예제 #1
 public function signup()
     $data = base::subHeader("Create an Account", "Add your Company to the Support System");
     $data .= base::begin();
     $data .= base::pageHeader("Before you Begin", "You are about to create an account. If your company is already in our system, please have your company administrator add your account. You will only be able to add your company once.");
     $elements = [];
     $elements[] = ['type' => 'input', 'var' => 'user_name', 'text' => 'Full Name:', 'comment' => 'Main contact for account'];
     $elements[] = ['type' => 'input', 'var' => 'user_email', 'text' => 'E-mail Address:', 'comment' => 'Also your login to this system'];
     $elements[] = ['type' => 'password', 'var' => 'user_password', 'text' => 'Password:'******'type' => 'input', 'var' => 'user_phone', 'text' => 'Phone Number (and Extension):', 'comment' => 'xxx.xxx.xxxx ext. xxx'];
     $elements[] = ['type' => 'input', 'var' => 'user_title', 'text' => 'Your Title:', 'comment' => 'Leave blank if individual'];
     $span = [];
     $span[] = ['span' => 6, 'elements' => $elements];
     $elements = [];
     $elements[] = ['type' => 'input', 'var' => 'company_name', 'text' => 'Company Name:', 'comment' => 'If individual leave this blank'];
     $elements[] = ['type' => 'input', 'var' => 'company_address', 'text' => 'Address:', 'comment' => 'Where to mail invoices if required?'];
     $elements[] = ['type' => 'input', 'var' => 'company_address2', 'text' => 'Address Line 2:', 'comment' => 'Suite, etc.'];
     $elements[] = ['type' => 'input', 'var' => 'company_city', 'text' => 'City:'];
     $elements[] = ['type' => 'input', 'var' => 'company_state', 'text' => 'State:'];
     $elements[] = ['type' => 'input', 'var' => 'company_zip', 'text' => 'Zip:'];
     $span[] = ['span' => 6, 'elements' => $elements];
     $form = form::init()->spanElements($span)->id('createAccount')->post('/login/')->render();
     $button = button::init()->formid('createAccount')->text('Create My Account')->addStyle('post')->addStyle('btn-primary')->icon('fire')->message('Creating Account..')->postVar('createAccount')->render();
     $save = "<div class='pull-right'>{$button}</div>";
     $data .= widget::init()->icon('share-alt')->span(12)->header('Account Details')->content($form)->footer($save)->render();
예제 #2
 public function __construct()
     $data = base::subHeader("Billing Administration", "Update your Records and Download Invoices");
     $data .= base::begin();
예제 #3
 public function main()
     $data = base::subHeader("Open Incidents", "Create, Update or View your Open Tickets");
     $data .= base::begin();
     if ($this->isProvidingCompany()) {
         $data .= $this->providerMain();
     } else {
         $data .= $this->customerMain();
예제 #4
 public function __construct()
     if (!$this->isProvidingCompany()) {
         // Only accessible by provider
     $data = base::subHeader("Client List", "View/Create/List Clients");
     $data .= base::begin();
예제 #5
 public function __construct()
     if (!$this->isAdmin()) {
     $data = base::subHeader("aTikit Admin", "Modify Users, Clients, Queues and Access Levels");
     $data .= base::begin(true);
     $data .= base::crumbs([['url' => '#', 'text' => 'Admin']]);
예제 #6
 public function processAccept($content)
     $sow = $this->query("SELECT * from sows WHERE sow_hash='{$content['hash']}'")[0];
     if (!$sow) {
     $ticket = $this->query("SELECT id,company_id FROM tickets WHERE id='{$sow['ticket_id']}'")[0];
     $uid = $this->returnFieldFromTable("id", "users", "company_id='{$ticket['company_id']}'");
     $now = time();
     $this->query("UPDATE sows SET sow_accepted = true, sow_acceptuid='{$uid}', sow_acceptts='{$now}'");
     $this->export(base::subHeader("Statement Accepted", "Your statement has been accepted."));
     $this->export(base::pageHeader("Statement Accepted", "The statement has been accepted and is ready for work to begin."));
     $this->notifyProvider("Statement Accepted", $this->getUserByID($uid) . " accepted the Statement of Work for Ticket #{$ticket['id']} and is ready for work to be completed.", "/ticket/{$ticket['id']}/");
     $this->mailProvider("Statement of Work Accepted", $this->getUserByID($uid) . " accepted the Statement of Work for Ticket #{$ticket['id']} and is ready for work to be completed.", $ticket['queue_id']);
예제 #7
 public function showTicket($content)
     $id = $content['view'];
     $ticket = $this->query("SELECT * from tickets WHERE id='{$id}'")[0];
     $this->pageTitle = "#{$id} - {$ticket['ticket_title']}";
     if ($this->isProvidingCompany()) {
         if (!$ticket || !$this->isMyQueue($ticket['queue_id']) || !$this->isMyTicket($ticket)) {
     } else {
         if (!$ticket || !$this->isMyTicket($ticket)) {
     // Access Granted at this point.
     $data = base::subHeader($this->getCompanyById($ticket['company_id']), $ticket['ticket_title']);
     $data .= base::begin();