]['id']]); if ($opt['step_exec_notes']) { $code .= '<td>'; if ($nike) { $code .= $sxni[$tcInfo[$key][$ydx]['id']]['notes']; } $code .= '</td>'; } if ($opt['step_exec_status']) { $code .= '<td>'; if ($nike) { $code .= $statusL10N[$sxni[$tcInfo[$key][$ydx]['id']]['status']]; } $code .= '</td>'; } $code .= '</tr>'; // Attachment management if ($getExecutions) { if (isset($sxni[$tcInfo[$key][$ydx]['id']])) { $attachInfo = getAttachmentInfos($docRepo, $sxni[$tcInfo[$key][$ydx]['id']]['id'], $tables['execution_tcsteps'], true, 1); if (!is_null($attachInfo)) { $code .= '<tr><td colspan="' . $td_colspan . '">'; $code .= '<b>' . $labels['exec_attachments'] . '</b><br>'; foreach ($attachInfo as $fitem) { $code .= '<form method="POST" name="fda' . $fitem['id'] . '" ' . ' id="fda' . $fitem['id'] . "' " . ' action="' . $env->base_href . 'lib/execute/execPrint.php">'; $code .= '<input type="hidden" name="id" value="' . intval($context['exec_id']) . '">'; $code .= '<input type="hidden" name="deleteAttachmentID" value="' . intval($fitem['id']) . '">'; if ($fitem['is_image']) { $code .= "<li>" . htmlspecialchars($fitem['file_name']) . "</li>"; $code .= '<li>' . '<img src="' . $env->base_href . 'lib/attachments/attachmentdownload.php?skipCheck=1&id=' . $fitem['id'] . '">'; } else { $code .= '<li>' . '<a href="' . $env->base_href . 'lib/attachments/attachmentdownload.php?skipCheck=1&id=' . $fitem['id'] . '" ' . ' target="#blank" > ' . htmlspecialchars($fitem['file_name']) . '</a>'; } $code .= '<input type="image" alt="' . $labels['alt_delete_attachment'] . '"' . 'src="' . $env->base_href . TL_THEME_IMG_DIR . 'trash.png"></li></form>'; } $code .= '</td></tr>'; } } } // $getExecutions } } } else { // disable the field if it's empty if ($tcInfo[$key] != '') { $code .= '<tr><td colspan="' . $cfg['tableColspan'] . '"><span class="label">' . $labels[$key] . ':</span><br />' . $tcInfo[$key] . "</td></tr>"; } } } } $code .= '<tr><td width="' . $cfg['firstColWidth'] . '" valign="top">' . '<span class="label">' . $labels['execution_type'] . ':</span></td>' . '<td colspan="' . ($cfg['tableColspan'] - 1) . '">'; // This is what have been choosen DURING DESIGN, but may be we can choose at DESIGN // manual and the execute AUTO, or may be choose AUTO and execute MANUAL. // After report on MANTIS, seems that we need to provide in output two values: // DESIGN execution type // EXECUTION execution type switch ($tcInfo['execution_type']) { case TESTCASE_EXECUTION_TYPE_AUTO: $code .= $labels['execution_type_auto']; break; case TESTCASE_EXECUTION_TYPE_MANUAL: default: $code .= $labels['execution_type_manual']; break; } $code .= "</td></tr>\n"; // $code .= '<tr><td width="' . $cfg['firstColWidth'] . '" valign="top">' . '<span class="label">' . $labels['estimated_execution_duration'] . ':</span></td>' . '<td colspan="' . ($cfg['tableColspan'] - 1) . '">' . $tcInfo['estimated_exec_duration']; $code .= "</td></tr>\n"; if (isset($options['importance']) && $options['importance']) { $code .= '<tr><td width="' . $cfg['firstColWidth'] . '" valign="top">' . '<span class="label">' . $labels['importance'] . ':</span></td>' . '<td colspan="' . ($cfg['tableColspan'] - 1) . '">' . $cfg['importance'][$tcInfo['importance']]; $code .= "</td></tr>\n"; } // print priority when printing test plan if (isset($options['priority']) && $options['priority']) { // Get priority of this tc version for this test plan by using testplanUrgency class. // Is there maybe a better method than this one? $filters = array('tcversion_id' => $tcInfo['id']); $opt = array('details' => 'tcversion'); $prio_info = $tplan_urgency->getPriority($tplan_id, $filters, $opt); $prio = $prio_info[$tcInfo['id']]['priority_level']; $code .= '<tr><td width="' . $cfg['firstColWidth'] . '" valign="top">' . '<span class="label">' . $labels['priority'] . ':</span></td>' . '<td colspan="' . ($cfg['tableColspan'] - 1) . '">' . $cfg['priority'][$prio]; $code .= "</td></tr>\n"; } // Spacer $code .= '<tr><td colspan="' . $cfg['tableColspan'] . '">' . "</td></tr>"; $code .= $cfields['specScope']['standard_location'] . $cfields['execScope']; // $cfields = null; $prio_info = null; // $code = null; // 20140813 $relSet = $tc_mgr->getRelations($id); if (!is_null($relSet['relations'])) { // $fx = str_repeat(' ',5); // MAGIC allowed $code .= '<tr><td width="' . $cfg['firstColWidth'] . '" valign="top"><span class="label">' . $labels['relations'] . '</span></td>'; $code .= '<td>'; for ($rdx = 0; $rdx < $relSet['num_relations']; $rdx++) { if ($relSet['relations'][$rdx]['source_id'] == $id) { $ak = 'source_localized'; } else { $ak = 'destination_localized'; } $code .= htmlspecialchars($relSet['relations'][$rdx][$ak]) . ' - ' . htmlspecialchars($relSet['relations'][$rdx]['related_tcase']['fullExternalID']) . ':' . htmlspecialchars($relSet['relations'][$rdx]['related_tcase']['name']) . '<br>'; } $code .= '</td></tr>'; } $relSet = null; // collect REQ for TC if ($options['requirement']) { $requirements = $req_mgr->get_all_for_tcase($id); $code .= '<tr><td width="' . $cfg['firstColWidth'] . '" valign="top"><span class="label">' . $labels['reqs'] . '</span>'; $code .= '<td colspan="' . ($cfg['tableColspan'] - 1) . '">'; if (sizeof($requirements)) { foreach ($requirements as $req) { $code .= htmlspecialchars($req['req_doc_id'] . ": " . $req['title']) . "<br />"; } } else { $code .= ' ' . $labels['none'] . '<br />'; } $code .= "</td></tr>\n"; } $requirements = null; // collect keywords for TC if ($options['keyword']) { $code .= '<tr><td width="' . $cfg['firstColWidth'] . '" valign="top"><span class="label">' . $labels['keywords'] . ':</span>'; $code .= '<td colspan="' . ($cfg['tableColspan'] - 1) . '">'; $kwSet = $tc_mgr->getKeywords($id, null, array('fields' => 'keyword_id,keywords.keyword')); if (sizeof($kwSet)) { foreach ($kwSet as $kw) { $code .= htmlspecialchars($kw['keyword']) . "<br />"; } } else { $code .= ' ' . $labels['none'] . '<br>'; } $code .= "</td></tr>\n"; } $kwSet = null; // Attachments $attachSet = (array) $tc_mgr->getAttachmentInfos($id); if (count($attachSet) > 0) { $code .= '<tr><td> <span class="label">' . $labels['attached_files'] . '</span></td>'; $code .= '<td colspan="' . ($cfg['tableColspan'] - 2) . '"><ul>'; foreach ($attachSet as $item) { $fname = ""; if ($item['title']) { $fname .= htmlspecialchars($item['title']) . " : "; } $fname .= htmlspecialchars($item['file_name']); $code .= "<li>{$fname}</li>"; if ($item['is_image']) { $code .= '<li>' . '<img src="' . $env->base_href . 'lib/attachments/attachmentdownload.php?skipCheck=1&id=' . $item['id'] . '"> </li>'; } else { $code .= '<li>' . '<a href="' . $env->base_href . 'lib/attachments/attachmentdownload.php?skipCheck=1&id=' . $item['id'] . '" ' . ' target="#blank" > ' . htmlspecialchars($item['file_name']) . '</a></li>'; } } $code .= "</ul></td></tr>"; } $attachSet = null; // generate test results data for test report if ($options['passfail']) { $tsp = $cfg['tableColspan'] - 1; $code .= '<tr style="' . "font-weight: bold;background: #EEE;text-align: left;" . '">' . '<td width="' . $cfg['firstColWidth'] . '" valign="top">' . $labels['execution_details'] . '</td>' . '<td colspan="' . $tsp . '">' . " " . "</b></td></tr>\n"; $bn = ''; switch ($env->reportType) { case DOC_TEST_PLAN_EXECUTION_ON_BUILD: $ib = $build_mgr->get_by_id($build_id); $bn = htmlspecialchars($ib['name']); break; case DOC_TEST_PLAN_EXECUTION: if ($exec_info) { $bn = htmlspecialchars($exec_info[0]['build_name']); } break; } if ($bn != '') { $code .= '<tr><td width="' . $cfg['firstColWidth'] . '" valign="top">' . $labels['build'] . '</td>' . '<td ' . $tsp . '>' . $bn . "</b></td></tr>\n"; } if (isset($node['assigned_to'])) { $crew = explode(',', $node['assigned_to']); $code .= '<tr><td width="' . $cfg['firstColWidth'] . '" valign="top">' . $labels['assigned_to'] . '</td>' . '<td colspan="' . $tsp . '">'; $xdx = 0; foreach ($crew as $mm) { if ($xdx != 0) { $code .= ','; } $xdx = -1; echo $mm . '<br>'; $code .= gendocGetUserName($db, $mm); } $code .= "</td></tr>\n"; } if ($exec_info) { $settings['cfg'] = $cfg; $settings['lbl'] = $labels; $settings['opt'] = array('show_notes' => $options['notes']); $settings['colspan'] = $cfg['tableColspan'] - 1; $code .= buildTestExecResults($db, $its, $exec_info, $settings, $buildCfields); // Get Execution Attachments $execAttachInfo = getAttachmentInfos($docRepo, $exec_info[0]['execution_id'], $tables['executions'], true, 1); if (!is_null($execAttachInfo)) { $code .= '<tr><td colspan="' . $cfg['tableColspan'] . '">'; $code .= '<b>' . $labels['exec_attachments'] . '</b><br>'; foreach ($execAttachInfo as $fitem) { if ($fitem['is_image']) { $code .= "<li>" . htmlspecialchars($fitem['file_name']) . "</li>"; $code .= '<li>' . '<img src="' . $env->base_href . 'lib/attachments/attachmentdownload.php?skipCheck=1&id=' . $fitem['id'] . '"> </li>'; } else { $code .= '<li>' . '<a href="' . $env->base_href . 'lib/attachments/attachmentdownload.php?skipCheck=1&id=' . $fitem['id'] . '" ' . ' target="#blank" > ' . htmlspecialchars($fitem['file_name']) . '</a></li>'; } } $code .= '</td></tr>'; } } else { $code .= '<tr><td width="' . $cfg['firstColWidth'] . '" valign="top">' . '<span class="label">' . $labels['report_exec_result'] . '</span></td>' . '<td colspan="' . ($cfg['tableColspan'] - 1) . '"><b>' . $labels["test_status_not_run"] . "</b></td></tr>\n"; } $execAttachInfo = null; $exec_info = null; } $code .= "</table>\n</div>\n"; return $code; }
function initializeGui(&$dbHandler, &$argsObj, &$cfgObj, &$tplanMgr, &$tcaseMgr, &$issueTracker) { $buildMgr = new build_mgr($dbHandler); $platformMgr = new tlPlatform($dbHandler, $argsObj->tproject_id); $gui = new stdClass(); $gui->showExternalAccessString = true; $gui->showImgInlineString = false; $gui->issueSummaryForStep = null; $gui->addIssueOp = null; $gui->allowStepAttachments = true; $gui->tlCanCreateIssue = !is_null($issueTracker) && method_exists($issueTracker, 'addIssue'); $gui->remoteExecFeedback = $gui->user_feedback = ''; $gui->tplan_id = $argsObj->tplan_id; $gui->tproject_id = $argsObj->tproject_id; $gui->build_id = $argsObj->build_id; $gui->platform_id = $argsObj->platform_id; $gui->loadExecDashboard = false; $gui->treeFormToken = $argsObj->treeFormToken; $gui->import_limit = TL_REPOSITORY_MAXFILESIZE; $gui->execStatusValues = createResultsMenu(); $gui->execStatusValues[$cfgObj->tc_status['not_run']] = ''; if (isset($gui->execStatusValues[$cfgObj->tc_status['all']])) { unset($gui->execStatusValues[$cfgObj->tc_status['all']]); } $gui->can_use_bulk_op = 0; $gui->exec_notes_editors = null; $gui->bulk_exec_notes_editor = null; $gui->req_details = null; $gui->attachmentInfos = null; $gui->bugs = null; $gui->other_exec_cfields = null; $gui->ownerDisplayName = null; $gui->editorType = $cfgObj->editorCfg['type']; $gui->filter_assigned_to = $argsObj->filter_assigned_to; $gui->tester_id = $argsObj->user_id; $gui->include_unassigned = $argsObj->include_unassigned; $gui->tpn_view_status = $argsObj->tpn_view_status; $gui->bn_view_status = $argsObj->bn_view_status; $gui->bc_view_status = $argsObj->bc_view_status; $gui->platform_notes_view_status = $argsObj->platform_notes_view_status; $gui->refreshTree = $argsObj->refreshTree; if (!$argsObj->statusSingle || current($argsObj->statusSingle) == $cfgObj->tc_status['not_run']) { $gui->refreshTree = 0; } $gui->map_last_exec_any_build = null; $gui->map_last_exec = null; // 20081122 - franciscom // Just for the records: // doing this here, we avoid to do on processTestSuite() and processTestCase(), // but absolutely this will not improve in ANY WAY perfomance, because we do not loop // over these two functions. $tprojectMgr = new testproject($dbHandler); $gui->tcasePrefix = $tprojectMgr->getTestCasePrefix($argsObj->tproject_id); $build_info = $buildMgr->get_by_id($argsObj->build_id); $gui->build_notes = $build_info['notes']; $gui->build_is_open = $build_info['is_open'] == 1 ? 1 : 0; $gui->execution_types = $tcaseMgr->get_execution_types(); if ($argsObj->filter_assigned_to) { $userSet = tlUser::getByIds($dbHandler, array_values($argsObj->filter_assigned_to)); if ($userSet) { foreach ($userSet as $key => $userObj) { $gui->ownerDisplayName[$key] = $userObj->getDisplayName(); } } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ $dummy = $tplanMgr->get_builds_for_html_options($argsObj->tplan_id); $gui->build_name = isset($dummy[$argsObj->build_id]) ? $dummy[$argsObj->build_id] : ''; $gui->build_div_title = lang_get('build') . ' ' . $gui->build_name; $gui->exec_mode = initializeExecMode($dbHandler, $cfgObj->exec_cfg, $argsObj->user, $argsObj->tproject_id, $argsObj->tplan_id); $gui->grants = initializeRights($dbHandler, $argsObj->user, $argsObj->tproject_id, $argsObj->tplan_id); $rs = $tplanMgr->get_by_id($argsObj->tplan_id); $gui->testplan_notes = $rs['notes']; $gui->testplan_div_title = lang_get('test_plan') . ' ' . $rs['name']; $argsObj->tplan_apikey = $rs['api_key']; // Important note: // custom fields for test plan can be edited ONLY on design, that's reason why we are using // scope = 'design' instead of 'execution' $gui->testplan_cfields = $tplanMgr->html_table_of_custom_field_values($argsObj->tplan_id, 'design', array('show_on_execution' => 1)); $gui->build_cfields = $buildMgr->html_table_of_custom_field_values($argsObj->build_id, $argsObj->tproject_id, 'design', array('show_on_execution' => 1)); $gui->history_on = manage_history_on($_REQUEST, $_SESSION, $cfgObj->exec_cfg, 'btn_history_on', 'btn_history_off', 'history_on'); $gui->history_status_btn_name = $gui->history_on ? 'btn_history_off' : 'btn_history_on'; $dummy = $platformMgr->getLinkedToTestplan($argsObj->tplan_id); $gui->has_platforms = !is_null($dummy) ? 1 : 0; $gui->platform_info['id'] = 0; $gui->platform_info['name'] = ''; if (!is_null($argsObj->platform_id) && $argsObj->platform_id > 0) { $gui->platform_info = $platformMgr->getByID($argsObj->platform_id); } $gui->platform_div_title = lang_get('platform') . ' ' . $gui->platform_info['name']; $gui->issueTrackerIntegrationOn = $gui->tlCanCreateIssue = $gui->tlCanAddIssueNote = false; $gui->node_id = $argsObj->id; $gui->draw_save_and_exit = $argsObj->caller == 'tcAssignedToMe'; $gui->issueTrackerCfg = new stdClass(); $gui->issueTrackerCfg->bugSummaryMaxLength = 100; // MAGIC I'm sorry $gui->issueTrackerCfg->editIssueAttr = false; if (!is_null($issueTracker)) { if ($issueTracker->isConnected()) { $itsCfg = $issueTracker->getCfg(); $gui->issueTrackerCfg->bugSummaryMaxLength = $issueTracker->getBugSummaryMaxLength(); $gui->issueTrackerCfg->editIssueAttr = intval($itsCfg->userinteraction); $gui->issueTrackerIntegrationOn = true; $gui->accessToIssueTracker = lang_get('link_bts_create_bug') . "({$argsObj->itsCfg['issuetracker_name']})"; $gui->createIssueURL = $issueTracker->getEnterBugURL(); $gui->tlCanCreateIssue = method_exists($issueTracker, 'addIssue') && $issueTracker->canCreateViaAPI(); $gui->tlCanAddIssueNote = method_exists($issueTracker, 'addNote'); } else { $gui->user_feedback = lang_get('issue_tracker_integration_problems'); } } // get matadata $gui->issueTrackerMetaData = null; if ($gui->issueTrackerCfg->editIssueAttr == 1) { $gui->issueTrackerMetaData = !is_null($issueTracker) ? getIssueTrackerMetaData($issueTracker) : null; $k2c = array('issueType', 'issuePriority', 'artifactVersion', 'artifactComponent'); foreach ($k2c as $kj) { $gui->{$kj} = $argsObj->{$kj}; $kx = $kj . 'ForStep'; $gui->{$kx} = $argsObj->{$kx}; } } return $gui; }
$linked_tcversions = $tplan_mgr->get_linked_tcversions($tplan_id); new dBug($linked_tcversions); // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- echo "<hr><h2> Build Manager Class </h2>"; echo "<pre> build manager - constructor - build_mgr(&\$db)"; echo "</pre>"; $build_mgr = new build_mgr($db); new dBug($build_mgr); $all_builds = $tplan_mgr->get_builds($tplan_id); $dummy = array_keys($all_builds); $build_id = $dummy[0]; echo "<pre> build manager - get_by_id(\$id)"; echo "</pre>"; echo "<pre> get_by_id({$build_id})"; echo "</pre>"; $build_info = $build_mgr->get_by_id($build_id); new dBug($build_info); /* // getKeywords($testproject_id,$keywordID = null) $tplan_id=1; echo "<pre> testplan - getKeywords(\$testproject_id,\$keywordID = null)";echo "</pre>"; echo "<pre> getKeywords($tplan_id)";echo "</pre>"; $keywords=$tplan_mgr->getKeywords($tplan_id); new dBug($keywords); echo "<pre> testplan - get_keywords_map(\$testproject_id)";echo "</pre>"; $tplan_id=1; echo "<pre> get_keywords_map($tplan_id)";echo "</pre>"; $keywords_map=$tplan_mgr->get_keywords_map($tplan_id);