function output() { global $_G; if (true === BigAppConf::$debug) { $_G['trace'][] = __CLASS__ . '::' . __FUNCTION__; } $variable = array(); if (isset($_G['messageparam'])) { foreach ($_G['messageparam'] as $value) { if (is_array($value) && isset($value['favid'])) { $variable['favid'] = $value['favid']; break; } } } if (!isset($variable['favid'])) { $sql = 'SELECT favid FROM ' . DB::table('home_favorite') . ' WHERE uid = ' . $_G['uid'] . ' AND id = ' . $_GET['id'] . ' AND idtype = \'fid\''; $query = DB::query($sql); while ($dbRet = DB::fetch($query)) { if (isset($dbRet['favid'])) { $variable['favid'] = $dbRet['favid']; break; } } } if (!isset($variable['favid'])) { $variable['favid'] = 0; } bigapp_core::result(bigapp_core::variable($variable)); }
function output() { global $_G; //如果拉取过,就在db里面标明 if (isset($_REQUEST['pull']) && isset($_REQUEST['pull']) == '1') { $setting = array('bigapp_similes_zip' => '1'); C::t('common_setting')->update_batch($setting); $variable['pull'] = '1'; } else { if (!isset($_REQUEST['type']) || isset($_REQUEST['type']) && $_REQUEST['type'] == '0') { //$type_cnt = 0; foreach (C::t('forum_imagetype')->fetch_all_by_type('smiley') as $type) { $available = $type['available']; if ($available == '0') { continue; } $id = $type['typeid']; $tmp = array(); $tmp['name'] = $type['name']; $tmp['directory'] = $type['directory']; $smiley_cnt = 0; foreach (C::t('common_smiley')->fetch_all_by_typeid_type($id, 'smiley') as $smiley) { $tmp['smiley'][$smiley_cnt]['code'] = $smiley['code']; $tmp['smiley'][$smiley_cnt]['url'] = $smiley['url']; $tmp['smiley'][$smiley_cnt]['id'] = $smiley['id']; $smiley_cnt++; } $variable['smilies'][] = $tmp; } } } bigapp_core::result(bigapp_core::variable($variable)); }
/** * add new comment * @param int $id post id * @param string $comment comment value * @param int $parent_id 父评论的ID */ public function add_comment($id, $comment, $author = '', $email = '', $parent_id = 0, $type = 0) { if (empty($id) || empty($comment)) { json_error(BigAppErr::$comment['code'], "empty id or comment"); } $user_id = get_current_user_id(); $comment_type = bigapp_core::check_comment_status(); if ($comment_type == 2 && $user_id == 0) { if ($author == '' or $email == '') { json_error(BigAppErr::$comment['code'], 'need email or author'); } if (false == check_email($email)) { json_error(BigAppErr::$comment['code'], 'email format is wrong'); } } if ($comment_type == 3) { if ($user_id == 0) { json_error(BigAppErr::$login['code'], 'need login'); } } $commentdata = array("comment_post_ID" => $id, 'comment_content' => $comment, 'comment_approved' => 1, 'comment_author' => $author, 'comment_author_email' => $email, 'comment_parent' => $parent_id, "user_ID" => $user_id); $result = wp_new_comment($commentdata); if (!$result) { json_error(BigAppErr::$comment['code'], "creat new comment failed"); } return array('id' => $result); }
public function output() { global $_G; if (!empty($GLOBALS['totalcomment'])) { $totalcomment = strip_tags($GLOBALS['totalcomment']); $info = explode(' ', $totalcomment); $data = array(); foreach ($info as $index => $comment) { if ($comment) { if (is_numeric($comment)) { $data[$index / 2]['score'] = $comment; } else { $data[$index / 2]['option'] = $comment; } } } $GLOBALS['totalcomment'] = array_reverse($data); } $variable = array(); $variable['comments'] = $GLOBALS['comments']; $variable['totalcomment'] = $GLOBALS['totalcomment']; $variable['count'] = $GLOBALS['count']; $variable['need_more'] = $GLOBALS['count'] > $_GET['page'] * $_G['setting']['commentnumber'] ? 1 : 0; bigapp_core::result(bigapp_core::variable($variable)); }
public function output() { global $_G; //echo json_encode($_G['group']); die(0); //echo json_encode($maxratetoday); die(0); // 评分项列表 $raterange = $_G['group']['raterange']; $maxratetoday = getratingleft($raterange); $creditmap = $_G['setting']['extcredits']; $ratelist = array(); $isself = 0; foreach ($raterange as $extcredits => &$im) { if (!isset($creditmap[$extcredits])) { continue; } $im["extcredits"] = $extcredits; $im["title"] = $creditmap[$extcredits]["title"]; $im["todayleft"] = $maxratetoday[$extcredits]; $ratelist[] = $im; if ($im['isself'] == 1) { $isself = 1; } } // 评分理由列表 $reasons = explode("\n", $_G['setting']["userreasons"]); foreach ($reasons as $k => &$v) { $v = trim($v); if ($v == "") { unset($reasons[$k]); } } $variable = array("status" => isset($_G['messageparam'][0]) ? 0 : 1, "isself" => $isself, "ratelist" => $ratelist, "reasons" => $reasons); bigapp_core::result(bigapp_core::variable($variable)); die(0); }
public function output() { global $_G; if (true === BigAppConf::$debug) { $_G['trace'][] = __CLASS__ . '::' . __FUNCTION__; } loadcache('forums'); foreach ($GLOBALS['data']['hot']['threadlist'] as $tid => &$thread) { if (!isset($_G['cache']['stamps'][$thread['icon']]['url'])) { $thread['icon'] = -1; } $thread['forum_name'] = $_G['cache']['forums'][$thread['fid']]['name']; } //echo json_encode($GLOBALS['data']['hot']['threadlist']); //die(0); unset($thread); $GLOBALS['data']['hot']['threadlist'] = bigapp_core::getvalues($GLOBALS['data']['hot']['threadlist'], array('/^\\d+$/'), array('tid', 'attachment', 'avatar', 'subject', 'author', 'views', 'replies', 'forum_name', 'authorid', 'dateline')); if (is_null($GLOBALS['data']['hot']['threadlist']) || !is_array($GLOBALS['data']['hot']['threadlist'])) { $GLOBALS['data']['hot']['threadlist'] = array(); } foreach ($GLOBALS['data']['hot']['threadlist'] as $tid => $thread) { $GLOBALS['data']['hot']['threadlist'][$tid]['avatar'] = avatar($thread['authorid'], 'big', true); $GLOBALS['data']['hot']['threadlist'][$tid]['dateline'] = str_replace(' ', '', $GLOBALS['data']['hot']['threadlist'][$tid]['dateline']); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// BigAppAPI::_getDetails($GLOBALS['data']['hot']['threadlist']); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// $variable = array('data' => array_values($GLOBALS['data']['hot']['threadlist']), 'perpage' => $GLOBALS['perpage']); bigapp_core::result(bigapp_core::variable($variable)); }
public function output() { global $_G; $messageval = $_G['messageparam'][0]; $variable = array("status" => 1, "message_val" => $messageval); bigapp_core::result(bigapp_core::variable($variable)); }
function output() { global $_G; if (true === BigAppConf::$debug) { $_G['trace'][] = __CLASS__ . '::' . __FUNCTION__; } $list = array_values($GLOBALS['list']); $tids = array(); foreach ($list as $key => $value) { $tids[] = $value['id']; } if ($tids) { $threadinfo = C::t('forum_thread')->fetch_all($tids); } foreach ($list as $key => $value) { $list[$key]['replies'] = $threadinfo[$value['id']]['replies']; $list[$key]['author'] = $threadinfo[$value['id']]['author']; } if (!isset($_GET['page']) || !is_numeric($_GET['page']) || $_GET['page'] <= 0) { $_GET['page'] = 1; } $start = $GLOBALS['perpage'] * ($_GET['page'] - 1); $end = count($GLOBALS['list']) + $start; if ($end >= $GLOBALS['count']) { $GLOBALS['need_more'] = 0; } else { $GLOBALS['need_more'] = 1; } $variable = array('list' => $list, 'perpage' => $GLOBALS['perpage'], 'count' => $GLOBALS['count'], 'need_more' => $GLOBALS['need_more']); bigapp_core::result(bigapp_core::variable($variable)); }
public function output() { global $_G; if (true === BigAppConf::$debug) { $_G['trace'][] = __CLASS__ . '::' . __FUNCTION__; } bigapp_core::result(bigapp_core::variable($G)); }
public function output() { global $_G; $variable = array(); $variable['list'] = array_values($GLOBALS['list']); $variable['count'] = $GLOBALS['count']; $variable['need_more'] = $GLOBALS['count'] > $GLOBALS['page'] * $GLOBALS['perpage'] ? 1 : 0; bigapp_core::result(bigapp_core::variable($variable)); }
function output() { global $_G; if (true === BigAppConf::$debug) { $_G['trace'][] = __CLASS__ . '::' . __FUNCTION__; } $variable = array('pmid' => $GLOBALS['return']); bigapp_core::result(bigapp_core::variable($variable)); }
public function output() { global $_G; $status = 0; if ($messageval == 'thread_rate_succeed') { $status = 1; } $variable = array("status" => $status); bigapp_core::result(bigapp_core::variable($variable)); }
public function output() { global $_G; $messageval = $_G['messageparam'][0]; $variable = array("status" => 0, "messageval" => $messageval, "show_message" => preg_replace("'<script[^>]*?>.*?</script>'si", "", $GLOBALS['show_message'])); $errmsgvals = array('space_does_not_exist', 'submit_invalid'); if (in_array($messageval, $errmsgvals)) { $variable["status"] = 1; } bigapp_core::result(bigapp_core::variable($variable)); }
function output() { global $_G; if (true === BigAppConf::$debug) { $_G['trace'][] = __CLASS__ . '::' . __FUNCTION__; } $variable = array('messageval' => 'unkown_error', 'messagestr' => 'unkown error'); if (isset($_G['Message'])) { $variable = $_G['Message']; } bigapp_core::result(bigapp_core::variable($variable)); }
function check() { $plat = $_GET["platform"]; if ($plat == "qq") { include_once CUR_PATH . "/../qqconnect/check.php"; } if ($plat == "wechat") { include_once CUR_PATH . "/../wechatconnect/check.php"; } $variable["message"] = "unkown_plat"; bigapp_core::result(bigapp_core::variable($variable)); }
function output() { global $_G; $GLOBALS['space']['avatar'] = ''; if (isset($GLOBALS['space']['uid']) && !empty($GLOBALS['space']['uid'])) { $GLOBALS['space']['avatar'] = avatar($GLOBALS['space']['uid'], 'big', true); $GLOBALS['space']['avatar'] = str_replace("\r", '', $GLOBALS['space']['avatar']); $GLOBALS['space']['avatar'] = str_replace("\n", '', $GLOBALS['space']['avatar']); } $tmp = bigapp_core::getvalues($GLOBALS['space'], array('uid', 'username', 'regdate', 'avatar', 'credits', 'gender', 'posts', 'threads', 'constellation', 'realname', 'group', 'self', 'friends', 'feedfriend')); $tmp['self'] = strval($tmp['self']); foreach ($_G['setting']['extcredits'] as $idx => $detail) { if (isset($GLOBALS['space']['extcredits' . $idx])) { $tmp['extcredits'][] = array('value' => $GLOBALS['space']['extcredits' . $idx], 'name' => $detail['title']); } } if (!isset($tmp['posts'])) { $tmp['posts'] = 0; } if (!isset($tmp['threads'])) { $tmp['threads'] = 0; } $tmp['posts'] = $tmp['posts'] - $tmp['threads']; if ($tmp['posts'] < 0) { $tmp['posts'] = 0; } $GLOBALS['space'] = $tmp; $GLOBALS['space']['group'] = bigapp_core::getvalues($GLOBALS['space']['group'], array('grouptitle')); if (empty($GLOBALS['space']['group'])) { unset($GLOBALS['space']['group']); } else { $GLOBALS['space']['group']['grouptitle'] = preg_replace('/<.*?\\>/', '', $GLOBALS['space']['group']['grouptitle']); } if (!isset($GLOBALS['space']['constellation'])) { $GLOBALS['space']['constellation'] = ''; } $GLOBALS['space']['is_my_friend'] = 0; if (isset($GLOBALS['space']['feedfriend']) && $GLOBALS['space']['feedfriend'] != "") { $member_uid = $_G['uid']; $feedfriend = $GLOBALS['space']['feedfriend']; if ($member_uid == $feedfriend) { $GLOBALS['space']['is_my_friend'] = 1; } else { $arr = explode(",", $feedfriend); if (count($arr) > 0 && in_array($member_uid, $arr)) { $GLOBALS['space']['is_my_friend'] = 1; } } } }
public function output() { global $_G; $status = "1"; if (!$_G['setting']['commentnumber']) { $status = "0"; } $thread = C::t('forum_thread')->fetch($_GET['tid']); if ($thread['closed'] && !$_G['forum']['ismoderator']) { $status = "0"; } $post = C::t('forum_post')->fetch('tid:' . $_G['tid'], $_GET['pid']); if ($_G['group']['allowcommentitem'] && !empty($_G['uid']) && $post['authorid'] != $_G['uid']) { $thread = C::t('forum_thread')->fetch($post['tid']); $itemi = $thread['special']; if ($thread['special'] > 0) { if ($thread['special'] == 2) { $thread['special'] = $post['first'] || C::t('forum_trade')->check_goods($post['pid']) ? 2 : 0; } elseif ($thread['special'] == 127) { $thread['special'] = $_GET['special']; } else { $thread['special'] = $post['first'] ? $thread['special'] : 0; } } //$_G['setting']['commentitem'] = $_G['setting']['commentitem'][$thread['special']]; if ($thread['special'] == 0) { loadcache('forums'); if ($_G['cache']['forums'][$post['fid']]['commentitem']) { $_G['setting']['commentitem'] = $_G['cache']['forums'][$post['fid']]['commentitem']; } } if ($_G['setting']['commentitem'] && !C::t('forum_postcomment')->count_by_pid($_GET['pid'], $_G['uid'], 1)) { $commentitem = explode("\n", $_G['setting']['commentitem']); } } $variable = array(); $variable['status'] = $status; if ($status) { if (is_array($commentitem)) { foreach ($commentitem as $item) { $item = trim($item); $variable['comment_fields'][] = array("fieldid" => "commentitem[{$item}]", "title" => $item); } } $variable['comment_fields'][] = array("fieldid" => "message", "title" => "发表观点"); } bigapp_core::result(bigapp_core::variable($variable)); }
function uploadmsg($statusid) { global $_G; $errorMap = array(0 => '上传成功', 10 => '非法提交', 2 => '上传失败', 6 => '附件个数超限制', 1 => '非法附件后缀', 2 => '上传失败', 3 => '附件超最大限制', 4 => '附件超最大限制', 5 => '附件超最大限制', 11 => '今日附件总大小超限制', 8 => '保存图片失败', 9 => '保存附件失败', 7 => '文件格式不一致'); $msg = '附件提交失败'; if (isset($errorMap[$statusid])) { $msg = $errorMap[$statusid]; } if (function_exists('iconv')) { $msg = iconv('UTF-8', CHARSET . '//ignore', $msg); } else { $msg = mb_convert_encoding($msg, CHARSET, 'UTF-8'); } $variable = array('code' => $statusid, 'message' => $msg, 'ret' => array('aId' => $this->aid, 'relative_url' => $this->attach['attachment'], 'abs_url' => ApiUtils::getDzRoot() . $_G['setting']['attachurl'] . 'forum/' . $this->attach['attachment'], 'image' => $this->attach['isimage'] ? -1 : 2)); bigapp_core::result(bigapp_core::variable($variable)); }
public function output() { global $_G; $variable = array("count" => $GLOBALS['count'], "list" => array_values(mobile_core::getvalues($GLOBALS['list'], array('/^.+?$/'), array('uid', 'username', 'gid', 'groupid', 'adminid')))); foreach ($variable["list"] as &$item) { $uid = $item["uid"]; $gid = $item["groupid"]; //unset($item["gid"]); //$item["groupid"] = $gid; $item["groupname"] = "unknown"; if (isset($_G['cache']['usergroups'][$gid]['grouptitle'])) { $item['groupname'] = preg_replace('/<.*?\\>/', '', $_G['cache']['usergroups'][$gid]['grouptitle']); } $item["avatar"] = avatar($uid, 'big', 'true'); } bigapp_core::result(bigapp_core::variable($variable)); }
function output() { $search = array("'<script[^>]*?>.*?</script>'si", "'<img.*src=\"(.*)\" .*>'iU", "'<a.*href=\"(.*)\".*target=\"_blank\">(.*)<\\/a>'iU", "'<[\\/\\!]*?[^<>]*?>'si", "'&(quot|#34);'i", "'&(amp|#38);'i", "'&(lt|#60);'i", "'&(gt|#62);'i", "'&(nbsp|#160);'i", "'&(iexcl|#161);'i", "'&(cent|#162);'i", "'&(pound|#163);'i", "'&(copy|#169);'i", "'\\\\r\\\\n'i"); $replace = array("", "[img]\\1[/img]", "[url]\\1[/url]", "", "\"", "&", "<", ">", " ", chr(161), chr(162), chr(163), chr(169), "\r\n"); foreach ($GLOBALS['list'] as &$value) { if (isset($value['message'])) { $message = preg_replace($search, $replace, $value['message']); $message = preg_replace_callback("/&#(\\d+);/i", function ($m) { return chr($m[1]); }, $message); if (function_exists('iconv')) { $message = iconv(CHARSET, 'UTF-8//ignore', $message); } else { $message = mb_convert_encoding($message, 'UTF-8', CHARSET); } $message = $ret = preg_replace_callback('/\\[img](.*)\\[\\/img]/U', 'BigAppAPI::callback', $message); $value['message'] = '__DONT_DICONV_TO_UTF8___' . $message; } if (isset($value['msgtoid'])) { $value['msgtoid_avatar'] = avatar($value['msgtoid'], 'big', 'true'); $value['msgtoid_avatar'] = str_replace("\r", '', $value['msgtoid_avatar']); $value['msgtoid_avatar'] = str_replace("\n", '', $value['msgtoid_avatar']); } if (isset($value['msgfromid'])) { $value['msgfromid_avatar'] = avatar($value['msgfromid'], 'big', 'true'); $value['msgfromid_avatar'] = str_replace("\r", '', $value['msgfromid_avatar']); $value['msgfromid_avatar'] = str_replace("\n", '', $value['msgfromid_avatar']); } } unset($value); $variable = array('list' => bigapp_core::getvalues($GLOBALS['list'], array('/^\\d+$/'), array('plid', 'isnew', 'pmnum', 'lastupdate', 'lastdateline', 'authorid', 'author', 'pmtype', 'subject', 'members', 'dateline', 'touid', 'pmid', 'lastauthorid', 'lastauthor', 'lastsummary', 'msgfromid', 'msgfrom', 'message', 'msgtoid', 'msgtoid_avatar', 'msgfromid_avatar', 'tousername')), 'count' => $GLOBALS['count'], 'perpage' => $GLOBALS['perpage'], 'page' => intval($GLOBALS['page'])); $start = $variable['perpage'] * ($variable['page'] - 1); $end = count($variable['list']) + $start; if ($end >= $variable['count']) { $variable['need_more'] = 0; } else { $variable['need_more'] = 1; } if ($_GET['subop']) { $variable = array_merge($variable, array('pmid' => $GLOBALS['pmid'])); } $variable['list'] = array_values($variable['list']); bigapp_core::result(bigapp_core::variable($variable)); }
function output() { global $_G; $perpage = 20; $page = isset($_G['page']) ? $_G['page'] : 1; $start = $perpage * ($page - 1); $view = $_GET['view']; $data[$view] = BigAppAPI::get_guide_list($view, $start, $perpage); $threadsInfo = isset($data[$view]['threadlist']) ? $data[$view]['threadlist'] : array(); //数据映射 foreach ($threadsInfo as $tid => &$thread) { if (!isset($_G['cache']['stamps'][$thread['icon']]['url'])) { $thread['icon'] = -1; } $thread['forum_name'] = $_G['cache']['forums'][$thread['fid']]['name']; } unset($thread); $threadsInfo = bigapp_core::getvalues($threadsInfo, array('/^\\d+$/'), array('tid', 'fid', 'posttableid', 'attachment', 'avatar', 'subject', 'author', 'views', 'replies', 'forum_name', 'authorid', 'icon', 'digest', 'dateline')); if (is_null($threadsInfo) || !is_array($threadsInfo)) { $threadsInfo = array(); } foreach ($threadsInfo as $tid => $thread) { $threadsInfo[$tid]['avatar'] = avatar($thread['authorid'], 'big', true); $threadsInfo[$tid]['dateline'] = str_replace(' ', '', $threadsInfo[$tid]['dateline']); $threadsInfo[$tid]['dateline'] = preg_replace('/<.*?\\>/', '', $threadsInfo[$tid]['dateline']); } //filter " foreach ($threadsInfo as &$thread) { $thread['subject'] = str_replace('"', '"', $thread['subject']); } BigAppAPI::_getDetails($threadsInfo); $thread_count = isset($data[$view]['threadcount']) ? $data[$view]['threadcount'] : 0; $need_more = $perpage * $page < $thread_count ? '1' : '0'; $pic_mode = isset($_GET['style']) ? $_GET['style'] : '2'; foreach ($threadsInfo as $tid => &$thread) { if ('2' == $pic_mode) { //无图模式 $thread['attachment_urls'] = array(); $thread['message_abstract'] = ""; } } $variable = array("data" => array_values($threadsInfo), "count" => $thread_count, "page" => $page, "need_more" => $need_more, "pic_mode" => $pic_mode); bigapp_core::result(bigapp_core::variable($variable)); }
public function output() { global $_G; $only_count = false; if (isset($_GET["only_count"]) && $_GET["only_count"] == 1) { $only_count = true; } if ($only_count) { $variable = array("count" => $GLOBALS['count']); bigapp_core::result(bigapp_core::variable($variable)); return; } $variable = array("count" => $GLOBALS['count'], "list" => array_values(mobile_core::getvalues($GLOBALS['list'], array('/^.+?$/'), array('fuid', 'fusername', 'note', 'dateline', 'gid')))); $uidarr = array(); foreach ($variable["list"] as &$item) { $uid = $item["fuid"]; $username = $item["fusername"]; unset($item["fuid"]); unset($item["fusername"]); $item["uid"] = $uid; $item["username"] = $username; $item["avatar"] = avatar($uid, 'big', 'true'); $uidarr[] = $uid; } //////////////////////////////// // map group $ugmap = BigAppAPI::get_user_group_map($uidarr); foreach ($variable["list"] as &$item) { $uid = $item["uid"]; $item["groupname"] = "unknown"; if (!isset($ugmap[$uid])) { $item["groupid"] = 0; } else { $gid = $ugmap[$uid]; $item["groupid"] = $gid; if (isset($_G['cache']['usergroups'][$gid]['grouptitle'])) { $item['groupname'] = preg_replace('/<.*?\\>/', '', $_G['cache']['usergroups'][$gid]['grouptitle']); } } } //////////////////////////////// bigapp_core::result(bigapp_core::variable($variable)); }
public function output() { global $_G; $creditmap = $_G['setting']['extcredits']; $variable = array("list" => $GLOBALS["loglist"]); foreach ($variable["list"] as $k => &$im) { //$im["credit"] $extcredits = $im["extcredits"]; if (!isset($creditmap[$extcredits])) { unset($variable["list"][$k]); } else { $im["credit"] = $creditmap[$extcredits]["title"]; unset($im["pid"]); unset($im["extcredits"]); unset($im["dateline"]); } } bigapp_core::result(bigapp_core::variable($variable)); }
function common() { global $_G; if (!isset($_GET['fid']) && isset($_GET['tid'])) { $sql = 'SELECT fid FROM ' . DB::table('forum_thread') . ' WHERE tid = ' . intval($_GET['tid']); $query = DB::query($sql); $fid = null; while ($tmp = DB::fetch($query)) { $fid = $tmp['fid']; break; } loadforum($fid, null); } $apifile = dirname(__FILE__) . '/sub_checkpost.php'; if (file_exists($apifile)) { require_once $apifile; } bigapp_core::result(bigapp_core::variable(bigapp_api_sub::getvariable())); }
function output() { global $_G; global $GLOBALS; if (true === BigAppConf::$debug) { $_G['trace'][] = __CLASS__ . '::' . __FUNCTION__; } $GLOBALS['list'] = (array) $GLOBALS['list']; foreach ($GLOBALS['list'] as &$value) { $value['dateline'] = str_replace(' ', '', $value['dateline']); $value['dateline'] = preg_replace('/<.*?\\>/', '', $value['dateline']); $value['lastpost'] = str_replace(' ', '', $value['lastpost']); $value['lastpost'] = preg_replace('/<.*?\\>/', '', $value['lastpost']); $value['forum_name'] = $value['forumname']; unset($value['forumname']); } unset($value); $GLOBALS['list'] = bigapp_core::getvalues($GLOBALS['list'], array('/^\\d+$/'), array('author', 'forum_name', 'message', 'pid', 'subject', 'dateline', 'tid', 'replies', 'views', 'avatar', 'lastpost', 'lastposter', 'authorid', 'fid')); $GLOBALS['posts'] = (array) $GLOBALS['posts']; foreach ($GLOBALS['posts'] as &$value) { $value['dateline'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $value['dateline']); } $GLOBALS['posts'] = bigapp_core::getvalues($GLOBALS['posts'], array('/^\\d+$/'), array('author', 'forum_name', 'message', 'pid', 'subject', 'dateline', 'tid', 'replies', 'views', 'avatar', 'lastpost', 'lastposter', 'authorid', 'fid')); unset($value); if (!empty($_GET['uid'])) { $variable['avatar'] = avatar($_GET['uid'], 'big', 'true'); } else { $variable['avatar'] = avatar($_G['uid'], 'big', 'true'); } $variable['avatar'] = str_replace("\r", '', $variable['avatar']); $variable['avatar'] = str_replace("\n", '', $variable['avatar']); $variable['data'] = (array) $GLOBALS['list']; foreach ($GLOBALS['posts'] as $value) { if (isset($variable['data'][$value['tid']])) { $variable['data'][$value['tid']]['details'][] = $value; } } $variable['data'] = array_values($variable['data']); bigapp_core::result($variable); }
public static function outputList() { global $_G; $variable = array('applylist' => array()); if (isset($GLOBALS['applylist']) && !empty($GLOBALS['applylist'])) { $variable['applylist'] = $GLOBALS['applylist']; } foreach ($variable['applylist'] as &$v) { $v['can_select'] = 1; if ($_G['uid'] === $v['uid']) { $v['can_select'] = 0; } $v['dateline'] = str_replace(' ', ' ', $v['dateline']); /*$ufielddata = $v['ufielddata']; $ufielddata = str_replace('</li><li>', '__s__', $ufielddata); $ufielddata = str_replace('<li>', '', $ufielddata); $ufielddata = str_replace('</li>', '', $ufielddata); $ufielddata = explode('__s__', $ufielddata); $v['ufielddata'] = array(); foreach ($ufielddata as $item){ $item = explode(':', $item); if(is_array($item) && count($item) === 2){ $k = trim($item[0]); $_v = trim($item[1]); $k = str_replace(' ', '', $k); $_v = str_replace(' ', '', $_v); $k = preg_replace('/<.*?\>/', '', $k); $_v = preg_replace('/<.*?\>/', '', $_v); $_v = str_replace("\r\n", ',', $_v); } $v['ufielddata'][$k] = $_v; } if(empty($v['ufielddata'])){ unset($v['ufielddata']); }*/ } unset($v); bigapp_core::result(bigapp_core::variable($variable)); }
public function output() { global $_G; $map = array(); foreach ($GLOBALS["nearlist"] as $uid => &$item) { $map[$uid] = $item; } foreach ($GLOBALS["onlinelist"] as $uid => &$item) { $map[$uid] = $item; } $variable = array("count" => count($map), "list" => array_values(mobile_core::getvalues($map, array('/^.+?$/'), array('uid', 'username', 'groupid')))); foreach ($variable["list"] as &$item) { $uid = $item["uid"]; $gid = $item["groupid"]; $item["groupname"] = "unknown"; if (isset($_G['cache']['usergroups'][$gid]['grouptitle'])) { $item['groupname'] = preg_replace('/<.*?\\>/', '', $_G['cache']['usergroups'][$gid]['grouptitle']); } $item["avatar"] = avatar($uid, 'big', 'true'); } bigapp_core::result(bigapp_core::variable($variable)); }
function output() { global $_G; $variable = array('pmid' => $GLOBALS['return'], 'message' => $_POST['show_message']); if (isset($_G['setting']['bigapp_push_config']) && is_string($_G['setting']['bigapp_push_config'])) { $_G['setting']['bigapp_push_config'] = unserialize($_G['setting']['bigapp_push_config']); } if (!isset($_G['setting']['bigapp_push_config']['push_enabled'])) { $_G['setting']['bigapp_push_config']['push_enabled'] = 1; } if ($_G['setting']['bigapp_push_config']['push_enabled']) { if ($GLOBALS['return'] > 0) { $sql = 'SELECT uid, username FROM ' . DB::table('common_member') . ' WHERE uid IN (' . $_G['uid'] . ', ' . $_REQUEST['touid'] . ')'; $query = DB::query($sql); $uid = null; $touid = null; $user = null; $touser = null; while ($tmp = DB::fetch($query)) { if ($tmp['uid'] === $_G['uid']) { $uid = $_G['uid']; $user = $tmp['username']; continue; } $touid = $tmp['uid']; $touser = $tmp['username']; } if (!is_null($uid) && !is_null($touid) && !is_null($user) && !is_null($touser) && $uid != $touid) { if (function_exists('iconv')) { $user = iconv(CHARSET, 'UTF-8//ignore', $user); $touser = iconv(CHARSET, 'UTF-8//ignore', $touser); } else { $user = mb_convert_encoding($user, 'UTF-8', CHARSET); $touser = mb_convert_encoding($touser, 'UTF-8', CHARSET); } $title = '您有新的消息,请注意查收'; $content = "用户 {$user} 向您发来新消息,详情点击查看"; $extra = array('user' => '__DONT_DICONV_TO_UTF8___' . $user, 'touser' => '__DONT_DICONV_TO_UTF8___' . $touser, 'uid' => $uid, 'touid' => $touid, 'pmid' => $GLOBALS['return'], 'message' => '__DONT_DICONV_TO_UTF8___' . $_REQUEST['message']); require_once dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__))) . '/libs/'; $ret = PushMsg::sendMessage($touid, $title, $content, 1, $extra, 1); //仅仅推送消息 $result = 'fail'; if (true === $ret) { $result = 'succ'; } runlog('bigapp', "[mobile]try to send message notice [ uid: {$uid}, touid: {$touid}, user: {$user}, touser: {$touser}, result: {$result} ]."); } } } bigapp_core::result(bigapp_core::variable($variable)); }
function process() { global $_G; //1. try to get user mask $authority = array(); if ($_G['uid'] && !empty($_G['member']['accessmasks'])) { loadcache('plugin'); $bucketNum = 100003; $expire = 5; $userBucket = $_G['uid'] % $bucketNum; loadcache('bigapp_authority_' . $userBucket); if (!isset($_G['cache']['bigapp_authority_' . $userBucket]) || TIMESTAMP - $_G['cache']['bigapp_authority_' . $userBucket]['expiration'] > $expire) { $sql = 'SELECT uid, fid, allowview FROM ' . DB::table('forum_access') . ' WHERE uid % ' . $bucketNum . ' = ' . $userBucket; $query = DB::query($sql); $authorities = array(); while ($tmp = DB::fetch($query)) { $authorities[$tmp['uid']][$tmp['fid']] = $tmp['allowview']; } savecache('bigapp_authority_' . $userBucket, array('variable' => $authorities, 'expiration' => TIMESTAMP)); } else { $authorities = $_G['cache']['bigapp_authority_' . $userBucket]['variable']; } if (isset($authorities[$_G['uid']])) { $authority = $authorities[$_G['uid']]; } } //2. try to get all forums $forums = array(); loadcache('bigapp_forumnav'); $expire = 5; if (!isset($_G['cache']['bigapp_forumnav']) || empty($_G['cache']['bigapp_forumnav']) || TIMESTAMP - $_G['cache']['bigapp_forumnav']['expiration'] > $expire) { //need update all forums from database $sql = "SELECT f.fid, f.type,, f.fup, f.status, f.threads, f.posts, f.todayposts, " . "ff.password, ff.redirect, ff.viewperm, ff.postperm, ff.threadtypes, ff.threadsorts, ff.icon, ff.description, ff.moderators FROM " . DB::table('forum_forum') . " f LEFT JOIN " . DB::table('forum_forumfield') . " ff USING(fid) WHERE f.status='1' ORDER BY f.type, f.displayorder"; $query = DB::query($sql); while ($forum = DB::fetch($query)) { if ($forum['redirect'] || $forum['password']) { continue; } if (!$forum['viewperm'] || $forum['viewperm'] && forumperm($forum['viewperm'])) { if ($forum['threadsorts']) { $forum['threadsorts'] = bigapp_core::getvalues(unserialize($forum['threadsorts']), array('required', 'types')); } if ($forum['threadtypes']) { $forum['threadtypes'] = unserialize($forum['threadtypes']); $unsetthreadtype = false; if ($_G['adminid'] == 3 && strpos($forum['moderators'], $_G['username']) === false) { $unsetthreadtype = true; } if ($_G['adminid'] == 0) { $unsetthreadtype = true; } if ($unsetthreadtype) { foreach ($forum['threadtypes']['moderators'] as $k => $v) { if (!empty($v)) { unset($forum['threadtypes']['types'][$k]); } } } $flag = 0; foreach ($forum['threadtypes']['types'] as $k => $v) { if ($k == 0) { $flag = 1; break; } } if ($flag == 1) { krsort($forum['threadtypes']['types']); } $forum['threadtypes'] = bigapp_core::getvalues($forum['threadtypes'], array('required', 'types')); } $moderators = explode("\t", $forum['moderators']); if (!is_array($moderators) || 0 === count($moderators)) { $forum['moderators'] = array(); } else { foreach ($moderators as &$_v) { $_v = "'{$_v}'"; } unset($_v); $sql = 'SELECT username, uid FROM ' . DB::table('common_member') . ' WHERE username IN (' . implode(', ', $moderators) . ')'; $subQuery = DB::query($sql); $forum['moderators'] = array(); while ($moderator = DB::fetch($subQuery)) { $forum['moderators'][] = array('uid' => $moderator['uid'], 'username' => $moderator['username']); } } $forums[] = bigapp_core::getvalues($forum, array('fid', 'type', 'name', 'fup', 'viewperm', 'postperm', 'status', 'threadsorts', 'threadtypes', 'icon', 'description', 'threads', 'posts', 'todayposts', 'moderators')); } } //add result to syscache savecache('bigapp_forumnav', array('variable' => $forums, 'expiration' => TIMESTAMP)); } else { $forums = $_G['cache']['bigapp_forumnav']['variable']; } //3. judge which forum should be displayed $retData = array(); if (!empty($authority)) { foreach ($forums as $forum) { if (isset($authority[$forum['fid']]) && -1 == $authority[$forum['fid']]) { continue; } $retData[] = $forum; } } else { $retData = $forums; } foreach ($retData as &$value) { BigAppAPI::_textDescription($value); } unset($value); $variable['forums'] = array_values(BigAppAPI::_sortResult($retData)); $variable['forum_list'] = array(); BigAppAPI::_doSearch($variable, 'forums', $variable['forum_list']); unset($variable['forums']); bigapp_core::result(bigapp_core::variable($variable)); }
function error($errstr) { $variable = array('uploadavatar' => $errstr); bigapp_core::result(bigapp_core::variable($variable)); }