<?php require_once "./jpgraph/src/jpgraph.php"; require_once "./jpgraph/src/jpgraph_line.php"; require_once "./jpgraph/src/jpgraph_bar.php"; //CARGA DE DATOS session_start(); $conexion = mysql_connect("localhost", "root", ""); mysql_select_db("logistica"); $consulta = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM v_transportes_km"); while ($reg = mysql_fetch_array($consulta)) { $id_vehiculo[] = $reg['id_transporte']; $kms[] = $reg['kms'] / 1000; } // DEFINICION DE FORMATO GENERALES $ancho = 600; $alto = 600; $graph = new Graph($ancho, $alto, 'auto'); $graph->SetScale('textlin'); $graph->title->set("COMPARATIVO DE KM POR UNIDAD"); $graph->xaxis->title->set("Nro. Interno"); $graph->xaxis->SetTickLabels($id_vehiculo); $graph->yaxis->title->set("Kilometros x 1000"); $grafico = new barPlot($kms); $grafico->SetWidth(30); $graph->Add($grafico); $graph->Stroke();
$ydata = array(2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11); $ydata2 = array(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10); $targ = array("#1", "#2", "#3", "#4", "#5", "#6", "#7", "#8", "#9", "#10"); $alt = array(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10); // Create the graph. $graph = new Graph(300, 200); $graph->SetScale("textlin"); $graph->img->SetMargin(40, 20, 30, 40); $graph->title->Set("CSIM example with bar and line"); $graph->title->SetFont(FF_FONT1, FS_BOLD); // Setup axis titles $graph->xaxis->title->Set("X-title"); $graph->yaxis->title->Set("Y-title"); // Create the linear plot $lineplot = new LinePlot($ydata); $lineplot->mark->SetType(MARK_FILLEDCIRCLE); $lineplot->mark->SetWidth(5); $lineplot->mark->SetColor('black'); $lineplot->mark->SetFillColor('red'); $lineplot->SetCSIMTargets($targ, $alt); // Create line plot $barplot = new barPlot($ydata2); $barplot->SetCSIMTargets($targ, $alt); // Add the plots to the graph $graph->Add($lineplot); $graph->Add($barplot); $graph->StrokeCSIM(); ?>
$graph->SetScale("textlin"); $graph->img->SetMargin(40, 20, 30, 40); $graph->title->Set("Chart Analysis"); $graph->title->SetFont(FF_FONT1, FS_BOLD); $graph->SetScale('linlin', 100, 160); $graph->yaxis->scale->ticks->Set(10); $graph->xaxis->SetTickLabels($darr); // Setup axis titles $graph->xaxis->title->Set("Datetime"); $graph->yaxis->title->Set("Blood pressure"); // Create the linear plot $lineplot = new LinePlot($arr); $lineplot->mark->SetType(MARK_FILLEDCIRCLE); $lineplot->mark->SetWidth(8); $lineplot->mark->SetColor('black'); $lineplot->mark->SetFillColor('red'); $lineplot->SetCSIMTargets($targ, $alt); // Create line plot $barplot = new barPlot($arr); $barplot->SetCSIMTargets($targ, $alt); // $barplot ->mark->SetColor('blue'); $barplot->SetFillColor('#2EFEF7'); // Add the plots to the graph $graph->Add($lineplot); // $graph->Add($barplot); $graph->StrokeCSIM(); ?>