예제 #1
  * SyntaxTree constructor
  * The constructor takes possible arguments an creates an instance of the assTextSubset object.
  * @param string $title A title string to describe the question
  * @param string $comment A comment string to describe the question
  * @param string $author A string containing the name of the questions author
  * @param integer $owner A TextSubsetal ID to identify the owner/creator
  * @param string $question The question string of the TextSubset question
  * @access public
  * @see assQuestion:assQuestion()
 function __construct($title = "", $comment = "", $author = "", $owner = -1, $question = "")
     parent::__construct($title, $comment, $author, $owner, $question);
     $this->answers = array();
     $this->correctanswers = 0;
     $this->plugin = null;
예제 #2
  * assErorText constructor
  * @param string 	$title 		A title string to describe the question.
  * @param string 	$comment 	A comment string to describe the question.
  * @param string 	$author 	A string containing the name of the questions author.
  * @param integer 	$owner 		A numerical ID to identify the owner/creator.
  * @param string 	$question 	The question string of the single choice question.
  * @return \assErrorText
 function __construct($title = '', $comment = '', $author = '', $owner = -1, $question = '')
     parent::__construct($title, $comment, $author, $owner, $question);
     $this->errortext = '';
     $this->textsize = 100.0;
     $this->errordata = array();
  * assImagemapQuestion constructor
  * The constructor takes possible arguments an creates an instance of the assImagemapQuestion object.
  * @param string  $title    		A title string to describe the question.
  * @param string  $comment  		A comment string to describe the question.
  * @param string  $author   		A string containing the name of the questions author.
  * @param integer $owner    		A numerical ID to identify the owner/creator.
  * @param string  $question 		The question string of the imagemap question.
  * @param string  $image_filename
  * @return \assImagemapQuestion
 public function __construct($title = "", $comment = "", $author = "", $owner = -1, $question = "", $image_filename = "")
     parent::__construct($title, $comment, $author, $owner, $question);
     $this->image_filename = $image_filename;
     $this->answers = array();
     $this->coords = array();
  * assSingleChoice constructor
  * The constructor takes possible arguments an creates an instance of the assSingleChoice object.
  * @param string     $title       A title string to describe the question
  * @param string     $comment     A comment string to describe the question
  * @param string     $author      A string containing the name of the questions author
  * @param integer    $owner       A numerical ID to identify the owner/creator
  * @param string     $question    The question string of the single choice question
  * @param int|string $output_type The output order of the single choice answers
  * @see    assQuestion:assQuestion()
 public function __construct($title = "", $comment = "", $author = "", $owner = -1, $question = "", $output_type = OUTPUT_ORDER)
     parent::__construct($title, $comment, $author, $owner, $question);
     $this->thumb_size = 150;
     $this->output_type = $output_type;
     $this->answers = array();
     $this->shuffle = 1;
예제 #5
  * assFormulaQuestion constructor
  * The constructor takes possible arguments an creates an instance of the assFormulaQuestion object.
  * @param string  $title    A title string to describe the question
  * @param string  $comment  A comment string to describe the question
  * @param string  $author   A string containing the name of the questions author
  * @param integer $owner    A numerical ID to identify the owner/creator
  * @param string  $question The question string of the single choice question
  * @access public
  * @see    assQuestion:assQuestion()
 function __construct($title = "", $comment = "", $author = "", $owner = -1, $question = "")
     parent::__construct($title, $comment, $author, $owner, $question);
     $this->variables = array();
     $this->results = array();
     $this->resultunits = array();
     $this->unitrepository = new ilUnitConfigurationRepository(0);
  * assTextQuestion constructor
  * The constructor takes possible arguments an creates an instance of the assTextQuestion object.
  * @param string $title A title string to describe the question
  * @param string $comment A comment string to describe the question
  * @param string $author A string containing the name of the questions author
  * @param integer $owner A numerical ID to identify the owner/creator
  * @param string $question The question string of the text question
  * @access public
  * @see assQuestion:assQuestion()
 function __construct($title = "", $comment = "", $author = "", $owner = -1, $question = "")
     parent::__construct($title, $comment, $author, $owner, $question);
     $this->maxNumOfChars = 0;
     $this->points = 0;
     $this->answers = array();
     $this->matchcondition = 0;
예제 #7
  * assFlashQuestion constructor
  * The constructor takes possible arguments an creates an instance of the assFlashQuestion object.
  * @param string $title A title string to describe the question
  * @param string $comment A comment string to describe the question
  * @param string $author A string containing the name of the questions author
  * @param integer $owner A numerical ID to identify the owner/creator
  * @param string $question The question string of the single choice question
  * @access public
  * @see assQuestion:assQuestion()
 function __construct($title = "", $comment = "", $author = "", $owner = -1, $question = "")
     parent::__construct($title, $comment, $author, $owner, $question);
     $this->parameters = array();
     $this->width = 540;
     $this->height = 400;
     $this->applet = "";
  * ilAccountingQuestion constructor
  * The constructor takes possible arguments an creates an instance of the ilAccountingQuestion object.
  * @param string $title A title string to describe the question
  * @param string $comment A comment string to describe the question
  * @param string $author A string containing the name of the questions author
  * @param integer $owner A numerical ID to identify the owner/creator
  * @param string $question The question string of the single choice question
  * @access public
  * @see assQuestion:assQuestion()
 function __construct($title = "", $comment = "", $author = "", $owner = -1, $question = "")
     parent::__construct($title, $comment, $author, $owner, $question);
     // init the plugin object
     // include the parts class
예제 #9
  * assMatchingQuestion constructor
  * The constructor takes possible arguments an creates an instance of the assMatchingQuestion object.
  * @param string  $title    A title string to describe the question
  * @param string  $comment  A comment string to describe the question
  * @param string  $author   A string containing the name of the questions author
  * @param integer $owner    A numerical ID to identify the owner/creator
  * @param string  $question The question string of the matching question
  * @param int     $matching_type
  * @return \assMatchingQuestion
 public function __construct($title = "", $comment = "", $author = "", $owner = -1, $question = "", $matching_type = MT_TERMS_DEFINITIONS)
     parent::__construct($title, $comment, $author, $owner, $question);
     $this->matchingpairs = array();
     $this->matching_type = $matching_type;
     $this->terms = array();
     $this->definitions = array();
  * assClozeTest constructor
  * The constructor takes possible arguments an creates an instance of the assClozeTest object.
  * @param string $title A title string to describe the question
  * @param string $comment A comment string to describe the question
  * @param string $author A string containing the name of the questions author
  * @param integer $owner A numerical ID to identify the owner/creator
  * @param string $cloze_text The question string of the cloze test
  * @access public
 function __construct($title = "", $comment = "", $author = "", $owner = -1, $question = "")
     parent::__construct($title, $comment, $author, $owner, $question);
     $this->start_tag = "[gap]";
     $this->end_tag = "[/gap]";
     $this->gaps = array();
     $this->fixedTextLength = "";
     $this->identical_scoring = 1;
예제 #11
 public function __construct($title = '', $comment = '', $author = '', $owner = -1, $question = '')
     parent::__construct($title, $comment, $author, $owner, $question);
     $this->shuffleAnswersEnabled = true;
     $this->answerType = self::ANSWER_TYPE_SINGLE_LINE;
     $this->thumbSize = self::DEFAULT_THUMB_SIZE;
     $this->scorePartialSolutionEnabled = true;
     $this->optionLabel = self::OPTION_LABEL_RIGHT_WRONG;
     $this->customTrueOptionLabel = '';
     $this->customFalseOptionLabel = '';
     require_once 'Modules/TestQuestionPool/classes/feedback/class.ilAssConfigurableMultiOptionQuestionFeedback.php';
     $this->specificFeedbackSetting = ilAssConfigurableMultiOptionQuestionFeedback::FEEDBACK_SETTING_ALL;
     $this->answers = array();
  * assJavaApplet constructor
  * The constructor takes possible arguments an creates an instance of the assJavaApplet object.
  * @param string $title A title string to describe the question
  * @param string $comment A comment string to describe the question
  * @param string $author A string containing the name of the questions author
  * @param integer $owner A numerical ID to identify the owner/creator
  * @param string $question The question string of the multiple choice question
  * @param integer $response Indicates the response type of the multiple choice question
  * @param integer $output_type The output order of the multiple choice answers
  * @access public
  * @see assQuestion:assQuestion()
 function __construct($title = "", $comment = "", $author = "", $owner = -1, $question = "", $javaapplet_filename = "")
     parent::__construct($title, $comment, $author, $owner, $question);
     $this->javaapplet_filename = $javaapplet_filename;
     $this->parameters = array();
  * assNumeric constructor
  * The constructor takes possible arguments an creates an instance of the assNumeric object.
  * @param string $title A title string to describe the question
  * @param string $comment A comment string to describe the question
  * @param string $author A string containing the name of the questions author
  * @param integer $owner A numerical ID to identify the owner/creator
  * @param string $question The question string of the numeric question
  * @access public
  * @see assQuestion:assQuestion()
 function __construct($title = "", $comment = "", $author = "", $owner = -1, $question = "")
     parent::__construct($title, $comment, $author, $owner, $question);
     $this->maxchars = 6;
  * assOrderingHorizontal constructor
  * The constructor takes possible arguments an creates an instance of the assOrderingHorizontal object.
  * @param string $title A title string to describe the question
  * @param string $comment A comment string to describe the question
  * @param string $author A string containing the name of the questions author
  * @param integer $owner A numerical ID to identify the owner/creator
  * @param string $question The question string of the single choice question
  * @see assQuestion:__construct()
 function __construct($title = "", $comment = "", $author = "", $owner = -1, $question = "")
     parent::__construct($title, $comment, $author, $owner, $question);
     $this->ordertext = "";
  * assOrderingQuestion constructor
  * The constructor takes possible arguments an creates an instance of the assOrderingQuestion object.
  * @param string $title A title string to describe the question
  * @param string $comment A comment string to describe the question
  * @param string $author A string containing the name of the questions author
  * @param integer $owner A numerical ID to identify the owner/creator
  * @param string $question The question string of the ordering test
  * @access public
 function __construct($title = "", $comment = "", $author = "", $owner = -1, $question = "", $ordering_type = OQ_TERMS)
     parent::__construct($title, $comment, $author, $owner, $question);
     $this->answers = array();
     $this->ordering_type = $ordering_type;
예제 #16
  * assClozeTest constructor
  * The constructor takes possible arguments an creates an instance of the assClozeTest object.
  * @param string  $title   A title string to describe the question
  * @param string  $comment A comment string to describe the question
  * @param string  $author  A string containing the name of the questions author
  * @param integer $owner   A numerical ID to identify the owner/creator
  * @param string  $question
  * @return \assClozeTest
 function __construct($title = "", $comment = "", $author = "", $owner = -1, $question = "")
     parent::__construct($title, $comment, $author, $owner, $question);
     $this->start_tag = "[gap]";
     $this->end_tag = "[/gap]";
     $this->gaps = array();
     // @TODO: Should this be $question?? See setter for why this is not trivial.
     $this->fixedTextLength = "";
     $this->identical_scoring = 1;
  * assJSMEQuestion constructor
  * The constructor takes possible arguments an creates an instance of the assJSMEQuestion object.
  * @param string $title A title string to describe the question
  * @param string $comment A comment string to describe the question
  * @param string $author A string containing the name of the questions author
  * @param integer $owner A numerical ID to identify the owner/creator
  * @param string $question The question string of the single choice question
  * @access public
  * @see assQuestion:assQuestion()
 function __construct($title = "", $comment = "", $author = "", $owner = -1, $question = "")
     parent::__construct($title, $comment, $author, $owner, $question);
     $this->plugin = null;